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The future: the polar ice caps have melted, covering the

Earth with water. Those who survived have adapted to a new


A complete campaign sourcebook

For Fallout: PnP RPG

Written and Adapted by

Jason N. Mical

Original Artwork by

Elizabeth Griffin
The future: the polar ice caps have m elted, covering the Earth with
water. Those who survived have adapted to a new world.

Table of Contents
Overview Part II: A Geographical and Social
Table of Contents Survey of Waterworld
. . . . . . . 2 History
Acknowledgements . . . . . . 21
. . . . . . . 2 Science and Geography
Introduction and Information . . . . . . 22
. . . . . . . 3 Geography, Atolls, and God
. . . . . . 23
Part I: Rules Modifications The People and Societies
Character Concept . . . . . . 24
. . . . . . . 3 Part III: Technology and Equipment
Race Availability
. . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . 28
Traits and Societal Perks New Equipment
. . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . 31
New Traits Vehicles and Boats
. . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . 33
Societal Perks Dangers of the Deep
. . . . . . . 6 (Bestiary)
Mutant Traits . . . . . . 39
. . . . . . . 7
Statistics A Nautical Glossary
. . . . . . . 8
Skills and Finishing Touches . . . . . . 41
. . . . . . . 9
. . . . . . . 9
New Combat Techniques
. . . . . . 11
Life on the Water
. . . . . . 13
Experience and Advancement
. . . . . . 18

Thanks to Elizabeth, for being understanding and just being you.

Thanks to Kevin Reynolds and Kevin Costner for making "Waterworld."

Thanks to Chris and Mike, for running such a great webpage.

Thanks to the entire Fallout PnP community for their support of and interest in my game.
Wow, I never knew I'd have so many readers!

And thanks to the bands that got me through this (all "P" bands for some reason):
Porno for Pyros, The Pixies, and The Peacemakers.

Introduction adapt even more to their new world.
These rumors are spoken in hushed
tones in Hydrobars, or in angry shouts

W aterworld is a campaign setting

designed to work with the Fallout from the pulpits of the self-righteous.
Pencil and Paper Roleplaying Game Either way, the world has changed, and
system by Jason Mical, adapted from the humanity is rising to meet the new
computer-based SPECIAL system designed by challenge.
Interplay. Although it uses the same system
(with some slight modifications), the I. Rules Modifications
setting isn't anywhere near the familiar,
Interplay-created "retro-future" of the
computer games, or the original core rules -
so forget places like Vault City and the
T his section covers all of the changes
to the base Fallout rules in the
Waterworld universe. The game's mechanics
Great Wastes. In fact, the Waterworld are exactly the same: rolls against
"world" is a different Earth altogether; if statistics and skills are made normally,
you have to rationalize it and work it in and combat proceeds exactly as outlined in
with "canon" Fallout locations, just think the core rules book. Note, however, that
that Waterworld is on an Earth in one of an there are only two races allowed in
infinite number of parallel dimensions. Waterworld, and some of the skills have
changed names and formulae. In addition,
Although the theatrical release of the movie there are a number of traits and perks
is the main resource for ideas presented in that are no longer allowed in the
this expansion, it should be noted that some Waterworld environment, and several that
elements were taken from the extended, Kevin have been added. For ease of use, the
Reynolds "Director's Cut" shown on ABC rules modifications are listed in the
television in the US. In addition, certain order those rules are found in the core
other elements were taken from the official rules book, and an all-new character sheet
novelization of the movie, and the official has been provided with the skills
comic-book series that Alliance issued in modifications summarized.
1997. Purists will likely say that the
comics are "non-canon," but those location For those unfamiliar with the Fallout
and group elements were added to increase PnP's version of the SPECIAL system, now
diversity. might be a good time to read through the
character creation and adventuring process
Waterworld takes place in the distant in the core rules book (Parts II and III,
future: at least the year 3100 AD, if not respectively). The following
farther. Global warming, and perhaps other modifications use terms defined in the
factors like a nuclear war, have melted the glossary of the core rules book, so a
Earth's icecaps. The entire planet is one familiarity with those definitions will be
vast ocean, unending and harsh. Humanity helpful, too.
managed to survive, but exists in small,
isolated communities that dot the surface of A. Character Creation
the planet. The oceans are populated with
strange, new creatures, the product of Part One - Character Concept
evolution's encouraging hand - natural or
otherwise. Aside from the obvious differences between
the Fallout and Waterworld universes,
But Waterworld is slowly dying. Without new character concept is unchanged. Depending
natural resources such as woods and metals, on what kinds of characters a GM will
inhabitants have been forced to scavenge allow in a campaign, Waterworld characters
what little remains from the Times of the can come from almost every society on the
Ancients. When something is destroyed, it planet. Before making a character
is merely one more thing that can no longer background, the GM and the players should
serve the dwindling human population. familiarize themselves with the Waterworld
Campaign Setting, in Part (****), below.
But nature, as a famous mathematician once
said, finds a way. There are rumors of new On Waterworld, you'll find many of the
kinds of humans - those who have begun to same types of character you will find

anywhere else. Heavy range. Mutants can weigh anywhere
hitting boxers, sharpshooters, from 90 to 340 lbs and, like Humans,
sneaky thieves, mechanics, sailors, have a base 30% resistance to
harpooners, spies (or scouts, if you electricity. Mutants gain a perk every 3
prefer), and assassins are all different levels.
character concepts that easily fit. Most of
these people will come from atolls, but Mutants have one other restriction - they
there are exceptions - see Societal Perks, must choose a Trait (see below for an
below. explanation), and that Trait must be from
the "Mutants only" list. This trait
Part Two - Race represents their mutation and, as with any
trait, is a double-edged sword. In the
As previously mentioned, there are only two case of Mutant Traits, the better the
available races in Waterworld - Humans and bonuses, the harder the mutation is to
Mutants. Super-Mutants, Half-Mutants, conceal. Parties with a lot of Mutants
Ghouls, Deathclaws, Robots, and Dogs are not showing off their mutations aren't going
racial options. Note that Mutants should in to last very long on Waterworld. The
no way be confused with Super-Mutants; a player can choose one and only one Mutant
Mutant in Waterworld is entirely different Trait. For a list of sample Mutant
than its Fallout counterpart. Traits, see below.

