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Present Simple

1. Look carefully at the sentences. Find and correct the mistakes in them.

Example: My mother don’t work.

The correct variant: My mother doesn’t work.
1. The Browns goes to the seaside every summer.
2. I doesn’t understand the word “peacock”. What do this word mean?
3. British people drinks a lot of tea.
4. To start the programme, first you clicks on the icon on the desktop.
5. My train leave at 09.30, so I need to be at the station by 9.
6. Does your grandparents arrives on Monday?
7. What time do the film begins this evening?
8. Do it take you 10 minutes to get to the University? – Yes, you are right.
9. We usually plays football but sometimes we plays volleyball or tennis.
10. Water freeze at 0°C (32°F).
2. Complete the sentences

Complete the sentences. Add –s or –es.

He loves sugar.
She watches too much television!

1. She play …….. golf on weekends.

2. He drink …….. eight glasses of water every day!
3. She drive …….. a Korean car.
4. He finish …….. work at about 5 o’clock.
5. It get …….. very cold here in the winter.
6. My cat like …….. to sleep in front of the fire.
7. The shop open …….. at 9 and close …….. at 6.
8. Sally go …….. to the mountains three or four times a year.
9. He wash …….. his car every Saturday.
10. She walk …….. to school if she miss …….. the bus.
11. My brother live …….. in Canada.
12. When she make …….. a mistake, she smile …….. When I
make a mistake, she get …….. angry!

3. Match the sentences

Add –s or –es to the verb in B. Then match the sentences in A and


1. Tim’s a fisherman. a) She type …….. letters all day.
2. Paula’s a teacher. b) He look …….. after 123 cows!
3. Jackie’s an artist. c) She work …….. in a hospital.
4. Kelly’s a secretary. d) He go …….. to the sea.
5. My uncle is a farmer. e) She teach …….. at my school.
6. Karen’s a doctor. f) She paint …….. in a studio.
7. Antonio’s a chef. g) He work …….. in a garage.
8. Jack’s a mechanic. h) He cook …….. food in a restaurant.

4. Fill in the gaps

Mr. Thompson works in an office in Glasgow. Here he talks about

what he does every day. Fill in the gaps with verbs from the box.
The first one has been done for you.
are arrive brush dream
drink eat feed have
leave lives look make
put read shines sleep
talk telephone watch write

My day
At 7:21 my alarm clock rings and I wake up. I hate my alarm clock!
It makes too much noise. I get up at 7:30 and (1) make my bed.

Then I (2) ……………….. a shower and brush my teeth. I get dressed

and have breakfast. I always (3) ……………….. three eggs and five
pieces of toast. I (4) ……………….. two cups of tea and then I (5)
……………….. my teeth again. I (6) ……………….. some milk in a bowl
for my dog, and at 8:30 I (7) ……………….. the house and catch the
bus to work. I (8) ……………….. at the office at about 9 and drink a
cup of tea. I eat some biscuits and (9) ……………….. out of the
window. Then I have a rest.
At lunchtime I eat a sandwich and (10) ……………….. the newspaper.
At around 3:30 I take off my shoes and (11) ……………….. for twenty
minutes, sometimes twenty-five minutes, sometimes half an hour. I
(12) ……………….. two or three letters and (13) ……………….. my sister
who (14) ……………….. in Australia. We (15) ……………….. for fifteen
minutes. She always tells me about the weather. There (16)
……………….. three kinds of weather in Australia – hot, very hot and
very, very hot!
I leave the office at about 4:30. When I get home I (17)
……………….. the dog and (18) ……………….. TV. At 11:00, I make a hot
water bottle and go to bed. The moon (19) ……………….. in the sky
and I sleep. I (20) ……………….. about my vacation. Then at 7:21 my
alarm clock rings.
Now write 10 sentences about your day.
5. Make negative sentences

Make negative sentences with doesn’t.

Jim’s a postman. He / not / like dogs
Jim’s a postman. He doesn’t like dogs.
1. Jenny’s a vegetarian. She / not / eat meat.

2. We’re moving to Tunisia. My husband / not / like cold weather.

3. He can’t understand the film. He / not / speak Arabic.

4. Mark’s looking for a new job. He / not / like his boss.

5. She can’t mail the letter. She / not / have a stamp.

6. She can’t buy new shoes. She / not / have any money.

7. Please use the stairs. The life / not / work.

8. It’s an electric car. It / not use gas.

9. You talk to him. He / not / listen to me.

10. Shall we walk to the station? The bus / not / stop here.

6. Make negative sentences

Make negative sentences with don’t.

Please speak slowly. I / not / understand English very well.
Please speak slowly. I don’t understand English very well.

1. Can you tell me the time please? I / not / have a watch.

2. I can’t drive you to the party. I / not / have a car.

3. Why are you eating a pizza? You / not / like cheese.

4. I’m tired. I / not / want to go out tonight.

5. That’s a difficult question. I / not / know the answer.

6. It’s a very small house. We / not / have a garden.

7. I can’t marry you. I / not / love you.

8. I can’t buy you a present. I / not / have any money.

9. I’m a doorman. I / not / like the rain.

10. I’m a snowman. I / not / like the sun.

Simple Present 2: Questions

Do you like French food?

1. Look at these sentences.
Do I need a visa for America?
Do you like French food?
Does it rain a lot in Scotland?
Do they have any children?
These are question forms of the simple present.
2. do + subject + base verb or
does + subject + base verb
We always use the base verb after do and does.
Does this bus go to the station? Not Does this bus goes to the
Do I / you / we / they want an ice cream?
Does he / she / it want an ice cream?

1.We often put do or does in a short answer to questions.
Do you play the guitar? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Does your brother play the guitar? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.
We often put words like when, where, why and what before
do and does.
When does the film start?
Where do you live?
Why do birds fly north in the winter?
What does this word mean?

1. Make questions with do or does

you / play / the guitar Do you play the guitar?
your brother / play the guitar Does your brother play the guitar?

1. you / like eggs ……………………..………?

2. you / watch a lot of TV ……………………..………?

3. he / come to work by bus ……………………..………?

4. you / take sugar in your tea ……………………..………?

5. she / want a dog ……………………..………?

6. you / have any brothers or sisters ……………………..………?

7. you / have any money ……………………..………?

8. this train / go to Tokyo ……………………..………?

