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al TCS iON GAMELab Screening Test

 Please try to follow the time limit given to complete the paper. You may move to the next section
earlier if you finish the previous section.
 Use the Track Change feature to indicate the additions/edits to the document.
 Save the sheet with your name and date.
 Please do not use the Internet or mobile phone. Plagiarism is strictly a route to disqualification.
 For images that you may require, provide graphic descriptions.
 Total time 3 hours.

Section 1 – Language & Writing (40 marks) .............................................................................................................. 2
Section 2 – Instructional Design (40 marks) .............................................................................................................. 5

al Section 1 – Language & Writing (40 marks)
Part 1 (10 marks)
Improve the construction and language of the following sentences. Use track changes.
1. He dropped out of school on account of the fact that it was necessary for him because he needed toto help
support his family.
Or, He dropped out of school to support his family financially.

2. TSpecifically the change management that we want to discusstalk about today specifically is relates
tospecifically having to do with the triple constraint.

3. Because, when changes are approved formerly bythrough theyour change control board at first,then that
gives the authorizesation to go change the baseline.

4. You just needonly ever need to uploadwrite each of these files into the CMS once, and they will appear
wherever instructed oin the site they are instructed to.

5. I possesshave an extensive knowledge in the usage of English grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation,
strong research skills, attention tond eye for details, and effectivestrong communication skills (written and
verbal)., I am analytical and deadline-drivenoriented and able ability to perform gracefully under pressure, as
part of a team or individually, good prioritization and time management skills, ability to perform as part of a
team as well as individually, and an analytical, positive and solution-focusedoriented approach to problems.


Part 2 (20 Marks)

Write about 250 words on any one of the following topics.

1. Future of learning in the aftermath of COVID19
2. Games alone will engage the future learners

Future of Learning in the Aftermath of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically reshaped the landscape of education, exposing vulnerabilities and
accelerating trends in both academic and corporate learning environments.

Academic recovery and reintegration

 Schools must implement strategies like tutoring and summer programs to help students who fell behind
catch up.
 The pandemic's impact on mental health can hinder learning. Schools need to provide robust social-
emotional support to help students reintegrate.

Innovative strategies: Virtual learning, once a temporary solution, is now a permanent fixture. Schools must
improve online models and consider hybrid approaches to meet diverse needs.

Corporate learning transformation: In the corporate sector, the shift to remote work made virtual learning a
priority. Companies are leveraging digital tools such as Learning Management Systems (LMS) to enhance
productivity and cost-efficiency. Organizations now prioritize aligning learning with business outcomes and
integrating interactive, human-centered design thinking into their training programs. Virtual learning has proven
effective, with many companies reporting significant increases in course completions and employee

Successful transitions to online learning by institutions like Zhejiang University and Imperial College London
exemplify this trend.

The road ahead: The future of education is likely to be a combination of the best of traditional education with
the flexibility and reach of technology. As the market for online education continues to grow, educators need to
develop stronger digital skills, create engaging online experiences, and become facilitators of learning. The
education sector needs to embrace constant innovation to ensure learners are prepared for the demands of the
future workplace.

al Part 3 (10 Marks)
For a release document, write a summary of the below features in a manner that is to the point. You should
not miss out any information or details mentioned in the below paragraph, shared by the development
team lead.
"In this release, a new feature has been introduced. The rationalization feature helps to assist the organization
with their rationalization process at the year end. Some organizations adopt the rationalization process after
the annual evaluation cycle is complete. This is done to rationalize the performance scores of employees. This
is performed by grouping the employees on the basis of their ratings. Then, they are ranked in order of their
Bell curve or normal distribution system of appraisal is a forced ranking system. Bell curve system rates the
entire workforce by comparing the performance of employees engaged in similar activity. Then these
employees are ranked on the basis of their performance. The entire workforce is segregated into three
categories. They are top, medium and poor performers. The percentile for each of the categories varies as per
the policies of the organization.
In HRMS, the rationalization process for the organization can be conducted through an On Demand Report
(ODR). This is specially designed with macros to achieve this purpose. The ODR takes the performance ratings
of employees as inputs and provides the bell curve as an output. The ODR is capable of doing 2 types of
First being the overall rationalization. This is done by considering all employees in the organization in a single
group. The second is the attribute wise rationalization. This is done based on employee attributes such as
grade, designation, or category."

Release Summary: Rationalization Feature

Overview: This release introduces a new rationalization feature that assists organizations rationalize their year-
end employee performance assessment. After the annual evaluation cycle, organizations rationalize employee
performance ratings—usually through a bell curve or normal distribution appraisal system. Employees are
grouped based on ratings and then ranked in order of performance into three categories: top performers,
medium performers, poor performers. The category percentiles for appraisals vary per organization policies.

