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1.a. filled b. missded c ploughed d. watched
2.a . visited b. decided c. engaged d. disappointed
3 a .kissed b. stopped c. laughed d. closed
4 a. reformed b. appointed c. stayed d. installed
5 a. fitted b. educated c. locked d. intended
6 A. tried B. obeyed C. cleaned D. asked
7. A. packed B. added C. worked D. pronounced
8. A. watched B. phoned C. referred D. followed


1. A. nations B. speakers C. languages D. minds
2. A. proofs B. looks C. lends D. stops
3. A. dates B. bags C. photographs D. speaks
4. A. parents B. brothers C. weekends D. feelings
5. A. chores B. dishes C. houses D. coaches
6. A. works B. shops C. shifts D. plays
7. A. coughs B. sings C. stops D. sleeps
8. A. signs B. survives C. profits D. becomes


A. document B. holiday C. location D. journalist
A. listen B. agree C. escape D. deny
A. equip B. secure C. vacant D. oblige
A. encounter B. agency C. influence D. memory
A. admit B. suggest C. remind D. manage
A. approval B. applicant C. energy D. influence
A, inflation B. maximum C. applicant D. character
A. bamboo B. forget C. deserve D. channel
A. report B. conclude C. deter D. sanction
A. advertise B. definite C. composite D. communicate

Exercise 1: Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentence
1. They (usually/keep)……………..tomatoes in the fridge.
2. I (never/ hear)……………….of this group before. Are they famous in your country?
3. When he came, she (have)………… dinner.
4. Last night, Peter (go)……….to the supermarket before he (go)……...home.
5. When he came to the stadium, the match (already/begin) …………..
6. 1 (spend) ………...a lot of time travelling since I (get)…………..this new job.
7. When I came home, he (watch)………...television.
8. After John (wash)……….his clothes, he began to study.
9. The study of languages (be)………very interesting.
10. Right now I (attend………...class. Yesterday at this time I (attend)……………class

Choose the correct answers

1. When I last saw him, he _____ in London.
A. has lived B. is living C. was living D. has been living
2. We _______ Dorothy since last Saturday.
A. don’t see B. haven’t seen C. didn’t see D. hadn’t seen
3. The train ______ half an hour ago.
A. has been leaving B. left C. has left D. had left
4. Jack ______ the door.
A. has just painted B. paint C. will have painted D. painting
5. I ______ Texas State University now.
A. am attending B. attend C. was attending D. attended
6. Christopher Columbus _______ American more than 500 years ago.
A. discovered B. has discovered
7. John ______ a book when I saw him.
A. is reading B. read C. was reading D. reading
C. had discovered D. had been discovering
8. He has been selling motorbikes ________.
A. ten years ago B. since ten years C. for ten years ago D. for ten years
9. He fell down when he ______ towards the church.
A. run B. runs C. was running D. had run
10. Almost everyone _______ for home by the time we arrived.
A. leave B. left C. leaves D. had left

31. My father hasn’t smoked cigarettes for a month.

A. It’s a month since my father last smoked cigarettes.
B. It’s a month ago that my father smoked cigarettes.
C. It’s a month that my father hasn’t smoked cigarettes.
D. It’s a cigarette that my father smoked a month ago.
33. Mr. Brown bought this car five years ago.
A. Mr. Brown started to buy this car five years ago.
B. It has been five years when Mr. Brown bought this car
C. Mr. Brown has had this car for five years.
D. It is five years ago since Mr. Brown bought this car.
3. We started working here three years ago.
A. We worked here for three years.
B. We have no longer worked here for three years.
C. We have worked here for three years.
D. We will work here in three years.
4. It's a long time since we last went to the cinema.
A. We have been to the cinema for a long time.
B. We haven't been to the cinema for a long time.
C. We don't go to the cinema as we used to.
D. We wish we went to the cinema now.
5. I haven't finished this book yet.
A. I'm still reading this book.
C. The book I'm reading hasn't finished.
B. I have read this book before.
D. I will read this book someday.


1. Julia said that she ___________ there at noon.
A. is going to be B. was going to be C. will be D. can be
2. He _______ that he was leaving way that afternoon.
A. told me B. told to me C. said me D. says to me
3. She said to me that she __________ to me the Sunday before.
A. wrote B. has written C. was writing D. had written
4. I _________ him to sell that old motorbike.
A. said to B. suggested C. advised D. recommended
9. The scientist said the earth ________ the sun.
A. goes round B. is going around C. went around D. was going around
10. Peter said that if he ________rich, he _________ a lot.
A. is – will travel B. were- would travel C. had been – would have travelled D. was – will travel
11. They said that they had been driving through the desert__________.
A. the previous day B. yesterday C. the last day D. Sunday previously
13. The man said that money ___________ the passport to everything.
A. will be B is C. was D. can be
14. The teacher said Columbus _________America in 1942.
A. discovered B. had discovered C. was discovering D. would discover
15. John said he _________ her since they ________ school.
A. hasn’t met – left B. hadn’t met - had left C. hadn’t met- left D. didn’t meet – has left

1. Vietnam, _________is in the south-east Asia, exports rice coffee and rubber.
A. who B. that C. which D. where
2. They are the children __________won the match yesterday.
A. whose B. whom C. who D. they
3. They live in the house _______ they bought last year.
A. whom B. which C. where D. whose
4. The girl ______ you met yesterday is a famous pop singer.
A. whom B. whose C. what D. which
5. It’s going to rain in Canberra, ____________ is the capital city of Australia.
A. which B. where C. that D. when
6. The man _________you met on Main Street yesterday is your new teacher.
A. which B. when C. whose D. who
7. Two guys, __________car had broken down, asked me for a lift.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. that
8. The scientist _________discovered a new planet has won the Nobel Prize.
A. which B. what C. who D. whom
9. The book _______ is on the table belongs to my teacher.
A. who B. it C. which D. where
10. A lot of people were offended by the jokes_____________ he told.
A. which B. that C. Ø D. all are correct
11. I have a friend _____ran in the New York Marathon last year.
A. which B. who C. whom D. whose
12. The Southam Chess Club, __________has more than 50 members, meets weekly on Friday evening.
A. that B. which C. who D. where
13. Dr Rowan, ______secretary resigned two weeks ago, has had to do all his own typing.
A. who B. that C. whose D. Ø
14. The film is about the lives of three women, all of them ______are played by Kate.
A. who B. that C. them D. whom
15. This is the painter ___________picture you admire so much.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. which
16. The shoes ______ I bought were made in Italy.
A. where B. which C. who D. it
17. I wrote a letter to the girl________ I met at the meeting.
A. whom B. whose C. which D. her
18. The speech ______we listened last night was informative.
A. which B. that C. to which D. to that
19. Dr. John is the professor ____________I told you.
A. about who B. about that C. about whose D. about whom
20. The student _________parents you just met is in one of my classes.
A. whose B. who's C. whom D. of whom

II. Combine these sentences using: That , which , who , whom or whose:

1. A woman answered the phone. She told me you was busy.

2. The bus is always crowded. I take it to school every morning.

3. They are singing a song. I don't know the song.

4. Do you remember Mrs Lan? She taught us history.

5 The museum was built in 1805. Our class visited it last weekend

6. They are the children. Their team won the match.

7. The house is for sale. It has the green shutters.

8. My farther bought a motor bike. The motorbike costs 2 thousand dollars.

9. They are the postcards. I sent them from Australia.

10. The house has been built in the forest. It doesn't have electricity.

1. If that hat costs much, I ……………a small one.
A. would have bought B. will buy C. bought D. would buy.
2. If you …………more carefully,you wouldn’t have had so many accidents.
A. drive B. drove C. had driven D. driven
3. If I spoke English, my job …………………a lot easier.
A. was B. were C. will be D. would be
4. If he ……………. to London yesterday, he …………. his old friend
A. went / would meet B. go / would meet
C. had gone / would have met D. went / would have met
5. I will lend them some money If they ……………. me.
A. ask B. will ask C. asked D. had asked
6. If we had known who he was, we ……………. him to speak at our meeting.
A. would have invited B. have invited C. will invite D. would invite
7. My dog will bark if it ……………. any strange sound.
A. hear B. hears C. heard D. had heard.
8. If I …………. enough money,I will buy a house.
A. had B. had had C. will have D. have
9. If you ………….. away, I will send for a policeman.
A. not go B. don’t go C. hadn’t gone D. didn’t go
10. If I ………in your place, I would accept Mr Anderson’s invitation.
A. were B. am C. be D. was


1. She cannot cook because she feels very tired today.

2. He was so timid in love, so he lost her.

9. I didn’t eat dinner with everyone, so I feel very hungry now.

4. You cannot understand me because you are a rich man.

10. He got fired because he was too lazy.

1. I enjoy …………. alone.
A. be B. being C. to be D. to have been
2. Would you like ................... to the party?
A. to come B. come C. coming D. to have come
3. Do you mind ........... such a long way to work every day?
A. to travel B. travel C. to have traveled D. traveling
4. I don’t like that house. I would hate ............. there.
A. live B. living C. to live D. to have lived
5. Sometime I’d like ............... to play the piano.
A. to learn B. learn C. learning D. to have learned
6. Please remember ............. this letter.
A. to post B. post C. posting D. to have posted
7. Jane needed some money. She tried ..................... Harry but he couldn’t help her.
A. to have asked B. ask C. to ask D. asking
8. We tried ...................... the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire-brigade.
A. putting B. put C. to put D. to have put
9. We stopped ........... hello to her.
A. say B. saying C. to have said D. to say
10. I suggest -------------- some more mathematical puzzles.
A. do B. to do C. doing D. done
11. I suggest -------------- some more mathematical puzzles.
A. do B. to do C. doing D. done
12. They sometimes avoid ------ him
a. meeting b. meet c. to meet d. meets
13. It was a nice day, so we decided -------- for a walk
a. going b. go c. to go d. goes
14. Would you mind -------- the door? Thanks
a. opening b. open c. opens d. to open
15. When Beth got tired, she stopped -------
a. working b. to work c. work d. works
16. Don’t forget ------ the letter I gave you yesterday
a. post b. posting c. posts d. to post

I. Choose the correct answer.
1. My wedding ring ………… of yellow and white gold.
a. is made b. is making c. made d. maked
2. If your brother ………………., he would come.
a. invited b. were invited c. were inviting d. invite
Mr. Wilson is _________ as Willie to his friend.
A. knowned B. knew C. know D. is known
3. References …………. in the examination room.
a. not are used b. is not used c. didn’t used d. are not used
4. Mary ………….. in Boston.
a. are born b. were born c. was born d. born
5. My mother is going …………… this house.
a. sold b. to be sold c. to sold d. to sell
6.There’s somebody hehind us . I think we are ……………….
a. being followed b. are followed c. follow d. following
7. Have you …………….. by a dog?
a. bite b. ever been bit c. ever been bitten d. bit
8.The room is being ………….. at the moment.
a. was cleaned b. cleaned c. cleaning d. clean
9. The road to our village …………. widened next year.
a. is b. will c. can d. will be

1. Somebody cleans that room every day.

a. The room every day is cleaned. b. The room is everyday cleaned.
c. The room is cleaned every day. d. The room is cleaned by somebody every day.
2. They cancelled all flights because of fog.
a. All flights because of fog were cancelled. b. All flights were cancelled because of fog.
c. All flights were cancelled by them because of fog. d. All flights were because of fog cancelled.
3. They are building a new highway around the city.
a. A new highway is being built around the city. b. A new highway is being built around the city by them.
c. A new highway around the city is being built. d. Around the city a new highway is being built.
4. They have built a new hospital near the airport.
a. A new hospital has been built near the airport by them. b. A new hospital near the airport has been built.
c. A new hospital has been built near the airport. d. Near the airport a new hospital has been built by them.
5 . People don’t use this road very often.
a. This road is not used very often. b. Not very often this road is not used.
c. This road very often is not used. d. This road not very often is used.
Có 12 nhóm chủ đề lớn sau là:
1. Tự nhiên
Chủ đề 1: Động vật (Animals)
1. Bear/bɛr/ (noun): Con gấu
2. Bird /bɜrd/(noun): Con chim
3. Cat /kæt/(noun): Con mèo
4. Chicken/ˈʧɪkən/ (noun): Con gà
5. Chimpanzee/tʃɪmpənˈzi/: con hắc tinh tinh
6. Cow/kaʊ/ (noun): Con bò
7. Dog /dɔg/(noun): Con chó
8. Dolphin/ˈdɒlfɪn/: cá heo
9. Donkey /ˈdɑŋki/(noun): Con lừa
10. Eel/iːl/: lươn
11. Elephant /ˈɛləfənt/(noun): Con voi
12. Fish/fɪʃ/ (noun): Con cá
13. Fox/fɑːks/: con cáo
14. Giraffe: con hươu cao cổ
15. Goat/goʊt/ (noun): Con dê
16. Hippopotamus/ˌhɪpəˈpɑːtəməs/: con hà mã
17. Horse/hɔrs/ (noun): Con ngựa
18. Insect /ˈɪnˌsɛkt/ (noun): Côn trùng
19. Jaguar/ˈdʒæɡjuər/: con báo đốm
20. Lion/ˈlaɪən/ (noun): Sư tử
21. Monkey/ˈmʌŋki/ (noun): Con khỉ
22. Mouse/maʊs/ (noun): Con chuột
23. Ox/ɑks/ (noun): Con bò đực
24. Penguin/ˈpeŋɡwɪn/: chim cánh cụt
25. Pig/pɪg/ (noun): Con lợn/heo
26. Porcupine/ˈpɔːrkjupaɪn/: con nhím
27. Rabbit /ˈræbət/(noun): Con thỏ
28. Raccoon: con gấu mèo
29. Rhinoceros/raɪˈnɒsərəs/: con tê giác
30. Shark/ʃɑːk/: cá mập
31. Sheep ­/ʃip/(noun): Con cừu
32. Squirrel/ˈskwɜːrəl/: con sóc
33. Swordfish/ˈsɔːdfɪʃ/: cá kiếm
34. Tiger/ˈtaɪgər/ (noun): Con hổ
35. Turtle/ˈtɜːtl/: rùa
36. Walrus/ˈwɔːlrəs/: hải mã
37. Whale/weɪl/: cá voi

Chủ đề 2: Cây cối và hoa (Plants )

38. Alder /’ɔl:də/: Cây tổng quán sủi
39. Apple tree – /ˈæpl triː/: Cây táo
40. Ash /æ∫/: Cây tần bì
41. Beech /bi:t∫/: Cây sồi
42. Birch /bə:t∫/: Cây gỗ bu lô
43. Bloom/blum/ (verb): Nở hoa
44. Bluebell /’blu:bel/: Hoa chuông xanh
45. Bracken /’brækən/: Cây dương xỉ diều hâu
46. Branch /brænʧ/(noun): Cành cây
47. Bud /bʌd/ (noun): Chồi, búp cây
48. The bun of flowers – /bʌn ɒv ˈflaʊəz/: Bó hoa
49. Bush /bu∫/: Bụi rậm
50. Buttercup /’bʌtəkʌp/: Hoa mao lương vàng
51. Cactus /kæktəs/: Cây xương rồng
52. Carnation /kɑ:’nei∫n/: Hoa cẩm chướng
53. Cedar /’si:də/: Cây tuyết tùng
54. Cherry tree /ˈʧɛri triː/: Cây anh đào
55. Chestnut tree /ˈʧɛsnʌt triː/: Cây dẻ
56. Chrysanthemum /Kri’sænθəməm/: Hoa cúc
57. Coconut tree ˈkəʊkənʌt triː/: Cây dừa
58. Corn /kɔ:n/: Cây ngô
59. Crocus /’kroukəs/: Hoa nghệ tây
60. Daffodil /’dæfədil/: Hoa thủy tiên vàng
61. Dahlia /’deiljə/: Hoa thược dược
62. Daisy /’deizi/: Hoa cúc
63. Dandelion – /’dændilaiən/: Hoa bồ công anh
64. Elm /elm/: Cây đu
65. Fern /fə:n/: Cây dương xỉ
66. Fig tree /fɪg triː/: Cây sung
67. Fir /fə:/: Cây Linh sam
68. Flower /’flauə/: Hoa
69. Forget-me-not /fəˈgɛtmɪnɒt/: Hoa lưu ly
70. Foxglove /’fɔksglʌv/: Hoa mao địa hoàng
71. Geranium /dʒi’reinjəm/: Hoa phong lữ
72. Grass /grɑ:s/: trồng cỏ
73. Grass /græs/ (noun): Cỏ
74. Grow /groʊ/ (verb): Mọc lên, lớn lên, phát triển
75. Hawthorn – /’hɔ:θɔ:n/: Cây táo gai
76. Hazel /’heizl/: Cây phỉ
77. Heather /’heðə/: Cây thạch nam
78. Herb /hə:b/: Thảo mộc
79. Holly /’hɔli/: Cây nhựa ruồi
80. Horse chestnut tree – /hɔːs ˈʧɛsnʌt triː/: Cây dẻ ngựa
81. Ivy /’aivi/: Cây thường xuân
82. Leaf /lif/ (noun): Lá cây
83. Lily /’lili/: Hoa loa kèn
84. Lime /laim/: Cây đoan
85. Maple /’meipl/: Cây thích
86. Moss /mɔs/: Rêu
87. Mushroom /’mʌ∫rum/: Nấm
88. Nettle /’netl/: Cây tầm ma
89. Oak /əʊk/: Cây sồi
90. Olive tree /ˈɒlɪv triː/: Cây ô liu
91. Orchid /’ɔ: kid/: Hoa Lan
92. Pansy /’pænzi/: Hoa păng xê
93. Pear tree /peə triː/: Cây lê
94. Pine /pain/: Cây thông
95. Plane /plein/: Cây tiêu huyền
96. Plum tree /plʌm triː/: Cây mận
97. Poplar /’pɔplə(r)/: Cây bạch dương
98. Poppy /’pɔpi/: Hoa anh túc
99. Primrose /’primrouz/: Hoa anh thảo
100. Root/rut/ (noun): Rễ cây
101. Rose /rouz/: Hoa hồng
102. Seed /sid/ (noun): Hạt giống, hạt
103. Shrub /∫rʌb/: Cây bụi
104. Snowdrop /’snoudrɔp/: Hoa giọt tuyết
105. Sycamore /’sikəmɔ:/: Cây sung dâu
106. Thorn/θɔrn/ (noun): Gai
107. Tree /tri/ (noun): Cây cối
108. Trunk /trʌŋk/ (noun): Thân cây
109. Tulip /’tju:lip/: Hoa tulip
110. Waterlily /’wɔ:təlis]/: Hoa súng
111. Weeping willow /ˈwiːpɪŋ ˈwɪləʊ/: Cây liễu rủ
112. Wheat /wi:t/: Lúa mì
113. Willow /’wilou/: Cây liễu
114. Wood /wʊd/ (noun): Gỗ
115. Yew /ju:/: Cây thủy tùng

Chủ đề 3: Trái cây (Fruits)

116. Ambarella /’æmbə’rælə/ Quả cóc
117. Apple /ˈæpl/ Táo
118. Apricot /ˈeɪprɪkɒt/ Mơ
119. Avocado /ˌævəˈkɑːdəʊ/ Bơ
120. Banana /bəˈnɑːnə/ Quả chuối
121. Bell fruit /bel/ /fruːt/ Mận miền nam
122. Cherry (noun) /ˈʧɛri/: Quả anh đào
123. Coconut /ˈkoʊkəˌnʌt/(noun): Quả dừa
124. Cucumber /ˈkjuːkʌmbə(r)/ Dưa leo, dưa chuột
125. Custard apple /ˈkʌstəd/ /æpl/ Quả na, mãng cầu ta (mãng cầu giống việt nam)
126. Dragon fruit /ˈdræɡən/ /fruːt/ Thanh long
127. Durian /ˈdʊəriən/ Sầu riêng
128. Granadilla /ɡranəˈdɪlə/ Chanh dây
129. Grape /ɡreɪp/ Nho
130. Guava /ˈɡwɑːvə/ Ổi
131. Jackfruit /ˈdʒækfruːt/ Mít
132. Juice/ʤus/ (noun): Nước quả, nước ép
133. Juicy /ˈʤusi/(adjective): Mọng nước
134. Kumquat /ˈkʌmkwɒt/ Tắc
135. Lemon /ˈlɛmən/(noun): Quả chanh vàng
136. Lime /laɪm/(noun): Quả chanh xanh
137. Longan /ˈlɒŋɡ(ə)n/ Quả nhãn
138. Lychee /ˌlaɪˈtʃiː/ Quả vải
139. Mandarin /ˈmændərɪn/ Quýt
140. Mango /ˈmæŋɡəʊ/ Xoài
141. Mangosteen /ˈmæŋɡəstiːn/ Măng cụt
142. Orange/ˈɔrənʤ/ (noun): Quả cam
143. Papaya /pəˈpaɪə/ Đu đủ
144. Peach /piːtʃ/ Đào
145. Pear /peə(r)/ Quả lê
146. Peel /pil/(verb): Bóc vỏ, gọt vỏ – (noun): Vỏ ngoài của trái cây
147. Persimmon /pəˈsɪmən/ Quả hồng
148. Pineapple /ˈpaɪnæpl/ Quả thơm, quả dứa, khóm
149. Plum /plʌm/ Mận Bắc
150. Pomegranate /ˈpɒmɪɡrænɪt/ Lựu
151. Pomelo /ˈpɒmələʊ/ Quả bưởi
152. Rambutan /ræmˈbuːtn/ Chôm chôm
153. Ripe /raɪp/(adjective): Chín (trái cây)
154. Sapodilla /ˌsæpəˈdɪlə/ Sa bô chê, hồng xiêm
155. Soursop /ˈsaʊəsɒp/ Mãng cầu xiêm
156. Star Apple /stɑː(r)/ /æpl/ Quả vú sữa.
157. Star fruit /ˈstɑː/ /fruːt/Quả khế
158. Strawberry /ˈstrɔːbəri/ Dâu tây
159. Sugar cane: Mía
160. Tamarind /ˈtæmərɪnd/ Me
161. Watermelon /ˈwɔːtəmelən/ Dưa hấu

Chủ đề 4: Rau củ (Vegetables)

162. Anh đào: cherry
163. Asparagus /əˈspærəɡəs/ măng tây
164. Basil/ˈbæzl/: cây húng quế
165. Bay leaves: lá nguyệt quế
166. Bean sprouts /ˈbiːn spraʊts/ giá
167. Bean/bin/ (noun): Đậu (quả)
168. Beet: /biːt/ củ dền
169. Bell pepper /bɛl ˈpɛpər/(noun): Ớt chuông
170. Bitter Herb: /ˌbɪt.ə hɜːb/ Rau Đắng
171. Bơ: avocado
172. Broccoli /ˈbrɒkəli/ bông cải xanh
173. Pomelo/ grapefruit: Bưởi
174. Cabbage /ˈkæbɪdʒ/: bắp cải
175. Orange: cam
176. Carrot /ˈkærət/(noun): Cà rốt
177. Cauliflower /ˈkɒliflaʊə(r)/ súp lơ
178. Celery/ˈsɛləri/ (noun): Cần tây
179. Chanh vàng: lemon
180. Chanh xanh: lime
181. Chili /ˈʧɪli/(noun): Ớt
182. Chôm chôm: rambutan
183. Banana: chuối
184. Cilantro/sɪˈlæntroʊ/: ngò rí
185. Cilantro: /sɪˈlæn.trəʊ/ Ngò Gai
186. Cilantro: /sɪˈlæn.trəʊ/ Ngò Mùi
187. Coconut: dừa
188. Corn/kɔrn/ (noun): Ngô
189. Cucumber /ˈkjukəmbər/(noun): Dưa chuột
190. Peach: Đào
191. red bean: đậu đỏ
192. soybean: Đậu nành
193. peanut:Đậu phộng (lạc)
194. strawberry: Dâu tây
195. mung bean: Đậu xanh
196. Dill/dil/: cây thì là
197. Dứa (thơm): pineapple
198. Dưa hấu: watermelon
199. Dưa tây: granadilla
200. Dưa vàng: cantaloupe
201. Dưa xanh: honeydew
202. Dưa: melon
203. Eggplant/ˈɛgˌplænt/ (noun): Cà tím
204. Fish Mint: /ˈfɪʃ mɪnt/ Diếp Cá
205. Garlic /ˈgɑrlɪk/(noun): Tỏi
206. Ginger/ˈʤɪnʤər/ (noun): Gừng
207. Green onion: hành lá
208. Hạnh nhân: almond
209. Hạt bí: pumpkin seeds
210. Hạt chia: chia seeds
211. Hạt dẻ cười (hạt hồ trần): pistachio
212. Hạt dẻ: chestnut
213. Hạt điều: cashew
214. Hạt hồ đào: pecan
215. Hạt hướng dương: sunflower seeds
216. Hạt mắc ca: macadamia
217. Hạt óc chó: walnut
218. Hạt phỉ: hazelnut hay filbert
219. Hạt thông: pine nut
220. Hạt vừng: sesame seeds
221. Herb /hɜːb/ cây cỏ nói chung
222. Khế: star apple
223. Lê: pear
224. Lemon grass: sả
225. Lettuce /ˈletɪs/ rau xà lách
226. Lựu: pomegranate
227. Mâm xôi đen: blackberries
228. Mận: plum
229. Mãng cầu (na): custard apple
230. Mãng cầu xiêm: soursop
231. Măng cụt: mangosteen
232. Marrow: /ˈmærəʊ/ Bí xanh
233. Me: tamarind
234. Mint leaves:lá bạc hà
235. Mít: jackfruit
236. Mơ: apricot
237. Mushroom/ˈmʌʃrum/ (noun): Nấm
238. Mustard Leaves: /ˈmʌstəd liːvz/ Cải Xanh
239. Nhãn: longan
240. Nho: Grape
241. Ổi: guava
242. Onion /ˈʌnjən/(noun): Hành tây
243. Papaya: đu đủ
244. Passion fruit: chanh dây
245. Pea /pi/(noun): Đậu (hạt)
246. Pennywort: /ˈpen.i.wɜːt/ Rau Má
247. Pepper Elder: /ˈpepə ˈeldə(r)/ Rau càng Cua
248. Pepper: /ˈpepə(r)/ ớt chuông
249. Peppermint: /ˈpepəmɪnt/ Húng Cây
250. Potato /pəˈteɪˌtoʊ/(noun): Khoai tây
251. Pumpkin /ˈpʌmpkɪn/(noun): Bí ngô
252. Quả hồng: persimmon
253. Quất (tắc): kumquat
254. Quýt: mandarin/ tangerine
255. Radish /ˈrædɪʃ/ củ cải
256. Rice Paddy: /ˈraɪs ˌpæd.i/ Ngò ôm
257. Rosemary: /’rouzməri/: cây hương thảo
258. Sapôchê: sapota
259. Sầu riêng: durian
260. Sesame seeds:hạt vừng
261. Spearmint: /ˈspɪəmɪnt/ Húng Lủi
262. Spinach /ˈspɪnɪtʃ/ cải bó xôi
263. Táo: apple
264. Thai Basil: /taɪ ˈbæz.əl/ Húng Quế
265. Thanh long: dragon fruit
266. Tomato /təˈmeɪˌtoʊ/(noun): Cà chua
267. Trái cóc: ambarella
268. Turmeric/ˈtɜːrmərɪk/: nghệ
269. Turnip /ˈtɜːnɪp/ củ cải
270. Vải: lychee
271. Vietnamese Balm: /ˌvjet.nəˈmiːz bɑːm/ Kinh Giới
272. Vietnamese Coriander: /ˌvjet.nəˈmiːz ˌkɒr.iˈæn.dər/ Rau Răm
273. Water Spinach: /ˈwɔːtə(r) ˈspɪnɪtʃ/ Rau Muống
274. Watercress: /ˈwɔːtəkres/ Xà Lách Son
275. Xoài: mango
276. Yam: /jæm/ khoai mỡ

Chủ đề 5: Phong cảnh (Landscape)

277. A village /’vɪl.ɪdʒ/: một ngôi làng
278. A winding lane: Đường làng
279. Agriculture /’æɡ.rɪ.kʌl.tʃər/: Nông nghiệp
280. An isolated area /’aɪ.sə.leɪt/ /’eə.ri.ə/: một khu vực hẻo lánh
281. Bay: Vịnh
282. Boat /bəʊt/: Con đò
283. Buffalo /’bʌf.ə.ləʊ/: Con trâu
284. Canal /kə’næl/: Kênh, mương
285. Cloud /klaʊd/(noun): Mây
286. Coast/koʊst/ (noun): Bờ biển
287. Cottage /’kɒt.ɪdʒ/: Mái nhà tranh
288. Desert /ˈdɛzɜrt/(noun): Sa mạc
289. Farming /fɑ:rmɪŋ /: Làm ruộng
290. Fields /fi:ld/: Cánh đồng
291. Fish ponds /pɒnd/: Ao cá
292. Folk games /foʊk/: Trò chơi dân gian
293. Forest /ˈfɔrəst/(noun): Rừng
294. Highland/ˈhaɪlənd/ (noun): Cao nguyên
295. Hill /hɪl/(noun): Đồi
296. Horizon /həˈraɪzən/(noun): Đường chân trời
297. Island /ˈaɪlənd/(noun): Hòn đảo
298. Lake /leɪk/(noun): Hồ
299. Land/lænd/ (noun): Đất liền
300. Mountain/ˈmaʊntən/ (noun): Núi
301. Ocean/ˈoʊʃən/ (noun): Đại dương
302. Peace/pi:s/: yên bình
303. quiet/kwaɪət/: yên tĩnh
304. Peaceful/ˈpisfəl/ (adjective): Yên bình
305. Port: Cảng
306. River/ˈrɪvər/ (noun): Con sông
307. Sand: Cát
308. Scenery/ˈsinəri/ (noun): Phong cảnh, cảnh vật
309. Sea/si/ (noun): Biển
310. Sky /skaɪ/(noun): Bầu trời
311. The countryside /’kʌn.trɪ.saɪd/: vùng quê
312. The plow /plɑʊ : Cái cày
313. The relaxed/slower pace of life : nhịp sống thanh thản/chậm
314. The river /’rɪv.ər/: Con sông
315. Valley/ˈvæli/ (noun): Thung lũng
316. Volcano /vɑlˈkeɪnoʊ/(noun): Núi lửa
317. Waterfall: thác nước
318. Well /wel/: Giếng nước
319. Wild/waɪld/ (adjective): Hoang dã

Chủ đề 6: Thời tiết (Weather)

320. Air /ɛr/(noun): Không khí
321. Breeze /briːz/ Gió nhẹ
322. Bright/braɪt/ (adjective): Nắng sáng, tươi sáng
323. Celsius /ˈselsiəs/ Độ C
324. Chilly/ˈʧɪli/ (adjective): Lạnh lẽo

Chủ đề 7: Môi trường (Environment)

325. Acid rain /ˈæsɪd reɪn/ mưa axit
326. Alternative /ɔːlˈtɜːrnətɪv/: lựa chọn thay thế (danh từ đếm được)
327. Alternative energy /ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv ˈɛnəʤi/ năng lượng thay thế
328. Atmosphere /ˈætməsfɪə/ khí quyển
329. Permission /ɪˈmɪʃən/ sự bốc ra
330. Biodegradable /ˌbaɪəʊdɪˈgreɪdəb(ə)l/ có thể phân hủy
331. Biodiversity /ˌbaɪoʊdəˈvərsət̮ i/ sự đa dạng sinh học
332. Canyon /ˈkænjən/: hẻm núi.
333. Carbon footprint /ˈkɑːbən ˈfʊtprɪnt/ dấu chân các-bon
334. Catastrophe /kəˈtæstrəfi/ thảm họa
335. Clean /klin/ (v) dọn dẹp
336. Clear /klɪr/(adjective): Trong xanh, không có mây
337. Cliff /klɪf/: vách đá
338. Climate /ˈklaɪmət/ Khí hậu
339. Climate change /ˈklaɪmət ʧeɪnʤ/ hiện tượng biến đổi khí hậu
340. Climate/ˈklaɪmət/ (noun): Khí hậu
341. Cloud /klaʊd/ Mây
342. Cloudy /ˈklaʊdi/ Nhiều mây
343. Cold /koʊld/(adjective): Lạnh
344. Conserve /kənˈsɜrv/ bảo tồn
345. Contaminated /kənˈtæmɪneɪt/ làm bẩn
346. Cool /kul/(adjective): Mát mẻ, mát trời
347. Creature /ˈkriːʧə/ sinh vật
348. Deforestation /ˌdiːˌfɑːrɪˈsteɪʃn/: ô nhiễm không khí
349. Degree /dɪˈɡriː/ Độ
350. Desertification /dɪˌzɜːtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ quá trình sa mạc hóa
351. Destroy /dɪsˈtrɔɪ/ phá hủy
352. Destruction /dɪsˈtrʌkʃən/ sự phá hủy
353. Die out /daɪ aʊt/ chết dần
354. Disappear /ˌdɪsəˈpɪə/ biến mất
355. Disposal /dɪsˈpəʊzəl/ sự vứt bỏ
356. Drizzle /ˈdrɪzl/ Mưa phùn
357. Drought /draʊt/(noun): Khô hạn, hạn hạn
358. Dry /draɪ/(adjective): Khô ráo, khô hanh
359. Dry up /draɪ ʌp/ khô cạn
360. Dull /dʌl/ Nhiều mây
361. Dump /dʌmp/ vứt bỏ
362. Dust /dʌst/ bụi bẩn
363. Earthquake /ˈɜːθkweɪk/ cơn động đất
364. Ecology /ɪˈkɒləʤi/ sinh thái học
365. Ecosystem /ˈiːkəʊˌsɪstəm/ hệ sinh thái
366. Emit /ɪˈmɪt/ bốc ra
367. Endangered species /ɪnˈdeɪnʤəd ˈspiːʃiːz/ các loài
368. Energy /ˈɛnərʤi/(noun): Năng lượng
369. Environment /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/ môi trường
370. Environment friendly /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt ˈfrɛndli/ thân thiện với môi trường
371. Environmentalist /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentəlɪst/ nhà môi trường học
372. Erode /ɪˈrəʊd/ xói mòn
373. Erosion /ɪˈrəʊʒən/ sự xói mòn
374. Exhaust /ɪgˈzɔːst/ khí thải
375. Fahrenheit /ˈfærənhaɪt/ Độ F
376. Famine /ˈfæmɪn/ nạn đói
377. Fertilizer /ˈfɜːtɪlaɪzə/ phân bón
378. Fine /faɪn/(adjective): Đẹp trời
379. Flood /flʌd/ Lũ
380. Fog /fɒɡ/ Sương mù
381. Foggy /ˈfɒɡi/ Nhiều sương mù
382. Forecast /ˈfɔrˌkæst/(verb), (noun): Dự báo (thời tiết)
383. Forest /ˈfɑːrɪst/: rừng.
384. Fossil fuel /ˈfɒsl fjʊəl/ nhiên liệu hóa thạch
385. Freezing /ˈfrizɪŋ/(adjective): Rét run, lạnh cóng
386. Frost /frɒst/ Băng giá
387. Frosty /ˈfrɒsti/ Giá rét
388. Global warming /ˈgləʊbəl ˈwɔːmɪŋ/ hiện tượng ấm lên toàn cầu
389. Greenhouse /ˈgrinˌhaʊs/(noun): Nhà kính
390. Greenhouse effect /ˈgriːnhaʊs ɪˈfɛkt/ hiệu ứng nhà kính
391. Hail /heɪl/ Mưa đá
392. Hailstone /ˈheɪlstəʊn/ Cục mưa đá
393. Harmful /ˈhɑːmfʊl/ gây hại
394. Hazardous /ˈhæzərdəs/ nguy hiểm
395. Heat wave /ˈhiːt/ /weɪv/ Đợt nóng
396. Hot /hɑt/(adjective): Nóng
397. Humid /ˈhjuːmɪd/ Ẩm
398. Humidity /hjuːˈmɪdəti/ Độ ẩm
399. Hurricane /ˈhʌrɪkən/ Cuồng phong
400. Hurricane/ˈhɜrəˌkeɪn./ (noun): Bão nhiệt đới – Tên gọi khi xảy ra tại Đại Tây Dương và Đông Bắc Thá
401. Ice /aɪs/ Băng, đá
402. Icy /ˈaɪsi/ Đóng băng
403. Industrial waste /ɪnˈdʌstrɪəl weɪst/ chất thải công nghiệp
404. Leak /liːk/ rò rỉ
405. Lightning /ˈlaɪtnɪŋ/ Chớp
406. Man-made /mən-meɪd/ nhân tạo
407. Natural resources /ˈnæʧrəl rɪˈsɔːsɪz/ tài nguyên thiên nhiên
408. Oil spill /ɔɪl spɪl/ sự cố tràn dầu
409. Organic /ɔrˈgænɪk/ hữu cơ
410. Overcast /ˌəʊvəˈkɑːst/ U ám
411. Ozone layer /ˈəʊzəʊn ˈleɪə/ tầng ôzôn
412. Pesticide /ˈpɛstɪsaɪd/ thuốc trừ sâu
413. Plastic /ˈplæstɪk/(noun): Nhựa, chất dẻo
414. Pollute /pəˈluːt/ làm ô nhiễm
415. Polluted /pəˈluːtɪd/ bị ô nhiễm
416. Pollution /pəˈluːʃən/ sự ô nhiễm
417. Preservation /ˌprɛzəːˈveɪʃən/ sự bảo tồn
418. Preserve/prəˈzɜrv/ (verb): Bảo tồn, giữ gìn
419. Protect /prəˈtɛkt/ bảo vệ
420. Purify /ˈpjʊərɪfaɪ/ thanh lọc
421. Rain /reɪn/ Mưa
422. Rainbow /ˈreɪnbəʊ/ Cầu vồng
423. Raindrop /ˈreɪndrɒp/ Hạt mưa
424. Rainfall /ˈreɪnfɔːl/ Lượng mưa
425. Rainforest /ˈreɪnˌfɒrɪst/ rừng nhiệt đới
426. Rainy/ˈreɪni/ (adjective): Có mưa
427. Recycle /ˌriːˈsaɪkl/ tái chế
428. Renewable /rɪˈnjuːəbl/ có thể phục hồi
429. Resource/ˈrisɔrs/ (noun): Tài nguyên, nguồn lực
430. Reusable /riːˈjuːzəbl/ có thể tái sử dụng
431. Reuse /riːˈjuːz/ tái sử dụng
432. Sea level /siː ˈlɛvl/ mực nước biển
433. Sewage /ˈsjuːɪʤ/ nước thải
434. Sleet /sliːt/ Mưa tuyết
435. Snow /snəʊ/ Tuyết
436. Snowflake /ˈsnəʊfleɪk/ Bông tuyết
437. Snowy/ˈsnoʊi/ (adjective): Có tuyết
438. Soil /sɔɪl/ đất
439. Solar panel /ˈsəʊlə ˈpænl/ pin mặt trời
440. Solar power /ˈsəʊlə ˈpaʊə/ năng lượng mặt trời
441. Storm /stɔːm/ Bão
442. Stormy /ˈstɔːmi/ Có bão
443. Strong winds /strɒŋ/ /wɪnd/ Cơn gió mạnh
444. Sun /sʌn/ Mặt trời
445. Sunny /ˈsʌni/(adjective): Trời có nắng
446. Sunshine /ˈsʌnʃaɪn/ Ánh nắng
447. Sustainable /səˈsteɪnəbəl/ bền vững
448. Temperature /ˈtemprətʃə(r)/ Nhiệt độ
449. Thermometer /θəˈmɒmɪtə(r)/ Nhiệt kế
450. Threaten /ˈθrɛtn/ đe dọa
451. Thunder /ˈθʌndə(r)/ Sấm
452. Thunderstorm /ˈθʌndəstɔːm/ Bão có sấm sét
453. Tidal wave/ˈtaɪdəl weɪv/ (noun): Sóng thần
454. To freeze /tə/ /friːz/ Đóng băng
455. To melt /tə/ /melt/ Tan
456. To rain /tə/ /reɪn/ Mưa
457. To snow /tə/ /snəʊ/ Tuyết rơi
458. To thaw /tə/ /θɔː/ Tan
459. Tornado /tɔːˈneɪdəʊ/ Lốc xoáy
460. Toxic /ˈtɒksɪk/ độc hại
461. Typhoon /taɪˈfun/(noun): Bão nhiệt đới – Tên gọi khi xảy ra tại Tây Bắc Thái Bình Dương
462. Urbanization /ˌərbənəˈzeɪʃn/ quá trình đô thị hóa
463. Warm /wɔrm/(adjective): Ấm áp
464. Waste/weɪst/ (noun): Rác thải
465. Weather forecast /ˈweðə/ /fɔːkɑːst/ Dự báo thời tiết
466. Wet /wet/ Ướt
467. Wind /wɪnd/ Gió
468. Windy /ˈwɪndi/ Có gió

Chủ đề 8: Màu sắc (Colors)

469. Black /blæk/(noun): Màu đen
470. Blue/blu/ (noun): Màu xanh dương
471. Bright blue /braɪt bluː/ màu xanh nước biển tươi.
472. Bright green /braɪt griːn/: màu xanh lá cây tươi
473. Bright red /braɪt red /: màu đỏ sáng
474. Brown/braʊn/ (noun): Màu nâu
475. Color /ˈkʌlər/(noun): Màu sắc
476. Colorful /ˈkʌlərfəl/(adjective): Rực rỡ, nhiều màu sắc
477. Dark /dɑrk/(adjective): Tối (màu)
478. Dark blue /dɑːrk bluː/ màu xanh da trời đậm
479. Dark brown /dɑːrk braʊn/ :màu nâu đậm
480. Dark green /dɑːrk griːn/ : màu xanh lá cây đậm
481. Gold/ gold/ (noun): Màu vàng óng
482. Green /grin/(noun): Màu xanh lá
483. Grey/greɪ/ (noun): Màu xám
484. Light blue /lait bluː/: màu xanh da trời nhạt
485. Light brown /lait braʊn /: màu nâu nhạt
486. Light green /lait griːn /: màu xanh lá cây nhạt
487. Light/laɪt/ (adjective): Sáng (màu)
488. Orange ˈ/ɔrənʤ/ (noun): Màu cam
489. Paint /peɪnt/(noun): Sơn, màu vẽ
490. Pink /pɪŋk/(noun): Màu hồng
491. Purple /ˈpɜrpəl/(noun): Màu tím
492. Red/rɛd/ (noun): Màu đỏ
493. Shade/ʃeɪd/ (noun): Sắc độ
494. White /waɪt/(noun): Màu trắng
495. Yellow ˈ/jɛloʊ/ (noun): Màu vàng
2. Con người

Chủ đề 9: Ngoại hình (Appearance)

496. A fringe: tóc cắt ngang trán
497. A short-haired person: người có mái tóc ngắn
498. Angular: mặt xương xương
499. Attractive/əˈtræktɪv/ (adjective) quyến rũ, hấp dẫn
500. baby /’beibi/: em bé, trẻ con
501. Bald: hói
502. Beard: râu
503. Beautiful /ˈbjutəfəl/(adjective): đẹp, xinh đẹp
504. Birthmark: vết bớt
505. Blonde: tóc vàng
506. Bloodshot: mắt đỏ ngầu
507. Body shape /ˈbɑdi ʃeɪp/(noun): thân hình, vóc dáng cơ thể
508. Broad: mũi rộng
509. Charming/ˈʧɑrmɪŋ/ (adjective): thu hút, quyến rũ
510. Chubby: phúng phính
511. Curly: tóc xoăn
512. Cute /kjut/(adjective): dễ thương, đáng yêu
513. Dark: da đen
514. Dreamy eyes: đôi mắt mộng mơ
515. Dull: mắt lờ đờ
516. Dyed: tóc nhuộm
517. Fat/fæt/ (adjective): béo, thừa cân
518. Feature /ˈfiʧər/(noun): đặc điểm
519. Fit/fɪt/ (adjective): cân đối, gọn gàng
520. Flashing/ brilliant/bright: mắt sáng
521. Flat: mũi tẹt
522. Frail: yếu đuối, mỏng manh
523. Fresh: khuôn mặt tươi tắn
524. Frizzy: tóc uốn thành búp
525. Frown: nhăn mặt
526. Ginger: đỏ hoe
527. Good-looking /gʊd-ˈlʊkɪŋ/(adjective): sáng sủa, ưa nhìn
528. Greasy skin: da nhờn
529. Grimace: nhăn nhó
530. Grin: cười nhăn răng
531. Handsome /ˈhænsəm/(adjective): đẹp trai
532. Heart-shaped: khuôn mặt hình trái tim
533. Height /haɪt/(noun): chiều cao
534. High cheekbones: gò má cao
535. High forehead: trán cao
536. Hooked: mũi khoằm
537. Inquisitive: ánh mắt tò mò
538. Lank: tóc thẳng và rủ xuống
539. Laugh: cười to
540. Long: khuôn mặt dài
541. Look /lʊk/(noun): vẻ bề ngoài
542. Lovely/ˈlʌvli/ (adjective): đáng yêu
543. Medium-height /ˈmiːdi.əm haɪt/: chiều cao trung bình
544. Middle-aged /ˌmɪd.l̩ ˈeɪdʒd/: trung niên
545. Mole: nốt ruồi
546. Moustache: ria mép
547. Mousy: màu xám lông chuột
548. Muscular /ˈlʌvli/(adjective): cơ bắp, lực lưỡng
549. Muscular: nhiều cơ bắp
550. Neat: tóc chải chuốt cẩn thận
551. Obese: béo phì
552. Of medium/ average height: chiều cao trung bình
553. Of medium/average built: hình thể trung bình
554. Old /əʊld/: già
555. Old age pensioner / əʊld eidʒ ‘pen∫ənə[r]/: tuổi nghỉ hư
556. Olive-skinned: da nâu, vàng nhạt
557. Oriental: da vàng châu á
558. Oval face: khuôn mặt hình trái xoan
559. Overweight: quá cân
560. Pale: xanh xao, nhợt nhạt
561. Pasty: xanh xao
562. Plump: tròn trĩnh
563. Pony-tail: cột tóc đuôi ngựa
564. Pout: bĩu môi
565. Pretty /ˈprɪti/(adjective): xinh xắn
566. Rosy: hồng hào
567. Round: khuôn mặt tròn
568. Sallow: vàng vọt
569. Scar: sẹo
570. Scowl: cau có
571. senior citizen /’si:niə[r] ‘sitizn/: người cao tuổi
572. Short /ʃɔːt/: lùn
573. Shortish: hơi lùn
574. Skinny: ốm, gầy
575. Slender: mảnh khảnh
576. Slim: gầy, mảnh khảnh
577. Smile: cười mỉm
578. Snub: mũi hếch
579. Sparkling/twinkling: mắt lấp lánh
580. Square: mặt vuông
581. Stocky: chắc nịch
582. Stout: hơi béo
583. Straight: mũi thẳng
584. Straight: tóc thẳng
585. Sulk: phiền muộn
586. Tall /tɔl/(adjective): cao
587. Tallish: cao dong dỏng
588. Thin /θɪn/(adjective): gầy
589. Thin: khuôn mặt gầy
590. toddler /’tɒdlə[r]/: trẻ em ở độ tuổi mới biết đi
591. Turned up: mũi cao
592. Ugly/ˈʌgli/ (adjective): xấu xí
593. Untidy: không chải chuốt, rối xù
594. Wavy: tóc lượn sóng
595. Weight /weɪt/(noun): cân nặng
596. Well-built: hình thể đẹp
597. Well-proportioned figure: cân đối
598. With plaits: tóc được tết, bện
599. Young /jʌŋ/: trẻ, trẻ tuổi

Chủ đề 10: Cơ thể (Body)

600. Ankle /ˈæŋ.kļ/ Mắt cá chân
601. Arch /ɑːtʃ/ Lòng bàn chân
602. Arm/ɑrm/ (noun): Cánh tay
603. Back /bæk/(noun): Lưng
604. Belly/ˈbɛli/ (noun): Bụng
605. Big toe /bɪg təʊ/ Ngón chân cái
606. Blood /blʌd/ Máu
607. Body part/ˈbɑdi pɑrt/ (noun): Bộ phận cơ thể
608. Bone /boʊn/(noun): Xương
609. Bottom/ˈbɑtəm/ (noun): Mông
610. Brain/breɪn/ (noun): Não
611. Breast /brest/ Ngực (phụ nữ)
612. Calf /kɑːf/ Bắp chân
613. Cheek /tʃiːk/ Má
614. Chest /ʧɛst/(noun): Ngực, lồng ngực
615. Chin /tʃɪn/ Cằm
616. Ear /Ir/(noun): Tai
617. Elbow /ˈelbəʊ/ Khuỷu tay
618. Eyebrow /ˈaɪ.braʊ/ Lông mày
619. Eyelash /ˈaɪlæʃ/ Lông mi
620. Eyes /aɪs/(noun): Mắt
621. Face /feɪs/(noun): Khuôn mặt
622. Finger/ˈfɪŋgər/ (noun): Ngón tay
623. Foot /fʊt/ Bàn chân
624. Hair /hɛr/(noun): Tóc, mái tóc
625. Hand /hænd/ Bàn tay
626. Head /hɛd/(noun): Đầu
627. Heart /hɑrt/(noun): Trái tim
628. Heel /hɪəl/ Gót chân
629. Hip /hɪp/(noun): Hông
630. Index finger /ˈɪn.deks ˈfɪŋ.gəʳ/ Ngón trỏ
631. Jaw /dʒɔː/ Quai hàm
632. Kidney/ˈkɪdni/ (noun): Thận
633. Knee /niː/ Đầu gối
634. Knuckle /ˈnʌk.ļ/ Khớp, đốt ngón tay
635. Leg/lɛg/ (noun): Chân
636. Lip /lɪp/(noun): Môi
637. Little finger /ˌlɪtl ˈfɪŋɡə(r)/ Ngón út
638. Liver/ˈlɪvər/ (noun): Gan
639. Lung /lʌŋ/(noun): Phổi
640. Middle finger /ˈmɪd.ļ ˈfɪŋ.gəʳ/ Ngón giữa
641. Mouth /maʊθ/(noun): Miệng
642. Muscle /ˈmʌsl/ Cơ bắp
643. Neck /nek/ Cổ
644. Nose /noʊz/(noun): Mũi
645. Palm /pɑːm/ Lòng bàn tay
646. Ring finger /rɪŋ ˈfɪŋ.gəʳ/ Ngón đeo nhẫn
647. Shoulder /ˈʃəʊldə(r)/ Vai
648. Skin /skɪn/(noun): Làn da
649. Stomach/ˈstʌmək/ (noun): Dạ dày
650. Sweat /swet/ Mồ hôi
651. Thigh /θaɪ/ Bắp đùi
652. Throat /θrəʊt/ Cổ họng
653. Thumb /θʌm/ Ngón tay cái
654. Toe /təʊ/ Ngón chân
655. Toenail /ˈtəʊneɪl/ Móng chân
656. Tongue /tʌŋ/ lưỡi
657. Tooth /tuθ/(noun): Răng
658. Waist /weɪst/(noun): Eo, vòng eo
659. Wrist /rɪst/ Cổ tay
Chủ đề 11: Hành động (Action)
660. Bend /bend/: uốn cong, cúi, gập
661. Carry /ˈkær.i/: cầm, mang, vác
662. Catch /kætʃ/: đỡ lấy, bắt lấy
663. Climb /klaɪm/: leo, trèo
664. Comb /koʊm/: chải tóc
665. Crawl /krɔːl/: bò, lê bước
666. Crouch /kraʊtʃ/: khúm núm, luồn cúi
667. Cry /krɑɪ/: khóc
668. Dance /dæns/: nhảy múa, khiêu vũ
669. Dive /daɪv/: lặn
670. Drag /dræɡ/: kéo
671. Drink /drɪŋk/: uống
672. Drop /drɒp/: đánh rơi
673. Eat /it/: ăn
674. Fall /fɔːl/: ngã
675. Flip /flɪp/: búng
676. Grab /ɡræb/: bắt lấy, túm lấy
677. Hang /hæŋ/: treo
678. Hit /hɪt/: đánh
679. Hold /həʊld/: cầm, nắm
680. Hop /hɒp/: nhảy lò cò
681. Hug /hʌɡ/: ôm
682. Jog /dʒɒɡ/: chạy bộ
683. Jump /dʒʌmp/: nhảy
684. Kick /kɪk/: đá
685. Lean /liːn/: dựa, tựa
686. Lick /lɪk/: liếm
687. Lie /laɪ/: nằm
688. Lift /lɪft/: nâng lên
689. Pack /pæk/: bó, gói
690. Paint /peint/: sơn, quét sơn
691. Pick /pik/: hái, nhổ, cuốc, xỉa, mở, cạy
692. Pick up /pɪk ʌp/: nhặt lên
693. Plant /plænt, plɑnt/: gieo, trồng
694. Play /plei/: chơi, nô đùa, đùa giỡn
695. Point /pɔint/: chỉ, trỏ, nhắm, chĩa
696. Pour /pɔ:/: rót, đổ, giội, trút
697. Pull /pul/: lôi, kéo, giật
698. Punch /pʌntʃ/: đấ
699. Push /puʃ/: xô, đẩy
700. Put on /ˈpʊt ɔn/: mặc, đeo, đội
701. Rake /reik/: cào
702. Read /ri:d/: đọc
703. Ride /raid/: cưỡi, lái
704. Row /rou/: chèo thuyền
705. Run /rʌn/: chạy
706. Sail /seil/: điều khiển, lái (thuyền)
707. Scrub /skrʌb/: lau chùi, cọ rửa
708. See /si:/: thấy, trông thấy, nhìn thấy; xem, quan sát, xem xét
709. Set /set/: bố trí, để, đặt, bày (bàn ăn)
710. Sew /soʊ/: may, khâu
711. Shake /ʃeɪk/: rung, lắc, run rẩy
712. Shout /ʃaʊt/: la hét, hò hét, reo hò
713. Show /ʃou/: cho xem, cho thấy, trưng bày, đưa cho xem; tỏ ra
714. Sing /siɳ/: hát
715. Sit /sit/: ngồi
716. Skate /skeit/: trượt (băng, ván)
717. Slap /slæp/: tát
718. Sleep /sli:p/: ngủ
719. Slice /slaɪs/: cắt, thái
720. Slip /slɪp/: trượt ngã
721. Smile /smɑɪl/: cười
722. Sneeze /sni:z/: hắt hơi
723. Spin /spɪn/: quay
724. Squat /skwɑːt/: ngồi xổm
725. Stand /stænd/: đứng
726. Step /step/: bước đi
727. Stop /stɔp/: ngừng, nghỉ, thôi
728. Stretch /stretʃ/: duỗi ra, căng ra
729. Stroke /strəʊk/: vuốt ve
730. Sweep /swi:p/: quét
731. Swim /swim/: bơi
732. Swing /swɪŋ/: đung đưa, lúc lắc
733. Take /teik/: cầm, nắm, lấy
734. Talk /tɔ:k/: nói chuyện, chuyện trò
735. Throw /θrəʊ/: ném
736. Walk /wɔːk/: đi bộ
737. Wash /wɑʃ/: gội, rửa
738. Wave /weɪv/: vẫy tay
739. Yawn /jɔn/: ngáp

Chủ đề 12: Tính cách (Personality)

740. Aggressive /əˈɡrɛsɪv/ Hung hăng, năng nổ
741. Ambitious /æmˈbɪʃəs/ Tham vọng
742. Artful /ˈɑrtfl/ Xảo quyệt, tinh ranh
743. Bad-tempered /ˌbæd ˈtempərd/ Nóng tính
744. Boastful /ˈboʊstfl/ Khoe khoang, khoác lác
745. Boring /ˈbɔrɪŋ/ Nhàm chán, chán nản
746. Bossy /ˈbɔsi/ Hống hách, hách dịch
747. Brave /breɪv/ Dũng cảm, gan dạ
748. Calm /kɑm/ Điềm tĩnh
749. Careful /ˈkɛrfl/ Cẩn thận, kỹ lưỡng
750. Careless /ˈkɛrləs/ Bất cẩn, cẩu thả
751. Cautious /ˈkɔʃəs/ Thận trọng, cẩn thận
752. Cheerful/ˈʧɪrfəl/ (adjective): Vui tươi, sôi nổi
753. Childish /ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ/ Ngây ngô, trẻ con
754. Clever /ˈklɛvər/ Khéo léo, thông minh, lanh lợi
755. Cold /koʊld/ Lạnh lùng
756. Competitive /kəmˈpɛt̮ ət̮ ɪv/ Ganh đua, thích cạnh tranh
757. Confident /ˈkɑnfədənt/ Tự tin
758. Considerate /kənˈsɪdərət/ Chu đáo, ân cần
759. Courage /ˈkərɪdʒ/ Can đảm, dũng cảm
760. Courteous /ˈkərt̮ iəs/ Lịch thiệp, nhã nhặn
761. Cowardly /ˈkaʊərdli/ Nhát gan, hèn nhát
762. Creative /kriˈeɪt̮ ɪv/ Sáng tạo
763. Cruel /ˈkruəl/ Độc ác, dữ tợn, tàn bạo, tàn nhẫn
764. Curious /ˈkyʊriəs/ Tò mò, hiếu kỳ
765. Decisive /dɪˈsaɪsɪv/ Quyết đoán, kiên quyết
766. Dependable /dɪˈpɛndəbl/ Đáng tin cậy
767. Diligent /ˈdɪlədʒənt/ Siêng năng, cần cù
768. Dynamic /daɪˈnæmɪk/ Năng động, năng nổ, sôi nổi
769. Easy-going /ˈizi-ˈgoʊɪŋ/ (adjective): Thoải mái
770. Emotional /ɪˈmoʊʃənl/ Nhạy cảm, dễ xúc động
771. Energetic ˌ/ɛnərˈʤɛtɪk/(adjective): Tràn đầy năng lượng
772. Enthusiastic /ɪnˌθuziˈæstɪk/ Hăng hái, nhiệt tình
773. Envious /ˈɛnviəs/ Ganh tị, đố kỵ
774. Faithful /ˈfeɪθfl/ Chung thủy, trung thành, trung thực
775. Fawning /ˈfɔnɪŋ/ Nịnh hót, xu nịnh
776. Frank /fræŋk/ Thẳng thắng, ngay thẳng, bộc trực
777. Friendly /ˈfrɛndli/ Thân thiện
778. Funny/ˈfʌni/ (adjective): Vui tính, hài hước
779. Generous /ˈʤɛnərəs/(adjective): Hào phóng
780. Gentle /ˈdʒɛntl/ Dịu dàng, hòa nhã, hiền lành
781. Gracious /ˈɡreɪʃəs/ Tử tế, hào hiệp, lịch thiệp
782. Greedy /ˈɡridi/ Tham lam
783. Gruff /ɡrʌf/ Thô lỗ, cộc cằn
784. Grumpy/ˈgrʌmpi/ (adjective): Cáu kỉnh, khó chịu
785. Hardworking /ˌhɑrdˈwərkɪŋ/ Chăm chỉ
786. Haughty /ˈhɔt̮ i/ Kiêu căng, kiêu kỳ, ngạo mạn
787. Headstrong /ˈhɛdstrɔŋ/ Cứng đầu, bướng bỉnh
788. Honest /ˈɑnəst/ Trung thực, chân thật, lương thiện
789. Humble /ˈhʌmbl/ Khiêm tốn, nhún nhường
790. Humorous /ˈhyumərəs/ Hài hước, hóm hỉnh, khôi hài
791. Impolite /ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt/ Vô lễ, bất lịch sự
792. Industrious /ɪnˈdʌstriəs/ Cần cù, chăm chỉ
793. Insolent /ˈɪnsələnt/ Láo xược, xấc láo
794. Intelligent /ɪnˈtɛlədʒənt/ Thông minh, sáng dạ
795. Jealous /ˈdʒɛləs/ Ghen ghét, ghen tị
796. Kind /kaɪnd/ Tốt bụng, tử tế
797. Lazy /ˈleɪzi/ Lười biếng
798. Liberal /ˈlɪbərəl/ Rộng rãi, bao dung, hào phóng
799. Lovely /ˈlʌvli/ Đáng yêu, yêu kiều, thú vị
800. Love/lʌv/: yêu
801. Loyal /ˈlɔɪəl/ Trung thành, trung nghĩa, trung kiên
802. Malicious /məˈlɪʃəs/ Hiểm độc, hiểm ác
803. Mature /məˈtʃʊr/ Chín chắn, trưởng thành
804. Mean /min/ Keo kiệt, bủn xỉn
805. Merciful /ˈmərsɪfl/ Nhân từ, khoan dung
806. Mischievous /ˈmɪstʃəvəs/ Tinh nghịch, láu lỉnh
807. Naive /naɪˈiv/ Ngây thơ, chất phác, thật thà
808. Naughty /ˈnɔt̮ i/ Nghịch ngợm, hư đốn
809. Nice/naɪs/ (adjective): Tốt, tử tế
810. Obedient /oʊˈbidiənt/ Ngoan ngoãn, vâng lời
811. Observant /əbˈzərvənt/ Tinh ý, hay quan sát
812. Open-minded /ˌoʊpən’maɪndəd/ Phóng khoáng, cởi mở
813. Optimistic /ˌɑptəˈmɪstɪk/ Lạc quan, yêu đời
814. Outgoing /ˈaʊtˌɡoʊɪŋ/ Thân mật, dễ gần, thoải mái
815. Passionate /ˈpæʃənət/ Nồng nàn, nồng nhiệt, sôi nổi
816. Patient /ˈpeɪʃnt/ Kiên nhẫn, nhẫn nại, bền chí
817. Pessimistic /ˌpɛsəˈmɪstɪk/ Bi quan, chán đời
818. Polite /pəˈlaɪt/ Lịch sự, lễ phép, lịch thiệp
819. Quiet /ˈkwaɪət/ Trầm lặng, ít nói
820. Rational /ˈræʃənl/ Minh mẫn, sáng suốt
821. Reckless /ˈrɛkləs/ Hấp tấp, liều lĩnh, táo bạo
822. Responsible /rɪˈspɑnsəbl/ Có trách nhiệm
823. Romantic /roʊˈmæntɪk/ Lãng mạn, mơ mộng
824. Rude /ru:d/ Thô lỗ, hỗn láo, vô lễ, khiếm nhã, bất lịch sự
825. Secretive /ˈsikrət̮ ɪv/ Kín đáo
826. Selfish /ˈsɛlfɪʃ/ Ích kỷ
827. Sensitive /ˈsɛnsət̮ ɪv/ Nhạy cảm
828. Serious /ˈsɪriəs/ Nghiêm túc, nghiêm nghị
829. Shy /ʃaɪ/ Nhút nhát, rụt rè, bẽn lẽn
830. Silly /ˈsɪli/ Ngớ ngẩn, khờ khạo
831. Sincere /sɪnˈsɪr/ Thành thật, chân thành, chân thật, thẳng thắng
832. Sociable /ˈsoʊʃəbl/ Hòa đồng, gần gũi
833. Strict /strɪkt/ Nghiêm khắc, khắt khe
834. Stubborn /ˈstʌbərn/ Bướng bỉnh, ngoan cố, ương ngạnh
835. Stupid /ˈstupəd/ Ngốc nghếch, đần độn
836. Tactful /ˈtæktfl/ Lịch thiệp, tế nhị
837. Talkative /ˈtɔkət̮ ɪv/ Hoạt ngôn, ba hoa, nhiều chuyện
838. Tricky /ˈtrɪki/ Gian xảo, thủ đoạn, quỷ quyệt
839. Truthful /ˈtruθfl/ Trung thực, thật thà, chân thật
840. Unpleasant /ʌnˈplɛznt/ Khó chịu, khó ưa
841. Vain /veɪn/ Kiêu ngạo, tự phụ, tự đắc
842. Wise /waɪz/ Thông thái, khôn ngoan, sáng suốt
843. Witty /ˈwɪt̮ i/ Hóm hỉnh, dí dỏm
844. Zealous /ˈzɛləs/ Hăng hái, sốt sắng, có nhiệt huyết