9. you / live near the sea ……………………..………?

10. you / know / her telephone number ……………………..………?

11. you / own a car ……………………..………?

12. he / know the answers ……………………..………?

2. Make questions and answers

Make questions and give short answers.
You / need the car tonight
Do you need the car tonight?
Yes, I do.

He / understand / the question

Does he understand the question?
No, he doesn’t.

1. you / like my dress No, I ……….

2. you / like Indian food Yes, I ……….

3. you / eat a lot of fruit No, I ……….

4. Sally / play tennis No, she ……….

5. you / want to hear a joke No, I ……….

6. you / have a computer at home Yes, I ……….

7. you / make your own bread No, I ……….

8. your sister / like her job Yes, she ……….

9. we / have any stamps No, we ……….

10. you / love me Yes, I ……….

11. you / want a cup of tea No, I ……….

12. they / like chocolate Yes, they ……….

Present simple /Present Continuous

Choose the correct verb form.

1 - I have / am having a great time on this holiday.

2 - She's Italian- she comes / is coming from Pisa.
3 - 'Are you enjoying / do you enjoy your meal?' 'Yes, it's very good.'
4 - This term, I study / am studying Latin.
5 - Do you come / are you coming to see us next month?
6 - Let me know when you receive / are receiving this letter.
8 - Water boils / is boling at a hundred degrees.
10 - I make / am making a lot of progress at the moment.
11 - It worries / is worrying me a lot at the moment.
12 - I get / am getting up at seven o'clock on weekdays.

Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in simple present tense or present
continuous tense.

11. Right now I (watch) _____________ a movie. I (watch) _______ a lot of movies.
12. Rickie (be) _______ my friend. We (like) _______ to talk together. Right now we
(talk) ______________ about school.
13. The police officer (wear) ________ a badge and a gun to work every day.
14. Jaime usually (eat) _______ cold cereal for breakfast, but today he (eat) _______
________ oatmeal instead.
15. Alison and I (study) _______ _______ for the exam. We (not, want) _______
______________ to fail it!
16. Jonas (sing) ________ in the band on Saturdays, and Veda (play) _______ the guitar.
17. My uncle (live) _______ in Tennessee. I (live) _______ in North Carolina.
18. My mom (cook) ______________ dinner tonight. (You, want) ____________
_______ to eat with us?
19. Tiffany and Mark (travel) ______________ to Spain. They will stay in Madrid.
20. We (read) _______ the newspaper every morning.

Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in simple present tense or present
continuous tense.

7. My favourite aunt, Monica, ____________ (teach) archeology at the university. Right

now she ____________ (give) a class on the art of ancient Egypt.
She ____________ (do) a lot of sports and ____________ (go) to the cinema regularly.
This month, she ____________ (learn) to hang glide. But she also ____________
(climb) mountains every weekend and ____________ (do) scuba diving when she is on

Exercise on Simple Past

Exercise on positive sentences

Write positive sentences in simple past.

3. he / the question / answer →

4. you / a question / ask →
5. that boy / a doctor / become →
6. they / us / call →
7. we / a mountain / climb →
8. John / stamps / take →
9. we / in London / live →
10. I / hungry / be →
11. they / a hamster / have →
12. he / to school / go →

Exercise on negative sentences

Rewrite the sentences in the negative.

13. They sold postcards. →

14. You jumped high. →

15. Albert played squash. →

16. The teacher tested our English. →

17. Fiona visited her grandma. →

18. He washed the car. →

19. You were thirsty. →

20. He had a computer. →

21. I bought bread. →

22. You saw the house. →

Exercise on questions

Write questions in simple past.

21. Anna / the window / open →

22. she / home / walk →

23. you / in the garden / work →

24. you / a song / sing →

25. she / on a chair / sit →

26. you / the castle / visit →

27. Jenny / the door / close →

28. she / happy / be →

29. Greg / to the radio / listen →

30. the car / at the corner / stop →

Answer the questions

Have a look at James's last week's diary and answer the questions in complete sentences. Put the
time expression at the end of the sentence.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

football shopping meeting sing take flowers concert sailing

cinema tennis English Italian restaurant

1. When was his English course? →

2. When did he go shopping? →

3. When did he take flowers? →

4. When was his meeting? →

5. When did he play football? →

6. When did he go to the Italian restaurant? →

7. When did he sing? →

8. When did he go to the cinema? →

9. When did he play tennis? →

10. When was the concert? →

11. When did he go sailing? →

Exercise on questions with interrogative

Ask for the bold part of the sentence.

8. She took her bike. →

9. She saw a bag in the table. →

10. We ran in the park. →

11. The policeman visited my parents. →

12. We had fish for lunch. →

13. She watched the match last night. →

14. She went to school early in the morning. →

15. I opened the door. →

16. The children were very tired. →

17. Cindy had a dog. →

Past Simple /Past Continuous

Ex. 2. Fill in the correct form of Past Simple.

1-When………… (be) the last time you…………. (tidy) your room?

2-They …………. (go) to Malta last month.
3-Yesterday we…………. (cut) the grass, then we………….. (wash) the car.
4-When we…………… (go) to Europe last year we………… (drive) through France and Italy.
5-They………………. (not / play) my favourite song at the concert yesterday.
6-The last time I ………….. (have) a haircut was two weeks ago.
7-My sister………….. (make) a beautiful cake yesterday and I ………….. (cook) dinner.
8-Sally………………… (not / visit) her grandparents last Christmas, so she…………… (write)
them a letter.
9-Yesterday we……………. (take) the camera with us, but we ……………. (not / take) any

Ex.3. Complete the sentences. Use Past Simple and Past Continuous.

1-It ………………..(rain) when we………………….(go out).

2-I ………………..(open) the window because it was hot.
3-When I got to the office, Ann and Peter ………………(work).
4-The phone…………….(ring) while Sue……………..(cook) dinner.
5-I ………………..(hear) a noise, so I………………..(look) out of the window.
6-Tom………………(look) out of the window when the accident………………(happen).
7-Bruce had a book in his hand, but he……………(not / read)it. He…………..(watch) TV.
8-Eric bought a magazine, but she…………….(not / read) it. She didn’t have time.
9-I……………..(finish) lunch,………………(pay), and……………..(leave)the restaurant.
10-I ……….(see) Kate this morning. I …………(walk) along the street, and she…………. (wait)
for the bus.

