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Second Edition

Filip Degroote, MD

B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.

An ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified Company
USA — Europe — India
notes on miams, heredity and nosodes

First Edition: 1994

Second Edition: 2010
1st Impression: 2010

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or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without
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For sale within Indian subcontinent only

© with the author

Published by Kuldeep Jain for

B. Jain PuBlishers (P) ltd.
An ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified Company
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ISBN: 978-81-319-1070-2

When a homeopathic physician fails in the treatment of some of

his patients, it is very instructive to get more insight the reason of
this failure. Since years, I’m intrigued by this problem and I’m
convinced that by obtaining a deeper insight, we can put a step
forward in our therapeutic method. Hahnemann was also very
concerned about this, and it finally moved him to formulate his
ideas in connection with the chronic diseases. In my opinion there
are two main reasons for the failure, apart from the low knowledge
of the physician himself.
Firstly, there is an insight in disease from energetic-miasmatic
point of view. By this means we have to recognize the hereditary
and miasmatic load in our patient, from which we get a clear
indication towards therapeutic approach. Moreover, the knowledge
of the interactions between various homeopathic remedies is of
vital importance. This book is dealing with that subject!
Secondly, the placing of our homeopathic treatment in a
holistic approach is indispensable. Certain miasmatic (deep
energetic disturbance) diseases can force the body in such an
adapted condition, that this adaptation has to be corrected before
the homeopathic remedy can unfold its action. This can be seen
for instance where there are cranio-vertebral blockages.
Sometimes, a supplementary disturbing external factor can be
present next to the actual miasmatic disease and attach itself as
a layer upon the disease, so that first, it has to be distinguished
and treated. This can be an electromagnetic disorder, an emotional
fixation, an energetic disturbed area. Also, minimal nutritional
imbalances can cause an energetic disturbance.
viii Notes on Miasms, Heredity and Nosodes

To perceive those problems, we can use ‘kinesiology’ which is

a kind of body language, a method originating from chiropractors.
To familiarize oneself with this method, it is necessary to study my
book ‘Physical Examination and Observations in Homoeopathy’. In
this book you can find the description of the muscle tests cited with
the chapters dealing with the nosodes, sarcodes and Bach flower
remedies. By using this quoted control and affirmation technique,
there is almost 100 percent certainty that our homeopathic remedy
is correct.

It is high time, in the world of classical homeopathy, that we can

omit the ‘trial and error’ approach when prescribing a homeopathic
remedy which we have been applying since the last two hundred
years out of necessity.
We need a homeopathic prescription which is nearly 100
percent sure in regards to its correctness and efficacy. This
certainty can only be obtained on the basis of a supplementary
verifying method, which relies on a reproducible technique with
a scientific basis.
Throughout the years that I have been in homeopathic practice,
I have searched eagerly for such a technique and found it finally.
I published those findings of that technique fifteen years ago in
my first publication ‘Physical Examination and Observations
in Homoeopathy’. Because of the nearly 100 percent certainty
concerning the correctness of the remedy to prescribe, this method
has helped me over the course of years to collect more clinical
material from my patients through daily practice.
There were three important steps in my development as a
homeopathic practitioner, which can be compared with three
successive insights:
First insight: In 1985, I set out and judged separately the
nosodal symptoms, the hereditary energy rubrics in the repertory
which contain Carcinosinum, Medorrhinum, Syphilinum and
Tuberculinum and prescribed the individual remedy for the patient
only on the non-nosodal symptoms.
Second insight: In 1989, I performed energetic examination
by kinesiological principles. This results in the fact that the
remedy which is to be prescribed can be verified to be correct even
before being taken by the patient. Consequently, it accelerates the
homeopath to get a deeper insight into the broad materia medica.
xii Notes on Miasms, Heredity and Nosodes

Third insight: In 1992, by administering the appropriate

nosode1 in connection with or shortly after the correct individual
remedy, the case gains the momentum. The patient recovers
more quickly from his acute or chronic problem, there is no
homeopathic aggravation and there is a quick evolution towards
a stable health.
The explanation therefore is that by administering the
matching nosode, an energetic shield around the negative
hereditary information in the chromosomes is formed, so that this
information cannot be activated with the result that the energetic
and physical expression of those bad genes will be kept dormant.
I am fully conscious that the content of this last proposition is
actually so far rather revolutionary and will perhaps provoke a lot of
reactions (or protest) in the present homeopathic world. Although
already a large number of (especially Belgian) homeopaths have
been trained in energetic examination and have come to the same
conclusions. Only when the ordinary classical homeopaths make
themselves familiar with the energetic examination, then they
will also be able to come to the same conclusions.