The new rationalization feature in HRMS utilizes an On-Demand Report (ODR) with macros to conduct this
process. The ODR takes employee performance ratings as input and provides the bell curve output. It supports
two types of rationalization:

1. Overall rationalization: Considers all employees in the organization as a single group

2. Attribute-wise rationalization: Groups employees based on attributes like grade, designation, or


 Streamlines the year-end performance evaluation process

 Provides a data-driven approach to employee ranking
 Improves transparency and consistency in performance evaluation

Target users:

al  HR Professionals
 Performance Management Specialists

Availability: This feature will be available in the upcoming HRMS release.

al Section 2 – Instructional Design (40 marks)

Ideate and storyboard a simple game for any one of the Topics as specified below.
Topic 1 "No Poverty" and "Zero Hunger" are among the various Global Goals of Sustainable Development for a
client. Pick any one of the goals; ideate and storyboard a simple game for 5 to 8 - year-old kids.
Goal 1: No Poverty
At the end of playing the game, the kids should understand the importance of sharing any one of the
 Things with those who have less
 Used toys and clothes

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

At the end of playing the game, the kids should understand the importance of any one of the following:
 Not throwing away food
 Grow their own sustainable vegetable garden

Topic 2 Newton's third law of motion states "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."
The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects.
The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object. The direction of the
force on the first object is opposite to the direction of the force on the second object. Forces always come in
pairs - equal and opposite action-reaction force pairs.
Devise a simple game that would explain this law to 10 to 14 -year-old students with a basic understanding of
the concept of force.

Make sure to include and elaborate the following in your response:

 Learning Objective(s):

 Mission of the Game (What would be the objective of the game; will it be different from the learning
objective and why?):

 Game Play (How will the game work?):

 Scoring (How will the game be scored?):

 Challenge (What age-appropriate, game elements are included to make the game challenging):

 Completion Criteria (When will the game logically end):

 Success Criteria (What would qualify the player as having successfully completed the game):

 Feedback (What kind of feedback and at what junctures would you include it in the game):

 Instructional rationale for proposing the game:

al Topic 2:

Learner Profile Analysis:

 Age range: 10 to 14 years old

 Grade level: 5th to 8th grade
 Educational background: Basic understanding of force and introductory physics concepts
 Cognitive and developmental characteristics: Students in this age range are transitioning from
concrete operational to formal operational stages. They begin to think more abstractly but still benefit
greatly from concrete, hands-on experiences.
 Attention span: Typically shorter attention spans, requiring engaging and interactive content to
maintain focus
 Problem-solving skills: Developing but vary widely; need structured yet flexible learning experiences
to cater to different levels of proficiency

Learning preferences:

 Interactive and hands-on learning: Prefer learning through doing rather than passive reading or
 Visual and kinesthetic learners: Strong preference for visual aids, animations, and physical
 Gamification: Respond well to game-based learning, which increases motivation and engagement

Technological proficiency

 Digital natives: Comfortable with technology, familiar with gaming interfaces, and quick to learn new
digital tools
 Device usage: Regular use of computers, tablets, and smartphones for both education and entertainment

Motivational factors:

 Peer interaction: Highly social, enjoy collaborative, and competitive activities

 Feedback and encouragement: Respond well to immediate feedback and positive reinforcement,
which help build confidence and maintain interest
 Curiosity and exploration: Naturally curious and enjoy exploring new concepts and ideas, especially
when presented in an engaging way

Educational Needs

 Concept reinforcement: Need multiple exposures to new concepts through various modalities (visual,
auditory, kinesthetic)
 Real-world application: Benefit from seeing how abstract concepts apply to real-world scenarios,
which helps in deeper understanding and retention

Game Title: "Space Explorer: The Newtonian Quest"

Learning Objectives:

al  Understand and apply Newton's third law of motion.
 Develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills through gameplay.
 Demonstrate efficient use of forces in navigating obstacles.

Mission of the Game:

The objective of the game is to successfully navigate Captain Nova and her trusty spaceship, the Star Hopper,
through various levels filled with obstacles, utilizing the principles of Newton's third law of motion. While the
primary mission is to advance through the levels, the underlying learning objective is for players to internalize
and apply the concept of equal and opposite forces.

Game Play:
Overview: Players control a spaceship in a side-scrolling environment. The spaceship navigates through space,
avoiding obstacles such as asteroids, space debris, and planets.


 Thrusters: Players use directional keys or touch controls to apply thrusters. To move right, they apply
a leftward thrust, and vice versa.
 External Forces: Certain levels feature gravitational fields or opportunities to use momentum from
collisions to change direction.


 Equal and Opposite Forces: Players must understand that applying a force in one direction will result
in movement in the opposite direction.
 Resource Management: Players have limited fuel or thruster power, adding a layer of strategic
 Environmental Interaction: Levels include elements like black holes that exert gravitational pull,
requiring players to use counteracting forces to navigate.