Humans As a side note, the GM and the player can

Humans in Waterworld are exactly the same as make their own "mutations." The
in the core Fallout rules. They are between requirements are simple: the mutation must
1.5 and 2.5 meters tall at adventuring age, be somewhat within the realm of scientific
live anywhere from 40 to 100 years, and possibility (a tail, for example, is
weigh anywhere between 110 to 280 lbs. encoded in mammalian DNA, while feathers
Humans have a 30% resistance to electricity, are not). In addition, the greater the
and gain a perk every 3 levels. bonus, the harder the mutation is to
conceal. If that tail helps a mutant swim
STR PE EN IN AG LK at a 50% faster rate, for instance,
Minimum 1 1 1 1 1 1 chances are it's going to be large - and
Maximum 10 10 10 10 10 10 very difficult to hide. All custom
mutations must have GM approval before
being implemented.
Unlike their Fallout counterparts, STR PE EN IN AG LK
Waterworld's Mutants in the true sense of Minimum 1 1 1 1 1 1
the word. Somehow, either through natural Maximum 10 10 10 10 10 10
selection or radiation damage, a Mutant's
parents DNA was changed in such a way that
it would be difficult to call the offspring Part Three - Traits and Societal
a Human. Mutants - also known as Mute-os or Perks
simply "Mutations" - are outcast from almost
every society on Waterworld, and have no Traits work exactly the same as in the
real society of their own. Therefore, core rules - a character can choose one,
Mutants live entirely as outcasts, and are two, or no Traits. The exception to this
forced to hide their mutations from "normal" rule is Mutants, who must choose at least
humans. For some, this is relatively easy. one Trait from the "Mutants Only" list.
For others, it is impossible. Usually, The Mutant character can only choose one
Mutants with such mutations don't survive Trait from that list, and that Trait takes
past childhood. up one of the two available Traits.
Therefore, Mutants can only choose one
Mutants are anywhere from 1 to 3 meters other Trait other than their Mutant Trait,
tall, and their average lifespan varies if they desire. No one can have more than
greatly. For most, it is the usual 40-100 one Mutant Trait.
years; however others, because of their
mutations, may fall on either side of that The other change to the core rules are

Societal Perks, listed Tech Wizard: Unchanged
below. Societal Perks
represent a certain Waterworld society Fear the Reaper: Unavailable in a
that a character belongs to. Characters Waterworld campaign.
without Societal Perks are considered
generic, a t o l l- d w e l l i n g , "normal" Vat Skin: Unavailable in a Waterworld
inhabitants of Waterworld. A character can campaign.
only have one Societal Perk. Think of a
Societal Perk as a "trait" that can never be Ham Fisted: Unavailable in a Waterworld
changed, but doesn't count as one of your campaign.
two traits; much like the Slaver or Porn
Star perks in Fallout 2. Domesticated: Unavailable in a Waterworld
All changes to specific Traits are listed
below. Note that some Traits are no longer Rabid: Unavailable in a Waterworld
available in a Waterworld campaign. campaign.

Fast Metabolism: Unchanged Tight Nuts: Unavailable in a Waterworld

Bruiser: Unchanged
Targeting Computer: Unavailable in a
Small Frame: Unchanged Waterworld campaign.

One Hander: Unchanged EMP Shielding: Unavailable in a Waterworld

Finesse: Unchanged
Beta Software: Unavailable in a Waterworld
Kamikaze: Unchanged campaign.

Heavy Handed: Unchanged New Traits

Fast Shot: Unchanged Harpooner
Call you Ishmael. Your character was
Bloody Mess: Unchanged specially trained in the use,
construction, and repair of spring-loaded
Jinxed: Unchanged and gas-loaded firearms, such as harpoon
guns. However, conventional firearms -
Good Natured: Unchanged those that use gunpowder as a propellant -
aren't your cup of tea. You get a 30%
Chem Reliant: Only Mutants can choose this bonus to your Small Guns, Big Guns, or
Trait, although it does not count as a Unconventional Guns Skills when using guns
Mutant Trait. that do not use gunpowder as a propellant.
When using a conventional, gunpowder-
Chem Resistant: Only Mutants can choose this propelled firearm, you suffer a 40%
Trait, although it does not count as a penalty to the appropriate skill.
Mutant Trait.
Sea Legs
Night Person: Unchanged Since you've lived most of your life in
small outposts, on boats, or on the ocean
Skilled: Unchanged itself, your character does not suffer any
penalties to movement that might be
Gifted: Unchanged incurred from rough seas. In addition,
your character can swim at a faster rate
Sex Appeal: Unchanged than most others; it only takes you 1 less
AP to move 1 hex. Being comfortable on
Glowing One: Unavailable in a Waterworld the sea is a disadvantage on large atolls
campaign. (and some enormous vessels), where you
cannot feel the rocking motion of the

waves. In these situations, decisions... For more information
the character is unsteady, and on the Slavers, see the Groups
it takes 1 AP extra to move 1 hex in section of the Waterworld Campaign
combat. Setting, below.

Landlubber Mariner
The vast majority of your life was spent on The few, the proud - the Mariners. Your
a large atoll or similar place - perhaps character belongs to the elite sailing
even the mythical Dryland - and you are well class of Waterworld. Mariners live their
adapted to life off of the rolling of the entire lives sailing between atolls,
waves. You get an extra 3 AP in combat, but trading and bartering between themselves,
those AP can only be used for movement, and and the inhabitants of the floating towns.
only when combat is taking place on a large Your character
atoll, enormous vessel, or Dryland itself. g a i n s a n
In addition, your character gains a +2 bonus immediate 40%
to Sequence when involved in combat where he bonus to his or
or she cannot feel the roll of waves. When her Seafaring
you are in the water, though, you can barely skill (after that
dogpaddle. It takes an extra 2 AP to move 1 s k i l l i s
hex while swimming. determined), but
loses 1 point of
Endurance Swimmer Charisma. This
You have an unnaturally high amount of slow- means that,
twitch muscle fibers, and can therefore swim instead of 5
greater distances than other people. You initial starting
only need to make an Endurance check every Charisma points,
10 minutes when you're in the water; the your character
drawback is that you don't swim as fast as starts with 4
other people, and it takes you 1 more AP to points, and can
move 1 hex while you're swimming. never take his or
her Charisma
Speed Swimmer above 9. You are
You have an unnaturally high amount of fast- great at sailing, but people skills aren't
twitch muscle fibers, and therefore swim exactly your forte.
much faster than other people. It takes you
1 less AP to move when you're in the water; Smoker
the drawback is that you tire out sooner, Although Smokers almost never strike out
and must make an Endurance check every 30 on their own, there are exceptions. Once
seconds (every 3 combat rounds). a member of this ruthless organization,
you are now a lone wolf - or, perhaps, a
Societal Perks Smoker spy. Regardless, you have access
to a higher initial tech level at the
As outlined above, these perks reflect beginning of the game - where others might
membership in one of Waterworld's societies. have bows, you'll have a firearm. On the
Most of the time, the drawback to these downside, you're hunted like a rat by the
perks is the same as the bonus: membership Smokers - and you're addicted to nicotine.
in the group. If your character does not get a nicotine
fix once every 8 hours, you'll experience
Slaver withdrawal as outlined in the core rules.
Your character is a member of a family that
is involved in the sale of human beings. Recycler
You start off wealthier than everyone else Your job on the atoll was one of the most
(the GM should decide just how much wealth important - you ran the recycling
is appropriate to the campaign), but unless facilities. This means you have
you continue to participate in the slave connections and fame on any atoll you
trade - and therefore negatively affect your should happen to find yourself in, and
Karma and Reputation - your family will your Seafaring, Science, and Repair skills
begin to hunt you down. Decisions, get an initial 15% bonus. Unfortunately,