Ex.4. Fill in the correct forms of Past Simple or Past Continuous.

______________________ One day I (play) was playing football with some friends, when I
(see)___________four boys on a bridge nearby. They (laugh)____________and
(shout)_____________and I (wonder) what they (do) ___________ . Then I
(notice)___________that they (wave)____________a puppy in the air. When the boys
(see)__________me they (throw)______________the puppy over the bridge and it
(fall)________________into the river. They (run)______________off laughing. I
(jump)___________over the wall,(run)_____________down to the river and
(leap)_____________into the water. I (grab)___________the puppy and (swim) ____________
back to the safety. My friends, who (stand)____________on the bridge,(clap)____________ . I
was a hero.

Ex.5. Fill in the correct forms of Past Simple or Past Continuous.

31. Yesterday she (go)____________________to school by car.

32. I (play) ____________________tennis yesterday, but I __________________(do not)win.
33. Eric( read) __________________book when the telephone _____________(ring).
34. It (rain) _________________when I __________________(get) up.
35. ____________________( watch) you the movie on television last night?

1. Fill in the gaps with some / any / a /an

1. There aren't _____ children in the playground 6. Have you got _____ money?
2. There are _____ people in that room 7. They haven't got _____ computer in their room
3. He isn't wearing _____ uniform 8. There aren't _____ books in my schoolbag
4. Is there _____ fruit left? 9. Is there _____ good cinema in your town
5. There is _____ bread left 10. There aren't _____ parks near my house

2. Fill in the gaps with some, any, a or an

1. There are .......... potatoes on the table 6. He never wears .......... uniform
a) some b) any c) a d) an a) some b) any c) a d) an
7. There aren't ........ tickets for the concert
2. Are there ....... books on your desk? left
a) some b) any c) a d) an a) some b) any c) a d) an

3. Is there ........ coffee left? 8. There are ......... apples in the basket (cesta)
a) some b) any c) a d) an a) some b) any c) a d) an

4. Have you got ....... brothers or sisters? 9. She isn't wearing ........ dress
a) some b) any c) a d) an a) some b) any c) a d) an

5. He hasn't got ........ money 10. Is there ........ sugar in your tea?
a) some b) any c) a d) an a) some b) any c) a d) an

11. He hasn't got ........ girlfriend

a) some b) any c) a d) an

3. Correct the following sentences (use contractions if possible)

1. He hasn't got some friends 6. Is there some people?
2. He hasn't got a teacher English 7. He's doctor
3. There isn't some food in the fridge 8. There isn't some water in my glass
4. There aren't no bananas left 9. Is there some pens left?
5. There are some childrens in my car 10. Are there a children?

4. Fill in the gaps with : there is/there are/ There isn't / there aren't / Is there /
Are there

1. __________ any sugar in the cupboard 6. ____________ any fruit? 9. ____________ any petrol ?
2. ____________ any people? 7. ____________ any tickets? 10. ____________ any books
3. ____________ some coffee 8. ____________ any tea in my cup 11. ____________ some
4. ____________ any stamps left children
5. ____________ any money in my pocket

6. Look for the translation on the right and match

1. No hi ha gent A. There's some money
2. No hi ha nens B. Was there any water?
3. No hi havia diners C. There were some people
4. Hi havia nens? D. There's no water
5. Hi havia gent E. There weren't any children
6. No hi ha aigua F. There aren't any people
7. Hi ha diners G. Were there any children?
8. Hi havia aigua? H. Were there any people?
9. Hi havia gent? I. There wasn't any water
10.No hi havia aigua J. There wasn't any money

7. Complete the sentences with: there is/there isn’t/there are/ there aren’t/ is
there /are there
1. _______________ any money 7. _______________ a thief in this town
2. _______________ some petrol 8. __________ some new flats in my street
3. _______________ no sugar in my tea 9. ______________ a television in my room
4. _______________ any children? 10. ___________ any beautiful girls in my class
5. _______________ no maps in my class
6. _______________ any lamps in this room
is used to show a connection between the past and the present. It usually occurs in two main situations:

a) Ex: - I’ve been to Paris.

- Mr Johns has travelled to France twice.
- 60 % of respondents have cheated on an exam.
- Have you ever written to a magazine? – No, I’ve never written to a magazine.
- She is the most beautiful woman I have ever met.
- I’ve already seen this film, I know what it is about.


I’ve been to Paris. BUT I was in Paris two weeks ago.

Have you ever been to Paris? BUT When were you in Paris?

b) Ex: - I have just got back from London.

- Have you met him lately?
- Recently I’ve been responsible for planning and organization of conferences.

(with lately and recently Past Simple can be used - I was at the theatre very recently. )

c) Ex: - Have you finished writing the letter yet? (Is the letter written?)
- John has lost his job. (Now John is unemployed.)
- The price of gold has increased. (Now the price is high.)
- You look so sad. What has happened?

John has lost his job. Now John is unemployed.

Last month John lost his job, but he found a new one which is more interesting and well-paid a week ago.

Ex: - I’ve been here for ten minutes. (I’m still here.)
- He has won many contests since 1998.
- I’ve written 4 letters today.
- During (In) the last two years I’ve visited 6 countries.
- I haven’t had a holiday this year.
- How many novels has Stephen King written?


I’ve written 4 letters today. BUT I wrote 4 letters yesterday.

I’ve written 4 letters today. (we are interested in the result – 4 letters) BUT I’ve been writing this letter for the whole day today. (we
are interested in the process)

Have you met Tom this morning? (It is still morning) BUT Did you meet Tom this morning? (It is not morning already)

During (In) the last two years I’ve visited 6 countries. BUT Last year I visited 6 countries.

How many novels has Stephen King written? BUT How many novels did Charles Dickens write?

I’ve studied at the University for 3 years. (I’m still a student) BUT I studied at the University for 5 years, and graduated from it last
year. (I’m not a student any more)

is used to show a connection between the past and the present. It usually occurs in two main situations:

to talk about the things that happened at an indefinite time in the past

a) experience in life Ex: - I’ve been to Paris.

- Mr Johns has travelled to France twice.
- 60 % of respondents have cheated on an exam.
- Have you ever written to a magazine? – No, I’ve never written to a magazine.
- She is the most beautiful woman I have ever met.
- I’ve already seen this film, I know what it is about.