1. A nosode is mostly administered on a complementary basis, when the

simillimum is prescribed in a dose which has to be taken once only.
Depending on the miasmatic background this can be, especially at the outset
of the treatment, a classic nosode such as Carcinosinum, Medorrhinum,
Syphilinum or Tuberculinum, or also a Bowel nosode. Sometimes this
nosode is even followed by a (second) nosode, namely Psorinum.
In the further course of the treatment it is a widespread classic experience
that the nosode which follows the simillimum seems to be Psorinum. (cf.
Hahnemann who compares psora with a thousand-headed monster).
Thus, every time you prescribe a simillimum in the further course of the
treatment, this will mostly be completed by the Psorinum. It is as if you can
release every time the handbrake of the lethargic effect of the psora (as when
you want to start your parked car and have to release your handbrake first).
[NB: The administer of a trauma remedy, whether the trauma was physical
or emotional, never requires to be succeeded by a nosode, because the
disharmonious energy is not coming from within.]

Dedication iii
Foreword v
Preface vii
Publisher’s Note ix
Introduction xi
Prologue xix
Abbreviations xxi

1. Miasms ............................................................................. 1
• Introduction 1
• Classic Miasms 5
• Bowel Nosodes and Miasms 25
• Work Procedure Skeleton 30
• Cases (Illustrations) 32
• Conclusion 38
2. Miasms and their Psychological Background ............ 41
• Miasms seen from Psychological Perspective 41
3. Heredity ......................................................................... 53
• Ancestral Energy 53
• Diagnosis 57
• Treatment 61
4. Heredity and Classic Nosodes ......................................71
• What Happens from Conception until the
Development to a Grown Human Being 74
• Conclusion 77
• Cases 80
5. Nosodes .......................................................................... 89
• Definition 89
• History ..................................................................... 89
• Indications to Prescribe a Nosode ............................ 90
6. Classic Nosodes ............................................................. 91
• Screening of the Classic Nosodes by Energetic
Points ..................................................................... 96
• Peculiar Features of Classic Nosodes .................... 100
• Common Features of Ancestral Energy out of
Balance .................................................................. 114
7. Bowel Nosodes .............................................................131
• Judgement of the Action of a Bowel Nosode ......... 134
• Bowel nosodes and their Related Remedies ........... 136
8. Psora and Nosodes ..................................................... 163
• Energetic Screening of the Psoric Nosodes by
their Energetic Points ........................................... 165
• Work Skeleton to Identify the Specific Nosode ... 167
9. What Happens when the Interaction between the
Individual Remedy and the Nosode Starts ............... 171
10. Isopathic Nosodes ....................................................... 175
• Monera and Yeasts ................................................. 175
• Energetic Examination, Muscle Tests and
Energetic Features of Isopathic Nosodes ............... 179
• Relationship between Muscle Tests and
some Homoepathic Remedies of Bacterial,
Viral and Mycotic Origin ....................................... 207
• Conclusion ............................................................. 215
• Handmode Figures ................................................. 217
Bibliography .......................................................................... 219
Index of Cases ....................................................................... 223
Chapter 5


Nosodes are the remedies which are made of bacteria and viruses,
diseased tissue, excretions or mixtures of these. Some of them
have been proved and others have not. They are supposed to
contain the signature of the disease.

Hahnemann did not know the concept of ‘nosode’ but he had an
acquaintance with isopathic agents. He did a proving of the sero-
purulent matter of a scabies vesicle , ‘wet psora’. This experiment
was published by Stapf in 1833. Then, the first nosode ‘Psorinum’
was know.
The product ‘dry psora’ taken from the epidermoid
efflorescence of pityriasis was used by Gross to make another
proving of Psorinum.
In the year 1833, Hering introduced the nosode ‘Lyssinum’. In
1854, a Brazilian homeopath had the first proving with the sputum
of T.B. patient, which led to the full proving of Tuberculinum.
In 1880, Swan published the provings of Medorrhinum and
Syphilinum. Shortly after, Burnett published the proving of
90 Notes on Miasms, Heredity and Nosodes

Bacillinum in 1885. Kent introduced the nosode Carcinosinum.

