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Autonomous University of Santo Domingo

Faculty of Education Sciences

San Juan de la Maguana Center
Postgraduate and Continuing Education Unit
School of Physical Education and Sports

Preliminary thesis project to opt for the title of

Master in Physical Education and Sports Management, 2018-2020

Research topic:
Learning Strategies in Batting Techniques in Baseball in Clubs of
the Municipality of San Juan de la Maguana, 2019-2020

Line of research:
Teacher Training Management

Atty. Diogenes Ramírez Pérez

In San Juan de la Maguana, Dominican Republic

Research topic:

Learning Strategies in Batting Techniques in Baseball in Clubs of

the Municipality of San Juan de la Maguana, 2019-2020



1.1. Problematic Situation……………………………………………………………………...3
1.2. Formulation of the Problem………………..………………………………………………
1.3. Object of Study…………………………………………………………………….....5
1.4. Field of Action……………………………………..……………………………………..5
1.5. Research Objective……………………………………………….………………..5
1.5.1 General………………………………………………………………………………5
1.5.2 Specific…………………………………………………………………….........5
1.6. Variables and Indicators………………………………..
1.7. Justification and Importance…………………………………………………………….10
1.8. Methodological Design…………..………………...
1.8.1. Type of Research………………………..…………………………………......11
1.8.2. Study Population…….……………………...…………………………...……. 12
1.8.3. Study Sample……………………………………...………………..…………...12
1.8.4. Research Method………………………………………..………...………..12
1.8.5. Research Techniques…………………………………..………………...……12
1.8.6. Data Collection Procedures………………………………………………..13
1.8.7. Processing and Presentation of Results…………..…………………..13


2.1. Research Background…………………………………………………………14
2.1.1. International……………………………………………………………………...14
2.1.2. National…………………………………………………………………………...16
2.2. Conceptualizations……...


SAN JUAN MAGUANA…………………………......55
3.1. Current Situation of Baseball in the Dominican Republic...…………………………55
3.2. Current Situation of Baseball in the Municipality of San Juan de la
3.3. Research Context…………………………………………………………………….57
3.3.1. Local Context: Description of the Municipality of San Juan de la
3.3.2. Description of the José Encarnación League………………..
…………………………..59 Description of the Luis Constanza League……………………..…………………60 Description of the Manuel Jiménez League
………………………………………….61 Description of the Carlos Otañó League ……………………………….62

Bibliographic References……………………………………………………………………..70

1.1 Problematic Situation

Baseball is a competitive skill sport played with a hard ball and bat between two teams
of nine players each. It is considered the Dominican national sport, due to its strong
tradition and great popularity; It is also played in many parts of the world by people of all

In the communities of the country, especially in the municipality of San Juan, baseball is
the sport best known by children, youth and adults, this perhaps because unlike other
sports it does not require so much formality and not much material resources, since this
can be played with a ball made by the children themselves with a sock and other
materials, in addition to the ease with which a bat can be obtained or made with which
they can bat.

As for the terrain on which to play, it is very simple, since in our communities we can still
count on land that we could say wasted land where children empirically learn the
fundamentals of this sport. Seeing the importance of this sport for the people but
especially for Dominican youth, it has been introduced throughout the country.

But despite everything previously mentioned, it is known that there are many
deficiencies in the way this sport is taught and learned, especially in the batting
technique, since through direct observations (annex 1) that were made in several sports
clubs in the Municipality of San Juan, the researcher was able to notice in some
baseball practices that students present problems in different technical aspects of
batting, such as: an insecure grip on the bat, a very rigid grip on the bat when it should
be be loose and relaxed, the bottom hand was not firmer than the top, and when
swinging the top hand was tightened more.

Other errors that could be detected are the following: they turn their head, they do not
follow the ball until the moment of contact, they swing from the bottom up, they take a
very wide step when attacking the pitch, they step outwards away from the pitch without

having the weight of the body on the metatarsals of the feet, they drag the bat when
swinging without using their wrists, they do not coordinate the step with the work of the
hips, they throw the ball too hard, among others...

1.2. Problem formulation

Taking into consideration the above aspects, this research is required to answer the
following question:

What is the level of mastery of baseball batting techniques in the Clubs of the
Municipality of San Juan de la Maguana, 2019-2020?

Key Questions

1. What is the level of knowledge of baseball batting techniques that prospects

have in the Clubs of the Municipality of San Juan de la Maguana, 2019-2020?

2. What are the deficiencies in the teaching and learning process of baseball batting
technique that arise?

3. What strategies are applied to teach the different batting techniques in baseball?

4. What is the level of execution of batting techniques in baseball?

1.3. Study Object

Baseball batting technique.

1.4. Action field

Teaching and learning process of baseball batting techniques in the Clubs of the
Municipality of San Juan de la Maguana, 2019-2020.

1.5. Investigation objectives

1.5.1. General

Analyze the level of strategy on baseball batting techniques in the Clubs of the
Municipality of San Juan de la Maguana, 2019-2020.

1.5.2. Specific

1. Identify the level of execution of batting techniques in the Clubs of the

Municipality of San Juan de la Maguana, 2019-2020.

2. Determine the strengths and weaknesses of batting technique in baseball

batting techniques in the Clubs of the Municipality of San Juan de la Maguana,

3. List the strategies they apply to teach the different hitting techniques in baseball.

4. Verify the level of execution of baseball batting techniques in the baseball batting
techniques in the Clubs of the Municipality of San Juan de la Maguana, 2019-

1.6. Variables and Indicators

General Objective: Analyze the Learning Strategies that affect baseball batting techniques in the Clubs of the
Municipality of San Juan de la Maguana, 2019-2020.
Variables Definition Dimensions Indicators Index List of Items
1. Level of A set of abstract -Knowledge Level of knowledge of % masters baseball 1. What is the level of
knowledge of representations that -Batting baseball techniques. techniques. knowledge of baseball
baseball batting are stored through techniques. batting techniques that
techniques. experience or the -School baseball % who masters you have?
acquisition of baseball techniques.
knowledge or
through observation.
2. Deficiencies in A deficiency is a -Deficiencies. Difficulties when batting. % that present 2. What are the
the teaching and failure or defect. The -Teaching- deficiencies in the deficiencies in the
learning process of term comes from the learning process. Deficiencies when teaching and teaching and learning
baseball batting Latin word -Batting holding the bat. learning process of process of baseball
technique. deficiency, it can technique. baseball batting batting technique?
refer to the lack of a -School baseball Poor hand placement technique.
certain property that
is characteristic of Bad position in the % that present
something. batter's box deficiencies in the
teaching and
Very long step length learning process of
baseball batting
Poor handling of the hips technique

Poor handling of hands

and wrists

Bad swing when batting

Poor movement

He doesn't know the
strike zone

Does not know the

technique to bat
according to the direction
of the pitch

Does not know the

technique to hit the
different basic pitches
3. Strategies for Set of actions that Strategies Exposition of the % that uses different 3. What strategies do
teaching baseball are implemented in Teaching theoretical and technical methodologies to you apply in teaching
batting techniques. a specific context Techniques foundations of baseball. teach hitting in the different batting
with the objective of Batting Practices to improve baseball. techniques in baseball?
achieving the Baseball batting technique.
proposed goal. Talks about batting Frecuencia uses
techniques. different
Batting competitions. methodologies to
Viewing videos on teach hitting in
batting techniques baseball.
Others. % motivated to
practice baseball.

% greater mastery of
baseball batting

% who apply good

hitting techniques in
baseball practice.
4. Level of A factor is what Frequency of Frequency in which they % who effectively 4. What is the level of
execution of batting contributes to effective effectively execute execute the batting execution of batting
techniques in obtaining certain execution of batting techniques. technique techniques in baseball?
baseball. results when the batting
responsibility for the techniques. Always % execute batting

variation or changes Almost always technique
falls on it. Sometimes effectively.

1.7. Justification and Importance

Baseball is one of the most practiced sports in our country, the reason being that it
deals with a topic that, according to this study, has never been investigated in the
western area of San Juan. This study has as its theme: Learning Strategies in
Techniques. of Batting in Baseball in Clubs of the Municipality of San Juan de la
Maguana, 2019-2020, this research is considered important for the educational sector,
since effectively learning the technique of batting in baseball will prevent them from
making mistakes and will make them They achieve their goals in baseball as a sport.

This study is important, because it will offer efficient details that can be taken into
account by the educational sector, to ensure that young people can strengthen this

It is also pertinent and timely, because it aims to provide suggestions and

recommendations that seek solutions, based on the problems found in secondary
schools in the western area.

Baseball as a fundamental sport in our country helps prevent young people from falling
into different crimes such as drug addiction, alcoholism, theft, among others.

Although baseball keeps you away from corruption, it can also help solve the economic
part of those who manage to enter professionally.


During this investigation, the need for batting technique is understood through the
information obtained with reference to knowledge. How important batting is in Baseball
but also how difficult it is to learn to execute a batting technique correctly, thanks to
some sources consulted during this research, readers will be able to familiarize
themselves with strategies to correct any possible errors they may have, during a
batting practice.

This research will show that baseball is a difficult sport, even though it is liked by young
people who today dedicate themselves to the practice of it in search of new horizons.

The different bibliographical consultations that have been carried out will show how
difficult it is to hit, and that a very continuous routine is required since there are many
elements to take into account to develop hitting skills, within it we must take into
account It counts size and weight of the bat, hand placement, hip movement among
other qualities or skill.