I’ve been to Paris. BUT I was in Paris two weeks ago.

Have you ever been to Paris? BUT When were you in Paris?

b) very recent, but Ex: - I have just got back from London.
still indefinite past - Have you met him lately?
- Recently I’ve been responsible for planning and organization of conferences.

(with lately and recently Past Simple can be used - I was at the theatre very recently. )

c) some result at Ex: - Have you finished writing the letter yet? (Is the letter written?)
present - John has lost his job. (Now John is unemployed.)
- The price of gold has increased. (Now the price is high.)
- You look so sad. What has happened?
John has lost his job. Now John is unemployed.
Last month John lost his job, but he found a new one which is more interesting and well-paid a week ago.

to talk about things that happened in a period of time which is unfinished + some result

Ex: - I’ve been here for ten minutes. (I’m still here.)
- He has won many contests since 1998.
- I’ve written 4 letters today.
- During (In) the last two years I’ve visited 6 countries.
- I haven’t had a holiday this year.
- How many novels has Stephen King written?


I’ve written 4 letters today. BUT I wrote 4 letters yesterday.

I’ve written 4 letters today. (we are interested in the result – 4 letters) BUT I’ve been writing this letter for the whole day today. (we
are interested in the process)

Have you met Tom this morning? (It is still morning) BUT Did you meet Tom this morning? (It is not morning already)

During (In) the last two years I’ve visited 6 countries. BUT Last year I visited 6 countries.

How many novels has Stephen King written? BUT How many novels did Charles Dickens write?

I’ve studied at the University for 3 years. (I’m still a student) BUT I studied at the University for 5 years, and graduated from it last
year. (I’m not a student any more)


A Fill in SINCE or FOR

1. He has been back ___________ two hours / __________ 3 o’clock.

2. I haven’t seen him _________ over two months / ________ Christmas.
3. You’ve been watching TV __________ you came home from school / _____ most of the
4. Carol has been looking after the baby _________ this morning / ______ over four hours.
5. The Healers have had Dusty ________ their old dog died / ________ nearly two years.
6. We’ve been standing here ________ twenty-five minutes / _________ half past six.
7. Kate has been learning French ________ she was eleven / _________ four years.
8. Grandfather has been living with us ____________ Granny died / ________ quite some

B Complete these sentences using the Present Perfect Tense of the

following verbs
to be – to clean – to eat – to have – to rain – to see

1. Chris ___________________ all the biscuits. (They are gone now.)

2. The boys ___________________ the car. (It looks beautiful now.)
3. Mrs Wood _______________ a busy day. (She is tired now.)
4. It _________ not _________ for weeks. (The garden is very dry.)
5. I _________________ the film. (I know it.)
6. My sister _______________ to Paris several times. (She knows it.)

C Complete these sentences using the Present Perfect Tense or the Past Tense

1. We (not meet) _____________________ his mother so far. We _________ his mother then.
2. Greg (be) _____________________ a good student last year. Greg ___________ a good student
up to now.
3. They (live) ___________________ in our street since 1982. They _____________ in our street
some years ago.
4. Bob and Chris (not quarrel) _________________________ all week. Bob and Chris
____________________ yesterday.
5. You (ask) __________________ me this question before. You _______________ me this
question last lesson.

E Your are writing a letter to a friend. In the letter you give news
about yourself and other people. Use the words given to make
sentences. Use the Present Perfect Tense

Dear Chris,
Lots of things have happened since I last wrote to you.

1. I / buy / a new car ______________________________

2. my father / start / a new job ___________________________________
3. I / give up / smoking ____________________________________________
4. Charles and Sarah / go / to Brazil _________________________________
5. Suzanne / have / a baby ________________________________________

F Read the situations and write sentences. Choose one of the

following verbs.
arrive______________________ break______________________ go
up______________________ grow______________________
improve______________________ lose

23. Mike is looking for his key. He can’t find it. …….He has lost his key.
24. Margaret can’t walk and her leg is in plaster (=Gips). She ___________________
25. Maria’s English wasn’t very good. Now it is much better. ___________________
26. Tim didn’t have a beard last month. Now he has a beard. ___________________
27. This morning I was expecting a letter. Now I have it. _______________________
28. Last week the bus fare was 80 pence. Now it is 90. _______________________

G Complete B’s sentences. Use the verb in brackets + just / already /


1 Would you like something to 1 No, thanks. I .............…..…. lunch.
eat? (just/have).
2 Do you know where Julia is? 2 Yes, I ………………her. (just/see)
3 What time is David leaving? 3 He ……………… (already/leave)
4 What’s in the newspaper 4 I don’t know. I …. (not/read/yet)
today? 5 No, she ……………..the film.
5 Is Ann coming to the cinema (already/see)
with us? 6 Yes, they …………… (just/arrive).
6 Are your friends here yet? 7 I ……………………………………
7 What does Tim think about (not/tell/yet)
your plan?
Present perfect simple and past simple
Present perfect simple
We use the present perfect simple:
9. to talk about an experience in somebody’s
life. (We don’t say when it happened.)
He’s had a mobile phone for a long time.
12. with for and since to talk about an action
that started in the past and continues to the
Tim’s known Kate since he was ten.
18. with just, yet and already for a past action
with a result in the present.
I’ve just bought a new mountain bike.
Past simple
We use the past simple to talk about a finished
action that happened at a definite time in the past.
We saw John at the weekend.

1 Choose the correct words.

1 They’ve already / yet visited Venice.
2 Have you ever / never seen a ghost?
3 Has she finished work just / yet?
4 They’ve been married for / since October.
5 Lucy has worked in the circus since / for she was a child.
29. David has just / yet got back from holiday.

2 Complete the newspaper extracts. Use the correct form of the present perfect simple or
past simple.

Last night a massive tidal wave 1………………

(hit) the coast of Mexico. Over 5,000 people
……………… (already / lose) their homes.

Yesterday a girl 3……………… (hand in) a

briefcase containing £100,000 to the police.
The girl found the briefcase at Euston
railway station.

The cost of living in Britain 4………………

(rise) again. Last year prices in British
supermarkets 5……………… (increase) by
more than five per cent.
13. Write questions about Leonardo. Use the present perfect simple or past simple.