Chủ đề 13: Cảm xúc & Cảm giác (Emotions & Feelings)
845. Adorable /ə’dɔ:rəbl/: đáng yêu, đáng quý mến
846. Affectionate /ə’fek∫nit/: thân mật, trìu mến
847. Afraid /əˈfreɪd/(adjective): Lo sợ
848. Aggressive /ə’gresiv/: + hay gây sự, hung hăng, hùng hổ
849. Agreeable /ə’gri:əbl/: dễ chịu, dễ thương, vui lòng, sẵn sàng, tán thành
850. Alert /ə’lə:t/: cảnh giác, lanh lợi, tỉnh táo
851. Alluring /ə’lujəriη/: quyến rũ, lôi cuốn, cám dỗ; có duyên, làm say mê, làm xiêu lòng
852. Ambitious /æm’bi∫əs/: tham vọng
853. Amused /əˈmjuːzd/: thích thú, vui, buồn cười
854. Angry /’æηgri/: giận dữ, tức giận, cáu
855. Angry/ˈæŋgri/ (adjective): Tức giận, giận dữ
856. Arrogant /’ærəgənt/: kiêu căng, kiêu ngạo, ngạo mạn
857. Artful /’ɑ:tful/: xảo quyệt, tinh ranh, ma mãnh, lắm mưu mẹo
858. Ashamed /ə’∫eimd/: xấu hổ, hổ thẹn, ngượng
859. Avaricious /,ævə’ri∫əs/: hám lợi, tham lam
860. Awful /’ɔ:ful/: rất khó chịu, khó chịu vô cùng
861. Bored /bɔrd/(adjective): Chán nản
862. Confused/kənˈfjuzd/ (adjective): Bối rối
863. Disappointed/ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd/ (adjective): Thất vọng
864. Disgusted /dɪsˈgʌstɪd/(adjective): Kinh tởm
865. Easy-going /ˌiːziˈgoʊ.ɪŋ/: dễ tính
866. Embarrassed/ɪmˈbɛrəst/ (adjective): Xấu hổ, ngại ngùng
867. Energetic /,enə’dʒetik/: đầy nghị lực, mạnh mẽ, mãnh liệt, đầy năng lượng
868. Entertaining /,entə’teiniη/: thú vị, làm vui lòng và vừa ý.
869. Enthusiastic /in,θju:zi’æstik/: hăng hái, say mê, nhiệt tình
870. Envious /’enviəs/ (of someone/something): thèm muốn, ghen tị, đố kỵ
871. Erratic /i’rætik/: thất thường, được chăng hay chớ
872. Excitable /ik’saitəbl/: dễ bị kích thích, dễ bị xúc động
873. Excited (adjective) /ɪkˈsaɪtəd/: Hào hứng, hứng thú
874. Excited /ik’saitid/: sôi nổi, hào hứng, bị kích thích, bị kích động
875. Explosive /iks’pensiv/: dễ bị bùng nổ, dễ bị kích động
876. Extroverted /’ekstrəvə:tid/: hướng ngoại
877. Exuberant /ig’zju:bərənt/: cởi mở, hồ hởi, đầy sức sống, đầy năng lượng
878. Fabulous /’fæbjuləs/: tuyệt vời
879. Fair /feə/: công bằng, ngay thẳng, không gian lận, hợp ý, đúng, phải
880. Faithful /’feiθful/: trung thành, chung thủy, có lương tâm, trung thực
881. Fantastic /fæn’tæstik/: tuyệt vời
882. Fawning /’fɔ:niη/: xu nịnh, bợ đỡ, nịnh hót
883. Fear (noun) /fɪr/: Nỗi sợ
884. Fearless /’fiəlis/: chẳng sợ điều gì, can đảm
885. Fickle /’finkl/: hay thay đổi, không kiên định, không chung thủy
886. Fine /fain/: tốt, khỏe, giỏi
887. Frank /fræηk/: ngay thẳng, thẳng thắn, bộc trực
888. Freakish /’fri:ki∫/: đồng bóng, hay thay đổi, quái đản, kỳ cục
889. Friendly /’ thân thiện, thân mật, thân thiết, giao hữu
890. Funny /’fʌni/: buồn cười, khôi hài, ngồ ngộ
891. Furious /’fjuəriəs/: giận dữ, điên tiết
892. Fussy /’fʌsi/: hay om sòm, hay quan trong hóa, hay nhắng nhít
893. Guilty/ˈgɪlti/ (adjective): Thấy tội lỗi
894. Happy/ˈhæpi/ (adjective): Vui vẻ
895. Huffish /’hʌfi∫/ or huffy /huffy/: cáu kỉnh, dễ phát khùng, hay giận dỗi, dễ nổi cáu
896. Hungry /ˈhʌŋgri/(adjective): Đói
897. Lonely /ˈloʊnli/(adjective): Cô đơn
898. Nervous/ˈnɜrvəs/ (adjective): Lo lắng
899. Sad/sæd/ (adjective): Buồn bã
900. Sick /sɪk/(adjective): Ốm yếu
901. Surprised/sərˈpraɪzd/ (adjective): Ngạc nhiên
902. Thirsty /ˈθɜrsti/(adjective): Khát
903. Tired /ˈtaɪərd/(adjective): Mệt mỏi
904. Worried/ˈwɜrid/ (adjective): Lo lắng
3. Các mối quan hệ

Chủ đề 14: Gia đình (Family)

905. Aunt/Ænt/ (noun): Người dì
906. Birth/bɜrθ/ (noun): Sự sinh ra, sự chào đời
907. Brother /ˈbrʌðər/(noun): Anh/em trai
908. Brother-in-law: anh/em rể
909. Close/kloʊs/ (adjective): Gần gũi, gắn bó
910. Cousin /ˈkʌzən/(noun): Anh chị em họ
911. Daughter/ˈdɔtər/ (noun): Con gái
912. Daughter-in-law: con dâu
913. Divorce/dɪˈvɔrs/ (verb) – (noun): Li hôn, li dị
914. Ex-wife /ɛks-waɪf/(noun): Vợ cũ
915. Father/ˈfɑðər/ (noun): Cha/Bố
916. Father-in-law: bố chồng/bố vợ
917. Goddaughter: con gái đỡ đầu
918. Godfather: bố đỡ đầu
919. Godmother: mẹ đỡ đầu
920. Godson: con trai đỡ đầu
921. Grandparents /ˈgrændˌpɛrənts/(noun): Ông bà
922. Half-brother: anh em cùng cha khác mẹ/cùng mẹ khác cha
923. Half-sister: chị em cùng cha khác mẹ/cùng mẹ khác cha
924. Husband /ˈhʌzbənd/(noun): Người chồng
925. Kid/Child /kɪd/ – /ʧaɪld/(noun): Con cái
926. Marry /ˈmɛri/(verb): Cưới
927. Mother/ˈmʌðər/ (noun): Mẹ
928. Mother-in-law/ˈmʌðərɪnˌlɔ/ (noun): Mẹ chồng
929. Mother-in-law: mẹ chồng/mẹ vợ
930. Niece/Nephew /nis/ – /ˈnɛfju/(noun): Cháu trai/Cháu gái (con của anh/chị/em)
931. Parents /ˈpɛrənts/(noun): Cha mẹ, phụ huynh
932. Pregnant /ˈprɛgnənt/(adjective): Mang thai
933. Relative/ˈrɛlətɪv/ (noun): Họ hàng
934. Sibling/ˈsɪblɪŋ/ (noun): Anh chị em
935. Sister/ˈsɪstər/ (noun): Chị em gái
936. Sister-in-law: chị/em dâu
937. Son/sʌn/ (noun): Con trai
938. Son-in-law: con rể
939. Stepbrother: con trai của bố dượng/mẹ kế
940. Stepdaughter: con gái riêng của chồng/vợ
941. Stepfather: bố dượng
942. Step-mom /stɛp-mɑm/(noun): Mẹ kế, dì ghẻ
943. Stepmother: mẹ kế
944. Stepsister: con gái của bố dượng/mẹ kế
945. Stepson: con trai riêng của chồng/vợ
946. Uncle /ˈʌŋkəl/(noun): Người chú/cậu/bác
947. Wife /waɪf/(noun): Người vợ

Chủ đề 15: Các mối quan hệ (Relationships)

948. A circle of friend: một nhóm bạn
949. Acquaintance /əˈkweɪntəns/ (noun): Người quen
950. Acquaintance/əˈkweɪn.təns/: người quen
951. Argue (verb) /ˈɑrgju/ : Tranh cãi, tranh luận
952. Boss/bɑs/ (noun): Sếp, cấp trên
953. Boyfriend/Girlfriend/ˈbɔɪˌfrɛnd/ – /ˈgɜrlˌfrɛnd/ (noun): Bạn trai/Bạn gái
954. Break up /breɪk ʌp/ (phrasal verb): Chia tay
955. Classmate/ˈklɑːs.meɪt/: bạn cùng lớp
956. Colleague/Coworker /ˈkɑlig/ – /ˈkoʊˈwɜrkər/(noun): Đồng nghiệp
957. Companion:/kəmˈpæn.jən/: bạn đồng hành
958. Conflict /ˈkɑnflɪkt/ (noun) – (verb): Bất đồng, xung đột
959. Couple/ˈkʌpəl/ (noun): Cặp đôi
960. Customer /ˈkʌstəmər/ (noun): Khách hàng
961. Date /deɪt/ (noun) – (verb): Cuộc hẹn hò, Hẹn hò
962. Emulate/ˈem.jə.leɪt/: cạnh tranh với ai đó
963. Enemy /ˈɛnəmi/ (noun): Kẻ thù
964. Friend/frɛnd/ (noun): Bạn bè
965. Friendship /ˈfrɛndʃɪp/ (noun): Tình bạn
966. Good/close/best friend/mate: bạn tốt
967. Hate/heɪt/ (verb): Ghét bỏ, căm ghé
968. Interact/ˌɪn.təˈrækt/: tương tác
969. Introduce /ˌɪntrəˈdus/ (verb): Giới thiệu
970. Love /lʌv/ (verb): Yêu – (noun): Tình yêu
971. Meet/mit/ (verb): Gặp gỡ, gặp mặt
972. Nemesis/ˈnem.ə.sɪs/: báo ứng
973. On-off relationship: bạn bình thường
974. Rival/ˈraɪ.vəl/: đối thủ
975. Schoolmate /ˈskuːl.meɪt/: bạn cùng trường
976. Soul mate: bạn tri kỷ

Chủ đề 16. Facebook:

977. Account setting: thiết lập tài khoản
978. Activity log: lịch sử đăng nhập
979. Archive: lưu trữ
980. Cover photo: ảnh bìa
981. Event: sự kiện
982. Facebook users: người dùng Facebook
983. Friend Requests: lời mời kết bạn
984. Group: hội, nhóm
985. Hide: ẩn
986. Information: thông tin
987. Message: tin nhắn
988. Notification: thông báo
989. Offline: ngoại tuyến
990. Online: trực tuyến
991. Page: fanpage
992. Photos: hình ảnh
993. Privacy setting: thiết lập cá nhân
994. Profile Picture / Avatar: ảnh đại diện
995. Profile: hồ sơ người dùng
996. Rate: đánh giá
997. React: phản ứng
998. Recent: gần đây
999. Review: nhận xét
1000. Social network: mạng xã hội
1001. Status: trạng thái
1002. Timeline: thời gian biểu cho tài khoản Facebook cá nhân
1003. Video: video
4. Từ vựng về các hoạt động trên Facebook:
1004. Add friends: thêm bạn bè
1005. Block: chặn
1006. Comment: bình luận, lời bình luận
1007. Communicate with: giao tiếp với
1008. Confirm: xác nhận
1009. Create: tạo (fanpage, nhóm, post)
1010. Delete: xóa
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1016. Like: thích
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1024. Spam (Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages): là những nội dung gây phiền toái
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1030. View all: xem tất cả
5. Sự vật xung quanh

Chủ đề 17: Trang phục (Clothing)

1031. Helmet /ˈhelmɪt/ mũ bảo hiểm
1032. Cowboy hat /ˈkaʊbɔɪ hæt/ mũ cao bồi
1033. Accessories/ækˈsɛsəriz/ (noun): Phụ kiện
1034. Anorak: áo khoác có mũ
1035. Balaclava /ˌbæl.əˈklɑː.və/ mũ len trùm đầu và cổ
1036. Baseball cap /ˈbeɪsbɔːl kæp/ mũ lưỡi trai
1037. Baseball cap /ˈbeɪsbɔːl kæp/ nón lưỡi trai
1038. Belt/bɛlt/ (noun): Thắt lưng
1039. Beret /bəˈreɪ/ mũ nồi
1040. Blouse/blaʊs/ (noun): Áo sơ mi (phụ nữ)
1041. Boot/but/ (noun): Ủng, bốt
1042. Boots /buːts/ bốt
1043. Bowler /ˈbəʊlər/ mũ quả dưa
1044. Boxer shorts: quần đùi
1045. Bucket hat /ˈbʌkɪt hæt/ mũ tai bèo
1046. Cardigan: áo len cài đằng trước
1047. Chunky heel /’tʃʌnki hi:l/ giày, dép đế thô
1048. Clog /klɔg/ guốc
1049. Coat/koʊt/ (noun): Áo khoác (độ dài qua thắt lưng)
1050. Deerstalker /ˈdɪəˌstɔː.kər/ mũ thợ săn
1051. Dockside /dɔk said/ giày lười Dockside
1052. Dress/drɛs/ (noun): Váy liền
1053. Fedora /fəˈdɔː.rə/ mũ phớt mềm
1054. Fit /fɪt/(verb): Vừa vặn, phù hợp
1055. Flat cap /ˌflæt ˈkæp/ mũ lưỡi trai
1056. Glasses/ˈglæsəz/ (noun): Mắt kính, cặp kính
1057. Glove /glʌv/(noun): Găng tay
1058. Handbag /ˈhændˌbæg/(noun): Túi xách
1059. Hard hat /ˈhɑːd hæt/ mũ bảo hộ
1060. Hat /hæt/ mũ
1061. Jacket/ˈʤækət/ (noun): Áo khoác (dài tới thắt lưng)
1062. Jeans /ʤinz/(noun): Quần jean
1063. Jumper: áo len
1064. Knee high boot /ni: hai bu:t/ bốt cao gót
1065. Loafer /‘loufə/ giày lười
1066. Moccasin /’mɔkəsin/ giày Mocca
1067. Monk /mʌɳk/ giày quai thầy tu
1068. Mortar board /ˈmɔːrtər bɔːrd/ mũ tốt nghiệp
1069. Pants /Pænts/(noun): Quần dài (Anh Mỹ)
1070. Pullover: áo len chui đầu
1071. Pyjama/pəˈjäməz/ (noun): Quần áo ngủ, pijama
1072. Sandals /ˈsændl/ dép xăng-đan
1073. Scarf /skɑrf/(noun): Khăn quàng cổ
1074. Shirt/ʃɜrt/ (noun): Áo sơ mi
1075. Shoes/ʃuz/ (noun): Đôi giày
1076. Short/ʃɔrt/ (noun): Quần sooc
1077. Size /saɪz/(noun): Kích cỡ quần áo
1078. Skirt /skɜrt/(noun): Chân váy
1079. Slip on /slip ɔn/ giày lười thể thao
1080. Snapback /snæp¸bæk / mũ lưỡi trai phẳng
1081. Sneaker /ˈsniːkə(r)/: giày thể thao
1082. Socks/sɑks/ (noun): Tất
1083. Stilettos /stɪˈletoʊ/ giày gót nhọn
1084. Suit/sut/ (noun): Bộ com lê
1085. Sweater /ˈswɛtər/(noun): Áo Len
1086. Sweater: áo len
1087. Swimsuit /ˈswɪmˌsut/(noun): Đồ bơi
1088. Tie/taɪ/ (noun): Cà vạt
1089. Top hat /tɒp hæt/ mũ chóp cao
1090. Top: áo
1091. Trousers/ˈtraʊzərz/ (noun): Quần dài (Anh Anh)
1092. Wedge boot /uh bu:t/ giầy đế xuồng
1093. Wellingtons /ˈwelɪŋtən/ ủng cao su

Chủ đề 18: vũ khí (weapons)

1094. Armor /ˌɑːrmər/: áo giáp
1095. Armored vehicle /ˈɑːrmərdˈviːhɪkl/: xe bọc thép
1096. Arrow /ˈærəʊ/: mũi tên
1097. Artillery attack /ɑːrˈtɪləri əˈtæk/: pháo kích
1098. Axe /æks/: rìu
1099. Bayonet /ˈbeɪənət/: lưỡi lê
1100. Biological weapon /ˌbaɪəˈlɑːdʒɪklˈwepən/: vũ khí sinh học
1101. Bomb /bɑːm/: bom
1102. Bow /bəʊ/: cung tên
1103. Bullet /ˈbʊlɪt/: viên đạn
1104. Canon /ˈkænən/: đại bác
1105. Chain /tʃeɪn/: dây xích
1106. Crossbow /ˈkrɔːsbəʊ/: nỏ
1107. Dart /dɑːrt/: phi tiêu
1108. Explosive /ɪkˈspləʊzɪv/: chất nổ
1109. Fighter jet /ˈfaɪtər dʒet/: máy bay chiến đấu
1110. Grenade /ɡrəˈneɪd/: lựu đạn
1111. Guided missile /ˌɡaɪdɪd ˈmɪsl/: tên lửa đạn đạo
1112. Halberd /ˈhælbərd/: kích
1113. Hammer /ˈhæmər/: búa
1114. Handcuffs /ˈhændkʌfs/: còng
1115. Handgun /ˈhændɡʌn/: súng ngắn
1116. Horse chopping saber /hɔːrsˈtʃɑːpɪŋˈseɪbər/: mã tấu
1117. Knife /naɪf/: dao
1118. Lethal weapon /ˈliːθlˈwepən/: vũ khí chết người
1119. Machete /məˈʃeti/: mác
1120. Machine gun /məˈʃiːn ɡʌn/: súng liên thanh
1121. Mass-destruction weapon /mæs dɪˈstrʌkʃnˈwepən/: vũ khí hủy diệt hàng loạt
1122. Mine /maɪn/: mìn
1123. Missile /ˈmɪsl/: tên lửa
1124. Nuclear bomb /ˈnuːkliər bɑːm/: bom hạt nhân
1125. Nunchaku /nʌn tʃɑːku/: côn nhị khúc
1126. Pepper spray /ˈpepər spreɪ/: bình xịt hơi cay
1127. Poison /ˈpɔɪzn/: thuốc độc
1128. Rake /reɪk/: cây đinh ba
1129. Rifle /ˈraɪfl/: súng trường
1130. Rod /rɑːd/: gậy
1131. Saber /ˈseɪbər/: đao
1132. Scissors /ˈsɪzərz/: kéo
1133. Sickle /ˈsɪkl/: lưỡi liềm
1134. Slingshot /ˈslɪŋʃɑːt/: ná
1135. Spear /spɪr/: cây giáo
1136. Surface to air missile /ˈsɜːfɪs tuː erˈmɪsl/: tên lửa đất đối không
1137. Sword /sɔːrd/: cây kiếm
1138. Taser /ˈteɪzər/: súng bắn điện
1139. Torpedo /tɔːrˈpiːdəʊ/: ngư lôi
1140. Whip /wɪp/: roi da

Chủ đề 19: Đồ ăn & Thức uống (Foods & Drinks)

1141. Bake /beɪk/(verb): Nướng bánh
1142. Beef/bif/ (noun): Thịt bò
1143. Beer/bɪr/ (noun): Bia
1144. Bitte/ˈbɪtər/r (adjective): Đắng
1145. Boil/bɔɪl/ (verb): Luộc, đun sôi
1146. Bread /brɛd/(noun): Bánh mì
1147. Chicken/ˈʧɪkən/ (noun): Thịt gà
1148. Coffee /ˈkɑfi/(noun): Cà phê
1149. Delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/(adjective): Ngon lành
1150. Drink (verb): Uống
1151. Eat /it/(verb): Ăn
1152. Fast food /fæst fud/(noun): Đồ ăn nhanh
1153. Fresh/frɛʃ/ (adjective): Tươi sống, tươi ngon
1154. Fruit/frut/ (noun): Trái cây
1155. Fry/fraɪ/ (verb): Chiên rán
1156. Grill /grɪl/(verb): Nướng
1157. Herb/ɜrb/ (noun): Thảo mộc
1158. Juice /ʤus/(noun): Nước ép
1159. Liquor/ˈlɪkə/ (noun): Rượu mạnh
1160. Meat /mit/(noun): Thịt
1161. Milk /mɪlk/(noun): Sữa
1162. Pork/pɔrk/ (noun): Thịt lợn
1163. Rice/raɪs/ (noun): Cơm
1164. Salty/ˈsɔlti/ (adjective): Mặn
1165. Sauce /sɔs/(noun): Nước sốt
1166. Seafood /ˈsiˌfud/(noun): Hải sản
1167. Snack /snæk/(noun): Món ăn nhẹ
1168. Soup/sup/ (noun): Món súp, món canh
1169. Sour /ˈsaʊər/(adjective): Chua
1170. Spice /spaɪs/(noun): Gia vị
1171. Spicy /ˈspaɪsi/(adjective): Cay
1172. Steam/stim/ (verb): Hấp
1173. Stir- fry /stɜr- fraɪ/(verb): Xào
1174. Sweet /swit/(adjective): Ngọt
1175. Tasty/ˈteɪsti/ (adjective): Ngon lành
1176. Tea/ti/ (noun): Trà
1177. Vegetable /ˈvɛʤtəbəl/(noun): Rau củ
1178. Wine/waɪn/ (noun): Rượu vang
Chủ đề 20: Nhà cửa (Houses & Buildings)
1179. Antique shop – /ænˈtiːk.ʃɑːp/: cửa hàng đồ cổ
1180. Antique shop: Cửa hàng đồ cổ
1181. Apartment/Flat/əˈpɑrtmənt/ – /flæt/ (noun): Căn hộ
1182. Architecture/ˈɑrkəˌtɛkʧər/ (noun): Kiến trúc
1183. Baker: Hiệu bánh
1184. Bakery – /ˈbeɪ.kɚ.i/: cửa hàng bánh ngọt
1185. Barbers: Hiệu cắt tóc
1186. Barbershop – /ˈbɑːr.bɚ.ʃɑːp/: hiệu cắt tóc nam
1187. Beauty salon – /ˈbjuː.t̬ i sə ˌlɑːn/: tiệm làm đẹp
1188. Beauty salon: Cửa hàng làm đẹp
1189. Bedroom/ˈbɛˌdrum/ (noun): Phòng ngủ
1190. Big-box store – /ˌbɪɡ.bɑːks ˈstɔːr/: cửa hàng tạp hóa (general store)
1191. Book club – /ˈbʊk ˌklʌb/: câu lạc bộ sách (bán sách cho thành viên với giá rẻ qua email hoặc đặt trư
1192. Bookshop – /ˈbʊk.ʃɑːp/: hiệu sách
1193. Bookstall – /ˈbʊk.stɑːl/: cửa hàng sách (quy mô rất nhỏ và bán nhiều loại tạp chí)
1194. Booth – /buːθ/: quán cóc, bốt điện thoại
1195. Bottle shop – /ˈbɑː.t̬ əl ˌʃɑːp/: cửa hàng bán rượu bia
1196. Boutique – /buːˈtiːk/: cửa hàng nhỏ bán quần áo, giày dép, …
1197. Bucket shop – /ˈbʌk.ɪt ˌʃɑːp/: đại lý vé máy bay giá rẻ, hoặc tổ chức dịch vụ du lịch giá r
1198. Build /bɪld/(verb): Xây dựng
1199. Builders’ merchant – /ˈbɪl.dɚ.ˈmɝː.tʃənt/: cửa hàng vật liệu xây dựng
1200. Building/ˈbɪldɪŋ/ (noun): Tòa nhà cao tầng
1201. Butcher shop – /ˈbʊtʃ.ərˌʃɑːp/: cửa hàng bán thịt
1202. Butchers: Cửa hàng bán thịt
1203. Café – /kæfˈeɪ/: quán cà phê
1204. Cash-and-carry – /ˌkæʃ.ənˈker.i/: cửa hàng bán buôn
1205. Chain store – /ˈtʃeɪn ˌstɔːr/: chuỗi cửa hàng
1206. Charity shop – /ˈtʃer.ɪ.t̬ i ˌʃɑːp/: cửa hàng bán đô từ thiện
1207. Chemists or pharmacy: Cửa hàng thuốc
1208. Chip shop – /ˈtʃɪp ˌʃɑːp/: cửa hàng bán đồ ăn mang đi (thường là khoai tây chiên, cá chiên…)
1209. Clothes shop: Cửa hàng quần áo
1210. Commissary – /ˈkɑː.mə.seri/: cửa hàng của nhà nước phục vụ cho các đối tượng đặc biệt (như quân
1211. Construct /kənˈstrʌkt/(verb): Thi công, xây dựng
1212. Convenience store – /kənˈviː.ni.əns ˌstɔːr/: cửa hàng tiện ích
1213. Corner shop – /ˈkɔːr.nɚ ˌʃɑːp/: cửa hàng nhỏ bán đồ ăn và những thứ lặt vặt
1214. Corner shop (uk): Cửa hàng góc phố (tạp hoá)
1215. Deli – /ˈdel.i/ – quầy bán đồ ăn nhanh
1216. Delicatessen – /ˌdel.ə.kəˈtes.ən/: cửa hàng bán đồ ăn ngon (thường nhập khẩu từ nước ngoài)
1217. Department store – /dɪˈpɑːrt.mənt ˌstɔːr/: trung tâm thương mại cao cấp
1218. Dime store – /daɪm.stɔːr/: cửa hàng bán đồ rẻ tiền
1219. Door /dɔr/(noun): Cánh cửa
1220. Dress shop: Cửa hàng quần áo
1221. Dry cleaners: Cửa hàng giặt khô
1222. Duty-free – /ˌduː.t̬ iˈfriː/: cửa hàng bán đồ miễn thuế
1223. Electrical shop: Cửa hàng đồ điện
1224. Elevator/Lift/ˈɛləˌveɪtər/ – /lɪft/ (noun): Thang máy
1225. Filling station – /ˈfɪl.ɪŋ ˌsteɪ.ʃən/: cửa hàng xăng dầu (petrol station)
1226. Flea market: Chợ trời
1227. Floor/flɔr/ (noun): (1) Tầng; (2) Sàn nhà
1228. Flower shop – /flaʊər ˌʃɑːp/: cửa hàng hoa
1229. Garage – /ɡəˈrɑːʒ/: cửa hàng sửa chữa và bán xe ô t
1230. Garden center – /ˈɡɑːr.dən ˌsen.t̬ ɚ/: nơi bán các loại hạt giống, cây trồng
1231. Garden/ˈgɑrdən/ (noun): Khu vườn
1232. Gift shop – /ˈɡɪft ˌʃɑːp/: cửa hàng bán đồ lưu niệm
1233. Greengrocers: Cửa hàng rau quả
1234. Haberdashery – /ˌhæb.ɚˈdæʃ.ɚ.i/: cửa hàng bán đồ kim chỉ, các dụng cụ may mặc (ở Mỹ: cửa hàng
1235. Hairdressers: Cửa hàng uốn tóc
1236. Hardware shop – /ˈhɑːrd.wer.ʃɑːp/: cửa hàng bán các vật dụng kim loại (ironmonger’s)
1237. Hardware store / ironmonger: Cửa hàng dụng cụ
1238. House /haʊs/(noun): Ngôi nhà
1239. Hypermarket – /ˈhaɪ.pɚˌmɑːr.kɪt/: siêu thị lớn (megastore)
1240. Junk shop – /ˈdʒʌŋk ˌʃɑːp/: cửa hàng bán đồ cũ
1241. Kitchen/ˈkɪʧən/ (noun): Phòng bếp
1242. Laundry – /ˈlɑːn.dri/: cửa hàng giặt ủi
1243. Liquor store – /ˈlɪk.ɚ ˌstɔːr/: quán bán rượu bia mang đi không phục vụ tại quán)
1244. Living room/ˈlɪvɪŋ rum/ (noun): Phòng khách
1245. Market : Chợ
1246. Newsagents: Quầy bán quần áo
1247. Newsstand – /ˈnuːz.stænd/: sạp báo (paper shop)
1248. Optician: Hiệu kính mắt
1249. Outfitter – /ˈaʊtˌfɪtər/: quầy bán đồ dã ngoại (quần áo, trại…)
1250. Perfumery – /pəˈfjuːm(ə)ri/: cửa hàng bán nước hoa
1251. Petrol station (uk) / gas station (us) => Trạm xăng
1252. Petshop => Hiệu thú nuôi
1253. Pharmacy – /ˈfɑːr.mə.si/: hiệu thuốc
1254. Rapery – /ˈdreɪ.pɚ.i/: cửa hàng đồ may mặc
1255. Real estate/riəl ɪˈsteɪt/ (noun): Bất động sản
1256. Roof /ruf/(noun): Mái nhà
1257. Service center – /ˈsɝː.vɪs.ˈsen.t̬ ɚ/: cửa hàng bán đồ phụ tùng
1258. Service station – /ˈsɝː.vɪs ˌsteɪ.ʃən/: cửa hàng bán xăng, dầu
1259. Shoe repair shop: Cửa hàng sửa chữa giầy dép
1260. Shoe shop: Cửa hàng giầy
1261. Skyscraper/ˈskaɪˌskreɪpər/ (noun): Nhà chọc trời
1262. Sports shop: Cửa hàng đồ thể thao
1263. Stair /stɛr/(noun): Cầu thang
1264. Stationers: Cửa hàng văn phòng phẩm
1265. Stationery shop – /ˈsteɪ.ʃə.ner.i.ʃɑːp/: cửa hàng văn phòng phẩm
1266. Supermarket – /ˈsuː.pɚˌmɑːr.kɪt/: siêu thị
1267. Sweet shop – /ˈswiːt ˌʃɑːp/: cửa hàng bánh kẹo
1268. Tailors: Hàng may
1269. Tattoo parlour = tattoo studio: Hàng xăm
1270. Tea shop (uk): Quán trà
1271. Tower/ˈtaʊər/ (noun): Tòa tháp
1272. Toy shop: Cửa hàng đồ chơi
1273. Villa /ˈvɪlə/(noun): Biệt thự
1274. Yard /jɑrd/(noun): Sân
Chủ đề 21: Nội thất (furniture):
1275. Air conditional: Điều hòa
1276. Armchair: Ghế có chỗ hai bên để tay
1277. Bariermatting: Thảm chùi chân ở cửa
1278. Bath: Bồn tắm
1279. Bed: Giường thông thường
1280. Bedside table: Bàn bên cạnh giường
1281. Bench: Ghế dài, ghế ngồi ở nghị viện, quan tòa
1282. Bookcase: Tủ sách
1283. Carpet: Thảm thông thường
1284. Chair: Ghế thông thường
1285. Chandelier: Đèn chùm, đèn treo nhiều ngọn
1286. Chest of drawers: Tủ ngăn kéo
1287. Chest: tủ, két
1288. Closet: tủ âm tường
1289. Coat hanger: Móc treo quần áo
1290. Coffee table: Bàn uống nước, bàn cà phê
1291. Couch: Ghế dài giống như giường, ghế trường kỷ
1292. Curtain: Rèm, màn
1293. Cushion: Đệm
1294. Desk / table: Bàn thông thường
1295. Double bed: Giường đôi
1296. Dresser: Tủ thấp có nhiều ngăn kéo (Anh-Anh )
1297. Dressing table: Bàn trang điểm
1298. Drinks cabinet: Tủ đựng giấy tờ công việc
1299. Electric fire: Lò sưởi hoạt động bằng điện
1300. Ensuite bathroom: Buồng tắm trong phòng ngủ
1301. Fireplace: Lò sưởi
1302. Fridge: Cái tủ lạnh
1303. Gas fire: Lò sưởi hoạt động bằng ga
1304. Heater: Bình nóng lạnh
1305. Hoover / Vacuum/ Cleaner: Máy hút bụi
1306. Internet access: Mạng Internet
1307. Locker: tủ nhiều ngăn, có khóa mỗi ngăn
1308. Ottoman: Ghế dài có đệm
1309. Poster: Bức ảnh lớn trong nhà
1310. Radiator: Lò sưởi Cup broad: Tủ đựng bát đũa
1311. Reading lamp: Đèn học
1312. Recliner: Ghế đệm thông minh,để thư giãn,có thể điều chỉnh phần gác chân
1313. Rocking chair: ghế lật đật
1314. Shower: Vòi hoa sen
1315. Side broad: Tủ ly
1316. Side table: Bàn để sát tường
1317. Single bed: Giường đơn
1318. Sink: bồn rửa
1319. Sofa bed: Giường sofa
1320. Sofa: Ghế tràng kỷ, ghế xô pha
1321. Spin dryer: Máy sấy quần áo
1322. Standing lamp: Đèn để bàn
1323. Stool: Ghế đẩu
1324. Television: Tivi
1325. Wall lamp: Đèn tường
1326. Wardrobe: Tủ đựng quần áo
1327. Window curtain: rèm cửa sổ

Chủ đề 22: Thể thao (Sports)

1328. Aerobics [eə’roubiks]: thể dục thẩm mỹ/thể dục nhịp điệu
1329. American football: bóng bầu dục
1330. Archery [‘ɑ:t∫əri]: bắn cung
1331. Athlete /ˈæˌθlit/(noun): Vận động viên
1332. Athletics [æθ’letiks]: điền kinh
1333. Badminton [‘bædmintən]: cầu lông
1334. Badminton/ˈbædˌmɪntən/ (noun): Môn cầu lông
1335. Baseball /beɪs bɔl/(noun): Bóng chày
1336. Baseball [‘beisbɔ:l]: bóng chày
1337. Basketball [‘bɑ:skitbɔ:l]: bóng rổ
1338. Basketball/ˈbæskətˌbɔl/: Bóng rổ
1339. Beach volleyball: bóng chuyền bãi biển
1340. Beat /bit/(verb): Đánh bại
1341. Bowls [boul]: trò ném bóng gỗ
1342. Boxing [‘bɔksiη]: đấm bốc
1343. Canoeing [kə’nu:]: chèo thuyền ca-nô
1344. Champion/ˈʧæmpiən/ (noun): Nhà vô địch
1345. Climbing [‘klaimiη]: leo núi
1346. Coach/koʊʧ/ (noun): Huấn luyện viên
1347. Competition /ˌkɑmpəˈtɪʃən/(noun): Cuộc thi
1348. Competition: cuộc thi đấu
1349. Cricket [‘krikit]: crikê
1350. Cycling [‘saikliη]: đua xe đạp
1351. Darts [dɑ:t]: trò ném phi tiêu
1352. Defeat: đánh bại/thua trận
1353. Diving [‘daiviη]: lặn
1354. Fishing [‘fi∫iη]: câu cá
1355. Fixture: cuộc thi đấu
1356. Football [‘futbɔ:l]: bóng đá
1357. Football/Soccer/ˈfʊtˌbɔl/ – /ˈsɑkər/ (noun): Môn bóng đá
1358. Game/geɪm/ (noun): Trận đấu, ván đấu (thường dùng cho các môn với các cầu thủ không chuyên)
1359. Golf [gɔlf]: đánh gôn
1360. Gymnastics [,dʒim’næstiks]: tập thể hình
1361. Handball [‘hændbɔ:l]: bóng ném
1362. Hiking [haik]: đi bộ đường dài
1363. Hockey [‘hɔki]: khúc côn cầu
1364. Horse racing: đua ngựa
1365. Horse riding: cưỡi ngựa
1366. Hunting [‘hʌntiη]: đi săn
1367. Ice hockey: khúc côn cầu trên sân băng
1368. Ice skating: trượt băng
1369. Inline skating hoặc rollerblading: trượt pa-tanh
1370. Jogging [‘dʒɔgiη]: chạy bộ
1371. Jogging/ˈʤɑgɪŋ/ (noun): Chạy bộ
1372. Judo [‘dʒu:dou]: võ judo
1373. Karate [kə’rɑ:ti]: võ karate
1374. Karting [ka:tiη]: đua xe kart (ô tô nhỏ không mui)
1375. Kickboxing: võ đối kháng
1376. Lacrosse [lə’krɔs]: bóng vợt
1377. Martial arts: võ thuật
1378. Match/mæʧ/ (noun): Trận đấu (dùng cho bóng đá, bóng bầu dục, cầu lông,… có 2 cầu thủ/2 đội đối
1379. Motor racing: đua ô tô
1380. Mountaineering [,maunti’niəriη: leo núi
1381. Net: lưới
1382. Netball [‘netbɔ:l]: bóng rổ nữ
1383. Offside: việt vị
1384. Opponent /əˈpoʊnənt/(noun): Đối thủ
1385. Pass: chuyền bóng
1386. Penalty: phạt đền
1387. Player: cầu thủ
1388. Pool [pu:l]: bi-a
1389. Practice/ˈpræktəs/ (verb): Luyện tập
1390. Referee/ˌrɛfəˈri/ (noun): Trọng tài
1391. Rowing [‘rauiη]: chèo thuyền
1392. Rugby [‘rʌgbi]: bóng bầu dục
1393. Running [‘rʌniη]: chạy đua
1394. Running/ˈrʌnɪŋ/ (noun): Chạy bộ
1395. Sailing [‘seiliη]: chèo thuyền
1396. Score/skɔr/ (noun): Điểm số
1397. Scuba diving [‘sku:bə] [‘daiviη]: lặn có bình khí
1398. Shooting [‘∫u:tiη]: bắn súng
1399. Skateboarding [skeit] [‘bɔ:diη]: trượt ván
1400. Skiing [‘ski:iη]: trượt tuyết
1401. Snooker [‘snu:kə]: bi-a
1402. Snowboarding [snou] [‘bɔ:diη]: trượt tuyết ván
1403. Sporty/ˈspɔrti/ (adjective): Có tính chất thể thao
1404. Squash [skwɔ∫]: bóng quần
1405. Stadium /ˈsteɪdiəm/(noun): Sân vận động
1406. Surfing [‘sɜ:fiη]: lướt sóng
1407. Swimming [‘swimiη]: bơi lội
1408. Swimming/ˈswɪmɪŋ/ (noun): Môn bơi lội
1409. Table tennis: bóng bàn
1410. Team /tim/(noun): Đội
1411. Tennis /ˈtɛnəs/(noun): Môn quần vợt
1412. Ten-pin bowling: bowling
1413. Tournament/ˈtʊrnəmənt/ (noun): Giải đấu
1414. Volleyball /ˈvɑliˌbɔl/(noun): Bóng chuyền
1415. Volleyball [‘vɔlibɔ:l]: bóng chuyền
1416. Walking: đi bộ
1417. Water polo [‘poulou]: bóng nước
1418. Water skiing: lướt ván nước do tàu kéo
1419. Weightlifting [‘weit’liftiη]: cử tạ
1420. Windsurfing [‘windsə:fiη]: lướt ván buồm
1421. Wrestling [‘resliη]: môn đấu vật

Chủ đề 19: Giao thông (Transportation)

1422. Airplane/ɛr pleɪn/ (noun): Máy bay
1423. Airport /ˈɛrˌpɔrt/(noun): Sân bay
1424. Arrival /əˈraɪvəl/(noun): Sự tới nơi, sự cập bến
1425. Bike/baɪk/ (noun): Xe đạp
1426. Boat/boʊt/ (noun): Thuyền
1427. Bus stop/bʌs stɑp/ (noun): Trạm dừng xe buýt
1428. Bus/bʌs/ (noun): Xe buýt
1429. Car/kɑr/ (noun): Xe ô tô
1430. Delay /dɪˈleɪ/(verb): Chậm trễ, trì hoãn (chuyến bay)
1431. Departure/dɪˈpɑrʧər/ (noun): Sự rời đi
1432. Drive/draɪv/ (verb): Lái xe
1433. Get on/get off/gɛt ɑn/ – /gɛt ɔf/: Lên xe/Xuống xe
1434. Motorbike/ˈmoʊtərˌbaɪk/ (noun): Xe máy
1435. Passenger/ˈpæsənʤər/ (noun): Hành khách
1436. Public transportation/ˈpʌblɪk ˌtrænspərˈteɪʃən/ (noun): Phương tiện giao thông công cộng
1437. Ride/raɪd/ (noun): Chuyến đi; (verb): Lái xe máy, cưỡi ngựa
1438. Road/roʊd/ (noun): Con đường
1439. Rush hour /rʌʃ ˈaʊər/(noun): Giờ cao điểm
1440. Ship/ʃɪp/ (noun): Tàu thủy
1441. Station/ˈsteɪʃən/ (noun): Ga (tàu)
1442. Subway/ˈsʌˌbweɪ/ (noun): Tàu điện ngầm
1443. Taxi /ˈtæksi/(noun): Xe taxi
1444. Traffic jam /ˈtræfɪk ʤæm/(noun): Tắc đường, ùn tắc giao thông
1445. Traffic/ˈtræfɪk/ (noun): Giao thông
1446. Train/treɪn/ (noun): Tàu hỏa
1447. Transport /ˈtrænspɔrt/(noun): Sự chuyên chở; (verb): Chuyên chở, vận tải

Chủ đề 23: Nhà bếp (Kitchen)

1448. Blender /ˈblɛndər/(noun): Máy xay sinh tố
1449. Bowl /boʊl/(noun): Bát, tô
1450. Breakfast /ˈbrɛkfəst/(noun): Bữa sáng
1451. Chopstick /ˈʧɑpˌstɪk/(noun): Đũa
1452. Cup/kʌp/ (noun): Tách, chén
1453. Cupboard /ˈkʌbərd/(noun): Tủ bếp, tủ chạn
1454. Cutting board /ˈkʌtɪŋ bɔrd/(noun): Thớt
1455. Dinner /ˈdɪnər/(noun): Bữa tối
1456. Dish/dɪʃ/ (noun): (1) Cái đĩa; (2) Món ăn
1457. Dishwasher/ˈdɪˌʃwɑʃər/ (noun): Máy rửa bát
1458. Fire /ˈfaɪər/(noun): Lửa
1459. Fork /fɔrk/(noun): Cái dĩa
1460. Glass /glæs/(noun): Cái ly
1461. Heat/hit/ (noun): Hơi nóng, sức nóng
1462. Knife/naɪf/ (noun): Con dao
1463. Lunch/lʌnʧ/ (noun): Bữa trưa
1464. Microwave oven /ˈmaɪkrəˌweɪv ˈʌvən/(noun): Lò vi sóng
1465. Napkin/ˈnæpkɪn/ (noun): Khăn ăn, giấy ăn
1466. Oven/ˈʌvən/ (noun): Lò nướng
1467. Pan/pæn/ (noun): Cái chảo
1468. Pot/pɑt/ (noun): Nồi
1469. Sink /sɪŋk/(noun): Chậu rửa
1470. Spoon/spun/ (noun): Cái thìa
1471. Stove/stoʊv/ (noun): Bếp ga, bếp lò

Chủ đề 24: Phòng khách (Living room)

1472. Air conditioner/ɛr kənˈdɪʃənər/ (noun): Máy điều hòa không khí
1473. Armchair/ˈɑrmˌʧɛr/ (noun): Ghế bành
1474. Bookshelf/Bookcase/ˈbʊkˌʃɛlf/ – /ˈbʊkˌkeɪs/ (noun): Giá sách, kệ sách
1475. Carpet /ˈkɑrpət/(noun): Thảm
1476. Chair/ʧɛr/ (noun): Ghế tựa
1477. Clock /klɑk/(noun): Đồng hồ treo tường/để bàn
1478. Curtain/ˈkɜrtən/ (noun): Rèm cửa
1479. Cushion/ˈkʊʃən/ (noun): Gối tựa (trên ghế sofa)
1480. Desk/dɛsk/ (noun): Bàn làm việc
1481. Fan/fæn/ (noun): Cái quạt
1482. Lamp/læmp/ (noun): Đèn bàn
1483. Picture /ˈpɪkʧər/(noun): Bức tranh/ảnh
1484. Remote control /rɪˈmoʊt kənˈtroʊl/(noun): Điều khiển từ xa
1485. Sofa/ˈsoʊfə/ (noun): ghế sofa
1486. Table/ˈteɪbəl/ (noun): Cái bàn
1487. Television/ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən/ (noun): Cái tivi
1488. Vase /vɑz/(noun): Bình hoa, lọ hoa

Chủ đề 25: Phòng ngủ (Bedroom)

1489. Bed/bɛd/ (noun): Cái giường
1490. Blanket /ˈblæŋkɪt/(noun): Cái chăn
1491. Closet/ˈklɑzət/ (noun): Tủ quần áo
1492. Comfortable/ˈkʌmfərtəbəl/ (adjective): Thoải mái, dễ chịu
1493. Drawer (noun): Ngăn kéo
1494. Dressing table/ˈdrɛsɪŋ ˈteɪbəl/ (noun): Bàn trang điểm
1495. Mattress (noun): Cái đệm
1496. Mirror (noun): Cái gương
1497. Pillow /ˈpɪloʊ/(noun): Cái gối
1498. Rest /rɛst/(verb): Nghỉ ngơi
1499. Sleep /slip/(verb): Đi ngủ; (noun): Giấc ngủ
1500. Wardrobe/ˈwɔrˌdroʊb/ (noun): Tủ quần áo

Chủ đề 26: Phòng tắm (Bathroom)

1501. Bathtub/bæθtəb/ (noun): Bồn tắm
1502. Comb /koʊm/(noun): Cái lược; (verb): chải tóc
1503. Conditioner/kənˈdɪʃənər/ (noun): Dầu xả
1504. Detergent /dɪˈtɜrʤənt/(noun): Chất tẩy rửa, bột giặt
1505. Faucet /ˈfɔsət/(noun): Vòi nước
1506. Hair dryer/ˈdraɪər/ (noun): Máy sấy tóc
1507. Hairbrush/’hɜr,brəʃ / (noun): Lược chải tóc
1508. Hanger/ˈhæŋər/ (noun): Mắc quần áo
1509. Laundry /ˈlɔndri/(noun): Quần áo cần giặt, tiệm giặt là
1510. Mop/mɑp/ (noun): Chổi lau nhà; (verb): Lau nhà
1511. Razor/ˈreɪzər/ (noun): Dao cạo râu
1512. Scissor /ˈsɪzər/(noun): Cái kéo
1513. Shampoo /ʃæmˈpu/(noun): Dầu gội đầu
1514. Shave /ʃeɪv/(verb): Cạo râu, cạo lông
1515. Shower/ˈʃaʊər/ (verb): Tắm; (noun): Buồng tắm đứng
1516. Soap/soʊp/ (noun): Xà phòng
1517. Toilet /ˈtɔɪlət/(noun): Nhà vệ sinh
1518. Toilet paper/ˈtɔɪlət ˈpeɪpər/ (noun): Giấy vệ sinh
1519. Toothbrush /ˈtuθbrəʃ/(noun): Bàn chải đánh răng
1520. Toothpaste/ˈtuθˌpeɪst/ (noun): Kem đánh răng
1521. Towel /ˈtaʊəl/(noun): khăn tắm
1522. Trash can /træʃ kæn/(noun): Thùng rác
1523. Washing machine /ˈwɑʃɪŋ məˈʃin/(noun): Máy giặt

Chủ đề 27: Thành phố (City)

1524. Bakery /ˈbeɪkəri/(noun): Tiệm bánh
1525. Bank /Bæŋk/(noun): Ngân hàng
1526. Bar /bɑr/(noun): quán bar
1527. Bus stop/bʌs stɑp/ (noun): Trạm dừng xe buýt
1528. Café /kəˈfeɪ/(noun): Quán cà phê
1529. Citizen/ˈsɪtəzən/ (noun): Cư dân thành phố, công dân
1530. City hall /ˈsɪti hɔl/(noun): Tòa thị chính
1531. Court/kɔrt/ (noun): Tòa án
1532. Dwell /dwɛl/(verb): Cư trú, ở tại
1533. Gas station /gæs ˈsteɪʃən/(noun): Trạm xăng
1534. Grocery store/ˈgroʊsəri stɔr/ (noun): Cửa hàng tạp hóa
1535. Hotel/hoʊˈtɛl/ (noun): Khách sạn
1536. Library /ˈlaɪˌbrɛri/(noun): Thư viện
1537. Movie theater/Cinema /ˈmuvi ˈθiətər/ – /ˈsɪnəmə/(noun): Rạp chiếu phim
1538. Museum/mjuˈziəm/ (noun): Bảo tàng
1539. Park /pɑrk/(noun): Công viên; (verb): Đỗ (xe)
1540. Parking lot/ˈpɑrkɪŋ lɑt/ (noun): Bãi đỗ xe
1541. Police station /pəˈlis ˈsteɪʃən/(noun): Đồn cảnh sát
1542. Post office/poʊst ˈɔfəs/ (noun): Bưu điện
1543. Restaurant/ˈrɛstəˌrɑnt/ (noun): Nhà hàng
1544. Road/roʊd/ (noun): Con đường
1545. Shopping mall /ˈʃɑpɪŋ mɔl/(noun): Trung tâm thương mại
1546. Store/stɔr/ (noun): Cửa hàng
1547. Street/strit/ (noun): Phố
1548. Supermarket /ˈsupərˌmɑrkɪt/(noun): Siêu thị
Đặt hẹn
6. Cuộc sống thường ngày
Chủ đề 28: Giáo dục (Education)
1549. Biology/baɪˈɑləʤi/ (noun): Sinh học
1550. Calculator/ˈkælkjəˌleɪtər/ (noun): Máy tính cầm tay
1551. Chemistry/ˈkɛmɪstri/ (noun): Hóa học
1552. Class/Klæs/ (noun): Lớp học
1553. College /ˈkɑlɪʤ/(noun): Trường cao đẳng
1554. Computer science/kəmˈpjutər ˈsaɪəns/ (noun): Tin học
1555. Computer/kəmˈpjutər/ (noun): Máy tính
1556. Degree /dɪˈgri/(noun): Bằng
1557. Eraser/ɪˈreɪsər/ (noun): Cục tẩy
1558. Exam/ɪgˈzæm/ (noun): Bài thi
1559. Final exam/ˈfaɪnəl ɪgˈzæm/: Bài thi cuối kì
1560. Geography /ʤiˈɑgrəfi/(noun): Địa lý
1561. Graduate /ˈgræʤuɪt/(verb): Tốt nghiệp
1562. High school /haɪ skul/(noun): Trường trung học phổ thông
1563. History /ˈhɪstəri/(noun): Môn lịch sử, lịch sử
1564. Kindergarten/ˈkɪndərˌgɑrtən/ (noun): Trường mầm non, mẫu giáo
1565. Laboratory/Lab/ˈlæbrəˌtɔri/ – /læb/ (noun): Phòng thí nghiệm
1566. Learn/lɜrn/ (verb): Học hỏi
1567. Lecture /ˈlɛkʧər/(noun): Bài giảng
1568. Lecturer /ˈlɛkʧərər/(noun): Giảng viên
1569. Literature /ˈlɪtərəʧər/(noun): Văn học
1570. Mathematics/Maths /ˌmæθəˈmætɪks/ – /mæθ/(noun): Toán học
1571. Mid-term exam/mɪd-tɜrm ɪgˈzæm/: Bài thi giữa kì
1572. Notebook/ˈnoʊtˌbʊk/ (noun): Quyển vở, quyển sổ
1573. Pen/pɛn/ (noun): Bút mực, bút bi
1574. Pencil/ˈpɛnsəl/ (noun): Bút chì
1575. Period /ˈpɪriəd/(noun): Tiết học
1576. Physical education/ˈfɪzɪkəl ˌɛʤəˈkeɪʃən/: Môn thể dục
1577. Physics /ˈfɪzɪks/(noun): Môn vật lí
1578. Primary school /ˈpraɪˌmɛri skul/(noun): Trường tiểu học
1579. Principal /ˈprɪnsəpəl/(noun): Hiệu trưởng
1580. Professor/prəˈfɛsər/ (noun): Giáo sư
1581. Ruler /ˈrulər/(noun): Thước kẻ
1582. School year /skul jɪr/(noun): Năm học
1583. School/skul/ (noun): Trường học
1584. Secondary school /ˈsɛkənˌdɛri skul/(noun): Trường trung học cơ sở
1585. Semester /səˈmɛstər/(noun): Học kì
1586. Student /ˈstudənt/(noun): Học sinh, sinh viên
1587. Study (verb): Học tập
1588. Subject /ˈsʌbʤɪkt/(noun): Môn học
1589. Teacher/ˈtiʧər/ (noun): Giáo viên
1590. Test/tɛst/ (noun): Bài kiểm tra
1591. Textbook/ˈtɛkstˌbʊk/ (noun): Sách giáo khoa
1592. Uniform /ˈjunəˌfɔrm/(noun): Đồng phục
1593. University/ˌjunəˈvɜrsəti/ (noun): Trường đại học

Chủ đề 29: Sức khỏe (Health)

1594. Ache /eɪk/(noun): Cơn đau; (verb): Đau
1595. Backache/ˈbæˌkeɪk/ (noun): Đau lưng
1596. Bandage/ˈbændɪʤ/ (noun): Băng cá nhân
1597. Bleed/blid/ (verb): Chảy máu
1598. Broken arm/ˈbroʊkən ɑrm/: Gãy tay
1599. Broken leg/ˈbroʊkən lɛg/: Gãy chân
1600. Broken/ˈbroʊkən/ (adjective): Gãy
1601. Bruise /bruz/(noun): Vết bầm tím
1602. Clinic/ˈklɪnɪk/ (noun): Phòng khám
1603. Cold /koʊld/(noun): Cảm lạnh
1604. Cure/kjʊr/ (verb): Chữa trị; (noun): Cách chữa trị
1605. Diet/ˈdaɪət/ (noun): Chế độ ăn uống, ăn kiêng
1606. Disease /dɪˈziz/(noun): Căn bệnh
1607. Disorder/dɪˈsɔrdər/ (noun): Chứng rối loạn
1608. Dizzy/ˈdɪzi/ (adjective): Hoa mắt chóng mặt
1609. Doctor/ˈdɑktər/ (noun): Bác sĩ
1610. Fever/ˈfivər/ (noun): Cơn sốt
1611. Flu/flu/ (noun): Bệnh cảm cúm
1612. Hea/hill/(verb): Chữa lành, lành lại
1613. Headache /ˈhɛˌdeɪk/(noun): Đau đầu
1614. Healthy /ˈhɛlθi/(adjective): Lành mạnh, tốt cho sức khỏe
1615. Hospital/ˈhɑˌspɪtəl/ (noun): Bệnh viện
1616. Ill/ɪl/ (adjective): Bị ốm
1617. Illness/ˈɪlnəs/ (noun): Căn bệnh
1618. Medicine/Drug/ˈmɛdəsən/ – /drʌg/ (noun): Thuốc
1619. Nurse /nɜrs/(noun): Y tá
1620. Obesity /oʊˈbisəti/(noun): Bệnh béo phì
1621. Patient/ˈpeɪʃənt/ (noun): Bệnh nhân
1622. Pharmacy/Drug store/ˈfɑrməsi/ – /drʌg stɔr/: Nhà thuốc
1623. Pill /pɪl/(noun): Viên thuốc
1624. Sick/sɪk/ (adjective): Bị ốm
1625. Stomach Ache/ˈstʌmək–eɪk / (noun): Đau bụng, đau dạ dày
1626. Surgery/ˈsɜrʤəri/ (noun): Ca phẫu thuật
1627. Toothache/tuθ–eɪk / (noun): Đau răng
1628. Wound/wund/ (noun): Vết thương

Chủ đề 30: Sở thích (Hobbies)

1629. Activity/ækˈtɪvɪti/ (noun): Hoạt động
1630. Baking/beɪk/ (noun): Nướng bánh
1631. Ballet/bæˈleɪ/ (noun): Múa ba lê
1632. Chess /ʧɛs/(noun): Cờ vua
1633. Collect/kəˈlɛkt/ (verb): Sưu tầm, thu thập
1634. Cook /kʊk/(verb): Nấu nướng
1635. Dance – /dæns/: Nhảy
1636. Dance /dæns/(verb): Nhảy múa
1637. Fishing /’fɪʃɪŋ/(noun): Câu cá
1638. Gardening – /ˈɡɑːr.dən/: Làm vườn
1639. Gardening/ˈgɑrdəɪŋ/ (noun): Làm vườn
1640. Go for a walk – /gəʊ fɔːr ə wɔːk/: Đi dạo
1641. Go partying – /gəʊ ˈpɑːtɪɪŋ/: Đi dự tiệc
1642. Go shopping – /gəʊ ˈʃɒpɪŋ/: Đi mua sắm
1643. Go swimming – /gəʊ ˈswɪmɪŋ/: Đi bơi
1644. Go to gym – /gəʊ tuː ʤɪm/: Đi tập thể hình
1645. Go to the pub – /gəʊ tuː ðə pʌb/: Đến quán bia, rượu
1646. Hang out with friends – /hæŋ/: Đi chơi với bạn
1647. Hobby/ˈhɑbi/ (noun): Sở thích
1648. Jogging – /ˈdʒɑː.ɡɪŋ/: Chạy bộ
1649. Knitting /’nɪtɪŋ/(noun): Đan len
1650. Leisure/Free time /ˈlɛʒər/ – /fri taɪm/(noun): Thời gian rảnh
1651. Listen to music – /ˈlɪs.ən tə ˈmjuː.zɪk/: Nghe nhạc
1652. Listening + to music/ˈlɪsənɪŋ/ + tu ˈmjuzɪk: Nghe nhạc
1653. Mountaineering – /ˌmaʊn.tənˈɪr.ɪŋ/: Đi leo núi
1654. Musical instrument/ˈmjuzɪkəl ˈɪnstrəmənt/ (noun): Nhạc cụ
1655. Play sports – /pleɪ spɔːts/: Chơi thể thao
1656. Read books – /ri:d bʊks/: Đọc sách
1657. Reading/ridɪŋ/ (noun): Đọc sách
1658. Relax/rɪˈlæks/ (verb): Thư giãn
1659. Sewing/soʊɪŋ/ (noun): May vá
1660. Sing – /sɪŋ/: Hát
1661. Sleep – /slip/: Ngủ
1662. Surf net – /sɜːf nɛt/: Lướt net
1663. Take photographs – /teɪk ˈfəʊ.tə.ɡrɑːf/: Chụp ảnh
1664. Travel – /ˈtræv.əl/: Du lịch
1665. Watching + TV/movie/wɑʧɪŋ/ + ˈtiˈvi/ˈmuvi (verb): Xem TV/phim

Chủ đề 31: Mua sắm (Shopping)

1666. Afford/əˈfɔrd/ (verb): Có khả năng chi trả
1667. Affordable /əˈfɔrdəbəl/(adjective): Giá cả hợp lí, phải chăng
1668. Aisle /aɪl/: lối đi giữa các dãy hàng
1669. Bargain/ˈbɑrgən/ (verb): Trả giá, mặc cả
1670. Basket /ˈbæskɪt/: cái rổ, cái giỏ, cái thúng
1671. Basket/ˈbæskət/ (noun): Giỏ hàng
1672. Bookstore /ˈbʊkˌstɔr/(noun): Hiệu sách
1673. Cart/kɑrt/ (noun): Xe đẩy trong siêu thị
1674. Cash /kæʃ/: tiền mặt
1675. Cashier /kæˈʃɪr/: nhân viên thu ngân
1676. Cashier/kæˈʃɪr/ (noun): Nhân viên thu ngân
1677. Cheap/ʧip/ (adjective): Rẻ
1678. Clerk/klɜrk/ (noun): Nhân viên bán hàng
1679. Clothing shop/Boutique /ˈkloʊðɪŋ ʃɑp/ – /buˈtik/(noun): Cửa hàng quần áo, thời trang
1680. Complain /kəmˈpleɪn/(verb): Phàn nàn
1681. Complaint /kəmˈpleɪnt/: lời phàn nàn
1682. Convenience store/kənˈvinjəns stɔr/ (noun): Cửa hàng tiện lợi
1683. Counter /ˈkaʊntər/: quầy
1684. Credit card /ˈkredɪt kɑːrd/: thẻ tín dụng
1685. Credit card /ˈkrɛdət kɑrd/(noun): Thẻ tín dụng
1686. Customer/ˈkʌstəmər/ (noun): Khách hàng
1687. Discount /dɪˈskaʊnt/(noun): Ưu đãi, giảm giá
1688. Discount /ˈdɪskaʊnt/: chiết khấu
1689. Expensive /ɪkˈspɛnsɪv/(adjective): Đắt đỏ
1690. Fitting room /ˈfɪtɪŋ ruːm/: phòng thay đồ
1691. In stock /ɪn stɑːk/: còn hàng
1692. Mall/Department store/mɔl/ – /dɪˈpɑrtmənt stɔr/ (noun): Trung tâm thương mại
1693. Manager /ˈmænɪdʒər/: quản lí cửa hàng
1694. Out of stock /aʊt əv stɑːk/: hết hàng
1695. Out of stock/aʊt ʌv stɑk/: Hết hàng, cháy hàng
1696. Price /praɪs/(noun): Giá cả
1697. Price /praɪs/: giá
1698. Purse /pɜːrs/: ví phụ nữ
1699. Queue /kjuː/: xếp hàng
1700. Receipt /rɪˈsiːt/: giấy biên nhận
1701. Receipt /rɪˈsit/(noun): Hóa đơn
1702. Refund /ˈriːfʌnd/: hoàn tiền
1703. Refund /ˈriˌfʌnd/(verb): Hoàn lại tiền; (noun): sự hoàn tiền
1704. Sale /seɪl/: giảm giá
1705. Salon /səˈlɑn/(noun): salon làm đẹp
1706. Shelf /ʃelf/: kệ, ngăn, giá
1707. Shop assistant /ˈʃɑːp əsɪstənt/: nhân viên bán hàng
1708. Shop window /ˌʃɑːp ˈwɪndoʊ/: cửa kính trưng bày hàng
1709. Shop/ʃɑp/ (noun): Cửa hàng
1710. Shopping bag /ˈʃɑːpɪŋ bæɡ/: túi mua hàng
1711. Shopping list /ˈʃɑːpɪŋ lɪst/: danh sách các món đồ cần mua
1712. Special offer /ˈspeʃlˈɔːfər/: ưu đãi đặc biệt
1713. Stock/stɑk/ (noun): Hàng hóa trong kho
1714. Stockroom /ˈstɑːkruːm/: kho chứa hàng
1715. Store/stɔr/ (noun): Cửa hàng
1716. To buy /tu baɪ/: mua
1717. To go shopping /tu ɡoʊˈʃɑːpɪŋ/: đi mua sắm
1718. To order /tuˈɔːrdər/: đặt hàng
1719. To sell /tu sel/: bán
1720. Trolley /ˈtrɑːli/: xe đẩy hàng
1721. Wallet /ˈwɑːlɪt/: ví tiền
1722. Wallet/Purse/ˈwɔlət/ – /pɜrs/ (noun): Ví

