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Time: 75 minutes
Listening 2 She ……
Exercise 1. People are talking about different 3 She ……
businesses. What do the people like about each 4 He ……
business? Circle the correct letter. (Track 1) 5 She ……
1 a the location 6 She ……
b the service a doesn’t like big crowds.
c the atmosphere b thinks the writer’s books are boring.
2 a the prices c heard it’s going to be cold.
b the facilities d was planning to watch a soccer game.
c the teachers e just started a new diet.
3 a the staff f is only interested in famous artists.
b the speed Exercise 3. Listen to a talk on very large cities, or
c the prices “megacities.” Are these statements true or false?
4 a the atmosphere Check (✓) the correct answer. (Track 3)
b the staff True False
c the prices 1. In developed countries, more and more people are
5 a the location moving from the country to the cities.
b the prices 2. Jobs are often difficult to find in megacities.
c the size 3. Salaries in megacities are very low.
6 a the prices 4. Many people end up in huge, expensive house.
b the quality 5. Health care is much cheaper in megacities.
c the displays 6. Air pollution is a problem in megacities.
Exercise 2. People are giving invitations. What reason 7. There is plenty of space for public parks.
does each person give for refusing the invitation? 8 The problems in megacities are becoming easier.
Write the correct letter. (Track 2)
1 He ……

Pronunciation, Grammar & Vocabulary

Exercise 1. Choose the words with the different pronunciations of the “ed” ending.
1. A. constructed B. moved C. studied D. displayed
2. A. voiced B. arrived C. hoped D. asked
3. A. killed B. cured C. crashed D. followed
4. A. regretted B. hurried C. planned D. killed
5. A. turned B. laughed C. fixed D. passed

Exercise 2. Write the correct word from the box to complete each sentence.
adapt dish run out strategy
release preferences creatures create

1. Protecting the natural habitats of various ........................... is essential for maintaining biodiversity in the
2. The company implemented a new advertising ........................... to reach a wider audience and increase sales.
3. She was able to ........................... to the new work environment with ease, which showed her wonderful ability.
4. Understanding customers' ........................... is crucial in the fashion industry because it allows companies to tailor
their designs.
5. Engineers are working tirelessly to ........................... advanced robots capable of performing complex tasks with
6. Many people believe that humans will soon ........................... of non-renewable resources, so it is very important
to invest in renewable energy alternatives.
7. The chef prepared a delicious Italian ........................... for the guests, but it seemed to me that they were more
interested in Korean cuisine.
8. The company plans to ........................... its latest product on July, 18th next month. They have prepared this for so

Exercise 3. Fill in the blank with a suitable coordinating conjunction from the box below.
and but or so

1. Despite the rain, we decided to go for a hike, ............... it turned out to be an unforgettable experience.
2. I was excited to try the new restaurant downtown, ............... it was closed for renovation when we arrived.
3. Are you coming back today, ............... are you staying overnight?
4. The team has trained very hard for the competition, .............. their performance was not very great.
5. He practiced playing the piano every day, .............. he also spent at least 30 minutes learning music theory.

Exercise 4. Write appropriate verb forms in the blanks.

1. Hopefully, my younger brother (have) ............................ a chance to study aboard in England.
2. To my disappointment, my close friend (not, show) ............................ up at the party last night.
3. Many people are afraid of (admit) ...........................their own mistakes.
4. ………………… Johny and Mark (become) ………………… friends in 1996?
5. It is all planned out. My manager (come) ........................... to Japan at the end of this month to host the

Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer.
Everybody likes to feel special. Sadly, many of us grow up believing that we're not special at all. We wish that we
could be more attractive or better at sports. We wish we had more money or more beautiful clothes. Like the Tin
Man, the Scarecrow, or the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz, we think we're not good enough just as we are. In
the film, The Tin Man wishes he had a heart. The Scarecrow wishes that he had a brain, and the Lion wants courage.
Eventually, each of them realizes that he already has what he wants.
Nearly all parents want us to be the best we can be. They occasionally attempt to encourage us to do better by
comparing us to others. They mean well, but the message we usually get is that we're not good enough. We start to
believe that the only way we can be special is by being better than somebody else, but we are frequently
disappointed. There will always be somebody out there that is better than we are at something. There are a lot of
people around who may not be as intelligent as we are but who are better at sports. Or they may not be as
handsome, but they have more money. It is unthinkable for us to be better than everybody else all the time. Like the
Tin Man, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion, we all need what we believe will make us better people.
What we don't understand is that often we already have inside us the very things that we look for in life. Our
parents often forget to tell us that we are special, that we are good enough just as we are. Perhaps no one told
them when they were growing up, or maybe they just forgot. Either way, it's up to us to remind them sometimes
that each of us, in our own way, is special. What we are is enough!
1. What is the writer's main aim in writing the text? d. a parent
a. to talk about your family problems 3. What does the writer say about our parents?
b. to explain the importance of being yourself a. They always tell us that we are good enough.
c. to describe how intelligent we are b. They never forget to tell us that we are special.
d. to suggest how people can change their way of c. They always tell us that we are special.
life d. They frequently forget to tell us that we are
2. This essay was most likely written by ... special.
a. a young person 4. The author of this essay believes that ...
b. a coach a. we are all good enough just the way we are
c. a teacher b. the richer you are, the better you are
c. intelligent people are more special than others a. What Makes You Laugh?
d. not everyone can be special b. What Makes You Happy?
5. Which of the following would be the best title for c. What Makes You Special?
this passage? d. What Makes You Stronger?
Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer.
Rock Climbing
A month ago, I had no idea that on Sunday afternoon in July, I'd be 50 metres above the ground and enjoying it.
Now I looked down at the river far below me and realised why people love rock climbing.
My friend Will and I had arrived at the Activity Centre on Saturday evening. The accommodation wasn't great, but
we had everything we needed; beds, blankets, and some food plus we were pleased to be out of the city and in the
fresh air.
On Sunday morning, we met the other ten members of our group. James had come along with two friends, Harry
and George, while sisters Maria and Sara had come with Isabella. We had come from many different places, so none
of us knew the area.
We knew we were going to spend some time outdoors, but none of us was sure exactly how. Half of us spent the
morning caving while the others went rock climbing and then we changed at lunchtime. Will and I went to the caves
first. Climbing out was harder than going in, but after a good deal of pushing, we went out at last. We were covered
in mud but pleased and excited by what we had done.
1. What is the writer trying to do in the text? d. unpleasant
a. advertise the Activity Centre 4. What do we learn about the group?
b. describe some people she met a. Some of them had been there before.
c. explain how to do certain outdoor sports b. They had already chosen their preferred
d. say how she spent some free time activities.
2. What can the reader learn from the text? c. Some of them already knew each other.
a. when to depend on other people at the centre d. They came from the same city.
b. how to apply for a place at the centre 5. Which of the following advertisements describes
c. what sort of activities you can experience at the Activity Centre?
the centre a. It allows you to make up your own timetable
d. which time of year is best to attend the centre and choose from a variety of activities.
3. How do you think the writer might describe the b. It provides outdoor activities that you didn’t
weekend? realize you could do.
a. interesting c. It offers luxurious accommodation and
b. relaxing individual teaching.
c. frightening d. It finds you accommodation with a local family.
Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer.
Sixteen - What now?
You’re 16 and finally you can leave school! By now, you’re probably sick of teachers, desks, tests, and exams. But
don’t just run for the exit. You need to think carefully about what to do next.
If you want a professional career, you will need to go to university and get a degree. To do that, you need to stay at
high school for another two years. But you needn’t stay at the same place. There are several options in the district
of Northacre.
St. Leopold’s School has the best pass rate of all the high schools in the district. It offers a wide range of subjects in
the humanities and sciences. St Leopold’s is, of course, a private school, so may be too expensive for you. But don’t
worry, there are several other options if you want to follow the academic route. Knowle Grammar School is a state
school, so there are no fees, and it has excellent tuition and facilities. It is a boys’ school from the ages of 11-16, but
from 16-18 it is co-educational. But it is selective, so you’ll have to pass an exam to get in. If you’re interested in
going into Business, check out Wyle River Academy. This school specialises in subjects like Business Studies,
Management and Economics. If you prefer the arts, look at the courses on offer at Northacre College. Here you can
study woodwork, art, textiles and much more.
Northacre College also offers a wide range of vocational qualifications. You can do a 1-year certificate or a 2-year
diploma in subjects like electrics, plumbing, roofing and hairdressing. If you’d prefer to work outdoors, look at
Milldown College, where there are courses in Farm Mechanics, Land Management, Animal Management and much
A final option is to get an apprenticeship with a local or national company. You will get on-the-job training, gain
certificates or diplomas and start earning straight away. But be warned - places are limited! Find out more at the
Jobs Fair on 26th May at Northacre College.
1 The aim of the article is to… 6 Anna wants to work with horses. Where is the best
a. advise young people about how to get to place for her to study?
university. a. Wyle River Academy
b. tell young people about the options available. b. Northacre College
c. advise young people to stay in education. c. Milldown College
2 The article advises readers who want a professional 7 Harry wants to be a builder. Where is the best place
career to… for him to study?
a. go to university immediately. a. Wyle River Academy
b. stay at the same school for two more years. b. Northacre College
c. go to high school for two more years, then get c. Milldown College
a degree. 8 Kevin wants to be a fashion designer. Where is the
3 St Leopold’s is the best school for… best place for him to study?
a. good exam results. a. Wyle River Academy
b. humanities and sciences. b. Northacre College
c. facilities. c. Milldown College
4 You can only attend St Leopold’s school if you… 9 Caroline wants to run her own company. Where is
a. pay tuition fees. the best place for her to study?
b. pass an exam. a. Wyle River Academy
c. study both humanities and sciences. b. Northacre College
5 You can only attend Knowle Grammar School if c. Milldown College
you… 10 What is the problem with apprenticeships?
a. pass an exam. a. There are few available.
b. are a boy. b. They are expensive.
c. can afford the tuition fees. c. They don’t give you any qualifications.

Exercise 1. Write complete sentences using the given words and change the form of the words if necessary.
f1. The message/ an ad/ need/ simple/ and easy/ remember so that/ it/ can/ reach the audience/ leave/ lasting
2. One of/ most popular techniques/ be/ to put/ basic food items/ the back/ the supermarket because/ customers/
have to/ walk through/ the store/ get them.
3. Some supermarkets/ not/ have any/ clocks or windows, so/ it/ hard/ customers/ know/ what time/ it/ be.
i4. Electronic waste/ include/ things/ such as/ cell phones/ computers, and it/ especially/ problem/ Asian countries.
5. My city/ face/ air pollution/ traffic jams/ because/ the high number/ cars/ the road,/ but there/ some ways/
improve/ situation.
Exercise 2. Write a paragraph of at least 100 words about the following topic.
Traffic jam is a serious issue in big cities. What can people do to solve this problem?

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