you haven't had much time to Felisapian
refine your fighting skills. Something bubbled up from humanity's
Your Small Guns, Big Guns, and massive genetic history and manifested
Unconventional Weapons skills all start off itself in your eyesight: you have an
at a 15% penalty, and your Unarmed and Melee unnaturally high amoung of rods in your
Weapons skills get a 25% penalty. eyes. This means that you can only see in
black-and-white, but like a cat, you can
Foundationist see perfectly in all but absolute
Foundationists rarely leave their compound, darkness. Your pupils reflect this
and when they do, it is for research mutation; like a cat's, they are slitted
purposes only. Foundationist characters in high light and get wide and glassy in
should be extremely rare, as it will be the darkness. Anyone looking at your eyes
obvious to anyone on Waterworld that they do will notice they are not normal. Light
not belong; their skin will be pale and modifiers in combat, and for adventuring
easily burned by the sun, and their speech purposes, are completely ignored, except
patters are odd and out-of-place. when you are in absolute darkness - either
Foundationists get a 15% bonus to their at the bottom of the deepest parts of the
Unconventional Weapons, Science, and Repair ocean, or in a completely enclosed area
skills, but suffer a 1-point penalty to such as a deep cave or solitary prison
Endurance. This means that your character cell.
starts with 4 Endurance points, and can
never take his or her Endurace above 9. Canisapian
Characters with the Foundationist trait Although the expression "nose like a
cannot choose a Mutant Trait. bloodhound's" has lost some of its meaning
on Waterworld, as bloodhounds have been
Mutant Traits extinct for hundreds of years, it might
fit your character perfectly. Genetics
As outlined above, Mutant Traits represent a has endowed your character with a super-
mutation in the character - and an extra keen sense of smell, which includes the
roleplaying challenge for the player. The ability to sense things that normal humans
more extreme the mutation, the harder it is cannot, such as enemies hiding behind
to conceal. A mutant character who isn't walls and other hidden dangers. Because
being careful can doom herself and her of this, your nose, although human in
fellow adventurers with one slip-up, so appearance, is about three times the size
mutations are not to be taken lightly, of a normal human nose, and whenever your
either by the player or the GM. Ending up character smells something out-of-sorts,
at the bottom of some atoll's recycling he or she makes an involuntary "snuffing"
tanks isn't the best way to end a campaign. sound, like a dog on the scent. Try
explaining that to the local sheriff.
Your character has developed the most Orangusapian
obviously beneficial traits on Waterworld - It's long been known that humans have
gills and webbed feet. While all human vestigial tails, and occasionally children
fetuses develop gills at some point during are born with a short, non-functional
their gestation, somehow, you managed to model, but somehow your character got a
keep yours - and they work. In addition, larger share of simian DNA that the rest
you have an unnatural amount of webbing of Waterworld's inhabitants. Your tail is
between your toes, allowing you to swim at a not only functional, it is strong and
faster rate. You don't have to make well-trained. You can control it like a
Endurance checks while swimming, either on third hand, using it to balance yourself
top of the water or underwater, and movement as well as climb or hang from high places.
in water costs you 1 less AP per hex. Your character gets a 1-point bonus to
Another added bonus is that, because of the Agility, and the maximum for that
way your body can absorb oxygen through Statistic becomes 11 (meaning you can
water, you do not suffer any ill effects of raise your Agility beyond the normal
deep-sea diving related to air (the bends, racial maximum).
etc.) For more information, see Diving in
the Life on the Water section, below.

Saurisapian mention the problems involved in
Reaching far, far back in our dancing, or just trying to keep them
evolutionary history, your genes out of sight. Swimming takes you 2 less
manifested an unusual trait; instead of AP per hex when you choose this trait.
normal, mammalian skin, you have a more Walking (or waltzing) on land takes you 2
reptilian, scaly hide. While you still have more AP to move 1 hex than normal, and
normal hair on your head and body, your skin someone's bound to notice your unusual
looks incredibly dark and almost green in gait.
color. A close inspection will reveal that,
indeed, you have raised reptilian scales Heliosapian
instead of skin. The good news is that your Like a dolphin or a whale, you can store
skin protects you far better than your human large amounts of oxygen in your body for
friends, giving you a 10-point bonus to your extended dives. Your skin and muscle
Armor Class. The bad news is that everyone tissue has several "pockets" where you can
is going to want to make boots out of you - store air when you dive underwater; of
or, perhaps, just make sure you don't live course, it is obvious to anyone watching,
to pass on your genes. as your chest, arms, and thighs will bloat
up like balloons. Your body returns to
Sodiosapian normal as you slowly exhale the air, and
One of the most beneficial and potentially when utilizing this ability, you can go
least-revealing mutations, your genes have five minutes, or 30 combat rounds, without
developed to the point where your body can making an Endurance check while swimming.
process the high amounts of sodium in
seawater to allow you to drink it without Venusapian
any harmful effects. You don't need normal Not necessarily a genetic trait but an
hydro to survive at all, removing one environmental adaptation, your character
immediate and pressing need from your to-do needs far less oxygen than normal to
list. In fact, although it should never be continue cellular activity. This means
a problem, you *need* to drink seawater at that you can walk in areas where there is
least once a day, as your body is reliant on little-to-no oxygen - such as a burning
the sodium content. Everyone on Waterworld room, or a tank full of fumes - and not
knows that drinking seawater will kill you, suffer any ill effects. Chemical weapons
so partaking of this beverage when around and other toxic vapors, such as smoke and
others will immediately arouse suspicion and gas clouds, only do half their normal
mistrust. damage to you. Of course, explaining how
you were able to crawl out of the belly of
Ferrousaian an oil tanker when everyone else died
No one is quite sure where this genetic might take some creative engineering on
trait came from, but somehow your DNA your part.
includes a few genes that tell your body to
produce small claws on the ends of your Part Four - Statistics
fingers. These four-inch claws are razor-
sharp, and you never need to worry about Primary Statistics
being without a weapon. Unfortunately, that
isn't going to matter if some nosy atoll- Primary statistics are determined as
dweller gets a good look at your hands. normal; note that some Traits change
maximum amounts for statistics, and
Ferrous Claws starting values for those stats. Be sure
Min. ST: N/A W: N/A Dmg: MD+5 Rng: 1 AP S: 3 to remember to apply those changes when
T: 4 B: N/A shaping your character.