Chủ đề 32: Du lịch (Traveling)

1723. Accommodation /əˌkɑməˈdeɪʃən/(noun): Chỗ ở, điều kiện ăn ở
1724. Adventure /ædˈvɛnʧər/(noun): Cuộc khám phá
1725. Attraction/əˈtrækʃən/ (noun): Sự hấp dẫn, thu hút
1726. Backpack /ˈbækˌpæk/(noun): Ba lô
1727. Coach /kəʊtʃ/ hoặc /koʊtʃ/ (n): xe buýt chạy đường dài
1728. Cruise /kruːz/ (n): chuyến đi (bằng tàu thuỷ)
1729. Custom/ˈkʌstəm/ (noun): Phong tục tập quán
1730. Destination /ˌdes.tɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ (n): điểm đến
1731. Destination/ˌdɛstəˈneɪʃən/ (noun): Điểm đến
1732. Explore /ɪkˈsplɔr/(verb): Khám phá
1733. Ferry /ˈfer.i/ (n): phà; bến phà
1734. Flight attendant /əˈtɛndənt/(noun): Tiếp viên hàng không
1735. Flight/flaɪt/ (noun): Chuyến bay
1736. Harbour /ˈhɑː.bər/ hoặc /ˈhɑːr.bɚ/ (n): bến tàu, cảng
1737. Journey (/ˈʤɜrni/noun): Hành trình
1738. Map /mæp/(noun): Bản đồ
1739. Memorable/ˈmɛmərəbəl/ (adjective): Đáng nhớ
1740. Memory/ˈmɛməri/ (noun): Kỉ niệm
1741. Passport /ˈpɑːs.pɔːt/ hoặc /ˈpæs.pɔːrt/ (n): hộ chiếu
1742. Passport/ˈpæˌspɔrt/ (noun): Hộ chiếu
1743. Platform /ˈplæt.fɔːm/ (n): Thềm ga, sân ga (xe lửa), bậc lên xuống (xe búyt)
1744. Public transport (n phr): phương tiện giao thông công cộng
1745. Resort /rɪˈzɔːt/ hoặc /rɪˈzɔːrt/ (n): nơi nghỉ, khu nghỉ dưỡng
1746. Sightseeing /ˈsaɪtˈsiɪŋ/(noun): Tham quan
1747. Souvenir/ˌsuvəˈnɪr/ (noun): Quà lưu niệm
1748. Suitcase /ˈsutˌkeɪs/(noun): Va li
1749. Ticket/ˈtɪkət/ (noun): Vé (máy bay, tàu hỏa,…)
1750. Tour guide /tʊr gaɪd/(noun): Hướng dẫn viên du lịch
1751. Tour/tʊr/ (noun): Chuyến du lịch
1752. Tourist /ˈtʊrəst/(noun): Khách du lịch
1753. Travel/ˈtrævəl/ (verb): Đi du lịch
1754. Trip /trɪp/(noun): Chuyến đi
1755. Vacation/veɪˈkeɪʃən/ (noun): Kì nghỉ

Chủ đề 33: Phương tiện giao thông (transport):

1756. A three-wheeler /ə θriː-ˈwiːlər/: xe ba bánh
1757. Ambulance /ˈæmbjələns/: xe cứu thương
1758. Bicycle /ˈbaɪsɪkl/: xe đạp
1759. Bulldozer /ˈbʊldoʊzər/: xe ủi
1760. Bus /bʌs/: xe buýt
1761. Camel /ˈkæml/: lạc là
1762. Canoe /kəˈnuː/: xuồng
1763. Car /kɑːr/: xe hơi
1764. Caravan /ˈkærəvæn/: nhà lưu động
1765. Cargo ship /ˈkɑːrɡoʊ ʃɪp/: tàu chở hàng
1766. Concrete mixer truck /ˈkɑːŋkriːtˈmɪksərtrʌk/: xe trộn bê tông
1767. Crane truck /kreɪn trʌk/: xe cần cẩu
1768. Cruise ship /kruːz ʃɪp/: tàu du lịch
1769. Donkey /ˈdɑːŋki/: con lừa
1770. Dump truck /ˈdʌmp trʌk/: xe chở cát
1771. Ferry /ˈferi/: phà
1772. Fire truck /ˈfaɪər trʌk/: xe cứu hỏa
1773. Helicopter /ˈhelɪkɑːptər/: máy bay trực thăng
1774. Horse /hɔːrs/: ngựa
1775. Horse-drawn carriage /hɔːrs – drɔːn ˈkærɪdʒ/: xe ngựa kéo
1776. Hot-air balloon /ˌhɑːt ˈer bəluːn/: khinh khí cầu
1777. Jet /dʒet/: máy bay phản lực
1778. Litter = sedan chair /ˈlɪtər/ = /sɪˈdæn tʃer/: cái kiệu
1779. Motor canoe /ˈmoʊtər kəˈnuː/: xuồng máy
1780. Motorbike /ˈmoʊtərbaɪk/: xe máy
1781. Ox wagon /ɑːksˈwæɡən/: xe bò
1782. Propeller plane /prəˈpelər pleɪn/: máy bay xài động cơ cánh quạt
1783. Rocket /ˈrɑːkɪt/: tên lửa
1784. Sailboat /ˈseɪlboʊt/: thuyền buồm
1785. Scooter /ˈskuːtər/: xe tay ga
1786. Snow plough truck /snoʊ plaʊ trʌk/: xe ủi tuyết
1787. Snow sled /snoʊ slɛd/: ván trượt tuyết
1788. Submarine /ˈsʌbməriːn/: tàu ngầm
1789. Tank truck /tæŋk trʌk/: xe bồn (chở chất lỏng)
1790. Train /treɪn/: xe lửa
1791. Tram /træm/: tàu điện trên mặt đất
1792. Truck /trʌk/: xe tải
1793. Vietnamese tricycle /ˌvjetnəˈmiːzˈtraɪsɪkl/: xe xích lô
1794. Wheelchair /ˈwiːltʃer/: xe lăn

Chủ đề 34: Ngày & Giờ (Dates & time)

1795. Afternoon/ˌæftərˈnun/ (noun): Buổi chiều
1796. April/ˈeɪprəl/: Tháng Tư
1797. August/ˈɑgəst/: Tháng Tám
1798. Calendar /ˈkæləndər/(noun): Lịch
1799. Century/ˈsɛnʧəri/ (noun): Thế kỉ
1800. Date /deɪt/ (noun): Ngày (thường chỉ ngày trong tháng)
1801. Day/deɪ/ (noun): Ngày (thường chỉ ngày trong tuần)
1802. Decade/dɛˈkeɪd/ (noun): Thập kỉ
1803. December/dɪˈsɛmbər/: Tháng Mười hai
1804. Evening /ˈivnɪŋ/(noun): Buổi tối
1805. Fall/Autumn /fɔl/ – /ˈɔtəm/(noun): Mùa thu
1806. February/fɛbruˌɛri/: Tháng Hai
1807. Frida/ˈfraɪdi/y: Thứ Sáu
1808. Hour /ˈaʊər/(noun): Giờ, tiếng
1809. January/ˈʤænjuˌɛri/: Tháng Một
1810. July/ˌʤuˈlaɪ/: Tháng Bảy
1811. June/ʤun/: Tháng Sáu
1812. March/mɑrʧ/: Tháng Ba
1813. May/meɪ/: Tháng Năm
1814. Minute /ˈmɪnət/(noun): Phút
1815. Monday/ˈmʌndi/: Thứ Hai
1816. Month/mʌnθ/ (noun): Tháng
1817. Morning/ˈmɔrnɪŋ/ (noun): Buổi sáng
1818. Night (noun): Buổi đêm
1819. Noon (noun): Buổi trưa
1820. November/noʊˈvɛmbər/: Tháng Mười một
1821. October/ɑkˈtoʊbər/: Tháng Mười
1822. Quarter /ˈkwɔrtər/(noun): Quý
1823. Saturday/ˈsætərdi/: Thứ Bảy
1824. Season /ˈsizən/(noun): Mùa
1825. Second/ˈsɛkənd/ (noun): Giây
1826. September/sɛpˈtɛmbər/: Tháng Chín
1827. Spring/sprɪŋ/ (noun): Mùa xuân
1828. Summer /ˈsʌmər/(noun): Mùa hè
1829. Sunday/ˈsʌnˌdeɪ/: Chủ nhật
1830. Thursday/ˈθɜrzˌdeɪ/: Thứ Năm
1831. Time/taɪm/ (noun): Thời gian
1832. Tuesday/ˈtuzdi/: Thứ Ba
1833. Watch/wɑʧ/ (noun): Đồng hồ đeo tay
1834. Wednesday/ˈwɛnzdi/: Thứ Tư
1835. Week /wi:k/(noun): Tuần
1836. Winter/ˈwɪntər/ (noun): Mùa đông
1837. Year /jɪr/(noun): Năm

Chủ đề 35: Ngôn ngữ (Language)

1838. Adjective /ˈæʤɪktɪv/(noun): Tính từ
1839. Advanced/ədˈvænst/ (adjective): Nâng cao
1840. Adverb/ˈædvərb/ (noun): Trạng từ
1841. Apostrophe/əˈpɑːstrəfi/: dấu phẩy phía trên bên phải
1842. Beginner /bɪˈgɪnər/(noun): Người mới bắt đầu
1843. Colon/ˈkoʊlən/: hai chấm
1844. Comma/ˈkɑːmə/: dấu phẩy
1845. Conversation/ˌkɑnvərˈseɪʃən/ (noun): Cuộc trò chuyện
1846. Dash: dấu gạch ngang dài
1847. Dialogue /ˈdaɪəˌlɔg/(noun): Cuộc hội thoại
1848. Dictionary /ˈdɪkʃəˌnɛri/(noun): Từ điển
1849. Dot/dɒt/:dấu chấm
1850. Ellipsis/ɪˈlɪpsɪs/: dấu ba chấm
1851. Exclamation mark: dấu chấm than
1852. Fluent /ˈfluənt/(adjective): Trôi chảy
1853. Grammar /ˈgræmər/(noun): Ngữ pháp
1854. Hyphen/ˈhaɪfn/: dấu gạch ngang
1855. Intermediate /ˌɪntərˈmidiɪt/(adjective): Trung bình
1856. Language/ˈlæŋgwəʤ/ (noun): Ngôn ngữ
1857. Listen/ˈlɪsən/ (verb): Nghe
1858. Native/ˈneɪtɪv/ (adjective): Bản địa
1859. Noun /naʊn/(noun): Danh từ
1860. Question mark/ˈkwestʃən mɑːrk/: dấu chấm hỏi
1861. Read (verb): Đọc
1862. Semicolon/ˈsemikoʊlən/: dấu chấm phẩy
1863. Sentence/ˈsɛntəns/ (noun): Câu văn
1864. Speak /spik/(verb): Nói
1865. Verb/vɜrb/ (noun): Động từ
1866. Vocabulary/voʊˈkæbjəˌlɛri/ (noun): Từ vựng
1867. Word /wɜrd/(noun): Từ ngữ
1868. Write/raɪt/ (verb): Viết

Chủ đề 36: Ngày lễ tết _ đám cưới(Holiday & Wedding)

36.1 Ngày lễ tết
1869. Apricot blossom (n) Hoa mai
1870. Before New Year’s Eve (n) Tất Niên
1871. Blessing /ˈblɛsɪŋ/(noun): Phước lành
1872. Celebrate /ˈsɛləˌbreɪt/(verb): Ăn mừng, chào mừng
1873. Christmas /ˈkrɪsməs/(noun): Lễ Giáng sinh
1874. Decorate /ˈdɛkəˌreɪt/(verb): Trang trí, trang hoàng
1875. Easter/ˈistər/ (noun): Lễ Phục sinh
1876. Festival/ˈfɛstɪvəl/ (noun): Lễ hội
1877. Festive/ˈfɛstɪv/ (adjective): Có tính chất, không khí lễ hội
1878. Flowers (n) Các loại hoa/ cây
1879. Holiday/ˈhɑlɪˌdeɪ/ (noun): Ngày lễ
1880. Independence day/ˌɪndɪˈpɛndəns deɪ/ (noun): Lễ Quốc khánh
1881. Joy/ʤɔɪ/ (noun): Niềm vui sướng
1882. Kumquat tree (n) Cây quất
1883. Lunar / lunisolar calendar (n) Lịch Âm lịch
1884. Lunar new year /ˈlunər nju jɪr/(noun): Tết nguyên đán
1885. Marigold (n) Cúc vạn thọ
1886. Mid-autumn /mɪd-ˈɔtəm (noun): Tết Trung thu
1887. New year’s eve/nu jɪrz iv/ (noun): Giao thừa
1888. Orchid (n) Hoa lan
1889. Paperwhite (n) Hoa thủy tiên
1890. Peach blossom (n) Hoa đào
1891. Present / Gift/ˈprɛzənt / – /gɪft/ (noun): Món quà
1892. The New Year (n) Tân Niên
1893. The New Year tree (n) Cây nêu
1894. Tradition/trəˈdɪʃən/ (noun): Truyền thống
1895. Wish/wɪʃ/ (noun): Điều ước, lời chúc; (verb): Ước
36.2 Đám cưới:
1896. Bride /braid/ cô dâu
1897. Bridesmaids /ˈbraɪdz.meɪd/ phù dâu
1898. Champagne /ʃæm’pein/ rượu sâm-panh
1899. Cold feet //kəʊld fit/ hồi hộp, lo lắng về đám cưới
1900. Dancing /’dɑ:nsiɳ/ điệu nhảy trong đám cưới
1901. Get married /get /’mærid/ cưới, kết hôn
1902. Groom /gru:m/ chú rể
1903. Groomsmen /’gru:mzmen/ phù rể
1904. Just married /dʤʌst ‘mærid/ mới cưới
1905. Matching dresses /mætʃinɳ dresis/ váy của phù dâu
1906. Newlyweds/ˈnjuː cặp đôi mới cưới, những người vừa lập gia đình
1907. Reception /ri’sepʃn/ tiệc chiêu đãi sau đám cưới
1908. Tuxedo /tʌkˈsiː.dəʊ/ áo tuxedo (lễ phục)
1909. Wedding band /ring /’wediɳ bænd/riɳ/ nhẫn cưới
1910. Wedding bouquet /’wediɳ’bukei/ bó hoa cưới của cô dâu
1911. Wedding cake /’wediɳkeik/ bánh cưới
1912. Wedding party /’wediɳ pɑ:ti/ tiệc cưới

Chủ đề 37: Food and Drink (thức ăn và nước uống)

Foods – Món ăn
1913. Cake /keɪk/ Bánh ngọt
1914. Biscuit /ˈbɪskɪt/ Bánh quy
1915. Bread /bred/ Bánh mì
1916. Butter /ˈbʌtə(r)/ Bơ
1917. Cheese /tʃiːz/ Pho mát
1918. Jam /dʒæm/ Mứt
1919. Chicken /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ Gà
1920. Egg /eɡ/ Trứng
1921. Fish /fɪʃ/ Cá
1922. Noodles /ˈnuːdlz/ Mì ống, mì sợi
1923. Sausage /ˈsɒsɪdʒ/ Xúc xích, dồi, lạp xưởng
1924. Soup /suːp/ Canh, cháo
1925. Rice /raɪs/ Gạo
1926. Hamburger /ˈhæmbɜːɡə(r)/ Bánh hăm bơ gơ
1927. Pork /pɔːk/ Thịt lợn
1928. Beef /biːf/ Thịt bò
1929. Bacon /ˈbeɪkən/ Thịt xông khói.
1930. Salad /ˈsæləd/ Rau trộn
1931. Cooking Methods – Phương pháp nấu ăn
1932. Boil (v) /bɔɪl/ Luộc
1933. Bake (v) /beɪk/ Nướng bằng lò
1934. Roast (v) /rəʊst/ Quay, nướng
1935. Fry (v) /fraɪ/ Chiên, rán
1936. Grill (v) /ɡrɪl/ Nướng than (trực tiếp)
1937. Steam (v) /stiːm/ Hấp
1938. Food Tastes – Hương vị của món ăn
1939. Sweet (adj) /swiːt/ Ngọt
1940. Sour (adj) /ˈsaʊə(r)/ Chua; ôi; thiu
1941. Salty (adj) /ˈsɔːlti/ Mặn
1942. Delicious (adj) /dɪˈlɪʃəs/ Thơm ngon
1943. Tasty (adj) /ˈteɪsti/ Ngon, đầy hương vị
1944. Bland (adj) /blænd/ Nhạt nhẽo
1945. Horrible (adj) /ˈhɒrəbl/ Khó chịu, kinh khủng
1946. Spicy (adj) /ˈspaɪsi/ Cay, có gia vị
1947. Hot (adj) /hɒt/ Nóng, cay nồng
1948. Mild (adj) /maɪld/ Nhẹ (mùi)
1949. Fresh (adj) /freʃ/ Tươi, mới, tươi sống
1950. Rotten (adj) /ˈrɒtn/ Thối rữa, đã hỏng
1951. Stale (adj) /steɪl/ Ôi, thiu (bánh mì, bánh ngọt)
1952. Mouldy (adj) /ˈməʊldi/ Bị mốc
1953. Overdone (adj) /ˌəʊvəˈduː/ Nấu quá chín
1954. Ripe (adj) /raɪp/ Chín (trái cây)
1955. Unripe (adj) /ˌʌnˈraɪp/ Chưa chính
1956. Tender (adj) /ˈtendə(r)/ Không dai, mềm
1957. Tough (adj) /tʌf/ Dai
Từ vựng tiếng anh về thức uống
1958. Beer /bɪə(r)/ Bia
1959. Wine /waɪn/ Rượu
1960. Coffee /ˈkɒfi/ Cà phê
1961. Fruit juice /fruːt/ /dʒuːs/ Nước ép trái cây
1962. Fruit smoothie /fruːt/ /ˈsmuːði/ Sinh tố trái cây
1963. Hot chocolate /ˌhɒt/ /ˈtʃɒklət/ Sô cô la nóng
1964. Milk /mɪlk/ Sữa
1965. Soda /ˈsəʊdə/ Nước có ga
1966. Tea /tiː/
1967. Water /ˈwɔːtə(r)/
1968. Từ vựng về gia vị:
1969. Salt/sɒlt/: muối
1970. Sugar/ˈʃʊɡər/: đường
1971. Pepper/ˈpepər/: tiêu
1972. MSG (monosodium glutamate): bột ngọt
1973. Five-spice powder:ngũ vị hương
1974. Curry powder:bột cà ri
1975. Chili powder:bột ớt
1976. Mustard/ˈmʌstəd/: mù tạt
1977. Fish sauce:nước mắm
1978. Soy sauce:/ˌsɔɪˈsɔːs/: nước tương
1979. Salad dressing:dầu giấm (để trộn xà lách)
1980. Vinegar/ˈvɪnɪɡər/: dấm
7. Công việc
Chủ đề 38: Công ty (Company)
1981. Accountant/əˈkaʊntənt/ (noun): Kế toán
1982. Boss/bɑs/ (noun): Sếp, cấp trên
1983. Capital /ˈkæpətəl/(noun): Vốn
1984. Company /ˈkʌmpəni/(noun): Công ty
1985. Department /dɪˈpɑrtmənt/(noun): Phòng ban, bộ phận
1986. Director/dəˈrɛktər/ (noun): Giám đốc
1987. Diversify: đa dạng hóa
1988. Dividend /ˈdɪvɪˌdɛnd/(noun): Cổ tức
1989. Do business with: làm ăn với
1990. Downsize: cắt giảm nhân công
1991. Employ/ɛmˈplɔɪ/ (verb): Tuyển dụng
1992. Employee /ɛmˈplɔɪi/(noun): Nhân viên
1993. Employer /ɛmˈplɔɪər/(noun): Nhà tuyển dụng
1994. Enterprise /ˈɛntərˌpraɪz/(noun): Doanh nghiệp
1995. Envelope: bao thư (nói chung)
1996. Establish (a company) : thành lập (công ty)
1997. File: hồ sơ, tài liệu
1998. Firm /fɜrm/(noun): Tập đoàn
1999. Franchise: nhượng quyền thương hiệu
2000. Go bankrupt : phá sản
2001. Invest /ɪnˈvɛst/(verb): Đầu tư
2002. Leader/ˈlidər/ (noun): Nhóm trưởng, Chỉ huy
2003. Loss/lɔs/ (noun): Lỗ, mất mát, thiếu hụt
2004. Manager/ˈmænəʤər/: Trưởng phòng, quản lí
2005. Merge : sát nhập
2006. Notepad: giấy được đóng thành xấp, tập giấy
2007. Notebook: sổ ta
2008. Outsource: thuê gia công
2009. Paper: giấy
2010. Partner/ˈpɑrtnər/ (noun): Đối tác
2011. Product /ˈprɑdəkt/(noun): Sản phẩm
2012. Profit /ˈprɑfət/(noun): Lợi nhuận
2013. Revenue/ˈrɛvəˌnu/ (noun): Doanh thu
2014. Secretary/ˈsɛkrəˌtɛri/ (noun): Thư ký
2015. Service/ˈsɜrvəs/ (noun): Dịch vụ
2016. Shareholder /ˈʃɛrˌhoʊldər/(noun): Cổ đông

Chủ đề 39: Công việc (Jobs)

2017. Actor/Actress/ˈæktər/ – /ˈæktrəs/ (noun): Diễn viên nam/nữ
2018. Architect /ˈɑrkəˌtɛkt/(noun): Kiến trúc sư
2019. Baker/ˈbeɪkər/ (noun): Thợ làm bánh
2020. Builder. /ˈbɪldər/ thợ xây dựng.
2021. Businessman/ˈbɪznəˌsmæn/ (noun): Doanh nhân
2022. Cashier. /kæʃˈɪər/ thu ngân.
2023. Chef /ʃɛf/(noun): Bếp trưởng
2024. Cleaner/Janitor/ˈklinər/ – /ˈʤænətər/ (noun): Lao công, dọn dẹp
2025. Cook. /kʊk/ đầu bếp.
2026. Dentist. /ˈdentɪst/ nha sĩ
2027. Dentist/ˈdɛntəst/ (noun): Nha sĩ
2028. Designer/dɪˈzaɪnər/ (noun): Nhà thiết kế
2029. Doctor. /ˈdɒktər/ bác sĩ
2030. Engineer /ˈɛnʤəˈnɪr/(noun): Kỹ sư
2031. Farmer/ˈfɑrmər/ (noun): Người nông dân
2032. Fireman /ˈfaɪrmən/(noun): Lính cứu hỏa
2033. Fisherman/ˈfɪʃərˌmæn/ (noun): Ngư dân
2034. Florist/ˈflɑrɪst/ (noun): Người bán hoa
2035. Gardener /ˈgɑrdənər/(noun): Người làm vườn
2036. Hairdresser /ˈhɛrˌdrɛsər/(noun): Thợ làm tóc, tiệm làm tóc
2037. Journalist/ˈʤɜrnələst/ (noun): Phóng viên
2038. Judge/ʤʌʤ/ (noun): Thẩm phán
2039. Lawyer/ˈlɔjər/ (noun): Luật sư
2040. Mechanic/məˈkænɪk/ (noun): Thợ cơ khí
2041. Model/ˈmɑdəl/ (noun): Người mẫu
2042. Pilot /ˈpaɪlət/(noun): Phi công
2043. Plumber /ˈplʌmər/(noun): Thợ sửa ống nước
2044. Policeman /pəˈlismən/(noun): Cảnh sát
2045. Reporter. /rɪˈpɔːtər/ phóng viên.
2046. Scientist/ˈsaɪəntɪst/ (noun): Nhà khoa học
2047. Security man /sɪˈkjʊrəti mən/(noun): Bảo vệ
2048. Soldier /ˈsoʊlʤər/(noun): Người lính
2049. Tailor /ˈteɪlər/(noun): Thợ may
2050. Tailor. /ˈteɪlər/ thợ may.
2051. Teacher. /ˈtiːtʃər/ giáo viên.
2052. Waiter/Waitress /ˈweɪtər/ – /ˈweɪtrəs/(noun): Bồi bàn (nam/nữ)
2053. Worker /ˈwɜrkər/(noun): Công nhân

Chủ đề 40: Đời sống công sở (Working life)

2054. Achievement/əˈʧivmənt/ (noun): Thành tựu, thành tích
2055. Apply/əˈplaɪ/ (verb): Ứng tuyển, áp dụng
2056. Colleague/Coworker /ˈkɑlig/ – /ˈkoʊˈwɜrkər/(noun): Đồng nghiệp
2057. Contract/ˈkɑnˌtrækt/ (noun): Hợp đồng
2058. Deadline/ˈdɛˌdlaɪn/ (noun): Hạn chót
2059. Experience/ɪkˈspɪriəns/ (noun): Kinh nghiệm, trải nghiệm
2060. Fire /ˈfaɪər/(verb): Sa thải, đuổi việc
2061. Interview (noun): Buổi phỏng vấn; (verb): Phỏng vấn
2062. Meeting /ˈmitɪŋ/(noun): Cuộc họp
2063. Offer/ˈɔfər/ (verb): Đề nghị; (noun): Lời đề nghị
2064. Office/ˈɔfəs/ (noun): Văn phòng
2065. Position (noun): Vị trí, chức vụ
2066. Promote/prəˈmoʊt/ (verb): Đề bạt, thăng chức
2067. Punishment /ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/(noun): Hình phạt
2068. Report /rɪˈpɔrt/(verb): Báo cáo; (noun): Bản báo cáo
2069. Resign/Quit /rɪˈzaɪn/ – /kwɪt/(verb): Từ chức, nghỉ việc
2070. Responsibility/riˌspɑnsəˈbɪləti/ (noun): Trách nhiệm
2071. Retire/rɪˈtaɪr/ (verb): Nghỉ hưu
2072. Reward /rɪˈwɔrd/(noun): Giải thưởng; (verb): Thưởng (cho ai đó)
2073. Salary/Wage/ˈsæləri/ – /weɪʤ/ (noun): Lương, tiền công
2074. Succeed /səkˈsid/(verb): (đạt được) Thành công
2075. Successful/səkˈsɛsfəl/ (adjective): Thành công
2076. Task/tæsk/ (noun): Nhiệm vụ, đầu việc
2077. Teamwork/ˈtimˌwɜrk/ (noun): Làm việc nhóm
8. Nghệ thuật
Tiếng anh chủ đề nghệ thuật

Chủ đề 41: Nghệ thuật (Arts)

2078. Applaud /əˈplɔd/(verb): Vỗ tay, tán thưởng
2079. Art /ɑrt/(noun): Nghệ thuật
2080. Artist /ˈɑrtɪst/(noun): Nghệ sĩ
2081. Artwork/ˈɑrˌtwɜrk/ (noun): Tác phẩm nghệ thuật
2082. Audience/ˈɔdiəns/ (noun): Khán giả
2083. Author/ˈɔθər/ (noun): Tác giả
2084. Band /bænd/(noun): Ban nhạc
2085. Brush /brʌʃ/(noun): Cọ vẽ
2086. Camera/ˈkæmrə/ (noun): Máy ảnh
2087. Canvas/ˈkænvəs/ (noun): Vải bạt (để vẽ tranh sơn dầu)
2088. Choir/ˈkwaɪər/ (noun): Dàn hợp xướng
2089. Clap/klæp/ (verb): Vỗ tay, hoan hô
2090. Collection (noun): Bộ sưu tập
2091. Composer/kəmˈpoʊzər/ (noun): Nhà soạn nhạc
2092. Concert /kənˈsɜrt/(noun): Buổi trình diễn âm nhạc
2093. Creative /kriˈeɪtɪv/(adjective): tính sáng tạo
2094. Culture /ˈkʌlʧər/(noun): Văn hóa
2095. Design /dɪˈzaɪn/(verb): Thiết kế
2096. Drawing /ˈdrɔɪŋ/(noun): Bức vẽ
2097. Exhibition/ˌɛksəˈbɪʃən/ (noun): Triển lãm
2098. Film /fɪlm/(noun): Bộ phim
2099. Gallery/ˈgæləri/ (noun): Phòng triển lãm, trưng bày
2100. Illustration /ˌɪləˈstreɪʃən/(noun): Hình minh họa
2101. Image/ˈɪmɪʤ/ (noun): Bức ảnh
2102. Inspiration/ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃən/ (noun): Nguồn cảm hứng
2103. Inspire /ɪnˈspaɪr/(verb): Truyền cảm hứng
2104. Literature/ˈlɪtərəʧər/ (noun): Văn học, văn chương
2105. Masterpiece/ˈmæstərˌpis/ (noun): Kiệt tác
2106. Model /ˈmɑdəl/(noun): Mẫu (vẽ), người mẫu
2107. Movie /ˈmuvi/(noun): Bộ phim
2108. Music/ˈmjuzɪk/ (noun): Âm nhạc
2109. Musical Instrument /ˈmjuzɪkəl ˈɪnstrəmənt/(noun): Nhạc cụ
2110. Novel /ˈnɑvəl/(noun): Tiểu thuyết
2111. Painting /ˈpeɪntɪŋ/(noun): Bức vẽ, bức tranh
2112. Paper/ˈpeɪpər/ (noun): Tờ giấy
2113. Pattern /ˈpætərn/(noun): Họa tiết
2114. Performance /pərˈfɔrməns/(noun): Tiết mục, buổi trình diễn, phần thể hiện
2115. Photo /ˈfoʊˌtoʊ/(noun): Bức ảnh
2116. Photographer/fəˈtɑgrəfər/ (noun): Nhiếp ảnh gia
2117. Poem /ˈpoʊəm/(noun): Bài thơ
2118. Poet/ˈpoʊət/ (noun): Nhà thơ, thi sĩ
2119. Poetry /ˈpoʊətri/(noun): Thơ ca
2120. Portrait/ˈpɔrtrət/ (noun): Tranh chân dung
2121. Pottery/ˈpɑtəri/ (noun): Đồ gốm, nghệ thuật làm gốm
2122. Sculpture /ˈskʌlpʧər/(noun): Bức tượng điêu khắc
2123. Show /ʃoʊ/(noun): Buổi biểu diễn
2124. Singer/ˈsɪŋər/ (noun): Ca sĩ
2125. Sketch/skɛʧ/ (noun): Bản nháp, bản thảo; (verb): viết//vẽ nháp
2126. Song/sɔŋ/ (noun): Bài hát, ca khúc
2127. Story/ˈstɔri/ (noun): Câu chuyện
2128. Studio/ˈstudiˌoʊ/ (noun): Xưởng (vẽ, làm phim, chụp ảnh,…)
2129. Theater (noun): Nhà hát
2130. Video/ˈvɪdioʊ/ (noun): Đoạn phim
9. Truyền thông
Tiếng anh chủ đề truyền thông

Chủ đề 42: Máy tính & Mạng internet (Computer & the internet)
2131. Access /ˈækˌsɛs/(noun): Sự truy cập; (verb): Truy cập
2132. Application/ˌæpləˈkeɪʃən/ (noun): Ứng dụng (điện thoại di động)
2133. Blog /blɔg/(noun): Nhật ký trực tuyến
2134. Browser/ˈbraʊzər/ (noun): Trình duyệt
2135. cable: dây
2136. Click /klɪk/(noun): Cái nhấp chuột (verb): Nhấp chuột
2137. Computer/kəmˈpjutər/ (noun): Máy tính để bàn
2138. Connection /kəˈnɛkʃən/(noun): Kết nối
2139. Data /ˈdeɪtə/(noun): Dữ liệu
2140. Delete/dɪˈlit/ (verb): Xóa bỏ
2141. desktop computer (thường viết tắt là desktop): máy tính bàn
2142. Download/ˈdaʊnˌloʊd/ (verb): Tải xuống
2143. Ebook/i-bʊk/ (noun): Sách điện tử
2144. E-mail/i-meɪl/: thư điện tử
2145. Error /ˈɛrər/(noun): Lỗi
2146. File /faɪl/(noun): Tập tin
2147. Folder/ˈfoʊldər/ (noun): Thư mục
2148. hard drive: ổ cứng
2149. Hardware /ˈhɑrˌdwɛr/(noun): Phần cứng
2150. Headphone/ˈhɛdˌfoʊn/ (noun): Tai nghe
2151. Install /ɪnˈstɔl/(verb): Cài đặt, lắp đặt
2152. Internet/ˈɪntərˌnɛt/ (noun): Mạng internet
2153. Keyboard /ˈkiˌbɔrd/(noun): Bàn phím máy tính
2154. keyboard: bàn phím
2155. Laptop /ˈlæpˌtɑp/(noun): Máy tính xách tay
2156. laptop: máy tính xách tay
2157. Link /lɪŋk/(noun): Đường dẫn
2158. Log in /lɔg ɪn/(phrasal verb): Đăng nhập
2159. monitor: phần màn hình
2160. Mouse /maʊs/(noun): Chuột máy tính
2161. mouse: chuột
2162. Password/ˈpæˌswɜrd/ (noun): Mật khẩu
2163. PC (viết tắt của personal computer): máy tính cá nhân
2164. power cable: cáp nguồn
2165. Printer /ˈprɪntər/(noun): Máy in
2166. printer: máy in
2167. Program/ˈproʊˌgræm/ (noun): Chương trình (máy tính)
2168. screen: màn hình
2169. Sign up/saɪn ʌp/ (phrasal verb): Đăng kí
2170. Smartphone /smärtˌfōn/(noun): Điện thoại thông minh
2171. Social network /ˈsoʊʃəl ˈnɛˌtwɜrk/(noun): Mạng xã hội
2172. Software/ˈsɔfˌtwɛr/ (noun): Phần mềm
2173. Speaker/ˈspikər/ (noun): Loa
2174. speakers: loa
2175. Surf /sɜrf/(verb): Lướt (web)
2176. System/ˈsɪstəm/ (noun): Hệ thống
2177. Tablet /ˈtæblət/(noun): Máy tính bảng
2178. Virus /ˈvaɪrəs/(noun): vi rút
2179. Website/ˈwɛbˌsaɪt/ (noun): Trang web
2180. Wifi /Wīfī/(noun): mạng wifi
2181. Wireless/ˈwaɪrlɪs/ (adjective): Không dây

Chủ đề 43: Điện thoại & Thư tín (Telephone & letter)
2182. Answer/ˈænsər/ (verb): Trả lời; (noun): Câu trả lời
2183. Answerphone – /ˈɑːnsəˌfəʊn/: Máy trả lời tự động
2184. Area code – /ˈeərɪə kəʊd/: Mã vùng
2185. Battery – /ˈbætəri/: Pin
2186. Business call – /ˈbɪznɪs kɔːl/: Cuộc gọi công việc
2187. Call /kɔl/(verb): Gọi điện thoại; (noun): Cuộc gọi
2188. Call box – /kɔːl bɒks/: Cây gọi điện thoại
2189. Cellphone /ˈsɛlfoʊn/(noun): Điện thoại di động
2190. Communicate /kəmˈjunəˌkeɪt/(verb): Giao tiếp
2191. Contact/ˈkɑnˌtækt/ (verb): Liên hệ; (noun): Địa chỉ liên hệ
2192. Cordless phone – /ˈkɔːdləs fəʊn/: Điện thoại không dây
2193. Country code – /ˈkʌntri kəʊd/: Mã nước
2194. Dialling tone – /ˈdaɪəlɪŋ təʊn/: Tín hiệu gọi
2195. Directory enquiries – /dɪˈrɛktəri ɪnˈkwaɪəriz/: Tổng đài báo số điện thoại
2196. Engaged – /ɪnˈgeɪʤd/: Máy bận
2197. Ex-directory – /ɛks-dɪˈrɛktəri/: Số điện thoại không có trong danh bạ
2198. Extension – /ɪksˈtɛnʃən/: Số máy lẻ
2199. Fault – /fɔːlt/: Lỗi
2200. Fax /fæks/(verb): Gửi qua đường fax; (noun): Bản fax
2201. Hotline/ˈhɑtˌlaɪn/ (noun): Đường dây nóng
2202. Interference – /ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns/: Nhiễu tín hiệu
2203. International directory enquiries – /ˌɪntə(ː)ˈnæʃənl dɪˈrɛktəri ɪnˈkwaɪəriz/: Tổng đài báo số điện thoại
2204. Message – /ˈmɛsɪʤ/: Tin nhắn
2205. Message/ˈmɛsəʤ/ (noun): Tin nhắn; (verb): Gửi tin nhắn
2206. Missed call – /mɪst kɔːl/: Cuộc gọi nhỡ
2207. Missed/mɪst/ (adjective): Lỡ, nhỡ
2208. Mobile phone – /ˈməʊbaɪl fəʊn/: Điện thoại di động
2209. Mobile phone charger – /ˈməʊbaɪl fəʊn ˈʧɑːʤə/: Sạc điện thoại di động
2210. Off the hook – /ɒf ðə hʊk/: Máy kênh
2211. Operator – /ˈɒpəreɪtə/: Người trực tổng đài
2212. Outside line – /ˌaʊtˈsaɪd laɪn/: Kết nối với số bên ngoài công ty
2213. Personal call – /ˈpɜːsnl kɔːl/: Cuộc gọi cá nhân
2214. Phone book – /fəʊn bʊk/: Danh bạ
2215. Phone box – /fəʊn bɒks/: Cây gọi điện thoại
2216. Phone card – /fəʊn kɑːd/: Thẻ điện thoại
2217. Phone number/foʊn ˈnʌmbər/ (noun): Số điện thoại
2218. Receive/rəˈsiv/ (verb): Nhận được
2219. Receiver – /rɪˈsiːvə/: Ống nghe
2220. Ring/rɪŋ/ (verb): Reo (chuông); (noun): Cuộc gọi
2221. Ringtone – /ˈrɪŋtəʊn/: Nhạc chuông
2222. Send/sɛnd/ (verb): Gửi đi
2223. Signal – /ˈsɪgnl/: Tín hiệu
2224. Signature /ˈsɪgnəʧər/(noun): Chữ ký
2225. Smartphone – /ˈsmɑːtfəʊn/: Điện thoại thông minh
2226. Stamp/stæmp/ (noun): Con tem
2227. Switchboard – /ˈswɪʧbɔːd/: Tổng đài
2228. Telephone – /ˈtɛlɪfəʊn/: Điện thoại
2229. Telephone number – /ˈtɛlɪfəʊn ˈnʌmbə/: Số điện thoại
2230. Telephone/ˈtɛləˌfoʊn/ (noun): Điện thoại để bàn
2231. Text message – /tɛkst ˈmɛsɪʤ/: Tin nhắn văn bản
2232. Text/tɛkst/ (verb): Nhắn tin; (noun): Tin nhắn
2233. To be cut off – /tuː biː kʌt ɒf/: Bị cắt tín hiệu
2234. To call hoặc to phone – /tuː kɔːl həʊặsiː tuː fəʊn/: Gọi điện
2235. To call someone back – /tuː kɔːl ˈsʌmwʌn bæk/: Gọi lại cho ai
2236. To dial a number – /tuː ˈdaɪəl ə ˈnʌmbə/: Quay số
2237. To hang up – /tuː hæŋ ʌp/: Dập máy
2238. To leave a message – /tuː liːv ə ˈmɛsɪʤ/: Để lại tin nhắn
2239. To put the phone on loudspeaker – /tuː pʊt ðə fəʊn ɒn ˌlaʊdˈspiːkə/: Bật loa
2240. To ring – /tuː rɪŋ/: Gọi điện
2241. To send a text message – /tuː sɛnd ə tɛkst ˈmɛsɪʤ/: Gửi tin nhắn
2242. To text – /tuː tɛkst/: Nhắn tin
2243. Wrong number – /rɒŋ ˈnʌmbə/: Nhầm số
Chủ đề 44: Truyền hình & Báo chí (tvs & Newspaper)
2244. Advertisement /ˌædvərˈtaɪzmənt/(noun): Quảng cáo
2245. Article/ˈɑrtɪkəl/ (noun): Bài báo
2246. Broadcast/ˈbrɔdˌkæst/ (verb): Phát sóng; (noun): Chương trình phát sóng
2247. Cable /ˈkeɪbəl/(noun): Dây cáp
2248. Channel/ˈʧænəl/ (noun): Kênh truyền hình
2249. Character /ˈkɛrɪktər/ (noun): Nhân vật
2250. Column /ˈkɑləm/(noun): Chuyên mục
2251. Commercial /kəˈmɜrʃəl/(noun): Quảng cáo; (adjective): Tính chất thương mại
2252. Daily /ˈdeɪli/(adverb): Hàng ngày; (adjective): Có tính chất hàng ngày
2253. Editor /ˈɛdətər/(noun): Biên tập viên
2254. Episode/ˈɛpəˌsoʊd/ (noun): Tập (phim)
2255. Headline/ˈhɛˌdlaɪn/ (noun): Tiêu đề
2256. Issue/ˈɪʃu/ (noun): Số, kì phát hành (báo)
2257. Live /lɪv/(adjective): Truyền hình trực tiếp
2258. Magazine/ˈmægəˌzin (noun): Tạp chí
2259. Monthly/ˈmʌnθli/ (adverb): Hàng tháng
2260. Newspaper /ˈnuzˌpeɪpər/(noun): Báo giấy
2261. Press/prɛs/ (noun): Truyền thông, báo chí
2262. Publisher /ˈpʌblɪʃər/(noun): Nhà xuất bản
2263. Reporter/rɪˈpɔrtər/ (noun): Phóng viên
2264. Script/skrɪpt/ (noun): Kịch bản
2265. Subtitle/ˈsʌbˌtaɪtəl/ (noun): Phụ đề
2266. TV series/ˈtiˈvi ˈsɪriz/ (noun): Phim truyền hình
2267. TV show/ˈtiˈvi ʃoʊ/ (noun): Chương trình truyền hình
2268. TV station/ˈtiˈvi ˈsteɪʃən/ (noun): Đài truyền hình
2269. Weekly /ˈwikli/(adverb): Hàng tuần
10. Các từ chỉ trạng thái, mức độ
Từ vựng tiếng anh chủ đề thái độ,mức độ

Chủ đề 45: Đo lường (Measurement)

2270. Area/ˈɛriə/ (noun): Diện tích
2271. Centimeter /ˈsɛntəˌmitər/(noun): Cen ti mét
2272. Distance/ˈdɪstəns/ (noun): Khoảng cách
2273. Estimate/ˈɛstəmət/ (verb): Ước lượng, dự đoán
2274. Gram/græm/ (noun): Gam
2275. Hectare /ˈhɛkˌtɑr/(noun): Hecta
2276. Height /haɪt/(noun): Chiều cao
2277. Kilo/ˈkɪˌloʊ/ (noun): Kilogram, cân
2278. Kilometer/kəˈlɑmətər/ (noun): Ki lô mét
2279. Length /lɛŋkθ/(noun): Chiều dài
2280. Liter/ˈmɛʒər/ /ˈlitər/(noun): Lít
2281. Measure /ˈmɛʒər/(verb): Đo đạc
2282. Meter /ˈmitər/(noun): Mét
2283. Mile/maɪl/ (noun): Dặm
2284. Ruler/ˈrulər/ (noun): Thước kẻ
2285. Unit/ˈjunət/ (noun): Đơn vị
2286. Weight/weɪt/ (noun): Cân nặng, khối lượng
2287. Width/wɪdθ/ (noun): Chiều rộng
Chủ đề 46: Tốc độ (Speed)
2288. Fast/fæst/ (adjective): Nhanh
2289. Hasty /ˈheɪsti/(adjective): Vội vàng, nhanh chóng
2290. Hurry /ˈhɜri/(noun): Sự vội vã, gấp rút; (verb): Thúc giục, làm vội vàng
2291. Pace /peɪs/(noun): Nhịp độ
2292. Prompt/prɑmpt/ (adjective): Mau lẹ, tức thì; (verb): Thúc đẩy
2293. Quick /kwɪk/(adjective): Nhanh, mau
2294. Quicken /ˈkwɪkən/(verb): Làm tăng nhanh, đẩy mạnh
2295. Rapid /ˈræpəd/(adjective): Nhanh chóng, mau lẹ
2296. Run /rʌn/(verb): Chạy
2297. Rush/rʌʃ/ (noun): Sự vội vàng, sự gấp rút; (verb): Vội vã thực hiện
2298. Slow/sloʊ/ (adjective): Chậm chạp
2299. Speed /spid/(noun): Tốc độ
2300. Sprint/sprɪnt/ (verb): Chạy nhanh, chạy nước rút
2301. Swift/swɪft/ (adjective): Mau, nhanh
2302. Velocity /vəˈlɑsəti/(noun): Vận tốc
2303. Walk /wɔk/(noun): Đi bộ, đi dạo

Chủ đề 47: Tần suất (Frequency)

2304. Always /ˈɔlˌweɪz/(adverb): Luôn luôn
2305. Frequently /ˈfrikwəntli/(adverb): Thường xuyên
2306. Never/ˈnɛvər/ (adverb): Không bao giờ
2307. Normally/ˈnɔrməli/ (adverb):Thông thường
2308. Occasionally /əˈkeɪʒənəli/(adverb): Thi thoảng
2309. Often/ˈɔfən/ (adverb): Thường
2310. Rarely/ˈrɛrli/ (adverb): Hiếm khi
2311. Sometimes/səmˈtaɪmz/ (adverb): Đôi lúc
2312. Usually /ˈjuʒəwəli/(adverb): Thông thường

Chủ đề 48: Mức độ (Degree)

2313. Absolutely/æbsəˈlutli/ (adverb): Tuyệt đối, hoàn toàn
2314. Actually /ˈækʧuəli/(adverb): Thực ra, thực sự
2315. Almost/ˈɔlˌmoʊst/ (adverb): Gần như, hầu như
2316. Barely /ˈbɛrli/(adverb): Chỉ vừa đủ, gần như là không
2317. Completely/kəmˈplitli/ (adverb): Hoàn toàn
2318. Enough /ɪˈnʌf/(adverb): Đủ
2319. Entirely /ɪnˈtaɪərli/(adverb): Hoàn toàn, trọn vẹn
2320. Highly/ˈhaɪli/ (adverb): Rất, hết sức, ở mức độ cao
2321. Just/ʤʌst/ (adverb): Chỉ
2322. Nearly/ˈnɪrli/ (adverb): Gần như, suýt
2323. Only /ˈoʊnli/ (adjective): Duy nhất, chỉ một
2324. Perfectly /ˈpɜrfəktli/(adverb): Một cách hoàn hảo
2325. Pretty/ˈprɪti/ (adverb): Khá là
2326. Quite/kwaɪt/ (adverb): Khá là
2327. Rather /ˈræðər/(adverb): Phần nào, hơi, khá là
2328. Really /ˈrɪli/(adverb): Thật sự
2329. Remarkably /rɪˈmɑrkəbli/(adverb): Đặc biệt, phi thường
2330. Slightly/ˈslaɪtli/ (adverb): Hơi hơi, một chút
2331. Terribly/ˈtɛrəbli/ (adverb): Tồi tệ, kinh khủng
2332. Too/tu/ (adverb): Quá, rất, cũng
2333. Totally/ˈtoʊtəli/ (adverb): Hoàn toàn
2334. Very/ˈvɛri/ (adverb): Rất

Chủ đề 44: Vị trí (Places)

2335. Above/əˈbʌv/ (preposition): Phía trên
2336. Across from /əˈkrɔs/(preposition): Đối diện (với cái gì)
2337. Along/əˈlɔŋ/ (preposition): Dọc theo
2338. Among /əˈmʌŋ/(preposition): Ở giữa (3 vật thể trở lên)
2339. Around /əˈraʊnd/(preposition): Xung quanh
2340. At/æt/ (preposition): Tại
2341. Behind /bɪˈhaɪnd/(preposition): Phía sau
2342. Below/bɪˈloʊ/ (preposition): Bên dưới
2343. Between/bɪˈtwin/ (preposition): Nằm giữa (2 vật)
2344. In /ɪn/(preposition): Trong
2345. In front of /ɪn frʌnt ʌv/(prep.): Phía trước
2346. Inside/ɪnˈsaɪd/ (preposition): Phía trong
2347. Near/Close to/nɪr/ – /kloʊs to/ (preposition): Gần với
2348. Next to/Beside/nɛkst tu/ – /bɪˈsaɪd/ (preposition): Bên cạnh
2349. On/ɑn/ (preposition): Trên
2350. Opposite/ˈɑpəzət/ (preposition): Đối diện
2351. Outside /ˈaʊtˈsaɪd/(preposition): Bên ngoài
2352. Over/ˈoʊvər/ (preposition): Phía trên
2353. Towards/təˈwɔrdz/ (preposition): Về phía, hướng về
2354. Under/ˈʌndər/ (preposition): Phía dưới
2355. Up/ʌp/ (preposition): Lên, ở trên

Chủ đề 49: Các từ chỉ sự tăng – giảm:

2356. Decline /dɪˈklaɪn/(verb): Sụt giảm; (noun): Sự sụt giảm
2357. Decrease/ˈdiˌkris/ (verb): Giảm; (noun): Sự giảm sút
2358. Diminish /dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/(verb): Giảm sút
2359. Drop /drɑp/(verb): Sụt giảm; (noun): Sự sụt giảm
2360. Grow /groʊ/(verb): Phát triển, tăng trưởng
2361. Increase/ˈɪnˌkris/ (verb): Tăng lên; (noun): Sự tăng lên
2362. Lessen/ˈlɛsən/ (verb): Giảm bớt
2363. Raise/reɪz/ (verb): Tăng lên, nâng lên; (noun): Sự tăng lên
2364. Reduce /rəˈdus/(verb): Giảm
2365. Rise/raɪz/ (verb): Tăng lên
11. Làm đẹp
Từ vựng tiếng anh chủ đề làm đẹp

Chủ đề 50.1: Trang điểm mặt và dụng cụ

2366. Blusher: má hồng
2367. Blusher: phấn má hồng
2368. Bronzer: phấn tối màu để cắt mặt
2369. Brush: lược to, tròn
2370. Buff: bông đánh phấn
2371. Comb: lược nhỏ (lược 1 hàng)
2372. Concealer: kem che khuyết điểm
2373. Face mask: mặt nạ
2374. Foundation: kem nền
2375. Gel: dang gieo
2376. Highlighter: kem highlight
2377. Liquid: dạng lỏng, nước
2378. Moisturizer: kem dưỡng ẩm
2379. Pencil: dạng chì
2380. Powder: dạng phấn
2381. Powder: Phấn phủ
2382. Sheer: chất phấn trong, không nặng
2383. Skin lotion: dung dịch săn da

Chủ đề 50.2: Trang sức:

2384. Bangle /’bæɳgl/: vòng đeo (ở cổ tay hay cánh tay)
2385. Bracelet /ˈbreɪ.slət/: vòng đeo tay
2386. Chain /tʃeɪn/: chuỗi vòng cổ
2387. Charm /tʃɑːrm/: những vật trang trí nhỏ
2388. Charm bracelet: vòng đeo tay (gắn nhiều đồ trang trí nhỏ xung quanh
2389. Clasp: cái móc, cái gài
2390. Cufflink: khuy cài cổ tay áo (măng sét)
2391. Earrings /ˈɪrɪŋ/ : bông tai (hoa tai)
2392. Engagement ring: nhẫn đính hôn
2393. Hoop earrings: vòng đeo Tai
2394. Medallion /mi’dæljən/: mặt dây chuyền (tròn, bằng kim loại)
2395. Pearl necklace: dây chuyền ngọc trai
2396. Pendant: /’pendənt/: mặt dây chuyền (bằng đá quý)
2397. Pin /pɪn/: cái ghim cài áo
2398. Signet ring: nhẫn có khắc hình phía trên
2399. Wedding ring: nhẫn cưới
12. Học Thuật
Tiếng anh chủ đề học thuật

Chủ đề 51: Danh từ sử dụng nhiều nhất trong tiếng anh:

2400. Air /ɛr/ không khí
2401. Area /ˈɛriə/ khu vực
2402. Art /ɑrt/ nghệ thuật
2403. Back /bæk/ phía sau
2404. Body /ˈbɑdi/ cơ thể
2405. Book /bʊk/ cuốn sách
2406. Business /ˈbɪznəs/ kinh doanh
2407. Car /kɑr/ xe hơi
2408. Case /keɪs/ trường hợp
2409. Change /ʧeɪnʤ/ thay đổi
2410. Child /ʧaɪld/ con cái
2411. City /ˈsɪti/ thành phố
2412. Community /kəmˈjunəti/ cộng đồng
2413. Company /’kʌmpəni/ công ty
2414. Country /ˈkʌntri/ đất nước
2415. Day /deɪ/ ngày
2416. Door /dɔr/ cánh cửa
2417. End /ɛnd/ kết thúc
2418. Eye /aɪ/ mắt
2419. Face /feɪs/ gương mặt
2420. Fact /fækt/ sự thật
2421. Family /ˈfæməli/ gia đình
2422. Father /ˈfɑðər/ cha
2423. Force /fɔrs/ lực lượng
2424. Friend /frɛnd/ người bạn
2425. Game /geɪm/ trò chơi
2426. Girl /gɜrl/ cô gái
2427. Government /ˈgʌvərmənt/ chính phủ
2428. Guy /gaɪ/ chàng trai
2429. Hand /hænd/ bàn tay
2430. Head /hɛd/ đầu
2431. Health /hɛlθ/ sức khỏe
2432. History /ˈhɪstəri/ lịch sử
2433. Home /hoʊm/ nhà
2434. Hour /ˈaʊər/ giờ
2435. House /haʊs/ ngôi nhà
2436. Idea /aɪˈdiə/ ý tưởng
2437. Information /ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃən/ thông tin
2438. Issue /ˈɪʃu/ vấn đề
2439. Job /ʤɑb/ nghề nghiệp
2440. Kid /kɪd/ trẻ con
2441. Kind /kaɪnd/ loại
2442. Law /lɔ/ luật pháp
2443. Level /ˈlɛvəl/ cấp bậc
2444. Life /laɪf/ cuộc sống
2445. Line /laɪn/ vạch kẻ
2446. Lot /lɑt/ từng phần
2447. Man /mən/ đàn ông
2448. Member /ˈmɛmbər/ thành viên
2449. Minute /ˈmɪnət/ phút
2450. Moment /ˈmoʊmənt/ hiện tại
2451. Money /ˈmʌni/ tiền bạc
2452. Month /mʌnθ/ tháng
2453. Morning /ˈmɔrnɪŋ/ buổi sáng
2454. Mother /’mʌðər/ mẹ
2455. Name /neɪm/ tên gọi
2456. Night /naɪt/ ban đêm
2457. Number /ˈnʌmbər/ con số
2458. Office /ˈɔfəs/ văn phòng
2459. Others /ˈʌðərz/ những cái khác
2460. Parent /ˈpɛrənt/ phụ huynh
2461. Part /pɑrt/ bộ phận
2462. Party /ˈpɑrti/ bữa tiệc
2463. People /ˈpipəl/ con người
2464. Person /ˈpɜrsən/ con người
2465. Place /pleɪs/ vị trí
2466. Point /pɔɪnt/ điểm
2467. Power /ˈpaʊər/ năng lượng
2468. President /ˈprɛzəˌdɛnt/ chủ tịch
2469. Problem /ˈprɑbləm/ vấn đề
2470. Program /ˈproʊˌgræ m/chương trình
2471. Question /ˈkwɛsʧən/ câu hỏi
2472. Reason /ˈrizən/ lý do
2473. Research /riˈsɜrʧ/ nghiên cứu
2474. Result /rɪˈzʌlt/ kết quả
2475. Right /raɪt/ quyền lợi
2476. Room /rum/ căn phòng
2477. Group /grup/ nhóm
2478. School /skul/ trường học
2479. Service /ˈsɜrvəs/ dịch vụ
2480. Side /saɪd/ khía cạnh
2481. State /steɪt/ trạng thái
2482. Story /ˈstɔri/ câu chuyện
2483. Student /ˈstudənt/ học sinh
2484. Study /ˈstʌdi/ học tập
2485. System /ˈsɪstəm/ hệ thống
2486. Teacher /tiʧər/ giáo viên
2487. Team /tim/ nhóm, đội
2488. Thing /θɪŋ/ sự vật
2489. Time /taɪm/ thời gian
2490. War /wɔr/ chiến tranh
2491. Water /ˈwɔtər/ nước
2492. Way /weɪ/ con đường
2493. Week /wi:k/ tuần
2494. Woman /ˈwʊmən/ phụ nữ
2495. Word /wɜrd/ từ
2496. Work /wɜrk/ công việc
2497. World /wɜrld/ thế giới
2498. Year /jɪr/ năm
2499. Education /ɛʤəˈkeɪʃən/ giáo dục

Chủ đề 52: Tính từ sử dụng nhiều nhất trong tiếng anh:

2500. Able: có thể làm được điều gì đó
2501. Accurate: chính xác
2502. Actual: thực tế
2503. Additional: thêm vào
2504. Available: sẵn có
2505. Aware: nhận thức
2506. Basic: cơ bản
2507. Capable: có khả năng
2508. Competitive: cạnh tranh
2509. Critical: Quan trọng
2510. Cute: dễ thương
2511. Dangerous: Nguy hiểm
2512. Different: khác nhau
2513. Difficult: khó khăn
2514. Dramatic: ấn tượng
2515. Educational: giáo dục
2516. Efficient: hiệu quả
2517. Electrical: điện
2518. Electronic: điện tử
2519. Emotional: cảm xúc
2520. Entire: toàn bộ
2521. Environmental: môi trường
2522. Every: mỗi
2523. Expensive: đắt
2524. Federal: liên bang
2525. Financial: tài chính
2526. Foreign: nước ngoài
2527. Global: toàn cầu
2528. Happy: hạnh phúc
2529. Healthy: khỏe mạnh
2530. Helpful: hữu ích
2531. Historical: tính lịch sử
2532. Hot: nóng
2533. Huge: lớn
2534. Hungry: đói
2535. Immediate: ngay lập tức
2536. Important: Quan trọng
2537. Impossible: không thể
2538. Intelligent: thông minh
2539. Interesting: thú vị
2540. Known: được biết đến
2541. Large: lớn
2542. Legal: pháp lý
2543. Medical: y tế
2544. Mental: thuộc tinh thần
2545. Nice: đẹp
2546. Numerous: nhiều
2547. Old: cũ
2548. Political: chính trị
2549. Poor: người nghèo
2550. Popular: phổ biến
2551. Powerful: mạnh mẽ
2552. Practical: thực tế
2553. Pregnant: mang thai
2554. Psychological: tâm lý
2555. Rare: hiếm
2556. Recent: gần đây
2557. Relevant: có liên quan
2558. Responsible: chịu trách nhiệm
2559. Scared: sợ hãi
2560. Serious: nghiêm trọng
2561. Several: vài
2562. Severe: nghiêm trọng
2563. Significant: đáng kể
2564. Similar: tương tự
2565. Strong: mạnh mẽ
2566. Successful: thành công
2567. Sufficient: đủ
2568. Suitable: phù hợp
2569. Technical: kỹ thuật
2570. Traditional: truyền thống
2571. Typical: điển hình
2572. United: liên kết, hợp nhất
2573. Unusual: bất thường
2574. Used: được sử dụng
2575. Useful: hữu ích
2576. Various: khác nhau, không giống nhau
2577. Whose: có
2578. Willing: sẵn sàng
2579. Wonderful: tuyệt vời

Chủ đề 53: Động từ sử dụng nhiều nhất trong tiếng anh:

2580. Accept /ækˈsɛpt/ chấp nhận
2581. Achieve /əˈʧiv/ đạt được
2582. Act /ækt/ ra vẻ, hành động
2583. Admin /admin/ thừa nhận
2584. Affect /əˈfɛkt/ ảnh hưởng tới
2585. Announce /əˈnaʊns/ thông báo
2586. Apply /əˈplaɪ/ áp dụng
2587. Argue /ˈɑrgju/ tranh cãi
2588. Arrive /əˈraɪv/ đến
2589. Assume /əˈsum/ cho rằng
2590. Avoid /əˈvɔɪd/ tránh
2591. Base /beɪs/ dựa trên
2592. Bend forward: Cúi về phía trước
2593. Blow your nose: Hỉ mũi
2594. Break /breɪk/ làm vỡ
2595. Brush your teeth: Đánh răng
2596. Catch /kæʧ/ bắt lấy
2597. Cause /kɑz/ gây ra
2598. Choose /ʧuz/ chọn
2599. Claim /kleɪm/ tuyên bố
2600. Clap your hands: Vỗ tay
2601. Clear your throat: Hắng giọng
2602. Close /kloʊs/ đóng lại
2603. Compare /kəmˈpɛr/ so sánh
2604. Contain /kənˈteɪn/ chứa
2605. Control /kənˈtroʊl/ kiểm soát
2606. Cover /ˈkʌvər/ bao phủ
2607. Cross your legs: Khoanh chân, bắt chéo chân
2608. Cut /kʌt/ cắt bỏ
2609. Deal /dil/ xử lý
2610. Design /dɪˈzaɪn/ thiết kế
2611. Determine /dəˈtɜrmən/ xác định
2612. Discuss /dɪˈskʌs/ thảo luận
2613. Drive /draɪv/ lái xe
2614. Eat /it/ ăn
2615. Encourage /ɛnˈkɜrɪʤ/ khuyến khích
2616. End /ɛnd/ kết thúc
2617. Enjoy /ɛnˈʤɔɪ/ thưởng thức
2618. Ensure /ɛnˈʃʊr/ chắc chắn
2619. Enter /ˈɛntər/ tiến vào
2620. Establish /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ thiết lập
2621. Exist /ɪgˈzɪst/ tồn tại
2622. Explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ giải thích
2623. Express /ɪkˈsprɛs/ diễn đạt
2624. Face /feɪs/ đối mặt
2625. Fail /feɪl/ thất bại
2626. Fill /fɪl/ lấp đầy
2627. Finish /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ hoàn thành
2628. Fold your arms: Khoanh tay
2629. Force /fɔrs/ bắt buộc
2630. Forget /fərˈgɛt/ quên
2631. Form /fɔrm/ hình thành
2632. Grow /groʊ/ lớn lên
2633. Identify /aɪˈdɛntəˌfaɪ/ xác định
2634. Improve /ɪmˈpruv/ nâng cao
2635. Increase /ˈɪnˌkris/ tăng lên
2636. Indicate /ˈɪndəˌkeɪt/ chỉ ra rằng
2637. Introduce /ˌɪntrəˈdus/ giới thiệu
2638. Join /ʤɔɪn/ ghép
2639. Kill /kɪl/ giết
2640. Learn /lɜrn/ học hỏi
2641. Lie /laɪ/ nói xạo
2642. Lie on your back (stomach/left side/right side): Nằm ngửa (sấp, bên trái, bê phải)
2643. Listen /ˈlɪsən/ nghe
2644. Listen to music: Nghe nhạc
2645. Love /lʌv/ yêu thương
2646. Maintain /meɪnˈteɪn/ duy trì
2647. Manage /ˈmænəʤ/ quản lý
2648. Mention /ˈmɛnʃən/ nhắc tới
2649. Nod your head: Gật đầu
2650. Note /noʊt/ ghi lại
2651. Obtain /əbˈteɪn/ đạt được
2652. Occur /əˈkɜr/ xảy ra
2653. Pass /pæs/ vượt qua
2654. Pick /pɪk/ nhặt lên
2655. Place /pleɪs/ đặt, để
2656. Plan /plæn/ lên kế hoạch
2657. Point /pɔɪnt/ chỉ vào
2658. Prepare /priˈpɛr/ chuẩn bị
2659. Present /ˈprɛzənt/ giới thiệu
2660. Prove /pruv/ chứng minh
2661. Publish /ˈpʌblɪʃ/ xuất bản
2662. Pull /pʊl/ kéo
2663. Raise /reɪz/: nâng cao
2664. Raise an eyebrow/Raise your eyebrows: Nhướn lông mày
2665. Raise your hand: Giơ tay lên
2666. Reduce /rəˈdus/ giảm
2667. Refer /rəˈfɜr/ nhắc tới
2668. Reflect /rəˈflɛkt/ suy nghĩ
2669. Relate /rɪˈleɪt/ có liên quan
2670. Remove /riˈmuv/ loại bỏ
2671. Replace /ˌriˈpleɪs/ thay thế
2672. Report /rɪˈpɔrt/ báo cáo
2673. Represent /ˌrɛprəˈzɛnt/ đại diện cho
2674. Rise /raɪz/ tăng lên
2675. Roll your eyes: Đảo mắt
2676. Save /seɪv/ lưu giữ
2677. Seek /si:k/ tìm kiếm
2678. Serve /sɜrv/ phục vụ
2679. Shake your hands: Bắt tay
2680. Shake your head: Lắc đầu
2681. Share /ʃɛr/ chia sẻ
2682. Shrug your shoulders: Nhún vai
2683. Smile /smaɪl/ mỉm cười
2684. Stay /steɪ/ ở lại
2685. Stick your tongue out: Lè lưỡi
2686. Stomp your feet: Dậm chân
2687. Suffer /ˈsʌfər/ chịu khổ
2688. Support /səˈpɔrt/ ủng hộ
2689. Suppose /səˈpoʊz/ giả sử
2690. Tend /tɛnd/ có xu hướng
2691. Thank /θæŋk/ cảm ơn
2692. Throw /θroʊ/ ném
2693. Treat /trit/ đối xử
2694. Turn your head: Quay đầu, ngoảnh mặt đi hướng khác
2695. Visit /ˈvɪzət/ thăm nom
2696. Watch /wɑʧ/ xem
2697. Wear /wɛr/ đội, mặc
2698. Wink your eyes: Nháy mắt
2699. Wish /wɪʃ/ muốn
2700. Wonder /ˈwʌndər/ tự hỏi