Historically, baseball has developed quite a bit on both the international, national and
local levels.

1.8. Methodological design

1.8.1. Kind of investigation

 descriptive: Well, through this, the aim is to make a description according to the
objectives of the research.

 Evaluative Diagnosis. Because through this, the fundamental elements of a

phenomenon and its different manifestations were characterized, through a
diagnostic-evaluative that will allow the results of said research to be produced.

 Field: Because data will be collected in the same place where the phenomenon
under study is manifested and where the different actors involved in its
occurrence are located. With these data the results of the research will be

 The analysis of the final report will assume the Quantitative-Qualitative and
analytical level; since statistical data will be handled and an evaluation of the
qualities of the population under study will be carried out.

1.8.2. Study Population

The study population will be made up of 4 coaches and 111 prospects from the
Municipality of San Juan.

1.8.3. Study Sample

The sample was selected at random, and was made up of 4 coaches who teach
practices. It is also made up of 54, for 100% of the student population.
Population Sample
Municipal leagues Age 12 – 13 Age 12 – 13
years years
Jose Encarnacion 15 8 1
Luis Constanza 38 18 1
Manuel Jimenez 20 10 1
Carlos Otañó 38 18 1
Grand Total 111 54 4

1.8.4. Research Method

Deductive: With this method we went from the general to the particular, in such a way
that starting from some universal statements and using scientific instruments, particular
statements are inferred that allow achieving the objectives set in this study.

1.8.5. Research techniques

 Bibliographical sources. Through consultation in theses, monographs, books,

magazines, newspapers, pages on the topic under study, where the information
that formed the theoretical framework of said research was obtained.

 Documentary Analysis. It will allow an analytical summary to be carried out in

an orderly and systematic manner of the information collected that will support
said investigation.

 Interview. Through it, background and prior information about the phenomenon
studied and the context of study will be obtained.

 Survey. This technique will be used to apply an instrument to the target

population, selected to carry out the research.
 Data Collection Instrument. They will allow you to collect the data that will be
collected during the field work.

1.8.6. Data Collection Procedure

To carry out the research, the coach of the teams under study was formally requested,
via formal communications (see annexes), to whom the reason for this research was
explained. Then we proceeded to apply the observations to see the weaknesses that
are presented, with the purpose of collecting the data that will allow measuring the
variables and indicators contained in the objectives formulated in this work.

1.8.7. Processing and Presentation of Results

The data will be processed into tables, their corresponding graphs and their respective
interpretations, to then carry out the site analysis and thus issue the pertinent
conclusions and recommendations.


2.1 Research Background

2.1.1. International

At the international level, Mena (2013) can be cited, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, he
carried out a study titled: “Batting. His technique and methodology”, where he
concluded by expressing that batting, the interrelation between the phases of
movement, coordination, plays a fundamental role in obtaining a significant result. The
batter's preparation must be aimed at developing a good system of references, which
allows for a tight spatio-temporal correlation of the movement and the appropriate
distribution in time of the accentuation of the necessary effort according to the type of

In Cuba Costa (2014), he carried out the research: "The batting technique in Baseball
players in athletes in the 15-16 year old category of the Sports Initiation School (EIDE):
Ormani Arenado Llonch of Pinar del Río", arriving at the following results:

The initial diagnosis made allowed us to corroborate the technical deficiencies that
players in the school category between 12 and 14 years of age manifest in the
execution of the batting movement; as well as the needs and difficulties that coaches
present in this sense.

With the proposal, an alternative of exercises, organized and scientifically based, aimed
at achieving an improvement in the execution of batting movements is established.
When the proposal was evaluated by a group of specialists, everyone agreed that its
effectiveness, applicability, viability and relevance were very positive.

Another investigation is that developed in Cuba by González Dechapelle; Fernández

Hernández and Villegas Rodríguez (2011), titled: “Methodological alternative for the
development of batting skill in baseball players in training”, the topic related to games as
a teaching method within physical activities in the transformation of motor behaviors in

children. is very topical, so it was decided based on insufficiencies detected in the
technical-tactical preparation of school-age children in the batting mechanics of the
Jimaguayú municipality, to implement a methodological tool that favors the practice of
baseball as a sport, based on the use of exercises, pre-sports games related to basic
technical foundations of said sporting discipline such as: batting and fielding the ball, for
which they promote motivation towards participation in motor activity, as the main result
of the thesis presented in this report.

In its development, based on the diversity of methods and techniques of scientific

research used, terms currently in force in the Pedagogical Sciences were distinguished,
the methodological proposal aimed at the methodological orientation of baseball as a
means of technical-tactical preparation was developed. proposed a prototype of motor
tasks to guide the development of the activity in children of primary school age.

Among its conclusions it stood out: The diagnosis carried out revealed the
insufficiencies that occur in the behavior of the technical-tactical preparation for the
development of batting ability in baseball players in training from the municipality of

A methodological alternative is presented for the development of batting skill in baseball

players in training, structured in three stages that promote a vertical motor transfer
effect based on the theory of identical elements.

The feasibility of the methodological alternative was shown, based on its empirical
verification in the municipality of Camaguey.

2.1.2. National

At the national level, we have the research carried out in the municipality of Azua by
Cuevas and Taveras (2014), titled: “Raising the Motivation to Participate in Baseball
Games in 7th Grade Students of the Activo 20-30 School, District Educational 03-02,
Municipality of Padre Las Casas, School Year 2013-2014”, in which the results were the

Involving all the actors in the process in an action research project helps increase the
motivation of students to participate in baseball games. Students can be made aware of
baseball practices by holding talks, workshops, intramurals, etc., and explaining to them
the importance of baseball for health and recreation.

It is advisable to provide Educational Centers with a women's baseball team, this helps
motivate students to participate and get more involved in this fascinating sport. Through
different strategies, such as: practices, tournaments, formation of baseball clubs, etc.,
girls can be motivated to participate in baseball games at Educational Centers.

With striking strategies, such as: promotional sessions and campaigns, intramurals,
talks, videos about women in baseball, etc., it is possible to emphasize the attention of
the students in the game of baseball. Developing intramural women's baseball at the
Educational Center motivates students to practice this sport more and also allows them
to develop and exercise both body and mind.

Motivation plays an important role in the teaching-learning process, because in this way,
students will have good knowledge about the content that is taught to them daily.

Another investigation carried out in Mao Valverde by Hernández (2010), titled:

“Defensive and Offensive Technique in Baseball I”, he concluded:

By carrying out a thorough bibliographic review, it allowed us to confront the main

theoretical-methodological conceptions that underlie the proposal, with the knowledge
and application of batting technique in baseball players being of vital importance.

The initial diagnosis carried out confirmed the technical deficiencies that the players of
this school category manifest in the execution of the batting movement; as well as the
needs and difficulties that coaches present in this sense.

With the proposal, an alternative of exercises, organized and scientifically based, aimed
at achieving an improvement in the execution of batting movements is established.

When the proposal was evaluated by a group of specialists, everyone agreed that its
effectiveness, applicability, viability and relevance were very positive. Today we have a
very solid and organized baseball league, one could say the most intense in the entire
Caribbean, thanks to the quality of our players and the euphoric and demanding fans
that always pack the stadiums.

2.1.3. local

At the local level, in San Juan we have the study carried out by Benzan (2018), titled:
“Motivation of 2nd grade secondary school students to join baseball games in the
Physical Education class in high schools in the eastern zone of the Educational District
02-05 San Juan Este, School Year 2017-2018”, with the objective of determining the
level of motivation of 2nd grade secondary school students to join baseball games in the
Physical Education class of high schools. Los Bancos II, Sabana Alta and TV Center
Hilda Luz Pérez de Las Zanjas.

In the methodology, the type of descriptive and field study was used, the type of
deductive methodology was used, within the techniques and instruments, the
unstructured interview, bibliographic consultation, document analysis and the survey
were implemented, we worked with a population of 3 Physical Education teachers and
116 students.

It was concluded as follows: The level of knowledge that the 2nd grade secondary
school students at the Los Bancos II, Sabana Alta and TV Centro Hilda Luz Pérez de
Las Zanjas high schools have about baseball is good or very good, since Almost always
the physical education teacher explains to them the basic fundamentals of baseball and
provides them with local guidelines about this sport.

According to the teachers, the way in which they make their students aware of the
importance of integrating students into the game of baseball in the Physical Education
class is through workshops. However, the students pointed out that they are also made
known through games only with the students and practices in the school yard.

The results of the observation sheet allow us to conclude that the students under study
are motivated in baseball classes.

In the research carried out by De los Santos and Aquino (2014), titled: “Teaching-
Learning of batting technique in baseball training in School Physical Education, the
municipality of San Juan 2013-2014”, the study proposed how objective, to design a

didactic alternative for the Teaching-Learning of batting technique within baseball
training at school age, in the municipality of San Juan.

The approach was mixed (quantitative and qualitative), the historical-logical, analysis
and synthesis, documentary, statistical method, and survey methods were used. The
technique used in collecting the questionnaire, observation guide, photographic camera,
video camera, and audio recorder.

The population is made up of a total of thirty-three (33) coaches and thirty (30) experts
for a total of sixty-three (63) experts and coaches from the municipality of San Juan.

The experts or coaches are divided as follows by municipalities thirty (30), San Juan de
la Maguana, Las Matas de Farfán eleven (11), Juan de Herrera nine (9), Vallejuelo four
(4), El Cercado six (6 ), Bohechío three (3), school-age baseball coaches and experts in
the municipality of San Juan.

