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Docens Series in Education

ISSN: 2583-1054
Viranjay M. Srivastava, 2024
Volume 7, pp. 1-15
Received: 5th September 2022
Revised: 30th November 2023, 12th December 2023, 25th December 2023
Accepted: 23rd October 2023
Date of Publication: 15th June 2024
This paper can be cited as: Srivastava, V. M. (2024). Methodology for Research-Informed Teaching and
Learning in Electronics Engineering. Docens Series in Education, 7, 1-15
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License. To
view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative
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Viranjay M. Srivastava
Department of Electronic Engineering, Birmingham City University,
Birmingham B4 7XG, United Kingdom.
[email protected]

In the fast-growing era of Engineering and Technology, in particular, the Electronics Engineering
modules/subjects have become a challenging area nowadays to educate the students in this COVID-
19 scenario. This present research proposes a methodology to help the students improve their
learning by including practical laboratory and research. This proposed methodology will assist
students in developing creative concepts and electronic devices for advanced device applications
related to Electronics Engineering. The main emphasis is Research Informed Teaching (RIT) and
learning with design projects centered on the Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate students. In
addition, this work discusses the research projects, teaching methodology, etc., which can be helpful
for academicians and students.

Electronics Engineering, Research- Informed Teaching, Diversity and Inclusion

Docens Series in Education
ISSN: 2583-1054

1. Introduction
A disease named coronavirus (COVID-19) came into force at the end of 2019, which is
spreadingglobally, and the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a pandemic in March 2020.
To date, the world has paid a high toll in this pandemic regarding human lives lost, economic
repercussions, and increased poverty (Ciotti et. al., 2020). The comparative selection between
continuing or endingthe lockdown with an optimal control model encompassing health and economic
outcomes was examined (Caulkins et. al., 2020). The shutdowns impacted students, including mental
health consequences of much concern because depression, stress, and anxiety affect the student’s
learning ability. The challenges faced by students during this period (Megan K. Youmans, 2020).
(Gelles et. al., 2020) A qualitative case study where they interviewed students (in 2020) to explore
how they adapted to the transition of remote learning. The university-based empirical work in groups
to learn about research can be replaced by an online mechanism while maintaining task value and
acceptable self-efficacy (Higgins et. al., 2021). (Muller et. al., 2021) Some have explored university
educators' eLearning practices and future adoption intentions. Thorough interviews with various
educators were conducted. The educators had limited online experience before the COVID-19
emergency online learning and expressed preferences for in-contact sessions.
Pre-service teachers' skill and knowledge acquisition regarding Evidence-Informed
Teaching (EIT) help to build more promising beliefs about the utility of various theories and evidence
(Kiemer and Kollar, 2021). (Dierdorp, 2021) It has been investigated whether the impact of a Science,
Technology, Engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teacher’s EIT approach using the suggestion of
flipping the classroom research improves students’ enthusiasm and if this methodology allows
students to accomplish better. (Welsen et. al., 2020) Some have analyzed the Science and Engineering
students' usage and attitudes toward e-books when using their available e-readers, which include
computers or portable devices.
The key deliberation is enabling the safe return of as many students and teachers as possible
whilekeeping physical distancing (Sheikh et. al., 2020). (Bubou et. al., 2017) It has been suggested
that recent challenges are maintaining pace with technological dynamism, high attrition, and quality
teaching and learning requiring multifaceted tactics. (Annie and Shemim, 2019) An itinerary has been
outlined for constructiveassociations between research and teaching to be pursued by individuals and
Higher Education (HE) institutions for advancing in RIT.