1 How old / when / first appear / on TV?

2 ever / meet / Robert De Niro?
3 How long / be / an actor?
4 famous / before Titanic?
5 How many / films / make / since Titanic?
Comparatives and superlatives
Directions: Fill in the blanks to the right of each adjective, providing the comparative, and superlative
forms of each adjective. Rememeber that not every word will add on –er or –est to the root, but might
use ‘more’ or ‘most’ in front of the adjective instead. The first example in each column has been done
for you.

Adjective Comparative Superlative Adjective Comparative Superlative

Light (1) Lighter (than…) the lightest Important More important most important
afraid interesting
amazed large
bad late
bitter low
bored narrow
boring nervous
brave nice
busy offended
carefully old
cheap orange
greyish outraged
close political
complete simple
dangerous sleepy
dark small
difficult surprising
dirty surprised
early sweet
easy tall
enjoyable terrible
friendly tired
funny tiring
good upset
hard useful
heavy Useless
honest White
hot Wide
hungry young

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of each adjective in parenthesis. Be careful to use
comparative or superlative correctly!

19. I was ………………………………………………..……….. (interested) in this movie than in that one.

20. Going uphill was …………………………………………………………………. (tiring) experience in my whole life!
21. I really need to get a ……………………………………………………….. (cheap) PC. I can’t afford that one.
22. This exercise is ………………………………………………………… (easy) than the one before.
23. I’m going to tell you ………………………………………………………. (funny) joke I’ve ever heard!
24. It’s ………………………………………………….. (cold) today than yesterday, don’t you think?
25. This book is the ………………………………………………………. (enjoyable) I’ve ever read!

Exercise on Comparison of Adjectives

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

30. My house is (big) _______________________yours.

31. This flower is (beautiful) _______________________that one.
32. This is (interesting) _______________________book I have ever read.
33. Non-smokers usually live (long) _______________________smokers.
34. Which is the (dangerous)_______________________animal in the world?
35. A holiday by the sea is (good) _______________________ a holiday in the mountains.
36. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) _______________________a beer.
37. Who is (rich)_______________________woman on earth?
38. The weather this summer is even (bad) _______________________ last summer.
39. He was the (clever) _______________________participant of all.

Will /Going to
EXERCISE 7: Use WILL and/or BE GOING TO with the verb in parentheses.

part 1: expressing predictions

13. Sue (graduate) will graduate /is going to graduate in June. After that, she (begin)
will begin /is going to begin work at an electronics firm.

14. Fred (be)______________________ at the meeting tomorrow. I think Jane

(come)______________________ too.

15. A: Can you give Ed a message for me?

B: Sure. I (see, probably)______________________ him at the meeting this evening.

16. The damage we do to our environment today (affect)______________________ the quality

of life of future generations.

17. A: Mr. Swan (be, not)______________________ here next term. He has resigned. Who
(be)______________________ the new teacher? Do you know?
B: Yes. Mary Jefferson. Ms. Jefferson (teach)______________________ the same courses
Mr. Swan taught: English, algebra, and geometry. I (be)______________________ in her
algebra class. Do you know which algebra class you (be)______________________ in next


Use be going to if you think the speaker is expressing a prior plan. If you think there is no prior
plan, use will.

18. A: This letter is in French, and I don’t speak a word of French. Can you help me?
B: Sure. I (translate) will translate it for you.

19. A: Do you want to go shopping with me? I (go) am going to go to the shopping
mall downtown.
B: Sure. What time do you want to leave?

20. A: This light doesn’t work. The bulb is probably burned out. Where the new light bulbs?
B: I (get)______________________ one for you.

21. A: It’s cold in here.

B: I agree. I (turn)______________________ the heater on.
A: That’s a good idea.

22. A: I (enroll)______________________ in the community college next spring.

B: Oh? I didn’t know you wanted to go back to school.
A: I need to sharpen my skills so I can get a better job. I (take)______________________ a
course in word processing.

23. A: Brrr. Who turned up the air conditioner? It’s really cold in here. My nose is cold and
my fingers are cold.
B: I (make)______________________ you a hot cup of tea.
A: Thanks. That sounds good.

24. A: Oh, oh! I’ve spilled coffee on my shirt.

B: Just a minute. I (get)______________________ a damp cloth for you.

25. A: What do you want to be when you grow up?

B: I (be)______________________ an astronaut.
A: Good for you!

26. A: Do you mind if I turn the TV off? I (place)______________________ a long distance

call, and it’s hard to hear if the TV is on.
B: No, that’s fine. I wasn’t watching it anyway.

27. A: Who wants to erase the board? Are there any volunteers?
B: I (do)______________________ it!
C: I (do)______________________ it!
D: No, no! I (do)______________________ it!
28. A: Why do you have an eraser in your hand?
B: I (erase)______________________ the board.

EXERCISE 8: Use WILL/BE GOING TO or the SIMPLE PRESENT. (In this exercise, both will
and be going to are possible when a future tense is necessary, with little or no difference in

1. Peter is going to leave in half an hour. He (finish) will finish/is going to finish all of
his work before he (leave) leaves .

2. I’m going to eat lunch at 12:30. After I (eat) _________________, I (take, probably)
_________________a nap.

3. I’ll get home around six. When I (get) _________________home, I (call)


4. I’m going to watch a TV program at nine. Before I (watch) _________________ that program,
I (write) _________________ a letter to my parents.

5. Gary will come soon. I (wait) _________________here until he (come) _________________.

6. I’m sure it will stop raining soon. As soon as the rain (stop) _________________, I (walk)
_________________to the drugstore to get some film.

7. Right now I’m a junior in college. After I (graduate) _________________ with a B.A. I
_________________to enter graduate school and work for an M.A. Perhaps I (go)
_________________on for a Ph.D. after I (get) _________________my Master’s degree.

8. A: How long (stay, you) _________________in this country?

B: I (plan) _________________to be here for about one more year. I (hope)
_________________to graduate a year from this June.
A: What (do, you) _________________after you (leave) _________________?
B: I (return) _________________ home and (get) _________________ a job. How about you?
A: I (be) _________________here for at least two more years before I (return)
_________________home and (get) _________________a job.

6. Right now I am attending class. Yesterday at this time, I was attending class. Tomorrow at
this time, I (attend) _________________class.

7. Tomorrow I’m going to leave for home. When I (arrive) _________________at the airport,
my whole family (wait) _________________ for me.