The Bowel nosodes were introduced by Edward Bach in 1920.
Deeper research about Carcinosinum was done by Foubister and
Templeton in 1952.

iNdiCatioNs to presCribe a
1. The classic indications to prescribe nosodes are mainly based
on the family and personal anamnesis:
i. The family anamnesis especially indicates to classic
nosodes (cf. page 54 Indications for the prescription of a
classic or other nosode).
ii. The personal anamnesis indicates more towards isopathic
nosodes (cf. page 55 Medorrhinum, case 2, comment).
2. Nosodes are indicated in chronic cases when well selected
remedies fail to relieve or permanently cure (cf. Allen, H.C.,
The Materia Medica of the Nosodes, in the introduction of
3. A classic nosode can be prescribed as the ‘fundamental’
homeopathic remedy of a patient on the basis of its indications.
This possibility is very rare.
4. A nosode, especially Psorinum, can be used to finish a
constitutional treatment. This is the way I mostly use classic
5. A nosode can also be used:
i. To clarify an unclear remedy picture: This is the indication
to prescribe a Bowel nosode.
ii. To remove a blockage: This is the indication to prescribe an
isopathic agent. Sometimes there is also a notion of ‘Never
well since’.
iii. As a prophylactic remedy, for example during a severe flu
Chapter 6

Classic Nosodes

The classic nosodes, as I already had mentioned, have a specific

relation with heredity. It means that their energy acts especially
upon some extra-channels (vessels or meridians), which transport
inheritable forces, the ancestral energy. These forces are bounded
with the chromosomes and they come from our ancestors. So,
it is not something particular of the individual but common to a
large number of his relatives (cf. epigenetic: see chapter: Heredity,
introduction). This explains why the family anamnesis is so
important for selecting a nosode.
Pierre Schmidt proposed a hierarchy to administer in
preference of our homeopathic remedies. Namely, first the remedy
of vegetable kingdom, then of the minerals, then those of the
animal kingdom and at last those coming from the mankind. To
understand this, one can say that as closer one comes to the human
being, more closer one comes to the identical and consequently to
the similar.
The ancestral energy determines a great part our immune
system and life force and explains the tendencies to illnesses in the
form of so-called congenital weakness. This energy is especially
transported by the Conception and Governing Vessel.
So, we can prove that each one of the classic nosodes, by
exception of Psorinum, has a disturbance of this energy system.
92 Notes on Miasms, Heredity and Nosodes

This can be verified by the energetic examination by making use

of muscle-tests.
Every muscle of our body gets an energy from a specific
acupuncture meridian. Thus, a specific meridian-function can be
tested indirectly by its related muscle.
All of them, by exception of Psorinum, have a TL on
Conception Vessel 24, which is especially related to the hereditary
ancestral energy of the Conception Vessel. Psorinum also has
a disturbance of the ancestral energy, but in another way (see
chapter: Psora and nosodes).
Abbreviations of the different Carcinosinums:
• CARC.: All carcinosinums
• Carc.: Carcinosinum of Kent (from the United States of an
unknown origin, probably prepared from an epithelioma of
the breast)
• Carc-bl-adp.: Carcinosinum bladder adeno papillar
• Carc-col-ad.: Carcinosinum colon adeno
• Carc-col-adp.: Carcinosinum colon adeno papillar
• Carc-f.: Carcinosinum foubister
• Carc-in.: Carcinosinum intestines co
• Carc-lu-ads.: Carcinosinum lung adeno squamous
• Carc-mamm.: Carcinosin mammae
• Carc-rec-ad.: Carcinosinum rectum adeno
• Carc-st-ad.: Carcinosinum stomach adeno
• Carc-st-sc.: Carcinosinum stomach scirrhus
• Carc-ut-ad.: Carcinosinum uterus adeno
• Scir.: Scirrhinum (the nosode of the scirrhous cancer of the
• ( ) : Bilaterally possible, yet only at one side in the patient

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