While the children observed in the communities make a total of three thousand ninety-
eight (3,098), divided as follows. From the municipality of San Juan de la Maguana one
thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven (1,867), from Las Matas de Farfán three
hundred and eighty (380), the fence one hundred and twenty (120), Bohechío forty-five
(45), Juan de Herrera six hundred and twenty-five (625) ), Vallejuelo sixty-one (61)
children, (school-age players).

The study concluded that the Teaching-Learning process of the technical elements of
batting in baseball in our town, especially San Juan in the smallest categories, is
deficient and this is due to the precariousness of the technical elements that the teams
have. called technicians of this sport or those who are there to correct these
deficiencies, to this we can add the low level of schooling that the people called to be
instructors of future baseball players have.

We understand that if this sport were taught as a mandatory subject in schools, our
players would have greater opportunities and those who are called to be coaches would
leave or be more prepared when they have to retire as an active player and dedicate
themselves to training the new talents of children's baseball. .

The baseball game is characterized by being an activity of variable nature, composed of
a set of complex actions from the point of view of the structure of the movement and
where the motor action of the players plays a highly significant role in obtaining the
result. , both for the benefits of each of the athletes, as well as for the group in general.

During the development of this research process, the authors have diagnosed that more
than 50% of the baseball coaches of the children's categories in the municipality of San
Juan do not have the theoretical, practical and methodological knowledge to carry out
the training, therefore that in their opinions they present alternatives that tend to the
development of pedagogical practice for baseball coaches of the children's category in
this municipality and throughout the national territory whose basic objective is the
preparation of baseball coaches and guidance for the solution of the main difficulties
found in the observations of the batting sections within the training and the games

Our proposal of exercises is aimed at correcting the most frequent errors in little league
baseball players, for the correct execution of the batting technique and at the same time
allow demonstrating the viability of the proposal, its objectives in order to obtain better

The study recommended that the didactic alternative that is presented in this research
process be taken into consideration with the objective of correcting the deficiencies that
exist in the practice of this sport and, if possible, be used as pedagogical material in
baseball leagues. as well as in schools. From our country the Dominican Republic.

Organize talks about the importance of baseball as a sport, both physical and mental.
Carrying out training courses for children's baseball coaches that could be organized as

Another study is the one carried out by Pérez and Bautista (2015), on: “Improving the
integration of students into the Physical Education classes of baseball in 7th grade at
the Damián David Ortiz Educational Center, Educational District 02-03, Las Matas de
Farfán , School Year 2014-2015”, concluding the following:

When talks and interventions are held about the importance of physical activity, both
students and teachers become aware of the importance of baseball class in Physical

When they carry out a workshop to create unconventional baseball instruments, the
students work as a team and become familiar with the sports instruments of this game.
When recreational activities about baseball are implemented, schoolgirls enjoy and
actively get involved in classes.

When we carry out pedagogical practices to highlight what has been learned, the
students execute the activities appropriately. By implementing strategies with
pedagogical practices for students to show their progress, they execute and identify the
fundamentals of baseball in Physical Education appropriately.

Sánchez, Dicló (2015). They presented their research titled. Methodological

actions to improve the learning of Baseball batting technique in third grade high
school students of the TV Centro Punta Caña, District 02-06 San Juan Oeste,
year 2015.

The main objective of the study was to design a system of methodological actions to
improve baseball batting technique. The study was quantitative and qualitative, several
methods and techniques were used, such as empirical and theoretical methods, among
them are observation, survey and consultation of those involved, documentary analysis
and synthesis.

The present research was carried out at the TV Centro Punta Caña with male students
from the second cycle of secondary education between the ages of 12 and 17. With a
population of 150 students and 2 teachers belonging to the educational center. For this
work, a representative sample of 29 students and 2 teachers was used.

The study concluded that teachers do not master the contents of baseball, evidencing
weakness in their application, making the teaching-learning process difficult. Difficulty in
teachers mastering planning, content and activities related to baseball. Those involved
in the validation of this proposal for methodological actions considered that if applied it

contributes to the improvement of this technical element (Batting). According to the
results obtained, these weaknesses were evident in the teachers of both schools, since
it was not possible to apply strategies. that would allow strengthening the teaching-
learning process of the matrices.

The study recommended that physical education teachers be concerned about training
and updating content for teaching baseball and other sports in order to raise the quality
of their teaching practice and their intellectual competencies. Be interested in planning,
take over the leadership that concerns you as a physical education teacher in your
community, use appropriate language about baseball and areas related to physical
education, apply the proposal on a system of methodological actions for teaching
physical education. Batting technique. For district technicians: Manage physical
education teacher training courses to strengthen their skills in the area of Baseball and
other sports. Carry out arrangements to provide baseball teaching materials, through
the National Institute of Physical Education (INEFI), and supply it to educational centers.

2.2 . Conceptualizations


According to Alfonso (2008), baseball is a sport that is played on a square field 30 m on

a side between two teams of nine players each; It involves hitting a small ball thrown
with the hand by an opponent with a bat and traveling the perimeter of an interior
square of the field passing through the four corners or bases before the rival regains
control of the game; The team that achieves it the most times throughout the nine parts
or innings of which the match consists of wins.

According to the digital dictionary Word (2013), baseball is a game
between two teams of nine players each that is played with a ball and a bat, and in
which the players have to navigate certain positions or bases. a circuit.

Brief History of Baseball

According to Alfonso (2008), baseball is a sport originally from the United States,
although it is thought that it could derive from a game in England called “Rounders”.
According to popular legends, the inventor of baseball was Abner Doubleday; However,
there is no certainty about that. The modern game begins with the rules published by
Alexander Cartwright in 1845. Cartwright headed the first baseball team to be formed
called the Knickerbockers.

The first game was played in 1846, but it was not until 1849 that the first professional
team called the Red Stockings was formed. Baseball soon became one of the most
popular sports in the United States and today many other countries have included it
among their favorites, among which we can mention Japan, Canada, South Korea,
Taiwan and many Latin American countries such as Cuba, Mexico, Panama,
Venezuela, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.

Baseball Game Form

Alfonso (2008) points out that a baseball game is divided into nine periods of play, each
of which is called an inning. The team that scores the most runs throughout the nine
innings wins the game. The game begins when a player, called the pitcher, throws the
ball toward the opposing team's batter, who attempts to hit the ball into the field of play.
Players score runs by hitting the ball and running around a series of bases before being
thrown out by an opposing team's fielder. Batters and runners can be eliminated (out) in
different ways:

a) For pitches, when three "strikes" are called to the batter before receiving four bad

b) Catching a batted ball in the air, without it having first touched the ground.

c) The runner arrives, once he has batted, to step on the bag, after the ball has
reached the possession of the defender of the 1st base.

d) The runner being tagged by a batted ball, when he goes from one base to

e) A runner being touched with the ball on his body by an opponent, while he is not
in contact with a pad.

f) Interfere with the action of a defensive player.

g) Batting outside the place marked on the ground for batters.

When three offensive players are eliminated, the teams change situations; The one who
was on the defensive becomes the offensive and vice versa.

The entries are divided into two halves, called the beginning and end of the entry.
During the beginning of an inning, one team bats while the other is on the field. When
the batting team has three players out, the two teams exchange roles and the end of an
inning begins.

If the score remains tied at the end of nine innings, the two teams continue playing until,
at the end of one or more extra innings, one scores more runs than the other.

Objective of the Baseball Game

For Allen (2009), the objective of baseball is to score more runs than the opponent. A
run is scored when a runner touches, in order and without being eliminated, in one or
more plays, 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base and home plate. A baseball game is played in
innings. An inning consists of one batting turn and one defending turn for each team.
The number of tickets per game varies depending on age. In adults it is played in nine
innings, in children and juveniles in six innings. A baseball game cannot end in a tie. If

at the end of the last inning there is a tie, additional innings continue to be made until
the tie is broken.


For Ealo De la Herrán (1984), it is one of the most demanding skills in baseball, since it
requires coordination of movements, good eyesight and muscular strength to become a
good hitter. Batting is one of the most demanding skills in the game of baseball, since it
requires great coordination of movements to hit the ball, good eyesight and muscle
strength , necessary to become a good hitter.


According to Ealo De la Herrán (1984), the hitter is one of the most demanding skills in
the game of baseball, since great coordination of movements is required to connect the
ball, good eyesight and muscular strength, necessary to become in a good hitter.

The great variety of ways of standing to bat and style characteristic of many great hitters
who have known the game of baseball (Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, Martín Dihigo, Luis
Giraldo Casanova, Antonio Muñoz and Omar Linares), make it quite difficult to establish
a generalization. referring to the technique and form that a certain hitter should use,
however basically speaking each of the most outstanding hitters found their own style of
hitting, after numerous experiences and adjustments in the way they stand, in the grip of
the bat, length of the pace, etc., according to the physical characteristics of each batter.
This indicates quite clearly that batting is an individual skill and that there really is no
one way to hit the ball.

Batting is the most difficult element to master, that is why it is said that good hitters are
born and not made, for many of these born hitters, hitting constitutes an art, because
they develop more naturally than average players. , the majority of those who practice
the sport learn this activity as a science, applying the laws and principles that govern it.