Docens Series in Education
ISSN: 2583-1054

In higher educational institutes, in particular, the Electronics Engineering subject

specializing in Micro-Electronics and design projects becomes challenging to teach and to learn for
both academicians and students (Peter and Srivastava, 2020, Moorthy and Srivastava, 2022).
Regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, various institutes, university classes, and laboratories shifted to
remote learning. In multiple cases, these requirements intersected inproductive ways with updated
modules and course content for virtual environments (Won et. al., 2020). (Kiernam, 2020) Some have
considered the best performance for teaching in online mode by examining academicmoves taken for
environmental studies courses during the COVID-19 situation.
(Srivastava, 2020, Dargar and Srivastava, 2019) They have summarized teaching methods
including bachelor’s design projects with technological integration for the electronic engineering
cluster students. However, engineering education was primarily focused on that work. To overcome
these issues, the author has suggested some features to speed up research-informed teaching, mainly
towards Electronics Engineering and design projects. The author's teachingphilosophy is the delivery
of an impressive and technically sound lecture with engaging content, which is imperative to render
such a lecture engaging, informative learning that is easily understood by the students being taught
at the time. Doing so allows the students to gainknowledge and learn. It shows that students can
become innovative entrepreneurs, not just the user.This paper has been organized as follows. Section
2 has the process followed for Research-Informed Teaching (RIT). Section 3 has the proposed
methodology for research-informed teachingand learning. Finally, Section 4 concludes the work and
recommends future aspects.

2. Process Followed for the Research-Informed Teaching

In this scenario, it is challenging to deliver face-to-face lectures and perform in laboratories
for advanced research. Also, contribution towards the research/supervision of international standards,
including inter-disciplinary aspects, is a nightmare nowadays. Collaboration with colleagues in the
university to develop joint research projects and secure the funding required for the long-term growth
of the research activity is a challenging aspect, as various travel restrictions and frequent meetings
with peers. Also, scientific or professional conferences were on halt. In addition, students'involvement
in becoming technical members of various professional and technical societies, suchas the student
chapter, has reduced drastically. Engagement in organizing the workshops, seminars,and conferences
converted to an online medium is a complex case for the people of rural areas orfor the non-technical
person. The author has proposed some suggestions to overcome these issuesin this research work.
Docens Series in Education
ISSN: 2583-1054

The author's philosophy of teaching is that delivering an impressive lecture with engaging
contentis imperative to render such a lecture engaging, informative learning that is easily understood
by the students being taught at the time. In the author's opinion, leaching and learning is a continuous
process, and it is two-way communication between the learner (students) and educator (lecturer).
Thus, from the author's perspective, the process of learning is constitutive of various aspects, such as:
 Identifying the level of the student's background knowledge.
 Taking a few lectures to revise the pre-requisite for the recent subject.
 Present the core module lectures with impressive content (PPT, chart, overhead projector,
smart board, etc.) so that it will attract students' attention.
 Providing the lecture notes and other required materials to the students after the lecture.
 Providing extra lectures for students deemed weak is done with the view of making these
students comfortable with the module.
 To understand the learning, a regular mock test or surprise test can be organized so the
lecturer can understand students' learning capability.
 Design projects are helpful to understand the theories.
 Providing detailed solutions of the tests and exams and marks in a short time.
 A session for the explanation about the exam question answers.
 Getting feedback from the students taught in the modules in question.

In this scenario, delivering face-to-face lectures and performing in laboratories for advanced research
is challenging. Also, contribution towards the research/supervision of international standards,
including inter-disciplinary aspects, is a nightmare nowadays. Collaboration withcolleagues in the
university to develop joint research projects and secure the funding required forthe long-term growth
of the research activity is a challenging aspect, as there are various travel restrictions and frequent
meetings with peers. Also, scientific or professional conferences were on halt. In addition, students'
involvement in becoming technical members of various professional and technical societies, such as
the student chapter, has reduced drastically. Engagement in organizingthe workshops, seminars, and
conferences converted to an online medium is a complex case for people of rural areas or non-
technical people. To overcome these issues, the author has proposed some suggestions in this research

Docens Series in Education
ISSN: 2583-1054

3. Proposed Methodology for Research-Informed Teaching and Learning

To gain momentum toward research-informed teaching and learning, the following steps
can befollowed:
Stage 1: Students should be informed about the prospective employer (if they are job seekers)or
company (if they are entrepreneurs) related to their field of study, e.g., microelectronics/electronics /
mobile companies, etc. It will create interest in the students so theycan select a goal after their studies.
For example, Fig. 1 shows various research aspects.
Fig. 1: Perspective Research Opening Areas