Platysapian Secondary Statistics

The name is probably misleading, but this
strange genetic mutation has given you large Secondary statistics are determined as
paddles instead of feet. Each about a foot- normal.
and-a-half long, your swimming ability is
greatly enhanced, but as you can imagine,
walking on land is a bit of a chore - not to

Part Five - Skills B. The Game

Skills, including choosing tag skills, are Combat

all determined as normal, with two
exceptions. Energy Weapons skill has been Combat, and vehicle combat, is preformed
renamed "Unconventional Weapons," as there exactly as outlined in the core rules
are no energy weapons in Waterworld, and book, with a few notable exceptions.
Outdoorsman has been expanded and renamed There have been some additions to ship-to-
Seafaring. For a detailed explanation of ship combat, and there are now rules for
these revised skills, see below. Note that crashing on the water. Previously, there
Pilot skill covers the physical act of were no rules for crashing, only
sailing a boat or driving a jetski, but not capsizing, and those rules have also been
actually navigating it. Also note that the expanded, below. Note expanded rules for
renamed skills use the same formulae sailing and swimming in Life on the Water,
outlined in the core rules for the skills below, that might have some bearing on
they replace. vehicle combat. Also note rules for
darkness and depth, below, that will also
Unconventional Weapons have some bearing on underwater combat.
This skill covers the basics of firing,
maintaining, and reloading weapons not Light Modifiers to Underwater Combat
covered in either Melee, Small Guns, or Big
Guns skills. These weapons include harpoons Water isn't necessarily the best conductor
and any other gun that doesn't use of light particles, and being underwater
conventional propellants, as well as certain reduces the effects of the daylight
advanced fishing devices. overhead. For every two meters of water
Initial level: Starting Unconventional between the diver and the surface, to-hit
Weapons skill is equal to 0% + (2 X AG). rolls suffer a 1% penalty. At 70 meters,
Average characters start with a 10% that's a 35% penalty to the to-hit roll.
Unconventional Weapons skill. Note that these penalties are added to
penalties rendered from weather, sunlight,
Seafaring and moonlight as outlined in the core
Seafaring covers the arts of survival on the rules. Of course, a light source such as
surface of Waterworld. Seafaring knowledge a flashlight or underwater flare can
covers all the basics: navigation, rigging a negate some or all of the penalties for
boat, harvesting clean hydro, knowledge of lack of light underwater. For more
different marine animals, fishing, and any information about diving, see below.
other survival skill. It's always good to
have at least one party member who knows Battles on the Waves
something about navigation and life on the
open waves; without him, you're just a Notes about Vehicle Speed
sitting duck, sailing in circles, and likely
to die due to lack of water and food. On the water, vehicle speed and windspeed
Initial level: Starting Seafaring skill is isn't measured in kilometers per hour;
equal to 0% + (2 X (IN + EN)). Average rather, it is measured in nautical miles
starting characters will have a 20% per hour, or more simply, knots. A
Seafaring skill. vehicle's top speed is given in knots, and
is affected by wind speed and direction,
Part Six - Finishing Touches and other factors such as damage.
Converting knots to KPH is relatively
Finishing touches are pretty self- simple, as is figuring out how many hexes
explanatory and are the same as detailed in a vehicle moves in a round. Use the
the core rules. following formulae:

Knots to KPH:
Speed in Knots X 1.392 = Speed in KPH
Movement in One Round
Speed in Knots X 2 = Meters (hexes)
traveled in one round

Vehicle Systems for Boat Types
Simple Boats
Since the overwhelming majority of vehicles Simple boats have few or no moving parts,
on Waterworld are boats and similar and include canoes, rowboats, and diving
watercraft, some modifications are necessary bells. Simple boats do not have systems;
for calculating damage to vehicular systems. all hit points are concentrated in their
Instead of the five basic areas outlined in hulls.
the core rules, each class of vehicle is
broken down into one or more systems, Sailboats
depending on the class. For complete lists Sailboats harness the wind using large
of vehicles in each class, see the Vehicles sheets of cloth as their source of
heading under Equipment, below. Rudders are propulsion. Although there are many kinds
an exception, and rules for destroying this of sailboats, most are divided into two
invaluable device are outlined below. systems: the hull and the sails and
rigging. The sails and rigging is byfar
Rudders the more delicate of the two systems; if
the sails are damaged or the rigging
Not all boats have rudders, but many larger destroyed, a sailboat becomes difficult to
vessels, especially those powered with control or, worse, dead in the water.
propellers, do. If a boat has a rudder,
that rudder can be destroyed, rendering the Powered Boats
craft uncontrollable until repaired. It can Power boats come in all shapes and sizes,
be assumed that a rudder has about 10% of ranging from a one-man jetski to a 100-
the hull's total hit points; therefore, if crew cabin cruiser. Some sailboats
the hull of a boat has 100 hit points (which contain power propulsion systems as
is a fairly weak vessel), then the rudder backups; in that case, the sails and
has 10 hit points itself, *in addition* to rigging are added as an additional system
the hull's total hit points. In the example to those below. Powered boats are divided
above, if the ship had no other systems, the in much the same way that a land vehicle
ship's total hit points would be 110. The is divided; they have a hull, some kind of
rudder cannot be hit unless the attacker propulsion such as propellers or an
makes a targeted shot; even then, the inboard engine, the engine itself, and a
attacker must be in sight of the rudder. If control system that is linked to the
the rudder is underwater, the attacker must rudder. Note that these are, in fact, all
somehow find a way to get within attacking separate from a rudder, if one exists
range and the appropriate depth. (and, in most cases, it will).

For this reason, rudders are exceptionally Capital Ships

difficult to destroy in combat, especially Capital ships are loosely defined by their
when dealing with large, ship-to-ship size, tonnage, and crew size. Basically,
weapons that cannot be targeted. Although a capital ship is any boat that carries
it is possible to render a ship 100 or more people. While there are, no
uncontrollable in such a way, it is far doubt, some capital ships that use sails,
easier to destroy a rudder before combat it is not the most efficient method to
actually begins, either by using explosives, move an enormous boat around, and the
tools, or some other form of sabotage. overwhelming majority of capital ships use
some kind of power system. For this
As stated above, a ship whose rudder has reason, they have the same systems that
been destroyed - all of the rudder's hit powered boats do, just on a much larger
points removed, and not a hit point less - scale.
cannot change course, and must continue in a
straight line without turning. Note that Damaging or Destroying Ship Systems
the rudder, when destroyed, is obliterated,
not disabled, so the boat will just go Below is a chart detailing effects of
straight, not in a circle. damage and destruction on various ship
systems. Note that when the hull and
sails are both damaged, the ship's speed

is slowed first by the New Vehicle Combat Techniques
sails, and then by the hull.
Therefore, if the sails were 50% gone, Fighting on the open sea has led to the
that would be half the normal speed; and development of different hazards and
then the hull damage would be a percentage fighting procedures than land -based
of that speed. If a ship that was traveling vehicle combat. Some are just
at 50 knots lost half its sails, its speed modifications of land-based rules, while
would drop to 25 knots. others are new to ship-based fighting.
System Effect
Crashing on the Water
Hull Ship's speed is slowed by a
percentage equal to the Disregard the statement "sea vehicles do
percentage of damage the hull not crash" in the core rules book; when a
has taken; if the hull is 70% boat crashes into another boat, a wall, or
destroyed, the ship can only a rock, passengers will suffer the same
move at 30% its usual speed. effects as when on land. However, instead
of rolling 1d10 for every 10 KPH, roll
Sails Ship's speed is slowed by a 1d10 for every 15 knots, rounded down.
percentage equal to the Therefore, if a ship is traveling at 32
percentage of damage the sails knots and crashes, everyone aboard takes
and rigging have taken; if the 2d10 points of damage. Broken limbs are
sails are 70% destroyed, the rolled for using *one half* of the
ship's speed is slowed by 30% vehicle's speed in knots; head wounds
its usual speed. This has the happen only on a critical failure or 2% or
effect of lowering a ship's less. If the passengers are able to brace
maximum speed. - for this for the impact, damage from the crash is
reason, sail damage is halved after it is determined.
calculated and deduced before
Rudder hull damage. Ramming