In batting, a certain amount of muscles are involved, which require knowledge, for their
development and strengthening with the objective of knowledge, for their development
and strengthening with the objective of more fluid movements when connecting the ball,
which are the muscles. of the shoulders such as deltoids, infraspinatus pectoralis major,
elbow extensors (triceps) are the most important to obtain strength and power in batting,
as well as the muscles of the forearms as pronators and supinators, also of the hands
as a group of flexions and extensors carpals that provide the final drive.

It is important and essential that the flexors and extensors of the wrists are developed to
such a degree that they are able not only to control the direction of the batting
movement (swing) but also to make the final blow with maximum power.

Bat Selection

For Franger (2011), each player must decide what type of bat is most appropriate for
them, one that feels comfortable in their hands and that adjusts and helps them as
much as possible to their particular hitting style.

An example of them is power hitters. They generally prefer long bats with a thin handle,
because this allows them to obtain greater acceleration in the swing and collide with
greater force with the ball and send it as long as possible; On the other hand, hitters
who hit balls almost always choose a bat with a thick handle with a more balanced butt
and a greater surface area on the tip to better hit the ball. Some prefer to use a slightly
heavy bat because they can control it better and do not hit the ball hard. In short, the
hitter should choose his bat and swing it to determine if it feels comfortable in the
handle and if he likes the weight and shape of it; At the lower levels the coach must
adjust the bat to the individual taking into consideration the size of the hands and their
physical characteristics. In these categories, 74 and 84 cm bats must be used. long and
28 and 30 ounces in weight.

The weight of the bats used by amateur players ranges between 32 and 35 ounces,
with a length between 86 and 94 cm; At the collegiate level, bats between 32 and 35
inches long and weighing 30 to 35 ounces are almost always used.

For most hitters, a heavier bat, shortened a little for swing, is more effective than a
lighter bat in making a full swing at full length.

Bat Grip

Cuevas (2009) states that: the batter must hold the bat where he can handle it well, it is
held fundamentally by rolling it around the fingers, rather than in the deep parts of the
palm of the hands, pressing against the thumbs. Most players align the base and middle
thighs of their bottom hand. This type of grip, in which the hand is held close to each
other, gives the hitter a better break of the wrists to complete the swing. .

A loose, relaxed grip is essential for swinging the bat quickly and gaining power, as if
you tighten it too much there is a tendency to tighten the forearm and biceps muscles.
While waiting for the pitch, the position should be as relaxed as possible so that the
acceleration of the swing and the batter's concentration do not interfere.

Hand Placement

Costa (2012) says that: most players use a short grip, modifying and placing their hands
between 2.5 and 5 cm away from the end of the bat; Others prefer the short grip
completely and placing their hands between 7 and 12 cm away from the handle of the
bat, there are few batters who maintain a slight separation between their hands of 2.5
cm or less. Some power hitters hold the bat full length, but strike out frequently because
they have little control over it. It is advisable to hold the bat at chest height since this is
the limit of the strike zone.

Position in the Batter's Box

According to Huelga (2011), most batters take into account the characteristics of the
opposing pitcher to determine the position they should adopt in the batter's box; They
position themselves in the back against high-velocity pitchers and are positioned at the
front of the box, when the opposing pitcher frequently uses the curveball and changeup.
This theory is that when the pitch is with speed in the back of the box it will have more
time to connect the ball and with the curvers they can connect the pitch before it breaks.

As for the pitchers who usually throw in the outside corners, they get a little closer to the
plate, on the contrary if it is a right-hander who usually throws from the side of the arm
and the ball tends to go over him, that is, towards the inside corner He is separated a
little more from the plate in order to connect better.

In the case of adopting a normal position, it is necessary when entering the batter's box
to touch the tip of the bat to the farthest part of the plate (outside corner) to ensure that
they are well positioned and that with this position the vulnerable points are left open.
that could exist. There is usually a pattern for placement pending release which is as

 Feet approximately shoulder-width apart or a little more. If the feet remain too
close together, it becomes necessary to use a longer step and this is detrimental,
since the batter rushes forward too soon and almost always hits the ball ahead of
 The front foot may be placed slightly further apart or closer in relation to home
plate than the back foot.

A closed position would be:

 Placing the front foot much closer to home plate than the back foot

An open position would be:

 The back foot closer than the other.

These aspects are not the most important when starting the swing, but the direction of
the front shoulder and step during the swing.

 The knees remain slightly bent and the hips are lowered a little with a backward
pendulum movement. This movement transfers the weight of the body to the tips
of the feet and back, preventing it from falling on the heels.

 Generally the back leans slightly towards home plate.

 The front shoulder turns inward a little to place an angle with the plate in order to
follow the path of the pitch with it, which must be maintained as the rear shoulder.

 The hands hold the bat away from the body at a distance of 15 to 20 cm in front
of the rear shoulder and slightly back where the rear leg is placed.

 The head remains absolutely motionless, with the chin almost attached to the
front shoulder.

 The view remains on the ball, preferably looking for the point where the thrower
usually releases the ball, in other words, it is not necessary to follow the
movement of the thrower, especially if he uses some gestures deliberately with
the purpose of distracting the focus of the ball. batter's attention.

Step Length

Continuing with Huelga (2009), the step begins exactly when the pitcher's hand reaches
the point where he usually releases the ball, the head remains motionless and the
balance of the body is maintained. When the front foot is held to take the step, the hips
and hands are brought back, the knees of the front legs are guided slightly inward to
facilitate the backward rotation of the hips.

The front leg takes the step forward by sliding the foot next to the ground, without the tip
of the foot being completely in front of the thrower. The hands, hips and body weight are
kept in reserve. As a general rule, the step should be occur in the direction of the
thrower and almost always in the same place. The step should be short because it
keeps the hitter's body weight better balanced and allows him to contain the swing if the
pitch is bad. When the hitter uses this type of step, he could better control the inward
movement and wait longer to let the ball arrive and then adjust to the movement.

Hip Work

Charlie (2012) considers that: the hips are the ones that initiate the movement because
they are the strongest but slowest muscles, the action of the hips plays a very important

role in obtaining a powerful swing than the hands and wrists. The hips can open the way
to allow the momentum and power of the body to come forward into the swing. When
the batter decides to hit the ball, he pushes from the back hip to open the front hip, the
back foot must be turned as if it were going to face the pitcher. When the impact of the
bat with the ball occurs, the knee of the front leg remains rigid, meaning that the batter
must connect the ball against the closed and firm front hip, actually opening it before
performing the swing, so that it activates as a barrier that controls the push caused
when the batter transfers his body weight to the front leg, thereby providing him with the
leverage arm necessary to apply force; In other words, you bat against your front foot
and not on it and step to bat, and don't step and bat at the same time.

Hand and Wrist Work

Charlie (2012) continues, pointing out that: this is one of the most important phases, the
faster the swing, the faster you can let the pitch arrive for better judgment and the less
chance of being fooled. Below we show a graph which reflects the seconds available to
decide to throw the pitch and the decision time available to swing against pitchers of
different speeds.

Source: Ealo De la Herrán, J. (1984). Baseball. People and Education Editor. Havana Cuba.

When the batsman takes the step, the hands and the bat are slightly pushed back in the
opposite direction to the step to mount the wrists, when the bat is at right angles to the
shoulders you can check if the wrists are well on top of each other, always when the
front arm remains almost straight. At the beginning of the swing, the bat is directed
towards the ball using the force of the hand that is placed underneath to seek contact,
then the top hand rolls over the bottom one and the bat continues its entire journey
around the body to complete the movement.

Swing to bat

Trainor (1972) states that: naturally, the type of swing the batter uses will depend on the
direction of the pitch, but as long as it is level. The batter must have his arms separated
and fully extended when contact with the ball is made and the movement is completed.
The ball must be hit in front of home plate with the protruding part of the bat at a right
angle, before breaking the wrists.

Many hitters have the tendency to open their front shoulder too early because they hit
the ball too hard, this causes them to pull their body enough so that instead of
connecting the ball with the center of the bat, they do so towards the tip of the bat.
losing all consistency in the hit; At other times, when the head is turned, the front
shoulder usually opens as well and the eye cannot follow the throw.

It is the swing, the extension of the front arm is of utmost importance as it is responsible
for whipping the bat out and directing the swing towards the pitch with maximum
acceleration. A natural level swing is the quality that good hitters have who try to hit the
line drives and let the home runs come naturally. You should try to hit the ball and not
throw it too hard because the shorter and more compact it is. The swing, the better the
opportunity to make contact with the ball. This is the hitter's secret.

Movement Termination

According to Chacón (2002), a complete finish increases the power of the swing and
provides greater distance to the hit. It is necessary for the body to finish the movement
in the same direction in which the ball is hit, allowing the bat to continue its movement.
travel by its own momentum around the body until it ends in the center of the back.

The body weight comes forward causing the back foot to rotate with the hip, so that the
batter's belt buckle faces left field when hitting on an inside pitch, toward the center
when hitting on an inside pitch. the middle of home plate and in the direction of right
field when connecting on a pitch to the outside. It is necessary to keep the back foot firm

because the batter generates his power by pushing forward and using the bat to start
the swing.

Strike Zone Knowledge

Márquez (2008) points out that: the strike zone is defined by the official rules of
baseball, as the space above the plate that is between the batter's armpits and the top
of the knees, when he assumes his natural batting position. .

When the batter is in a favorable count, he must hit the ball that is most comfortable for
him and not the one intended by the opposing pitcher. However, when he is in a two-
strike count, he must visualize the strike zone slightly wider and hit it. All pitches that are
close to the zone could be considered strikes.