 Basic Points: Earned for navigating through obstacles without collision
 Efficiency Bonus: Points for minimal fuel/thruster usage
 Combo Multipliers: Additional points for consecutive levels completed without errors
 Bonus Challenges: Extra points for completing specific challenges, like navigating through a field of
moving asteroids

Age-appropriate elements:

 Progressive difficulty: Levels become increasingly complex with more obstacles and tighter
navigation spaces.
 Timed challenges: Some levels require players to reach the end before time runs out.
 Fuel/Thrust limits: Players must conserve fuel or manage limited thrust to complete levels.
 Puzzle elements: Certain levels include puzzle-like scenarios where players must think critically to
apply the right forces in the correct sequence.

al Completion Criteria:
Defined Set of Levels: Players progress through a series of levels, each increasing in difficulty.

Endless Mode: An optional mode where players aim for the highest score before the spaceship is destroyed or
fuel runs out.

Success Criteria:
Players successfully complete the game by navigating through all levels or achieving a high score in endless
mode, demonstrating their grasp of Newton's third law through correct application of forces.

 Immediate feedback: Visual and audio cues for correct and incorrect force application
 End-of-level feedback: Summaries including score, accuracy, and efficiency metrics
 Instructional prompts: Hints or explanations when players repeatedly fail a level, reinforcing the
 Progress tracking: Achievements and milestones for specific accomplishments, like completing levels
without collisions or using minimal fuel

Instructional rationale:
 This game provides a hands-on, interactive experience, making abstract concepts concrete and
understandable through gameplay.
 By solving puzzles in different environments, students apply Newton's third law in various contexts,
reinforcing their understanding through practice.
 The adventure theme adds motivation and engagement, making the learning process enjoyable.
 The feedback system ensures that students learn from their mistakes and understand the principles
behind their actions, facilitating deeper learning.

Scene 1: Main Menu

 Visual: Space-themed background with a spaceship, stars, and planets.

 Options: Start Game, Instructions, High Scores, Settings.

Scene 2: Instructions Screen

 Visual: Diagrams illustrating Newton's third law.

 Text: Explanation of controls and game mechanics.

Level 1: Basic Navigation

 Objective: Move the spaceship from the starting point to the end goal.
 Obstacles: Stationary asteroids.
 Mechanics: Basic thruster used to move left and right

al  Feedback: Immediate cues for correct/incorrect thruster use.
 Visual: Simple space environment with a few asteroids.
 Graphics: Thruster flames, fuel gauge, collision if the spaceship touches the asteroid

Level 2: Introduction to Gravity

 Objective: Navigate through a gravitational field

 Obstacles: Asteroids, gravity wells
 Mechanics: Counteract gravity by applying opposite force
 Feedback: Hints on using gravity to assist movement
 Visual: Introduction of a planet with a gravitational field
 Graphics: Arrows indicating gravitational pull, the spaceship free falling if it goes too close to the
gravitational field

Level 3: Limited Fuel Challenge

 Objective: Reach the end with minimal fuel.

 Obstacles: Moving debris, tight passages.
 Mechanics: Efficient thruster use, fuel conservation.
 Feedback: Fuel usage stats and efficiency score at the end
 Visual: A worried Nova staring at the low-fuel alarm
 Graphics: Red low-fuel alarm blaring

Level 4: Momentum Transfer

 Objective: Use momentum from collisions to navigate.

 Obstacles: Bouncing space debris.
 Mechanics: Bounce off objects using Newton's third law to change direction.
 Feedback: Visualize force vectors during collisions.
 Visual: Floating space debris that the spaceship can bump into.
 Graphics: Momentum vectors showing force pairs, the spaceship breaking after coming in contact with
space debris

Level 5: Puzzle Level

 Objective: Solve a puzzle to unlock the path forward.

 Obstacles: Locked gates, moving platforms.
 Mechanics: Apply forces in sequence to move objects and unlock gates.
 Feedback: Step-by-step hints if struggling.
 Visual: Complex environment with moving obstacles and multiple objects
 Graphics: Indicators of force pairs and reactions

Final Level: The Gauntlet

 Objective: Navigate a complex field with all previous elements combined.

 Obstacles: Moving and stationary asteroids, gravity wells, limited fuel.
 Mechanics: Combine learned skills to complete the level.
 Feedback: Comprehensive summary of performance, highlighting strengths and areas for

Game Over Screen

al  Visual: Dramatic space explosion or spaceship running out of fuel or spaceship crashing
 Text: Encouragement to try again and tips for improvement

Endless Mode Introduction

 Objective: Survive as long as possible while scoring high points

 Visual: Infinite space background with dynamic obstacles


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