(Source: Srivastava, 2014, Pillay and Srivastava, 2020)

Stage 2: The news related to the latest technology can be informed to the students, which givesan idea
to the students that the subjects they are going to study in the present semester are related and in line
with the latest research on the market, which will be helpful to materialize these in terms of product

Docens Series in Education
ISSN: 2583-1054

design (shown in Fig. 1). These can be accompanied by handouts, PPT presentations, and online
materials, and during covid-19, shifting to Kaltura, Moodle, Zoom, Team, Google Meet, etc. (in line
of teaching and research methodology)
Stage 3: Revision should be done for each subject at the start of the semester, such as engineering
mathematics; electrical and electronic principles; communication systems, devices & circuits;
integrated circuits, Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT), Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect
Transistor (MOSFET), etc. (Sedra and Smith, 2014). In addition, the research work should also be
done inthe same manner. For example, circuit designing for simulation, mathematical analysis for the
research work, simulation methods using Assembly language, Keil, SUPREME, MATLAB, PSpice,
VEE Pro (Agilent), Lab View, ModelSim (VHDL and Verilog HDL), Xilinx, Microwind, Micro-
Cap, ADS, etc., and prototype model as shown in Fig. 2.
Stage 4: Some specific questions should be asked to the students at regular intervals to check their
learning, such as (example for microelectronics-related subjects): why Cylindrical Surrounding
Double-Gate (CSDG) MOSFET, what is CSDG MOSFET, what you will do to improve this device,
and how to design CSDG MOSFET with its advantages, comparisons with the existing models, etc.
Thereafter, allow the students to select any two or more parameters so that they can show their
creativity to nurture this device further.
The author encourages his students to be curious, address theory and problems critically,
exerttheir common sense, and expand their lateral thinking abilities. In most lectures, he gives a few
short answers to questions so that students can participate actively and remain attentive during the
lectures. Another critical factor here is that during these short-answered questions (active lecturing),
students can interact with their classmates who are in proximity. This encourages cohortcohesion and
creates a sense of identity for students, thus reducing students' alienation resulting from being
isolated. The author believes in a student-centered approach, providing students with individual
assistance and dealing promptly with student issues by liaising directly with the student, program
supervisor, and other college personnel as required.

Docens Series in Education
ISSN: 2583-1054

Fig. 2: (a) Circuit for Simulation, (b) Mathematical analysis snapshot, (c) Simulation analysis, and
(d) Fabrication




Docens Series in Education
ISSN: 2583-1054

(c) (d)

(Source: Leeuw and Srivastava, 2021)

Stage 5: Various fundamental theories can be explained to the student, such as: in the Double-Gate
(DG) MOSFET, the gates are only on the two sides of the substrate; these gates can be extended on
the all-around the device and designed like a cylinder; and thereafter its benefits should be explained.
It has less contact area with the board as compared to the other MOSFETs (thereafter, its comparative
disadvantages and benefits should be explained), its switching speed analysis with benefits should be
explained; also, future applications in electronic devices can be discussed. In addition to these, the
instructor can provide extra lectures for students deemed weak and is done to make these students
comfortable with the subject.

Stage 6: However, the electronic device application and demands from the consumer side are
increasing day by day. Therefore, the research should also be advanced in line with these objectives,
which forces the universities to upgrade the syllabus and course contents. In line with this, the course
curriculum should be revised regularly, say 2-4 years' time. It can be done via adding a new
course/subject (e.g., nanotechnology, 5IR, 6G, AI, ChatGPT, etc.), making any traditional
compulsory subject optional, to make space for a new trends-related subject. Moreover, a lecturer
should be extensively involved in improving the modules/programs at an individual level and within
a program team. This has been made to rethink the curriculum and to develop sound, relevant, and
innovative programs and modules. It can also enhance the teaching and research process.