Chủ đề 54: Trạng từ sử dụng nhiều nhất trong tiếng anh:

2701. A lot /ə lɒt/ rất nhiều
2702. Absolutely /ˈæbsəluːtli/ tuyệt đối
2703. Accurately /ˈækjʊrɪtli/ một cách chính xác
2704. Almost /ˈɔːlməʊst/ gần như
2705. Already /ɔːlˈrɛdi/ đã rồi
2706. Always /ˈɔːlweɪz/ luôn luôn
2707. Angrily /ˈæŋgrɪli/ một cách tức giận
2708. Anxiously /ˈæŋkʃəsli/ một cách lo
2709. Anywhere /ˈɛnɪweə/ bất kỳ đâu
2710. As a result /æz ə rɪˈzʌlt/ kết quả là
2711. Away /əˈweɪ/ đi khỏi
2712. Badly /ˈbædli/ cực kì
2713. Beautifully /ˈbjuːtəfʊli/ một cách đẹp đẽ
2714. Besides /bɪˈsaɪdz/ bên cạnh đó
2715. Bravely /ˈbreɪvli/ một cách dũng cảm
2716. Carefully /ˈkeəfli/ một cách cẩn thận
2717. Carelessly /ˈkeəlɪsli/ một cách cẩu thả
2718. Cautiously /ˈkɔːʃəsli/ một cách cẩn trọng
2719. Early /ˈɜːli/ sớm
2720. Easily /ˈiːzɪli/ một cách dễ dàng
2721. Enormously /ɪˈnɔːməsli/ cực kì
2722. Enough /ɪˈnʌf/ đủ
2723. Entirely /ɪnˈtaɪəli/ toàn bộ
2724. Especially /ɪsˈpɛʃəli/ đặc biệt là
2725. Everywhere /ˈɛvrɪweə/ khắp mọi nơi
2726. Expertly/ˈɛkspɜːtli/ một cách điêu luyện
2727. Finally/ˈfaɪnəli/ cuối cùng thì
2728. Frequently /ˈfriːkwəntli/ thường xuyên
2729. Fully /ˈfʊli/ hoàn toàn
2730. Furthermore /ˈfɜːðəˈmɔː/ hơn nữa
2731. Generally/ˈʤɛnərəli/ nói chung
2732. Greedily /ˈgriːdɪli/ một cách tham lam
2733. Happily/ˈhæpɪli/ một cách vui vẻ
2734. Hardly /ˈhɑːdli/ hầu như không
2735. Hardly ever /ˈhɑːdli ˈɛvə/ hầu như không
2736. Here /hɪə/ ở đây
2737. Highly /ˈhaɪli/ hết sức
2738. However/haʊˈɛvə/ mặc dù
2739. Hungrily /ˈhʌŋgrɪli/ một cách đói khát
2740. Inside /ɪnˈsaɪd/ bên trong
2741. Instead /ɪnˈstɛd/ thay vào đó
2742. Just /ʤʌst/ chỉ
2743. Largely /ˈlɑːʤli/ phần lớn là
2744. Lately /ˈleɪtli/ gần đây
2745. Lazily /ˈleɪzɪli/ một cách lười biếng
2746. Little /ˈlɪtl/ một ít
2747. Loudly /ˈlaʊdli/ một cách ồn ào
2748. Mainly ˈ/ˈmeɪnli/ chủ yếu là
2749. Moreover /mɔːˈrəʊvə/ hơn nữa
2750. Nearby /ˈnɪəbaɪ/ gần đây
2751. Never /ˈnɛvə/ không bao giờ
2752. Now /naʊ/ ngay bây giờ
2753. Nowhere /ˈnəʊweə/ không ở đâu cả
2754. Occasionally /əˈkeɪʒnəli/ đôi khi
2755. Often /ˈɒf(ə)n/ thường
2756. Only /ˈəʊnli/ duy nhất
2757. Outside /ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/ bên ngoài
2758. Particularly /pəˈtɪkjʊləli/ cụ thể là
2759. Perfectly /ˈpɜːfɪktli/ hoàn hảo
2760. Politely /pəˈlaɪtli/ một cách lịch sự
2761. Pretty /ˈprɪti/ khá là
2762. Professionally /prəˈfɛʃnəli/ một cách chuyên nghiệp
2763. Quickly /ˈkwɪkli/ một cách nhanh chóng
2764. Quite /kwaɪt/ khá là
2765. Rarely /ˈreəli/ hiếm khi
2766. Rather /ˈrɑːðə/ khá là
2767. Recently /ˈriːsntli/ gần đây
2768. Recklessly /ˈrɛklɪsli/ một cách bất cẩn
2769. Remarkably /rɪˈmɑːkəbli/ đáng kể
2770. Seldom /ˈsɛldəm/ hiếm khi
2771. Simply /ˈsɪmpli/ đơn giản
2772. Simply /ˈsɪmpli/ đơn giản là
2773. Slightly /ˈslaɪtli/ một chút
2774. Sometimes /ˈsʌmtaɪmz/ thỉnh thoảng
2775. Somewhere /ˈsʌmweə/ một nơi nào đó
2776. Soon /suːn/ sớm thôi
2777. Specifically/spəˈsɪfɪk(ə)li/ cụ thể là
2778. Still /stɪl/ vẫn
2779. Strongly /ˈstrɒŋli/ cực kì
2780. Terribly /ˈtɛrəbli/ cực kì
2781. Then /ðɛn/ sau đó
2782. There /ðeə/ ở kia
2783. Tomorrow /təˈmɒrəʊ/ ngày mai
2784. Unlike /ʌnˈlaɪk/ không giống như
2785. Usually /ˈjuːʒʊəli/ thường xuyên
2786. Very /ˈvɛri/ rất
2787. Yesterday /ˈjɛstədeɪ/ hôm qua

Chủ đề 55: Những từ cơ bản hay nhầm lẫn trong tiếng Anh:
2788. Angel /’eindʒəl/ (n) = thiên thần
2789. Angle /’æηgl/ (n) = góc (trong hình học)
2790. Dessert /di’zə:t/ (n) = món tráng miệng
2791. Desert /di’zə:t/ (v) = bỏ, bỏ mặc, đào ngũ
2792. Desert /’dezət/ (n) = sa mạc
2793. Later /`leitə/ (adv) = sau đó, rồi thì (thường dùng với động từ thời tương lai)
2794. Latter/’lætə/ (adj) = cái thứ 2, người thứ 2, cái sau, người sau.
2795. Affect /ə’fekt/ (v) = tác động đến Effect /i’fekt/ (n) = ảnh hưởng, hiệu quả; (v) = thực hiện, đem lạ
2796. Emigrant /’emigrənt/ (n) = người di cư
2797. Immigrant /’imigrənt/ (n) = người nhập cư
2798. Elude /iˈluːd/(v) = tránh khỏi, lảng tránh, vượt ngoài tầm hiểu biết.
2799. Allude /ə’lu:d/ (v) = nói đến ai/cái gì một cách rút gọn hoặc gián tiếp; ám chỉ; nói bóng gió
2800. Complement /’kɔmpliment/ (n) = bổ ngữ
2801. Complement / ‘kɔmplimənt/ (n) = lời khen ngợi
2802. Formerly /’fɔ:məli/ (adv) = trước kia
2803. Formally /’fɔ:mli/(adv) = chỉnh tề (ăn mặc); chính thức
2804. Cite /sait/ (v) = trích dẫn
2805. Site /sait/ (n) = địa điểm, khu đất ( để xây dựng).
2806. Sight /sait/ (n) = khe ngắm, tầm ngắm; quang cảnh, cảnh tượng; (v) = quan sát, nhìn thấy
2807. Principal /’prinsəpl/ (n) = hiệu trưởng (trường phổ thông); (Adj) = chính, chủ yếu.
2808. Principle / ‘prinsəpl/ (n) = nguyên tắc, luật lệ

Chủ đề 56: Dụng cụ học tập:

2809. Backpack: ba lô
2810. Bag: cặp sách
2811. Ballpoint: bút bi
2812. Beaker: cốc bêse (dùng trong phòng thí nghiệm)
2813. Binder: bìa rời (báo, tạp chí)
2814. Book : vở
2815. Bookcase/ Bookshelf: giá để sách
2816. Board: bảng
2817. Blackboard: bảng đen
2818. Carbon paper: giấy than
2819. Calculator: máy tính cầm tay
2820. Clamp: cái kẹp
2821. Clock: đồng hồ treo tường
2822. Chair: cái ghế
2823. Chalk: phấn viết
2824. Coloured Pencil: bút chì màu
2825. Compass: com-pa
2826. Computer: máy tính bàn
2827. Crayon: bút màu sáp
2828. Cutter: dao rọc giấy
2829. Desk: bàn học
2830. Dictionary: từ điển
2831. Dossier: hồ sơ
2832. Draft paper: giấy nháp
2833. Duster: khăn lau bảng
2834. Eraser/ Rubber: cái tẩy
2835. Index card: giấy ghi có dòng kẻ.
2836. Felt pen/ Felt tip: bút dạ
2837. File Holder: tập hồ sơ
2838. File cabinet: tủ đựng tài liệu
2839. Flash card: thẻ ghi chú
2840. Funnel: Cái phễu (thường dùng trong phòng thí nghiệm)
2841. Globe: quả địa cầu
2842. Glue: Keo dán hồ
2843. Highlighter: bút đánh dấu màu
2844. Magnifying Glass: Kính lúp
2845. Map: bản đồ
2846. Marker; bút lông
2847. Notebook: sổ ghi chép
2848. Paint: sơn, màu
2849. Paint Brush: bút tô màu
2850. Palette: bảng màu
2851. Paper: giấy viết
2852. Paper Clip: kẹp giấy
2853. Paper fastener: dụng cụ kẹp giữ giấy
2854. Pen: bút mực
2855. Pencil: bút chì
2856. Pencil Case: hộp bút
2857. Pencil Sharpener: gọt bút chì
2858. Pins: đinh ghim, kẹp
2859. Post-it notes: giấy nhớ
2860. Protractor: thước đo góc
2861. Ribbon: dải ruy-băng
2862. Ruler: thước kẻ
2863. Scissors: cái kéo
2864. Scotch Tape: băng dính trong suốt
2865. Set Square: Ê-ke
2866. Stapler: dụng cụ dập ghim
2867. Staple remover: cái gỡ ghim bấm
2868. Stencil: giấy nến
2869. Tape measure: thước cuộn
2870. Test Tube: ống thí nghiệm
2871. Textbook: sách giáo khoa
2872. Thumbtack: đinh ghim (kích thước ngắn)
2873. Watercolour: màu nước

Chủ đề 57: Con số (number):

2874. Add /æd/ cộng
2875. Addition /ə’dɪʃn/ phép cộng
2876. Algebra /’ældʤibrə/ đại số
2877. Angle /’æɳgl/ góc
2878. Arithmetic /ə’riθmətik/ số học
2879. Circle /’sə:kl/ hình tròn
2880. Circumference /sə:’kʌmfərəns/ chu vi đường tròn
2881. Cube /kju:b/ hình lập phương
2882. Curve /kə:v/ đường cong
2883. Decimal /’desiməl/ thập phân
2884. Decimal point /’desiməl pɔint/ dấu thập phân
2885. Diameter /dai’æmitə/ đường kính
2886. Divide /dɪˈvaɪd/ chia
2887. Division /dɪ’vɪʒn/ phép chia
2888. Equal /’i:kwəl/ bằng
2889. Fraction /’frækʃən/ phân số
2890. Geometry /ʤi’ɔmitri/ hình học
2891. Height /hait/ chiều cao
2892. Hexagon /’heksəgən/ hình lục giác
2893. Length /leɳθ/ chiều dài
2894. Minus /’mainəs/ âm
2895. Multiplication /¸mʌltipli’keiʃən/ phép nhân
2896. Multiply /’mʌltiplai/ nhân
2897. Oval /oval/ hình bầu dục
2898. Parallel /’pærəlel/ song song
2899. Pentagon /’pentə¸gɔn/ hình ngũ giác
2900. Percent /pəˈsent/ phần trăm
2901. Percentage /pə´sentidʒ/ tỷ lệ phần trăm
2902. Plus /plʌs/ dương
2903. Pyramid /’pirəmid/ hình chóp
2904. Radius /’reidiəs/ bán kính
2905. Rectangle /’rek¸tæηgl/ hình chữ nhật
2906. Right angle /rait ‘æɳgl/ góc vuông
2907. Sphere /sfiə/ hình cầu
2908. Square /skweə/ hình vuông
2909. Square root /skweə ru:t/ căn bình phương
2910. Squared /skweəd/ bình phương
2911. Straight line /streɪt lain/ đường thẳng
2912. Subtract /səb’trækt/ trừ
2913. Subtraction /səb’trækʃən/ phép trừ
2914. Take away /teik ə’wei/ trừ đi
2915. Times /taims/ lần
2916. Total /’təʊtl/ tổng
2917. Triangle /’traiæηgl/ hình tam giác
2918. Volume /’vɔlju:m/ dung lượng
2919. Width wɪtθ/ chiều rộng

Các chủ đề từ vựng Khác

Các chủ đề khác

Chủ đề 58: Âm nhạc(music):

2920. (cd)composer /kəmˈpoʊzər/: nhà soạn nhạc
2921. Accordion /əˈkɔːrdiən/: phong cầm, đàn xếp
2922. Audience /ˈɔːdiəns/: khán giả
2923. Bagpipe /ˈbæɡpaɪp/: kèn tú
2924. Bass guitar /beɪs ɡɪˈtɑːr/: đàn ghi ta bass
2925. Bass Beat /biːt/: nhịp, phách
2926. Bassist /ˈbeɪsɪst/: nhạc công guitar
2927. Blues /bluːz/: dòng nhạc du nhập sang Bắc Mỹ từ Tây Phi Châu
2928. Bolero /bəˈleroʊ/: nhạc vàng, nhạc bolero
2929. Cassette /kəˈset/: băng cát-xét
2930. Cassette player /kəˈset ˈpleɪər/: máy nghe băng
2931. Cello /ˈtʃeloʊ/: hồ cầm
2932. Choral /ˈkɔːrəl/: hợp xướng, đồng ca
2933. Clarinet /ˌklærəˈnet/: kèn
2934. Clarinet /ˌklærəˈnet/: kèn clarinet
2935. Clarinet Classical music /ˈklæsɪklˈmjuːzɪk/: nhạc cổ điển
2936. Compact disc /ˌkɑːmpækt ˈdɪsk/: đĩa thu âm
2937. Concerto /kənˈtʃertoʊ/: bài nhạc hợp tấu
2938. Conductor /kənˈdʌktər/: người chỉ huy dàn nhạc
2939. Country /ˈkʌntri/: dòng nhạc đồng quê
2940. Dance /dæns/: nhạc dance, nhạc nhảy
2941. Drum /drʌm/: trống
2942. Drummer /ˈdrʌmər/: tay trống
2943. Duet /duˈet/: song ca
2944. EDM /ˌiː diː ˈem/: nhạc nhảy điện tử (electronic dance music)
2945. Flautist /ˈflaʊtɪst/: người thổi sáo (ở Mỹ gọi là flutist)
2946. Flute /fluːt/: sáo
2947. Gong /ɡɔːŋ/: cồng
2948. Guitar /ɡɪˈtɑːr/: ghi ta
2949. Hard rock /ˌhɑːrd ˈrɑːk/: nhạc rock nặng
2950. Harmonica /hɑːrˈmɑːnɪkə/: kèn harmonica
2951. Harmony /ˈhɑːrməni/: hòa âm
2952. Harp /hɑːrp/: hạc cầm, đàn harp
2953. Headphones /ˈhedfoʊnz/: tai nghe
2954. Hip hop /ˈhɪp hɑːp/: dòng nhạc hip hop
2955. Hymn /hɪm/: thánh ca
2956. Instrument /ˈɪnstrəmənt/: nhạc cụ
2957. Jazz /dʒæz/: nhạc Jazz
2958. Jingle /ˈdʒɪŋɡl/: điệu nhạc ngắn dễ nhớ
2959. Keyboard /ˈkiːbɔːrd/: nhạc cụ điện tử có bàn phím như piano điện, organ
2960. Lullaby /ˈlʌləbaɪ/: những bài hát
2961. Mini Wedding music /ˈwedɪŋˈmjuːzɪk/: nhạc đám cưới
2962. Musician /mjuˈzɪʃn/: nhạc sĩ
2963. National anthem /ˈnæʃnəl ˈænθəm/: Quốc Ca
2964. Note /noʊt/: nốt nhạc
2965. Opera /ˈɑːprə/: nhạc kịch
2966. Orchestra /ˈɔːrkɪstrə/: dàn nhạc
2967. Organ /ˈɔːrɡən/: đàn organ
2968. Organist /ˈɔːrɡənɪst/: nghệ sĩ organ
2969. Percussion /pərˈkʌʃn/: nhạc cụ chơi bằng dùi hoặc bàn ta
2970. Performer /pərˈfɔːrmər/: người biểu diễn
2971. Pianist /ˈpiːənɪst/: nghệ sĩ dương cầm
2972. Piano /piˈænoʊ/: đàn piano
2973. Pop /pɑːp/: nhạc po
2974. R&B /ˌɑːr ən ˈbiː/: dòng nhạc Rhythm and Blues, kết hợp dòng nhạc jazz, nhạc phúc âm và Blues
2975. Rap /ræp/: nhạc rap
2976. Rapper /ˈræpər/: người hát rap
2977. Recording studio /rɪˈkɔːrdɪŋ stuːdioʊ/: phòng thu âm rock /rɑːk/: nhạc rock
2978. Mandolin /ˌmændəˈlɪn/: măng cầm
2979. Saxophone /ˈsæksəfoʊn/: kèn saxophone
2980. Saxophonist /ˈsæksəfoʊnɪst/: nghệ sĩ kèn saxophone singer /ˈsɪŋər/: ca sĩ
2981. sing /sɪŋ/: hát
2982. Solo /ˈsoʊloʊ/: độc diễn
2983. sonata /səˈnɑːtə/: bản xô-nát, soạn cho piano hoặc piano và violin
2984. Song /sɔːŋ/: bài hát
2985. soul /soʊl/: nhạc linh hồn, có nguồn gốc từ nhạc phúc âm và R&B
2986. Speaker /ˈspiːkər/: loastage /steɪdʒ/: sân khấu
2987. string /strɪŋ/: nhạc cụ có dây
2988. Symphony /ˈsɪmfəni/: bản giao hưởng
2989. Theme song /ðəm sɔːŋ/: nhạc nền cho phim
2990. Traditional Vietnamese musical /trəˈdɪʃənlˌvjetnəˈmiːzˈmiːzˈmjuːzɪkl/: cải lương
2991. Trombonist /trɑːmˈboʊnɪst/: nhạc công kèn trôm-bôn
2992. Trumpeter /ˈtrʌmpɪtər/: nghệ sĩ
2993. Trumpet Trumpet /ˈtrʌmpɪt/: kèn trumpet
2994. Turntable /ˈtɜːrnteɪbl/: bàn quay đĩa hát
2995. Ukulele /ˌjuːkəˈleɪli/: đàn ukulele
2996. Viola /viˈoʊlə/: vĩ cầm lớn
2997. Violin /ˌvaɪəˈlɪn/: vĩ cầm
Sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ Subject - Verb Agreement

Việc lựa chọn động từ số nhiều hay số ít để sử dụng với chủ ngữ được gọi là sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và
Thông thường chủ ngữ số ít đi với động từ số ít, chủ ngữ số nhiều đi với động từ số nhiều. Động từ thêm
Trong một số trường hợp có những ngoại lệ khi chia động động từ tương ứng với chủ ngữ như là:

Khi danh từ làm chủ ngữ (Nouns as subject)

Với các danh từ tập hợp (Collective nouns)
Các từ chỉ lượng (Quantifiers)
Các cấu trúc song song (Parallel structures)
I. Khi danh từ làm chủ ngữ (Nouns as subject)
1. Khi chủ ngữ là danh từ số ít có dạng số nhiều → Động từ số ít
Các danh từ số ít nhưng có dạng số nhiều thường là tên các bệnh, các môn học, môn thể thao,...
Cụ thể:
- Một số bệnh: rabies (bệnh dại), measles (bệnh sởi)...
- Môn học: mathematics (môn Toán), physics (môn Vật lý)...
- Môn thể thao: athletics (môn điền kinh), gymnastics (thể dục dụng cụ), billiards (bi-a)...
- Means (phương tiện), series (chuỗi, dãy)
Ví dụ:
Physics is my favourite subject. (Vật lý là môn học yêu thích của tôi.)

2. Khi chủ ngữ là danh từ số nhiều có dạng số ít → Động từ số nhiều

Có những danh từ ở dạng số ít (không có "s" ở cuối) nhưng lại có ý nghĩa số nhiều. Trong trường hợp đó
- fish (dùng fishes khi nói đến các loài cá khác nhau)
- deer (hươu - vừa là số nhiều vừa là số ít)
- sheep (cừu)
- buffalo (trâu)
- offspring (con cái)
- police (cảnh sát)...
Ví dụ:
In fact, sheep have very good memories. (Thực tế, cừu có trí nhớ rất tốt.)

3. Khi chủ ngữ là danh từ tập hợp

Bao gồm: association (liên hiệp), audience (khán giả), class, (lớp), club (câu lạc bộ), college (hội, đoàn
community (cộng đồng), company (công ty), council (hội đồng), crowd (đám đông), department (phòng
generation (thế hệ), school (trường học), government (chính phủ), group (nhóm), staff (nhân viên), tea

Với các danh từ tập hợp này, động từ có thể được chia ở dạng số ít hoặc số nhiều, tùy thuộc vào văn cản

Nếu danh từ được nói đến như một thể thống nhất → Động từ số ít
Nếu danh từ được nói đến là các thành viên trong tập hợp đó → Động từ số nhiều
Ví dụ:
My staff is always friendly. (Nhân viên của tôi luôn luôn thân thiện.) => Chỉ chung tập thể
All the staff are clapping their hands to welcome a new manager. (Tất cả các nhân viên đang vỗ tay để ch
II. Các từ chỉ lượng (Quantifiers)
Các từ chỉ lượng đi kèm với danh từ cũng ảnh hưởng đến dạng của động từ.

1. Each/ Every + danh từ số ít → Động từ số ít

Ví dụ:
Every moment is precious.
(Mỗi khoảnh khắc đều quý giá.)

2. Each/ Any/ Either/ Neither/ None + of danh từ số nhiều → Động từ số ít

Ví dụ:
Each of the workers has his own work
(Mỗi người công nhân có công việc của chính mình.)

3. Most/ A lot/ A majority/ A minority + of + danh từ số nhiều → Động từ số nhiều

Ví dụ:
A majority of students are children of poor families. (Phần lớn học sinh là con em các gia đình nghèo.)

4. A number of + danh từ số nhiều → Động từ số nhiều (a number of = many)

The number of + danh từ số nhiều → Động từ số ít
Ví dụ:
A number of people are waiting for the bus.
(Rất nhiều người đang chờ xe buýt.)
The number of customers was higher.
(Số lượng khách mua hàng đã cao hơn.)

5. Chia động từ ở dạng số ít khi chủ ngữ là: một khoảng cách, một số tiền, một khoảng thời gian
Ví dụ:
30 minutes is enough time for me take a nap.
(30 phút là đủ thời gian để tôi chợp mắt.)
Five kilometers is too far to walk.
(5 ki-lô-mét là quá xa để đi bộ.)

III. Các cấu trúc song song (Parallel structures)

1. Danh từ 1 and Danh từ 2 → Động từ số nhiều

Ví dụ:
Milk and fresh water are good for your health.
(Sữa và nước lọc tốt cho sức khoẻ.)
* Lưu ý trong một số cụm từ có and động từ chia ở dạng số ít vì nó nói đến một thứ chứ không phải hai thứ
Ví dụ:
Fish and chips is a popular dish in Britain.
(Cá tẩm bột và khoai tây rán là món ăn phổ biến ở Anh.)
=> fish and chips là tên một món ăn.

2. Both A and B → Động từ số nhiều

Ví dụ:
Both Minh and Hoa are teachers.
(Cả Minh và Hoa đều là giáo viên.)

3. Not only A but also B // Either A or B // Neither A nor B → Động từ phụ thuộc vào B
Ví dụ:
Either my sister or I am going to cook dinner.
(Hoặc chị tôi hoặc tôi sẽ nấu bữa tối.)

4. A together with B // A as well as B // A along with B → Động từ phụ thuộc vào A

Ví dụ:
My parents as well as my brother are tall .
(Bố mẹ tôi cũng như anh trai tôi cao.)

Sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ Subject - Verb Agree

Nguyên tắc 1: Nếu chủ ngữ là danh từ hoặc đại từ số ít, động từ sẽ được chia theo hình thức số ít.
This summer I will visit a new country with two of my best friends
S (singular) + V (singular)
Ví dụ:
My cat is very fat.
She learns very hard.

Nguyên tắc 3: Nếu chủ ngữ là gerund (v-ing) thì động từ sẽ được chia theo hình thức số ít.
V-ING + V (singular)
Ví dụ: Studying online is the best choice for a busy person.

Nguyên tắc 6: Nếu chủ ngữ sử dụng EITHER/NEITHER đi với OF thì động từ luôn được chia theo h
EITHER/NEITHER OF + N + V(singular)
Ví dụ: Neither of them wants to leave now.

Nguyên tắc 7: Khi chủ ngữ sử dụng cấu trúc THE NUMBER OF + N thì động từ sẽ được chia theo h
THE NUMBER OF + N + V(singular)
Ví dụ: The number of pandas decreases every year.

Nguyên tắc 11: Khi chủ ngữ bắt đầu bằng đại từ bất định như everyone, everybody, everything, som
somebody, each, each of, every +N thì động từ sẽ được chia ở hình thức số ít.
EACH/EVERY + N + V(singular)
Ví dụ: Everyone in my class likes to travel.

Nguyên tắc 15: Một số danh từ có s ở cuối nhưng động từ theo sau vẫn được chia ở hình thức số í
Môn học: mathematics, physics, economics…
Môn thể thao: billiards, checkers, athletics…
Tên các căn bệnh: rickets, measles…
Một số danh từ đặc biệt: news, the United States,…
Ví dụ: Mathematics is the most difficult for many students.

Nguyên tắc 16: Nếu chủ ngữ là cụm từ chỉ khoảng cách, kích thước, tiền, thời gian và đo lường thì
chia theo hình thức số ít.
Ví dụ: Five kilometers is the distance from my house to school.

Nguyên tắc 19: Nếu chủ ngữ bắt đầu bằng NO hoặc NONE OF đi cùng với danh từ số ít hoặc không
từ sẽ được chia theo hình thức số ít.
NO/NONE OF + S (singular+uncountable) + V(singular)
Ví dụ: No audience leaves the theater until the performance end.

Nguyên tắc 23: Nếu chủ ngữ là tựa đề phim, bài hát… thì động từ sẽ được chia ở hình thức số ít.
Ví dụ: Anne with an E is my favorite film.

Nguyên tắc 2: Nếu chủ ngữ là danh từ hoặc đại từ số nhiều, động từ sẽ được chia theo hình thức s
S (plural) + V (plural)
Ví dụ:
These books belong to the public library.
We are teachers.

Nguyên tắc 8: Khi chủ ngữ là cấu trúc A NUMBER OF +N thì động từ sẽ được chia theo hình thức s
A NUMBER OF + N + V (plural)
Ví dụ: A number of students have passed the test.

Nguyên tắc 10: Nếu chủ ngữ gồm nhiều chủ thể được nối với nhau bằng liên từ AND thì động từ sẽ
hình thức số nhiều.
S1 AND S2 + V(plural)
Ví dụ: Hoa and her family like to picnic every weekend.
Lưu ý: Trường hợp AND nối hai danh từ chỉ cùng một người, một vật hoặc một khái niệm thì động từ sẽ đư
số ít.
Ví dụ: Fish and chip is my favorite dish.

Nguyên tắc 12: Nếu chủ ngữ sử dụng cấu trúc MANY + N số nhiều thì động từ chia theo hình thức s
MANY + N(plural) + V(plural)
Ví dụ: Many students go to school by bus.

Nguyên tắc 14: Nếu chủ ngữ sử dụng THE + ADJ để chỉ một tập thể thì động từ chia theo hình thức
THE + ADJECTIVE + V(plural)
Ví dụ: The poor are still happy though they have not much money.
Nguyên tắc 20: Nếu sau NO hoặc NONE OF là một danh từ đếm được số nhiều thì động từ sẽ được
NO/NONE OF S(plural+countable) + V(plural)
Ví dụ: None of us speak French

Nguyên tắc 21: Khi chủ ngữ là các danh từ như pants, glasses, trousers, shorts, shoes, pliers (cái k
scissors… thì động từ sẽ được chia ở hình thức số nhiều.
Ví dụ: Those trousers are too long for me.
Tuy nhiên, nếu trước các danh từ này có cụm “A pair of” thì động từ sẽ được chia ở hình thức số ít.

Nguyên tắc 17: Nếu chủ ngữ có chứa phân số hoặc phần trăm thì động từ sẽ được chia theo danh
% + OF + S(singular + uncountable) + V(singular)% + OF + S(plural + countable) + V(plural)
Ví dụ: One-third of students in my class are boys.

Nguyên tắc 18: Động từ sẽ được chia theo danh từ đứng sau các cụm từ majority of, some of, mos
MAJORITY OF/SOME OF/ALL OF + S (singular + uncountable) + V (singular)
MAJORITY OF/SOME OF/ALL OF + S (plural + countable) + V (plural)
Ví dụ: Most of the water on earth is in the ocean.

Nguyên tắc 22: Khi chủ ngữ có hai danh từ được nối với nhau bằng of, động từ sẽ được chia theo
Ví dụ: The effects of environmental pollution are very serious.

Nguyên tắc 24: Khi chủ ngữ là các từ như staff, family, team, group, crowd, congress, committee, t
chia ở hình thức số ít nếu tính chất của tập thể đó như một đơn vị.
Ví dụ: The staff of this hotel is very professional.

Nguyên tắc 4,5: Khi chủ ngữ được nối bằng or hoặc nor , cấu trúc “neither…nor” hoặc “either…or”
chia theo chủ ngữ gần nhất.
S1 OR/NOR S2 + V (s2)
Ví dụ: You or I am going to win this game.
Ví dụ: Neither Anne nor her friends have seen this movie before.

Nguyên tắc 9: Khi chủ ngữ được nối bởi các liên từ như as long as, as well as, with, together, alon
accompanied by… thì động từ sẽ được chia theo chủ ngữ thứ nhất.
Ví dụ: Lan with her friends learns together every day.
thường chỉ ra đó là động từ số ít. Danh từ thêm "S/ES" thông thường chỉ ra đó là danh từ số nhiều (trừ những danh

ở dạng số nhiều.

ttee (ủy ban),

y (gia đình), public (công chúng),

ản lý mới.) => Chỉ từng cá nhân

ố nhiều (trừ những danh từ đặc biệt như women, children, people,etc).
Sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ Subject -
Verb Agreement
I. Choose the right word or phrase best completes the sentence:

1. Three weeks _______not enough holiday.

A. are B. were C. was D. been

2. Each of you ____ a share in the work.

A. having B. has C. to have D. have

3. A number of students ____ volunteered to the job.

A. have B. has C. to have D. having

4. Linguistics ____ out the ways in which languages work.

A. find B. finding C. to find D. finds

5. The Philippines ____ of more than 7,000 islands.

A. consist B. consisting C. consisted D. consists

6. The United Nations ____ its head quarters in New York city.

A. have B. having C. has D. to have

7. One of my neighbours ____ curious about other people’s private life.

A. being B. were C. is D. been

8. Tom doesn’t agree but the rest of us ____.

A. does B. done C. do D. doing

9. There ____ a few flowers in this garden last summer.

A. being B. were C. are D. is

10. A large number of reporters ____ at the meeting yesterday.

A. being B. were C. are D. is

11. Much progress ____ been made in recent years.

A. have B. has C. having D. to have

12. Collecting old coins and paper notes ____ one of my hobbies.

A. being B. were C. are D. is

13. The number of pupils getting poor marks since the beginning of the semester ____ appalling.

A. to be B. have been C. are D. is

14. Five thousand pounds ____ stolen in the robbery last night.

A. being B. were C. are D. was

15. Mr. Thomson with his wife and his three children ____ abroad.

A. to be B. have been C. are D. is

16. One of the girls who ____ working in this department ____ my niece.

A. is/being B. are/is C. is/are D. was/were

17. The English ____ to drink tea.

A. likes B. to like C. like D. has liked

18. Everybody ____ trying to do their best at present.

A. to be B. have been C. are D. is

19. Jim as well as I ____ always busy doing English homework.

A. am B. has been C. are D. is

20. Neither Daisy nor I ____ glad to do that.

A. am B. has been C. are D. is

21. That you take a computer course ____ very necessary.

A. am B. have been C. are D. is

22. The police ____ come to the site of the accident.

A. have B. has C. having D. to have

23. The pilot along with his passengers ____ rescued last night.
A. am B. have been C. was D. is

24. What we need most ____ books.

A. is B. were C. are D. to be

25. My brother together with his friends often ____ in the park.

A. jogs B. jogging C. jog D. to jog

26. Neither he nor they ____ here yesterday.

A. are B. were C. is D. be

27. Either John or his children ____ breakfast each morning.

A. make B. makes C. making D. to make

28. I don’t like the hot weather. Thirty degrees ____ too warm for me.

A. was B. are C. being D. is

29. Not only a dog but also two cats ____ at home in his garage.

A. was B. are C. been D. is

30. Both a poem and a short story ____ been written by the young author.

A. has B. to have C. have D. having

II. Find the misstakes

31. The professor together with his three students have been called to court.


32. Fifty dollars seem a reasonable price to pay for that.


33. Walking in the rain are not a good idea.


34. The unemployed really needs to be given more help.


35. To learn foreign languages are necessary for us to have a good job.


36. The police is asking him a lot of questions which he can’t answer.


37. Life is not easy for those who is without jobs.


38. The Chinese is very famous for their food.


39. I love swimming which are a good sport for my health.


40. All the books on the top shelf belongs to me.


41. One of the biggest problems facing our society are unemployment.


42. A few of the audiences is enjoying every minute of the performance.


43. How you got there do not concern me.


44. What I say about these problems are my own affair (chuyen rieng).


45. A great deal of money have been spent on the books.


46. Either you or the headmaster are handing the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting.

47. The poor woman with her two children were seen begging in a street corner.


48. Happiness and success depends on your ability and luck.


49. There are forty students in the class. Half of the class is boys.


50. The Vietnamese is hard-working, intelligent and brave.


III. Choose the best answer by underline the word

50. My aunt or my uncle is/ are arriving by train today.

51. Neither Juan nor Carmen is/ are available.

52. Either Kina or Casey is/ are helping today with stage decorations.

53. Neither she nor I am is/ are going to the festival.

54. The serving bowl or the plates go/goes on that shelf.

55. Neither Jenny nor the others is/ are available.

56. A car and a bike is/ are my means of transportation.

57. The politician, along with the newsmen, is/ are expected shortly.

58. Excitement, as well as nervousness, is/ are the cause of her shaking.

59. Each of the girls sings/sing well.

60. Every one of the cakes is/ are gone.

61. Fifty percent of the pie has/have disappeared.

62. Fifty percent of the pies have/has disappeared.

63. One-third of the city is/ are unemployed.

64. One-third of the people is/ are unemployed.

65. Some of the cakes is/ are missing.

66. None of the garbage was/were picked up.

67. None of the sentences were/was punctuated correctly.

68. Of all her books, none have/has sold as well as the first one.

69. The number of people we need/needs to hire is thirteen.

70. A number of people have/has written in about this subject.

71. Neither of them is/ are available to speak right now.

72. Either of us is/ are capable of doing the job.

73. There is/ are four students in the classroom.

74. There is/ are a lot of milk in the bottle.

75. Ten thousand pounds is/ are a high price to pay for that house.

All of the pie is gone.

All of the pies are gone.

Some of the pie is missing.

None of the sentences were punctuated correctly.

Of all her books, none have sold as well as the first one.

76. Five years is/ is the maximum sentence for that offense.

77. Selma is/ are the scientist who writes the reports.

78. He is/ are one of the men who do the work.

79. The staff is/ are in a press meeting at the moment.

80. The staffs is/ are in disagreement about the findings.

81. Everyone (has/have) done his or her homework

Unit 1: Friendship
Từ Phân Phát âm Nghĩa
1 acquaintance n /əˈkweɪntəns/ người quen
2 apartment n /əˈpɑːtmənt/ căn hộ (khép kín)
3 brighten up n làm rạng rỡ, làm bừng sáng
4 constancy n /ˈkɒnstənsi/ sự kiên định
5 enthusiasm n /ɪnˈθjuːziæzəm/ lòng nhiệt tình
6 give-and-take n sự nhường nhịn
gossip n /ˈɡɒsɪp/ chuyện tầm phào, tin đồn
7 nhảm
8 loyalty n /ˈlɔɪəlti/ lòng trung thành
9 quality n /ˈkwɒləti/ chất, phẩm chất
10 residential area n khu dân cư
11 rumour n /ˈruːmə(r)/ tin đồn
12 suspicion n /səˈspɪʃn/ sự nghi ngờ, sự ngờ vực
13 two-sided a hai mặt, hai phía
14 unselfishness n /ʌnˈselfɪʃnəs/ tính không ích kỉ
/tʃ/ and /dʒ/
1. Nhận biết phụ âm /tʃ/
"c" được phát âm là /tʃ/.
Ví dụ: cello, concerto,…
"t" được phát âm là /tʃ/.
Ví dụ: century, natural, culture, future,…
"ch" được phát âm là /tʃ/.
Ví dụ: cheap, chicken, child, cheer,…

2. Nhận biết phụ âm /dʒ/

"d" được phát âm là /dʒ/.
Ví dụ: soldier, verdure, schedule,…
"g" được phát âm là /dʒ/ khi đứng trước e, i, y và nếu một từ có dạng tận cùng là"ge".
Ví dụ: cage, stage, village, cottage, gentle,…
Ngoại lệ: get, gear, girl,…


I. Danh động từ (gerunds)

- Sử dụng như danh từ làm chủ từ, bổ ngữ GIOI TU.doc

+ Làm chủ từ trong câu
Ví dụ: Reading books is my hobby. / Walking is good excercise
+ Làm bổ ngữ trong câu
Ex: My hobby is singing

- Theo sau một số động từ:

'+ Công thức S + V + V-ing : admit (thừa nhận), appreciate (đánh giá) , avoid (tránh) ,
consider (xem xét), delay (trì hoãn), deny (từ chối), discuss (thảo luận), dislike (không thích),
enjoy (thích, thưởng thức), excuse (tha thứ), escape (trốn thoát), finish (kết thúc) , forgive (tha
thứ), imagine /(tưởng tượng), involve (bao gồm), keep = continue (tiếp tục), mention (đề cập),
mind (phiền), prefer (thích hơn), practise (luyện tập), postpone (trì hoãn), quit (thoát), resist
(kháng cự), recall (nhớ lại) , save (lưu), suggest (đề nghị), start = begin (bắt đầu), tolerate (tha
thứ), hate (ghét), like (thích), love (yêu),…
Ví dụ: She enjoys playing tennis.
'+ Công thức S + V + O + V-ing: catch (bắt được), discover (khám phá), feel, find,
involve,notice, prevent, risk, ….
- Go + V-ing : Theo sau hoạt động giải trí (Go fishing/ shopping/ dancing/ swimming/ bowling/
sightseeing/ camping….
Ex: Yesterday Nam invited me to go fishing with him.

- Theo sau giới từ: about, of, with, without, by...

Ex: He is excited about playing tennis/ Alice is fond of dancing.
- Sử dụng trong một số cấu trúc hoặc Phrasal verbs:
It’s (no) good/ use + V-ing, : Không có ích gì....
It’s not worth + V-ing, : Không đáng gì .....
There is no point in + V-ing, : Không cần thiết.....
S + can’t help / can’t stand / can't face / can't bear/ can't resist (chống cự) + V-ing,
I have difficulty (in) + V-ing, : have a good time + V-ing
I spend/waste + time/money/… + V-ing,
look forward to + V-ing,… (trông mong) ,be used to + V-ing (quen với), to get accustomed + V-ing
(quen với), be + busy + V-ing ....
Ex: It is no use helpping lazy people.
I am looking foward to hearing news from you.

- Trong cấu trúc với V là động từ tri giác biểu đạt hành động đang tiếp diễn : see, hear, notice, feel,.
+ Một số từ được theo sau bởi danh động từ và động từ nguyên mẫu nhưng không khác nghĩa :
start, begin, continue, intend…..
+ Một số từ được theo sau bởi danh động từ và động từ nguyên mẫu nhưng khác nghĩa :

II. Động từ nguyên thể (to + infinitive)

- Diễn đạt mục đích

Ví dụ: I went to university to become a good teacher.

- Theo sau một số động từ:

+ Công thức S + V + to-V: afford (đủ khả năng), appear (xuất hiện), ask, agree, arrange,
attempt(nổ lực) , beg (cầu xin), bear (chịu đựng), begin, choose, care, consent (bằng lòng),
determine (xác định), decide, demand, expect, forget, fail, happend, hate, help, hope, hesitate
(do dự), intend (dự định), like, learn, love, mean, manage (giải quyết), neglect (xao lãng), offer
(đề nghị), prepare, promise (hứa), plan, prefer (thích hơn), pretend (giả vờ), propose (đề nghị),
regret (hối hận), refuse, remember, start, seem (dường như), swear (thề), try (cố gắng), threaten
(đe dọa), trouble (làm phiền), wish, want.
Ex: He agree to help me
He is expected to be good at English. (S + V + to-V)
+ Công thức S + V + O + to-V: advise, ask, be, command (ra lệnh), encourage (khuyến khích),
forbid (cấm), get, help, intend (dự định), leave, mean (ý định), oblige (bắt buộc) , permit (cho
phép), prefer, recommend (đề nghị) , remind, tell, allow (cho phép), bear (chịu đựng), cause,
compel (buộc phải), expect, force (bắt buộc), hate, instruct (chỉ dẫn), invite, like, need, order,
persuade (thuyết phục), press, request, teach, tempt (xúi dục) ,tell, trouble (làm phiền), warn
(cảnh báo), want, wish.
Ví dụ:
My parents encourages me to go to university. (S + V + O + to-V)

- V + (o) + WH-question + to + V
Ex : He taught me how to play game

- Theo sau một số tính từ: happy, glad, sorry,…

Ví dụ: Today I am very happy to be able to tell you about my project.
His explanations were difficult tounderstand

- Sử dụng trong cấu trúc “too-to”, “enough-to”

Ví dụ: She isn’t tall enough to reach the ceiling.
This food is too hot to eat

- Sử dụng trong công thức “would like /love/prefer”

Ví dụ: I would like to thank you for having helped me.

- Sử dụng như danh từ làm chủ từ, bổ ngữ

+ Làm chủ từ trong câu
Ví dụ: To play football is my favorite activity every day.
+ Sử dụng để bổ sung ý nghĩa cho chủ ngữ, thường đứng sau động từ “to-be”
Ví dụ: What I put on my priority now is to pass the entrance exam to university.

III. Bare Infinitive: Động từ nguyên mẫu (V0)

- Sau động từ khuyết thiếu: can-could, will-would, should-shall,may-might, must, ..
Ví dụ:
I must go now. (Tôi phải đi bây giờ.)
Can you help me? (Bạn có thể giúp tôi được không?)

- Sau “had better” (nên) và “would rather” ( thích)

Ví dụ: It’s raining. You’d better wear a raincoat.
I’d rather listen to Jennifer Lopez than Britney Spears.
I would rather go alone. (Tôi thà đi một mình.)

- Sau các động từ như let/ make/ have/notice + O + V0,…

Ví dụ:
She lets her children stay up late. (Cô ấy cho phép con mình thức khuya.)
I made them give me the money back. (Tôi làm họ phải trả lại tiền cho tôi.)

- Sau động từ chỉ giác quan: (See/hear/watch/notice/find/feel…)

We heard him say that. (Chúng ta đều nghe anh ấy nói vậy.)
I see him swim in the pool
Suzy makes the hairdresser cut her hair.
Note: Ở thể bị động, make, see, hear được theo sau bởi to-infinitive.
Ví dụ:
Her hair is made to cut by the hairdresser.
He was heard to say that by us (anh ấy bị nghe thấy đã nói điều đó bởi chúng tôi)

+ Sau từ Why (not):

Chúng ta có thể giới thiệu câu hỏi hay đề nghị với why (not) + Động từ nguyên mẫu.
Ví dụ:
Why pay more at other shop? (Tại sao phải trả nhiều tiền hơn ở một cửa hàng khác?)
Why stand up if you can sit down? (Tại sao đứng khi bạn có thể ngồi?)
Why not take a holiday? (Tại sao không đi nghỉ?)
GIOI TU.docx
notice, feel,.

Stop + to inf. : Ngừng lại để làm việc khác
Ex: I was driving, then stopped to buy coffee because
I felt so sleepy.
(Tôi đang lái xe, sau đó dừng lại để mua cà phê vì
thấy buồn ngủ quá.)

Remember/ forget/Regret + to inf. :nhớ/ quên/ tiếc

việc cần phải làm
EX: I forgot to lock the door when I went to
(Tôi đã quên (phải) khóa cửa khi đi siêu thị.)
We regret to inform you that the flight will be
delayed. (Chúng tôi rất tiếc phải thông báo rằng
chuyến bay sẽ bị hoãn).

Try + to inf : cố gắng làm việc gì

Ex: I am trying to study to get scholarship. (Tôi đang
cố gắng học để lấy học bổng.)
Chủ động
S+ make + S.O + Vo +
Suzy makes the hairdresser cut her hair.
S + have +S.O + V0 +
S + get + S.O + to V +
Thomas has his son buy a cup of coffee.
Shally gets her husband to clean the kitchen for her.
Stop + gerund : Ngừng hẳn việc gì đó , từ bỏ
Ex: I stopped working part time job to
concentrate on next exam.
(Tôi đã ngừng (hẳn) làm thêm để tập trung cho kỳ
thi sắp đến.)

Remember/ forget/ Regret + gerund: nhớ lại/

quên/ hối tiếc việc đã xảy ra
Ex: I remember sending the report last week. (Tôi
nhớ đã gửi báo cáo tuần trước.)
He regret leaving school early. (Anh ấy hối
hận vì đã nghỉ học sớm).

Try + gerund : thử làm việc gì

Ex: They try eating sushi at this restaurant (Họ
thử ăn sushi tại nhà hàng này.)

Mean + gerund : có nghĩa là

Bị động
S (sth) + be made + to V + (by S.O)
Her hair is made to cut by the hairdresser.

S + have/ get + + V3/-ed (+ by S.O)

Thomas has a cup of coffee bought by his son.

Shally gets the kitchen cleaned by her husband.
Unit 1: Friendship
I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:
1. a. gossip b. generous c. origin d. gymnastic
2. a. mutual b. question c. feature d. confidential
3. a. jump b. junior c. justice d. judgment
4. a. change b. character c. cheek d. chilly
5. a. cheaper b. treatment c. jealous d. jeans
II. Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences:
6. Instead of buying a new pair of shoes, I had my old ones _________
a. repair b. to repair c. repairing d. repaired
7. It's possible _________ a train across Canada.
a. take b. to take c. taking d. to be taken
8. Now that we've finished painting the house, there is nothing left _______.
a. to do b. for doing c. to be done d. for being done
9. Before we leave, let's have Shelley _____ a map for us so we won't get lost.
a. draw b. to draw c. drawing d. drawn
10. I can hear a cat _________ at the window.
a. scratches b. to scratch c. scratching d. was scratching
11. I think your mother should let you _________ your own mind.
a. make up b. to make up c. making up d. made up
12. The police never found the money _________ in the robbery.
a. stealing b. be stolen c. steal d. stolen
13. Do you know what made so many people _________ their home?
a. evacuate b. to evacuate c. evacuated d. be evacuated
14._________ bread, you usually need flour, salt, and yeast.
a. Make b. To make c. Making d. For make
15. We saw our favorite ballet _________ at the theater last night.
a. perform b. performing c. performed d. in performing
16. He was never heard _________ 'thank you' in his life.
a. say b. to say c. saying d. said
17. I was delighted _________ my old friends again.
a. to see b. seeing c. seen d. to be seen
18. _________ to friends is nice but _________ alone is also enjoyable.
a. Talk/ to be b. To talk/ be c. Talk/ be d. Talking/ being
19. I'd rather _________ to Elvis than the Beatles.
a. listen b. to listen c. listening d. listened
20. People should avoid ________ in the rush hour.
a. driving b. drive c. to drive d. driven
III. Combine the given idea into one sentence. Add to when an infinitive is required:
21. use/ scissors/ tool are/ for/ sharp/ very young children
22. wrong/ consider/ they/ smoke/ it/ in public places
23. let/ I/ stay/ think/ them/ should/ the weekend/ until/ we
24. climb/ the first/ oxygen/ who/ Everest/ without/ person/ was?
25. noticed/ run/ him/ from/ away/ she/ home
26. made/ the film/ laugh/ right from/ them/ the first few minutes.
27. I'll/ look at/ the plumber/ have/ the central heating boiler
28. the answer/ you/ it/ work out/ clever/ of/ was
29. the tourists/ back/ when/ be/ the guide/ didn't/ tell/ at the coach
30. hear/ enough/ the guide/ clearly/ everyone/ didn't/ loudly/ for/ speak
IV. Fill each gap in the sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets:
31. The soldiers swore their __________ to the king. (loyal)
32. The leaders gave an _____________ welcome to all the guests (enthusiasm)
33. He loved Mona for her honesty (chân thật), her modesty (khiêm tốn) and her ________. (selfish)
34. She had a __________ that Mr. Engel was not completely honest (suspect)
35. Daisy is lively (hoạt bát), _________ pupil. (talk)
V. Read the passage carefully, then decide whether the following statement are true (T) or false (F):
The proverb 'A friend in need is a friend indeed.' means that we shall know who our real
friends are when we are in need. Those who desert (rời bỏ) us when we are in difficulty
are just unfaithful (chung thủy) friends.
A true friend would remain with us whether we are rich or poor. Some people be friend of
the rich, simply for the sake (mục đích) of getting benefits from them.
It is useless to have insincere (không chân thành) friends because these friends remain
with us as long as we are rich or powerful. It is better to have one or two good friends
rather than having hundreds of insincere ones.
A true friend will stand by us in our trials (thử thách) and tribulations (nỗi khổ cực). He
will be a great source of consolation (niềm an ủi) and comfort in our troubles. So we
must be careful in choosing our friends. It is difficult to choose a sincere friend overnight;
it takes years for us to find a sincere friend.
36. Real friends share everything we need.
37. Unfaithful friends stop being our friends when we are in trouble.
38. A true friend is always loyal to us and support us through our difficulties.
39. It's not worth having a lot of friends.
40. It may take a lot of time to find a real friend.

Exercise 1. Rewrite the sentences, using the words given in brackets.

1. They got out of the car. (The police watched)

2. They allowed him to write a letter to his wife. (They let)

3. They talked in the next room. (I heard)

4. The customs officer told him to open the briefcase. (The customs officer made)

5. The cat jumped through the window. (The boy saw)

6. Maybe the company will ask him to pay some extra money. (Do you think the
company will make)

7. The animal moved towards me. I felt it. (I felt)

8. She wants to go for a picnic. (Do you think her parents will let)

Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentences, using the words given in brackets.

1. The teacher allowed me to stay at home to finish the assignment. (The teacher let)

2. The boy ran away from the house. (She noticed)

3. He said that he didn’t want to learn Math. (I overheard)

4. The policeman told the thief to empty his pockets. (The policeman made)

5. He left the house early this morning. (I heard)

6. He drove away. (She stood there and watched)

7. The robber came from the back door. (I could feel)

8. Maybe the school will ask me to pay some extra money. (Do you think the school will

9. They arrived home late. (He saw)

10. She didn’t want to stay there for the weekend. (They made her)

Exercise 3. Write the following sentences in reported speech, using the right form of the words give
1. "We’ll come back again."
They promised____________________________ .
2. “You'd better not swim too far from the shore,” the lifeguard said to us.
The lifeguard advised__________________________ .
3. “Could you close the window?” John said to Peter.
John asked_________________________________ .
4. “You should join the football team, Eric,” said the teacher.
The teacher encouraged________________________ .
5. “I'll give it to him tomorrow,’' John said.
John promised______________________________ .
6. “I'd like Lan to become a doctor,” my mum said.
My mum wanted____________________________ .
7. “Remember to lock the door before going to school,” my sister said.
My sister reminded __________________________ .
8. “You should go home and rest for a while,” said the boss.
His boss advised ____________________________.

Exercise 4. Write the following sentences in reported speech, using the right form of the words give
1. "You should not drink too much beer.” (ADVISE)
2. “Come and see me whenever you want.” (INVITE)
3. “Please don’t smoke in my car.” (ASK)
4. “ Sue, give me your phone number.” (TELL)
5. “Don't forget to give the book back to Joe.” (REMIND)
6. “I’ll never do it again.” (PROMISE)
7. “All right. I’ll wait for you.” (AGREE)
8. “Please, lend me some money.” (ASK)
Unit 2: Personal experiences
Từ Phân Phát âm Nghĩa
1 affect v /əˈfekt/ ảnh hưởng
2 appreciate v /əˈpriːʃieɪt/ coi trọng, đánh giá cao
3 attitude n /ˈætɪtjuːd/ thái độ
4 confidence n /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ sự tự tin, lòng tin
5 embarrassing a /ɪmˈbærəsɪŋ/ ngượng ngùng, lúng túng
6 embrace v /ɪmˈbreɪs/ ôm, ôm ấp
7 floppy (hat) a /ˈflɒpi/ (mũ) mềm
8 glance at v /ɡlɑːns ət/ liếc nhanh, nhìn qua
9 idol n /ˈaɪdl/ thần tượng
10 make a fuss /meɪk ə fʌs/ làm ầm ĩ lên
11 memorable a /ˈmemərəbl/ đáng ghi nhớ
12 outlook n /ˈaʊtlʊk/ quan điểm, cách nhìn nhận
13 point v /pɔɪnt/ chỉ, hướng về
14 protect v /prəˈtekt/ bảo vệ
15 scream v /skriːm/ kêu thét, la hét
16 sneaky a /ˈsniːki/ vụng trộm, lén lút
1. Nhận biết phụ âm /m/
Chỉ có "m" được phát âm là /m/.
Ví dụ: sum, game, more, hammer, camp,…
2. Nhận biết phụ âm /n/
Chỉ có "n" được phát âm là /n/.
Ví dụ: nice, know, sun, anthem, pensive,…
3. Nhận biết phụ âm /ŋ/
"n" được phát âm là /ŋ/ khi nó đứng trước âm /k/ và /g/.
Ví dụ: uncle, drink, single, angle,…

Ngoại lệ:
"n" ở các từ sau vẫn phát âm là /n/ vì g ghép với nguyên âm phía sau để tạo nên một âm khác và được phát âm
là /dʒ/: strange, challange, stranger, danger,…

1. Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả hành động trong quá khứ
Thì hiện tại đơn giản có thể được dùng để diễn tả thời gian ở quá khứ.
a. Ở lối văn kể chuyện để cho sự kiện sống động hơn
Ví dụ: The story is about a poor girl who lives with her single father in a cottage.
b. Ở bài tóm tắt kịch/ chuyện phim hay bình luận bóng đá
Ví dụ: A man walks into the bar and asks for a glass of brandy.
Nam takes the ball, beats two players and centres it into the goal.
c. Tường thuật những gì chúng ta đã nghe và đã đọc
Ví dụ: The article explains why the number of students who passed the last exam decreases.
2. Ôn lại thì quá khứ đơn
Thì hiện tại đơn diễn tả:
- Một hành động, sự việc diễn ra thường xuyên lặp đi lặp lại.
- Một sự thật hiển nhiên, một chân lí.
- Suy nghĩ, cảm giác.
- Một thói quen.
- Một sự việc có lịch trình, thời gian cụ thể rõ ràng (giờ máy bay cất cánh, giờ tàu khởi hành,…).
2.1. Cách dùng
2.1.1. Với động từ to-be
a. Khẳng định:
Subject + is/am/are + …
Trong đó:
+ I + am + …
+ He/She/It + is + …
+ We/You/They + are + …
Ví dụ: My mother is a teacher.
I am a student.
We are friends.
b. Phủ định:
Subject + am/is/are + not + …
Trong đó:
+ is not = isn’t
+ are not = aren’t
Ví dụ: I am not good at Chinese.
She isn’t my girlfriend.
They aren’t Vietnamese.
c. Nghi vấn:
Câu hỏi: Am/Is/Are + Subject + … ?
Trả lời: Yes, Subject + am/is/are. - No, Subject + am/is/are + not.
2.1.2. Với động từ thường
a. Khẳng định:
Subject + Verb (s/es) + …
Trong đó:
+ Subject là I/We/They/You/Danh từ số nhiều thì verb ở dạng nguyên thể.
+ Subject là He/She/It/Danh từ số ít thì verb thêm “s”/“es” ở đuôi.
* Chia động từ:
- Thông thường ta thêm “s” vào đuôi các động từ: work - works
- Động từ kết thúc là “s, sh, ch, z, x, o” thì ta thêm “es” vào đuôi: wish - wishes
- Động từ kết thúc là “y”, trước “y” là 1 nguyên âm (a, e, i, o, u) ta thêm đuôi “s”: buy - buys
- Động từ kết thúc là “y”, trước “y” là phụ âm ta đổi “y” thành “i” rồi thêm đuôi “es”: cry - cries
- Riêng “have” → “has”
Ví dụ: I get up at 6 o’clock every morning.
He often goes to school by bike.
b. Phủ định:
Subject + do not/does not + Verb (nguyên thể) + …
Trong đó:
+ do not = don’t
+ does not = doesn’t
Ví dụ: I don’t eat chocolate regularly.
Nam doesn’t like playing football.
c. Nghi vấn:
Do/Does + Subject + Verb (nguyên thể) + … ?
Yes, Subject + do/does. - No, Subject + don’t/doesn’t.
Ví dụ: Do you live with your parents?
Yes, I do.
2.2. Dấu hiệu nhận biết
- Các câu ở thì hiện tại đơn thường có sự xuất hiện của các trạng từ chỉ tần suất: always, usually, often,
sometimes, rarely, seldom, frequently, all the time, every day/month/year, once, twice,…
- Các trạng từ như always, sometimes, often, rarely, seldom,… đứng trước động từ thường, sau động từ
to-be và trợ động từ.
3. Ôn lại thì quá khứ tiếp diễn
3.1. Cấu trúc
S + was/were + V-ing
3.2. Trường hợp sử dụng
a. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn dùng để diễn tả một hành động, sự kiện đang xảy ra ở một thời điểm đặc thù trong quá
Ví dụ: What were you doing at 3 p.m yesterday?
b. Sự kiện đang diễn biến ở quá khứ thì bất chợt một hành động khác xen vào (Hành động đang diễn ra thì dùng
ở quá khứ tiếp diễn, hành động nào ngắn hơn và mang tính tức thời, thì ở quá khứ đơn.)
Ví dụ:Last night when I was doing exercises, my friend came.
c. Hai hoặc nhiều sự việc xảy ra cùng một lúc tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ.
Ví dụ: Last night, while I was listening the radio, my children were learning the lesson.
d. Dùng với các trạng từ always, continually, forever để phàn nàn về những sự kiện lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần
trong quá khứ và gây khó chịu cho người khác.
Ví dụ: He was always coming to work late.
4. Ôn lại thì quá khứ hoàn thành
4.1. Các trường hợp sử dụng thì quá khứ hoàn thành
4.1.1. Khi có một hành động xảy ra và hoàn thành trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ
- Trong câu thường có 2 vế, hành động nào xảy ra trước thì dùng quá khứ hoàn thành, hành động nào xảy ra
sau thì dùng quá khứ đơn.
- Thường sử dụng các từ nối như before, after, just, when, as soon as, by the time, until,…
Ví dụ: The police came when the robber had gone away.
4.1.2. Diễn tả hành động xảy ra một khoảng thời gian trong quá khứ, trước một mốc thời gian khác
Ví dụ: Jackie had studied in Japan before she did her master’s at Harvard.
4.1.3. Một hành động xảy ra như là điều kiện tiên quyết cho hành động khác
Ví dụ: I had prepared for the upcoming exam and was ready to do well.
4.1.4. Một số trường hợp đặc biệt
- Trong cấu trúc câu điều kiện loại 3 (diễn tả một điều kiện không có thực)
Ví dụ: She would have come to the party if she had been invited.
- Trong cấu trúc “wish” diễn tả 1 ước muốn trong quá khứ
Ví dụ: I wish I had prevented him from going out.
4.2. Cách dùng
4.2.1. Khẳng định
Chủ ngữ + had + Động từ (phân từ 2) + …
Ví dụ: They had left before I arrived.
4.2.2. Phủ định
Chủ ngữ + had not (= hadn’t) + Động từ (phân từ 2) + …
Ví dụ: Lewis wished to go to the theatre because he hadn’t seen that film before.
4.2.3. Câu hỏi
Hỏi: (Từ để hỏi) Had + Chủ ngữ + Động từ (phân từ 2) + … ?
Trả lời: Yes, Chủ ngữ + had. - No, Chủ ngữ + hadn’t.
Ví dụ: Had you prepared for the lesson before you went to school?
4.3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết
- Từ nhận biết: until then, by the time, prior to that time, before, after, for, as soon as, by, ...
- Trong câu thường có các từ: before, after, when by, by the time,…
Ví dụ: When they arrived at the airport, her flight had taken off.
He had cleaned the house by the time her mother came back.
Unit 2: Personal experiences
I. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:
1. a. money b. notice c. glance d. ankle
2. a. bank b. against c. seventh d. avenue
3. a. think b. blanker c. hungry d. snow
4. a. change b. English c. single d. anger
5. a. mice b. mint c. minor d. micro

II. Choose the best answer:

6. After Julia _______ her degree, she intends to work in her father's company.
a. will finish b. finishes c. finished d. is finishing
7. As you ________ your car at the moment, can I borrow it?
a. don't use b. didn't use c. aren't using d. haven't used
8. When she saw a snake at her feet, she ________.
a. screamed b. was screaming c. had screamed d. screams
9. When he realised that I ________ at him, he ________ away.

a. looked - was turning b. was looking - turned c. was looking - was turning d. looked - turned

10. I ___ the new Harry Potter book now, so you can borrow my copy if you like.
a. finish b. am finishing c. have finished d. had finished
11. She glanced briefly ________ his lapel badge.
a. in b. on c. at d. up
12. People here have a more relaxed attitude ________ their work.
a. to b. in c. on d. for
13. The novel is based on his ________ in the war.
a. attitudes b. images c. situations d. experiences
14. I don't like that man. There is a sneaky look on his face.
a. furious b. humorous c. dishonest d. guilty
15. She made a big ________ about not having a window seat on the plane.
a. complaint b. fuss c. excitement d. interest
16. He has a very outgoing ________ and makes friends very easily.
a. person b. personal c. personality d. personage
17. He ________ to the spot where the house used to stand.
a. pointed b. showed c. directed d. glanced
18. Teenagers often have their ________ who they admire very much.
a. ideals b. admirers c. images d. idols
19. I had a glance at the article, but I haven't read it yet.
a. close look b. quick look c. direct look d. furtive look
20. He rose from his chair and ________ her warmly.
a. protected b. replaced c. embraced d. appreciated

III. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c, or d – that best fits the blank space in the following passage:

During the (21) ________ years, many young people can at times be difficult to talk to. They often
seem to dislike being questioned. They may seem (22) _______ to talk about their work at school.
This is a normal (23) _______ of this age. Though it can be very hard for parents to understand, it is
part of becoming (24) ________ of teenagers trying to be adult while they are still growing up. Young
people are usually unwilling to talk if they believe, that questions are trying to (25) ________ up on
Parents should do their (26) _______ to talk to their son and daughter about school, work and future
plans but should not (27) ________ them to talk if they don't want to. Parents should also watch for
danger signs. Some young people in trying to be adult may (28) ________ with sex, drugs, alcohol or
smoking. Parents need to watch for any signs of (29) ________ behavior which may be connected
with these and help if (30) ________.
21. a. early b. teenage c. childhood d. recent
22. a. unworried b. unrestrained (không kiềm chế) c. unexpected d. unwilling
23. a. development b. appearance c. circumstance d. achievement
24. a. free b. confident c. dependent d. independent
25. a. catch b. check c. keep d. make
26. a. well b. good c. better d. best
27. a. push b. allow c. put d. expect
28. a. experiment b. approach c. experience d. attach
29. a. unacceptable b. unusual c. normal d. exemplary (gương mẫu)
30. a. proper b. appropriate c. important d. necessary

IV. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers:

Last year I went to Nepal for three months to work in a hospital. I think it's important to see as much of
a country as you can, but it is difficult to travel around Nepal. The hospital let me have a few days’
holiday, so I decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me.