Batting technique according to the direction of the pitch

Charlie (2012) agrees that: to hit inside pitches effectively, the batter has to take the bat
out quickly to try to hit the ball before it reaches the same plane as the batter's own
body, this gives him the maximum of power in the swing and allows your eyes to better
judge the shot. Pulling inside pitches requires powerful wrists, effective vision and rapid
hip rotation. The thick part of the bat passes in front of the hands that remain behind the
end of the bat.

To hit towards the opposite field, the batter has to concentrate on keeping his body
weight back, he must try to make contact with the ball after it has passed his hands, that
is, he lets the ball reach so that his wrists can pose. first that the mass of the bat and
the ball is directed towards the field opposite the batter's hand. The main factor is to
make contact with the ball over home plate and not in front of it; If the throw is towards
the outside corner, the batter must go towards the ball, and if it is at the inside corner,
he must quickly open his hips, place his body weight on the front foot and bring his
hands close to the body, leaving the mass of the ball behind. Bat back to connect the
ball to the opposite body.

Technique to hit the different Basic Pitches

Charlie (2012) continues by stating that: the batter as a general rule is preparing for any
pitch, so there will be no surprise when hitting. To hit a curve the batter must ensure
that the pitcher releases the ball from the side of the index finger, instead of releasing it
from the tip of the first two fingers as in fast pitches, the curve is a pitch with less speed
and for this reason For this reason, it is necessary for the batter to keep his body weight
back on his rear legs until the last moment, to let the ball arrive and follow the pitch with
his front shoulder, so that he can connect the ball by separating his elbows from his
body well. It is recommended that you bat towards where the variation of the ball

The changeup or speed should be hit in almost the same way as you hit curves. It is
necessary to keep in mind that this throw is made with the same movements that are
used to throw fastballs, but the ball has less speed, so it is advisable to keep your body
weight back on the back leg and not try to pull the ball To hit special pitches, such as
the knuckleball, the fork, the screwball or reverse curve and the sinker and other
change of speeds it is necessary to keep the body weight back on the back leg to
prevent the start of the swing too soon.

Most common defects in Batting

1. Turn your head

2. take your foot out
3. Bottom-up swing (uppercutting)
4. Step too long
5. Additional movements before starting the swing (hitch)
6. Swing without using your wrists (sweep)

All these defects bring with them a lack of coordination and concentration in batting
(Charlie, 2012. P.21)

Batting Drills

1. Exercises on the throwing machine.
2. Exercises in the batting stand.
3. Short range batting with pitchers.
4. Pumped ball with task.
5. Batting at normal distances with pitchers.

Methodology for Teaching Batting

Soto. Andujar (2012) consider that the methodology for teaching a sport must respond
to a series of parameters which are detailed below:

1. Selection of the bat with the help of the coach so that you become familiar with it

2. Demonstration and explanation of the teacher's grip on the bat.

a) Execution of the bat grip by the students.

b) Execution of the grip of the bat by the students, picking it up from the ground,
rolling it around their fingers.

c) Demonstration and explanation by the teacher of the position in the batter's box
(sheets, photos, etc. can be used)

d) Execution by the students (emphasize a comfortable and relaxed position at

home plate before the pitch and with adequate separation from it using the bat).

3. Demonstration and explanation by the teacher of the swing movement and its
completion, taking into account the placement of the hands (use photos,
sequential sheets, videos, etc.)

e) Slow execution by students of the open swing movement with lighter weight bats.

f) Quick air swing executions with lighter weight bats.

g) Executions of swings in the air with normal bats.

4. Stand batting and pump ball batting.

5. Short distance batting or pepe game.

6. Batting at normal distances with straight pitches at moderate speed.

7. Hitting on faster fastball pitches.

8. Hitting breaking pitches at moderate speed.

9. Hitting on higher speed breaking pitches.

10. Batting in training game with tasks.

11. Batting in the normal game.

Teaching aids to promote the Teaching-Learning process of Batting Technique

Next, teacher De Jesús Molina (2010) proposes the following didactic means for
teaching batting techniques:

First Aid:

It is known as fishing line batting. This medium aims to increase the work of
concentration of attention during the execution of batting. It consists of a thick fishing
line that at its ends is attached to two rods, one slightly higher, this one is in front of the
batter and the other smaller one in which said rope can be held at different heights to
work, this one is behind the batter. batter, allows pieces of hoses of different colors to
slide along the fishing line to simulate the ball that the child was trying to hit as if it were
the implement and say the color of the hose that he just hit. This medium is built with
waste materials.

The student has to time the pieces of hose when performing the batting technique,
accelerating according to the speed that the coach gives to the piece of hose that will
slide along the string. We can also correct the swing problem. from bottom to top
(uppercutting) and that it is only used with low casts. This can be better observed with

the use of fishing line that does not allow the uppercutting swing to be carried out with
center or high casts, the number of pieces of Hosing can vary according to the number
of planned repetitions (swing volume) and must be done with a thin stick that the child
masters and does not deform the batting technique, which also serves to improve his

Second Assistant:

It is known as the support foot. The objective of this means is to prevent the foot from
sliding or rotating beyond what is correct when rotating the hips. To use the medium,
the foot is placed in an old shoe held by the toe with a screw to a rotating base that
allows it to rotate to the correct position, as it has a stop to not rotate the foot beyond
the correct position, it can be used For left-handed or right-handed batters as the case
may be, it prevents them from moving or sliding their foot further away from the bowler
and only allows them to turn it, which is the correct thing to do in this case. Care must
be taken to ensure that the student turns his foot as far as normal and that the
implement is positioned correctly.

Third Half Auxiliary:

It is known as the multiple batting stand. This means how to hit in such a way that the
swing passes through the center of the two rubbers if we want the swing to be straight,
level and cutting. Another implement is the multiple batting support that consists of a
base formed by a tire with a 1.50 m tube welded to the center into which two pieces of
small tubes are inserted with a stud to regulate the height at which you want to work,
with four cross-shaped arms of a length of 1.20 m welded to the pieces of small tubes,
these arms are put on rubber mats at their ends and half a ball is painted on each one,
a set of arms, It is placed so that the rubber bands are facing up and the other one is
facing down and they coincide to form the ball. Four children work on this implement at
a time, one for each arm of the implement.

With this means, we ensure that the children swing as indicated by the coach towards
the area determined by the coach so that it meets the objective.

Middle Auxiliary Room:

It is called the batting cage. Its objective is to prevent them from taking too long a step
when attacking the throw and does not allow them to stick their leg out. Its explanation
consists of a (c)-shaped wooden box with a height of 5 centimeters along the batter's
box behind the batter and ending at the front of the leg closest to the pitcher.

When taking the step to attack the pitch, they are not allowed to put their leg out
because a (c)-shaped wooden box with a height of 5 centimeters is placed along the
batter's box behind the batter and ending in the front part of the leg closest to the
thrower preventing him from taking too long a step when attacking the throw.

Baseball Technical Fundamentals

According to Vázquez (2015), the technical foundations of Baseball are classified as


 ball grip
 Launch
 Gripping the ball with the glove
 Front rolling fielding
 Fielding rolling balls to the right side of the defender
 Fielding rolling balls to the left side of the defender
 Fielding fly balls from the front
 Fielding of flies for the outsides (Outfilders)
 Fielding flies with runners on base
 Fielding fly balls to the sides


Vázquez (2015) states that: Fielding is the most important basis of the defensive
foundation within a game perimeter. It is a responsibility of every man on the team, no
matter what position he plays. Every player must be able to field, both ground balls and
fly balls. (sp).

Positions on the Field of Play

For Iglesias, Regalado (2014), the positions on the field of play are the following:
Pitcher, catcher, first base, second base, third base, short stop, left field, center field,
and right field, these positions must be guarded by players who possess the specific
skills of each of them, as there is also the position of the designated hitter, which is the
player who bats instead of the pitcher (this in the major leagues, specifically in the
national league). (sp).

Elements used to play Baseball

According to Carles (2011), the material necessary to play baseball is the following: The
ball, which is a cork sphere covered by leather, the bat, which can be made of wood or
aluminum, the bases that are located on the corners of the infield for the purpose of
being touched by the runners, the glove used by the players in the field, the helmet
used by the batters for protection, the cup also used by the players for groin protection,
the uniformity that consists of cap, flannel and sports pants and finally cleats, special
shoes for playing baseball.

Ideal Physical-Technical Characteristics of the Baseball Player

According to Rovirosa (2002), Manifesta: In Baseball there is nothing written, this

means that the characteristics that a player may have are sometimes not ideal, but he
turns out to be a great player. When it comes to starting a player in this sport, he must
be placed in the most appropriate position for his physical-technical characteristics, to
expect better results. (sp).

According to their Offensive Skill:

Rovirosa (2002), establishes: There are two ways to form a team: With good defense or
with good offense, but if you could find players with good physical-technical
characteristics, both attacking and defending, then you would have a great team.

In any case, a good batting order will try to be made according to the qualities of each
hitter, trying to place the best hitters at the beginning of the lineup, so that they have
more opportunities and are more likely to score. (sp)

Psychological Preparation in Baseball

Mena (2009) points out: Psychological preparation in baseball is a process aimed at the
development of the psychological processes, psychological formations and
psychological states of the player so that they can assimilate the training loads, acquire
sports form and fight with energy. constant throughout the championship to achieve the
best sporting result, regardless of the surprises and qualities that can always take place
in the competitions. (sp).

