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Cambodia Animal Rescue

Vocabulary List
bear (n) a large,strong wild mammal with a thick furry coat that lives especially in colder parts of Europe,Asia and North America cage (n) a structure where animals or birds are kept so that people can look at them care for (something/somebody) to look after elephant : (n) a very large grey mamal which has a trunk (long nose) with which it can pick things up endangered species (adj) animals or plants which may soon not exist because there are very few now alive gibbon (n) a small long-armed ape which lives in trees in the forests of Asia grind into powder : make something into very small pieces (a powder) by pressing it between two hard surfaces Kirirom : a national park near Phnom Penh;a national park is a protected area animals mobile (v) able to go from place to place;traveling nippy (n) tending to use the teeth in play;likes to softly bite or nip things poach (v) to catch and kill animals without permission on someone elses land rescue (v) to help someone ot something out of a dangerous,harmful or unpleasant situation sponsor (v) give money or help to support an activity,event,or organization tiger (n) a large animal of the cat family with yellowish orange fur with black lines which lives in parts of Asia traditional medicine (n) medicine that is not approved by doctors that is often based on the beliefs of a country or people victim (n) someone or something which has suffered the effects of bad treatment,illness,or bad luck. volunteer (n) a person who does something,especially helping other people,willingly and without being forced or paid to do it. wildness (n) natural and extreme beauty

Word to Know.
This story is set in the country of Cambodia.It happens near the city of Phnom Penh

A Animal in Danger .Here are some animals that you will find in the story.Label
the pictures with words from the box.


crested eagle




1. 3. 5.

2. 4.

B Animal Rescue Center .Read the paragraph.Then complete the definitions with
the correct form of the underlined words. In the wildness area of Combodia,there are not many people.Because of this,poachers often go there to catch wild animals to eat or sell.They have killed so many of some types of animals that the animals are now an endangered species.If they dont get help,there will soon be no more of them left! Now there is a special team that rescues these animals and takes them to the Phnom Tamao Rescue Center.There,a group pf vonlunteers protects and halps the animal.These people dont get any money for their work.They only get the satisfation of caring for the beautiful animals of Combodia. 1.An so few alive. 2. 3.To 4.A 5.The state. 6.To is a living thing which may soon no longer exist because there are are people who catch and kill animals illegally. something is to give it food,water,and all it needs for daily life. is a person who does a job or offers help without pay. is a place far away from people that is in a completely natural something is to help it out of a dangerous or unpleasant situation.

Identify the Main Idea

Skim pages 11 and 12 and answer the questions. 1. Why cant the little gibbon and Mimi the bear be released back into the wild?

2. What do they need?

Answer the questions.Then,imagine you are a TV or newspaper reporter.Make a short report about this story.use information from the questions. 1. Why do the animals have to be rescued? 2. Who is helping them? 3 Why are some animals now endangered?

4. What can be done to help stop this?


After You Read

1 .In paragraph 2 on page 4, they refers to: A. the poachers B. the people at the rescue center C. tigers like Dara D. the animals at the center 2. In paragraph 1 on page 7,the word rescue in the phrase rescue animals from poachers can be replaced by: A. stop B. organize C. help D. save 3. How namy crested eagles have recently been rescue? A.ten C.two D. twelve 4. Crested eagles dont enjoy hand-fed. A. being B. having C. to D. must 5. On page 11,what is the purpose of the second paragraph? A. to show an animal that will be released soon B. to talk about an animal that currently lives at a gas station C. to show an animal who will always live at the center D. to explain how the center rescues animal

6. Which of the fillowing is an example of human help? A. being fed by human B. living in the wilderness C. being a familys pet D. being taken by poachers 7. A good heading for page 12 is A. Family Keeps Bear for Four Years B. Bear Will Stay at Rescue Center C. Bears Make Great Pets D. Bear Rescued from Poachers 8. In paragraph 1 on page 15, badly means: A. nicely B. poorly C. little D. much 9. According to page 15,why are tigers poached? A. because people sell tiger parts B. because tiger medicine can save people C. because people want tigers as pets. D. because tiger are beautiful 10. The rescue center has then 800 animal A. over B. much C. up to D. more 11. Which of the following is a danger faced by wild animals in Cambodia? A. the rescue center B. poachers C. other animals D. all of the above 12. Why cant some animals return to the wilderness? A. because they like people B. because they enjoy their life at the center C. because they dont know how to survive alone D. because they are endangered

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