Pemetaan Kompetensi Dan Teknik Penilaian Perangkat Pembelajaran Kelas 8 SMP SKB

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Fase :D

Kelas/Semester : VIII / Ganjil Alokasi Waktu :

Indikator Ketercapaian Teknik Penilaian

No Tujuan Pembelajaran Tujuan Pembelajaran Kriteria Ketuntasan Tes Unjuk
Pembelajaran Proyek
(IKTP) Tertulis Kerja
1 1. Students can recognize Students can correctly
and understand the use of recognize and understand
Simple Past Tense to the use of Simple Past
express events or actions Tense to express
Understanding the
Simple Past that occurred and were completed past events or
1.1 Concept of Past Time and
Tense completed in the past. actions.
Mastery of Verb Forms
2. Students are able to Students demonstrate
identify and use the past comprehension of regular
tense forms of regular and and irregular past tense
irregular verbs. verb forms.
1. Students can make Students are proficient in
Forming positive, negative
positive, negative and constructing positive,
and interrogative Simple Past
1.2 interrogative sentences negative, and interrogative v
sentences in Simple Past Tense
using Simple Past Tense sentences using Simple
correctly. Past Tense with accuracy.
1.3 Connecting with Context Simple Past 1. Students are able to use Students can apply the v
and Mastering Adverbs of Tense the Simple Past Tense in appropriate verb forms and
Time the context of speaking sentence structures in
and writing about past various contexts.
experiences, stories or
Students appropriately
2. Students can use time
incorporate time adverbs
adverbs that often appear
associated with the Simple
with the Simple Past
Past Tense, such as v
Tense, such as
"yesterday," "last week,"
"yesterday," "last week,"
"two days ago," etc., in
"two days ago," etc.
their speech and writing.
1. Students can recognize
and select relevant
Students demonstrate
personal experiences to
fluency and coherence in
Talk about personal Personal share in story form and
2.1 narrating personal v
experiences in the past. Recount Text can use the Simple Past
experiences using the past
Tense appropriately in
telling their personal
1. Students can recognize
Students understand the
and understand the basic
basic structure of personal
structure of personal
recount texts, including v
recount text, namely
orientation, series of
orientation, series of
events, and reorientation.
2 Identify specific events, and reorientation.
2.2 information about personal 2. Students are able to
Recount Text Students can identify and
experiences. identify and use typical
utilize linguistic features
linguistic features in
characteristic of personal
personal recount texts, v
recount texts, such as past
such as the use of past
tense verbs, time adverbs,
tense verbs, time adverbs,
and conjunctions.
and conjunctions.
1. Students can write
Students can compose
personal recount texts
personal recount texts with
Write the main events of Personal correctly, clearly and
2.3 clarity, coherence, and v
personal experiences. Recount Text structured, describing their
proper chronological
personal experiences
1. Students can read and
Students can comprehend
understand personal
personal recount texts,
Developing Reading and Personal recount texts, identify main
2.4 extract main ideas, and v
Understanding Skills. Recount Text information, and
grasp detailed information
understand the details
presented within the text.
1. Students will be able to
Students can retell past
retell past incidents or
Talk about past incidents Factual Recount incidents or events using
3.1 events using appropriate v
or events. Text appropriate sentence
sentence structures and
structures and language.
1. Students will be able to Students can design and
Make questions for a short design and ask relevant ask relevant, clear
Factual Recount
3.2 interview about past and clear questions for a questions for conducting v
incidents or events. short interview about past short interviews about past
incidents or events. incidents or events.
1. Students will be able to
3 Students can identify the
Identify the main idea and identify the main idea and
main idea and detailed
detailed information on a Factual Recount detailed information from
3.3 information from texts or v
series of past incidents or Text texts or stories describing
stories describing a series
events. a series of past incidents
of past incidents or events.
or events.
Students are capable of
1. Students will be able to
crafting well-structured
write a well-structured
Write a series of past Factual Recount narratives about a series
3.4 narrative about a series of v
events. Text of past events, employing
past events, using correct
correct grammar and
grammar and vocabulary.
vocabulary usage.