Sports Training Methodology:

For Dietrich (2010), training methodology: “encompasses all propositions that have as
their object the rules and rule systems used to act in training and in sports exhibition
situations, specifically in competition” (p.18) .

The training methodology is, therefore, the theory oriented towards the practice of
training. Its propositions not only participate in scientific knowledge, but also in
experiences subjected to reflection, both by those who directly practice the training and
by those who systematically observe it.

Situation of the Players on the Baseball Field

According to Allen (2009), the defensive team places its nine players on the field
according to the following positions: 1) pitcher 2) catcher 3) 1st base 4) 2nd base 5) 3rd
base 6) shortstop 7) left fielder 8) outside center 9) outside right.

The offensive team places its players on the bench and, one after another, they position
themselves in the "batter's zone" to hit the ball.

The guides (coaches) are members of the offensive team, who must be located in the
areas marked for them, close to the 1st and 3rd bases, one in each one. One of the
guides is usually an assistant to the coach (manager), and both must be uniformed in
the same way as their team. Their mission is to direct and advise the batter and the
runners on bases.

Defensive Team in the Baseball Game

Fonseca (2008) states that in baseball, Special Technical Preparation, defensive

players are distinguished as follows: pitcher, catcher, infielders and outfielders.

 Pitcher:

He is a key player on the team and has to throw the ball towards his catcher in such a
way that, passing through an area between the armpits and knees of the batter
(opposing player acting on offense), and over the base- goal (home), the batter does
not hit it and if he tries, do not hit it. This pitch is called a “strike” for the pitcher.

Kinds of good balls (strikes):

There are three types of strikes: unhit strike, hit strike, and missed strike.

 It is an unhit strike, the pitch that the umpire judges has passed through the
regulation zone and the batter decides not to hit it.

 It is a batted strike, the pitch that the batter hits, sending the ball out of bounds.

 It is a missed strike, a random pitch that the batter tries to hit, but fails.

Any other pitch that is not judged "strike" by the umpire is called a bad ball. Three good
balls (strikes) thrown in succession or alternately eliminate the batter.

Four bad balls thrown in a row or alternately, before three good balls, entitle the batter
to take 1st base without any risk (Base on ball)

 Infielders

Among the defensive players are the 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base and the middle, who
due to their specialization are called "Infield Players", since they play inside or near the

The mission of these players is to cut the path of any batted ball, trying to eliminate the
player who hit it and who has become a runner. If the ball goes into the field of the 1st
base, he must catch it and step on the bag before the runner does so, eliminating him

If the ball is in the domain of the 2nd, 3rd or middle base, they will have to catch it and
throw it to their partner at 1st base so that it reaches possession of the latter and steps
on the bag, before the runner does, eliminating him ( out).

When one of the bases is occupied, the infielder must throw the ball to his teammate on
the base to which the most advanced runner is heading to eliminate him (out).

 Outfielders

Like the previous ones, these are defensive players, but their performance takes place
outside the box and at the ends of the field. Your mission is to catch all the batted balls
that go through your area, both in the air and on the ground, and once you catch the
ball, send it to your teammate in the best placed box, so that he, in turn, can make the
appropriate play. over an opposing runner, and eliminate him (out).

Offensive Team

For Fonseca (2008), the team's main objective on offense is to score runs. Offensive
players are called “batters” while they are in the action of hitting the ball and with the bat
in hand, but when they have validly hit the ball, they become “runners” on bases.

These players will bat in a strict order, established in advance and communicated to the
referee in writing. His mission is to hit the pitches of the opposing pitcher, trying to send
the ball out of the reach of the defensive players and advance the bases that allow his
hit or that of his teammates behind him. In this way, the batter, upon becoming a runner,
must reach the 1st base, the 2nd, the 3rd, and if he reaches home base, score a run.

The batter will try to hit only those pitches that pass through the strike zone, good balls.

It is very important to keep in mind that when the pitcher throws and hits the batter's
body, the batter having done what is necessary to prevent it, the batter takes over 1st
base without risk and as if he had batted (Debol). The runner, logically, must be very
attentive and avoid by all means being eliminated by being outside the bases.

Different Types of Hits

According to Grosser (2008), hitting is the action of the offensive player, when he hits
the ball sent by the pitcher. The different types of hits are the following:

Good hit that allows the batter to reach one, two or three bases, without being
eliminated. (Fao).

Hit out. Case of a hit that goes directly outside the left or right wing. This hit is null in its

Ball hit (Flay). In this hit the ball goes high and is caught in the air and without touching
the ground by a defensive player. In this case the batter is always eliminated.

Four-base hit (Homerun). Maximum hit for which the batter runs the four bases without
risk, scoring a run. In this hit the ball almost always goes out of the field through the air.

Ground ball (Rolling). The ball goes along the ground bouncing more or less and is
usually caught by an infielder to make the proper elimination. When, due to a ground
ball, the batter reaches 1st base without being eliminated, this ball becomes a "good"

Hit out. Another case of a hit that goes outside the wings, right and left, but that first
touches or bounces inside the infield and goes outside before reaching the 1st or 3rd
base pad.

Sacrificial hit (vulgarly, "iron"). This hit occurs when the batter lightly touches the ball,
leaving it misplaced within the infield, so that it allows a teammate to advance one base,
even if the batter sacrifices himself, being eliminated at 1st base. If the batter has two
strikes and this hit goes out of bounds, it will be counted as the third strike and the
batter will be eliminated.

As a final indication we will add that hits that touch within the legal field of play and then
go out of bounds behind the 1st and 3rd bases are valid.

Definition of Key Terms

Technique: Procedure or set of these focused on the way of doing things. It refers to
working with tools, materials and instruments. The technique requires both manual and
intellectual skills, frequently integrating the use of very varied tools and knowledge
García-Valcárcel (2002).

Grosser, Neumaier, (1986:15), defined it as "the realization of the ideal movement to

which one aspires, that is, the method to carry out the optimal motor action by the
athlete." The technical direction towards the ideal movement to which one aspires,
takes into account the entire structure of the movement of the motor action from its
beginning to its conclusion, with a strong impact on biomechanics as an important factor
to achieve the optimal result in said action, criterion which adjusts to Baseball where
individual actions in batting, pitching and defense are decisive in the solution of each
problematic situation during the ball game.

Factors: Factors are understood as those elements that can condition a situation,
becoming the cause of the evolution or transformation of events. A factor is what
contributes to obtaining certain results when the responsibility for the variation or
changes falls on it. Porto, Gardey (2009).

Learning: Méndez (2008) learning is all that knowledge that is acquired through the
experiences of daily life, in which the student appropriates the knowledge that he/she
believes is convenient for his/her learning. According to the author, learning is a process
through which abilities, skills, and knowledge are acquired as a result of experience,
instruction, or observation.

Students: Person who studies at an educational center. It refers to the student within
the academic field who dedicates themselves to this activity as their main occupation
(ABC Digital Dictionary, 2007).

Secondary Level: According to the MINERD (2016), the Secondary Level is the section
of formal education that students access after having completed their primary studies, it
is divided into two cycles and six grades.


The concept of strategy is the subject of many definitions, which indicates that there is
no universally accepted definition. Thus, according to different authors, definitions such

Drucker, Chandler (1962), defines it as the determination of basic long-term goals and
objectives of the company, the addition of courses of action and the allocation of
resources necessary to achieve these goals. For him, structure follows strategy. His
interest was in the study of the relationship between the way companies followed their
growth (their strategies) and the design of the organization (its structure) planned to be
managed in its growth.

Weinberger (2009) combines the ideas of Drucker and Chandler in his definition of
strategy. Strategy is the pattern of objectives, purposes or goals and the essential

policies and plans to achieve these goals, established in such a way as to define what
kind of business the company is or wants to be in and what kind of company it is or
wants to be.

Strategy is a management tool that facilitates procedures and techniques with a

scientific basis, which, used in an iterative and transfunctional manner, contribute to
achieving proactive interaction of the organization with its environment, helping to
achieve effectiveness in satisfying the needs of the public. objective to whom its activity
is directed.

Teaching strategy

Procedures that the teaching agent uses in a reflective and flexible manner to promote
the achievement of significant learning in students. Belly (2002).

They refer to those used by the teacher to mediate, facilitate, promote, and organize
learning, that is, in the teaching process. Fields (2000).

According to the definitions offered by previous authors, it can be said that teaching
strategies are the procedures that the teacher must use intelligently and adaptively, in
order to help students construct their activity appropriately. and thus, be able to achieve
the learning objectives proposed.

Learning strategies

They are procedures (a set of steps, operations or skills) that a learner uses in a
conscious, controlled and intentional way as flexible instruments to learn meaningfully
and solve problems. Díaz (2002).

They refer to a series of cognitive operations that the student carries out to organize,
integrate and process information and can be understood as processes or sequences of
activities that serve as a basis for the performance of intellectual tasks and that are
chosen with the purpose of facilitating the construction, permanence and transfer of
information or knowledge (Campos, 2000).

Learning strategies reveal the involvement in teaching different types of thinking and
metacognitive strategies. Students who are aware of their metacognitive strategies
apply them to learning situations, problem solving and memorization. Likewise,
differences have been revealed between the learning strategies used by reflective or
impulsive students, and attempts have been made to establish relationships between
learning strategies and academic performance" (Gómez, 2003).