We started preparing for the trip at six in the morning, and left camp with two elephants carrying our
equipment. It was hot but Kamal made me wear shoes and trousers to protect me from snakes. In the
jungle there was a lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers. We climbed onto
the elephants' backs to get better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they
sleep in the heat of the day.
Then, in the distance, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet. We crept (rón rén) nearer
and found a dead deer, still bleeding. This was the tiger's lunch! Suddenly I started to feel very
We heard the tiger a second before we saw it. It jumped out like a flash of lightning, five hundred kilos
plus and four meters long. I looked into its eyes and face, and saw right down the animal's throat. It
grabbed (vồ) Kamal's leg between its teeth, but I managed to pull Kamal away. One of our elephants
ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly escaped to let the tiger eat its lunch.
That night it was impossible to sleep!
31. The writer went to Nepal ________.
a. for holiday b. for treatment c. for business d. on tour
32. When having a few days off, he decided to go into ________.
a. the remote villages b. the mountains c. the seaside d. the tropical forest
33. It's difficult to find tigers in the afternoon because ________.
a. they usually sleep at this time of day b. it's so hot at this time
c. the elephants' back wasn't high enough to get view d. tigers hardly hunt in the heat of the day
34. The tiger ________.
a. was like a flash of light b. saw them a second before they saw it
c. jumped out very fast d. jumped out of the grass at about four meters.
35. Which of the followings is not true according to the passage?
a. Tigers are members of the cat family.
b. The writer was made to wear shoes and trousers to protect him from the heat of the day.
c. Kamal narrowly escaped being killed.
d. It was such a terrible experience that the writer couldn't sleep that night.
V. Write a second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first. Use the word or words in brackets:
36. This story is about a man called Jackson. (whose name)

37. After walking for 4 hours, we reached the top of the hill. (had walked)

38. I and Dante tried to ring each other at the same time. (while)

39. I used to be a student at Oxford University from 2010 to 2014. (studied)

40. Lan made a sandwich and then sat on the sofa to watch TV. (before)

VI. Complete the sentences by putting the verbs into the past simple or past progressive.
1. he______ his arm when he ______ football.(break, play)
2. Julia_______ her first novel when she _____ 19 years old( write, be)
3. I_______ on the computer when the fire _______ out( work, break)
4. when it_______ to rain, they________ though the forest( start, walk)
5. he ________ us about his marriage when we ___________ afternoon tea( tell, have)
6. sorry, i_________ to you. I_________ about something else( not listen/ think)
7. I_______ you last night, but you _________ what _______you________?( phone , not answer, do)
8. Mary ________ her glasses at the tim e, so she __________ what kind of car the man
__________( not wear/ not notice/ drive)
9. Do you like this picture? My uncle………………. it. (paint)
10. We ………….lunch when we………….. the news, (have, hear)

VII. Write the sentences, putting the verbs in each sentence into the past simple or the past perfect.
1. They ..............(eat) everything by the time I ..............(arrive) at the party.
2. When I ..............(find) my purse, someone ..............(take) the money out of it.
3. By the time I ..............(get) into town, the shops ..............(close).
4. When they ..............(get) to the station, the train ..............(leave).
5. By the time you ..............(get) her letter, she ..............(arrive) in Paris.
6. The police ..............(pay) no attention to Clare’s complaint because she ..............(phone) them so
many times before.
7. I ..............(go) to the post office to ask about my package, but they ..............(say) that it ..............
(not arrive) yet.
8. When I ..............(look) at the new dress for half an hour, I ..............(ask) how much it ..............(cost).
9. When the police ..............(arrive), the car ..............(go).

VII. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete each of the sentences.

1. I suddenly remembered that I_______ my keys.
A. forgot B. had forgotten C. would forget D. was forgetting
2. While Diana_______ her favourite television program, there was a power cut.
A. watched B. had watched C. was watching D. had been watching
3. Who_______ the car at the time of the accident?
A. had driven B. drove C. was driving D. would drive
4. By the time Sheila got back, Chris_______ home.
A. went B. was going C. had been going D. had gone
5. David______ Japanese food before, so he knew what to order.
A. had eaten B. ate C. was eating D. would eat
6. I ______ some shopping yesterday when I saw your friend.
A. did B. was doing C. had done D. would do
7. What exactly______ when I came to your office yesterday?
A. were you doing B. did you do C. had you done D. would you do
8. Laura missed the party because no one_______ her about it.
A. was telling B. had been told C. would tell D. had told

VIII. Choose the best option A, B, c or D to complete each of the sentences.

1. While I______ to get my car started, a passing car_______ and the driver______ to help me.
A. was trying / was stopping / was offering B. tried / stopped / offered
C. was trying / stopped / offered D. had tried / was stopping / offered
2. I______ the film last night because I_______ it several times before.
A. was not seeing/had seen B. didn’t see/had seen c. didn’t see/saw D. hadn’t seen/was seeing
3. Mary______ her glasses at the time, so she________ what colour the man’s T-shirt________
A. was not wearing / didn’t see / was B. hadn’t worn / was not seeing / was
C. didn’t wear / didn’t see / had been D. is not wearing / doesn’t see / is
4. Nick___ down on the grass for a while, next to some tourists who _____the ducks on the pond.
A. was lying /had fed B. lay /were feeding C. had lain /was feeding D. was lying /was feeding
5. Sorry, I______ the phone. I______ a shower.
A. was not answering / was having B. didn’t answer / was having
C. had not answered / had been answering D. didn’t answer / had
6. Helen______ very tired, and when she______ her work, she _______ asleep.
A. felt / finished / fell B. was feeling / had finished / fell
C. had felt / had finished / fell D. was feeling / finished / fell
7. Last night, she spent hours on the homework but she_________ do it although the
teacher__________ it very carefully in class.
A. could not / was explaining B. could not / had explained
C. could not / explained D. could not / would explain

XI. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete each of the sentences.

1. While I______ a bath, someone knocked on the door.
A. had B. was having C. have D. had had
2. Sally ______ to a football match before.
A. didn’t go B. was not going C. hadn’t gone D. doesn’t go
3. Harry tried to repair the car, but he didn’t know what he_______ .
A. had done B. did C. was doing D. is doing
4. What______ to Helen’s party yesterday?
A. would you wear B. had you worn C. did you wear D. had you been wearing
5._____ spaghetti every day when you lived in Italy?
A. Were you eating B. Had you eaten C. Did you eat D. Do you eat
6. I didn’t know you______ a new car.
A. had bought B. were buying C. buy D. had been bought
7. “What a terrible day!” thought Lucy. Everything_______ wrong.
A. had been going B. will go C. had gone D. goes
8. As Maggie walked home, she tried to remember what________ .
A. had happened B. happened C. would happen D. was happening
Từ Phân Phát âm Nghĩa
1 anniversary n /ˌænɪˈvɜːsəri/ ngày kỉ niệm
2 blow out /bləʊ aʊt/ thổi tắt, dập tắt
3 celebrate v /ˈselɪbreɪt/ làm lễ kỉ niệm
4 childish a /ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ/ của trẻ con, như trẻ con
5 clap v /klæp/ vỗ (tay)
6 cosy a /ˈkəʊzi/ ấm cúng
7 enthusiastic a /ɪnˌθjuːzi hăng hái, nhiệt tình
8 helicopter n /ˈæstɪk/ máy bay trực thăng
9 host n ˈhelɪkɒptə(r)/
/həʊst/ chủ nhà (nam)
10 hostess n /ˈhəʊstəs/ chủ nhà (nữ)
11 icing n /ˈaɪsɪŋ/ lớp kem phủ trên mặt bánh
milestone n /ˈmaɪlstəʊn/ sự kiện quan trọng, mốc quan trọng (trong đời
12 ai)
13 New Year’s n giao thừa
14 Eve
party-goer n /ˈpɑːti người đi dự tiệc
15 refreshments ɡəʊə(r)/
n /rɪˈfreʃmənts/ món ăn nhẹ
Đề thi Học kì 1
Năm học 2021 - 2022
Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 11
(Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút)
(Đề thi số 1)
I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:
1. a. climate b. comic c. hike d. website
2. a. worked b. laughed c. hoped d. naked
3. a. cover b. category c. ancient d. decorate
4. a. buddhist b. bomb c. viable d. bulb
5. a. language b. happen c. experience d. know
II. Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence:
6. I've got lots of ______ but only a few really good friends.
a. best friends b. neighbors
c. acquaintances d. partners
7. The students in this class were made ______ very hard.
a. learn b. to learn
c. learning d. having learnt
8. I prefer staying at work late ______ work home with me.
a. to take b. taking
c. than take d. to taking
9. You are under no obligation to help as assistance is purely ______.
a. free b. voluntary
c. charitable d. donated
10. Scientists ______ a carefully controlled experiment on the mystery virus.
a. turned over b. put up
c. carried out d. set in
11. It is impossible ______ such a difficult thing without any help.
a. to do b. do
c. doing d. done
12. After they ______ their breakfast, they ______ shopping yesterday.
a. have/ go b. had/ had
c. had/ had gone d. had had/ went
13. They ______ tea when the doorbell ______
a. have/ is ringing b. were having/ rang
c. had had/ rang d. having/ ringing
14. I didn’t want to make ____ fuss, so I left the crowds.
a. a b. an
c. the d. no article
15. Do you want ______ by the doctor?
a. to examine b. to be examined
c. being examined d. being to examine
16. They are whispering to avoid ______ by their friends.
a. being heard b. hearing
c. to be heard d. being hearing
17. __________ it over, I decided to laugh at myself and just join anyway.
a. Having thought b. I have thought
c. I thought d. to have thought
18. The children admitted ______ the money.
a. take b. to take
c. having taken d. being taken
19. We all said, “ ___________ ” ! before Nam blew out the candles on the birthday cake.
a. Happy anniversary b. Happy New Year
c. Congratulations d. Happy birthday to you
20. If I ________ you were sick, I would have called sooner.
a. knew b. had known
c. know d. would have known
III. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each blank:
A beauty contest, or beauty pageant, is a competition between people, largely on the (21)___________ of their physical appearance. The mo
pageant can trace its origin to the Miss America pageant, first held in Atlantic City, New Jersey, in 1921, under the title 'Inter-City Beauty' cont
following year the title was (22)_________ as Miss America. Other contests include the yearly Miss World competition and Miss Universe, wh
largest and most famous (23)_________ beauty contests.
Women from around the world (24)__________ in the competition for these titles. To be selected as Miss World or Miss Universe, a contestan
celibate or single. If a Miss WorId fails to live up to people's expectations, she may be disqualified. The organizers of the major beauty contes
their contests as being events of world importance. (25)__________, many other people consider beauty contests to be agreeable entertainm
great importance.
21. A. beautiful B. beautify
C. beauty D. beautifully
22. A. renewed B. removed
C. renamed D. retained
23. A. nation B. national
C. internationale D. international
24. A. participate B. interest
C. excite D. involve
25. A. Besides B. However
C. Therefore D. Furthermore
IV. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer:
In an early survey conducted in 1888, a billion and a half people inhabited the earth. Now, the population is about six billion and is growing fas
the rate of growth has begun to slow down, most people believe the population size may be eight billion during the next several years.

If we examine the amount of land available for this ever increasing population, we begin to see the problem. Not all land is useful to us becaus
produce food. We can cut out about one fifth of it because it is covered by snow and ice. Then we can cut out another fifth because it is deser
is mountains. The other fifth does not have enough soil for crops to grow because it is bare rock. Obviously, with so little land to support us, w
great care not to reduce it any more or with the rapidly growing population we may sooner or later lack food to eat and place to live in.

26. What is the main topic of the passage?

a. The world's population and the shortage of cultivated land.
b. The growth of the world's population.
c. The necessity of reducing the rate of birth.
d. The shortage of cultivated land.
27. The world's population ______________ at present.
a. has stopped growing b. is still growing
c. is decreasing rapidly d. stands at about eight billion
28. According to the passage, we _______________.
a. can cultivate on all land.
b. are not influenced by the land reduction
c. can grow crops on bare rock
d. should protect land
29. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word 'bare' in the second paragraph?
a. hard b. empty
c. treeless d. rough
30. Which of the following sentences is not true according to the passage?
a. Most of the world's land are uncultivated.
b. The rapid growth of population may lead to a shortage of land.
c. Only one fifth of the world's land is being cultivated.
d. There has been a dramatic reduction of the birth rate.
V. Rewrite the sentences using the given cues:
31. “ If I were you, I wouldn’t buy this coat.”, She said to me.
(Change into Reported speech)
She told me _______________.
32. I don’t have enough free time, so I can’t go out with you.
(Using Conditional sentence type 2)
If ________________________.
33. “I’m sorry I couldn’t come on Saturday, ” said Tom.
(Change into Reported speech with gerund)
Tom apologized ____________.
34. After we had finished the first term, they went camping yesterday.
(Using Having + V3/ed)
Having ____________________.
Đáp án
1. b
2. d
3. c
4. b
5. a
6. c
7. b
8. d
9. b
10. c
11. a
12. d
13. b
14. a
15. b
16. a
17. a
18. c

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Học kì 1
Năm học 2021 - 2022
Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 11
(Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút)
(Đề thi số 2)
I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:
1. a. picture b. nature c. just d. mutual
2. a. generous b. good c. manager d. general
3. a. diagram b. divide c. environment d. beginner
4. a. volunteer b. populous c. poverty d. construct
5. a. depend b. religion c. separate d. event
II. Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase:
6. Let's go ahead and do it now. Nothing ______ by waiting.
a. accomplishes b. accomplished
c. has accomplished d. will be accomplished
7. No one is a better cook than your mother, ______?
a. is she b. isn't she
c. are they d. aren't they
8. “Did you enjoy the picnic?” - “It was okay, but I'd rather ______ to a movie.”
a. to go b. be going
c. have gone d. went
9. I don't remember ______ of the decision to change the company policy on vacation. When was it decided?
a. telling b. being told
c. to tell d. to be told
10. I couldn't find Jo at the party last night. If I ______ him, we'd have been happy.
a. meet b. met
c. have met d. had met
11. In tonight's quiz, our contestants have come from all over the country.
a. losers b. judges
c. competitors d. winners
12. Jones will have completed his four-year course at university next month.
a. finished b. found
c. tried d. enjoyed
13. We are looking forward _________ from you soon.
a. of having heard b. at hearing
c. to hearing d. from hearing
14. ___________ it was raining heavily, he went out without a raincoat.
a. Because of b. In spite of
c. Because d. Although
15. When you got back, he ___________ Ha Noi for Sai Gon.
a. leaves b. had left
c. has left d. will leave
16. I don’t think ________ likes the film. It’s boring.
a. someone b. no one
c. everyone d. anyone
17. We wish you both health and longevity.
a. long life b. happy life
c. easy life d. exciting life
18. If you walk on the stress before Tet, you’ll find great ________ everywhere.
a. exciting b. excited
c. excitedly d. excitement
19. The United Nations is a(an)________organization.
a. national b. nation
c. international d. internationally
20. There are 54 ______ minorities in Vietnam.
a. national b. primary
c. ethnic d. main
III. Choose the underlined word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that needs correcting:
21. If you work hard (A), you would be (B) successful in (C) anything that (D) you do.
22. Special education is intended help (A) both (B) handicapped and gifted children to reach (C) their learning potentials (D).
23. Any (A) passengers travel (B) to Cambridge should sit in (C) the first two carriages of (D) the train.
24. Never in the history (A) of humanity there have (B) been more people (C) living (D) on this relatively small planet.
25. An increasing (A) number xworks (B) office works (C) use computer programs as (D) daily routine.
IV. Read the text below and then decide which answer - a, b, c or d – best fits each space:
In many countries in (26) ______ of industrialization, overcrowded cities present a (27) ______ problem. The (28) ______ of towns is mainly c
drift of large numbers of people from the rural areas. The (29) ______ long-term solution is to make (30) ______ in the rural areas more attrac
would (31) ______ people to stay there. This could be achieved by providing incentives for people to go and work in the villages. Moreover, (3
the rural areas, such as transportation, health and education services should be (33) ______.
26. a. progress b. process
c. procedure d. proceeding
27. a. little b. basic
c. major d. practical
28. a. population b. popularity
c. underpopulation d. overpopulation
29. a. barely b. only
c. single d. one
30. a. sights b. surroundings
c. atmosphere d. life
31. a. insist b. suggest
c. encourage d. persuade
32. a. equipment b. facilities
c. means d. appliances
33. a. invested b. increased
c. impressed d. improved
V. Rewrite the sentences using the given cues:
34. The teacher made his students work hard for the exam.
The students _____________.
35. It was a long time ago when I saw a movie.
I haven't ________________.
36. Julia didn't wear the raincoat, so she got a cold.
If Julia _________________.
Đáp án

1. c

2. b

3. d

4. d

5. c

6. d
7. c

8. c

9. b

10. d

11. c
12. a

13. c

14. d

15. b

16. d
17. a

18. d

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Học kì 1
Năm học 2021 - 2022
Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 11
(Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút)
(Đề thi số 3)
I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:
1. a. struggle b. clumsy c. crucial d. grumble
2. a. exchange b. children c. peach d. machine
3. a. wife b. who c. two d. power
4. a. church b. chemistry c. changeable d. champion
5. a. answer b. night c. ink d. run
II. Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence:
6. These workers stopped ________ some coffee because they felt sleepy.
a. to have b. have
c. having d. had
7. Homes are often decorated ____________ plants and flowers at Tet.
a. with b. in c. for d. about
8. Henry: "Thanks for your help, Mike!"
Mike: "_____________________"
a. It's my pleasure.
b. The same to you.
c. It's very nice of you to say to.
d. You've got to be kidding.
9. "_________ do you go to the cinema?" - " Twice a year''
a. What b. How many
c. How often d. Why
10. She said she ______ that film several years before.
a. had seen b. has seen
c. saw d. would see
11. The secret of getting good marks is to keep ______ in the exam room.
a. calm b. calmly
c. calming d. calmed
12. ______ you change your mind, I won't be able to help you.
a. If only b. Because
c. Unless d. Provided
13. Big cities like New York and London are _________ populated.
a. greatly b. densely
c. closely d. variously
14. ______ in some developing countries may be the cause of poverty and hunger.
a. Modernization b. Literacy
c. Pollution d. Overpopulation
15. ______ Christmas Eve, people often have parties late at midnight.
a. On b. In c. At d. For
16. A lot of things ______ to the house before we can move in.
a. need be doing b. need to be done
c. need being done d. need to do
17. Had he learned the lesson well, he ______ more confident now.
a. would feel b. would have felt
c. will feel d. will have felt
18. When I met Jackie, he ______ from his university already.
a. graduated b. was graduating
c. has graduated d. had graduated
19. He got an excellent grade in his examination ______ the fact that he had not worked particularly hard.
a. on account of b. because of
c. in spite of d. Although
20. He saw his girlfriend __________in the park yesterday.
a. walk b. was walking
c. to walk d. walked
III. Read the text below and then decide which answer - a, b, c or d – best fits each space:
I had an amusing experience last year. When I (21)______to a town in the south of France, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he aske
As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning (22)______ him in French and he replied in the same language. (23)______ kept silen
journey. I myself know a little of French. I had nearly approached the town when the young man suddenly said, very (24)______, "Do you spe
As I soon learnt, he was English himself.
21. a. was driving b. is driving
c. are driving d. were driving
22. a. from b. at c. by d. to
23. a. Someone b. No one
c. Everyone d. Anyone
24. a. quick b. slowly
c. slow d. slowliness
IV. Read the passage and answer the questions below:
My most memorable experience happened three months ago when I went to the south of France with my husband. We went by boat and car.
for two weeks and we stayed in a small hotel. We had a very good time. We sunbathed and read books. We went to the beach every day. We
historical places. The weather was lovely and the food in France was wonderful.
But on the last day our car broke down. We didn’t speak French and we needed to get to Boulogne to get the boat to England. Luckily, we me
Englishman, Simon Pike. He was very friendly. He had a car and he took us to Paris to get the train to Boulogne.
When we arrived at the station, Simon said, “Don’t worry. I speak a little French.” He ran to the ticket office and bought us two tickets. He aske
French, “Excuse me! Which platform for Boulogne?” “Platform 7,” said the guard, ‘but hurry! It leaves in two minutes.”
We ran to platform 7 and got on the train. We said goodbye and thanked Simon. “You’re welcome,” he said. “Have a good trip!” The train left,
to talk to an Italian tourist.
“What time do we arrive in Boulogne?” we asked. “Boulogne?” he said. “I think you have a problem. This train goes to Toulouse.”
25. Where did the couple in the story go in France?
26. Did they have a good journey at first?
27. What happened on the last day of the journey?
28. Why did they need to get to Boulogne?
29. Did the train take them to Boulogne?
V. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before:
30. She became tired of my complaints about the programme. She turned it off.
Becoming __________________.
31. “I have always wanted to be a pilot,” Pogba said to you.
Pogba has always dreamed ______.
32. The manager told the visitors not to stay at the hotel near the airport.
The manager warned ____________.
33. I would do anything for you.
There’s _______________________.
34. Your birthday party was the last time I really enjoyed myself.
I haven’t _____________________.
Đáp án
1. c
2. d
3. a
4. b
5. c
6. a
7. a
8. a
9. c
10. a
11. a
12. c
13. b
14. d
15. a
16. b
Hướng dẫn Câu Hướng dẫn

/ɪ/, còn lại: 19. d

/id/, còn 20. b
lại: /t/
/ʃ/, còn lại: 21. C
“b” câm, còn 22. C rename: đổi
lại: /b/ tên;
/ŋ/, còn 23. D
lại: /n/
acquaintanc 24. A
e: người
25. B
prefer V-ing 26. b
to V-ing:
thích làm
việc gì hơn
việc gì;
voluntary: tự 27. b “Now, the
nguyện; population is
about six
billion and is
growing fast.
Even though
the rate of
growth has
begun to
slow down,
most people
believe the
size may be
eight billion
during the
next several

carry out: 28. d “...we should

thực hiện; take great
care not to
reduce it any

29. c bare: (đồi)

trọc, trơ trụi,
không có
30. d
31 She told me
if she were
me, she
wouldn’t buy
that coat.

make a fuss: 32 If I had

làm ầm lên, enough free
làm rối rít time, I could
lên; go out with
examine: 33 Tom
kiểm tra; apologized
(to me) for
not coming
on Saturday.
whisper: thì 34 Having
thầm; avoid finished the
+ V-ing: first term,
tránh việc gì they went
đó; camping

admit + V-
ing: thừa
nhận đã làm
việc gì đó;
Hướng dẫn Câu Hướng dẫn

/t/, còn lại: 19. c

/g/, còn 20. c ethnic:
lại: /dʒ/ (thuộc) dân
/ɪ/, còn lại: 21. B would be →
/aɪ/ will be;
/ə/, còn 22. A help → to
lại: /ɒ/ help;
/e/, còn lại: 23. B travel →
/ɪ/ traveling;
24. B there have
→ have
25. C works →
26. b process of
on: quá trình
công nghiệp
27. c major: lớn
(hơn), nhiều
(hơn), trọng
đại, chủ yếu;
28. d
contestant = 29. b

complete = 30. d
look forward 31. c encourage
+ V-ing; sb to V:
khích ai đó
làm việc gì;
32. b
33. d
34 The students
were made
to work hard
for the exam
(by their

longevity: 35 I haven't
trường thọ; seen a
movie for a
long time.
36 If Julia had
worn the
raincoat, she
have got a
Hướng dẫn Câu Hướng dẫn

/u:/, còn 19. c

lại: /ʌ/
/ʃ/, còn lại: 20. a
/w/, còn lại 21. a
“w” câm
/k/, còn lại: 22. d
/ŋ/, còn 23. c
lại: /n/
24. b
25. They Dẫn chứng:
went to the “My most
south. memorable
months ago
when I went
to the south
of France
with my

25. Yes, Dẫn chứng:

they did. “We had a
very good
25. Their car Dẫn chứng:
broke down. “But on the
last day our
car broke
25. Because Dẫn chứng:
they wanted “We didn’t
to get the speak
boat to French and
England we needed
from to get to
Boulogne. Boulogne to
get the boat
to England.”

25. No, it Dẫn chứng:

didn’t. “Boulogne?”
he said. “I
think you
have a
This train
goes to

30 Becoming
tired of my
about the
she turned it

densely 31 Pogba has

populated: always
dân cư đông dreamed of
đúc; being a pilot.

32 The
warned the
staying at
the hotel
near the

33 There’s
(that) I
wouldn’t do
for you.
34 I haven’t
myself since
your birthday
1. Nhận biết phụ âm /l/
Chỉ có "l" được phát âm là /l/.
Ví dụ: lunch, lovely, lemonade,…
2. Nhận biết phụ âm /r/
Chỉ có "r" được phát âm là /r/.
Ví dụ: red, rare, right, wrong, sorry,…
3. Nhận biết phụ âm /h/
"wh" và "h" thường được phát âm là /h/.
Ví dụ: high, hot, husband, happen,…
Chú ý: Trong một số trường hợp "h" không được phát âm và nó được gọi là "phụ âm câm".
Ví dụ: hour, honest, honor, rhythm,…

1. Ôn lại động từ nguyên thể (to + infinitive) và động danh từ (gerunds)

1.1. Động từ nguyên thể (to + infinitive)
- Diễn đạt mục đích
Ví dụ: I went to university to become a software engineer.
- Theo sau một số động từ:
+ Công thức S + V + to-V: afford, appear, ask, bear, begin, choose, decide, expect, forget, hate, hesitate,
intend, like, manage, neglect, prefer, pretend, propose, regret, seem, swear, try, wish, agree, arrange, attempt,
beg, care, consent, determine, fail, happend, help, hope, learn, love, mean, offer, prepare, promise, refuse,
remember, start, trouble, want, would like prefer.
+ Công thức S + V + O + to-V: advise, ask, be, command, encourage, forbid, get, help, intend, leave, mean,
oblige, permit, prefer, recommend, remind, tell, allow, bear, cause, compel, expect, force, hate, instruct, invite,
like, need, order, persuade, press, request, teach, tempt, trouble, warn, want, wish.
Ví dụ: He is expected to be good at English. (S + V + to-V)
My parents encourages me to go to university. (S + V + O + to-V)
- Theo sau một số tính từ: happy, glad, sorry,…
Ví dụ: Today I am very happy to be able to tell you about my project.
- Sử dụng trong công thức “would like /love/prefer”
Ví dụ: I would like to thank you for having helped me.
- Theo sau một số danh từ: surprised, fun,…
Ví dụ: What a fun to be here.
- Sử dụng trong cấu trúc “too-to”, “enough-to”
Ví dụ: She isn’t tall enough to reach the ceiling.
- Xuất hiện trong một số cụm: to tell you the truth, to the honest, to begin with,…
Ví dụ: To begin with, the Internet has exercised great influence over life of humans.
- Sử dụng làm chủ ngữ của câu
Ví dụ: To play football is my favorite activity every day.
- Sử dụng để bổ sung ý nghĩa cho chủ ngữ, thường đứng sau động từ “to-be”
Ví dụ: What I put on my priority now is to pass the entrance exam to university.
- Sử dụng để xác định nghĩa, thêm thông tin về một danh từ trừu tượng
Ví dụ: Jones’s desire to play football for national team became an obsession.
1.2. Danh động từ (gerunds)
- Sử dụng như danh từ
Ví dụ: Reading books is my hobby.
- Theo sau một số động từ: admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, continue, delay, deny, discuss, enjoy, forgive,
go (physical activities), imagine, involve, keep (= continue), mention, mind, miss, quit, resist, save, stand,
suggest, tolerate, dislike, enjoy, hate, like, prefer,…
Ví dụ: Yesterday Nam invited me to go fishing with him.
- Sử dụng trong một số cấu trúc: It’s (no) good + V-ing, it’s not worth + V-ing, There is no point in + V-
ing, S + can’t help + V-ing, S + can’t stand + V-ing, have difficulty (in) + V-ing, spend/waste +
time/money/… + V-ing, S + look forward to + V-ing,…
Ví dụ: There is no point in persuading her.
I am looking foward to hearing news from you.
2. Thể bị động của động từ nguyên thể và danh động từ
2.1. Thể bị động của động từ nguyên thể
a. Dạng 1:
- Chủ động: Verb + to infinitive + object
Ví dụ: His colleagues started to respect Tim.
- Bị động: Verb + to be V (pp)
Ví dụ: Tim started to be respected (by his colleagues).
Kevin hoped to be selected by the team captain.
She came to be recognized as the leading violist of her generation.
b. Dạng 2: Passive infinitive (Bị động của động từ nguyên thể)
- Chủ động: Verb + object + to infinitive
Ví dụ: Mr Price taught Peter to sing.
- Bị động: To be + V(pp) + to infinitive
Ví dụ: Peter was taught to sing (by Mr Price).
2.2. Thể bị động của danh động từ
a. Dạng 1
- Chủ động: Verb + V-ing + object
Ví dụ: I enjoyed taking the children to the zoo.
- Bị động: Verb + being + V(pp)
Ví dụ: The children enjoyed being taken to the zoo.
b. Dạng 2:
- Chủ động: Verb + object + V-ing
Ví dụ: They saw him climbing over the fence.
- Bị động: To be + V(pp) + V-ing
Ví dụ: He was seen climbing over ther fence.
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
1. a. adult b. candle c. talk d. flower
2. a. hour b. honest c. vehicle d. happy
3. a. cold b. calm c. light d. film
4. a. honey b. healthy c. honest d. holiday
5. a. should b. shoulder c. sailor d. slow

II. Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentences, or substitutes
for the underlined word or phrase:
6. I don't mind _______ late, if it will help at all.
a. to work b. to be work c. working d. being working
7. I remember _______ to the zoo when I was a child.
a. to take b. to be taken c. taking d. being taken
8. We managed _______ over the wall without ________.
a. to climb/ seeing b. climbing/ being seen c. to climb/ being seen d. to be climbed/ seeing
9. Isla expected _______ to the university, but she wasn't.
a. to admit b. to be admitted c. admitting d. being admitted
10. The city council agreed _______ the architect's proposed design for a new parking garage.
a. to accept b. to be accepted c. accepting d. being accepted
11. A lots of foods and drinks will be served _______ the party.
a. in b. at c. for d. with
12. The anniversary of the founding of the charity falls _______ 12th November.
a. in b. on c. at d. to
13. When they get together, all they talk _______ is football.
a. to b. with c. about d. on
14. They're having a party in _______ of his 84th birthday.
a. ceremony b. honor c. memory d. celebration
15. We tried to make a _______ of our situation, but it wasn't funny.
a. joke b. trick c. tension d. risk
16. They held a concert to mark the _______ of Mozart's death.
a. occasion b. anniversary c. situation d. remembrance
17. They _______ a wonderful meal to more than fifty delegates.
a. made b. had c. served d. took
18. He tried his best to make his birthday party more _______ .
a. enjoyed b. enjoying c. enjoyment d. enjoyable
19. When they finished singing, Lisa _______ the candles on the cake.
a. turned off b. blew out c. cleared up d. brought out
20. Many _______ men remarry and have second families.
a. married b. single c. divorced d. family

III. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets:
21. They organized a party in _______ of the year's successes. (celebrate)
22. The 50th wedding anniversary is called the ____ anniversary. (gold)
23. After they got ______, she never remarried. (divorce)
24. We wish them every _______ in their new life. (happy)
25. The lighting in the room is functional as well as ________. (decorate)
IV. Complete each of the sentences with an appropriate preposition:
26. We are having a big party ____ our twenty-fifthwedding anniversary.
27. It's Jane's farewell party ____ Friday night.
28. He blew ____ all 60 candles on his birthday cake.
29. We don't know what to give Dad ____ Christmas.
30. People usually give cards and gift ____ the anniversary couple.

V. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer:

Going to party can be fun and enjoyable. If you are invited to a party, do call your host up early to
inform him! her of whether you are going. If you want to bring someone who has not been invited along
with you, you should ask for permission first. Remember to dress appropriately for the party. You will
stick out like a sore thumb if you are dressed formally whereas everyone else is in T-shirt and jeans. If
you are not sure what to wear, do ask your host.

During the party you may perhaps like to help your host by offering to serve drinks or wash the dishes.
Your host would certainly appreciate these efforts. If you happen to be in a party you do not know
anyone, do not try to monopolize the host's attention. This is inconsiderate since your host has many
people to attend to and can not spend all his/ her time with you. Instead, learn to mingle with others at the
party. You could try breaking the ice by introducing yourself to someone who is friendly-looking.

Before you leave the party, remember to thank your host first. If you have the time, you could even
offer to help your host clean up the place.

31. If you are invited to a party, you should ____________________.

a. take someone with you b. ask for your parents' permission first
c. bring a small gift d. call to confirm your arrival

32. According to the passage, if you are dressed differently from everybody at the party, _____________.
a. you will make people notice you b. people may be attached to you
c. you will feel uncomfortable d. you shouldn't pay attention to your clothes

33. What should you do if you are in a party?

a. Talk to your host as much as possible. b. Move around and talk to other guests.
c. Try to break the ice up. d. Just make friends with friendly-looking people.

34. The phrase 'break the ice' means ____________________.

a. make friends b. attract people's attention
c. make people feel more relaxed d. establish a relationship

35. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

a. You shouldn't bring someone who hasn't been invited along with you to a party.
b. You should help your host with the wash-up or clean-up.
c. You shouldn't be very clearly different from everyone at the party.
d. You shouldn't leave without showing your gratitude to your host.

VI. Choose the answer - a, b, c, or d - that is closest in meaning to the printed before it:

36. We regret we cannot accept payment by credit card for sales of under $20.
a. If you spend more than $20, you must pay by credit card.
b. We make a charge if you pay by credit card.
c. We prefer cash payment for large sales.
d. If you spend less than $20, you cannot pay by credit card.

37. There's no point in persuading him to do this.

a. He is able to do this although he does not want to.
b. It would be useful to persuade him to do this.
c. I enjoy persuading him to do this.
d. It is useless to persuade him to do this.

38. Those students should be punished for what they have done.
a. Those students should have done what they were punished for.
b. What those students have done will give them some punishment.
c. Those students can't get away with what they have done.
d. The things those students have done are kinds of punishment.

39. Not many people attended the meeting.

a. People didn't show up for the meeting.
b. There was a poor turn-out for the meeting.
c. Too many people turned out at the meeting.
d. Hardly did people come to the meeting.

40. That young man is bound to fail in this test.

a. There is no way that young man can succeed in this test.
b. Certainly, that young man will pass this test.
c. It would be impossible for that young man to fail this test.
d. That young man almost failed in this test.

Task 1. Complete the sentences with the correct form, gerund or infinitive. using the words in brack
(Hoàn thành câu với dạng đúng, danh động từ hoặc nguyên mẫu, sử dụng các từ trong ngoặc.)
1. Most passengers dislike…………to sit in small, uncomfortable seats on long flights. (have)

2. I must drive more carefully. I can’t risk…………another speeding ticket. (get)

3. Did Dick mean………… Sue about the party, or did it slip out accidentally? (tell)

4. You must keep…..on the computer until you understand how to use all of the programmes. (practise)

5. The judge demanded………..the original document, not the photocopy. (see)

Task 2. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng để hoàn thành câu.)
1. Ms. Thompson is always willing to help, but she doesn’t want …………at home unless there is an emer
A. to call B. to be called
2. The children agreed…………….the candy equally.
A. to divide B. to be divided
3. I expected……………… the party, but I wasn't.
A. to invite B. to be invited
4. I expect………………………at the airport by my uncle.
A. to meet B. to be met

5. Mr. Steinberg offered………………….us to the train station.

A. to drive B. to be driven

Task 3. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng để hoàn thành câu.)
1. The new students hope……… many of the school’s social activities.
A. including B. being included
C. to include D. to be included
2. Jack got into trouble when he refused………his briefcase for the customs officer.
A. opening B. being opened
C. to open D. to be opened
3. Barbara didn’t mention …………about her progress report at work, but I’m sure she is.
A. concerning B. being concerned
C. to concern D. to be concerned
4. You’d better save some money for a rainy day. You can’t count on………… by your parents every time
you get into financial difficulty.
A. rescuing B. being rescued
C. to rescue D. to be rescued
5. Please forgive me. I didn’t mean………….you.
A. upsetting B. being upset
C. to upset D. to be upset

Exercise 4. Choose the best option A or B to complete each of the sentences.

Chọn đáp án A hoặc B để hoàn thành các câu.
1. Whenever we met, Jack avoided_________ at me.
A. to look B. looking
2. Most people enjoy________ to different parts of the world.
A. to travel B. travelling
3. Maria needs _________ another job. Her present company is going out of business.
A. to find B. finding
4. May I change the TV channel, or do you want_______________ more of this programme?
A. to watch B. watching
5. Joan is considering________ her major from American studies to psychology.
A. to change B. changing
6. Although Joe slammed on his brakes, he couldn’t avoid___________ the small dog that suddenly
darted out in front of his car.
A. to hit B. hitting
7. I hope________ my autobiography before I die. Do you think anyone would read it?
A. to write B. writing
8. Joyce thanked us for______ ___ them to dinner and said that they wanted to have us over for dinner
next week.
A. to invite B. inviting
9. If you delay ______ your bill, you will only incur more and more interest charges.
A. to pay B. paying
10. My lawyer advised me not_________ anything further about the accident.
A. to say B. saying
Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using the infinitive or gerund of the verbs in brackets.
Hoàn thành các câu sử dụng " to V" hoặc "V-ing" với các động từ trong ngoặc.
1. The store ordered (refund) to refund the money I paid for the book I returned. what you aren’t.
2. Don’t pretend (be) what you aren’t.
3. I persuaded my brother-in-law not (buy)_________ that old car
4. Annie denied (throw) __________ the brick through the window.
5. My father expects me (get)high marks in school.
6. According to the sign on the restaurant door, all diners are required (wear) shirts and shoes.
7. We are planning (visit)several historical sites in Moscow.
8. There appears (be)____no way to change our reservation for the play at this late date.
9. For some strange reasons, I keep (think)today is Saturday.
10. All of the members agreed (attend)_____the emergency meeting.

Exercise 6. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete each of the sentences.

Chọn đáp án A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành câu.
1. I don’t remember __________ of the decision to change the company policy on vacations. When was
it decided?
A. telling B. being told
C. to tell D. to be told
2. ________ about any revisions in her manuscript before Ms Drake expects it is printed.
A. consulting B. being consulted
C. to consult D. to be consulted
3. Sally gave such a good speech that I couldn’t resist __________ loudly when she finished.
A. applauding B. being applauded
C. to applaud D. to be applauded
4. Tommy admitted _______ the rock through the window.
A. throwing B. being applauded throw D. to be thrown
5. If you want to develop inner tranquility, you have to stop________________ by every little thing that
A. bothering B. being bothered
C. to bother D. to be bothered
6. Paul really didn’t mind______________ by the party to celebrate his fortieth birthday, although he told
his friends that they shouldn’t have done it.
A. surprising B. being surprised
C. to surprise D. to be surprised
7. Anne hoped ____________ to join the private club. She could make important business contacts
A. inviting B. being invited
C. to invite D. to be invited
Bài 1: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi sử dụng từ gợi ý cho sẵn.
1. David had gone home before we arrived.
– After …………………………………………………………………………………….
2. We had lunch then we took a look around the shops.
– Before ……………………………………………………………………………………
3. The light had gone out before we got out of the office.
– When…………………………………………………………………………………….
4. After she had explained everything clearly, we started our work.
– By the time …………………………………………………………………………….
5. My father had watered all the plants in the garden by the time my mother came home.
– Before ………………………………………………………………………………….

2. Rewrite the sentence using "it took/ spent"

1. He spent lots of time doing this experiment.
⟹ It …………………………………………………………………….
2. It took me all morning to prepare for lunch.
⟹ I spent …………………………………………………………….
3. Anna spent three days visiting VN.
⟹ It took ……………………………………………………………..
4. It took my son three years to study in this college.
⟹ My son spent …………………………………………………..
5. I spend two hours doing my homework everyday.
⟹ It takes ……………………………………………………………
6. They spent ten days painting this house.
⟹ It …………………………………………………………………….
7. Last week , she spent 2 days tidying her room.
⟹ It …………………………………………………………………….
8. They used to go to school in half an hour.
⟹ It …………………………………………………………………….
9. We often spend 30 minutes reviewing our lesson before class.
⟹ It …………………………………………………………………….
10. It took him twelve hours to fly from Hanoi to London.
⟹ He …………………………………………………………………..

3. Viết lại câu không thay đổi nghĩa:

1) This is the first time he went abroad.
=> He hasn't.................................................................................................
2) She started driving 1 month ago.
=> She has....................................................................................................
3) We began eating when it started to rain.
=> We have...................................................................................................
4) I last had my hair cut when I left her.
=> I haven't....................................................................................................
5) The last time she kissed me was 5 months ago.
=> She hasn't.................................................................................................
6) It is a long time since we last met.
=> We haven't................................................................................................
7) When did you have it ?
=> How long .................................................................................................?
8) This is the first time I had such a delicious meal .
=> I haven't..................................................................................................
9) I haven't seen him for 8 days.
=> The last ..................................................................................................
10) I haven't taken a bath since Monday.
=> It is .........................................................................................................
11) Samuel started keeping a diary in 1997
Samuel has ___________________________________
12)We started learning English fìve years ago.
We have ___________________________________
13) I began living in Ho Chi Minh City when I was 8.
I have ___________________________________
14) She has taught the children in this remote village for five months
She started ___________________________________
15) He has not written to me since April.
The last time __________________________________
16) She hasn’t had a swim for five years
She last __________________________________
17) They last talked to each other two months ago
They haven’t __________________________________
18) The last time she saw her elder sister was in 1999
She hasn’t __________________________________
19) She hasn’t written to me for years
It’s years __________________________________
20) Robert and Catherine have been married for ten years.
It’s ten years __________________________________

Iv. Viết lại câu không thay đổi nghĩa:

1/ The last time I cooked was 3 years ago.
-> _________________________________
2/ When did you bought that bag?
-> _________________________________
3/ I last saw him 2 days ago.
-> _________________________________
4/ I started writing blog 2 months ago
-> _________________________________
5/ She began living in Danang when she was a child.
-> _________________________________
6/ It is 5 years since I last visit my grandparents.
-> _________________________________
7/ When did you start loving him?
-> _________________________________
8/ The last time I went to bar was 6 years ago.
-> _________________________________
9/ It’s years since she wrote to me.
-> _________________________________
10/ I last took a bath 2 days ago.
-> _________________________________

Exercise 5. Viết lại các câu sau sử dụng câu điều kiện.
1. I didn’t know that you were in the hospital yesterday, so I didn’t visit you.
→ If …………………….…………………….………………………………………………….
2. Hurry up or you will be late for school.
→ If …………………….…………………….………………………………………………….
3. My mother is very busy, so she can’t help me now.
→ If …………………….…………………….………………………………………………….
4. Lan didn’t call me because she didn’t know my phone number.
→ If …………………….…………………….………………………………………………….
5. You’re unhealthy because you don’t take exercise.
→ If …………………….…………………….………………………………………………….
6. He didn't study his lessons very carefully, so he gets bad marks now.
→ If …………………….…………………….………………………………………………….
7. Leon often causes accidents because he drives carelessly.
→ If …………………….…………………….………………………………………………….
8. I can’t apply for that job because I don’t know English.
→ If …………………….…………………….………………………………………………….
9. Lien is overweight because she eats too much chocolate.
→ If …………………….…………………….………………………………………………….
10. His father often punishes him for his laziness.
→ If …………………….…………………….………………………………………………….

6. Pronuciation with "s"/"es"

1. A. coughs B. sings C. stops D. sleeps
2. A. signs B. profits C. becomes D. survives
3. A. walks B. steps C. shuts D. plays
4. A. wishes B. practices C. introduces D. leaves
5. A. grasses B. stretches C. comprises D. potatoes
6. A. desks B. maps C. plants D. chairs
7. A. pens B. books C. phones D. tables
8. A. dips B. deserts C. books D. camels
9. A. miles B. attends C. drifts D. glows
10. A. mends B. develops C. values D. equals
11. A. repeats B. classmates C. amuses D. attacks
12. A. humans B. dreams C. concerts D. songs
13. A. manages B. laughs C. photographs D. makes
14. A. dishes B. oranges C. experiences D. chores
15. A. fills B. adds C. stirs D. lets
16. A. wants B. books C. stops D. sends
17. A. books B. dogs C. cats D. maps
18. A. biscuits B. magazines C. newspapers D. vegetables
19. A. knees B. peas C. trees D. niece
20. A. cups B. stamps C. books D. pens
21. A. houses B. faces C. hates D. places
22. A. schools B. yards C. labs D. seats
23. A. names B. lives C. dances D. tables
24. A. nights B. days C. years D. weekends
25. A. pens B. markers C. books D. rulers
26. A. shakes B. nods C. waves D. bends
27. A. horses B. tools C. fiels D. chairs
28. A. faces B. stops C. horses D. passes
29. A. causes B. watches C. looks D. washes
30. A. sweets B. watches C. dishes D. boxes

6. Pronuciation with "ed"

1. A. worked B. wanted C. stopped D. asked
2. A. opened B. knocked C. played D. occurred
3. A. talked B. watched C. lived D. stopped
4. A. covered B. installed C. described D. decorated
5. A. claimed B. warned C. occurred D. existed
6. A. carried B. looked C. managed D. opened
7. A. pleased B. smoked C. stopped D. missed
8. A. waited B. mended C. objected D. faced
9. A. pleased B. erased C. increased D. amused
10. A. arrived B. believed C. received D. hoped
11. A. opened B. knocked C. played D. occurred
12. A. rubbed B. tugged C. stopped D. filled
13. A. dimmed B. travelled C. passed D. stirred
14. A. tipped B. begged C. quarrelled D. carried
15. A. killed B. hurried C. regretted D. planned
16. A. visited B. showed C. wondered D. studied
17. A. sacrificed B. finished C. fixed D. seized
18. A. needed B. booked C. stopped D. washed
19. A. loved B. teased C. washed D. rained
20. A. packed B. punched C. pleased D. pushed
21. A. painted B. provided C. protected D. equipped
22. A. tested B. marked C. presented D. founded
23. A. used B. finished C. married D. rained
24. A. allowed B. dressed C. flashed D. mixed
25. A. switched B. stayed C. believed D. cleared
26. A. decided B. waited C. handed D. designed
27. A. annoyed B. phoned C. watched D. remembered
28. A. hurried B. decided C. planned D. wondered
29. A. posted B. added C. managed D. arrested
30. A. dreamed B. neglected C. denied D. admired
Từ Phân Phát âm Nghĩa
charity n /ˈtʃærəti/ lòng bác ái, nhân đức, từ thiện
2 clear v /klɪə(r)/ dọn, dọn dẹp
3 co-operate v /kəʊˈɒpəreɪt/ hợp tác, cộng tác, giúp đỡ
4 co-ordinate v /kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪt/ phối hợp, xếp đặt
5 craft n /krɑːft/ thủ công
disadvantaged a /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒd/ bị thiệt thòi
7 donation n /dəʊˈneɪʃn/ sự đóng góp, dâng hiến
8 gratitude n /ˈɡrætɪtjuːd/ sự biết ơn
9 handicapped a /ˈhændikæpt/ tàn tật, bị tật nguyền
10 issue v /ˈɪʃuː/ phát hành
11 martyr n /ˈmɑːtə(r)/ liệt sĩ, người hi sinh
12 minority n /maɪˈnɒrəti/ thiểu số, số ít
13 mow v /məʊ/ cắt xén, xén cỏ
14 overcome v /ˌəʊvəˈkʌm/ chiến thắng
15 remote a /rɪˈməʊt/ xa xôi, hẻo lánh
16 suffer v /ˈsʌfə(r)/ chịu đựng, trải qua
17 voluntarily adv /ˈvɒləntrəli/ tự nguyện
18 wounded a /ˈwuːndɪd/ bị thương
1. Nhận biết phụ âm /w/
"qu" được phát âm là /kw/.
Ví dụ: quality, question, quiet, quarter,…
“w” được phát âm là /w/./
Ví dụ: win, wood, wet, warm,…
“wh” cũng được phát âm là /w/.
Ví dụ: why, when, wheel,…
Ngoài ra: một số từ bắt đầu bằng phụ âm có thể được phát âm là /w/.
Ví dụ: one,…
2. Nhận biết phụ âm /j/
"y" thường được phát âm là /j/.
Ví dụ: yet, your, yellow, yes,…
"u" có thể được phát âm là /jʊ/ hay /juː/.
Ví dụ: cure, pure, during, tube,…
"ui" có thể được phát âm là /juː/.
Ví dụ: suit, suitable, pursuit,…
Ngoại lệ: tuition, suicide,…
"ea" có thể được phát âm là /j/.
Ví dụ: beauty, beautiful,…

1. Ôn lại danh động từ (gerund)

- Sử dụng như danh từ
Ví dụ: Reading books is my hobby.
- Theo sau một số động từ: admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, continue, delay, deny, discuss, enjoy, forgive,
go (physical activities), imagine, involve, keep (= continue), mention, mind, miss, quit, resist, save, stand,
suggest, tolerate, dislike, enjoy, hate, like, prefer,…
Ví dụ: Yesterday Nam invited me to go fishing with him.
- Sử dụng trong một số cấu trúc: It’s (no) good + V-ing, it’s not worth + V-ing, There is no point in + V-ing,
S + can’t help + V-ing, S + can’t stand + V-ing, have difficulty (in) + V-ing, spend/waste + time/money/… +
V-ing, S + look forward to + V-ing,…
Ví dụ: There is no point in persuading her.
I am looking foward to hearing news from you.
2. Hiện tại phân từ (present participle)
2.1. Hình thức: V-ing
2.2. Chức năng:
Dùng trong các thì tiếp diễn: be + Present participle (V-ing)
Ví dụ: It is raining now.
We will be studying Math at this time tomorrow.
Dùng như một tính từ (mang nghĩa chủ động và thường miêu tả vật)
Ví dụ: The film is interesting.
It’s an exciting journey.
Thay cho một mệnh đề
a. Mệnh đề độc lập trong câu ghép:
Hai sự kiện xảy ra đồng thời cùng một chủ từ thì một trong hai mệnh đề có thể được thay bằng hiện tại phân từ.
Ví dụ: He washed his motorbike and sang happily.
→ Washing his motorbike, he sang happily.
Hai sự kiện xảy ra kế tiếp nhau: sự kiện xảy ra trước được thay bằng hiện tại phân từ.
Ví dụ: She put on her coat and went out.
→ Putting on her coat, she went out.
b. Mệnh đề phụ trong câu:
Mệnh đề quan hệ: khi đại từ quan hệ làm chủ từ và mệnh đề quan hệ là mệnh đề chủ động thì được thay bằng hiện tại
phân từ.
Ví dụ: The girl who lent me this book is my close friend.
→ The girl lending me this book is my close friend.
Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian:
Ví dụ: Since he left school, she has worked in a restaurant.
→ Leaving school, she has worked in a restaurant.
Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do: hai mệnh đề phải cùng chủ từ
Ví dụ: Because he drove carelessly, he had an accident.
→ Driving carelessly, he had an accident.
Cấu trúc câu: S + sit/stand/lie/come/run (cụm từ chỉ nơi chốn) + present participle.
Ví dụ: He sat on the chair watching TV.
Cấu trúc: There + be + Noun + present participle
Ví dụ: There are many people waiting for the train.
3. Danh động từ hoàn thành (perfect gerund)
3.1. Hình thức: having + V3/-ed
3.2. Chức năng: dùng thay cho hình thức hiện tại của danh động từ khi chúng ta đề cập đến hành động trong quá khứ.
Ví dụ: He was accused of having stealing their money.
4. Phân từ hoàn thành (perfect participle)
4.1. Hình thức: having + V3/-ed
4.2. Chức năng:
Dùng để rút ngắn mệnh đề khi hành động trong mệnh đề đó xảy ra trước
Ví dụ: He finished all his homework and then he went to bed.
→ Having finished all his homework, he went to bed.
Dùng để rút ngắn mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian
Ví dụ: After he had fallen from the horse back, he was taken to hospital and had an operation.
→ After having fallen from the horse back, he was taken to hospital and had an operation.
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
1. a. wheat b. yeald c. wealth d. yeast
2. a. water b. whale c. whole d. window
3. a. answer b. world c. write d. jewellery
4. a. union b. useful c. under d. university
5. a. usually b. uranium c. uniform d. umbrella
II. Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentences, or
substitutes for the underlined word or phrase:
6. Each nation has many people who voluntarily take care of others.
a. bring along b. get on with c. keep up with d. look after
7. The construction work was carried out by the local contractor.
a. continued b. completed c. done d. run
8. Some high school students take part in helping the handicapped.
a. participate in b. compete c. experience d. support
9. She had never imagined being able to visit such remote countries.
a. foreign b. faraway c. friendly d. desolate
10. The lawn needs mowing again.
a. repairing b. making c. bending d. cutting
11. They give care and comfort ________ disadvantaged children.
a. for b. to c. on d. at
12. They have no money and are forced to live on ______.
a. fund b. saving c. charity d. donation
13. This scheme could be ______ for people in low incomes.
a. advantage b. advantaged c. advantageous d. disadvantaged
14. Schools need ______ to help children to read and write.
a. volunteers b. pioneers c. engineers d. innovators
15. We would like to see closer ______ between parents and schools.
a. cooperation b. coordination c. coexistence d. coeducation
16. 'Is Mill still here?' - 'No. She was the first ______.
a. leaving b. that she left c. to leave d. in leaving
17. I've heard a lot about Dr. James, and I'm looking forward ______ his talk tomorrow.
a. hear b. hearing c. to hear d. to hearing
18. 'Did Nantes faint yesterday?' - 'Yes, and that led to ______ to the emergency clinic.'
a. her taking b. her to be taken c. her to go d. her being taken
19. I was often made ______ milk by my mother.
a. drink b. drinks c. to drink d. drunk
20. I don't blame you ______ to go outside in this awful weather.
a. not wanting b. for not wanting c. not to want d. not to have wanted
III. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentences:
21. When I was walking past the park, I saw some children play football.
a. was b. past c. saw d. play
22. I think that you had difficulty to find her house.
a. that b. had c. to find d. her
23. We appreciate to have had the opportunity to work for the voluntary organization.
a. to have b. the c. to work d. voluntary
24. Having finished his assignment in time, it was sent to the supervisor.
a. having finished b. in c. it was sent d. the supervisor
25. Tom complained about Bob's borrowed his shirt without asking him first.
a. about b. borrowed c. his shirt d. asking
IV. Choose the correct word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the passage:
In the United States, volunteering is (26) ______ as a good way to give children a sense of (27)
______ reponsibility and to bring the family together. Volunteerism is (28) ______ across the
United States today because people are trying to put more emphasis (29)____ family
togetherness, and they are looking for ways to help young people have a feeling of hope and
satisfaction. It is (30) ______ that volunteering helps children discover their talents, develop their
skills, and learn about (31) ______ and problem solving. (32) ______ , family volunteering has
some (33) ______ it benefits the community that is (34) ______, it benefits the family for serving
together, and it benefits each (35) ______ in the family.
26. a. respected b. viewed c. inspected d. showed
27. a. commune b. communal c. communion d. community
28. a. growing b. traveling c. extending d. forming
29. a. over b. on c. in d. towards
30. a. regarded b. believed c. concerned d. accepted
31. a. operation b. corporation c. correspondence d. cooperation
32. a. Moreover b. However c. Therefore d. Consequently
33. a. advantages b. disadvantages c. convenience d. inconveniences
34. a. cared b. taken c. served d. offered
35. a. character b. community c. personnel d. individual
V. Read the text carefully, then choose the correct answers:
I was with Overseas Volunteers (OV) for a year after leaving university, and I was sent to an
isolated village in Chad, about 500 km from the capital N'Djamena. Coming from a rich country, I
got quite a shock as conditions were much harder than I had expected. But after a few days I
soon got used to living there. The people were always very friendly and helpful, and soon I began
to appreciate how beautiful the countryside was.
One of my jobs was to supply the village with water. The well was a long walk away. And the
women used to spend a long time every day carrying heavy pots backwards and forwards. So I
contacted organization and arranged to have some pipes delivered. We built a simple pipeline
and a pump, and it worked first time. It wasn't perfect - there were a few leaks, but it made a
great difference to the villagers, who had never had running water before. And not only did we
have running water, but in the evenings it was hot, because the pipe had been lying in the sun all
day. All in all, I think my time with OV was a good experience. Although it was not well-paid, it
was well worth doing, and I would recommend it to anyone who was considering working for a
36. The author ______.
a. has been working for OV for a year b. is living in the capital N'Djamena
c. was born in a rich family d. used to be a volunteer working in a
remote village
37. How did the author feel when he arrived in the village?
a. surprised b. impressed c. disappointed d. depressed
38. Which of the following is not true?
a. It took a lot of time to take water home from the well.
b. The villagers used to live in conditions without running water.
c. A pipeline was built to carry clean water to homes.
d. Solar energy was used to heat water.
39. The word 'It' in line 12 refers to ______.
a. running water b. the pump c. the pineline d. the supply of water
40. What does the author think about his time with OV?
a. It was paid a lot of money. b. It was not worth working.
c. It wasted time. d. It provided good experience.

Exercise 1. Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate gerund of the
verbs from the box.
(Hoàn thành mỗi câu sau với một danh động từ thích hợp của các động từ trong khung.)
spend behave wait park start bend meet
1. I have no objection to _____ to your story again.

2. Touch your toes without _____ your knees!

3. You should be ashamed of yourself for _____ so badly.

4. I am looking forward to _____ you.

5. You can't prevent him from _____ his own money.

6. Would you mind _____ for a moment?

7. In spite of _____ late, we arrived in time.

Exercise 2. Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate present

participle of the verbs from the box.
(Hoàn thành mỗi câu sau với một hiện tại phân từ thích hợp của các động từ trong khung.)
lie modernize shop pass prepare
try read bum
1. She smelt something _____ and saw smoke _____.

2. If she catches you _____ her diary, she’ll be furious.

3. They found a tree _____ across the road.

4. I’m going _____ this afternoon.

5. He doesn't spend much time _____ his lessons.

6. They wasted the whole afternoon _____ to repair the bike.

7. They spend a lot of money _____ the house.

Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the perfect gerund or perfect participle.
(Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở dạng danh động từ hoàn thành hoặc phân từ hoàn thành.)
1. I object to him_______ (make) private calls on the office phone.

2. ______(be) his own boss for such a long time, he found it hard to accept orders from another.

3. They denied_______ (be) there.

4._______ (tie) one end of the rope to his bed, he threw the other end out of the window.

5._______ (read) the instruction, he snatched up the fire extinguisher.

6. The children admitted_______ (take) the money.

Exercise 4. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation.
Chọn các đáp án A, B, C hoặc D có phần gạch chân khắc với các đáp án còn lại.
1.A. week B. wet C. way D. answer
2.A. we B. wine C. who D. wheel
3.A. warm B. two C. well D. weather
4.A. write B. windy C. away D. always
5.A. what B. whole C. white D. which
6.A. boy B. young C. yes D. yesterday
7.A. usually B. university C. understand D. student

Exercise 5. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete each of the sentences.