8. When I (get) _________________up tomorrow morning, the sun

(shine)_________________the birds (sing) _________________ and my roommate (lie,
still) _________________in bed fast asleep.

9. A: When do you leave for Florida?

B: Tomorrow. Just think. Two days from now I (lie) _________________ on the beach in
the sun.
A: Sounds great! I (think) _________________ about you.

10. A: How can I get in touch with you while you’re out of town?
B: I (stay) _________________at the Pilgrim Hotel. You can reach me there.

11. Next year at this time, I (do) _________________ exactly what I am doing now. I (attend)
_________________school and (study) _________________hard next year.

12. Look at those dark clouds. When class (be) _________________over, it (rain, probably)

13. A: Are you going to be in town next Saturday?

B: No. I (visit) _________________my aunt in Chicago.

Conditional sentences

Zero Conditional. Write Present Simple in the blanks.

1 If you …………………………….. (press) that button, ………………………………? (the bell /


2 If I …………………………….. (feel) tired, I …………………………….. (go) to bed early.

3 We …………………………….. (not have) a lesson if our teacher ………………………………

(be) ill.

4 If you …………………………… (not pass) a subject, what ……………………………… (you /

tell) your parents?

5 If the pupil …………………………….. (fail) his next exam, he …………………………….. (not

pass) English.

6 What ……………………………… (you / get) if you ……………………………… (win) the


7 If he …………………………….. (work) at Brown’s, he probably ……………………………..

(know) Annie.

8 If you …………………………….. (heat) water, it …………………………….. (boil).

First Conditional. Write Present Simple or Future in the blanks.

If the pupil ................................... (cheat) again, the head teacher ......................................... (punish) him.

If you .......................... (need) some help with English, we .............................. (do) the activities together.

Thomas ..................................... (feel) very lonely if Helen ............................................ (not write) to him.

If they ........................... (not play) better in the second half, they ................................ (not win) the match.

If the shops .................................... (not be) open, we .................................. (not go) to the city centre tomorrow.

Charles ........................................ (study) in Oxford if he ................................. (go) to university next year.

If I ............................. (not tidy) my room, my mother ............................. (not give) me any pocket money.

If you .......................... (get) angry with your girlfriend, ......................... you ............................. (tell) her?

The pupils .......................................... (fail) the exam if the answers .......................................... (not be) correct.

Form conditional sentences (type 1) using the present simple and the future simple, and any other


1 you (be) late / you (not see) the concert. 7 I (take) you to eat out / you (tell) me you love


2 we (not clean) the garden / it (be) too cold outside. 8 I (stay) at home / you (not phone) me to go out

3 they (buy) the new house / the bank (give) them the money. 9 he (not be) at home now / we (come) back


4 she (not tell) the truth / she (have) problems with the police. 10 they (not study) every day / they (not get)

good marks.

5 John (talk) to you / he (have) an opportunity this morning. 11 my father (fly) to Brazil tonight / the weather

(be) fine.

6 you (learn) foreign languages / your life (be) better. 12 she (not pass) Maths, she (not go) to the

school trip.

Translate into English these conditional sentences (types 0 and 1).

Si te ayudo, ¿me ayudarás tú a mí?

Si estudias mucho, aprobarás.

Si juegas mucho, pierdes tu dinero.

Si no estudias lo suficiente, suspenderás.

¿Qué comerás si no te gusta la comida?

Si haces deporte, te sientes mejor.

Si escucho música muy alta, me duele la cabeza.

¿Qué vais a hacer si llegáis tarde?

Si el profesor te habla en inglés, ¿contestas en inglés?

Mary se conecta a Internet todos los días si termina sus deberes primero.

Si no tienes más de dieciocho años, no puedes conducir un coche.

1. Match the two parts of each sentence.

1 If Peter doesn’t pay attention in class, a the computer will start.
2 If you press this green button, b we won’t have anything to eat at the
3 If the girls don’t bring the food, c he’ll have a lot of problems in the
4 If I pass all my exams this year, d she’ll have to work very hard.
5 If she tries to learn Japanese , e my parents will be delighted.

1______ 2______ 3______ 4______ 5______

2. Conditional sentences type 1. Write Present Simple or Future in the blanks.

If you .......................... (need) some help with English, we .............................. (do) the activities
If the pupil ................................... (cheat) again, the head teacher ......................................... (punish)
Charles ........................................ (study) in Oxford if he ................................. (go) to university
next year.
Thomas ..................................... (feel) very lonely if Helen ............................................ (not write)
to him.
If I ............................. (not tidy) my room, my mother ............................. (not give) me any pocket
If the answers .................................... (not be) correct, the pupil .................................. (not pass) the
They ................................ (not win) the match if they ........................... (not play) better in the
second half.
If you .......................... (get) angry with your girlfriend, ......................... you .............................
(tell) her?

3. Conditional sentences type 1. Write the sentences using the correct verb tenses.

1 we (not go) to the cinema / the film (be) too late.

2 you (wait) for a second / I (drive) you home.

3 Mary (start) a business / the bank (give) her a loan?

4 I (help) you in English / you (help) me in Maths?

5 he (not be) at home now / we (come) back later.

6 they (not study) every day / they (not get) good marks.

7 John (talk) to you / he (have) an opportunity this morning.

8 she (not tell) the truth / she (have) problems with the police.

9 my father (fly) to Brazil tonight / the weather (be) fine.

10 you (learn) foreign languages / your life (be) better.

1. Make sentences with if.

I’m afraid the bus will be late, because ...

 get to work late again If the bus is late, I’ll get to work late again.
 lose my job If I get to work late again, I’ll lose my job.
 not find another job______________________..........
 lose my flat______________________ ..........
 move back to my parent’s house ...........
 get very bored ............
 go swimming every day ............
 look very good ............
 meet interesting people ...........
 go to lots of parties ............
 have a wonderful time ...........