While learning strategies are a set of activities, techniques and means, which must be
planned according to the needs of the students (to whom these activities are directed),
their objective is to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and its storage. ; as well as
making the learning process more effective.

Teaching-learning strategy

Teaching and learning strategies are involved, by virtue of the unity between teaching
and learning. Therefore, the use of the expression teaching-learning strategies is
becoming more and more frequent, which can be considered as integrated sequences,
more or less extensive and complex, of selected and organized actions and procedures
that, taking into account all the components of the process, seek to achieve the
proposed educational goals.( Fernández, Ginoris 1998).

Díaz, Hernández (1998) state that research on teaching strategies has addressed
aspects such as the design and use of teaching objectives, inserted questions,
illustrations, response modes, advance organizers, semantic networks, concept maps
and structuring schemes. of texts. For its part, research on learning strategies has
focused on the field of so-called strategic learning, through the design of intervention
models, whose purpose is to provide students with effective strategies for independent

Teaching-learning strategy for batting technique

Vygotsky (1987) provides the explanation that supports the need to pay attention to
individual differences in Baseball classes, to achieve developmental teaching, as they

establish how the process of formation and development of the human psyche occurs.
One of these theses is the Law about the dynamics or social situation of development.

This tool of particular importance for the pedagogy of diversity, defines how: “At the
beginning of each age period the relationship established between the child and the
environment that surrounds him, especially the social one, is totally peculiar, specific,
unique. and unrepeatable for this age” Vygotski, (1996).

In this definition it is clear that biological conditions are mediated by the entire historical-
cultural experience, but in each child it is refracted from their particular experience and
on the basis of their psychological development, which begins to form very early.

It must be taken into account that each child is an individuality and this defines him as a
unique and unrepeatable personality that develops in close relationship with the specific
historical-social environment where he interacts with other people and processes. This
process of personality development is clearly explained in the following Vygotskian
postulate when he points out that it is, “a complex dialectical process, which is
characterized by multiple periodicity, by a disproportion in the development of the
different functions or the qualitative transformations of some forms in others, due to the
complicated intertwining of the processes of evolution and involution, due to the
intertwined relationship between internal and external factors, and due to the intricate
process of overcoming difficulties and adaptation” Vygotsky, (1987).

This implies that in the teaching-learning process of Baseball, it is taken into account
that learning is contextualized, since the person who learns is always a being in a
certain situation and circumstances, where the learning processes are an integral part
of their particular life and this It takes place in different contexts, where the community
context stands out, in which social relationships are established with other people. In
this sense, Blanco (1997) points out the community factors that can influence the
development of the child.

According to Acosta, Charles (2012), learning and perfecting batting technique requires
considerable hard work on the part of athletes and coaches. This will only be possible if

we carry out meticulous, systematic and individualized work for many years. part of
both, in which a number of basic suggestions are taken into account about this action
that in our way is vitally important: quick reflexes, concentration, training (strength,
speed, resistance, flexibility, etc.), coordination, individual dexterity , technique, liking to
bat at all times, hitting for all fields, controlling the bat, etc.

Technical preparation has been addressed by authors such as: Matveev (1983: 122-
160); Harre (1983: 267-301); Ozolin (1983:115-152); Grosser and Neumaier (1982) and
Platonov (1988) who delve into the components of athlete preparation, recognizing
technical preparation as a support that has served as the basis for tactical preparation.
The idea of achieving exercise progressions of fundamental sports techniques is
defended, before addressing the tactical aspects.

The batting technique

From a technical point of view, it is necessary for the Baseball player to have great
coordination and accuracy, considering this as a highly precise sport. Human beings are
diverse and the ways of hitting that each player assumes in their confrontation with the
pitcher are diverse. Acosta, Charles (2012).

Batting is the most difficult motor action that exists, because it is not a free motor action,
this motor action in the ball game has a fundamental, basic and decisive importance to
the offense, since to score a score and achieve victories, the hitter has to overcome
innumerable obstacles to be successful during its execution: presence of the public,
variety and speed of pitches and the pitcher's strike zone, hitting zone, field of the field,
defense of the opponent, courage, concentration, technique, training, reaction or
batter's reflexes, enviable physical conditions, etc.

It is a useful teaching tool for all coaches, Physical Education teachers and activists
who are dedicated to teaching and perfecting the contents of Baseball in children and
young people in schools and sports areas, facilitating a more comprehensive
pedagogical work in the technical preparation work of the game. batting, projected to
improve the offensive performance of athletes.

It is a novel work since it provides a valuable means of teaching through a training guide
for batting technique, creating a uniform structure of this technique and constitutes a
very important file that reflects the player's deficiencies from the small categories until
the end of his career. sport life.

Other authors who have offered contributions on baseball, such as: Jerri Kindall, Jim
Trainor, Mc Farland, Ted Williams, share the idea that in baseball technique should
initially be taught by playing positions; They recognize the need for tactical preparation
although considerations regarding its treatment from teaching are not appreciated. This
is also recognized by the main authors of methodological works on Cuban baseball,
such as Ealo de la Herrán (1984) and Fonseca (1998), who embrace the idea of
achieving technical preparation and then tactics, an issue that can be worked on in
lower categories, but not at the high level (Costa Acosta; Costa Acosta and Charles,

Pedro Miguel Fernández Pérez in the batting conference, his technique and
methodology. Considering the importance of hitting in baseball, it is worth highlighting
the poor use that most of the teams that participate in our national series give to their
coaches, which is perhaps why every time a coach achieves a good result he is singled
out. immediately like a genius.

In our baseball, unlike pitching, we have few specialist hitting coaches. In many of the
teams participating in our national classics, we do not know in all cases which coach is
directly in charge of this area because sometimes a coach, within the functions they
have in the development of the practices, is also involved in working on the offensive.

Despite these approaches, we are of the opinion that in our country there are very
experienced technicians who have dedicated a large part of their time to the study of
batting and who have also had very good results in practice promoting a good number
of athletes for the teams. nationals (Costa Acosta; Costa Acosta and Charles, 2012).

In the international arena the names Paúl Wanner, Ted William, George Sisler, Charlie
Lau appear, the latter as one of the most prominent.

In an interview with Charlie Lau, he states in one of his interventions that: "the hitting
coach has to have great pedagogical mastery to be able to teach this difficult art, he
must use a slow and easy way of speaking in the approach of each of your points. You
must have the ability to explain aspects separately and mesh them through repetitions.
Like a good teacher, the coach must be more than a technician, a great psychologist
and he will make his players respect and believe him."

Lau believes that there are four important elements that a coach must keep in mind:

1- You must understand and learn the mechanism of batting.

2- Plan a training program.

3- Work hard, because the most important thing is to measure the amount of work done.

4- A lot of patience with himself and with his players.

He goes on to say: "Most coaches give batting mechanics the most important factor,
because those who can execute it correctly should be able to hit the ball properly,
assuming of course that they have good vision, reflexes, strength and "Dedication to
work also adds value, because everyone must overcome the fear of being hit by the
ball." ( Costa Acosta; Costa Acosta and Charles, 2012).

In his book "The Complete Baseball Game" Jim Trainor refers to some psychological
factors that are essential in batting success and that due to their importance we
consider it necessary to point out:

1-.Determination: The good hitter sees each trip to the plate as a form of private duel
between the pitcher and himself. He literally dares the pitcher to throw the ball for him.

2- Concentration: The good hitter has that rare ability to eliminate unnecessary stimuli
from his consciousness. He is not bothered by the noise of the fans, irregularities on the
playing field or taunts from the opposing team. He is rarely bothered by the possibility of
being hit by the pitcher, even against those who throw extremely hard and are a bit wild,
he has the courage to concentrate on his bat instead of thinking about being hit.

3- Intelligence: The good hitter learns something every time he goes to the plate. He
studies every pitcher he faces and visually learns to think with them.

4- Confidence: The good hitter knows that he can hit a pitcher. As an experienced
pitcher I could read in the batter's eyes how he does it. You could make a difference.

Psychology in batting

The highest percentage of a hitter's success lies in the effectiveness of his technical-
tactical thinking, the innate quality is wasted and his preparation is disordered when this
aspect does not work well (Costa Acosta; Costa Acosta and Charles, 2012).

From the psychological point of view, the batter does not begin his turn at bat when he
is in the batter's box but much earlier, it could be said that he is batting whenever his
team is on offense from the moment a player reaches the waiting circle and Until the
signs have been taken, the various qualities of attention play an important role, because
it is here that the activity of Control and Orientation is accentuated, which is the
possibility that the batter has to make a logical judgment of which is the best pitch by
the pitcher. acting, how he combines these in a general way and remember how he
throws to him in particular if there are previous experiences, speed of his pitches, what
are the specific conditions of the game (score, number of outs, if there are runners on
bases and which bases they occupy , how the team plays defensively and in that
special situation and to him in particular, he made what area of the field he should hit,
as well as prepare for the possible plays that may be indicated to him, etc.

The batter's ability to perceive each of the details of the pitcher's work, the
representation of his technical batting movements, the ability to remember each detail of
previous confrontations if they exist, his tactical technical thinking, are decisive to
achieve a good result in his turn at bat.

From this in-depth analysis of the way of positioning in the batter's box, different
alternatives may arise for the hitter, who must decide what he considers most logical,
such as:

a) Prepare for the pitcher's best pitch, if it is something other than the one you have
prepared for, let it pass.

b) Prepare for the type of pitch that he hits best (straight, curve, fork, etc.), someone
other than this one lets it pass.

c) Prepare for certain types of launches and in certain areas to easily connect to the
desired place.

d) Prepare for any type of launch and for any area.