When th e ship's rudder is While not the most elegant means of

completely destroyed, the vessel destroying an enemy vessel, ramming is one
Control can no longer change course. of the most effective methods to sink the
other guy. Ramming, as you might imagine,
The ship can no longer be involves smacking the front end of your
controlled, and will be at the vessel, either i n te n t i o n a l l y or
mercy of the wind, the waves, unintentionally, into another ship, an
and the currents. Note that the atoll wall, or a creature that is either
ship is stuck in whatever large enough or dumb enough to sit still
throttle position it was last while you hit it. Unless your ship has a
set to, and can no longer change ram on the front, you also damage your
direction. Unfortunately, if boat in the process, but sometimes this is
the ship has a rudder, then the preferable to losing a combat altogether -
ship continues in whatever or, if your ship is on the verge of
direction the rudder was last sinking anyway, it's a great way to go out
Propulsion turned; this could mean the ship with a bang.
will travel in circles. The
ship begins to slow down and is In order to ram an object, you have to be
adrift. It can still steer, use pointed at it, and navigate your way into
oars, or use sail power, if it. Of course, this means that the object
applicable. has a chance to respond, and in most
cases, will try to get out of the way. If
Engine The ship stops dead in the your ship manages to connect with your
water, and must find another target, the target takes damage equal to
form of propulsion. There is Xd20, where X is equal to your ship's
also a 30% chance that the Tonnage plus one-tenth of it's current
engine explodes, doing damage speed, rounded normally. Therefore, if
equal to 1d10 X (2 X Tonnage) to you were sailing a 20-ton boat at 44
all systems and all people knots, you could ram something for
unlucky enough to be on 24d20 points of damage. Your boat
takes one-quarter (25%) of slowing their escape, and larger
the actual damage incurred to ships can drag smaller ships around,
the other vessel, but that damage is pulling them off-course. Once the
concentrated just in the hull. In addition, grapple is attached to both ships, it
passengers on both ships must make rolls for doesn't matter which ship fired the hook,
crashing on the water. If the ramming everything is determined by weight.
vessel is equipped with a ram - a large
device specifically designed to punch holes Of course, it is possible for the crew of
in walls and other ships - then the ramming the target ship to remove a grapple; such
vessel takes no damage, although its an action requires two combat rounds worth
passengers still roll for crashing damage. of time and two sequential, successful
Strength checks, one each round. If a
Grappling Another Ship Strength check fails, the crewman can
attempt to remove the grapple in the
Although harpoons are primarily used for following round. If two crewmen each make
hunting large animals such as Whalephins, a successful Strength checks in one round,
specialized harpoon, called a grapple, is the grapple is removed. Note that the
used to latch onto other ships. There are grapple falls out at the beginning of the
two kinds of these grapples; the personal next round of combat.
kind, which a character holds in her hand,
and the ship to ship (or StS) kind, which is Boarding Another Ship
attached to another boat. The personal
grapple is small and can easily be held in When you don't want to destroy your
the hand or attached to something like a opponent's vessel, but still want to kill
bandolier or belt; the StS model is huge and him or take his stuff, you are going to
can tear a large hole in another ship's have to board his ship to do it. Boarding
hull. Grappling has two effects: first, can be difficult, especially if your enemy
depending on the size of the vessels, it doesn't *want* you on his ship. In order
allows one ship to begin pulling the other; to board a moving vessel, you must fire,
second, and at a minimum, three StS Grapples into his
it adds hull (see Unconventional Weapons in the
extra weight Equipment section for more details on
to the specific grapples). Then, you must reel
target ship, in the grapples until your ship is
slowing it alongside of his, which can take quite a
down or while. Then, when close enough, you must
pulling it have a gangplank of appropriate length to
along (see bridge the gap between the ships (or a
Boarding, loose piece of rigging, or a mast, or
b e l o w ) . something similar). Then, you must cross
When two the gangplank and board the enemy ship.
ships are grappled together, whichever ship
has the greater tonnage will begin to pull Of course, as outlined above, your
the smaller ship; the ship that wins this opponent can remove your grapples. He can
contest is then slowed by one-half of also destroy or remove your gangplank as
whatever percentage the smaller vessel is of you come over. As a last resort, he can
the larger's total tonnage. That means that gang up on you once your boarding party
if a 50-ton catamaran were to grapple onto a crosses the gangplank, easily cutting you
200-ton ironclad, the ironclad's top speed down, as only one or two people at a time
would then be reduced by one-half of 25%, as can usually cross a gangplank. In other
the catamaran is 25% of the ironclad's total words, boarding is something that is best
weight. In other words, of the ironclad's done once you have eliminated a large part
top speed was 40 knots, it would be reduced of your enemy's crew, and/or you have a
to 35 knots as it was dragging the other large enough crew of your own to survive
ship behind it. the process.

