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Basic rules

Two teams of 9 players each compete during 9 innings in which the teams
alternate offense and defense.
Offense ́s goal is to hit the ball with the bat and score runs by reaching the
home base after touching the other three bases.
Defense ́s goal is to prevent the players from reaching the bases.
A baseball game is held in the so-called baseball diamond where participants
must recognize the four bases (home base, 1st, 2nd and 3 rd) and the
pitcher ́s mound or the elevated spot from which the pitcher throws (pitches)
the ball at the batter.

When playing defense, players spread out in the field trying to take up as much
field as possible in order to catch the hit balls.
There are four main defenders who stand at each base -the catcher, 1st, 2nd,
3rd baseman covering home base, 1st, 2nd and 3rd base-, being the 1st
baseman the most important one since the most “outs” are made at first base.
The rest of the defenders are called infielders.
All defenders along with the pitcher try to eliminate 3 players during the same
inning which means a switch of the batting team.
An offensive player is out / eliminated when:
a) Three strikes have been called against the batter –The batter is
“struck out”.
b) A ball hit by the batter is caught in the air or in flight.
c) A runner is tagged by a defensive player with the ball.
d) A base is covered by a defender before the runner reaches the base.
In order to call a strike against a batter several situations may come up:
- The batter assesses the pitch as a bad being good (ball approaches
the batter between the knees and the chest).
- The batter swings the bat and misses the ball.
- The batter hits the ball out of bounds.
When playing offense, batters try to hit the ball as far as possible in order to
reach a base. A batter hitting the ball, reaching the three bases in a row and
returning to the home base, scores a home-run.
Baseball doesn’t require an expensive gear: a bat, a helmet, a glove and a ball.

BASEBALL SKILLS (throwing, hitting, catching)

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