2. Conditional sentences. Fill in the blank with a suitable verb tense.

1 If you ________________ (bring) some cakes, I ___________________ (make) coffee for
2 She ___________________ (be) furious if she __________________ (hear) what you said about
3 I ___________________ (lend) you my bike if you ___________________ (promise) to take
care of it.
4 If you __________________ (give) my dog a bone, he _________________ (bury) it
5 He _________________ (arrive) late to the station if he ____________________ (not leave) at
6 I ___________________ (be) happy if I ___________________ (pass) my exam.
7 If you ___________________ (not leave) now, you ___________________ (miss) the train.
8 John says he ___________________ (work) as a taxi driver if he __________________ (need)
9 If I _________________ (not be) free tomorrow evening, I _________________ (see) you on
10 Mary ___________________ (study) Chinese next year if she ___________________ (have)
11 I ___________________ (drive) you to the station if I ___________________ (can) find my
12 If she ___________________ (marry) him, she ___________________ (not have) a happy life.
13 ___________ you ___________ (stop) smoking if the doctor ____________ (tell) you that you
14 If we _____________ (talk) to the boss very politely, _________ he ____________ (listen) to
15 I __________________ (tell) her your message if I ___________________ (see) Jane at school.

Second Conditional
Exercise 1: Put the verbs into the right tense so as to form the Second Conditional.

1. If you………………………………………………….(study) more you

……………………………………………..(have) better marks.
2. If we ……………………………………………(have) money, we
…………………………………………………(buy) a new car.
3. If he ………………………………………….(sleep) more hours, he
……………………………………..(not/be) so tired.
4. If I ……………………………………………(be) you, I
………………………………………………………(visit) a doctor.
5. If they ……………………………………….. (not/be) so rich, they
……………………………………………..(have to) find a job.
6. If dad ……………………………………………… (early) we
………………………………………………(go) to the cinema.
7. If I ………………………………………(have) a better memory I
…………………………………………(study) to become a doctor.
8. If my car ………………………………….(be) stolen I
…………………………………………………… (report) it to the police.
9. If you ………………………………………… (love) me you
………………………………………………..(not/leave) me.
10. If I ……………………………………….(won) the lottery I
………………………………………… (travel) around the world.

Exercise 2: Put the verbs into the right tense so as to form the Second Conditional.

29. If you ……………………………………. (lose) your wallet, what

30. If he …………………………………….(talk) to me like that, I
……………………………………………(never/talk) to him again.
31. I …………………………………………… (not/have to) go to work by bus if I
…………………………………………….(have) a car.
32. I ………………………………………….. (not/trust) him If I
………………………………… (be) you.
33. If your house ………………………………………………(catch) fire, what
34. If my computer …………………………………………….(break down) I
……………………………………….. (not/be able to) finish my project.
35. If she ……………………………………… (come) to the jazz concert with us she
…………………………………………..(be) bored.
36. I ………………………………………….. (not/come) with you if I
………………………………………..(be) tired.
37. If you ………………………………………….. (exercise) more, you
……………………………………….(be) in better shape.
38. I he …………………………………………..(insult) you, what

Exercise 3: Put the verbs into the right tense so as to form the Second Conditional.
(could / might)

9. If you ……………………………………………(talk) to him, he

………………………………………………..(might/listen) to you.
10. If I …………………………………………… (know) her phone number, I
……………………………………………….(could/call) her.
11. If we ……………………………………….. (have) had some rest first, the trip
……………………………………………..(might /be) less tiring.
12. If I ……………………………………………(speak) English, I
……………………………………………… (could / study) in England.
13. I …………………………………………(might/visit) them if I
…………………………………..(have) time.
14. If he ……………………………………………….(apologize) , I
……………………………………………..(could/forgive) him
15. If we ……………………………………………. (have) eggs, we
……………………………………………….(could) make an omelette.
16. She ……………………………………………..(might/feel)better if she
………………………………………….(go/out) more often.
17. If you …………………………………………..(ask) politely, I
…………………………………………………(might/give) it to you.
18. You …………………………………………..(not/be late) to work if you
………………………………………………(leave) home ten minutes earlier.

Exercise 4: First or Second Conditional? Put the verbs in the correct tense.
1. If I forgot my friend’s birthday, he ………………………………………………. (be) very
2. If she ………………………………………….(fall) in love with me, I will be happy.
3. If I ………………………………………………… (be) you, I wouldn’t talk to him again.
4. If you …………………………………………….. (eat) more, you would gain weight.
5. If I see her, I ………………………………………………… (ask) her to help.
6. If I had enough money, I ………………………………………………. (buy) that dress.
7. If I were you, I ………………………………………………….. (give) him a second chance.
8. If you work harder, you …………………………………………(make) more money.
9. If I …………………………………… you the truth, you will hate me.
10. If you …………………………………….(not/hurry) you will miss the plane.

Exercise 4: First or Second Conditional? Put the verbs in the correct tense.
1. If I …………………………………. Greek, I would be proud.
2. If you ………………………………………… (do) what he says, you won’t have a problem
with him.
3. If I were you I ……………………………………………. (buy) a sports car.
4. If I ………………………………………………….(be) taller, I would become a model.
5. If she …………………………………………………. (not / have the flu), she would go to
6. If you don’t drive carefully, you ………………………………………(have) an accident.
7. If they come to Greece, I ………………………………………….(visit) them.
8. If we ……………………………………………. (go) on holiday, we would go to Rhodes.
9. If her husband were more polite, she ……………………………………. (divorce) him.
10. If I ……………………………………………(take) the car, I won’t be late

Exercise 5: Write type 2 conditional sentences for the following situations.

example: I don’t want to eat because I’m not hungry
__________________________________________________________________ If were
hungry I would eat.

1. I can’t come to the beach with you because I have to do my homework.

2. I won’t invite him to the party because he is so rude.
3. I won’t go to the cinema because I don’t like the film.
4. I can’t give you a lift because I don’t have a car.
5. She won’t cook for us because she doesn’t have time
6. We won’t buy this computer because we can’t afford it.
7. I can’t visit her because I don’t have her address.
8. She won’t get the job because she doesn’t speak French.
9. She won’t marry him because she doesn’t love him.
10. We can’t watch the movie because the DVD player is broken.

SUBJECT : Passive Form

A) Fill in the PASSIVE in the appropriate tense:

1. (TV / invent / Baird) …….. TV was invented by Baird. ……………..