Note that grappling works both ways; smaller

ships can begin to weigh larger ships down,

Turning in Combat of the reasons sail power is so
popular is that gasoline (petrol to
Ships turn like normal vehicles, but some our European readers) has become an
ships cannot handle the stress of a fast excruciatingly rare commodity, worth
turn. A turn at more than half of the almost as much as premium dirt. To make
ship's top speed requires a roll against matters worse, most of the oil and gas (or
Capsizing, outlined below, but *only* if the go-juice) reserves lie in the hands of
ship does not have a keel or other support Smokers and Slavers. For this reason, it
system. is rare to find a gas-powered motor
anywhere but in the hands of these groups.
The atolls and mariners, however, have
Although capsizing is always a concern on turned to alternative energy methods. One
the ocean, certain craft are more prone to thing that is never in deficit in
tipping over than others. Crafts without Waterworld is wind, and most, if not all,
keels or other means of steadying themselves atolls have some kind of wind-harnessing
are at a far greater risk of tipping over power station to drive motors, lights,
than their advanced counterparts; if a craft recycling facilities and, in rare cases,
has no keel or support system, it is noted refrigeration. Mariners use wind power
in the vehicle's description. Adventures generators to maintain powered parts of
will stipulate at which points rolls against their boats, like small, battery-operated
capsizing should be made; these rolls are motors, distilleries, and even
modified rolls against the current driver's greenhouses.
Pilot skill. If the craft has no driver
when such a roll needs to be made, it A much more common system, especially for
automatically capsizes. moving large objects like town gates or
rigging on a boat, are elaborate pulley-
Every craft has a CAP rating: this is the and-weight motors. While these are much
bonus (or penalty) to the Pilot skill easier to repair and maintain than wind-
required when making a roll against powered engines, their complicated nature
capsizing. means they are harder to construct, and
require much more space.
Rolls against capsizing should be made
during inclement weather, rough seas, hard Maps and Navigation
rains, vicious combat, and hard turns.
Maps of Waterworld are fairly useless
C. Life on the Water after periods of more than six months, as
currents and winds tend to blow atolls
This section details important information around and keep them in only the most
about life on Waterworld, including rules general of areas. While there are
for sailing, diving, and other important distinct climate zones, with seas turning
watersports. It also contains overviews of icy-cold near the poles, for the most
different societies on Waterworld as well as part, Waterworld is unbroken ocean and can
other good things to know about life at sea. be difficult to navigate due to lack of
Basic skills like setting traps and sneaking permanent landmarks. How the GM decides
around are all covered in the core rulebook; to handle navigation is completely up to
what you will find below are additions and him or her; the characters, on the other
changes to those rules. Modifications, when hand, always assume they are navigating
necessary, were made to reflect the correctly when attempting to find their
differences between the Fallout universe and way. Outlined below are two possible
the Waterworld universe. methods for navigating around Waterworld;
one is simple, and helps to ease gameplay,
Energy, Gas (Petrol), and Power while the other is more complicated but
far more immersive in the nautical
Unlike the Fallout universe, vehicles and environment.
items do not use energy cells in Waterworld;
it is assumed that the cataclysm happened The easiest method of navigation is to
before these things could be invented. One roll against the navigating character's

Seafaring skill. A latitude, it will not be difficult
successful roll means they are for the sailor to determine
on the right course; a failure means they longitude, based on the speed at which
have strayed off course. How often you the craft has been traveling and the time
require these rolls is up to you; once per since the ship left port.
day, or once per journey are both
acceptable. The more often the rolls are In gaming terms, it might be best to have
required, the more realistic things are. If a map or chart of the surrounding area;
a character makes one or more unsuccessful crude maps will do fine, although there
rolls and then makes a successful one, he or should be some scale on them to help the
she will notice immediately that the craft players determine distance. Two flat
is off course. Another successful, secret rulers to lay across the map will also be
Seafaring roll must be made immediately to helpful, and will add an element of
determine if the navigators can get back on realism. When the players decide to shoot
course. If that roll is unsuccessful, then the sun or moon, the GM secretly rolls the
the characters might be in for a real treat Seafaring skill. Success indicates the
as they try to bumble around a featureless character calculated latitude correctly;
landscape. the GM can then place one of the rulers
down over the map across the proper
Of course, if the party doesn't trust their latitude line (for those that flunked
navigator (IE, if he or she keeps getting basic geography, latitude lines run up and
lost), then more than one character is down on a map - the International Dateline
allowed to make the navigation roll. If and the Greenwich (Prime) Meridian are
both rolls fail, the characters can agree on both latitude lines). It is then up to
the wrong route; if both succeed, they agree the players to determine, either through
on the right route. If one fails and once skills or actual calculations, how far
succeeds, the GM should not tell the they've come from port, and then use that
characters which one is right, only inform distance as a hypotenuse of a right
them of their difference of opinion and triangle. The other side of the triangle
watch the bickering is the second ruler, which determines the
commence. craft's longitude - and coordinates on the
Another method of
navigation requires Should the character fail the roll to
a little more work determine latitude, the GM places across
from the players, the map at an incorrect latitude; how far
but can be a fun from the actual latitude is up to the GM.
diversion from If the roll failed by a large amount, then
combat - plus, it the GM might want to consider placing the
is far more ruler further than a smaller failure.
realistic. Sailors This can completely throw a ship off
Astrolabe use a device called course, especially if the error is not
an astrolabe to caught in a day or two.
take sightings of the sun and moon, called
"shooting the sun" and "shooting the moon" Of course, shooting the sun and moon
respectively. Sun sight and moon sights are depends largely on a lack of cloud cover.
taken either at noon or midnight, depending. If the characters cannot make an exact
The astrolabe is positioned so that the measurement due to clouds, the GM should
celestial body is directly in the device's add penalties to the Seafaring roll. Note
viewfinder, and the measuring bar sits that shooting the sun and moon must be
directly on the bottom of the object. done exactly at noon and midnight
Sailors would often take multiple sights in respectively (although various sightings
a day, guaranteeing accuracy when there was throughout the day will help assure the
no clock to keep track of exact noon and navigator a closer-to-noon sighting), and
midnight. From these sightings, and a can obviously only be preformed and rolled
notion of the time of year, the sailors can for once a day (or night).
determine the latitude at which they are
currently sailing. With a semi-precise

Sailing, Rigging, and Winds achieve its maximum speed.
Penalties to speed are different for
Not all boats rely on sails as a form of each type of ship, and are described on
propulsion. Those that do are largely at the charts below:
the mercy of the winds, which are erratic
and can change at any moment. Wind speed on
Waterworld is measured in knots; a
sailboat's maximum speed is based on a
percentage of the current windspeed, and, of
course, the direction the ship is traveling.
Each ship's speed is given in the vehicle's
description in the Equipment section, below.

There are two kinds of ships: those that are

square-rigged, and those that are
triangularly-rigged. The advantage of
square-rigged ships is that they can catch
the wind better and are therefore usually a
little faster - or bigger - than their
triangularly-rigged counterparts. The
drawback to these boats is that their Square-Rigged Ships
direction and speed is largely limited by
which way the wind is blowing. Because Reach Penalty
their sails are stationary on their masts, Running -10%
their best point of sailing is broad reach, Broad 0%
or slightly turned from the wind. A Beam -40%
triangularly-rigged ship, on the other hand, Close-hauled -80%
has the option of rotating its sail around Into the Eye -110%
the main mast, allowing it to catch the wind
from almost any direction; therefore, these Triangularly-Rigged Ships
ships can perform a maneuver called
"tacking," and sail almost directly into the Reach Penalty
wind. A square-rigged ship attempting the Running 0%
same thing would likely be blown backwards. Broad 0%
Therefore, while square rigging is the Beam -10%
easier type of rigging to construct, and is Close-hauled -25%
better for hauling large amounts of cargo, a Into the Eye -80%
triangularly-rigged ship can travel faster
in less wind, and has a far greater Tacking is the method by which a
maneuverability. triangularly-rigged ship can sail more or
less into the wind. The helmsman (or
Some sailboats have two sets of sails, helmswoman) turns between the two close-
specifically designed for different hauled points of sailing, attempting to
conditions. Smaller sails allow minimize the time the ship spends sailing
triangularly-rigged ships to tack at higher "into the eye" and keeping the ship on a
speeds, and so forth. It requires a crew or roughly zig-zag course, into the wind.
machinery to change sails, especially if it The example below shows how a ship would
needs to be done in a hurry. Different sail travel if tacking.
configurations, and their modifiers, are
found in the Enhancements section of the * * * * * * * < —– Wind
Equipment lists, below. * * * * * *