Stage 7: It will be an interactive idea to form the design project at an individual or group level.For
example, fabrication of CSDG MOSFET, quantum effect analysis (for channel length of 10 nm
range), hot-carriers effect (device degradation for high power and high-frequency applications),
Docens Series in Education
ISSN: 2583-1054

various materials effect on devices e.g. Hafnium di-Oxide (HfO2), a high dielectric, with superb
adhesion to metals such as Aluminum and Silver; performance achieved by the switchcan be further
improved by using better technologies, footprint saving, pick and place effort analysis for Integrated
Circuit (IC) design (Srivastava, 2009, Srivastava, 2015, Srivastava, 2017, Srivastava et. al., 2010).
As a lecturer, it is my responsibility to create and oversee a comprehensive classroom so that every
learner can feel comfortable participating in theconversation. One of the effective ways to encourage
students of different backgrounds is to engage them with peer dialog on one platform. During this
process, students learned from each other and appreciated the diversity. The author has various
occasions to inspire students to pursue studies (undergraduate)/ higher studies (postgraduate) in
Electronics Engineering, for example, bycreating a social media platform for group discussion (as per
university guidelines); during this group project, students interact with each other, and in addition to
the technical contents, they learnabout the diversity and inclusions such as: diverse culture, disability,
ethnicity, heritage, language,traditions, country of origin, etc. (Bernstein et. al., 2020, Mapes et. al.,
2020, Sanger and Gleason, 2020).

Stage 8: The authors' philosophy regarding diversity and inclusion is that all students and researchers
should be given equal opportunity. The author works with various students, researchers,faculty, and
staff regardless of their diverse culture, disability, age, ethnicity, gender, heritage, language, race,
religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, traditions, country of origin, etc. (Gates, 2018,
Singh and Srivastava, 2018, Krulatz and Christison, 2023). With these experiences, the author has
learned how to effectively connect with people of various backgrounds different from his own. The
author believes diversity inclusion in the lectureroom and research group is critical for academics.

Stage 9: Regarding the postgraduate student, the author initially explains the roles, functions, and
responsibilities of the supervisor & the student, ethical issues related to the research & supervision
processes, and university rules & regulations for postgraduates. Thereafter, plan a program for regular
meetings. Then, the discussion of the requirements of the project and its feasibility starts. Finally, a
standard proposed work plan gets prepared once the student has understood what is expected of them.
This allows students to integrate their theory subject knowledge with the proposed project.

Stage 10: Now, various Universities and industries are opening their door (due to the minimized
effect of Covid-19); therefore, a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) approach can be introduced as a
course curriculum at the undergraduate level (Fleming and Zegwaard, 2018, Dean et. al., 2020, Pretti
et. al., 2020, Isdaryanti et. al., 2023) .It will give students a view of how theindustries work. It will
Docens Series in Education
ISSN: 2583-1054

boost the student's ability to learn effectively with a hands-on experimentalapproach.

Stage 11: In between the course or in the regular semester, faculty can apply for funding from various
external sources such as research foundations, etc., which are specific to countries. To sustain the
research external funding is required, which also includes the peer's review of the
proposed/designed projects. The author is engaged in solving the problems arising from advanced
technologies with students by providing the students' necessary guidance. This entails a detailed
process of probing into how a specific problem in research can possibly be solved. After resolvingthe
defined issues, the author represents his university through the research outcomes at various
international conferences in South Africa and international universities. In this manner, he builds
national and international contacts and participates in networks with colleagues to exchange
information and collaborate with them in future research fields.

Stage 12: Finally, during the exam, a blended approach can be followed, which means 50% can be
organized in the examination hall, and 50% can be arranged online. It can vary as per the curriculum
of the particular university.

4. Conclusion and Future Scope of the Work

In this work, the author has proposed a methodology for research-informed teaching and
learningfor Electronic Engineering. This work is mainly centered on undergraduate and postgraduate
students involved in Electronics Engineering research. It discussed the teaching methodology to
Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate students, including diversity and inclusion.
These are the suggested steps. In addition, various other steps can be adopted as the situation changes
due to the shift from online to face-to-face teaching. In addition, this work has a direction,which can
be used as a template to design the course curriculum of a specific subject.

Docens Series in Education
ISSN: 2583-1054

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ISSN: 2583-1054

ISBN: 978-625-7898-12-6
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