Chọn đáp án A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành câu.
1. Tony is keen on________ a member of the national football team.
A. become B. to become
C. becoming D. became
2. The little boy’s favourite game was _________ to be an emperor.
A. pretend B. pretended
C. to be pretending D. pretending
3. A popular sport in this place is____ wild boars.
A. will hunt B. hunting
C. hunt D. hunted
4. The doctor advised him to give up ________
A. drinking B. drink
C. to drink D. drunk
5. Don’t give up; keep on________ .
A. to try B. try
C. having tried D. trying
6. They are ______ the road to relieve traffic congestion.
A. have widened B. to widen
C. widen D. widened
7. The company agreed_______ the goods to Mr Chin.
A. delivering B. deliver
C. to deliver D. have delivered
8. I intend_______ Ipoh on the second of the month.
A. leaving B. to leave C. leave D. left
9. No one is allowed________ without a ticket of admission.
A. to enter B. entering C. entered D. enter
10. The authorities are________ out a thorough investigation into this matter.
A. will carry B. carried C. to carry D. have carried
Exercise 6. Complete the sentences, using the infinitive, gerund or present participle of
the verbs in brackets.
Hoàn thành câu sau sử dụng "to V", "V-ing" hoặc thì hiện tại hoàn thành với các động từ trong
1. It is easy (see)____________ animals on the road in daylight but sometimes at night it is
difficult (avoid)_______________ (hit)____________ them.
2. I caught him (climb) ______________ over my wall. I asked him (explain)__________ but he
refused (say)________________ anything, so in the end I had (let)_______________ him
(go)____________ .
3. It is pleasant (sit) ____________ by the fire at night and (hear)____________ the wind
(howl)_______________ outside.
4. There was no way of (get)_____________ out of the building except by (climb)__________
down a rope and Ann was too terrified (do)______________ this.
5. We heard the engine (roar)_________________ as the plane began (move)_________ and
we saw the people on the ground (wave) ________________goodbye.
6. It’s no good (write)_____________ to him; he never answers letters. The only thing
(do)___________ is (go)____________ and (see) ___________ him.
7. Ask him (come)___________ in. Don’t keep him (stand) at the door.
8. We watched the children (jump)_______________ from a window and (fall)_______________
into a blanket held by the people belowế
9. It is very unpleasant (wake)______________ up and (hear)_____________ the rain
(beat)_______________ on the windows.
10. He saw the lorry (begin)______________ (roll)____ forwards but he was too far away
(do)_______________ anything (stop)_____________ it.
UNIT 5: illiteracy
Từ Phân Phát âm Nghĩa
1 campaign n /kæmˈpeɪn/ chiến dịch
2 effective a /ɪˈfektɪv/ có hiệu quả
3 enforce v /ɪnˈfɔːs/ ép làm, thúc ép, ép buộc
4 eradicate v /ɪˈrædɪkeɪt/ xóa bỏ
5 ethnic minority /ˌeθnɪk maɪˈnɒrəti/ dân tộc thiểu số
6 expand v /ɪkˈspænd/ mở rộng
7 highland n /ˈhaɪlənd/ cao nguyên
honourable a /ˈɒnərəbl/ đáng tôn kính, đáng kính
8 trọng
9 illiteracy n /ɪˈlɪtərəsi/ mù chữ
10 mutual respect n /ˈmjuːtʃuəl rɪˈspekt/ tôn trọng lẫn nhau
11 performance n /pəˈfɔːməns/ sự thể hiện, thành tích
promotion n /prəˈməʊʃn/ sự đẩy mạnh, sự xúc tiến; sự
12 khuyến khích
13 rate n /reɪt/ tỉ lệ
14 strategy n /ˈstrætədʒi/ chiến lược
struggle n /ˈstrʌɡl/ sự đấu tranh; cuộc đấu tranh,
15 cuộc chiến đấu
16 survey n /ˈsɜːveɪ/ khảo sát, điều tra
17 universal a /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsl/ thuộc mọi người
1. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /pl/
Âm /pl/ về chính tả thường được viết là “pl”
Ví dụ: please, pleasure, play, plenty,…
2. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /bl/
Âm /bl/ về chính tả thường được viết là “bl”
Ví dụ: black, blue, blow,…
3. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /pr/
Âm /pr/ về chính tả thường được viết là “pr”
Ví dụ: pride, precious, practice,…
4. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /br/
Âm /br/ về chính tả thường được viết là “br”
Ví dụ: brown, bread, brother, broad,…

Câu gián tiếp với động từ nguyên thể (reported speech with infinitive(s) )
Khi những câu phát biểu/ mệnh lệnh được tường thuật với các động từ sau, ta sử dụng to-V kèm theo:
a. V + to-V: agree (đồng ý) , decide (quyết định) , demand (đòi hỏi) , determine (xác định) , expect (mong chờ) , guarantee
( đảm bảo) , hope, offer (đề nghị) , promise (lời hứa), refuse (từ chối), say, want, wish, propose (có ý định),…
Ví dụ: “OK. I’ll give you a lift”, said Terry.
→ Terry agreed to give me a lift.
b. V + O + to-V: advise, allow, ask, beg, command (ra lệnh), encourage (khuyến khích) , expect (mong đợi), help, invite,
instruct (chỉ dẫn), order, permit, persuade (thuyết phục) , remind, request, require (yêu cầu) , tell, urge (thuyết phục), want,
warn (cảnh báo),…
Ví dụ: “Don’t forget to send Mike a birthday card, Kante”, I said.
→ I reminded Kante to send Mike a birthday card.
UNIT 5: illiteracy
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
1. a. pleasing b. pleasant c. pleasure d. plenty
2. a. brow b. blow c. proud d. how
3. a. precise b. pressure c. pretty d. pretend
4. a. black b. blanket c. brace d. branch
5. a. blind b. pride c. bridge d. blight
II. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the
or phrase:
6. The price of petrol has gone ____ by over 50 percent in less than a year.
a. out b. up c. over d. off
7. At present, more and more people are taking part in the struggle ______ illiteracy
a. for b. with c. against d. to
8. The Vietnam Society of Learning Promotion started a campaign ______ illiteracy eradication.
a. on b. in c. of d. for
9. Most of the students felt that ______ respect in classroom was essential for effective learning to take pla
a. mutual b. considerable c. deep d. grudging
10. Modem farming methods can have an adverse ______ on the environment.
a. effect b. effective c. effectiveness d. effectively
11. Once we have all relevant information, we can make a decision.
a. correct b. connected c. available d. confidential (bi mat)
12. The government has launched a ______ aimed at educating young people about the dangers of drugs
a. struggle b. program c. combat d. campaign
13. People judged to be functionaIly ______ lack the basic reading and writing skills.
a. literate b. literacy c. illiterate d. illiteracy
14. The students were asked to ______ reading and writing skills to the villagers.
a. deliver b. express c. provide d. support
15. More work has been done to eradicate illiteracy in our country.
a. put up with b. get rid of c. take control of d. cut down on
16. Illiterate people lack the basic reading and writing skills ______ in everyday life.
a. to require b. requiring c. that require d. required
17. Illiteracy rates ______ in recent years.
a. fell b. have fallen c. was falling d. had fallen
18. She was the first in her family ______ a college education.
a. get b. getting c. to get d. gotten
19. They asked ______ our bags outside the exam room.
a. to leave b. us to leave c. we leave d. us leaving
20. Before the meeting finished they arranged when ______ next.

a. they met b. they to meet c. should they meet d. to meet

III. Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the sentence
21. The museum guard asked the visitors to not touch the exhibits.
a. the museum b. asked c. to not touch d. exhibits
22. The tour guide explained that the castle is only open in Tuesdays.
a. tour b. is c. open d. in
23. I'm sorry to bother you, but you did say to call whether I was worried.
a. to bother b. did say c. to call d. whether
24. We were disappointed when the receptionist told that the hotel was fully booked that week.
a. were disappointed b. told c. fully booked d. that week.
25. In 1852 Massachusetts passed a law required all children from four to eighteen years of age to attend
a. required b. children c. of age d. to attend

IV. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers:
In the primary school, a child is in a comparatively simple setting and most of the time forms a relationship
teacher. On entering secondary school, a new world opens up and frequently it is a much more difficult wo
learns to be less free in the way he speaks to teachers and even to his fellow pupils. He begins to lose gra
easy ways of the primary school, for he senses the need for a more cautious approach in the secondary sc
are older pupils, secondary staff and pupils suffer from the pressures of academic work and seem to have
and talk. Teachers with specialist roles may see hundreds of children in a week, and a pupil may be able t
with very few of the staff. He has to decide which adults are approachable; good schools will make clear to
person from the first year what guidance and personal help is available - but whether the reality of life in th
encourages requests for help is another matter.

Adults often forget what a confusing picture school can offer to a child. He sees a great deal of movement,
people – often rather frightening-looking people - and realizes that an increasing number of choices and de
made. As he progresses through the school the confusion may become less but the choices and decisions
increase. The school will rightly expect the pupil to take the first steps to obtain the help he needs, for this
adult life for which he has to be prepared, but all the time the opportunities for personal and group advice m
in a way which makes them easy to understand and within easy reach of pupils.

26. According to the passage one of the problems for pupils entering secondary schools is that _________
a. they are taught by many different teachers
b. they do not attend lessons in every subject
c. the teachers do not want to be friendly
d. the teachers give most attention to the more academic pupils
27. In secondary schools every pupil having problems should _________.
a. be able to discuss 'his problems in class
b. be able to discuss his problems with any teacher
c. know how to ask for help
d. be freed from any pressure of academic work.
28. Talking about secondary schools, the author is mainly concerned about _________.
a. academic standards b. the personal development of pupils
c. the role of specialist teachers d. the training of the individual teachers
29. The word 'approachable' means most nearly the same as _________.
a. friendly and easy to talk to b. desirable
c. capable of offering accommodation d. advisable
30. According to the passage adults usually ______________.
a. think that children learn better in secondary school
b. neglect their children when they enter secondary school
c. fail to encourage their .children to work hard
d. fail to know how confusing things may be to a child when she enters secondary school.
V. Choose the correct word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the passage:

The traditional definition of literacy is considered to be the ability to read and write, or the ability to use lang
write, listen, and speak. In modern contexts, the word refers to reading and writing at a level (31) _____ fo
at a level that lets one understand and communicate ideas in a literate society,' so as to take (32) _______
United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has drafted the following defi
the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written 'm
_______ with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning to enable an Individual to achieve
develop his, or her ability and potential, and to participate (34)____ in the wider society."

Many policy analysts consider literacy rates a crucial measure of a region's human capital. This claim is m
_______ that literate people can be trained less expensively than illiterate people, generally have a higher
(36) _______ and enjoy better health and employment prospects. Policy makers also argue that literacy in
opportunities and access to higher education. In Kerala, India, for example, female and child mortality rate
_______ in the 1960s, when girls who were educated in the education reforms after 1948 began to raise fa
researchers, (38) _______, argue that correlations such as, the one listed above may have more to do with
schooling rather than literacy in general. Regardless, the (39)_______ of educational systems worldwide in
_______ around communication through test and print, which is the foundation of most definitions of literac

31. a. important b. adequate c. adaptable d. suitable

32. a. control b. comfort c. part d. honor
33. a. associated b. worked c. appropriated d. related
34. a. fully b. full c. fullness d. fuller
35. a. basics b. ways c. foundations d. grounds
36. a. status b. request c. requirement d. statement
37. a. actually b. dramatically c. extremely d. accurately
38. a. therefore b. however c. consequently d. additionally
39. a. main b. majority c. major d. demand
40. a. conclusion b. content c. contact d. context

Exereise 1. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using th
1. "We’ll come back again."
They promised____________________________ .
2. “You'd better not swim too far from the shore,” the lifeguard said to us.
The lifeguard advised__________________________ .
3. “Could you close the window?” John said to Peter.
John asked_________________________________ .
4. “You should join the football team, Eric,” said the teacher.
The teacher encouraged________________________ .
5. “I'll give it to him tomorrow,’' John said.
John promised______________________________ .
6. “I'd like Lan to become a doctor,” my mum said.
My mum wanted____________________________ .
7. “Remember to lock the door before going to school,” my sister said.
My sister reminded __________________________ .
8. “You should go home and rest for a while,” said the boss.
His boss advised ____________________________.
Exercise 2.Write the following sentences in reported speech, using the right form of the words give
1. "You should not drink too much beer.” (ADVISE)
2. “Come and see me whenever you want.” (INVITE)
3. “Please don’t smoke in my car.” (ASK)
4. “ Sue, give me your phone number.” (TELL)
5. “Don't forget to give the book back to Joe.” (REMIND)
6. “I’ll never do it again.” (PROMISE)
7. “All right. I’ll wait for you.” (AGREE)
8. “Please, lend me some money.” (ASK)

Exercise 6. Put the sentences into reported speech.

Viết lại các câu sau thành câu gián tiếp.
Example: “Please keep quiet!” the librarian said.
The librarian told them to keep quiet.
“I won’t do it again,” Jane promised.
“Could you lend me your bicycle for a day?” Nam asked Lan.
“Would you like to go with me to the market?” Ha invited Mai.
“Take these medicines and go to bed early,” the doctor said.
“You should stop smoking,” his daddy said.
“Nam is a teacher of Chinese,” Hoa said to Nam.
“Don’t speak loudly,” he said to them.
“Sure, I’ll come back soon,” John promised.
“Go out and leave me alone!” She ordered them.

"Keep quiet," the teacher said to us.

- The teacher told
1. "We'll come back again."
They promised
2. "You'd better not swim too far from the shore," the lifeguard said to us.
The lifeguard advised
3. "Could you close the window?" John said to Peter.
John asked .
4. "You should join the football team, Eric," said the teacher.
The teacher encouraged
5. "I'll give it to him tomorrow," John said.
John promised
6. "I'd like Lan to become a doctor," my mum said.
My mum wanted .
7. "Remember to lock the door before going to school," my sister said.
My sister reminded .
8. "You should go home and rest for a while," said the boss.
His boss advised

"Be careful of strangers and don't go out at night." (WARN)

- He warned

1. "You should not drink too much beer." (ADVISE)

2. "Come and see me whenever you want." (INVITE)

3. "Please don't smoke in my car." (ASK)

4. " Sue, give me your phone number." (TELL)

5. "Don't forget to give the book back to Joe." (REMIND)

6. "I'll never do it again." (PROMISE)

7. "All right, I'll wait for you." (AGREE)

8. "Please, lend me some money." (ASK)

Từ Phân Phát âm Nghĩa
1 activity n /ækˈtɪvəti/ hoạt động
2 aim n /eɪm/ mục đích, ý định
3 annual a /ˈænjuəl/ xảy ra hàng năm
4 announce v /əˈnaʊns/ tuyên bố, thông báo
5 athletics meeting cuộc thi điền kinh
6 clock v /klɒk/ đạt được, ghi
7 disappointed a /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd/ thất vọng
8 formally adv /ˈfɔːməli/ một cách chính thức
general /ˌdʒenrəl kiến thức phổ thông/đại
9 knowledge ˈnɒlɪdʒ/ cương
10 marathon n /ˈmærəθən/ chạy đua đường dài
11 maximum a /ˈmæksɪməm/ tối đa
12 patter v /ˈpætə(r)/ rơi lộp độp (mưa)
13 representative n /ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv/ đại diện, đại biểu
14 sculpture n /ˈskʌlptʃə(r)/ điêu khắc
15 smoothly adv /ˈsmuːðli/ một cách trôi chảy, êm ả
16 society n /səˈsaɪəti/ xã hội, đoàn thể
17 spirit n /ˈspɪrɪt/ tinh thần, khí thế
18 stimulate v /ˈstɪmjuleɪt/ khuyến khích, kích thích
19 windowpane n /ˈwɪndəʊpeɪn/ ô cửa kính
1. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /tr/
Âm /tr/ về chính tả thường được viết là “tr”
Ví dụ: tree, track, traffic,…
Âm /tr/ về chính tả cũng có thể được viết là “ttr”
Ví dụ: attract,…
2. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /dr/
Âm /dr/ có một dạng chính tả duy nhất là “dr”.
Ví dụ: drive, drink, dress, dream,…
3. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /tw/
Âm /tw/ có một dạng chính tả duy nhất là “tw”.
Ví dụ: twelve, twin, twinkle,…

(*) Câu gián tiếp với danh động từ (reported speech with gerund)
Khi những câu phát biểu được tường thuật với các động từ sau, ta sử dụng V-ing kèm theo.

a. V + V-ing: admit (thừa nhận), deny (từ chối) , propose (đề nghị) , request (yêu cầu), stop, suggest, try (thử),…

Ví dụ: “I didn’t take your money”, said Jenny.

→ Jenny denied taking my money.
b. V + prep. + V-ing: apologize ( to + sb) for (xin lỗi), approve of (chấp thuận), confess to (thú nhận), dream of (mơ
tưởng), insist on (khăng khăng), look forward to (trông mong) , think of (tưởng tượng),…
Ví dụ: “I’ll definitely buy this house”, said Pie.
→ Pie insisted on buying that house.

c. V + sb + prep. + V-ing: accuse sb of (buộc tội) , blame sb for (đỗ lỗi), congratulate sb on, prevent/stop sb from
(ngăn chặn), thank sb for (cảm ơn, nhờ ), warn sb against (cảnh báo) , criticize sb for (not) (phê bình), ……

Ví dụ: “Well done, Harry. You’ve passed the exam”.

→ I congratulated Harry on passing the exam.
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
1. a. twice b. twin c. twinkle d. twist
2. a. drag b. draft c. dramatist d. drank
3. a. dread b. treasure c. treatment d. dreamt
4. a. truck b. trumpet c. truthful d. trustful
5. a. dressing b. trend c. twenty d. frequent

II. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes
for the underlined word or phrase:
6. The contest aimed to stimulate the spirit of learning Chemistry ______ students.
a. on b. for c. of d. among
7. The teacher explained the competition's rules ______ the students very carefully.
a. to b. with c. for d. about
8. Most students are interested ______ the annual English Speaking Contests.
a. on b. in c. with d. at
9. ______ is someone who takes part in sports competitions.
a. Judgement b. Sportman c. Athlete d. Sponsor
10. They quickly read the questions and tried to find out the answers.
a. complete b. guess c. offer d. discover
11. A string of defeats has failed to break the team's ______.
a. spirits b. efforts c. works d. methods
12. There is now intense ______ between universities to attract students.
a. competence b. competition c. competitive d. competitor
13. Such questions provide a useful means of ______ students' interest.
a. expressing b. encouraging c. stimulating d. providing
14. All students can take part in the annual English-speaking Contest.
a. happening once a year b. happening once a term
c. happening once a month d. happening once every six months
15. He______ his story in front of the whole school.
a. dedicated b. recited c. said d. delivered
16. My teachers always encourage _______ hard at school.
a. to work b. us to work c. working d. that we work
17. Eight months after the accident, she still has difficulty _______.
a. to walk b. walking c. walked d. to walking
18. I really hate _______ away from home so much.
a. you have to be b. you having to be c. your have to be d. your having to be
19. Staff say that the new computer system _______ to greater levels of stress in their work.
a. led b. would lead c. has led d. had led
20. He apologized _______ able to finish the project on time.
a. his colleagues not being b. his colleagues for not being
c. his colleagues not to be d. to his colleagues for not being
III. Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D- that must be changed for the
sentence to be correct:
21. The teacher said that about 8 children need special help in reading.
a. said that b. need c. special d. in reading
22. Every teacher I've spoken to tell me that standard of spelling are of spellingdecline.
a. Every tell c. of spelling d. of spelling
23. The purpose of the examination was to test the student's know of the subject.
a. purpose b. to test c. knowing d. the subject
24. Let me know if you are interested to take part in the Sculpture competition
a. know if b. to take c. in d. Sculpture
25. The highway patrol advises to take the old route through the city because the interstate highway
is under major repairs.
a. to take b. through c. is under d. repairs

IV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets:
26. The company has decided to withdraw from some of its ___________. (sponsor)
27. The playgroup provides plenty of ______________ for the children. (stimulate)
28. Over 25,000 _____________ will run in the Paris marathon. (compete)
29. The negotiation was attended by ____________ of several states. (represent)
30. The scheme aims to encourage increased __________ in sporting activities. (participate)

V. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.

During the Olympic games, people from all over the world come together in peace and friendship.
Some of these people compete for medals. Several million people attend the games, and millions of
other people watch them on television.

Why do we have the Olympic games? How did they begin? The first Olympic Games that we have
records of were in Greece in 776 B.C. The games lasted one day. The only event in the first thirteen
Olympic Games was a race. Men ran the length of the stadium (about 192 meters). Then, longer
running races were added. Through the years, a few other kinds of events, like the long jump, were
also added. During this time, the games were for men only, and women could not even watch them .
In the year 393, a Roman emperor ended the Olympic Games because the quality of the games
became very low. The Olympics did not take place again for 1500 years!

In 1894, Pierre de Courbertin of France helped form the International Olympic Committee, and the
modern Olympic Games began. In 1896 the games were held again in Athens, Greece. The Greeks
built a new stadium for the competition. Three hundred and eleven athletes from thirteen countries
competed in many events. The winners became national heroes.
After 1896, the games were held every four years during the summer in different cities around the
world. In 1900, the Olympics were in Paris, France, and women competed for the first time. In 1908,
in London, England, the first gold medals were given to winning athletes. Before that time, the
winners received only silver and bronze medals.
The Olympic flag was first introduced in 1920 in Antwerp, Belgium. The flag has five rings on it. The
rings represent the continents of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America.
Each ring is a different colorblue, yellow, black, green, or red - because the flag of each of the
countries that compete in the games has at least one of these colors in it.
The Olympic Winter Games began in 1924 in Chamois, France. Athletes competed in winter events
such as skiing, ice skating, and ice hockey. Today, the Winter Games take place every four years.
The Summer Games also take place every four years, but not in the same year as the winter
events. Both the Summer Games and the Winter Games must have at least fifteen events, and they
cannot last more than sixteen days.

Until recently, Olympic competitors could not be professional athletes. All of the athletes in the
Olympic Games were amateurs. Today, however, many of the Olympic athletes are professionals
who play their sports for money during the year. Some people disagree with this idea. They believe
that the Olympic Games are for amateur athletes, not paid professionals. Other people think that
anyone can play in the Olympic Games. No matter who the athletes are, millions of people
throughout the world enjoy watching the greatest athletic competitions, the Summer games and the
Winter Games of the Olympics.
31. Which of the following is not true of the first 13 Olympic Games in Greece?
a. They lasted only one day.
b. The men competed while the women watched.
c. They consisted of only one event, which was race running.
d. They were for men only.
32. Pierre de Coubertin _____________.
a. was the first athlete from France to take part in the modern Olympic Games
b. helped the Greeks build a new stadium for the modern Games.
c. helped to revive (phục hồi) the Games.
d. became a national hero of France.
33. The International Olympic Committee was set up _____________.
a. with Pierre de Coubertin as chairman
b. according the wish of a Roman emperor
c. every four years starting from 1894
d. two years before the modern Olympic Games were held
34. Professional athletes _____________.
a. joined the Olympic Games only recently .
b. have been allowed to compete in the Games since the Olympic flag was introduced
c. get paid for taking part in the Olympic Games
d. have won more gold medals than amateurs (nghiệp dư) have
35. According to the passage, _____________.
a. the participation of professionals has made the Olympic Games less enjoyable
b. no matter who athletes are, the games are, still great to watch for millions of people
c. professional athletes will soon be banned from the Games
d. everyone is opposed to allowing professionals to take part

VI. Choose the answer - a, b, c, or d - that best reports what was said.
36. 'You're always making terrible mistakes.' , said the teacher.
a. The teacher complained about her students making terrible mistakes.
b. The teacher asked her students why they always made terrible mistakes.
c. The teacher realized that her students always made terrible mistakes.
d. The teacher made her students not always make terrible mistakes.
37. Each of you may have one piece of candy,’ Ms. Hoa said to the children.
a. Ms. Hoa advised the children to have one piece of candy.
b. Ms. Hoa asked each of the children to have one piece of candy.
c. Ms. Hoa allowed each of the children to have one piece of candy.
d. Ms. Hoa reminded the children to have one piece of candy.
38. 'Would you mind if I brought a friend to the party?' said Paul.
a. Paul wanted me to bring my friend to his party.
b. Paul encouraged me to bring my friend to the party.
c. Paul asked for permission to bring his friend to the party.
d. Paul promised to bring a friend to the party.
39. “Don't be so disappointed Jeanne. You can take the driving test again.”, said Harry.
a. Harry told Jeanne not to be disappointed and take the driving test again.
b. Harry asked Jeanne not to be disappointed and offered her another driving test.
c. Harry warned Jeanne not to be disappointed' in order to take the driving test again.
d. Harry encouraged Jeanne to take the driving test again.
40. “Let's break for lunch.”, said Mathieu.
a. Mathieu wanted to break for lunch.
b. Mathieu insisted on breaking for lunch.
c. Mathieu suggested breaking for lunch.
d. Mathieu offered us a break for lunch.

Exercise 1. Change direct speech into reported speech. Begin each of the sentences in the
way shown.
“It was nice of you to help me. Thank you very much,” Tom said to you.
=> Tom thanked me for ……….
1. “I hear you passed your exams. Congratulations!” John said to us.
John congratulated ________ on ________ . .
2. “I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier,” Mary said.
Mary apologised for___________________________________ .
3. “I’ll drive you to the station. I insist,” Peter said to Linda.
Peter insisted on______________________________________ .
4. “You didn’t pay attention to what I said,” the teacher said to the boy.
The teacher accused________ of ________ .
5. “I’ve always wanted to be rich,” Bob said.
Bob has always dreamed of_____________________________ .
6. “Don’t stay at the hotel near the airport,” I said to Ann.
I warned_________ against_____________________________ .
7. “Stay here! I can’t let you go out tonight,” her mother said to Jane.
Her mother prevented________________________ from_____________________ .
8. “It was nice of you to visit me. Thank you,” Miss White said to Jack.
Miss White thanked _________ for _____________________ .

Exercise 2. Rewrite the dialogues in reported speech, usine gerund.

Teacher: Come in, Peter!
Peter: I’m sorry I’m late.
=> Peter apologised for……….

1. Linda: Let me pay for the meal.

Tom: Certainly not! I’ll pay.
Tom insisted on_______________________________________ .

2. Mr. Smith: I feel like meeting our children soon.

Mrs. Smith: I think so.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith looked forward to________________________ .

3. Woman: Hey! You’ve broken the window of my house!

Boy: Oh ... no, I’ve just arrived here. I don’t know anything about it.
The boy denied_______________________________________ .

4. Policeman: You mustn’t leave the shop!

Customer: What’s that?
Policeman: Stay here! You mustn’t leave the shop!
The policeman stopped the customer (from)_________________ .

5. Detective: You have stolen Mrs. Brown’s car!

The thief: Yes...! But...
The thief admitted_____________________________________ .

6. Mary: What shall we do on Saturday?

Ann: What about having a party?
Ann suggested________________________________________ .

7. John’s wife: The house is very nice! We’ll certainly buy it!
John: I think so.
John and his wife were thinking of ________________________________________ . .

Exercise 3. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to indicate the correct sentence closest in
meaning to the given sentence.
1. “I’ll drive you to the airport. I insist,” John said to Linda.
A. John Was said to drive Linda to the airport.
B. John insisted on driving Linda to the airport.
C. John suggested that Linda should drive to the airport herself.
D. John reminded Linda of driving to the airport.
2. “I’m happy you have passed the final exams. Congratulations!” Jim said to me.
A. Jim was happy because I have passed the final exams.
B. Jim said that he would be happy if I passed the final exams.
C. Jim congratulated me on passing the final exams.
D. Jim felt happy after I had passed the final exams.

“It was nice of you to invite me to the party. Thank you,” Mary said to Peter.
A. Mary thanked Peter for inviting her to the party.
B. Mary said that Peter has kindly invited her to the party.
C. Mary was happy when Peter invited her to the party.
D. Mary was said to be invited to Peter’s party.

“Don’t play with the knife!” she said to Jack.

She said Jack didn’t play with the knife
B. She ordered Jack not to play with the knife.
C. She told Jack that he shouldn’t play with the knife.
D. She warned Jack against playing with the knife.

“I’m sorry I didn’t call you earlier,” David said to me.

David said he would have called me earlier.
B. David said that he was sorry for calling me late.
David apologised for not calling me earlier.
D. David felt sad because he didn’t call me earlier.

6. “I have always wanted to be a pilot,” Paul said to me.

A. Paul has always dreamed of being a pilot.
B. Paul said he was going to be a pilot.
C. Paul suggested that I should become a pilot.
D. Paul said he used to dream of being a pilot.

Từ Phân loại Phát âm Nghĩa

1 birth-control /ˈbɜːθ kəntrəʊlˈmeθəd/ phương pháp hạn chế sinh đẻ

2 decrease v /dɪˈkriːs/ giảm đi
3 double v /ˈdʌbl/ gấp đôi
4 family planning /ˌfæməli ˈplænɪŋ/ kế hoạch hóa gia đình
5 figure n /ˈfɪɡə(r)/ con số
6 increase v /ɪnˈkriːs/ gia tăng, tăng lên
7 limit v /ˈlɪmɪt/ hạn chế, giới hạn
8 overpopulation n /ˌəʊvəˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn/ sự đông dân quá mức
9 petroleum n /pəˈtrəʊliəm/ dầu mỏ, dầu lửa
10 probably adv /ˈprɒbəbli/ có lẽ, có thể
11 raise animals /reɪz ˈænɪml/ nuôi động vật
12 Third World thế giới thứ ba
1. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /kl/
Âm /kl/ về chính tả thường được viết là "cl"ví dụ: clean, class, claim, cliff,…
“kl” cũng có thể được đọc là /kl/ví dụ: quickly, kleenex, klystron, klansman,…
2. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /gl/
Âm /gl/ về chính tả thường được viết là "gl", ví dụ: glean, glass, struggle, ugly,…
3. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /kr/

Âm /kr/ về chính tả thường được viết là "cr" hoặc “kr”, ví dụ: crowd, crack, crash, creature, krait, kraft, krill,…

4. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /gr/

Âm /gr/ về chính tả thường được viết là "gr”, ví dụ: grow, green, grouping,…
5. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /kw/
“qu” thường được phát âm là /kw/, ví dụ: quarrel, quarter, quality, queen,…

1. Ôn tập câu điều kiện loại 1

1.1. Khái niệm
Câu điều kiện loại 1 còn có thể được gọi là câu điều kiện hiện tại có thể có thật. Ta sử dụng câu điều kiện loại 1
để đặt ra một điều kiện có thể thực hiện được trong hiện tại và nêu kết quả có thể xảy ra.
1.2. Công thức câu điều kiện loại 1
Công thức: If + S + V (hiện tại), S + will + V (nguyên mẫu)
Đảo ngữ: Should + S + V (hiện tại), S + will + V (nguyên mẫu)
Ví dụ: If you come into my garden, my dog will bite you.
Should you come into my garden, my dog will bite you.
2. Ôn tập câu điều kiện loại 2
2.1. Khái niệm
Câu điều kiện loại 2 còn được gọi là câu điều kiện không có thực ở hiện tại. Điều kiện không thể xảy ra ở hiện tại
hoặc tương lai, điều kiện chỉ là một giả thiết, một ước muốn trái ngược với thực trạng hiện tại.
2.2. Công thức
Công thức: If + S + V (quá khứ), S + would + V (nguyên mẫu)
Đảo ngữ: Were + S + to + V (nguyên mẫu), S + would + V (nguyên mẫu)
Ví dụ: If I learnt Russian, I would read a Russian book.
Were I to learn Russian, I would read a Russian book.
3. Ôn tập câu điều kiện loại 3
3.1. Khái niệm
Câu điều kiện loại 3 là câu điều kiện không có thực trong quá khứ. Điều kiện không thể xảy ra trong quá khứ, chỉ
mang tính ước muốn trong quá khứ, một giả thiết trái ngược với thực trạng ở quá khứ.
3.2. Công thức
Công thức: If + S + had + V(quá khứ phân từ), S + would + have + V(quá khứ phân từ)
Đảo ngữ: Had + S + V(quá khứ phân từ), S + would have + (quá khứ phân từ)
Ví dụ: If he had trained hard, he would have won the match.
Had he trained hard, he would have won the match.
4. Câu điều kiện trong lời nói gián tiếp (conditional in reported speech)
a. Câu điều kiện loại 1 chuyển sang loại 2
Ví dụ: He said, " If it rain heavily, I will stay at home"
→ He said (that) if it rained heavily, he would stay at home.
b. Câu điều kiện loại 2 và 3: Không đổi động từ
Ví dụ: She said ,"If I had enough money, I would buy a new car
→ She said (that) if she had enough money , she would buy a new car.
The teacher said, "If Jones had studied harder, he wouldn't have failed his exam."
→ The teacher said (that) if Jones had studied harder, he wouldn't have failed his exam.
*Note: Khi chuyển 1 câu hỏi từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp, cần chú ý vị trí của chủ ngữ, động từ và không còn dấu
chấm hỏi.
Ví dụ: She asked me,"What would he do if he were a king?"
→ She asked me what he would do if he were a king.

*** Các dang khác cua câu diêu kiên:

1. Unless= if not
2. Or/ otherwise: neu không thi
3. Without/ But for ( neu không.., thi.) + N, Main clause •
4. Incase ( phong khi..) dung nhu dk loai I.
5. As long as/ So long as/ Providing that/ Provided that = If
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of
the others:
1. a. crude b. crust c. club d. clumsy
2. a. grave b. grade c. glaze d. glance
3. a. clown b. cloud c. crowd d. growing
4. a. quick b. quit c. quite d. quiz
5. a. clean b. gleam c. create d. greasy
II. Choose the word or phrase - that best completes the sentence:
6. Like many other baby birds, ducklings are blind _______ birth.
a. of b. at c. on d. from
7. Lack _______ food had stunted (chậm) his growth.
a. of b. in c. for d. on
8. Nigeria has a population _______ nearly 100 million.
a. about b. in c. of d. with
9. The rapid growth of population led to an acute (cấp tính)_______ of housing.
a. shortfall b. shortcut c. shortcoming d. shortage
10. The population of the world is growing at a dangerous _______.
a. amount b. rate c. figure d. way
11. One third of the world's population _______ two thirds of the world's resources.
a. drains b. absorbs c. consumes d. supports
12. Better health care and agriculture have led to rapid population _______.
a. grow b. growing c. grown d. growth
13. Pressure on natural resourses will _______ as we face a population explosion.
a. increase b. decrease c. decline d. raise
14. Her first novel has been _______ acclaimed as a masterpiece.
a. nation b. national c. international d. internationally
15. Our school has managed to collect a lot of books to _______ to the children in a
village school.
a. publish b. distribute c. employ d. utilize
16. ______ more information, please telephone our main office.
a. If you will need b. Should you need c. You should need d. If you needed
17. It's time governments ______ something to limit population growth.
a. do b. did c. have done d. will do
18. I'd really like to do accounting. If only I ______ so poor at Chemistry.
a. am not b. weren't c. hadn't been d. wouldn't be
19. She wouldn't have gone to university _______________.
a. if her parents had insisted
b. were her parents not insisted
c. unless her parents had insisted
d. only if her parents hadn't insisted
20. If it ______ more humid in the desert of the Southwest, the hot temperature would
be unbearable.
a. is b. would be c. were d. had been
III. Put the verb into the correct form:
21. If the earth suddenly (stop)_______ spinning we all (fly)_________ off it.
22. If you (smoke)_______ in a non-smoking compartment, the other passengers
23. (your parents/ not/ be)_____________ proud if they could see you now?
24. If she (not/fail)__________ one of her final exams she wouldn't have had to spend
part of the summer in college.
25. I’ll lend you Harry Potter if I (finish)__________ it before you go on holiday.
IV. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences:
26. We must limit population _________ because our resources are limited. (grow)
27. Many people are not aware of population _________. (explode)
28. There is a _________ of hospital in our area. (short)
29. They still ________ that having many children means happiness. (belief)
30. We must raise an _________ of the problems of overpopulation. (aware)
V. Read the passage below and choose the one correct answer for each
The human population has grown dramatically this century. In 1900 there were 1.6
billion people on earth. By 1950 this figure had grown to 2.7 billion. By the end of the
20th century, the earth’s population was about 6.6 billion.

For thousand of years, man lived in a very primitive way. Before the recent
developments in agriculture, medicine and industry, life was difficult. It was hard to
make a living from the soil without modern farming methods, and a few years of bad
crops could mean famine and therefore death – as it still does today in some parts of
the world. Illnesses as mild and as common as influenza could kill a Stone-Age man
weakened by hunger; appendicitis was always fatal before the days of surgery. Even
childbirth was a hazardous process. Under these conditions, the human race needed to
reproduce at a high rate just to keep in existence. But the size of the population did not
change very rapidly, for without modern medicine, many babies and young children
died. So for a long time, the population grew very slowly. And this is still the case today
in some parts of the world where the people live without the aids of modern technology.

It was only about two centuries ago – which is less than one-thousandth of man’s
existence – that the population growth pattern changed. New discoveries in medical
science had a dramatic effect on the death-rate. Fewer children died in infancy, and
adults lived longer. Consequently, the population began to expand rapidly. And in the
20th century, this acceleration of population growth has begun to cause serve social
economic problems in many developing countries.
(*) Từ mới:
influenza: (y học) bệnh cúm;
mild: nhẹ, êm dịu;
appendicitis: (y học) bệnh viêm ruột thừa;
hazardous: liều, mạo hiểm; nguy hiểm; may rủi;
pattern: mẫu, mô hình, kiểu mẫu;
infancy: tuổi còn ãm ngửa, tuổi thơ ấu; lúc còn trứng nước;
31. By 1950, the world population was ___________.
A. 1.6 billion B. 1.9 billion C. 2.7 billion D. 6.6 billion
32. The word “primitive” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. ancient B.modern C. negative D. difficult
33. Some years of bad crops could lead to ___________.
A. agriculture B. modern farming methods C. famine D. illnesses
34. In the Stone-Age, the population grew very slowly because ______.
A. the human race needed to reproduce at a high rate.
B. many children died in infancy.
C. people live without the aids of modern technology.
D. both B and C.
35. Which of the following sentences is not TRUE?
A. People also suffer from famine in some parts of the world today.
B. Surgery is the best way to treat people who suffer from appendicitis.
C. People in primitive societies developed new method of farming.
D. People in the 20th century lived longer than before.
VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first:
36. Jones was late to the meeting because his watch was slow.
If _________________________.
37. Hendrik regret not having gone to art school when he was younger.
Hendrik wishes _____________.
38. We don't live in a big city, so we can't easily get access to the Internet.
If _________________________.
39. 'If your job is so bad, why don't you leave?' she said.
She ________________________.
40. I used my calculator; otherwise I'd have taken longer.
Had ________________________.

Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Add ’ll/will or ’d/would if necessary.
1. I (drive)………… to work if I had a car.

2. Where in Vietnam would you like to live if you (can) ……….choose?

3. If the weather (be) ………….good, we will have lunch outside.

4. If the company offers me a job, I think I (take) ………

5. Many people would be out of work if that factory (close) ………….down.

6. It you finish before 4:30, I (come) …………..and pick you up.

Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. They would have paid you more if they (be told)……….of its value.
2. If I (realise) ………..that Greg wanted to get up early, I would have woken him up.
3. If you had had breakfast, you (not/be)………….hungry.
4. If they had had enough money, they (buy)……………that house.
5. If he (study) ……………harder, he would have passed the exams.

Exercise 3. Change the following conditional sentences into reported speech.

(Chuyển các câu điều kiện sau thành câu tường thuật.)
1. “I will come to see you if I have time,” the man said to her.
2. “What would you say if someone stepped on your feet?” he asked her.
3. “If it doesn’t rain, we will go out with you,” they said to me.
4. “What would you do if you were a billionaire?” the man asked the woman.
5. “If you had asked me, I would have lent you my motorbike.” the man said to me.

6. “They would be very disappointed if you did not come," the man said to his daughter.
7.“I’m sure they will understand if you explain the situation to them” the boy said to the
Exercise 4: Put the words in brackets into the correct form. Add "ll/will" or
"'d/would" if neccessary.
Đặt những từ trong ngoặc về dạng đúng. Thêm "ll/will" hoặc "'d/would" nếu cần.
1. If someone (walk)_______________ in here with a gun, I’d be very frightened.
2. I’m sure she (understand)_________________ if you explain the situation to her.
3. He always (complain)_________________ if I’m late.
4. If he spoke more clearly, we (understand)___________________ him.
5. If you (ask)______________ me, I would explain it to you.

Exercise 5. Rewrite the sentences, using conditional type 3.

Viết lại những câu sau, sử dụng câu điều kiện loại 3
He didn’t listen to his parents. He failed at the exam.
If he had listened to his parents, he wouldn V have failed at the exam.
1. The thief left his gloves at the scene. He was arrested.
2. I didn’t know you were coming to Hanoi. That’s why I went on holiday.
3. She walked to the meeting. She was late.
4. The woman didn’t say what she wanted. I put the phone down.
5. They didn’t arrive in time. They didn’t see the ceremony.

Exercise 6. Change the following conditional sentences into reported speech.

Chuyển những câu điều kiện dưới đây thành câu gián tiếp.
1. “If you happen to see the man, send my regards to him,” he said to the girl.
2. “I wouldn’t have been upset if she had written to me earlier,” the man said.

3. “The boss would complain if we didn’t report it to him,” David said to his colleagues.
4. “Mum would be cross if you went on doing like this,” the girl said to her younger
5. “If you had taken your dad’s advice, you wouldn’t have made such a silly mistake,”
the mother said to her son.

LOP 11.pdf
UNIT 8: Celebrations
Từ Phân loại Phát âm Nghĩa
agrarian a /əˈɡreəriən/ thuộc về nghề nông
blossom v /ˈblɒsəm/ ra hoa, trổ hoa
comment n /ˈkɒment/ lời nhận xét
dress up /dres ʌp/ ăn mặc đẹp
fireworks n /ˈfaɪəwɜːks/ pháo hoa
get together /ˈɡet təɡeðə(r)/ tụ tập, đoàn tụ
grand a /ɡrænd/ hoành tráng, quan trọng
green bean /ˌɡriːn ˈbiːn/ đỗ xanh
influence v /ˈɪnfluəns/ ảnh hưởng
kumquat tree /ˈkʌmkwɒt triː/ cây quất
longevity n /lɒnˈdʒevəti/ trường thọ
lucky money /ˈlʌki ˈmʌni/ tiền mừng tuổi
parade n /pəˈreɪd/ cuộc diễu hành
pine tree /paɪn triː/ cây thông
plum /plʌm/ quả mận
pray v /preɪ/ cầu mong, cầu nguyện
represent v /ˌreprɪˈzent/ đại diện, tượng trưng cho
shrine n /ʃraɪn/ đền thờ
1. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /fl/
Âm /fl/ về chính tả thường được viết là "fl", ví dụ: fly, flower, flu, overflow,…
2. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /fr/
Âm /fr/ về chính tả thường được viết là "fr", ví dụ: fry, frozen, fruit, afraid,…
3. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /θr/
Âm /θr/ về chính tả thường được viết là "thr", ví dụ: thrive, threaten, through,…

(*) Các đại từ (pronouns)

1. someone
- Động từ chia số ít
- Thường dùng trong câu khẳng định
Ví dụ: Someone has stolen my wallet.
2. anyone
- Động từ chia số ít
- Thường dùng trong câu phủ định, nghi vấn
Ví dụ: Don't speak to anyone.
3. everyone
- Động từ chia số ít
- Thường dùng trong câu khẳng định
Ví dụ: Everyone in my family likes sports.
4. no one
- Động từ chia số ít
- Thường dùng trong câu xác định
Ví dụ: No one likes him.
*Lưu ý:
- Các động từ theo sau những đại từ bất định này luôn được chia ở số ít.
- Khi cần thay thế bằng đại từ: everyone/anyone/no one = they, someone = he.
- Cách dùng trong câu khẳng định, phủ định, hay nghi vấn chỉ mang tính tương đối - thường dùng thôi chứ không
phải bắt buộc mà phải dịch theo nghĩa của câu.
5. one(s)
- Chúng ta sử dụng “one” thay cho một danh từ đếm được số ít được nói ở trước.
- “Ones” là dạng số nhiều của “one”, thay thế cho danh từ đếm được số nhiều.
Ví dụ:
A: There are three robots on the table.
B: Which one do you like?
A: I like the red one.
* Lưu ý:
- Chúng ta không sử dụng “one/ones” thay cho danh từ không đếm được.
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
1. a. flick b. fridge c. thrill d. firework
2. a. fragment b. framework c. fraction d. frank
3. a. flow b. frowsty c. throw d. blow
4. a. fluster b. flute c. fruit d. through
5. a. floppy b. frosty c. front d. flock
II. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the
underlined word or phrase:
6. Before Tet, supermarkets and shops are full _______ goods.
a. of b. with c. in d. for
7. On the first day of Tet, children _______ their new clothes and make New Year's wishes to their parents.
a. take on b. pick on c. put on d. try on
8. People believed that what they do on the first day of the year will _______ their luck during the whole year.
a. control b. influence c. exchange d. result
9. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find _______ at all.
a. no one b. anyone c. someone d. somebody
10. Tet is really a time of fun and _______ throughout the country.
a. holidays b. celebrations c. preparations d. festivals
11. The whole family usually tries to get together at Christmas.
a. contact b. gather c. relate d. communicate
12. In Britain, Christmas dinner usually _______ turkey, Christmas pudding and brandy butter.
a. brings on b. serves with c. consists of d. puts up
13. We wish you both health and longevity.
a. long life b. happy life c. easy life d. exciting life
14. Vietnamese people usually make _______ for Tet several weeks beforehand.
a. preparing b. preparation c. preparatory d. preparations
15. Agrarian people depend on the lunar calendar to prepare for their crops.
a. gardeners b. planters c. farmers d. highlanders
16. Nobody was late for the meeting last night, _______?
a. wasn't he b. weren't they c. were they d. was he
17. No girl should have to wear school uniform, because it _______ like a sack of potatoes.
a. makes them look b. makes her look c. makes them to look d. makes her to look
18. I phoned Louis at home, but _______.
a. there were no answers b. there were no answer
c. there was no answers d. there was no answer
19. _______ thinks that Neville should be given the job.
a. A number people b. Neither of us c. Almost us d. The major of people
20. Neither Jeanne nor her brothers _______ a consent form for tomorrow's field trip.
a. need b. needs c. is needing d. has need
III. Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in the following passage:
From (21) _______ times people have celebrated the end of winter and the new life that spring brings. One of the
most important Christian festivals is Easter, (22) _______ Christians remember the death and resurrection of
Jesus Christ.
Easter, however, is not the (23) _______ spring festival. In Sweden, people celebrate the end of the winter (24)
____ making huge bonfires. Fire also plays an important part in the Hindu festival of Holi. In some villages children
are (25) _______ round bonfires by their mothers to protect them (26) _______ danger in the coming year.
Buddhists in Thailand soak (27) _______ in water when celebrating their New Year, which (28) _______ in the
middle of April. In Antigua in Guatemala they carpet the streets with flowers. Chinese spring parades are (29)
_______ colourful, but (30) _______ flowers they have large dragon puppets which dance in the streets.
21. a. earliest b. lately c. previous d. present
22. a. which b. when c. because d. by then
23. a. alone b. one c. only d. lonely
24. a. by b. with c. upon d. of
25. a. gone b. carried c. brought d. run
26. a. in b. out of c. against d. from
27. a. through b. one other c. each other d. mutually
28. a. falls b. appears c. happens d. occurs
29. a. the same b. as c. not less d. equally
30. a. instead of b. on behalf of c. in spite of d. place of
IV. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer:
Thanksgiving is celebrated in the US on the fourth Thursday in November. For many Americans it is the most
important holiday apart from Christmas. Schools, offices and most businesses close for Thanksgiving, and many
people make the whole weekend a vacation.
Thanksgiving is associated with the time when Europeans first came to North America. In 1620, the ship the
Mayflowers arrived, bringing about 150 people who today are usually called Pilgrims. They arrived at the
beginning of a very hard winter and could not find enough to eat, so many of them died. But in the following
summer Native Americans showed them what foods were safe to eat, so that they could save food for the next
winter. They held a big celebration to thank God and the Native Americans for the fact that they had survived.
Today people celebrate Thanksgiving to remember these early days.
The most important part of the celebration is a traditional dinner with foods that come from North America. The
meal includes turkey, sweet potatoes (also called yams) and cranberries, which are made into a kind of sauce or
jelly. The turkey is filled with stuffing or dressing, and many families have their own special recipe. Dessert is
pumpkin made into a pie.
On Thanksgiving there are special television programs and sports events. In New York there is the Macy's
Thanksgiving Day Parade, when a long line of people wearing fancy costumes march through the streets with
large balloons in the shape of imaginary characters. Thanksgiving is considered the beginning of the Christmas
period, and the next day many people go out to shop for Christmas presents.
(*) Từ mới:
be associated with: liên kết với, hợp với;
turkey: gà tây;
cranberry: cây nam việt quất;
pumpkin: quả bí ngô, quả bí;
31. In the United States, Thanksgiving is ______.
a. a religious celebration held by Christians only
b. celebrated as a public holiday .
c. more important than Christmas
d. apart from Christmas

32. According to the passage Pilgrims are ______.

a. people who travelled to America by ships

b. trips that religious people make to a holy place .
c. people who left their home and went to live in North America in the early 17th century.
d. Native Americans who live in North America.
33. All of the following statements are mentioned EXCEPT ______.
a. People celebrate Thanksgiving to thank God
b. People usually have traditional dinners on Thanksgiving
c. There are lots of entertainments on Thanksgiving
d. People go to churches for religious services on Thanksgiving.

34. On Thanksgiving ___________________.

a. turkey, yams and pumpkin pies are served

b. people join in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
c. people wear coloured carnival masks matching through the streets
d. people go out to shop for Christmas presents
35. Which of the following is not true?
a. In the US, Thanksgiving is not a national holiday; it's a religious holiday.
b. Christmas comes Jess than a month after Thanksgiving.

c. Thanksgiving was originally celebrated by the first, Europeans in North America to thank God for their survival.

d. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade are colourful and exciting.

V. Using the words given and other words, complete the second sentence so that is has a similar meaning
to the first sentence.
36. Have you made any arrangements for this weekend?
Are _________________________________ this weekend? (anything)
37. The police want to contact people if they saw the robber.
The police want to talk to _________________ the robber. (anyone)
38. How should people be punished if they start a fire?
What should we do with ______________________ a fire? (someone)
39. Bony couldn’t hear what the teacher was saying.
The teacher ________________________ couldn’t hear it. (something)
40. All the people were surprised to see Cleverley leave the party early.
To _________________________________ the party early. (everyone’s)

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences, using someone, anyone, no one or everyone. Use each word twice.
(Hoàn thành các câu, sử dụng someone, anyone, no one hoặc everyone. Sử dụng mỗi từ hai lần.)
1. I don't think ………… likes the film. It’s so boring.

2. ………… phoned while you were out, but they didn't leave a message.

3. Does ………… mind if I eat first?

4. There’s …………… at the door. Can you go and see who it is?

5. He didn’t come to class for three days, and ………… knows where he is.

6. Can we start now? Has ………… arrived?

7. Everyone said they would attend the party, but ………… turned up.

Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentences, using the pronoun one(s).

(Viết lại các câu, sử dụng đại từ one(s).)
1. Of the three bags I like the blue bag.
2. Mai is making a fruit cake. Huong is making a fruit cake, too.
3. I like reading books, especially the books about the natural world.
4. I don't have a computer, and my father doesn't want me to have a computer.
5. They let me choose a pencil, and I took the red pencil.
6. There are several national celebrations in Vietnam, but perhaps the most meaningful celebration is
7. We told each other both happy stories and sad stories about our lives.

Exercise 3. Use the words from the box to complete the following sentences.
(Sử dụng các từ từ hộp để hoàn thành các câu sau.)
traditional excitement polite good luck celebrating grand
agrarian gifts
1. Before Tet, housewives are always busy cooking ……… foods.

2. The Prince’s wedding was a very ………… occasion.

3. Christmas is also the time for people to give and receive ………..

4. Each nation has its own way of …………. the New Year.

5. On the first day of the New Year, people often try to be nice and ………..

6. People go to pagoda to pray for ……….

7. If you walk on the street before Tet, you’ll find great……….everywhere.

Exercise 4. Read the passage and choose the best option A, B, C or D to indicate the word that fits
each of the numbered blanks.
Đọc đoạn văn và chọn đáp án A, B, C hoặc D thích hợp cho mỗi chỗ trống được đánh số sau.

I always have problems when I go away on holiday. (1)_____________ year my travel agent promises
that my holiday will be (2)______________ best I have ever had, but none of these promises has
ever (3)______________ true. This year I got food (4)_____________ the day I arrived. It was
because of the fish I ate at the hotel (5)_____________ evening. In (6)___________ morning I felt
terrible, and I was seen by two doctors. I tried to explain my problem to them but
(7)_______________________ of them spoke English. It took me 8)______________of the first
week to recover, and I spent three or four days sitting next to (9)___________ hotel swimming pool
reading newspapers. By the time I got better (10)__________weather had changed and it rained all
day and all night. I am going to stay home for the holiday next year.
1. A. Every B. Next C. Recent D. All
2. A. a B. the C. Ø D. one
3. A. remained B. gone C. moved D. been
4. A. poisoned B. poison C. poisoner D. poisoning
5. A. this B. these C. that D. those
6. A. the B. a C. one D. this
7. A. every B. some C. all D. none
8. A. almost B. most C. all D. some
9. A. a B. one C. the D. an
10. A. some B. the C. a D. that

Exercise 5:
1. When I arrived, I didn’t see_______ there. Everyone had gone home.
A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody ,
2. Of the two shirts, I prefer the white______.
A. one B. ones C. the one
3. Nobody______ to stay home on such a lovely summer day.
A. want B. wants C. wanting
I’m looking for______ who can help me out of the trouble.
A. everyone B. no one C. someone
5. She is so kind and lovely that______ wants to be her friend.
A. everyone B. someone C. anyone
6. There______ someone in the room.
A. be B. are C. someone
7. I don’t think______ likes the smell. It’s so disgusting.
A. no one B. anyone C. someone
8. _____ anyone know where he’s now?
Does B. Do C. Did
1. d /aɪ/, còn lại: /ɪ/
2. b /eɪ/, còn lại: /æ/
3. b /aʊ/, còn lại: /əʊ/
4. a /ʌ/, còn lại: /u:/
5. c /ʌ/, còn lại: /ɒ/

6. a

7. c put on: mặc

8. b influence: ảnh hưởng

9. b

10. d

11. b get together = gather: tụ họp, đoàn tụ

12. c consist of N: bao gồm …

13. a longevity: trường thọ

14. d

15. c agrarian people = farmers: người nông dân

16. c

17. a

18. d

19. b

20. a
21. a from earliest times: từ những thời gian đầu tiên
22. b
23. c
24. a
25. b carry: ẵm (trẻ nhỏ)
26. d protect sb from N: bảo vệ ai trước cái gì/điều gì đó
27. c
28. a fall in/on: rơi vào thời gian nào đó
29. d equally: bằng nhau, ngang nhau, như nhau; đều
30. a instead of N: thay vì …

31. b “Schools, offices and most businesses close for Thanksgiving…”

32. c “In 1620, the ship the Mayflowers arrived, bringing about 150 people who today are usually called
33. d

34. a “The meal includes turkey, sweet potatoes (also called yams) and cranberries, which are made into a
kind of sauce or jelly…Dessert is pumpkin made into a pie.”

35. a

36 you doing anything

37 anyone who saw

38 someone who starts

39 was saying something, but Bony

40 everyone’s surprise, Cleverley left

ch word twice.

1. everyone 1. I don't think everyone likes the film. It’s so boring.

(Mình không nghĩ mọi người thích phim này. Nó nhàm chán quá.)
2. someone 2. Someone phoned while you were out, but they didn't leave a message.
(Ai đó đã gọi điện cho bạn khi bạn ra ngoài, nhưng họ không để lại lời nhắn.)
3. anyone 3. Does anyone mind if I eat first?
(Có ai phiền nếu mình ăn trước không nhỉ?)
4. someone 4. There’s someone at the door. Can you go and see who it is?
(Có ai đó ở cửa. Bạn thể đi xem là ai không?)
5. no one 5. He didn’t come to class for three days, and no one knows where he is.
(Anh ấy đã không đến lớp 3 hôm nay rồi, và không ai biết anh ấy ở đâu.)
6. everyone 6. Can we start now? Has everyone arrived?
(Chúng ta có thể bắt đầu bây giờ rồi chứ? Mọi người đã đến đủ chưa?)
7. no one 7. Everyone said they would attend the party, but no one turned up.
(Mọi người nói họ sẽ tham gia bữa tiệc, nhưng không ai đến.)
1. Of the three bags, I like the blue one.
(Trong 3 lá cờ, tôi hình cờ màu xanh.)
2. Mai is making a fruit cake. Huong is making one, too.
(Mai đang làm bánh hoa quả. Hương cũng đang làm một cái nữa.)
3. I like reading books, especially the ones about the natural world.
(Tôi thích đọc sách, đặc biệt là sách về thế giới hoang dã.)
4. I don't have a computer, and my father doesn't want me to have one.
(Tôi không có máy vi tính, nhưng bố không muốn tôi có máy vi tính.)
5. They let me choose a pencil, and I took the red one.
(Họ để tôi chọn bút chì, tôi chọn bút chì đỏ.)
6. There are several national celebrations in Vietnam, but perhaps the most meaningful one is Tet holiday.
(Có một số lễ hội quốc gia ở Việt Nam, nhưng có lẽ ý nghĩa nhất là Tết.)
7. We told each other both happy stories and sad ones about our lives.
(Chúng tôi kể cho nhau nghe những chuyện vui buồn trong cuộc sống.)

traditional (adj): thuộc về truyền thống, excitement (n): sự hào hứng, polite (adj): lịch sự, good luck (n.p): vận may, celebrating (V-ing): tổ chứ
1. traditional 1. Before Tet, housewives are always busy cooking traditional foods.
(Trước Tết, các bà nội trợ thường bận rộn nấu những món ăn truyền thống.)
2. grand 2. The Prince’s wedding was a very grand occasion.
(Hôn lễ của hoàng tử là một lễ hội rất lớn.)
3. gifts 3. Christmas is also the time for people to give and receive gifts.
(Giáng sinh cũng là khoảng thời gian để mọi người tặng và nhận quà.)
4. celebrating 4. Each nation has its own way of celebrating the New Year.
(Mỗi quốc gia có những cách thức riêng để tổ chức Năm Mới.)
5.polite 5. On the first day of the New Year, people often try to be nice and polite.
(Vào ngày đầu năm mới mọi người cố gắng tử tế và lịch sự.)
6. gook luck 6. People go to pagoda to pray for good luck.
(Mọi người đến chùa để cầu điều may mắn.)
7. excitement 7. If you walk on the street before Tet, you’ll find great excitement everywhere.
(Nếu trước Tết bạn đi dạo trên đường, bạn sẽ thấy sự nhộn nhịp rộn ràng khắp nơi.)

Tôi luôn có vấn đề khi đi nghỉ hè. Hàng năm, đại lý du lịch của tôi hứa hẹn rằng kỳ nghỉ của tôi sẽ là
tốt nhất mà tôi từng có, nhưng không có lời hứa nào đã trở thành sự thật. Năm nay tôi bị ngộ độc
thực phẩm vào ngày tôi đến. Đó là vì cá tôi đã ăn tối tại khách sạn. Buổi sáng tôi cảm thấy thật kinh
khủng, và tôi đã được hai bác sĩ nhìn thấy. Tôi đã cố gắng giải thích vấn đề của tôi với họ nhưng
không ai trong số họ nói tiếng Anh. Tôi đã mất hầu hết tuần đầu tiên để bình phục, và tôi đã dành ba
hoặc bốn ngày ngồi cạnh hồ bơi khách sạn đọc báo. Bởi thời gian tôi đã tốt hơn thời tiết đã thay đổi
và mưa cả ngày và cả đêm. Tôi sẽ ở nhà cho kỳ nghỉ năm sau.
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C
6. A 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. B

1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C
5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A
vận may, celebrating (V-ing): tổ chức kỉ niệm, grand (adj): to lớn, agrarian (adj): thuộc về nông nghiệp, gifts (n): những món quà
UNIT 9: The Post Office
Từ Phân Phát âm Nghĩa
1 bother v /ˈbɒðə(r)/ làm phiền, áy náy
2 commune n /ˈkɒmjuːn/ xã
3 courteous a /ˈkɜːtiəs/ lịch sự
4 coward n /ˈkaʊəd/ kẻ hèn nhát
5 digit n /ˈdɪdʒɪt/ con số
6 dissatisfaction n /ˌdɪsˌsætɪsˈfækʃn/ sự không hài lòng
7 Express Mail Service /ɪkˈspres meɪl ˈsɜːvɪs/ dịch vụ thư chuyển phát nhanh
8 Express Money Transfer /ɪkˈspres ˈmʌni trænsfɜː(r)/ dịch vụ chuyển phát tiền nhanh
9 facsimile (fax) /fækˈsɪməli/ bản sao, máy fax
10 Flower Telegram Service /ˈflaʊə(r) ˈtelɪɡræmˈsɜːvɪs/ dịch vụ điện hoa
11 Mail and Parcel Service /meɪl ənd ˈpɑːsl ˈsɜːvɪs/ dịch vụ chuyển phát thư và bưu phẩm
12 Messenger Call Service /ˈmesɪndʒə(r) kɔːlˈsɜːvɪs/ dịch vụ điện thoại
13 notify v /ˈnəʊtɪfaɪ/ thông báo
14 Press Distribution /pres ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn/ dịch vụ phát hành báo chí
15 proportion n /prəˈpɔːʃn/ tỉ lệ
16 punctuality n /ˌpʌŋktʃuˈæləti/ sự đúng giờ
17 recipient n /rɪˈsɪpiənt/ người nhận
18 satisfaction n /ˌsætɪsˈfækʃn/ sự hài lòng
19 secure a /sɪˈkjʊə(r)/ an ttoàn, bảo đảm
20 spacious a /ˈspeɪʃəs/ rộng rãi
21 speedy a /ˈspiːdi/ nhanh chóng
22 subscriber n /səbˈskraɪbə(r)/ người đăng ký, thuê bao
23 telecommunication n /ˌtelikəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn/ viễn thông
24 thoughtful a /ˈθɔːtfl/ sâu sắc, chín chắn
well-trained a /’wel ‘treɪnd/ lành nghề, được đào tạo bài bản
1. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /sp/
Âm /sp/ về chính tả thường được viết là "sp", ví dụ: speak, speech, speedy,…
2. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /st/
Âm /st/ về chính tả thường được viết là "st", ví dụ: stand, stop, best,…
Âm /st/ về chính tả cũng có thể được viết là "xt", ví dụ: text, next,…
3. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /sk/
Âm /sk/ về chính tả thường được viết là "sk", ví dụ: ask, disk, skill,…
Âm /sk/ về chính tả cũng có thể được viết là "sch", ví dụ: school, schedule, schema,…

(*) Ôn tập mệnh đề quan hệ:

Mệnh đề quan hệ là mệnh đề phụ được nối với mệnh đề chính bởi các đại từ quan hệ như who, whom, whose,
which, that hay các trạng từ quan hệ như where, when, why. Mệnh đề quan hệ đứng ngay đằng sau danh từ,
đại từ trong mệnh đề chính để bổ sung ý nghĩa cho danh từ, đại từ ấy, phân biệt danh từ đại từ ấy với các danh
từ đại từ khác. Chức năng của nó giống như một tính từ do vậy nó còn được gọi là mệnh đề tính ngữ.

1. Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định (Defining relative clauses)

Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định chỉ cho người đọc biết chính xác về đối tượng (người, vật,…) mà chúng ta đang nói
đến trong câu. Nếu mệnh đề xác định bị lược bỏ khỏi câu thì ý nghĩa của toàn bộ câu sẽ thay đổi một cách đáng
kể. Mệnh đề xác định không bị chia cắt với phần còn lại của câu văn bởi bất kì dấu phẩy hay dấu ngoặc đơn nào.

Ví dụ: a. The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind.
b. The vase that my mother bought last week is already broken.
c. The man who stole my wallet has been arrested.
d. The weather that we had this summer was beautiful.
2. Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định (Non-defining relative clauses)
Mệnh đề không xác định có tác dụng bổ sung thêm thông tin về người hay vật mà chúng ta đang đề cập đến
trong câu. Nếu mệnh đề không xác định bị lược bỏ, thì một số thông tin về chủ thể sẽ bị thiếu sót, nhưng nhìn
chung thì ý nghĩa của câu vẫn giữ nguyên. Mệnh đề không xác định luôn được chia cắt bởi dấu phẩy hoặc dấu
ngoặc đơn.
Ví dụ: a. The farmer, whose name was Frankie, sold us 10 pounds of potatoes.
b. Elephants, which are the largest land mammals, live in herds of 10 or more adults.
c. The author, who graduated from the same university I did, gave a wonderful presentation.
3. Lưu ý khi sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ
a. Nếu trong mệnh đề quan hệ có giới từ thì giới từ có thể đặt trước hoặc sau mệnh đề quan hệ (chỉ áp
dụng với whom và which)
Ví dụ: Mr. Brown is a nice teacher. We studied with him last year.
→ Mr. Brown, with whom we studied last year, is a nice teacher.
→ Mr. Brown, whom we studied with last year, is a nice teacher.
b. Có thể dùng which thay cho cả mệnh đề đứng trước.
Ví dụ: She can’t come to my birthday party. That makes me sad.
→ She can’t come to my birthday party, which makes me sad.
Ở vị trí túc từ, whom có thể được thay bằng who.
Ví dụ: I’d like to talk to the man whom/who I met at your birthday party.
c. Trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định , chúng ta có thể bỏ các đại từ quan hệ làm túc từ: whom, which.
Ví dụ: The girl you met yesterday is my close friend.
→ The book you lent me was very interesting.
d. Các cụm từ chỉ số lượng some of, both of, all of, neither of, many of, none of ,… có thể được dùng
trước whom, which và whose.
Ví dụ: I have two sisters, both of whom are students.
→ She tried on three dresses, none of which fitted her
UNIT 9: The Post Office
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
1. a. space b. Spanish c. stake d. stage
2. a. skies b. skier c. skilful d. skim
3. a. chest b. stitch c. speech d. scholar
4. a. speak b. steak c. steal d. steam
5. a. stubborn b. stuck c. studious d. study
II. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for
the underlined word or phrase:
6. You can subscribe to your favorite newspapers and magazines ______ the nearest post office.
a. in b. on c. from d. at
7. He is very capable ______ learning and understanding things.
a. with b. of c. at d. about
8. Thanh Ba Post Office provides customers ______ the Messenger Call Services.
a. with b. for c. of d. to
9. The post office offers the ______ Mail Service which is particularly fast.
a. Secure b. Efficient c. Express d. Reliable
10. We are proud of our ______ staff, who are always friendly and efficient.
a. well-done b. well-appointed c. well-behaved d. well-trained
11. The hotel staff are always friendly and courteous.
a. efficient b. polite c. helpful d. perfect
12. There was no mention of the incident in the national press.
a. television b. newspapers c. Internet d. radio
13. My father ______ enjoys hill walking.
a. who is in his seventies b. , that is in his seventies
c. , which is in his seventies d. , who is in his seventies
14. He's one of the kindest people _____________.
a. that I know b. whose I know c. who I know d. which I know
15. Where is the house ______?
a. where they are living b. which they are living
c. where they are living there d. where they are living in
16. She lives in the house ____________________.
a. which has the red door b. has the red door
c. that with the red door d. with its red door
17. Trung Quan is an author ______ I like best.
a. his books b. that books
c. the book of whom d. whose books
18. The problem _______________ never occurred.
a. I hadn't expected it b. that I had expected it
c. who I had expected d. I had expected
19. In 1850, Yale University established Sheffield Scientific School, ___________________.
a. engineers were educated there
b. where engineers were educated
c. in which were engineers educated
d. where were engineers educated
20. It was the ragtime pianist Scott Joplin ______ the Maple Leaf Rag, perhaps the best known of all
ragtime tunes.
a. wrote b. the writer of c. who wrote d. writing
III. Write one pronoun possible to complete each sentence. Write Ø if the sentence is correct
without adding a pronoun:
21. We talk about the party ______Saha wants to organise for my birthday.
22. To get to Matic's house, take the main road _______ bypasses the village.
23. The paintings _______Mr Flowers has in his house are worth around £200,000.
24. Mrs Redmond, ______ is 45, has three children,
25. Howie is a friend _______ I stayed with in Russia.
IV. Read the passage carefully, then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false
Before the invention of the postage stamp, it was difficult to send a letter to another country. The sender
paid for the letter to travel in his or her own country. Then the person in other country paid for that part of
the trip. If the letter crossed several coutries, the problem was worse.
Rowland Hill, a British teacher, had the idea of a postage stamp with glue on the back. The British post
office made the first stamps in 1840. They were the Penny Black and the Twopence Blue. A person
bought a stamp and put it on a letter. The post office delivered the letter. When people received letters,
they didn't have to pay anything. The letters were prepaid.

Postage stamps became popular in Great Britain immediately. Other countries started making their own
postage stamps very quickly. There were still problems with international mail. Some countries did not
want to accept letters with stamps from another country. Finally, in 1874 a German organized the
Universal Postal System. Each country in the UPS agree to accept letters with prepaid postage from the
other members. Today the offices of the UPS are in Switzerland, almost every country in the world is a
member of this organization. It takes care of any international mail problems.

Today post offices in the every country sell beautiful stamps. Collecting stamps is one of the most
popular hobbies in the world, and every stamp collector knows about the Penny Black and the Twopence
26. Before postage stamps, two people paid for letters to travel in two countries.
27. A teacher invented the postage stamp.
28. The first two stamps were colored black and blue.
29. A stamp shows that the postage is prepaid.
30. Postage stamps solved all mail problems immediately.
31. Members of the UPS accept prepaid letters from other countries.
32. Stamp collecting is a popular hobby.

V. From the four words or phrase - a, b, c or d – choose the one that best completes the sentence:
33. After seeing a movie based on a novel, _____________________.
a. the book was read by many people
b. the book made many people want to read it
c. many people want to read the book.
d. the reading of the book interests many people
34. Once known as the 'Golden State' because of its gold mines, _______.
a. North Carolina today mines few metallic minerals
b. few metallic minerals are mined in North Carolina today
c. there are few metallic minerals mined in North Carolina today
d. today in North Carolina few metallic minerals are mined
35. _______________ are considered humorous is mainly to his characters' use of slang.
a. Damon Runyan's stories
b. Damon Runyan's stories, which
c. That Damon Runyan's stories
d. Because Damon Runyan's stories
36. In order to grow vegetables properly, gardeners must know ________.
a. that the requirements for each vegetable
b. what the requirements for each vegetable are
c. what are each vegetable's requirements
d. that is required by each vegetable
VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one:
37. I live in the town not far from the capital.
The town ________________.
38. Nobody does it better than you.
There isn’t _____________.
39. Thanks to Mary's report. I was able to finish the project.
Had _____________________.
40. It is my impression that Ms. Hoa's enjoying her new job a great deal.
Ms. Hoa seems ___________.
Exercise 2. Complete each sentence, using who, whom, or whose.
(Hoàn thành mỗi câu, sử dụng who, whom, hoặc whose.)
1. A pacifist is a person ………..believes that all wars are wrong.

2. An orphan is a child…………….parents are dead.

3. I don’t know the name of the woman……………I met yesterday.

4. This school is only for children……………….first language is not English.

5. The woman………………I wanted to see was away on holiday.

Exercise 3. Join the sentences, using who, that, or which.

1. A man answered the phone. He told me you were away.
2. A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient.
3. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt.
4. Some people were arrested. They have now been released.
5. A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half an hour.

Exercise 4. Join the sentences below, using who, whose, or which.

1. Peter is studying French and German. He has never been abroad.
2. You’ve all met Michael Wood. He is visiting us for a couple of days.
3. We are moving to Manchester. Manchester is in the north-west.
4. I’ll be staying with Adrian. His brother is one of my closest friends.
5. John Bridge is one of my oldest friends. He has just gone to live in Canada.
Exercise 5. Join the sentences, using whose.
1. There was a tall man at the funeral. His wife could not come because she was ill.
2. There was a journalist there. Her work took her to lots of different countries.
3. I met a lot of new people at the party. I can’t remember their names.
4. I talked to a woman. Her car had broken down on the way to the party.
5. I was introduced to a man. I had seen his brother on television the evening before.
Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with "which" or "whose"
1. I'm working on a firm ______ main office is in London.
2. The firm, _______ employs five hundred people, makes video recorders.
3. My boss, _______ work takes him to a lot of different countries, has decided he needs an assistant in
London. That’s me.
4. I work mainly in the Finance Department, _____________________ is the smallest department in the
5. The work, _____________ increases a lot when the boss is away, is always interesting.
Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with who, which, where, whose, or that.
1. The house_____________ I lived as a child has been pulled down now.
2. Stop him. He’s the man______________ stole my wallet.
3. There are many people_____________ lives have been spoiled by that factory.
4. Is that the button______________ you pressed?
5. Could everybody______________ luggage has got lost please stay here?
6. The man ____________ I saw last week said something totally different.
7. They have invented a television set________________ is as small as a watch.
8. My grandmother,______________ was an extraordinary woman, lived to the age of a hundred and fifteen.
Exercise 8. Rewrite the sentences using the relative clauses.Supply the commas if necessary.
0. Zedco has ten thousand employees. It is an international company.
=> Zedco, ……………………………………………………………………………………………
1. Vicky’s name was missed off the list, so she wasn’t very pleased.
Vicky______________________________________________ wasn’t very pleased.
2. Laura painted a picture, and it’s being shown in an exhibition.
The picture______________________________ is being shown in an exhibition.
3. We’re all looking forward to a concert. It’s next Saturday.
The concert_____________________________________________ is next Saturday.
4. One week Mike and Harriet went camping. It was the wettest of the year.
The week______________________________________ was the wettest of the year.
5. Aunt Joan is a bit deaf, so she didn’t hear the phone.
Aunt Joan____________________________________ didn't hear the phone.
6. You’ll meet Henry tomorrow. He’s also a member of the board.
Henry ____________________________________ is also a member of the board.
7. I’ll see you near the post office. We met there the other day.
I’ll see you near the post office_____________________________________________ .
UNIT 10: Nature in Danger
Từ Phân loại Phát âm Nghĩa
1 capture v /ˈkæptʃə(r)/ bắt, bắt giữ
2 co-exist v /ˌkəʊɪɡˈzɪst/ sống chung, cùng tồn tại
3 cultivation n /ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃn/ sự canh tác
4 destroy v /dɪˈstrɔɪ/ phá hủy, tàn phá
5 devastate v /ˈdevəsteɪt/ tàn phá, phá hủy
6 discharge v /dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ/ đổ ra, chảy ra, phóng ra/td>
7 endangered a /ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd/ bị nguy hiểm, bị tàn phá
8 extinct a /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ bị tiêu diệt, bị diệt chủng
9 fertilizer n /ˈfɜːtəlaɪzə(r)/ phân bón
10 landscape n /ˈlændskeɪp/ phong cảnh
11 maintenance n /ˈmeɪntənəns/ sự giữ gìn, duy trì, bảo quản
12 offspring n /ˈɒfsprɪŋ/ con cháu, dòng dõi
13 pesticide n /ˈpestɪsaɪd/ thuốc diệt côn trùng
14 prohibit v /prəˈhɪbɪt/ cấm, không cho phép
15 protect v /prəˈtekt/ bảo vệ
16 respect n /rɪˈspekt/ sự liên quan, mối quan hệ
17 scenic a /ˈsiːnɪk/ thuộc về quang cảnh
18 survive v /səˈvaɪv/ sống sót, tồn tại
1. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /sl/
Âm /sl/ về chính tả thường được viết là "sl", ví dụ: slave, sleep, slim,…
2. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /sm/
Âm /sm/ về chính tả thường được viết là "sm", ví dụ: small, smart, smell, smoke,…
3. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /sn/
Âm /sn/ về chính tả thường được viết là "sn", ví dụ: snack, snooze, snowy,…
4. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /sw/
Âm /sw/ về chính tả thường được viết là "sw", ví dụ: swim, swing, switch,…

(*) Đại từ quan hệ với giới từ (Relative pronouns with prepositions):/p>

Chỉ có hai đại từ quan hệ là whom và which thường có giới từ đi kèm và giới từ có thể đứng trước các đại từ
quan hệ hoặc cuối mệnh đề quan hệ.
Ví dụ 1:
The man about whom you are talking is my brother.
The man (whom) you are talking about is my brother.
Ví dụ 2:
The picture at which you are looking is very expensive.
The picture (which) you are looking at is very expensive.
Chú ý:
- Khi giới từ đứng cuối mệnh đề quan hệ thì ta có thể bỏ đại từ quan hệ và có thể dùng that thay
cho whom và which trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định;
- Khi giới từ đứng trước đại từ quan hệ thì ta có không thể bỏ đại từ quan hệ và có không thể dùng that thay
cho whom và which.
UNIT 10: Nature in Danger
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
1. a. slang b. small c. snack d. swagger
2. a. swift b. slim c. smile d. snippy
3. a. steamer b. sleapy c. sneaze d. sweater
4. a. crown b. snowy c. swallow d. slowly
5. a. sloppy b. smog c. snob d. swollen
II. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for
the underlined word or phrase:
6. What exactly is the influence of air pollution ______ human beings?
a. to b. with c. on d. for
7. The campaign will hopefully ensure the survival ______ the tiger.
a. of b. for c. to d. on
8. It is possible for local wildlife to coexist ______ industry.
a. to b. of c. in d. with
9. The health of our children is being ______ by exhaust fumes.
a. danger b. endanger c. dangerous d. endangered
10. The society was set up to ______ endangered species from extinction.
a. prevent b. distinguish c. preserve d. survive
11. If people stop destroying animal's natural habitat, more species will survive and produce ______.
a. offspring b. ecology c. landscape d. benefit
12. People in this region cultivate mainly rice and vegetables.
a. destroy b. grow c. develop d. support
13. Among the problems facing the national park's manager, the most serious ones are those of ______
and expansion.
a. improvement b. reassessment c. distinction d. maintenance
14. Oil spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean.
a. powerful b. significant c. disastrous d. detectable
15. The factory was fined for ______ chemicals into the river.
a. discharging b. dumping c. producing d. exposing
16. Jean Fragonard was a French artist ______ portrait of children.
a. whose paintings b. who has painted c. who painted d. whose painted
17. The smoke from burning fuels causes pollution if it ______ into the atmosphere.
a. releases b. is released c. will be released d. released
18. Portland, Maine, is ______ the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow spent his early years.
a. where b. it where c. where is d. which is where
19. Walkers can unwittingly damage the fragile environment ________.
a. that the birds live b. where the birds live in c. which live the birds d. in which the birds live
20. Wild animals ______ in their natural habitat will have a better and longer life than those which are
kept in protected areas.
a. live b. to live c. living d. lived
21. There should be some measures to protect the humpback whale, ______ an endangered species.
a. to consider b. considered c. consider d. is considered
22. We should participate in the movement ______ to conserve the natural environment.
a. organized b. to organize c. organizing d. organize
23. The purchase of wild animals __________________.
a. should ban b. must ban c. have to be banned d. must be banned
24. The school has been given 100 computers, half of ______ are brand new.
a. that b. those c. them d. which
25. The computer, ______ the memory capacity has just been upgraded, is among the latest
a. that b. whose c. of which d. which of
III. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers:
The natural world is under violent assault from man. The seas and rivers are being poisoned by
radioactive wastes, by chemical discharges and by the dumping of dangerous toxins and raw sewage.
The air we breathe is polluted by smoke and fumes from factories and motor vehicles; even the rain is
It's little wonder forests and lakes are being destroyed and everywhere wildlife is disappearing. Yet the
destruction continues. Governments and industries throughout the world are intensifying their efforts to
extract the earth's mineral riches and to plunder its living resources. The great rainforests and the frozen
continents alike are seriously threatened. And this despite the warnings of the scientific community and
the deep concern of millions of ordinary people.

Despite the fact, too, that we can create environmentally-clean industries, harness the power of the sun,
wind and waves for our energy needs and manage the finite resources of the Earth in a way that will
safeguard our future and protect all the rich variety of life forms which share this planet with us.

But there is still hope. The forces of destruction are being challenged across the globe - and at the
spearhead of this challenge is Greenpeace.
Wherever the environment is in danger, Greenpeace has made a stand.
Its scientific presentations and peaceful direct actions at sea and on land have shocked governments
and industries into an awareness that Greenpeace will not allow the natural world to be destroyed.
Those actions, too, have won the admiration and support of millions.
Now you can strengthen the thin green line; you can make your voice heard in defence of the living
world by joining Greenpeace today. Thank God someone's making waves.
(*) Từ mới:
sewage: nước cống, rác cống;
intensify: làm sâu sắc thêm, làm mạnh thêm, tăng cường;
plunder: cướp bóc; tước đoạt, cưỡng đoạt;
harness: khai thác để sản xuất điện;
spearhead: mũi nhọn;
defence: sự che chở, sự bảo vệ, sự phòng thủ, sự chống giữ;
26. Which of these statements is not made?
a. Drinking water is polluted.
b. Radioactive waste poisons the sea.
c. Sewage isn't processed.
d. Cars and factories poison the air.
27. The writer ___________.
a. is surprised that the rain is poisoned.
b. is unsured why the air is polluted.
c. wonders why the natural world is being destroyed.
d. understands why forests and lakes are being destroyed.
28. Rainforests are being destroyed because governments and industries ______.
a. are unaware of what they're doing wrong.
b. are rich and powerful.
c. choose to ignore criticism.
d. basically care about the environment.
29. The earth's resources _____________.
a. should only be for people
b. can be made to last longer
c. will last forever
d. belong to just humans and animals
30. Governments and industries ___________.
a. don't know what Greenpeace thinks.
b. are forced to understand the problems by Greenpeace.
c. can easily ignore Greenpeace.
d. misunderstand what Greenpeace thinks.
IV. Choose the sentence - a, b, c or d – which in closest in meaning to the printed sentence:
31. The children made every effort to please their parents.
a. The children made little effort to please their parents.
b. The children tried their best to please their parents.
c. The parents were pleased with their children's effort.
d. The children made no attempt to please their parents.
32. Scientists say forests are being destroyed by air pollution.
a. Scientists blame air pollution for the destruction of forests.
b. Scientists are blamed for destroying forests.
c. Scientists say that there's much air pollution in the forests.
d. Forests are being destroyed by scientists.
33. I would be very grateful if you could send me those files.
a. I would appreciate your sending me those files.
b. I was very grateful for your files.
c. I'm upset about your not sending me those files.
d. Do not send me those files, please.
34. “You should have finished the report by now.” James told his secretary.
a. James reproached his secretary for not having finished the report.
b. James said that his secretary had not finished the report.
c. James reminded his secretary of finishing the report on time.
d. James scolded his secretary for not having finished the report.
35. That young man is bound to fail in this test.
a. Certainly, that young man will fail in this test.
b. It would be impossible for that young man to fail this test.
c. There is no way that young man can succeed in this test.
d. a and c are correct
36. The boys must have gone to the sports ground.
a. The boys insisted on going to the sports ground.
b. The boys had better go to the sports ground.
c. The boys were forced to go to the sports ground.
d. The boys probably went to the sports ground.
37. There aren't many other books which explain this problem so well.
a. In few other books would one see this problem so well explained.
b. This book is very well explained and had no problem.
c. This is the only book which explains the problem so well.
d. This problem is explained very well in this book as well as in many other books.
38. The meeting was put off because of the pressure of time.
a. The meeting lasted much longer than usual.
b. People wanted to get away, so the meeting began early.
c. The meeting is planned to start in a short time.
d. There was not enough time to hold the meeting.
39. No one in the family is more sympathetic than Sally.
a. The people in the house is not sympathetic at all.
b. Sally is very sympathetic.
c. Sally is more sympathetic than many people in the house.
d. Sally is the most sympathetic of all the people in the house.
40. Thomas would sooner do without a car than pay all that money for one.
a. Thomas is soon going to buy a car.
b. Thomas thinks the price is right, but he can't afford it.
c. Thomas would never buy a car that costs so much.
d. Thomas thinks the price is too high, but he must have the car.
Exercise 1. Choose the suitable italicised words to complete the following sentences.
1. To who/whom it may concern.
2. It was a service for which/that I was grateful.
3. The success of a shared holiday depends on who/whom you share it with.
4. Do you like the person who/whom sits next to you?
5. Midway through the second half, Manchester United scored their third goal, at that/ which point Leeds
United save up completely.
6. There is one person to whom/who I owe more than I can say.
7. It was the kind of accident for which/that nobody was really to blame.
Exercise 2. Combine the following sentences, using preposition + whom or which.
1. The man was very kind. I talked to him yesterday.
_____________________________________________ .
2. The man works in the hospital. I told you about him.
_____________________________________________ .
3. The woman teaches me English. I am telling you about her.
_____________________________________________ .
4. The movie is fantastic. They are talking about it.
_____________________________________________ .
5. The picture was beautiful. She was looking at it.
_____________________________________________ .
6. I'll give you the address. You should write to it.
_____________________________________________ .
Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences, using who, whom, which or that.
1. Jack is the one ______ I miss most.
2. It was a kind of computer with ______I was not familiar.
3. Do you get on with the person ______ lives next door?
4. I must thank the man from ______ I got the present.
5. It is an event ______ I would rather not forget.
6. The meeting to ______ I went was interesting.
7. The person ______ did it was never caught.
8. That's the woman to ______ Jim used to be married.
UNIT 11: Sources of Energy
Từ Phân loại Phát âm Nghĩa
alternative a /ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv/ thay thế

consumption n /kənˈsʌmpʃn/ sự tiêu thụ

ecologist n /iˈkɒlədʒɪst/ nhà nghiên cứu
exhausted a /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd/ cạn kiệt
fossil fuel n /ˈfɒsl fjuːəl/ nhiên liệu hóa thạch

geothermal heat /ˌdʒiːəʊˈθɜːml hiːt/ địa nhiệt

infinite a /ˈɪnfɪnət/ không giới hạn

make use of tận dụng, sử dụng

potential n /pəˈtenʃl/ tiềm năng

release v /rɪˈliːs/ nhả ra, phóng ra

renewable a /rɪˈnjuːəbl/ có thể thay thế

resource n /rɪˈsɔːs/ tài nguyên

solar panel /ˌsəʊlə ˈpænl/ tấm thu năng lượng mặt trời
UNIT 11: Sources of Energy
1. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /sl/
Âm /sl/ về chính tả thường được viết là "shr", ví dụ: shred, shrimp, shrine,..
2. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /spl/
Âm /spl/ về chính tả thường được viết là "spl", ví dụ: splash, split, spleen,…
3. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /spr/
Âm /spr/ về chính tả thường được viết là "spr", ví dụ: spring, spray, spread,…

1. Mệnh đề quan hệ có thể được rút gọn bằng cách dùng participle phrases
a. Nếu động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ ở thể chủ động (active), ta dùng presentt
participle phrase thay cho mệnh đề đó (bỏ đại từ quan hệ và trợ động từ, đưa động
từ chính về nguyên mẫu rồi thêm đuôi -ing)
Ví dụ 1: The man who is sitting next to you is my uncle
→ The man sitting next to you is my uncle
Ví dụ 2: Do you know the boy who broke the windows last night ?
→ Do you know the boy breaking the windows last night?
b. Nếu động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ ở thể bị động (passive) ta dùng past
participle phrase (bỏ đại từ quan hệ và trợ động từ, bắt đầu cụm từ bằng V3)
Ví dụ 1: The books which were written by To Hoai are interesting.
→ The books written by To Hoai are interesting.
Ví dụ 2: The books which were written by To Hoai are interesting.
→ The students punished by teacher are lazy
Ví dụ 3: The house which is being built now belongs to Mr. Morgan.
→ The house built now belongs to Mr. Morgan.
2. Mệnh đề quan hệ có thể được rút gọn bằng to-infinitive hoặc infinitive
phrase (có dạng for + O + to-inf)
Chúng ta sử dụng dạng này trong những trường hợp sau: gặp các từ the first, the
second, the last,…; so sánh nhất (superlative); mục đích (purpose);…
Ví dụ 1: Tom is the last person who enters the room.
→ Tom is the last person to enter the room.
Ví dụ 2: John is the youngest person who takes part in the race.
→ John is the youngest person to take part in the race.
Ví dụ 3: English is an important language which we have to master.
→ English is an important language for us to master
UNIT 11: Sources of Energy
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
1. a. shrivel b. shrine c. shrimp d. shrill
2. a. shrub b. splutter c. spruce d. sprung
3. a. sprout b. shroud c. spouse d. through
4. a. spread b. spleen c. speak d. sheet
5. a. shrank b. splash c. sprat d. shame
II. Choose the best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase:
6. The amount of solar energy that reaches the earth depends ______ the atmosphere.
a. to b. in c. on d. with
7. The natural environment consists ______ all natural resources.
a. in b. of c. to d. on
8. Solar energy can be changed ______ electricity.
a. in b. to c. into d. for
9. Oil, coal and natural gas are ______ fuels made from decayed material from animal or plants.
a. unleaded b. smokeless c. solid d. fossil
10. A nuclear reactor releases ______ which is dangerous to the environment.
a. radiation b. heat c. energy d. carbon dioxide
11. We could make better ______ of our energy resources.
a. spend b. use c. need d. limit
12. The government has spent £1 million on an advertising ______ to encourage energy conservation.
a. campaign b. promotion c. operation d. enterprise
13. All fossil fuels are ______ resources that cannot be replaced after use.
a. unlimited b. renewable c. available d. non-renewable
14. Solar energy is not only plentiful and infinite but also clean and safe.
a. boundless b. unlimited c. uncountable d. inflexible
15. Many newer cars have a much lower fuel ______.
a. consuming b. consumer c. consumation d. consumption
16. Nellie Ross of Wyoming was the first woman ______ governor in the United States.
a. who elected b. to be elected c. was elected d. her election as
17. Pioneers, ______ in isolated areas of the United States, were almost totally self-sufficient.
a. who living b. living c. lived d. that lived
18. Completed in 1756, Nassau Hall is the oldest building now ______ on the campus of Princeton University.
a. standing b. it stands c. has stood d. stood
19. Jerome Kern's most famous work is Showboat, ______ , most enduring musical comedies.
a. it is one of the finest b. of the finest one
c. the finest one d. one of the finest
20._____ in large quantities in the Middle East, oil became known as black gold because of the large profit it
a. Discovering b. which was discovered
c. Discovered d. That when discovered
IV. Choose word or phrase - A, B, C or D – that needs correcting:
26. Louisa May Alcott, she (A) best known for her books (B) for children, served (C) as a nurse during (D) the
Civil War.
27. I went to a reunion (A) for students educating (B) in the physics (C) department during (D) the 1980s.
28. Natural (A) resources provide the raw material are needed (B) to produce (C) finished goods (D) .
29. In an essay (A) writing (B) in 1779, Judith Sargeant Murray promoted the cause of (C) women's
education (D).
30. It was suggested that Sandro studies (A) the material more (B) thoroughly before attempting (C) to
pass (D) the exam.
V. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers:

The search for alternative sources of energy has led in various directions. Many communities are burning
garbage and other biological waste products to produce electricity. Converting waste products to gases or oil
is also an efficient way to dispose of wastes. Experimental work is being done to derive synthetic fuels from
coal, oil shale, and coal tars. But to date, that process has proven expensive. Other experiments are
underway to harness power with giant windmills. Geothermal power is also being tested. Some experts expect
utility companies to revive hydroelectric power derived from streams and rivers. Fifty years ago hydroelectric
power provided one third of the electricity used in the United States, but to day it supplies only 4 percent. The
oceans are another potential source of energy. Scientists are studying ways to convert the energy of ocean
currents, tides, and waves to electricity. Experiments are also underway to make use of temperature
differences in ocean water to produce energy.

(*) Từ mới:
convert: đổi, biến đổi;
dispose: xử lý; giải quyết; vứt bỏ, khử đi;
derive: nhận được từ, lấy được từ, tìm thấy nguồn gốc từ;
synthetic: tổng hợp;
shale: (khoáng chất) đá phiền sét;
tar: nhựa đường, hắc ín;
underway: đang chạy, đang thực hiện;
windmill: cối xay gió; máy xay gió;
31. What is the best title of the passage?
a. The Use of Water Products for Energy
b. The Search for Alternative Sources of Energy
c. Efficient Ways of Disposing of Waste
d. New Discoveries in Geothermal Power
32. What provided one third of the electricity in the United States fifty years ago?
a. wind b. waste products c. water d. oil
33. What could best replace the phrase 'geothermal power' in the passage?
a. heat from the earth
b. gases in the earth's atmosphere
c. steam that shot up out of the earth
d. water in the ocean, lake, or river
34. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as an alternative source of energy?
a. Burning of garbage b. Geothermal power
c. Synthetic fuels d. Electricity
35. According to the author, what is the impracticability of using coal, oil shale and coal tars as
sources of energy due to?
a. They take a lot of time
b. They are expensive
c. They are non-renewable resources
d. They are scarce resources
36. What can be inferred from the paragraph?
a. All alternative production of energy will be derived from water.
b. Hydroelectric power will be the main source of energy.
c. Synthetic fuels will be the principal source of alternative energy.
d. Alternative energy will come from a variety of sources.
VI. Rewrite the following sentences
37. He was the first man who left the burning building.
38. The last student who leaves the classroom must turn out the lights.
39. Only a few of the movies that are shown at the National Theater are suitable for young people.
40. The couples who live in the house next door are both engineers.
Exercise 1. Rewrite the following sentences, using a present participial phrase.
1. The boy who is playing the piano is Ben.
_____________________________________________ .
2. Do you know the man who is coming towards us?
_____________________________________________ .
3. The people who are waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet.
_____________________________________________ .
4. The scientists who research the causes of cancer are making progress.
_____________________________________________ .
5. The fence which surrounds our house is made of wood.
_____________________________________________ .
6. We have an apartment which overlooks the park.
_____________________________________________ .
7. The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting.
_____________________________________________ .
8. I come from a city that is located in the southern part of the country.
_____________________________________________ .
9. They live in a house that was built in 1890.
_____________________________________________ .
10. The photographs which were published in the newspaper were extraordinary.
_____________________________________________ .
11. The experiment which was conducted at the University of Chicago was successful.
_____________________________________________ .
12. They work in a hospital which was sponsored by the government.
_____________________________________________ .
13. John was the last man who reached the top of the mountain.
_____________________________________________ .
14. The last person who leaves the room must turn oil the light.
_____________________________________________ .
15. The first person that we must see is Mr. Smith.
_____________________________________________ .
16. This is the second person who was killed in that way.
_____________________________________________ .
17. The first person who catches the ball will be the winner.

Exercise 2. Choose the best option to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress.
1. A. support B. decrease c. increase D. scientist
2. A. imagine B. different c. average D. government
3. A. problem B. promise c. prefer D. perfect
4. A. release B. limit c. control D. increase
5. A. expected B. tournament c. policy D. punishment

Exercise 3. Choose the best option A, B, c or D to complete each of the sentences.

1. Solar power is clean and there is a lot of it__________ sunny places.
A. in B. under C. on D. at
2. People in poor countries have to spend hours each day______________ fuel wood.
A. gathered B. to gather C. gathering D. gather
3. The earth revolves around the sun once in______________
A. sixty minutes B. twenty-four hours
C. three hundred and sixty-five days D. seventy minutes
4. Gravity is__________ .
A. the movement of the earth round the sun C. the pulling force of particles of matter
B. the rotation of the earth on its axis D. the movement of the earth round the moon
5. The temperature of the sun is____________ that of the earth.
A. higher than B. the same as C. lower than D. as high as
6. The best place___________ in Hanoi is the West Lake.
A. fishing B. fish C. to fish D. to fishing
7. Biogas is mainlv used____ cooking and heating.
A. at C. to D. for
8. Life on the earth depends_____ the sun.
A. to B. in C. at D. on
9. In some countries people use wind or sea_____ as the environmentally-friendly energy sources.
A. water B. products C. waves D. weed
10. People have used coal and oil to _____electricity for a long time.
A. generate B. generating C. generates D. generated
11. Coals and oil are non- renewable ______sources.
A. engineer B. engineering C. energy D. energetic
12. People on earth are _____need of more nuclear energy.
A. at B. on C. for D. in
13. People have to look for new energy sources because coal and oil will be used ____
A.for B. to C. up D. in
14. The tendency to use renewable energy sources is____the increase.
A. on B. in C. up D. at
15. Smoke ______people’s health.
A. effects B. affects C. affect D. effect
16. In 1995, the top children’s movie to____was Pocahontas.
A. see B. seeing C. sees D. saw
17. John couldn’t go to the playground with us because he had a report to ____for the following day.
A. writing B. write C. writes D. wrote
18. He was so busy with his work that he didn’t have time to_________________ with his friends.
A. talking B. talk C. talks D. talked
19.It is the light and the heat of the sun_____________ make our life possible.
A. who B. that C. where D. whose
20. Biogas is the largest energy______________ available in rural areas in developing countries.
A. sources B. resources C. source D. resource
UNIT 12: The ASIAN Games
Từ Phân loại Ngữ âm Nghĩa

advance v /ədˈvɑːns/ tiến bộ

aquatic sports /əˈkwætɪk spɔːts/ thể thao dưới nước

appreciate v /əˈpriːʃieɪt/ đánh giá

Asian a /ˈeɪʃn/ thuộc châu Á

athlete n /ˈæθliːt/ vận động viên điền kinh

bar n /bɑː(r)/ thanh, xà

bodybuilding n /ˈbɒdibɪldɪŋ/ thể dục thể hình

bronze n /brɒnz/ (huy chương) đồng

effort n /ˈefət/ cố gắng

fencing n /ˈfensɪŋ/ môn đấu kiếm

freestyle n /ˈfriːstaɪl/ kiểu bơi tự do

gather v /ˈɡæðə(r)/ tập hợp, tụ họp

gymnasium n /dʒɪmˈneɪziəm/ phòng thể dục dụng cụ

gymnast n /ˈdʒɪmnæst/ vận động viên thể dục

intercultural knowledge n /ˌɪntəˈkʌltʃərəlˈnɒlɪdʒ/ kiến thức liên văn hóa

land v /lænd/ hạ, rơi

official n /əˈfɪʃl/ quan chức

rugby n /ˈrʌɡbi/ bóng bầu dục

silver n /ˈsɪlvə(r)/ (huy chương) bạc

solidarity n /ˌsɒlɪˈdærəti/ tình đoàn kết

squash n /skwɒʃ/ bóng quần

variety n /vəˈraɪəti/ nhiều loại khác nhau, sự đa

1. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /str/
Âm /str/ về chính tả thường được viết là "str", ví dụ: street, strong, strange,…
2. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /skr/
Âm /skr/ về chính tả thường được viết là "scr", ví dụ: scream, screen, scratch,…
3. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /skw/
Âm /skw/ về chính tả thường được viết là "squ", ví dụ: square, squeeze, squeak,…

. Ôn tập mệnh đề quan hệ

Mệnh đề quan hệ là mệnh đề phụ được nối với mệnh đề chính bởi các đại từ quan hệ như who, whom, whose,
which, that hay các trạng từ quan hệ như where, when, why. Mệnh đề quan hệ đứng ngay đằng sau danh từ,
đại từ trong mệnh đề chính để bổ sung ý nghĩa cho danh từ, đại từ ấy,phân biệt danh từ đại từ ấy với các danh
từ đại từ khác. Chức năng của nó giống như một tính từ do vậy nó còn được gọi là mệnh đề tính ngữ.

1.1. Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định (Defining relative clauses)

Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định chỉ cho người đọc biết chính xác về đối tượng (người, vật,…) mà chúng ta đang nói
đến trong câu. Nếu mệnh đề xác định bị lược bỏ khỏi câu thì ý nghĩa của toàn bộ câu sẽ thay đổi một cách
đáng kể. Mệnh đề xác định không bị chia cắt với phần còn lại của câu văn bởi bất kì dấu phẩy hay dấu ngoặc
đơn nào.
Ví dụ:
a. The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind.
b. The vase that my mother bought last week is already broken.
c. The man who stole my wallet has been arrested.
d. The weather that we had this summer was beautiful.
1.2. Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định (Non-defining relative clauses)
Mệnh đề không xác định có tác dụng bổ sung thêm thông tin về người hay vật mà chúng ta đang đề cập đến
trong câu. Nếu mệnh đề không xác định bị lược bỏ, thì một số thông tin về chủ thể sẽ bị thiếu sót, nhưng nhìn
chung thì ý nghĩa của câu vẫn giữ nguyên. Mệnh đề không xác định luôn được chia cắt bởi dấu phẩy hoặc dấu
ngoặc đơn.
Ví dụ:
a. The farmer, whose name was Frankie, sold us 10 pounds of potatoes.
b. Elephants, which are the largest land mammals, live in herds of 10 or more adults.
c. The author, who graduated from the same university I did, gave a wonderful presentation.
d. My grandmother, who is 86, lives in Sai Gon.
1.3. Lưu ý khi sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ
a. Nếu trong mệnh đề quan hệ có giới từ thì giới từ có thể đặt trước hoặc sau mệnh đề quan hệ (chỉ áp
dụng với whom và which)
Ví dụ:
Mr. Brown is a nice teacher. We studied with him last year.
→ Mr. Brown, with whom we studied last year, is a nice teacher.
→ Mr. Brown, whom we studied with last year, is a nice teacher.
b. Có thể dùng which thay cho cả mệnh đề đứng trước.
Ví dụ:
She can’t come to my birthday party. That makes me sad.
→ She can’t come to my birthday party, which makes me sad.
Ở vị trí túc từ, whom có thể được thay bằng who.
Ví dụ:
I’d like to talk to the man whom/who I met at your birthday party.
c. Trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định , chúng ta có thể bỏ các đại từ quan hệ làm túc từ: whom, which.
Ví dụ:
The girl you met yesterday is my close friend.
→ The book you lent me was very interesting.
d. Các cụm từ chỉ số lượng some of, both of, all of, neither of, many of, none of ,… có thể được dùng
trước whom, which và whose.
Ví dụ:
I have two sisters, both of whom are students.
→ She tried on three dresses, none of which fitted her.
2. Lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ (Obmission of relative pronouns)
Trường hợp có thể lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ who, which, whom,… :
- Khi nó làm tân ngữ, phía trước nó không có dấu phẩy, không có giới từ (whose không được bỏ).
Ví dụ:
Here is the laptop which I bought. (= Here is the laptop I bought.)
This is my book , which I bought 2 years ago. (Trước chữ which có dấu phẩy nên không thể bỏ được.)
This is the house in which I live. (Trước which có giới từ in nên cũng không bỏ which đựơc.)
This is the man who lives near my house. (who là chủ từ ( của động từ lives ) nên không thể bỏ nó được.)
UNIT 12: The ASIAN Games
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
1. a. scream b. squeak c. stream d. steak
2. a. strict b. strike c. string d. strip
3. a. scratch b. scrappy c. scrape d. scramble
4. a. squelch b. stress c. scent d. scenery
5. a. strop b. scroll c. scope d. folder
II. Choose the word that best completes the sentence
6. The Vietnamese participants always take part ______ sports events with great enthusiasm.
a. in b. on c. at d. to
7. The Asian Games have been advancing ______ all aspects.
a. on b. at c. in d. for
8. New sports and traditional sports have been added ______ the Games.
a. in b. on c. up d. to
9. In spite of all its ______, medical science knows little about the brain.
a. advantages b. advances c. approaches d. advents
10. Football fans gathered around the TV in the comer of the club to see the final.
a. assembled b. collected c. wandered d. reached
11. Recently the Asian Games has increased in ______.
a. polular b. popularizing c. popularity d. popularly
12. I'd rather go to the football field ______ being at home today.
a. instead of b. because of c. inspite of d. due to
13. The World Cup is a football ______ which is open to all countries.
a. participation b. involvement c. occasion d. competition
14. Scuba-diving and windsurfing are both aquatic sports.
a. field b. water c. combat d. individual
15. Their efforts were much ______ when they won 5 gold medals in bodybuilding and billiards.
a. considered b. required c. expended d. appreciated
16. I've no idea _____ she behaved strangely at the meeting
a. when b. where c. which d. why
17. Experts _____ feel that they are related to the deep wishes and fears of the dreamer.
a. study dreams b. who dream study c. whose dream study d. who study dreams
18. No one took part in the competition, _____?
a. did they b. didn't they c. did he d. didn't he
19. Jet streams are layers of air _____ rapidly above the earth's surface.
a. that move b. move c. have moved d. move
20. A great number of young people are fond of _____ football and other kinds of sports.
a. play b. to play c. playing d. played
III. Complete each of the sentences with who, whom, which, that, whose, where, when, why
21. He didn't believe _______ I said, which annoyed me very much.
22. Two men, neither of _______ I had seen before, came into the office.
23. He's got a job in a new firm, _______ they don't work such long hours.
24. Have you got something _____ will get ink out of a carpet?
25. He was respected by the people with ______ he worked.
IV. Choose the word that best fits the blank space in the following passage:
The 15th Asian Games (26) _____ from December 1 through December 15, 2006, in Doha, Capital of
Qatar. More than 10,000 athletes, who (27) _____ 45 countries and regions, took part in 39 sports and
424 events of the Games, the most important event in Asia. Some new events such as chess and
triathlon were also (28) _____ in the Games.

The 15th Asian Games was organized at 34 sporting (29) _____, including Khalifa Stadium, which (30)
_____ the opening and closing ceremonies. The Opening Ceremony of the 15th Asian Games, Doha
2006, at Khalifa Stadium, was the most (31) _____ opening of any Games with 50,000 people to get
into Khalifa Stadium and more than one billion television (32) _____ The Doha Asian Games
Organizing Committee (DAGOC) wanted to ensure that everybody who saw the ceremony would have
a memory for life as suggested in the (33) _____ "The Games of Your Life." The 151h Asian Games
was a successful sporting event that all (34) _____ would never forget. Everyone is looking forward
(35) _____ the 16th Asian Games, which will be held in Guangzhou, China, from November 2 to
November 18, 2010.
26. a. set up b. took part c. brought about d. took place
27. a. symbolized b. represented c. expressed d. typified
28. a. included b. contained c. competed d. consisted
29. a. events b. facilities c. venues d. teams
30. a. held b. occurred c. took d. hosted
31. a. colorful b. formal c. spectacular d. elaborate
32. a. viewers b. observers c. partners d. spectators
33. a. portrait b. banner c. streamer d. slogan
34. a. attenders b. attendees c. attendants d. attendances
35. a. for b. in c. to d. into
V. Choose the sentence - a, b, c or d - which is closest in meaning to the printed one:
36. Workers are not allowed to use the office phone for personal calls.
a. They don't let workers use the office phone.
b. The office phone is supposed .to be used by workers only.
c. they don't allowed workers to make phone calls personally.
d. Workers are not permitted to use the office phone for personal purpose.
37. I might have taken French last semester if I'd known it was offered.
a. Someone offered to teach me French last semester.
b. I knew that French was not offered last semester.
c. I didn't take French last semester.
d. I took French the last semester it was offered.
38. Times Square is the center of many well-known theaters in New York.
a. Many famous theaters are located in New York's Times Square.
b. Times Square is the name of a well-known theater in New York.
c. New York is in the center of Times Square.
d. Many theaters in central New York are open all the time.
39. Shouldn't you smoke fewer cigarettes?
a. Do you think you should smoke fewer?
b. You shouldn't smoke fewer cigarettes, should you?
c. Should you smoke more cigarettes?
d. shouldn't you cut down on your smoking?
40. Laura refused to attend his birthday party, which made him feel sad.
a. Laura's refusal to attend his birthday party made him feel sad.
b. He felt sad not to be able to attend her birthday' party.
c. Laura made him sad despite her refusal to attend his birthday party.
d. Laura refused to attend his birthday party because it made him sad.

Exercise 3. Tick (✓) the sentences in which the relative pronoun can be omitted.
(Đánh dấu ✓ vào những câu có thể lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ.)
0. Are these the keys that you are looking for?

1. The girl who we are going to see is from Britain.

2. He works for a company that makes cars.

3. What was the name of the man who you met yesterday?

4. The table that was broken has now been repaired.

5. Do you know the girl who he is talking to?

6. This is the novel that I’ve been expecting.

Exercise 4. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to indicate the correct sentence that combines
each pair of given sentences.
Chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất để nối câu.
1. Have you found the keys? You lost them.
A. Have you found the keys that you lost them?
B. Have you found the keys which you lost them?
C. Have you found the keys you lost?
D. Have you found the keys lost?
2. The fish was really delicious. We had it for dinner.
A. The fish that we had it for dinner was really delicious.
B. The fish which we had it for dinner was really delicious.
C. The fish we had it for dinner was reaaly delicious.
D. The fish we had for dinner was really delicious.
3. We stayed at the hotel. Peter recommended it.
A. We stayed at the hotel that Peter recommended it.
B. We stayed at the hotel Peter recommended.
C. We stayed at the hotel which Peter recommended it.
D. We stayed at the hotel where Peter recommended it.
4. Do you know the girl? David is talking to her.
A. Do you know the girl David is talking to?
B. Do you know the girl who David is talking to her?
C. Do you know the girl whom David is talking to her?
D. Do you know the girl that David is talking to her?
5. The train was full of goods. We travelled on it.
A. The train which we travelled on it was full of goods.
B. The train that we travelled on it was full of goods.
C. The train where we travelled on it was full of goods.
D. The train we travelled on was full of goods.
6. Who was that boy? You were with him this morning.
A. Who was that boy that you were with him this morning?
B. Who was that boy you were with this morning?
C. Who was that boy who you were with him this morning?
D. Who was that boy whom you were with him this morning?
7. The church is 200 years old. Our class visited it.
A. The church our class visited is 200 years old.
B. The church where our class visited it is 200 years old.
C. The church which our class visited it is 200 years old.
D. The church that our class visited it is 200 years old.
UNIT 13: Hobbies
Từ Phân loại Phát âm Nghĩa
accompany v /əˈkʌmpəni/ đệm đàn, đẹm nhạc

accomplished a /əˈkʌmplɪʃt/ có tài, tài hoa, cừ khôi

avid a /ˈævɪd/ khao khát, thèm thuồng

continually adv /kənˈtɪnjuəli/ liên tục, không ngớt

discarded a /dɪsˈkɑːd/ loại bỏ

fascinating a /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ/ hấp dẫn

fish tank n /fɪʃ tæŋk/ bể cá

gigantic a /dʒaɪˈɡæntɪk/ khổng lồ, kếch xù

ignorantly adv /ˈɪɡnərəntli/ ngu dốt

indeed adv /ɪnˈdiːd/ quả thực, quả vậy

indulge in /ɪnˈdʌldʒ ɪn/ say mê, say sưa

modest a /ˈmɒdɪst/ khiêm tốn, nhún nhường, nhũn nhặn

occupied a /ˈɒkjupaɪd/ chiếm, chiếm đóng; bận;

tune n /tjuːn/ giai điệu

1. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /pt/
Âm /pt/ về chính tả thường được viết là "ped" hoặc “pped”, ví dụ: stopped, jumped, stepped,…
2. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /bd/
Âm /bd/ về chính tả thường được viết là "bed" hoặc “bbed”, ví dụ: robbed, stabbed, grabbed,…
3. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /ps/
Âm /ps/ về chính tả thường được viết là "ps", ví dụ: stops, steps, maps, shops,…
4. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /bz/
Âm /bz/ về chính tả thường được viết là "bs", ví dụ: robs, rubs, clubs,…

(*) Câu nhấn mạnh (câu chẻ) với cấu trúc It is:
Câu chẻ hay còn gọi là câu nhấn mạnh theo đúng như tên gọi của nó, dùng để khi ta muốn nhấn mạnh vào một
đối tượng hay sự việc nào đó. Câu thường chia làm hai vế, một vế chính và một vế là mệnh đề quan hệ sử
dụng that, who, when, while,…
+ Câu chẻ là câu có cấu trúc It is/was + …. that + …
+ Ta có thể nhấn mạnh chủ ngữ, tân ngữ, trạng ngữ của câu bằng cách đưa vào giữa It is/was và that
1. Nhấn mạnh chủ ngữ (Subject focus)
It is/was + chủ ngữ (người) + who/that + V
It is/was + chủ ngữ (vật) + that + V
Ví dụ:
Ms. Dung teaches English at my school.
→ It is Ms. Dung who/that teaches English at my school.
My dog made neighbors very scared.
→ It was my dog that made neighbors very scared.
2. Nhấn mạnh tân ngữ (Object focus)
It is/was + tân ngữ (người) + that/whom + S + V
It is/was + tân ngữ (danh từ riêng) + that + S + V
It is/was + tân ngữ (vật)+ that + S + V
Ví dụ:
He gave his colleague the whole confidential document.
→ It was his colleague that/whom he gave the whole confidential document.
I met Laura at the party.
→ It was Laura that I met at a party.
She sent her friend an e-mail.
→ It was her friend that she sent an e-mail.
3. Nhấn mạnh trạng ngữ (Adverbial focus)
It is/was + trạng ngữ + that + S + V + O
Ví dụ:
My father bought a new bike last week.
→ It was last week that my father bought a new bike.
I was born in this town.
→ It was in this town that I was born.
You can kill computer viruses by using Bkav’s software
→ It is by using Bkav’s software that you can kill computer viruses.
My father repaired the bicycle for my sister.
→ It was for my sister that my father repaired the bicycle.
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
1. a. jumped b. grabbed c. finished d. watched 1. b
2. a. stamps b. clubs c. plays d. fields 2. a
3. a. plaster b. predict c. pyjamas d. psychology 3. d
4. a. places b. judges c. teaches d. brides 4. d
5. a. travelled b. occurred c. stopped d. robbed 5. c
II. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the
underlined word or phrase:
6. My boyfriend never indulges _____ drinking. 6. b
a. on b. in c. with d. to
7. I love watching the small fish swimming _______ in the tank. 7. d
a. through b. up c. towards d. around
8. I wasn't able to cope _____ the stresses and strains of the job. 8. a
a. with b. to c. in d. on
9. My friend David was really interested in my best stamp, so I _____ it away to him. 9. a
a. gave b. threw c. brought d. put
10. These ideas have now been completely discarded. 10. b
a. come up with b. got rid of c. put forward d. put into practice
11. This vase is quite rare and is almost a _____'s item. 11. d
a. collect b. collective c. collection d. collector
12. The singer was _____ on the piano by her sister. 12. c
a. played b. performed c. accompanied d. helped
13. The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied. 13. a
a. busy b. relaxed c. comfortable d. free
14. My parents lent me the money. _____, I couldn't have afforded the trip. 14. b
a. Only if b. Otherwise c. However d. Therefore
15. I don't know the title but I recognize the _____ of this song. 15. c
a. sound b. rhyme c. tune d. theme
16. _____________ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen. 16. a
a. What the woman was b. That the woman was
c. The woman was d. What was the woman
17. Marta Graham, ________ of the pioneers of modern dance, didn't begin dancing until she was 21. 17. c
a. who as one b. she was c. one d. was one
18. Many communities are dependent oil groundwater _____ from wells for their water supply. 18. b
a. that obtained b. obtained c. is obtained d. obtain it
19. ___________ who was elected the first woman mayor of Chicago in 1979. 19. a
a. It was Jane Byrne b. Jane Byrne c. That Jane Byrne d. When Jane Byrne
20. It was in 1875 ____________ joined the staff of the astronomical observatory at Harvard University. 20. a
a. that Anna Winlock b. Anna Winlock, who c. as Anna Winlock d. Anna Winlock then
III. Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition:
21. My uncle is very good ____ accompanying people singing with his guitar. 21. at
22. My brother is fond ___ tennis. 22. of
23. I have not been very successful _____ playing the guitar. 23. in/at
24. He's keen ____ collecting coins. 24. on
25. I usually give ____ the common stamps to my friends. 25. away
IV. Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question:
Collectibles have been a part of almost every culture since ancient times. Whereas some objects have been
collected for their usefulness, others have been selected for their aesthetic beauty alone. In the United States, the
kinds of collectibles currently popular range from traditional objects such as stamps, coins, rare books, and art to
more recent items of interest like dolls, bottles, baseball cards, and comic books.

Interest in collectibles has increased enormously during the past decade, in part because some collectibles have
demonstrated their value as investment. Especially during cycles of high inflation, investors try to purchase
tangibles that will at least retain their current market values. In general, the most traditional collectibles will be
sought because they have preserved their value over the years, there is an organized auction market for them,
and they are most easily sold in the event that cash is needed. Some examples of the most stable collectibles are
old masters, Chinese ceramics, stamps, coins, rare books, antique jewelry, silver, porcelain, art by well-known
artists, autographs, and period furniture. Other items of more recent interest include old phonograph records, old
magazines, postcards, baseball cards, art glass, dolls, classic cars, old bottles, and comic books. These relatively
new kinds of collectibles may actually appreciate faster as short-term investments, but may not hold their value as
long-term investments. Once a collectible has had its initial play, it appreciates at a fairly steady rate, supported by
an increasing number of enthusiastic collectors competing for the limited supply of collectibles that come
increasingly more difficult to locate.

(*) Từ mới:
aesthetic: (thuộc) mỹ học, thẩm mỹ;
collectibles: Đồ sưu tầm;
demonstrate: chứng minh, giải thích;
investment: sự đầu tư; vốn đầu tư;
tangible: có thể sờ mó được, hữu hình; đích xác, xác thực, hiển nhiên, rõ ràng, không thể nghi ngờ được;
retain: vẫn giữ, vẫn có, vẫn duy trì;
auction: sự bán đấu giá;
phonograph: máy ghi âm, máy hát;
26. What is the author’s main point? 26. D
A. Collectibles provide interesting information about culture.
B. Collectibles are better than other types of investments.
C. New types of collectibles appreciate more rapidly.
D. A varity of collectibles have become popular investments in the United States.
27. D
27. In comparing new collectibles with more traditional ones, the author observes that _____________.

A. newer collectibles hold their value

B. More traditional collectibles appreciate faster
C. After a rapid increase in value, all collectibles have steady rates of appreciation
D. newer collectibles make better short-term investments
28. The author mentions all of the following as examples of new types of collectibles items EXCEPT _______ 28. D
A. postcards B. dolls
C. bottles D. autographs
29. The word “stable” in paragraph 2 could be replaced by _______ 29. B
A. prevalent B. reliable
C. expensive D. exquisite
30. The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses ______________. 30. A
A. how collectors locate and purchase collectibles
B. why collectibles are risky investments
C. where to buy collectible toys
D. when to sell a item for profit
V. Given the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences:
31. My close friend is a good _________. He learned to play the guitar when he was very small. (guitar) 31
32. I think stamp __________ can be an expensive hobby. (collect) 32
33. Books provide the reader with a lot of ________. (inform) 33
34. Jake only collects stamps from _________ envelopes. (discard) 34
35. Books help us broaden our _________ around the world. (understand) 35
VI. Choose the sentence - a, b, c or d - which is closest in meaning to the printed one:
36. We are now completely out of thermal socks. 36. b
a. There is one pair of thermal socks left.
b. There isn't any pair of thermal socks left.
c. We no longer wear thermal socks.
d. We don't sell thermal socks.
37. Their chances of success are small. 37. c
a. It's very likely that they will succeed.
b. They will definitely be successful.
c. It's not very likely that they will succeed.
d. They won't have any chance of being successful.
38. Their problems are all self-inflicted. 38. d
a. All of their problems are well worth considering.
b. They don't cause their own problems.
c. They are thinking about their problems.
d. Their problems are of their own making.
39. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected. 39. b
a. The patient didn't recover as fast as expected.
b. The patient made a more rapid recovery than expected.
c. The patient recovered more slowly than expected.
d. The patient didn't get well as expected.
40. “If you don't apologize immediately, I'm leaving,” she told him. 40. c
a. She told him not to apologize immediately.
b. She asked him to apologize immediately as she was leaving.
c. She threatened to leave unless he apologized immediately.
d. She warned him not to apologize; otherwise, she was leaving.

Exercise 1. Write the following sentences after the model, paving attention to the subject of the
(Viết các câu sau theo mẫu, chú ý đến chủ ngữ của câu.)
Example: The man gave her the book.
=> It was the man who gave her the book.
1. The boy visited his uncle last month. Cậu bé đã th
_____________________________________________ .
2. My mother bought me a present on my birthday. Mẹ tôi đã mu
_____________________________________________ .
3. Huong and Sandra sang together at the party. Hương và San
_____________________________________________ .
4. Nam’s father got angry with him. Cha của Nam
_____________________________________________ .
5. The boys played football all day long. Các chàng tr
_____________________________________________ .
6. The girl received a letter from her friend yesterday. Cô gái nhận
_____________________________________________ .
7. His presence at the meeting frightened the children. Sự hiện diện
_____________________________________________ .

Exercise 2. Write the following sentences after the model, paying attention to the object of the
(Viết các câu sau theo mẫu, chú ý đến tân ngữ của động từ.)
The boy hit the dog in the garden.
=> It was the dog that the boy hit in the garden
1. The man is learning English. (Người đàn ô
_____________________________________________ .
2. The woman gave him the book. (Người phụ n
_____________________________________________ .
3. She sent her friend the postcard. (Cô ấy gửi c
_____________________________________________ .
4. Hoa borrowed the book from Long. (Hoa mượn c
_____________________________________________ .
5. The little boy grected his grandfather in a strange language. (Cậu bé chào
_____________________________________________ .
6. The pedestrian asked the policeman a lot of questions. (Người đi bộ
_____________________________________________ .
7. The dog barked at the stranger. (Chú chó sủa
_____________________________________________ .

Exercise 3. Write the following sentences after the model, paying attention to the adverbial
modifier of the sentence.
(Viết các câu sau theo mẫu, chú ý đến trạng ngữ của câu.)
She bought him a present at the shop.
=> It was at the shop that she bought him a present.
1. The boy hit the dog in the garden. (Cậu bé đánh
_____________________________________________ .
2. She made some cakes for tea. (Cô ấy làm m
_____________________________________________ .
3. His father repaired the bicycle for him. (Cha của bạn
_____________________________________________ .
4. She presented him a book on his birthday. (Cô ấy tặng
_____________________________________________ .
5. He met his wife in Britain. (Anh ta gặp
_____________________________________________ .
6. She bought that present from the shop. (Cô đã mua m
_____________________________________________ .
7. The meeting started at 8.00 a.m. (Cuộc họp đã
_____________________________________________ .
Exercise 4. Rewrite the following sentences after the model, paying attention to the underlined
subject focus of the sentence.
Viết lại các câu sau theo mẫu sau, chú ý tới các chủ ngữ được gạch chân.
Example: The man gave her the book.
It was the man who gave her the book.
1. The neighbour told them about it. It was the neighbour who to
_____________________________________________ .
2. My friend came to see me late last night. It was my friend who came t
_____________________________________________ .
3. That boy scored the goal for his team. It was that boy who scored t
_____________________________________________ .
4. The dog grabbed at the piece of meat and ran away. It was the dog that grabbed
_____________________________________________ .
5. The strong wind blew the roof off. It was the strong wind that b
_____________________________________________ .

Exercise 5. Rewrite the following sentences after the model, paying attention to the underlined
object focus of the sentence.
Viết lại các câu sau theo mẫu sau, chú ý tới các chủ ngữ được gạch chân.
The boy hit the dog in the garden.
It was the dog that the boy hit in the garden.
It was the dog that was hit by the boy in the garden.
1. The woman answered the man rudely.
_____________________________________________ . 1. It was the man who the wo
_____________________________________________ . - It was the man who was an
2. The boy played ping pong the whole afternoon.
_____________________________________________ . 2. It was ping pong that the b
_____________________________________________ . - It was ping pong that was p
3. The girl gave the boy a special gift on his birthday.
_____________________________________________ . 3. It was the boy who the girl
_____________________________________________ . - It was the boy who was giv
4. The police arrested the man at the railway station.
_____________________________________________ . 4. It was the man who the po
_____________________________________________ . - It was the man who was arr
5. He borrowed the money from Loan.
_____________________________________________ . 5. It was the money that he b
_____________________________________________ . - It was the money that was

Exercise 6. Rewrite the following sentences after the model,, paying attention to the underlined
adverbial focus of the sentence.
Viết lại các câu sau theo mẫu sau, chú ý tới các chủ ngữ được gạch chân.
The boy hit the dog in the garden.
It was in the garden that the boy hit the dog.
1. He bought the book from that comer shop. It was from that comer shop
_____________________________________________ .
2. He got married when he was 26. It was when he was 26 that h
_____________________________________________ .
3. They were having a barbecue in the park. It was in the park that they w
_____________________________________________ .
4. I met him on the wav to school. It was on the way to school th
_____________________________________________ .
5. They often had parties on weekends. It was on weekends that they
_____________________________________________ .
Exercise 7. Write four sentences that come from the sentence below, paying attention to the
subject, object, and adverbial focus.
Viết lại 4 câu theo câu dưới đây, chú ý chủ ngữ, tân ngữ và trạng ngữ. 1. It was Kathy who bought h
Kathy bought her husband an anniversary gift at a sports shop. 2. It was her husband who K
3. It was an anniversary gift
4. It was at a sports shop tha
/d/, còn lại: /t/
/s/, còn lại: /z/
“p” câm, còn lại: /p/
/s/, còn lại: /iz/
/t/, còn lại: /d/

indulge in: say mê, say sưa;

cope with N: đối phó, đương đầu;

give away: cho, tặng;

discarded: loại bỏ;

occupied = busy;

tune: giai điệu;

be good at N/V-ing: giỏi trong việc gì, lĩnh vực gì đó;

be fond of N: mến, thích cái gì đó;

be keen on: thích, say mê;

give away: cho, tặng;
Dẫn chứng: “These relatively new kinds of collectibles may actually appreciate faster as short-term

stable: vững vàng, ổn định; (~ reliable)


self-inflicted: tự đặt cho mình, tự giáng cho mình;

1. It was the boy who visited his uncle last month.

(Đó là cậu bé đã thăm chú của cậu hồi tháng trước.)
2. It was my mother who bought me a present on my birthday.
(Chính là mẹ tôi đã mua cho tôi một món quà vào ngày sinh nhật của tôi.)
3. It was Huong and Sandra who sang together at the party.
(Chính là Hương và Sandra đã hát cùng nhau trong bữa tiệc)
4. It was Nam's father who got angry with him.
(Chính là Cha của Nam tức giận với bạn ấy.)
5. It was the boys who played football all day long.
(Đó là những cậu bé chơi bóng đá suốt cả ngày.)
6. It was the girl who received a letter from her friend yesterday.
(Đó là cô gái đã nhận được một lá thư từ người bạn của cô hôm qua.)
7. It was his presence at the meeting that frightened the children.
(Đó là sự hiện diện của ông tại cuộc họp mà làm bọn trẻ sợ hãi.)