Mengetahui, Bandung, Juli 2024

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Silviana Susanti, S,Sos., S.Pd Muhammad Iqbal, S.Pd.


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Fase :D

Kelas/Semester : VIII / Ganjil Alokasi Waktu :

Indikator Ketercapaian Teknik Penilaian

No Tujuan Pembelajaran Tujuan Pembelajaran Kriteria Ketuntasan Tes Unjuk
Pembelajaran Proyek
(IKTP) Tertulis Kerja
4 Students demonstrate the
1. Students will be able to ability to retell imaginative
retell an imaginative story stories with appropriate
using appropriate vocabulary and sentence
Retell and rewrite an
4.1 Narrative Text vocabulary and sentence structures, They effectively v
imaginative story.
structures, and convey the convey the storyline in a
storyline clearly and clear, engaging manner,
engagingly. capturing the audience's
4.2 Understanding the Narrative Text 1. Students will be able to Students recognize and v
Structure of Narrative recognize and understand comprehend the basic
Texts and Identifying the basic structure of structure of narrative texts,
Language Features narrative texts, including including orientation,
orientation, complication, complication, resolution,
resolution, and and reorientation
reorientation (optional). (optional).
Students identify and
utilize characteristic
2. Students will be able to
language features of
identify and use the
narrative texts, such as
characteristic language
action verbs, time adverbs,
features of narrative texts, v
and direct speech, They
such as action verbs, time
incorporate these features
adverbs, and direct
appropriately to enhance
the narrative flow and
Students can compose
narrative texts correctly,
clearly, and with a
1. Students will be able to
structured approach,
write narrative texts
creating engaging and
correctly, clearly, and in a
logically coherent stories. v
structured manner,
Their narratives
creating engaging and
demonstrate creativity,
logical stories.
organization, and
adherence to narrative
Developing Writing Skills
4.3 and Developing Reading Narrative Text
Students exhibit the ability
and Comprehension Skills
to read and understand
narrative texts, discerning
2. Students will be able to themes, characters,
read and understand settings, and plot
narrative texts, identifying elements. They analyze v
themes, characters, and interpret the content of
settings, and plot. narratives, identifying key
elements and
understanding the overall
5 Students are capable of
asking for and giving
opinions in various
1. Students will be able to
everyday situations. They
ask for and give opinions
use appropriate v
in various everyday
expressions to convey
their opinions and engage
in meaningful exchanges
with others.
Ask for and give
5.1 Ask for and give opinions. 2. Students can use Students demonstrate
appropriate expressions to improvement in speaking
convey their opinions and and listening skills through v
respond to others' activities involving giving
opinions. and receiving opinions.
3. Students improve their They actively participate in
speaking and listening discussions, express their
skills in the context of viewpoints clearly, and v
giving and receiving listen attentively to others'
opinions. opinions.
5.2 Ask for and give opinions Ask for and give 1. Students will be able to Students effectively ask for
using comparative dan opinions ask for and give opinions and give opinions using
superlative degree. v
using comparative and comparative and
superlative degrees. superlative degrees.
Students can articulate
2. Students can make clear comparisons
clear comparisons between two or more
between two or more objects, people, or v
objects, people, or concepts, utilizing
concepts. appropriate grammatical
3. Students enhance their Students can articulate v
ability to use grammatical clear comparisons
structures to make between two or more
comparisons. objects, people, or
concepts, utilizing
appropriate grammatical
1. Students will be able to Students ask for and give
ask for and give opinions opinions about familiar
about familiar topics topics related to school
around the school. life.
Students engage in
2. Students can discuss
discussions and share
and share opinions about
opinions on various
Ask and give opinion about various aspects of school
Ask for and give aspects of school life, v
5.3 familiar topics around the life, such as facilities,
opinions including facilities,
school. subjects, and
subjects, and
extracurricular activities.
extracurricular activities.
Students demonstrate
3. Students improve their
improvement in speaking
speaking and listening
and listening skills within v
skills in relevant contexts
the context of their daily
with their daily lives.
school experiences.

Mengetahui, Bandung, Juli 2024

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Silviana Susanti, S,Sos., S.Pd Muhammad Iqbal, S.Pd.


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