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TP 15
The following dialog is for question number 1.

In a social class, Arya and Dhika are talking about volcanoes.

Arya : Which one is higher, Merapi or Ijen mountain?
Dhika : Merapi, it is 2,930 meters, while Ijen is 2,779 meters high.
Arya : And the .... volcano in Indonesia is Kerinci Mountain in Jambi. Its height is
3,805 meters above sea level.

1. Complete the dialog by choosing one of the options below.

A. high
B. higher
C. as high as
D. highest

The following dialog is for question number 2.

Saskia : Nana and Arman have melodious voice. They may be the winner in this
singing competition?
Dinda : Yes. But I think Raisya has the ... voice among the participants.

2. Complete the dialog by choosing one of the options below.

A. more melodious than
B. most melodious
C. most melodiously
D. as melodious as

The following dialog is for question number 3.

Some students are talking about the result of English exam.

Ranu : What is your score for the English test?
Tono : I get 90.
Ranu : Wow great. Congratulations. I get 85. Is there any student get 100?
Tono : Yup. Only Nining gets 100.

3. From the dialog, we know that ....

A. Tono’s score is better than Ranu’s.
B. Nining’s score is worse than Ranu’s.
C. Ranu’s score is better than Nining’s.
D. Nining’s score is the lowest of all.
The following dialog is for number ....
Diana : What are you doing pal?
Aziz : I ... my bike. I will use it tommorrow morning.

4. Complete the dialog by choosing one of the options below.

A. am repairing
B. was repairing
C. repair
D. has repaired

Hello friends. Today is Tuesday, at this moment, I and my schoolmates are in the school hall.
We are preparing for graduation day. The graduation day will be held tomorrow morning.
Now, we, the committee are aranging the site. Mr. Danu, our principal is standing near the
entrance door observing the students. Doni, Irfan, Rizki, and Dion are installing the stage
banner. Mr. Rahmat and some other students are arranging the chairs. Ms Nurha and some
female students are arranging some plants to beautify the stage. We are working together.

5. Why are some teachers and students gather in the school hall?
A. The are having graduation day.
B. They are having party.
C. They are repairing the school hall.
D. They are preparing graduation day.

6. When will the graduation be organized?

A. On Monday
B. On Tuesday
C. On Wednesday
D. On Thursday

Hello, I am Richard, I am about to tell you how to operate digital camera.

First, carefully handle the camera and turn it on. Center the object in the LCD and manage
the zoom. Control until you get the best view. When you are ready to take the picture,
hold the shutter speed and various other calculations. Then, a light should appear that let
you know the camera is set to go. Finally, press shutter all the way down. That’s it. Thank

7. What does the function of the LCD?

A. To let us know the position of the object.
B. To record the object in the photography
C. To give brightness of the photography
D. To crop the picture.

Dialog deskriptif:

Two students are talking in the classroom.

Rahman : Do you know the new student in our class?
Abidah : Yup. She is Lili. She is kind, smart, helpful.
8. What does the students talk about?
A. Good characters of a new student.
B. Phycical appearance of their friend.
C. Their close friends.
D. Their new homeroom teacher.

The following dialog is for questions number 2-3.

Fadhil : What time do you usually go to bed and get up? W
Belinda : I usually go to bed at 10 pm get up at 4.30 am.
Fadhil : What activities do you usually do soon after getting up?
Belinda : First, I prepare my self to pray for subuh, after that I take a bath. Then I
help my mom water some plants.
Fadhil : Do you get breakfast before going to school?
Belinda : Yes. I get it at 6 and leave for school at 6.20.
hich of the followings are the activities of Ikram in the morning?
A. Praying, taking a bath, and helping mom in the kitchen.
B. Praying, taking a bath, and sweeping floors.
C. Praying, taking a bath, and watering plants.
D. Praying, taking a nap, and helping mom.

10. How long does Belinda usually sleep?

A. She sleeps after helping her mother.
B. It takes about six and a half hours.
C. She goes to bed at 10 pm.
D. She sleeps for 4.30 hours.

Mount Merapi is the most active volcano in Indonesia. Its height is 2,930 meters
above sea level. This mountain is located on the border between Central Java
Province (covering Magelang, Boyolali and Klaten Regencies) and Yogyakarta
Province (Sleman Regency). It is one of 127 active volcanoes in Indonesia. The
time interval between the two eruptions ranges from 2 to 4 years. The longest
eruption interval is 18 years. The eruption is unique, namely the formation of a lava
dome, when a lava dome falls followed by hot clouds falling.

11. Which statements is true about Merapi?

A. It is the highest mountain in Indonesia.
B. Its location covers four regencies in Central Java.
C. The longest eruption interval is eighty years.
D. It usually erupts between two to four years.

12. The word eruption in the sentence “The longest eruption interval is 18 years” has similar
meaning to ....
A. explosion
B. irritation
C. immitation
D. exodus

TP 17
Yesterday, my family and I went to the National Zoo and Aquarium to visit the new
Snow Cubs and the other animals. In the morning, when we got to the Zoo and Aquarium
there was a great big line, so we had to wait awhile to get in. After we entered the zoo, we
went straight to the enclosure for the Snow Cubs. My brother and I were so excited to see
them. They were so cute and playful. At lunchtime Dad decided to cook a bbq. He cooked
sausages so we could have sausage sandwiches.
Mum forgot the tomato sauce so we had to eat them plain. In the afternoon, we visited
the aquarium. My brother was excited to see the sharks and the tropical fish. At the end of
the day we enjoyed ice cream then drove straight home.

13. From the text it can be concluded that ....

A. There were only few visitors
B. The writer saw many visitors on that day
C. The writer did not enjoy his visit
D. The place is not interesting to visit

14. The followings are the activities done in the location, EXCEPT ....
A. Cooking their lunch
B. Seeing some tropical fish
C. Enjoying ice cream
D. Eating sausages with tomato sauce

I spent my last holiday in Malino, South Sulawesi with my friends. On the first day, I
arrived at Villa at 12.00 after a 4 hour trip with a bus. After I arrived, I decided to take
a shower and rest for a while. Then, I followed a trip with our guide to explore a
Malino. On the next morning, we go to Malino Highlands. We had fun, we also ate
good food. On the last day, I went shopping for some souvenirs. After that, I returned
to Makassar. We arrived in Makassar at 19.00. I had a wonderful experience in Malino.
It was the best trip of my life.

15. How many days did the writer spend the holiday in Malino?
A. One day
B. Two days
C. Three days
D. Four days

16. What does the writer’s feeling about the trip?

The writers feel ....
A. Exhausted
B. Excited
C. Annoyed
D. Frustrated

TP 18: Notice, sign, announcement

17. Why does the management put this notice?
A. The management hates dog.
B. The management is afraid of dog.
C. To keep the visitors feel convinience.
D. Because dog is endanger human.

18. Where can we find such kind of notice?

A. At market
B. In a play ground
C. At mosque
D. At hospital

19. What time did the train start leaving for Malang?
A. At 11 a.m.
B. At 12 a.m.
C. At 11 p.m.
D. At 12 p.m.

20. Who delivered the announcement?

A. Train pasangers.
B. The director of PT.KAI
C. The train management
D. Ticketing officer

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