1. It is English that the man is learning.

(Đó là tiếng Anh mà người đàn ông đang học.)
2. It was the book that the woman gave him.
(Đó là quyển sách mà người phụ nữ tặng ông ấy.)
3. It was the postcard that she sent her friend.
(Đó là bưu thiếp mà cô ấy gửi bạn của cô ấy.)
4. It was the book that Hoa borrowed from Long.
(Đó là cuốn sách mà Hoa đã mượn từ Long.)
5. It was his grandfather who/ whom the little boy greeted in a strange language.
(Đó là ông nội người mà cậu bé chào bằng một ngôn ngữ lạ.)
6. It was the policeman who/ whom the pedestrian asked a lot of questions.
(Đó là cảnh sát người mà người đi bộ hỏi nhiều câu hỏi.)
7. It was the stranger who/whom the dog barked at.
(Đó là người lạ mà con chó sủa.)

1. It was in the garden that the boy hit the dog.

(Đó là trong vườn mà cậu bé đánh con chó.)
2. It was for tea that she made some cakes.
(Đó là để uống trà mà cô ấy làm một số bánh.)
3. It was for him that his father repaired the bicycle.
(Chính là cho bạn ấy, cha bạn đã sửa xe đạp.)
4. It was on his birthday that she presented him a book.
(Đó là vào ngày sinh nhật của mình mà cô ấy tặng anh ta một quyển sách.)
5. It was in Britain that he met his wife.
(Chính là ở Anh anh đã gặp vợ mình.)
6. It was from the shop that she bought that present.
(Đó là từ cửa hàng mà cô ấy mua quà đó.)
7. It was at 8.00 a.m that the meeting started.
(Đó là lúc 8 giờ sáng mà cuộc họp bắt đầu.)
It was the neighbour who told them about it.

It was my friend who came to see me late last night.

It was that boy who scored the goal for his team.

It was the dog that grabbed at the piece of meat and ran away.

It was the strong wind that blew the roof off.

1. It was the man who the woman answered rudely.

- It was the man who was answered rudely by the woman.

2. It was ping pong that the boy played the whole afternoon.
- It was ping pong that was played the whole afternoon by the boy.

3. It was the boy who the girl gave a special gift on his birthday.
- It was the boy who was given a special gift by the girl on his birthday.

4. It was the man who the police arrested at the railway station.
- It was the man who was arrested by the police at the railway station.

5. It was the money that he borrowed from Loan.

- It was the money that was borrowed from Loan.

It was from that comer shop that he bought the book.

It was when he was 26 that he got married.

It was in the park that they were having a barbecue.

It was on the way to school that I met him.

It was on weekends that they often had parties.

1. It was Kathy who bought her husband an anniversary gift at a sports shop.
2. It was her husband who Kathy bought an anniversary gift at a sports shop.
3. It was an anniversary gift that Kathy bought her husband at a sports shop.
4. It was at a sports shop that Kathy bought her husband an anniversary gift.
Unit 14: Recreation
Từ Phân loại Phát âm Nghĩa
athletics n /æθˈletɪks/ điền kinh
average n /ˈævərɪdʒ/ trung bình

bricklaying n /ˈbrɪkleɪɪŋ/ xây dựng

campground n /ˈkæmpɡraʊnd/ bãi cắm trại

dirt bike /ˈdɜːt baɪk/ xe moto địa hình

entry qualification /ˈentri ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ điều kiện nhập học

fee n /fiː/ học phí

glass engraving /ɡlɑːs ɪnˈɡreɪvɪŋ/ khắc kính

home-based a /həʊm beɪst/ ở nhà

improvement n /ɪmˈpruːvmənt/ sự cải thiện, sửa sang, tu bổ;

memento n /məˈmentəʊ/ kỉ vật

solitude n /ˈsɒlɪtjuːd/ sự biệt lập, cô độc

sophisticated a /səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd/ phức tạp, tinh tế

stock market /ˈstɒk mɑːkɪt/ thị trường chứng khoán

spectacular a /spekˈtækjələ(r)/ ngoạn mục, hùng vĩ, rất đẹp mắt

undertake v /ˌʌndəˈteɪk/ thực hiện (một công việc, nhiệm vụ,…)

waterfall n /ˈwɔːtəfɔːl/ thác nước

wilderness n /ˈwɪldənəs/ miền hoang dã

1. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /ts/
Âm /ts/ về chính tả thường được viết là "ts”, ví dụ: sits, eats, meets,…
2. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /dz/
Âm /dz/ về chính tả thường được viết là "ds”, ví dụ: reads, kids, friends,…
3. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /tʃt/
Âm /tʃt/ về chính tả thường được viết là "ched", ví dụ: marched, watched, reached,…
4. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /dʒd/
Âm /dʒd/ về chính tả thường được viết là "dged" hoặc “ged”, ví dụ: bridged, raged, managed,…

1. Liên từ
1.1. Both … and (vừa … vừa …)
- Both…and được theo sau bởi những từ hoặc cụm từ cùng loại.
She’s both pretty and clever ( both + adj + and + adj)
She both dances and sings (both + verb + and + verb)
She both dances and sings (both + verb + and + verb)
- Khi hai chủ ngữ được nối với nhau both….and thì động từ được chia ở số nhiều.
Both my mother and my sister are here.
1.2. Not only…but also (không những…..mà còn)
- Not only…but also có thể đứng ngay trước từ hoặc cụm từ mà nó bổ nghĩa.
Ví dụ: The place was not only cold, but also damp (adjective).
- Not only…but also có thể đứng giữa câu cùng với động từ.
Ví dụ: She not only sings like an angle, but also dances divinely.
- Not only…but also có thể đươc đặt ở đầu mệnh đề để nhấn mạnh.
Ví dụ: Not only do they need clothing, but they are also short of water.
- Khi hai chủ ngữ được nối với nhau not only….but also thì động từ được chia theo chủ ngữ đứng gần động
Ví dụ: Not only my parents but also my sister is here.
1.3. Either…or ( …hoặc…)
- Either…or được dùng để nói về sự lựa chọn giữa hai khả năng (hoặc đôi khi nhiều hơn hai)
Ví dụ:
You can either come with me now or walk home.
If you want to ice-cream you can have either coffee, lemon or vanilla.
- Khi hai chủ ngữ được nối với nhau either…or thì động từ được chia theo chủ ngữ đứng gần động từ.
Ví dụ:
Either the teacher or the students are planning to come.
1.4. Neither ...nor (Không…mà cũng không)
- Neither …nor được dùng để nối hai ý phủ định (trái với both….and) cấu trúc này khá trang trọng.
Ví dụ:
I neither smoke nor drink (less formal: I don’t smoke or drink).
- Đôi khi có nhiều hơn hai ý được nối với nhau bởi neither…nor.
Ví dụ:
He neither smiled, spoke, nor looked at me.
- Neither có thể đứng đầu câu và theo sau là đảo ngữ.
Ví dụ:
Neither have I seen him nor have I heard him speak.
- Khi hai chủ ngữ được nối với nhau neither…nor thì động từ được chia theo chủ ngữ đứng gần động từ.
Ví dụ: Neither the teacher nor students are here.
2. Câu nhấn mạnh bị động (Cleft sentences in the passive)
a. It + is / was + Noun / pronoun (person) + who + be + P.P…
Ví dụ:
Fans gave that singer a lot of flowers.
→ It was that singer who was given a lot of flowers.
(Chính người ca sĩ đó được tặng rất nhiều hoa)
b. It + is / was + Noun (thing) + that + be + P.P…
Ví dụ:
People talk about this film.
→ It is this film that is talked about.
(Chính bộ phim này là cái được nói đến)
Fans gave that singer a lot of flowers.
→ It was a lot of flowers that were given to that singer.
(Chính nhiều hoa đã được tặng cho người ca sĩ)
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
1. a. meets b. books c. roofs d. friends 1. d
2. a. bridged b. marched c. finished d. based 2. a
3. a. weekends b. sports c. offers d. skills 3. b
4. a. manages b. courses c. reaches d. decides 4. d
5. a. enjoyed b. viewed c. watched d. ranged 5. c
II. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the
underlined word or phrase:
6. He plays tennis ______ recreation only. 6. d
a. in b. to c. on d. for
7. I'm very fond ______ natural spectacular scenery. 7. a
a. of b. in c. with d. at
8. We were all attracted ______ the beauty of nature there. 8. b
a. in b. to c. with d. on
9. Watching television is by far the most popular ______. 9. c
a. intensity b. occupation c. recreation d. passion
10. I am very ______ in the information you have given me. 10. a
a. interested b. surprised c. depressed d. concerned
11. I like him ______ for his shyness. 11. c
a. by far b. far better c. furthermore d. all the better
12. He ______ us for hours with his stories and jokes. 12. b
a. supported b. entertained c. regarded d. raised
13. His recreations include golf, football and shooting. 13. c
a. sports b. activities c. pastimes d. pleasures
14. Walking and swimming are the two most popular sporting activities undertaken by men and women. 14. c
a. taken over b. taken in c. taken up d. taken out
15. I bought the ring as a memento of Greek. 15. a
a. souvenir b. relic c. heirloom d. remainder
16. The train passed through a rich variety of spectacular scenery. 16. c
a. amazing b. powerful c. impressive d. considerable
17. b
17. The course can be as simple as bricklaying or as sophisticated as making your own stock market decisions.

a. external b. complicated c. intensive d. advanced

18. She enjoyed a few moments of peace in the solitude of the garden. 18. a
a. privacy b. bottom c. center d. end
19. There has been an increase in the ______ of folk music over recent years. 19. b
a. popular b. popularity c. popularize d. popularization
20. _________ applicants should send their completed forms to the personnel office. 20. d
a. Quality b. Qualitative c. Qualifications d. Qualified
III. Complete the sentences with both... (and); neither... (nor) or either...(or):
21. I tried twice to phone Ryan, but ______ times he was out. 21
22. Do you want tea or milk? – ______ I really don't mind. 22
23. I was invited to two parties last Sunday, but I couldn't go to ______ of them. 23
24. Where is Lizzie? Is she at school or at home? - ________ . She's away on holiday. 24
25. To get to the city center, you can go along the footpath by the river or you can go along the road. You can go 25
_______ way.
IV. Choose word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that needs correcting:
26. Not only (A) Lewis's parents but also her husband think (B) she should return to (C) school and finish 26. B
her graduate degree (D).
27. D
27. Each year (A) million of tons (B) of fertile topsoil that could (C) produce good crops washed (D) away by rains.
28. It was in 1971 (A) that transatlantic supersonic (B) transportation became (C) commercially availability (D). 28. D
29. Either (A) Mr. Anderson or (B) Ms. Baker are (C) going to teach our class today (D). 29. C
30. The antique collector must be able (A) to distinguish real (B) antiques from later imitations (C), which can be 30. D
either reproductions nor (D)fakes.
V. Read the passage, then choose the correct answer:

In the 20th century, magazines have been a major growth area of popular publishing. Specialist magazines cater
to every imaginable field and activity. In the United Kingdom, over 12,000 periodicals, magazines, bulletins,
annuals, trade journals, and academic journals are published on a regular basis. There are some 40 women's
magazines and over 60 dealing with particular sports, games, hobbies, and pastimes. Although some US
magazines, such as The Saturday Evening Post, has succumbed to competition of television, many continue to
have enormous international circulations, The Reader's Digest over 16 million, The National Geographic over 10
million. For many people, magazines have been the most available and widely used form of continuing education,
providing information about history, geography, literature, science, and the arts, as well as guidance on gardening,
cooking, home decorating, financial management, psychology, even marriage and family life.

Until the rise of television, magazines were the most available form of cheap, convenient entertainment in the
English-speaking world. Radio served a similar function, but it was more limited in what it could do. Magazines and
television, however, both address the more powerful visual sense. During the third quarter of the 20th century,
coincident with a dramatic rise in the popularity of television, many general interest, especially illustrated
magazines went out of business. The shift in attention of a mass, audience from reading such magazines to
watching television has been a major factor in this decline, but it is an implicit tribute from television to the older
genre that its programs are generally organized in a single format and content.
(*) Từ mới:
cater: phục vụ, cung cấp;
succumb: thua, không chịu nổi, không chống nổi;
circulation: sự lưu thông, sự thông hành;
guidance: sự điều khiển, hướng dẫn;
function: hàm, tính năng;
coincident: trùng khớp;
implicit: ngấm, ngấm ngầm; ẩn tàng;
tribute: vật cống, đồ cống;
31. From the passage, it can be inferred that ______________. 31. b
a. movies have replaced magazines
b. the author is fond of magazines
c. almost all magazines are printed in English
d. home decorating magazine are dramatic
32. a
32. According to the passage, which of the following magazines is no longer printed?

a. The Saturday Evening Post

b. The Reader's Digest
c. The Nation
d. The National Geographic
33. c
33. The passage implies that magazines _________________.

a. are less visual than radio

b. put television out of business
c. influence television programs
d. have a limited range of subjects
34. The passage mainly discusses ____________________. 34. b
a. the rise and fall of the radio business
b. the growth and decline of magazines in the 20th century
c. magazines and continuing education
d. the decline of international circulation
35. d
35. What does the author say about mass audiences?

a. They have little influence on communications in the 20th century.

b. They have gone out of business.
c. They get information about gardening and psychology from radio.
d. They have shifted their attention from magazines to television.
VI. Finish the second sentence so that is has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given
words or phrases.
36. Wheat is grown on our farm, and so is corn. 36
Both __________________.
37. Levine has that book, or Teddy has that book. 37
Either ________________.
38. Timothy wasn’t at the party last night, and Jessie wasn’t either. 38
Neither _______________.
39. His brother is living in Hanoi and his sister is, too. 39
Not only ______________.
40. Did Thomas Edison invent the telephone? 40
Was it the ____________.

Exercise 1. Combine the sentences using both...and, neither….or, or neither... nor.

(Nối câu bởi sử dụng both...and, either...or, hoặc neither...nor.)
1. Jim is on holiday and so is Carol. (Jim đang đi n
2. George doesn’t smoke and he doesn't drink. (George không
3. Jim hasn't got a car. Carol hasn't got a car, either. (Jim không có
4. It was a very boring film. It was very long, too. (Đó là một bộ
5. Is that man’s name Richard? Or is it Robert? It’s one of the two. (Tên của người
6. I haven't got time to so on holiday. And I haven't got the money. (Tôi không có
7. We can leave today or we can leave tomorrow. (Chúng ta có t
8. Helen lost her passport at the airport. She also lost her wallet there. (Helen mất hộ

9. There are good reasons for using bicycle in big cities: They are clean. They are also easy to park. (Có lý do chín
10. On Friday evening, sometimes I go to the cinema, sometimes I stay at home and watch T.V. (Vào tối thứ S
Exercise 2. Change the sentences into cleft sentences in the passive.
(Đổi sang câu chẻ (câu nhấn mạnh) ở thể bị động.)
1. Fans gave Christina lots of flowers. (Người hâm mộ
2. The pedestrian asked the policeman for direction to the post office. (Người đi bộ
3. People talked a lot about his house. (Mọi người nói
4. His father bought him a bicycle for his birthday. (Bố anh mua c
5. He described his hometown in his novel. (Ông mô tả qu
6. She frightened the children. (Cô ấy đã làm
7. Her younger sister broke her glasses. (Em gái của cô
8. The Prince kissed my younger sister at the party. (Hoàng tử hôn
9. My father gave me this story book as a birthday present. (Cha tôi đã ch
10. Vietnamese people celebrate Tet as the greatest occasion in a year. (Người Việt ăn
Exercise 3. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence closest in meaning to the
given sentence.
Chọn đáp án A, B, C hoặc D để chọn câu có nghĩa gần nhất so với câu được đưa ra.
1. There wasn’t anyone at the meeting. 1.b
A. There wasn’t no one at the meeting.
B. There was no one at the meeting.
C. No one was there at the meeting.
D. There was no one not at the meeting.
2. Both singers had bad voices. 2.a
A. Neither of the singers had good voices.
B. Neither the singers had good voices.
C. The singers neither had good voices. '
D. The singers had good voices neither.
3. All of the cups are dirty. 3.c
A. None of the cups are clean.
B. None of the cups are dirty.
C. None of the cups is clean.
D. None of the cups is dirty.
4. Everyone was cheering loudly. 4.d
A. All was cheering loudly.
B. All of everyone was cheering loudly.
C. All of everyone were cheering loudly.
D. All were cheering loudly.
5. I read both books, but I liked neither of them. 5.b
A. I read both books, but I liked either of them.
B. I read both books, but I didn’t like either of them.
C. I read both books, but I liked them either.
D. I read both books, but either I didn’t like them.
6. Whenever I cross the Channel by boat, I feel seasick. 6.d
A. Every by the time I cross the Channel by boat I feel seasick.
B. Every of all time I cross the Channel by boat I feel seasick.
C. Every of the time I cross the Channel by boat I feel seasick.
D. Every time I cross the Channel by boat I feel seasick.

Exercise 4. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete each of the sentences.

Chọn đáp án A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu sau.
1. I’m afraid there are__________ vacancies in the company at present. 1.a
A. no B. each C. either D. every
2. I think we should be given at least fifty pounds______________ . 2.d
A. neither B. every C. either D. each
3. ________ other Saturday we watch our local football team. 3.c
A. All B. Each C. Every D. Either
4. Let’s start now. There’s____________ time like the present! 4.b
A. all B. no C. every D. each
5.________ you are interested in doing is going to the cafe! 5.c
A. Every B. Either C. All D. Neither
6. There are two beds. You can sleep in _____________ one, it doesn’t matter. 6.d
A. neither B. every C. each D. either
7. Sally gave a present to____________ and every one of us! 7.b
A. no B. each C. every D. either
8. And the star of our show is____________ other than Nick Carter! 8.c
A. every B. each C. no D. all
9. My boss has given me____________ chance to succeed. I’m so grateful to her. 9.b
A. each B. every C. all D. no
/z/, còn lại: /s/
/d/, còn lại: /t/
/s/, còn lại: /z/
/s/, còn lại: /iz/
/t/, còn lại: /d/

be fond of;

recreation: sự giải lao, sự giải trí, sự tiêu khiển;

entertain: vui chơi, giải trí với ai;

recreation = pastime: sự giải trí, tiêu khiển;

undertake = take up: tiến hành, thực hiện;

momento = souvenir: kỉ vật;

spectacular ~ impressive: đẹp mắt;

sophisticated = complicated: phức tạp;

solitude = privacy: sự biệt lập, riêng tư;

think → thinks

washed → was washed

availability → available
are → is
nor → is

Dẫn chứng: “Although some US magazines, such as The Saturday Evening Post, has succumbed to
competition of television…”

Dẫn chứng: “The shift in attention of a mass, audience from reading such magazines to watching
television has been a major factor in this decline, but it is an implicit tribute from television to the
older genre that its programs are generally organized in a single format and content.”
Dẫn chứng: “The shift in attention of a mass, audience from reading such magazines to watching

Both wheat and corn are grown on our farm.

Either Levine or Teddy has that book.

Neither Timothy nor Jessie was at the party last night.

Not only his brother but also his sister is living in Hanoi.

Was it the telphone that was invented by Thomas Edison?

1. Both Jim and Carol are on holiday.

(Cả Jim và Carol đều đi nghỉ mát.)
2. George neither smokes nor drinks.
(George không hút thuốc cũng không uống rượu.)
3. Neither Jim nor Carol has got a car.
(Không Jim cũng không Carol có ô tô.)
4. The film was both long and boring.
(Bộ phim vừa dài vừa chán.)
5. That man's name is either Richard or Robert.
(Tên của người đàn ông đó hoặc là Richard hoặc là Robert.)
6. I’ve got neither time nor money to go on holiday.
(Tôi không có thời gian cũng không có tiền để đi nghỉ mát.)
7. We can leave either today or tomorrow.
(Chúng ta có thể rời đi vào hôm nay hoặc ngày mai.)
8. Helen lost both her passport and wallet at the airport.
(Helen mất cả hộ chiếu và ví ở sân bay.)

9. There are good reasons for using bicycles in big cities: They are both clean and easy to park.
(Những lý do chính đáng để sử dụng xe đạp ở thành phố lớn: Chúng sạch và dễ đỗ xe.)
10. On Friday evening, I either go to the cinema or stay at home and watch T.V.
(Vào tối thứ 6, tôi hoặc là đi xem phim hoặc là ở nhà xem tivi.)

1. It was Christina who/ whom was given a lot of flowers by fans.

(Chính Christina là người được người hâm mộ tặng rất nhiều hoa.)
2. It was the policeman who/ whom was asked for direction to the post office.
(Đó là cảnh sát viên được nhờ chỉ đường đến bưu điện.)
3. It was his house that was talked a lot about.
(Đó là ngôi nhà của anh ấy cái mà đã được nói rất nhiều về.)
4. It was the bicycle that was bought for him for his birthday.
(Đó là chiếc xe đạp đã được mua cho anh ta vào ngày sinh nhật.)
5. It was his hometown that was described in his novel.
(Đó là quê hương của ông đã được mô tả trong cuốn tiểu thuyết của ông.)
6. It was the children who were frightened.
(Đó là những đứa trẻ bị làm cho hoảng sợ.)
7. It was her glasses that were broken.
(Đó là cặp kính của cô ấy đã bị vỡ.)
8. It was my younger sister who was kissed at the party by the Prince.
(Đó là em gái tôi đã được hôn tại bữa tiệc bởi hoàng tử.)
9. It was this story book that was given to me as a birthday present by my father.
(Đó là cuốn sách câu chuyện đã được tặng cho tôi như một món quà sinh nhật của cha tôi.)
10. It is Tet that is celebrated as the greatest occasion in a year by the Vietnamese.
(Đó là Tết được tổ chức là dịp lớn nhất trong năm của người Việt Nam.)
Unit 15: Space Conquest
Từ Phân loại Phát âm Nghĩa

appoint v /əˈpɔɪnt/ bổ nhiệm

artificial a /ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃl/ nhân tạo

aspiration n /ˌæspəˈreɪʃn/ khát vọng

astronaut n /ˈæstrənɔːt/ nhà du hành vũ trụ

bid goodbye /bɪd ˌɡʊdˈbaɪ/ chào tạm biệt

biography n /baɪˈɒɡrəfi/ tiểu sử, lí lịch

breakthrough n /ˈbreɪkθruː/ bước đột phá

caption n /ˈkæpʃn/ lời chú thích

challenge v/n /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ thách thức, thử thách

Congress n /ˈkɒŋɡres/ Nghị viện, quốc hội (ở Hoa Kì)
conquest n /ˈkɒŋkwest/ sự chinh phục
cosmonaut n /ˈkɒzmənɔːt/ nhà du hành vũ trụ (Nga)
extreme a /ɪkˈstriːm/ vô cùng, cực độ
feat n /fiːt/ chiến công, chiến tích
gravity n /ˈɡrævəti/ trọng lực, lực hấp dẫn
leap n /liːp/ bước nhảy
mission n /ˈmɪʃn/ sứ mệnh, nhiệm vụ
orbit n /ˈɔːbɪt/ quỹ đạo
pioneer n /ˌpaɪəˈnɪə(r)/ người tiên phong, đi đầu
pressure n /ˈpreʃə(r)/ áp suất, áp lực
psychological a /ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkl/ thuộc về tâm lí
reminder n /rɪˈmaɪndə(r)/ sự (cái) làm gợi nhớ, nhắc nhở
shuttle n /ˈʃʌtl/ tàu vũ trụ con thoi
tragic a /ˈtrædʒɪk/ bi thảm
venture n /ˈventʃə(r)/ việc mạo hiểm
1. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /nt/
Âm /nt/ về chính tả thường được viết là "nt”, ví dụ: went, rent, tenant,…
2. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /nd/
Âm /nd/ về chính tả thường được viết là "nd”, ví dụ: end, remind, friend,…
Âm /nd/ về chính tả thường được viết là “ned”, ví dụ: warned,…
3. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /nθ/
Âm /nθ/ về chính tả thường được viết là “nth”, ví dụ: month, seventh, tenth,…
4. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /ns/
Âm /ns/ về chính tả thường được viết là "nce", ví dụ: chance, glance, Florence,…
Âm /ns/ về chính tả cũng có thể được viết là "nse", ví dụ: tense,…
5. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /nz/
Âm /nz/ về chính tả thường được viết là "nes" hoặc “ns”, ví dụ: phones, learns, tonnes,…

1. Could/be able to
1.1. Could
a. Đôi khi "could" là dạng quá khứ của "can". Chúng ta dùng "could" đặc biệt với: see, hear, smell, taste, feel,
remember, understand,…
Ví dụ:
When we went into the house,we could smell burning.
She spoke in a very low voice, but I could understand what she said.
b. Chúng ta dùng could để diễn tả ai đó nói chung có khả năng hay được phép làm điều gì
Ví dụ:
My father could speak three languages.
We were completely free. We could do what we wanted.
c. Chúng ta dùng could để chỉ khả năng nói chung
d. Dạng phủ định couldn't (could not) có thể được dùng cho tất cả các trường hợp:
Ví dụ:
My younger brother couldn't swim.
We tried hard but we couldn't persuade them to come with us.
Alli played well but he couldn't beat Jake.
1.2. Be able to
a. Dùng để chỉ khả năng làm được một việc gì đó, đôi khi có thể sử dụng thay thế cho "can", nhưng không thông
dụng bằng "can"
Ví dụ:
I'm able to read. = I can read.
b. Dùng để đề cập tới một sự việc xảy ra trong một tình huống đặc biệt (particular situation), chúng ta
dùng was/were able to… (không dùng could):
Ví dụ:
The fire spread throughthe building quickly but everybody was able to escape.
2. Câu hỏi đuôi (Tag questions)
2.1. Quy tắc chung
statement, tag?
- Câu nói và phần đuôi luôn ở dạng đối nhau:
câu nói khẳng định, đuôi phủ định?
câu nói phủ định, đuôi khẳng định?
Ví dụ:
The children are playing in the yard, aren’t they?
- Chủ từ của câu nói là đại từ, ta lặp lại đại từ này
Ví dụ: She is a teacher, isn’t she?
- Chủ từ là danh từ, ta dùng đại từ tương ứng thay thế
Ví dụ: People speak English all over the world, don’t they?
- Đại từ bất định nothing, everything: được thay bằng “it”
Ví dụ: Everything is ready, isn’t it?
- Các đại từ no one, nobody, someone, somebody, everyone, everybody, anyone, anybody: được thay
bằng “they”
Ví dụ: Someone called me last night, didn’t they?
- Đại từ this/that được thay bằng “it”; these/those được thay bằng “they”
Ví dụ:
That is his car, isn’t it?
These are your new shoes, aren’t they?
- “There” trong cấu trúc “there + be” được dùng lại ở phần đuôi
Ví dụ: There aren’t any students in the classroom, are there?
- Câu nói có trợ động từ (will / can / shall / should / is / are …): trợ động từ được lặp lại ở phần đuôi
Ví dụ: You will come early, won’t you?
- Câu nói không có trợ động từ: trợ động từ do / does / did được dùng ở phần đuôi
Ví dụ:
It rained yesterday, didn’t it?
She works in a restaurant, doesn’t she?
- Câu nói có chứa các từ phủ định (never, seldom, rarely, hardly, …) thì phần đuôi khẳng định
Ví dụ:
Nam never comes late, does he?
Note: Động từ trong phần đuôi ở phủ định thì luôn được viết ở dạng rút gọn.
2.2. Một số trường hợp đặc biệt
- Phần đuôi của I am là aren’t I
Ví dụ: I am watching TV, aren’t I?
- Phần đuôi của Let’s là shall we
Ví dụ: Let’s go out for dinner tonight, shall we?
- Câu mệnh lệnh khẳng định:
+ dùng phần đuôi won’t you để diễn tả lời mời
+ dùng phần đuôi will/would/can/can’t you để diễn tả lời yêu cầu lịch sự
Ví dụ:
Have a cup of tea, won’t you?
Turn off the light, will you?
- Câu mệnh lệnh phủ định: dùng phần đuôi will you để diễn tả lời yêu cầu lịch sự
Ví dụ: Please don’t smoke here, will you?
- Phần đuôi của ought to là shoudn’t
Ví dụ: He ought to do exercise every morning, shouldn’t he?
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
1. a. happens b. reminds c. wears d. rents
2. a. tones b. changes c. miles d. heroes
3. a. fifteenth b. mouth c. southern d. author
4. a. raise b. tense c. nurse d. increase
5. a. joined b. walked c. stepped d. launched
II. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the
underlined word or phrase:
6. She is never satisfied ______ what she's got.
a. to b. with c. for d. in .
7. In 1961 Yuri Gagarin lifted ______ into space aboard the Vostok 1.
a. off b. up c. on d. Ø
8. After landing, the team members were greeted like ______ heroes.
a. conquer b. conquering c. conqueror d. conquest
9. No one knew precisely what would happen to a human being in space.
a. exactly b. clearly c. carefully d. vividly
10. The astronauts were able to send the information back to the earth.
a. spaceships b. space stations c. spacemen d. space shots
11. No one is better cook than his mother, ______?
a. is she b. isn't she c. are they d. aren’t they
12. Do it right now, ______?
a. will you b. shall you c. do you d. don't you
13. There are no easy ways to learn a foreign language, ______?
a. are they b. are there c. aren't they d. aren't there
14. He seldom goes to the library, ______?
a. doesn’t he b. is he c. does he d. isn’t he
15. Let's go for a long walk, ______?
a. will we b. shall we c. don't you d. do you
III. Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences:
16. People knew little about life in space before Gagarin’s ___________ flight. (history)
17. She got great __________ from helping people study English. (satisfy)
18. ____________, Gagarin died in a plane crash on a routine training flight in March 1968. (fortune)
19. How would the mind deal with the ___________ tension? (psychology)
20. The ___________ flight of Shenzhou 5 marked a milestone in China’s space project. (success)
IV. Complete each of the following tag questions:
21. These sausages are delicious, _________? - They certainly are.
22. You haven’t lived here long, _________? - No, only six months.
23. It’s quite a big garden, __________? - Yes, there’s plenty of room.
24. There aren’t many people here yet, __________? - No, but it’s till quite early.
25. You are Brian’s friend, _________? - Yes, I’m Justin.
V. Complete the sentences with the correct form of could/be able to. Use the negative if necessary:
26. Suddenly all the lights went out. We _________ see anything.
27. The computer went wrong, but luckily Emily _________ put it right again.
28. There was a big party last night. You __________ hear the music half a kilometer away.
29. I learnt English as a child. I __________ speak English when I was seven.
30. The bus was full. I __________ find a seat anywhere.
VI. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer:
There is one planet that still fascinates and teases scientists mainly because it doesn't have an atmosphere to
obscure observation, yet it is not big enough for sufficiently accurate telescopic observation. The fact that it is also
very close to the sun also makes it difficult for astronomers.
However, space telescopes have told us a lot more about Mercury. It is rather similar to Earth's moon and to
Mars. There are mountainous areas dotted with craters and large valleys which are uncratered. The moon's
valleys have fewer cracks and the ridges are smoother. Mercury's valleys are filled with volcanic rocks, similar to
on the moon, yet there is no evidence of volcanoes, even extinct ones, on Mercury, as there is on the both Mars
and the moon, and of course here on Earth.

So, scientists presume the valleys on Mercury were caused by different things, that is to say not by volcanoes, but
by very large meteorites, which also caused the cracks in the terrain and left the ridges rough and uneven. More
and better photos of Mercury are needed to prove what are at present at best only hypotheses.

(*) Từ mới:
tease: quấy rầy;
obscure: che khuất, làm tối, làm mờ;
observation: khả năng quan sát, năng lực quan sát, sự quan sát;
telescope: kính thiên văn;
astronomer: nhà thiên văn học;
crater: hố (bom), miệng núi lửa;
crack: đường nứt, đường nẻ;
ridge: chóp, chỏm, ngọn, đỉnh (núi);
presume: cho là, coi như là, cầm bằng là; đoán chừng;
meteorite: đá trời, thiên thạch;
terrain: (quân sự), (địa lý,địa chất) địa thế, địa hình địa vật;
hypotheses: giả thuyết;
31. What is the topic of this passage?
a. The planet, Mercury b. Observation of planets
c. The Earth's moon d. Astronomers' difficulties

32. Why does Mercury still tease scientists?

a. Because it has an atmosphere which obscures observation.

b. Because it is too close to the sun.
c. Because it is too small.
d. Because it is difficult for space probes to get close to.

33. What is true about Mercury but not true about the moon or Mars?

a. The valleys are filled with volcanic rocks.

b. There are no volcanoes.
c. The valleys are uncratered.
d. There are hilly regions.

34. What does the author imply space telescopes can do better than land-based telescopes?

a. Show, the volcanoes on Mercury.

b. Show the meteorites which hit Mercury.
c. Show what caused Mercury's valleys.
d. Show more of the planet, Mercury.

35. What can we infer from the passage that astronomers still need to get more detailed observation of Mercury?
a. Better and more space telescopes.
b. More hypotheses.
c. Larger space telescopes.
d. More ways to prove hypotheses.
VII. Choose the phrase that best completes the sentence:
36. __________ by meteorites whose impact formed craters of all size.
a. The surface of the moon was shaped
b. The moon whose surface shaped
c. The surface of the shaped moon
d. The surface was forming the shape of the moon
37. Many craters on the Earth's surface were probably formed by very large meteorites _________________.
a. when smashed into the ground was an explosion
b. which smashed into the ground and an explosion
c. smashing into the ground and exploding
d. they smashed into the ground and exploded
38. Throughout history, the moon has inspired not only song and dance __________________.
a. but poetry and prose as well
b. but poetry also prose
c. together with poetry and prose
d. and also poetry and prose
39. Claudius Ptolemy, __________________ of the first century A.D., left a good description of the geocentric
a. he was an astronomer and a philosopher
b. being an astronomer and a philosopher
c. an astronomer and who was a philosopher
d. who was an astronomer and a philosopher
40. __________ the fifth largest among the nine planets that make up our solar system.
a. The Earth being b. The Earth is
c. That the Earth is d. Being the Earth

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences, using could, couldn’t or was/were (not) able to.
(Hoàn thành câu, sử dụng could, couldn't hoặc was/were (not) able to.)
Examples: (Ví dụ)
- My grandfather was a very clever man. He could speak five languages.
(Ông tôi là một người rất thông minh. Ông có thể nói năm ngôn ngữ.)
- I looked everywhere for the book but I couldn’t find it.
(Tôi đã tìm cuốn sách khắp mọi nơi nhưng tôi không thể tìm thấy nó.)
- They didn’t want to come with us at first but we were able to persuade them.
(Ban đầu họ không muốn đi với chúng tôi nhưng chúng tôi có thể thuyết phục họ.)
1. Laura had hurt her leg and ________ walk very well.

2. Sue wasn't at home when I phoned but I ________ contact her at her office.

3. I looked very carefully and I ________ see a figure in the distance.

4. I wanted to buy some tomatoes. The first shop I went to didn’t have any but I ________ get some
in the next shop.
5. My grandmother loved music. She ________ play the piano very well.

6. I had forgotten to bring my camera so I ________ take any photographs.

Exercise 2. Read the situation and write a sentence with a tag question. In each situation you are
asking your friend to agree with you.
(Đọc tình huống và viết một câu với câu hỏi đuôi. Trong mỗi tình huống em đang đề nghị bạn em
đồng ý với em.)
Example: You look out of the window. The sky is blue and the sun is shining. What do you say to your
(beautiful day)
(Ví dụ: Bạn nhìn ra ngoài cửa sổ. Bầu trời xanh và mặt trời chiếu sáng. Bạn nói gì với bạn của bạn? -
ngày đẹp trời)
=> It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? (Đó là một ngày đẹp trời, phải không?)
1. You’re with a friend outside a restaurant. You're looking at the prices, which are very high.
⟶ What do you say? (expensive) It __________________.
2. You’ve just come out of the cinema with a friend. You really enjoyed the film. What do you say to
your friend? (great)
⟶ The film __________________ ?
3. You and a friend are listening to a woman singing. You like her voice very much. What do you say
to your friend? (a lovely voice)
⟶ She __________________ ?
4. You are trying on a jacket. You look in the mirror and you don’t like what you see. What do you say
to your friend? (not/look/ Very good )
⟶ It __________________ ?
5. Your friend's hair is much shorter than when you last met. What do you say to her/ him? (have/
your hair/ cut)
⟶ You __________________ ?

Exercise 3. Mark and Jenny were showing some farnily photographs to a friend. Here are some of
the questions that were asked. Complete the questions by adding the tag questions.
(Mark và Jenny đang khoe ảnh gia đình với một người bạn. Đây là những câu hỏi được đặt ra. Hoàn
thành các câu hỏi bằng cách thêm câu hỏi đuôi.)
1. That's a lovely picture of Sally. She looks just like Mary, _______?

2. I think you’ve seen this one before, _______?

3. This photograph was taken in Scotland, _______?

4. We took this on holiday, _______?

5. We’ll go there again next year, _______?

6. You can see the sea in the distance, _______?

7. That must be Jenny’s father, _______?

Exercise 4. Complete the conversation with the correct form of can/be able to.
Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại sau với dạng đúng của can/be able to
Harriet: Hello, David. I’m sorry I haven’t (1. come)_______________ and see you before. I’ve been
really busy lately. How are you?
David: I’m OK, thanks. I (2. walk)_________________ around now. The doctor says I (3. go)
___________ back to work soon. It’ll be nice (4. get)_________________ out again. I hate being
stuck here like this. I haven’t (5. do)___________ anything interesting.

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of could/be able to. Use the negative if
Hoàn thành các câu sau với dạng đúng của could/be able to. Sử dụng phủ định nếu cần.
1. Suddenly all the lights went out. We________________ see anything.
2. The computer went wrong, but luckily Emma_________________ put it right again.

3. There was a big party last night. You ____________________ hear the music half a mile away.
4. I learnt to read music as a child. I________________ read it when I was five.
5. People heard warnings about the flood, and they________________ move out in time.
6. The train was full. 1______________ find a seat anywhere.

Exercise 6. Add the tags to complete the sentences.

Thêm câu hỏi đuôi để hoàn thành câu.
1. These sausages are delicious,________________ ? - They certainly are.
2. You haven’t lived here long,______________ _? - No, only three months.
3. It’s quite a big garden,_______________ ? - Yes, there’s plenty of room.
4. There aren’t many people here yet,________________ ? - No, but it’s till quite early.
5. You’re Rachel’s friend,_______________ ? - Yes, I’m Vicky.
6. You came in a sports car,_______________ ? - That’s right.
7. We can sit on the grass, ______________ ? - I think it’s dry enough.
8. The weather forecast wasn’t very good,_________________ ? - No, it wasn’t

Exercise 7. Complete the conversation by putting in the question tags.

Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại bằng cách thêm câu hỏi đuôi
Emma: You don’t really want to go out with me any more,(1)_______?
Matthew: Of course I do. But I need a bit of time to myself sometimes.
Emma: You get plenty of time to yourself, (2)______ ?
Matthew: Emma, you know what I feel for you. I’ve told you enough times, (3)_______ ?
Emma: Yes, you have. And you’re quite happy, (4)______ ? You don’t mind, (5)_______ ? The
situation doesn’t bother you, (6)______?
Matthew: Why are we arguing? There’s nothing to argue about, (7)______ ?
Emma: You can’t ever look at things from my point of view, (8)_______ ?
1. d /s/, còn lại: /z/
2. b /iz/, còn lại: /z/
3. c /ð/, còn lại: /θ/
4. a /z/, còn lại: /s/
5. a /d/, còn lại: /t/

6. b be satisfied with;

7. a lift off: phóng (tên lửa, tàu vũ trụ);

8. b conquering: chinh phục, chế ngự;

9. a precisely = exactly: chính xác;

10. c astronaut = spaceman: nhà du hành vũ trụ;

11. c

12. a

13. b

14. c

15. b

16 historic
17 satisfaction
18 Unfortunately
19 psychological
20 successful

21 aren’t they
22 have you
23 isn’t it
24 are there
25 aren’t you

26 couldn’t
27 was able to
28 could
29 could/was able to
30 couldn’t/wasn’t able to
31. a

32. c Dẫn chứng: “There is one planet that still fascinates and teases scientists mainly because it doesn't
have an atmosphere to obscure observation, yet it is not big enough for sufficiently accurate
telescopic observation.”

33. b Dẫn chứng: “…yet there is no evidence of volcanoes, even extinct ones, on Mercury, as there is on
the both Mars and the moon…”

34. d Dẫn chứng: “More and better photos of Mercury are needed to prove what are at present at best only

35. a
36. a

37. c

38. a

39. d

40. b

1. Laura had hurt her leg and couldn’t/ wasn't able to walk very well.
(Laura đã bị thương ở chân và không thể đi bộ tốt lắm.)
2. Sue wasn't at home when I phoned but I was able to contact her at her office.
(Sue không ở nhà khi tôi gọi điện thoại nhưng tôi có thể liên lạc với cô ấy tại văn phòng của cô ấy.)
3. I looked very carefully and I could/ was able to see a figure in the distance.
(Tôi nhìn rất cẩn thận và tôi có thể nhìn thấy một con số ở đằng xa.)

4. I wanted to buy some tomatoes. The first shop I went to didn’t have any but I was able to get some in the next shop.
(Tôi muốn mua một ít cà chua. Cửa hàng đầu tiên tôi đến không có bất kỳ thứ gì nhưng tôi có thể mua một số ở cửa hàng tiếp theo.)
5. My grandmother loved music. She could/ was able to play the piano very well.
(Bà tôi yêu âm nhạc. Bà có thể chơi piano rất tốt.)
6. I had forgotten to bring my camera so I couldn’t/ wasn’t able to take any photographs.
(Tôi đã quên mang theo máy ảnh của mình vì vậy tôi không thể chụp bất kỳ bức ảnh nào.)

(Bạn đang ở cùn1. It is (very) expensive, isn't it?

(Nó rất đắt tiền đúng không?)

(Bạn vừa mới ra2. The film was great, wasn’t it?
(Bộ phim thật hay, đúng không?)

(Bạn và một ngư

3. She has a lovely voice, doesn't she?
(Cô ấy có giọng thật đáng yêu, đúng không?)

(Bạn đang mặc 4.

á It doesn't look very good, does it?
(Nó trông không đẹp lắm, đúng không?)

(Tóc của bạn bạ5. You have had your hair cut, haven't you?
(Bạn đã cắt tóc đúng không?)

1. That's a lovely picture of Sally. She looks just like Mary, doesn't she?
(Đó là một bức ảnh đáng yêu của Sally. Cô ấy trông giống Mary, phải không?)
2. I think you’ve seen this one before, haven't you?
(Tôi nghĩ bạn đã từng thấy cái này trước đây, phải không?)
3. This photograph was taken in Scotland, wasn't it?
(Bức ảnh này được chụp ở Scotland, phải không?)
4. We took this on holiday, didn't we?
(Chúng tôi đã chụp ảnh này vào kỳ nghỉ, phải không?)
5. We’ll go there again next year, won't we?
(Chúng ta sẽ lại đến đó vào năm tới, đúng không?)
6. You can see the sea in the distance, can't you?
(Bạn có thể thấy biển ở xa xa, phải không?)
7. That must be Jenny’s father, isn't it?
(Đó phải là cha của Jenny, phải không?)
1. been able to come
2. can walk / am able to walk

3. can go / will be able to go

4. to be able to get
5. been able to do

1. couldn’t
2. was able to

3. could
4. could / was able to
5. were able to
6. couldn’t / wasn’t able to

1. aren’t they?
2. have you?
3. isn’t it?
4. can’t we?
5. aren’t you?
6. didn't you?
7. was it?
8. was it?

1. do you? Emma: Bạn không thực sự muốn đi chơi với tôi nữa à?
2. don't you? Matthew: Tất nhiên là tôi sẽ đi. Nhưng đôi khi tôi cần đôi chút riêng tư.
3. haven't I? Emma: Bạn có nhiều thời gian cho chính mình không?
4. aren't you? Matthew: Emma, bạn biết tôi cảm thấy thế nào với bạn. Tôi đã nói với bạn là tôi có nhiều thời gian mà phải không?

5. do you ? Emma: Đúng. Và bạn cảm thấy vui vẻ chứ? Bạn không phiền phải không? Điều này sẽ không làm phiền bạn chứ?
6. does it? Matthew: Tại sao chúng ta lại cãi nhau? Không đáng cãi nhau mà phải không?
7. is there? Emma: Bạn không bao giờ có thể nhìn vào mọi thứ từ quan điểm của tôi cả phải chứ?
8. can you?
the next shop.
một số ở cửa hàng tiếp theo.)
thời gian mà phải không?

hông làm phiền bạn chứ?

Unit 16: The Wonders of the World
Từ Phân loại Phát âm Nghĩa
belongings n /bɪˈlɒŋɪŋz/ đồ dùng, đồ đạc
burial n /ˈberiəl/ sự mai táng, chôn cất
chamber n /ˈtʃeɪmbə(r)/ gian buồng, phòng
dedicate v /ˈdedɪkeɪt/ biếu, cống hiến
enlist v /ɪnˈlɪst/ đăng ký, ghi sổ
eternal adj /ɪˈtɜːnl/ vĩnh cửu, vĩnh hằng
ground n /ɡraʊnd/ khoảng đất, bãi đất
impressive a /ɪmˈpresɪv/ gây ấn tượng
propose v /prəˈpəʊz/ đề nghị, đề xuất, đưa ra
pyramid n /ˈpɪrəmɪd/ hình chóp, tháp chóp, kim tự tháp Ai Cập;
ramp n /ræmp/ đường dốc
represent v /ˌreprɪˈzent/ tiêu biểu, đại diện
spiral a /ˈspaɪrəl/ xoắn ốc
structure n /ˈstrʌktʃə(r)/ cấu trúc, kết cấu
surpass v /səˈpɑːs/ vượt, trội hơn
theory n /ˈθɪəri/ lí thuyết, giả thuyết
throne n /θrəʊn/ ngai, ngai vàng
tomb n /tuːm/ mộ, mồ, mả
treasure n /ˈtreʒə(r)/ châu báu, kho báu
1. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /ft/
Âm /ft/ về chính tả thường được viết là "ft”, ví dụ: gift, lift, soft,…
2. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /vd/
Âm /vd/ về chính tả thường được viết là "ved”, ví dụ: arrived, loved, moved,…
3. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /fs/
Âm /fs/ về chính tả thường được viết là “ghs” hoặc “fs”, ví dụ: roofs, coughs, laughs,…
4. Nhận biết cụm phụ âm /vz/
Âm /vz/ về chính tả thường được viết là "ves", ví dụ: behaves, loves, knives,…

(*) Cấu trúc câu bị động dạng: It is said that/People say that:
It is said that.../People say that... đều có chung một ý nghĩa: "Người ta tin rằng/cho rằng/nghĩ rằng....".
Để viết câu có nghĩa giống với câu gốc bắt đầu bằng It is said that.../People say that... ta có các cách viết sau:
a. Nếu động từ trong mệnh đề đầu và mệnh đề thứ hai cùng thì, cùng thời điểm ta đưa động từ thứ hai về
nguyên mẫu có "to"
It + be + V1(ed/III) + that + S2 + V2 (s/es)
→ S2 + be + V1(ed/III) + to + V2 (infinitive)
Ví dụ:
It is said that many people are jobless after closing the factory.
→ Many people are said to be jobless after closing the factory.
S1 + V1 + that + S2 + V2
→ S2 + be + V1(ed/III) + to + V2(infinitive)
Ví dụ:
People say that smoking causes cancer.
→ Smoking is said to cause cancer.

b. Nếu động từ trong mệnh đề thứ hai diễn tả hành động xảy ra trước hành động của động từ trong mệnh
đề thứ nhất, ta chuyển động từ trong mệnh đề thứ hai về quá khứ phân từ rồi thêm "to have" vào trước

It + is + V1(ed/III) + that + S2 + V2(ed)

→ S2 + is + V1(ed/III) + to have + V2(ed/III)
Ví dụ:
It is said that you were in Paris then.
You are said to have been in Paris then.
S1 + V1 + that +S2 + V2(ed)
→ S2 + be + V1(ed/III) + to have + V2(ed/III)
Ví dụ:
People say that he wrote poetry.
He is said to have written poetry.
c. Nếu động từ ở mệnh đề thứ nhất ở thì hiện tại đơn mà động từ ở mệnh đề thứ hai ở thì hiện tại tiếp
diễn, ta đưa động từ tobe trong mệnh đề thứ hai về nguyên mẫu đứng trước V-ing.
It + is + V1(ed/III)/ S1 + V1 + that + S2 + Be + V-ing
→ S2 + be + V1(ed/III) + to + be + V-ing
Ví dụ:
It is said that/People say that he is living a simple life.
He is said to be living a simple life.
d. Nếu trong mệnh đề thứ hai có động từ khiếm khuyết (will, can, could,...) ta bỏ động từ khiếm khuyết đó
rồi thêm "to" vào trước động từ.
It + is + V1(ed/III)/ S1 + V1 + that + S2 + Modal verbs + V2 + …
→ S2 + be + V1(ed/III) + to + V2 + …
Ví dụ:
It was thought /People thought that she would win the race.
She was thought to win the race
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
1. a. coughs b. cliffs c. gifts d. walls
2. a. served b. buried c. ranked d. prepared
3. a. lift b. thick c. site d. visit
4. a. places b. thieves c. stones d. ensures
5. a. weight b. height c. freight d. eighteen
II. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the
underlined word or phrase:
6. The structure consisted ______ approximately 2 million blocks of stones.
a. on b. with c. of d. in
7. The Great Pyramid ranked ______ the tallest structure on earth for more than 43 centuries.
a. in b. of c. at d. as
8. The purpose of the pyramid was to protect the burial chamber ______ the weather.
a. for b. from c. of d. in
9. The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the, famous man-made wonders of the world.
a. artificial b. natural c. modern d. enternal
10. The Great Pyramid was only ______ in height in the nineteenth century AD.
a. proposed b. promoted c. improved d. surpassed
11. There are rumors of buried ______ in that old house.
a. belongings b. tomb c. treasure d. chamber
12. Each tower of the Ponagar Towers was ______ to a different god.
a. dedicated b. distributed c. delivered d. contributed
13. The Great Wall is China's most popular ______.
a. construction b. attraction c. impression d. contribution
14. A visit to the Great Wall will certainly bring tourists great ______ in each step of the wall.
a. excite b. exciting c. excitement d. excited
15. The Great Wall of China is considered one of the greatest wonders in the world ______ its magnificence and
a. in spite of b. because c. instead of d. thanks to
16. In 1987, the Great Wall was listed as a World Heritage _____ UNESCO.
a. with b. to c. of d. by
17. We are all keen ______ taking a trip to the Great Wall of China.
a. to b. on c. of d. in
18. We had to ______ the noise from the building site next door for three months.
a. give up b. stand up to c. put up with d. look up to
19. Remember to take all your personal ______ from the overhead locker when you leave the airplane.
a. belongings b. treasure c. wealth d. profits
20. One theory involved the construction of a straight or spiral ramp that was raised as the construction
a. ground b. path c. field d. slope
III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that needs correcting:
21. They are planning (A) on attending (B) the convention next month, and (C) so I am (D) .
22. Financier Andrew Mellon donated (A) most of this magnificent (B) art collection (C) to the National Gallery of
Art, where it is now locating (D).
23. Because of its (A) vast tracts of virtuallynhabited northern forest, Canada has one of the lowest (C)
population density (D) in the world.
24. Some of the (A) people were standing (B) the street watched (C) the parade, while others (D) were singing
25. As soon as Pete had arrived (A), he told us that he will be leaving (B) for London tomorrow (C) after
the board (D) meeting.
IV. Choose the sentence - a, b, c or d - which is closest in meaning to the printed one:
26. He liked Hanoi very little and Saigon less.
a. He liked Saigon but not Hanoi.
b. He thought Saigon was worse than Hanoi.
c. He liked Saigon more than Hanoi.
b. He didn't like Saigon as much as Hanoi.
27. He tends to lose his temper for no reason.
a. He has no reason so he loses his temper.
b. He has no reason for tending to lose his temper.
c. He easily gets angry when there is a reason.
d. He often gets angry for no reason.
28. He seemed very reluctant to take my advice.
a. He seemed quite willing to take my advice.
b. It seemed he was not ready to give me advice.
c. It seemed he was not willing to take my advice.
d. He seemed very anxious to take my advice.
29. Scarcely had the man left when the bomb exploded.
a. The bomb had exploded before the man left.
b. No sooner had the man left than the bomb exploded.
c. The man left and had the bomb exploded.
d. The bomb went off because of the man.
30. Steven outdoes his brother Ryan in math.
a. Steven surpasses Ryan in math.
b. Ryan surpasses Steven in math.
c. Steven always does Ryan's math for him.
d. Ryan and Steven make the same grade in math.
V. Read the following passage, and choose the best answer:

One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of
America in the nineteenth century by the people of France. The great statue, which was designed by the sculptor
Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete. The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal
framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel. Before it could be transported to the United States, a
site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built. The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New
York Harbour. By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall had been erected in Paris. The following year, it was
taken to pieces and sent to America. By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it
was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi. Ever since then, the great monument has been a
symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in

(*) Từ mới:
sculptor: nhà điêu khắc; thợ chạm;
copper: đồng (đỏ);
framework: khung, khuôn khổ;
pedestal: bệ, đôn;
erect: dựng đứng thẳng, đặt đứng thẳng;
liberty: tự do, quyền tự do;
31. The Statue of Liberty ____________.
a. is among the most famous monuments in the world
b. is the most famous monument in the world
c. was designed and constructed by the American sculptors
d. is located in the centre of New York

32. The Statue of Liberty ____________.

a. was sent to America in 1884

b. was never sent to America
c. was sent to America in 1885
d. was sent to America in 1886

33. The Statue of Liberty ____________.

a. was sold to the USA by the French people

b. was given to the American people as a present by the French people
c. was presented to the USA in the 18th century by the people of France
d. was designed and constructed according to the order placed by the French.
34. The Statue of Liberty was first erected ___________.
a. in Paris
b. on an island at the entrance of New York Harbour
c. in New York
d. in Eiffel Tower
35. The Statue of Liberty was made of ______________.
a. copper with mental framework
b. concrete with metal framework
c. concrete
d. copper
VI. Put the following sentences into the passive:
36. People say that she works 12 hours a day.

37. Everyone knows the portrait was painted by To Ngoc Van.

38. It is said that they have lived there for 8 years.

39. It is said that there is a secret tunnel between them.

40. They believe that the thief got in through the bedroom window.

Exercise 1. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it.
(Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa của nó giống như câu ban đầu.)
Example: It is said that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built over a 20-year period.
(Ví dụ: Người ta nói rằng Kim Tự Tháp Giza được xây dựng trong khoảng thời gian 20 năm.)
=> The Great Pyramid of Giza is said to have been built over a 20-year period.
(Kim tự tháp Giza vĩ đại được cho là đã được xây dựng trong khoảng thời gian 20 năm.)
1. It is said that many people are homeless after the floods.
2. It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over the wall.
3. It is believed that he drove through the town at 90km an hour.
4. It is reported that two people were seriously injured in the accident.
5. It is said that three men were arrested after the explosion.
6. It is expected that the strike will begin tomorrow.
7. It is said that he speaks English very well.
Exercise 2. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it.
(Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa của nó giống như câu ban đầu.)
Example: People say that he is 108 years old.
(Ví dụ: Mọi người nói rằng ông ấy 108 tuổi.)
=> He is said to be 108 years old.
(Ông ấy được nói rằng đã được 108 tuổi.)
1. People think that he is very clever.
2. People believe that the wanted man is living in New York.
3. People know that he is very rich.
4. People suppose that the film is very good.
5. People think that many people were killed in the accident.
6. People think that about a million puppies are born each year.
7. People say that the factories are much worse.
8. People say that those dogs are dangerous.

Exercise 3. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following sentences.
Chọn đáp án thích hợp cần sửa
1. The Great Pyramid(A) is believed(B) to have been built(C) over 20-year period(D).
2. The(A) Great Pyramid was 147 metres(B) on a base(C) of 230 square metres(D).
3. It ranked on(A) the tallest structure(B) on earth(C) for more than 43 centuries(D).
4. One(A) theory involves(B) the construction(C) of a straight and(D) spiral ramp.
5. The structure(A) consisted of(B) approximate(C) 2 million blocks of stone(D).
6. The blocks(A) were lined and(B) placed to use(C) thousands of huge weight arms(D).
7. But also(A) in the area is (B)the museum housing(C) the mysterious(D) Sun Boat.
8. There are (A)enough blocks(B) to build a wall(C) around French(D).
9. The boat is believed (A)to have ruined(B) a long time(C) ago( D).
10. The pyramids was(A) built by the Egyptian(B) people around(C) the year 2560 B.C.(D)

Exercise 4. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete each of the sentences.

Chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất.
1. My ten-dollar note_________ away by one of the boys.
A. to be taken B. has been taken
C. have taken D. are being taken
2. The results________ by the headmaster at the assembly on Monday.
A. is announced B. will announce
C. has been announced D. will be announced
3. This suggestion_________ forward by one of you at the next meeting.
A. must be put B. is put
C. have to be put D. are being put
4. All the tickets for the school fun-fair___________ .
A. was being sold B. were sold
C. have been sold D. is sold
5. Look! That piece of meat__________ by that dog.
A. is stolen B. is being stolen
C. have been stolen D. are stolen
6. The motorist________ a speeding ticket by the policeman.
A. have been handed B. was handed
C. will hand D. are being handed
7. He_______ the captain of the team by the coach.
A. will be chosen B. has chosen
C. will choose D. are being chosen
8. We_______ a reward.
A. has been offered B. will offer
C. are being offered D. may offer
9. The goods_________ to you at a higher price by the shopkeeper.
A. have been sold B. is being sold
C. is sold D. was being sold
10. The old warrior ________ to be still alive.
A. is believing B. were believed
C. have been believed D. is believed

Exercise 5. Complete the following passage using the passive form of the verbs in brackets.
Hoàn thành đoạn văn sử dụng dạng bị động với các từ trong ngoặc.

Ecuador (1. situate)_____________ on the equator in the northwest of South America. It (2. make) __________
up of a coastal plain in the west and a tropical rainforest in the east. These two areas (3.
separate)__________________ by

the Andes Mountains in the centre of the country. The economy (4. base) _____________ on oil and agricultural
products. More oil (5. produce) __________ in Ecuador than any other South American country except
Venezuela. Banana, coffee, cocoa (6. grow) ____________________ there. Many of these products (7.
export)_____________________ .

The people are mostly of Indian origin. Several Indian languages (8. speak) __________ there, for example,
Quechua. Spanish (9. speak)_________________ in Ecuador, too. The currency (10. call)
_____________________ the Sucre.
1. d /z/, còn lại: /s/
2. c /t/, còn lại: /d/
3. c /aɪ/, còn lại: /ɪ/
4. a /iz/, còn lại: /z/
5. b /aɪ/, còn lại: /eɪ/

6. c consist of: bao gồm;

7. d rank as: được xếp vào loại, đứng vào hàng, có địa vị;

8. b protect…from…: bảo vệ;

9. a artificial = man-made: nhân tạo;

10. d surpass: hơn, vượt, trội hơn;

11. c treasure: châu báu, kho báu;

12. a dedicate: biếu, cống hiến;

13. b

14. c

15. d thanks to: nhờ vào, nhờ có;

16. d

17. b

18. c put up with: chịu đựng, kiên nhẫn chịu đựng; tha thứ;

19. a belongings: đồ dùng, đồ đạc;

20. d ramp = slope: đường dốc;

21. D so I am → so am I
22. D locatin → located

23. D density → densities

24. C watched → watching

25. B will be leaving → would be leaving

26. b

27. d

28. c

29. b

30. a

31. a Dẫn chứng: “One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty…”
32. c Dẫn chứng: “By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall had been erected in Paris. The following year,
it was taken to pieces and sent to America.”

33. b Dẫn chứng: “…the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth
century by the people of France.”

34. a Dẫn chứng: “By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall had been erected in Paris.”

35. a Dẫn chứng: “The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework…”

36 It is said that she works 12 hours a day./ She is said to work 12 hours a day
37 It is known that the portrait was painted by To Ngoc Van./ The portrait is known to have been painted
by To Ngoc Van.
38 They are said to have lived there for 8 years.
39 There is said to be a secret tunnel between them.
40 It is believed that the thief got in through the bedroom window./ The thief are believed to have got in
through the bedroom window.

(Người ta nói rằn1. Many people are said to be homeless after the floods.
(Nhiều người được cho là vô gia cư sau lũ lụt.)
(Người ta nghĩ rằ2. The prisoner is thought to have escape by climbing over the wall.
(Tù nhân được cho là trốn thoát bằng cách trèo qua tường.)
(Người ta tin rằn 3. He is believed to have driven through the town at 90km an hour.
(Ông ấy được cho là lái xe qua thị trấn với tốc độ 90km/giờ.)
(Người ta thông 4. Two people are reported to have been seriously injured in the accident.
(Hai người được báo cáo là bị thương nặng trong vụ tai nạn.)
(Người ta nói rằ 5. Three men are said to have been arrested after the explosion.
(Ba người đàn ông được cho là bị bắt sau vụ nổ.)
(Người ta dự kiế 6. The strike is expected to begin tomorrow.
(Cuộc đình công dự kiến sẽ bắt đầu vào ngày mai.)
(Người ta nói rằn7. He is said to speak English very well.
(Anh ấy được nói rằng nói tiếng Anh rất tốt.)

(Mọi người nghĩ1. He is thought to be very clever.

(Anh ấy được cho là rất thông minh.)
(Mọi người tin 2. The wanted man is believed to be living in New York.
(Người đàn ông bị truy nã được cho là đang sống ở New York.)
(Mọi người biết3. He is known to be very rich.
(Anh ấy được biết là rất giàu có.)
(Mọi người cho4. The film is supposed to be very good.
(Bộ phim được cho là rất hay.)
(Mọi người nghĩ5. Many people are thought to be killed in the accident.
(Nhiều người được cho là bị thiệt mạng trong vụ tai nạn.)
(Mọi người ngh6. About a million puppies are thought to be born each year.
(Khoảng một triệu con chó được cho là được sinh ra mỗi năm.)
(Mọi người nói7. The factories are said to be much worse.
(Các nhà máy được cho là tồi tệ hơn nhiều.)
(Mọi người nói8. Those dogs are said to be dangerous.
(Những con chó được cho là nguy hiểm.)

1. D 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C

6.C 7. A 8.D 9. I 10. A

1. B 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C

6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10. D

1. is situated 2. is made 3. are seperated 4. is based 5. is produced

6. are grown 7. are exported 8. are spoken 9. is spoken 10. is called

Ecuador nằm trên đường xích đạo ở phía tây bắc của Nam Mỹ. Nó được tạo thành từ
đồng bằng ven biển ở phía tây và rừng mưa nhiệt đới ở phía đông. Hai khu vực này được
phân chia bởi Dãy núi Andes ở trung tâm của đất nước. Nền kinh tế dựa vào dầu và các
sản phẩm nông nghiệp. Nhiều loại dầu mỏ được sản xuất ở Ecuador hơn bất kỳ nước
Nam Mỹ nào khác ngoài Venezuela. Chuối, cà phê, ca cao được trồng ở đó. Nhiều sản
phẩm này được xuất khẩu.

Người dân chủ yếu là gốc Ấn Độ. Một số ngôn ngữ Ấn Độ được nói ở đó, ví dụ như
Quechua. Tiếng Tây Ban Nha cũng được nói đến ở Ecuador. Họ sử dụng đông tiền Sucre.

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