2. (Pyramids / build / Egyptians) ………………………………………………….
3. (milk / produce / cows) ………………………………………………….
4. (coffee / grow / in Brazil) …………………………………………………
5. (chopsticks / use / in China) …………………………………………………
6. (plants / water / every day) ………………………………………………..
7. (the thief / arrest / policeman / yesterday) ………………………………………………..
8. (the injured man / take to a hospital / now) ………………………………………………..
9. (the car / repair / tomorrow) …………………………………………………
10. (the letter / send / last week) …………………………………………………

B) Put the verbs in brackets into PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE:

There is a chimpanzee which ….. is called …… (call) “Bubbles”. It ………………….. (own)

by Michael Johnson. It …………………………. (keep) in his home. It …………………. .(feed)
every day by Michael Johnson himself. It …………………………………….. (always / dress) in
funny clothes. It ………………………………. (said) that “Bubbles” is Michael Johnson’s only

C) Look at the Hotel Information table and write sentences as in the example:

Hotel Information

Breakfast Rooms

In Pierrot’s Restaurant 7-9:30 am Maid Service daily

Dinner Hot water

In Main Restaurant 8-10 pm 24 hours a day

Newspapers – Telephone calls Hotel Cinema

At the Reception Desk Film every night at 10 pm

1. Breakfast / serve – where and when?

Breakfast is served in Pierrot’s Restaurant between 7 and 9:30 am.
2. Dinner / serve – where and when?
3. Newspapers / sell – where?
4. Telephone calls / can make – where?
5. Rooms / clean – who by and how often?
6. Hot water / supply – when?
7. Films / show – where and when?

D) Put the verbs in brackets into PAST SIMPLE PASSIVE:

Two men ….. were seen ……. (see) breaking into a house in my street last night. The police
…………………………. (call) and they arrived very quickly. One man ……………………….
(catch) immediately. The other escaped, but he ……………………………. (find) very soon. Both
men ………………………………… (take) to the police station where they …………….
………………………. (question) separately by a police officer. The two men ………………..
………………………. (charge) with burglary.

E) Turn from ACTIVE into PASSIVE:

1. The gardener has planted some trees.

…. Some trees have been planted by the gardener..
2. Doctor Brown will give you some advice.
3. A famous designer will redecorate the hotel.
4. Steven Spielberg directed “E.T.”
5. Someone has broken the crystal vase.
6. His parents have brought him up to be polite.
7. Fleming discovered penicillin.
8. They will advertise the product on television.
9. Someone is remaking that film.
10. Picasso painted that picture.

F) Using the PASSIVE, ask questions to which the bold type words are answers:

1. Columbus discovered America. …….. Who was America discovered by………… ?

2. We keep money in a safe. …………………………………………………… ?
3. A bee stung him. ……………………………………………………?
4. They speak Italian in Italy. …………………………………………………… ?
5. They have taken his aunt to hospital. ……………………………………………………?
6. The boys damaged the television. ………………………………………………….. ?
7. Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. ………………………………………………….. ?
8. He invited 30 people to his party. ………………………………………………….. ?
9. They grow bananas in Africa. ………………………………………………….. ?

G) Turn from ACTIVE into PASSIVE:

1. You must leave the bathroom tidy. …….. The bathroom must be left tidy. ………..
2. You should water this plant daily. …………………………………………………..
3. Our neighbor ought to paint the garage. ………………………………………………….
4. I have to return these books to the library. …………………………………………………
5. You must extinguish your cigarettes. ………………………………………………….
6. You must dry-clean this shirt. ………………………………………………….
7. Someone will pay you in ten days. ………………………………………………….

8. You can improve your health with more exercise.

9. People must obey the law. ………………………………………………….
10.The cleaner is going to mop the kitchen floor.

H) Turn from ACTIVE into PASSIVE:

1. Someone is helping her with the hosework.

1. A pickpocket robbed me.
2. The mail-order company sent Mrs. Green a parcel.
3. A dog is chasing the cild.
4. My friend sent me an invitation.
5. The farmer is building a new barn.
6. The secretary has given Mrs. Jones some letters.
7. The traffic warden had already given him a ticket for illegal parking.
8. Someone had broken our door down.
9. They chose him as the best actor of the year.
I) Turn form ACTIVE into PASSIVE as in the example:

1. He gave me a present.
a) I was given a present.
b) A present was given to me.
2. The waiter will bring us the bill.
a) …………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………
3. The Queen presented him with a medal.
a) …………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………
4. Her mother bought Mary some sweets.
a) …………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………
5. Bob has sold Ted a second-hand car.
a) …………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………
6. Larry is going to send a letter to Tom.
a) …………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………

J) Rewrite the following passage in the PASSIVE:

Some people saw a UFO in the sky above London last night. They reported it to the police. The
army sent a helicopter to look at it more closely. The UFO shot the helicopter down and killed both
men in it. People have given photographs of the UFO to the police. Experts are looking ar them
K) Rewrite the following passage in the PASSIVE:

Somebody has stolen a bus from outside the school. Some children saw the thief. The police are
searching for the bus now. They will use the children’s descriptions to catch the thief.

L) Rewrite the following passage in the PASSIVE:

Someone broke into a local jewellery shop yesterday. The owner had just locked up the shop
when a robber with a gun threatened him. The robber told him to unlock the shop and give him all
the diamonds in the safe. Then the robber tied him up. The police have organized a search for the
robber. They hope they will find him in a few days. Doctors are treating the owner of the shop for

O) Make questions in the PASSIVE from these cues:

Example: Where / our local newspaper / print

Where is our local newspaper printed?

1. How many / photos / store / in the photo library

………………………………………………………………………………………… ?
2. photographs / develop / in the photo library
………………………………………………………………………………………… ?
3. Where / messages / receive
………………………………………………………………………………………… ?
4. the Daily Mirror / print / in Manchester
………………………………………………………………………………………… ?
5. this magazine / sell / in Spain
………………………………………………………………………………………… ?
6. Why / newspapers / send abroad
………………………………………………………………………………………… ?
7. When / the newspaper / print
………………………………………………………………………………………… ?
8. How / newspapers / deliver
………………………………………………………………………………………… ?
9. Where / stories / write
………………………………………………………………………………………… ?
10. a lot of paper / use / for each issue
………………………………………………………………………………………… ?

P) Write sentences in the PASSIVE.Use these phrases:

* in the sea * at school * in the kitchen * at the post office

* in Australia * in Italy * at weddings * in Mediterranean countries
* in the cinema

Example: olives / grow

Olives are grown in Mediterranean countries.

1. films / show
2. meals / cook
3. stamps / sell
4. pandas / find
5. Italian / speak
6. confetti / throw
7. lessons / teach

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