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Grade: VII W.

S: 2 Teacher: Zarin Tashnim

Subject: E. Literature Ch: N/A Student:

Date: Topic: The Red Headed League Session: 2022-2023

Tick the correct answers -

1. Who told Jabez Wilson about the opening in "The Red-Headed League" ?
a. His wife
b. Irene Adler
c. Dr. Watson
d. His assistant

2. Besides just having red hair, what was the specific requirement for being hired for "The
Red-Headed League"?
a. The applicant had to be able to type 60 words a minute.
b. The hair had to be buzz-cut.
c. The applicant had to have naturally blazing red hair.
d. The applicant had to move to France.

3. In "The Red-Headed League", what assignment was given to Jabez Wilson?

a. Drawing a map of the city of Liverpool
b.Copying pages out of the "Encyclopedia Britannica"
c.Sweeping the streets of London
d. Selling flowers from a boat on the Thames

4. Why did Jabez Wilson consult Sherlock Holmes about "The Red-Headed League"?
a. He had seen one of the members murder a man.
b. He wanted to recruit Holmes to work in the league.
c. The league had been mysteriously dissolved.
d. He believed they were blackmailing government officials.

5. When visiting Jabez Wilson's neighborhood in "The Red-Headed League", why did
Sherlock Holmes want to see Wilson's assistant?
a. To look at the knees of his trousers
b. To see if the man recognized Dr. Watson
c.To see if he had red hair
d.To hear if he had an accent

6. In "The Red-Headed League", who accompanied Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson and
Inspector Jones on the final evening of the investigation?
a. The prime minister
b. A fellow member of the Red-Headed League
c. Irene Adler
d. A bank director

7. Why had Duncan Ross hired Jabez Wilson in "The Red-Headed League"?
a. To have Wilson forge documents
b. To help Wilson build up his confidence
c. To get Wilson out of his premises for four hours a day
d.To use Wilson as a patsy for a murder

8. What was the ultimate objective of Duncan Ross and Vincent Spaulding in "The Red-
Headed League"?
a. To trap Jabez Wilson into confessing to a murder
b. To steal classified government documents
c. To steal a shipment of French gold
d. To catch Jabez Wilson in the act of forgery

9. In "The Red-Headed League", who turned out to be John Clay, an infamous criminal?
a.Duncan Ross
b. Mr. Merryweather
c. Jabez Wilson
d. Vincent Spaulding

10.What mystery was solved in The Red-Headed League?

a.A bank heist
b.A murder
c.A kidnapping
d.Attempted forgery

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