The chart below shows the different terms Changing Sails

used to describe directions a ship can
travel, according to which direction the Occasionally, your ship can be outfitted
wind blows from. Each ship has a "best with different kinds of sails for
point of sailing," which describes which different situations. When raising or
direction the sailboat must travel to lowering sails, or changing sails, it

takes one character 4 Waterworld's inhabitants live their
complete rounds (40 seconds) to entire lives on boats and floating
perform the task. At the *end* of the cities, as the old saying goes, "water
fourth round, that character must make a everywhere, and not a drop to drink."
successful roll against Seafaring to
determine if the sails were raised Drinkable water, what inhabitants call
successfully, or if something got fouled up. "hydro", is a precious commodity. Water
Note that adverse weather conditions might is either distilled through a waste
call for a penalty to this roll. recycler, or collected during rainstorms.
In some areas, rain is unpredictable and
Should the sails get fouled, it will take an sporadic, and atolls in those waters can
additional complete round of combat to fix go months without rainfall. Therefore,
them, and another successful roll against pure water can be as valuable as pure
Seafaring. dirt.

Trading, Barter, and Currency In game terms, it is important that

characters drink at least half a liter of
Waterworld's economy is primarily based on a hydro per day; when characters cannot
system of barter and exchange. Goods are consume this minimum, they begin to suffer
bartered in the normal method described in from dehydration. For each day past the
the core rules, with one exception: there is first when the character does not get
no real form of currency accepted on more enough hydro, that character begins to
than one atoll, except pure dirt or pure lose 1 point to his Strength and Endurance
water. Statistics, per day. When those
statistics both drop to 1, the character
Atolls will issue their own currency, goes unconscious and becomes delusional.
sometimes called dollars, chits, or clams, The character will then die in the number
which represent deposits made into a "bank." of days equal to their original Endurance
The bank isn't actually a bank per se, but total before dehydration began. When
handles the influx of dirt into the atoll's dehydrated characters get sufficient
farming and recycling centers. When a amounts of hydro, they begin to recover
trader brings a certain amount of dirt to their Strength and Endurance at a rate of
the atoll, the bank will issue the trader an 1 point per day.
amount of chits equal to the value of the
dirt. Of course, this transaction is open Playing Underwater
to the same kinds of bartering that occurs
in normal trades. For more information, see Waterworld isn't entirely above the
the core rules. surface of the ocean. For the few that
know about it, there is an entirely
Other trades, such as goods-for-goods or different world below the surface of the
hydro-for-goods, are handled in the normal waves; a world not only of fish and other
manner described in the core rules. Hydro marine creatures, but the shattered planet
is worth about 1 unit per fluid ounce. For and the remains of the civilization that
comparison's sake, a can of soda usually has caused the cataclysm. For this reason,
12 fluid ounces in it. and many others, people often find it
necessary to spend large amounts of time
Pure dirt is also worth about 1 unit per underwater. Whether it is diving for dirt
ounce. An ounce of dirt is about equal to a or swimming under a ship to drill a hole
tablespoon. Dirt can vary in quality; pure in its hull, diving and swimming
dirt has no sand or rocks in it. Most dirt underwater works much the same as swimming
used for trading purposes is pure dirt, on the surface. Base movement rate is at
while most dirt characters will encounter is 3 AP per hex, with modifiers, if
likely to have some rough material in it. necessary, and rolls against Endurance are
made normally as described in the core
Water, Hydro, and Dehydration rules. The swimmer can only stay
underwater for a short time without some
Strange as it may seem, water is an enormous necessary equipment. Also, visibility
concern on Waterworld. Even though underwater is limited unless the diver

uses some kind of eye cover People, on the other hand, usually
and, if needed, a light source. can't make it past 30 feet using
flippers and snorkeling gear. To go any
A character can hold his or her breath for 1 deeper requires either a rebreather or a
combat round (ten seconds) times their form of SCUBA gear.
Endurance. Therefore, a character with an
Endurance of 4 could hold their breath for Neither the rebreather or SCUBA gear will
40 seconds. After that time, the character take care of the problems associated with
begins to take damage, and must make an pressure, however. A person using SCUBA
Endurance check each round to avoid blacking gear can conceivably dive up to about 70
out; if the character fails one of those meters, depending on the size of the
checks, he or she is out cold, has inhaled oxygen tank. On the way up, however, the
water, and begins to sink, but still takes diver must ascend no faster than 10 meters
damage as described below. For every round a minute, or a little less than 2 meters
the character goes without oxygen, he or she per round. In addition, the diver must
takes damage at a rate of 2 HP for the first make stops at 13, 10, and 7 meters to
round, 4 HP for the second, 8 HP for the equalize pressure. Those stops must be no
third, 16 HP for the fourth, and so on. If less than 4, 9, and 14 minutes
the character's hit points drop below zero, respectively. Therefore, diving is as
that character will die unless someone much about budgeting oxygen as it is
fishes him out *within three rounds* and finding dirt, especially in Waterworld. A
resuscitates him with a successful roll diver who went no deeper than 10 meters
against First Aid or Doctor. does not need to depressurize.

Something to remember when swimming and If a character ascends faster than a rate
acting underwater - especially in combat - of 2 meters per round, or takes less than
is that it is a three-dimensional world, the minimum time to depressurize, that
unlike the normal, mostly two-dimensional person has a chance equal to twice the
realm of regular combat. This can make depth to which he or she dived that the
tracking the combat on a hex-sheet extremely person will suffer from The Bends.
difficult, but clever GMs will likely find a
solution to this potential problem. The only way to ease the effects of The
Bends is to get the person into a
Depth and Pressure pressurized chamber. Unfortunately,
pressurized chambers usually aren't a
Depth and pressure is another concern priority in resource-hungry Waterworld.
underwater. The further someone dives, the If no chamber is available, the character
more water is on top of that person, and the suffers 1d10 points of damage per round
more pressure is built. A little bit of and in completely incapacitated. Her
water pressure won't hurt, aside from making Armor Class drops to just what she is
an unpleasant "pop" in the diver's ear. A wearing (no Agility bonus), and she rolls
lot of water pressure, or a sudden change in about in a 1-hex radius from where she
pressure, can be lethal. Divers refer to lays. An Endurance check is made each
this condition as "the bends," where round; success indicates the player takes
nitrogen in the person's veins begins to half of the damage shown on the dice.
expand and collect at joints, causing After six successes, and six rounds of
terrible pain and twisting the body, when half damage, the condition goes away,
the person hasn't spent enough time although the player will still be
equalizing pressures on ascending - incapacitated and in great pain for
incidentally, a phenomenon that helped prove another 1d10 rounds. Note that the six
Boyle's law. successes do not all have to be in a row.