Once this stage is completed, the batter places himself in the batter's box where a new
and no less important stage begins, which is that of analytical concentration, where he
must displace from his thoughts everything that is not related to the action of batting,
until achieving a state of solitude that allows you to first mentally reproduce the main
details of said action, eliminate all types of unnecessary muscle tension, observe each
of the pitcher's movements, each section of his body until the ball exits, its rotation,
etc. , which make it possible to decipher the launch (Costa Acosta; Costa Acosta and
Charles, 2012).

From the moment the batter steps into the batter's box, excitement begins to grow
within him and he progressively accumulates potential energy that vigorously explodes
at the moment of the swing.

If the batter feels that his excitement has passed its optimal climax and begins to
decrease or, on the contrary, has not reached it, he must call time and get out of his

Between each pitch, the explained phases and their correspondences with the batter's
assessment are repeated again, as a result of the experience of the previous action or
the counting of balls and strikes. The batter may or may not change his or her mind;
emphasis must be placed on flexibility. of the hitter's technical-tactical thinking, which
should not be rigid, but operational, that is, in correspondence with the specific
circumstances of the moment.

Jim Trainor in his complete baseball game book "The Complete Baseball Game" states
that. Big hitters move into the box if there is a logical reason to do so. For example,
some right-handed pitchers who throw on the arm side, particularly throw a fastball that
penetrates the right-handed batter. The smart hitter will know this after two or three
times at bat and will move away from the plate. On the other hand, compared to the
pitcher who frequently pitches in the outside corner, the batter must be able to move
close at the plate, so he is in the best position to reach the pitch."

He goes on to note that: "Some hitters prefer to occupy the same position in the box
despite the pitcher's talent on the mound, their theory is that all pitchers throw different
pitches and it is not realistic to assume that the hitter can adjust his position in the box.
according to the pitching of each pitcher with some degree of effectiveness.

These hitters feel there is more value in viewing each pitch from the same position in
the strike zone than moving around the plate in an effort to anticipate a particular pitch.

Charlie Lau reiterates that: "Balance is the key word. The weight should be on your feet,
the trunk slightly flexed, the hands comfortable without tension, the bat positioned
vertically perpendicular to the ground and your head still, totally concentrated on the ball
(Costa Acosta; Costa Acosta and Charles, 2012).

Charlie Lau emphasizes that: if all the mechanics are correct and you have achieved
the fundamentals, a perfect swing, then the above things are self-explanatory.
Perfection of the swing is achieved with relaxation, elimination of tension and rigidity,
total concentration, balance at all times, good positioning away from the plate so that
you step into the delivery, a weight shift at the appropriate time, the bat vertical, eyes on
the ball, head still, short step with the front foot, hands back in release position, arms
fully extended and the batter mentally prepared knowing what the pitcher can do and
where he (the batter) will hit him. he's going to hit the ball.

The action of batting does not begin when the batter places himself in the batter's box,
but before starting the game, with prior preparation depending on the characteristics of
the pitcher designated by the opposing team.

After having carried out a search through the Internet and consulting different
bibliographies, both international and national, we assumed the criteria of Ealo de la
Herrán (1984), which fit the work with our school category (15-16).


3.1. Current Situation of Baseball in the Municipality of San Juan de la Maguana

San Juan de la Maguana has been a town with a sporting tradition, since by 1911
baseball was known and by 1912-1913 two teams were organized; the San Juan team
and on February 27. They played where the airfield was known, where the Peguero
brothers paraded as players: Manuel de Jesús, Eduardo, Servio and Carlos, as well as
Carlos Morancini (Carlucho), Felipe Collado, Wenceslao Ramírez Nieto, among others.

In 1922, a Sports Association was created, chaired by E. EITHER. Garrido Puello,

Alberto Gómez; Vice President and Arturo Batista; treasurer. Three teams were
integrated with the Association: Maguana, Gladiators and Unión. Maguana had Julio C
as captain. Ramirez; Gladiators to Robin Recio and participated as players.

This initiative disappeared and then in 1928 four teams were integrated: Maguana, with
EO Garrido Puello, president and Manuel Joaquín Báez Vargas, manager. Sandino,
with Pedro Heyaime, president and Otilio Méndez, manager. Estrella, with Alejandro
Paniagua, president and Humberto Herrera, manager. Sport, with B. Arturo Batista,
president and J. Ojeda, manager.

We often talk about an Italian named Francisco Tomillo who lived in the United States
and then lived here in the country. He was the one who taught the rules and techniques
of the game, in addition to being a magnificent player.

In the 1930s, baseball commentary was a mandatory topic for the entire population,
when the famous baseball confrontations between the Cerveza Pubs teams, under the
direction of Dante Marranzini, and the San Juan team, which was directed by Paquito
Rodríguez and Dito Heyaime , in the missing play that was located where the José
María Cabral park (donkey park) is today, which was abandoned when the construction
of the San Juan-Juan de Herrera highway began and moved to where the Palace of
Justicia, which also had to be abandoned to move to where the Francisco del Rosario

Sánchez and Mercedes Consuelo Matos Primary Schools exist today.

These sporting events held on Sundays were followed by a large part of the population
who enjoyed performances by players such as: Loro Escalante, Toñe Medina, Grillo C;
who came to reinforce the Rojo del Esgido team, with players like Niño el Zurdo,
Bebecito del Villar, Enriquito Arias, Lolo Pérez, who were Dominican baseball players.

The first San Juan native in the big leagues was the baseball immortal Olmedo Suarez,
who was a member of the Tigres del Licey team. He and his brother Fiquito Suarez
were outstanding players in the 1950s, both in baseball and softball. The municipal
baseball stadium is named after Hnos. Suarez in honor of them.

3.2. Research Context

3.3.1. Local Context: Description of the Municipality of San Juan de la Maguana

According to Montás (2008, p 12), the Municipality of San Juan de la Maguana was
initially called: “San Juan Bautista de la Maguana”, in honor of “Saint John the Baptist”
who baptized Jesus. This dedication is celebrated by the Catholic Church on June 24 of
each year.

Maguana is derived from “Magua”, which means “Little Vega”. It was established that
the founding of the Villa de San Juan de la Maguana occurred on June 24, 1504, but
later researchers have maintained that its foundation was in the year 1503 by Diego de
Velásquez and his companion Monge San Juan Xaragua (in the mentioned date); who
received instructions from the governor of the island and commander of Lares “Fray
Nicolás de Ovando”. This fact is supported by the illustrious historian “Emilio Rodríguez
Demorizi” and the prestigious writer “Víctor Garrido”. San Juan de la Maguana was built
on the banks of the San Juan River, in the Manoguayabo area, about 5 kilometers south
of the city. It is located 414 kilometers above sea level.

According to data from the National Statistics Office (ONE), in its “Basic Report of the IX
Census of Population and Housing 2010”, p. 22; San Juan de la Maguana is the head
municipality of the San Juan Municipality, located 200 km away. of the City of Santo

Domingo (Dominican Capital), belongs to the Southwest Region of the Dominican
Republic, has a population of 132,177 inhabitants: 69,329 men and 62,848 women.

Its limits are the following:

 To the south with the Municipality of Vallejuelo.

 To the north with the Municipality of Juan de Herrera.

 To the east with the Municipality of Azua.

 To the west with the Municipality of Las Matas de Farfán.

The economy of San Juan de la Maguana is fundamentally agricultural. It has been

given the title of “Granary of the South” for its large production of grains, such as: rice,
peanuts, beans, pigeon peas, etc. Other items are also produced, such as: cassava,
sweet potatoes, onions and vegetables.

In 1916, education was made official in San Juan de la Maguana, with the Francisco del
Rosario Sánchez Primary School being founded for boys and the girls' school on
December 22. Pedro Tomas Soñé, Mercedes Consuelo Matos and Manuel T. were in
charge. Sanchez. The teachers were Víctor Garrido, Altagracia Matos, and Amparo
Sánchez. School uniform was established for the first time.

Regarding cultural aspects, this municipality presents an extraordinary wealth in terms

of popular religiosity, where magical-religious practice prevails. Its patron saint festivities
are part of the town's traditions that are celebrated on June 24 in honor of the patron
saint San Juan Bautista, there are horse rides in the streets among other activities that
contain a certain religious meaning where Catholic tradition prevails. As for its cultural
heritage, there are the mansions in the city center, the Arc de Triomphe, the San Juan
Bautista Cathedral, the Municipal Cemetery, the Palace of Justice, the Municipal Town
Hall and the Indigenous Ceremonial Plaza (Corral de los Indios).

3.3.2. Description of the José Encarnación League

57 Description of the Luis Constanza League Description of the Manuel Jiménez League Description of the Carlos Otañó League


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Appendix No 1: Request Letter

Distinguished coach:

I very politely address you, with the purpose of requesting that you allow me to apply
observation sheets that will be a fundamental part of the Research Topic: Learning
Strategies in Batting Techniques in Baseball in Clubs of the
Municipality of San Juan de la Maguana, 2019 -2020 ”. Which you direct

This investigation aims to have the support of your management to apply an interview to
you. Also the application of surveys to prospects, thanking in advance their
collaboration and that of their sports club, since their information will be very relevant for
the development and conclusion of this research, which will be very important for the
development of education. offered in the Municipality of San Juan.

Atty. Diogenes Ramírez Pérez

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