Although conditions largely determine how Another nasty side-effect of diving is

deep a person can dive, equipment is a much something called narcosis. Also referred
larger factor. A pressurized suit or to as the "rapture of the deep," narcosis
submersible can easily dive for 300, 500, or is a strange, surrealistic high that
even 1000 meters, depending on the suit or divers get from the nitrogen mix in their
sub and the amount of oxygen it carries. breathing tanks. The deeper a diver

goes, the worse the equal to twice the height, in
condition can get. Every 10 meters, of breaking a limb (or
minutes, the player should roll an cracking their skull). The poor soul who
Endurance check, with a -1 penalty for every fell 30 meters has a 60% chance of
40 meters between himself and the surface. breaking something. What exactly the
A character at 80 meters would therefore character breaks is up to the GM; it might
make an Endurance check with a -2 penalty. be based on how badly the character failed
If the check fails, the character begins to the roll. If the character failed by only
suffer from narcosis. This is an excellent a few points, then she might have only
chance for the player to roleplay actions broken an arm. If she failed by quite a
that his character would not normally few points, she might have broken two
perform. The effects can range from a arms. If the character makes a critical
harmless high to dangerous and deadly failure (a roll of 3% or less), the
hallucinations; in one case, a diver died unlucky sot landed on her head, and takes
because he tried to give his oxygen mask to an additional 8d10 damage and (if still
a passing fish. Narcosis disappears as a alive) is knocked unconscious for the
diver begins to surface. number of rounds equal to the damage
incurred from the head wound.
Vision and Light in the Deep
Falling onto
Water not only conducts light poorly, but water is a
human eyes aren't attuned to seeing little different
underwater very well. When trying to see story. Water
underwater, a character suffers a -3 penalty tends to give a
to their Perception (note that any Primary little more than
Statistic cannot go lower than 1), unless solid earth,
that character is wearing goggles or some especially when
kind of mask. This penalty affects many the falling
things, from to-hit rolls to noticing p e r s o n ' s
enemies to detecting potential traps. velocity is low.
A character can
Light is another matter. As stated fall up to 50
previously, penalties begin to add up when meters onto
diving deeper; after 300 meters underwater, water and needs
no discernable sunlight penetrates the only to make an
ocean, even in broad daylight overhead. Agility check; failure indicates the
This means that characters will need to character landed incorrectly and had the
bring some kind of artificial light source. wind knocked out of him. He must struggle
Many pressure suits and submersibles some for one round to regain his breath before
with some kind of built-in light; whether or he can take action. Struggling takes
not it works is another story entirely. place the next complete round after the
fall; treat this as a loss of remaining
Falling Damage and Falling Into Water APs for the current round and a total loss
of APs for the next round. Characters
One oversight in the core rulebook is the falling from greater heights begin to take
lack of information regarding what happens damage normally, but height for damage
when a character falls off of a high purposes should be calculated from 50
surface. Falling is usually a very bad meters up instead of the water's surface.
thing, unless the player plans on falling
onto something soft and cushy. Falling onto Experience and Advancement
a hard surface, however, will cause damage
and probably a few broken limbs. Leveling Up

For every 10 meters that a character falls, Leveling up in a Waterworld campaign is

the character sustains 2d10 points of the same as it is in a regular Fallout
damage. If a character fell 30 meters, she game. There are some perks that are no
takes 6d10 points of pain-inducing damage. longer available, others that have
In addition, the character has a chance changed, and a few brand-new perks.

Perks in Waterworld Demolition Expert: Unchanged

The following is a list of perks from the Die Hard: Unchanged

Fallout core rules. Some of them have
changed, and some are no longer available. Divine Power: Unchanged

Action Boy: Unchanged Dodger: Unchanged

Adrenaline Rush: Unchanged Driving City Style: Unavailable

Animal Friend: Unavailable Drunken Master: Unchanged

Awareness: Unchanged Earlier Sequence: Unchanged

Bend the Rules: Unavailable Educated: Unchanged

Better Criticals: Unchanged Empathy: Unchanged

Bluff Master: Unchanged Explorer: Unchanged

Bone Head: Unchanged Faster Healing: Unchanged

Bonsai: Unavailable Flexible: Unchanged

Bonus HtH Attacks: Unchanged Flower Child: Unchanged

Bonus HtT Damage: Unchanged Fortune Finder: Random encounters with

other humans only will yield small amounts
Bonus Move: The bonus AP cannot be used for of pure dirt instead of money. Obviously,
movement out of water. sea creatures do not carry around caches
of dirt.
Bonus Ranged Damage: Unchanged
Gain x: Unchanged
Bonus Rate of Fire: Unchanged
Gambler: Unchanged
Bracing: Unchanged
Ghost: The bonus does not apply
Break the Rules: Unavailable underwater.

Brown Noser: Unchanged Gunner: Unchanged

Brutish Hulk: Unavailable Harmless: Unchanged

Cancerous Growth: Unavailable Healer: Unchanged

Cautious Nature: This perk does not apply to Heave Ho!: Unchanged
random encounters where the critter or
critters are underwater, and the character Here and Now: Unchanged
is on the surface or otherwise above the
water. Hide of Scars: Available only to mutants
with the Saurusapian trait.
Comprehension: Unchanged
Hit the Deck!: Unchanged
Crazy Bomber: Unchanged
HtH Evade: Unchanged
Cult of Personality: Unchanged
Kama Sutra Master: Unchanged
Death Sense: Unavailable

Karma Beacon: Unchanged Road Warrior: Unavailable

Leadfoot: Unavailable Salesman: Unchanged

Leader: Unchanged Scout: Does not apply underwater.

Lifegiver: Unchanged Scrounger: This perk does not apply to

ammunition for Unconventional Weapons,
Light Step: Unchanged such as harpoons.

Living Anatomy: Unchanged Sharpshooter: Unchanged

Loner: Unchanged Silent Death: Unchanged

Master Thief: Unchanged Silent Running: Unchanged

Master Trader: Unchanged Slayer: Unchanged

Medic: Unchanged Smooth Talker: Unchanged

Mental Block: Unchanged Snakeater: Unchanged

More Criticals: Unchanged Sniper: Unchanged

Mr. Fixit: Unchanged Speaker: Unchanged

Mutate!: This perk cannot be used to change, Stat!: Unchanged

or choose, a mutant or Societal Perk trait.
Steady Arm: Unavailable
Mysterious Stranger: Unchanged
Stonewall: Unchanged
Negotiator: Unchanged
Strong Back: Unchanged
Night Vision: Unchanged
Stunt Devil: Unchanged
Pack Rat: Unchanged
Survivalist: This perk (obviously)
Pathfinder: As this perk does not apply on modifies the Seafaring skill.
the open water, it becomes useless.
Swift Learner: Unchanged
Pickpocket: Unchanged
Tag!: Unchanged
Presence: Unchanged
Talon of Fear: Unavailable
Psychotic: Unavailable
Team Player: Unchanged
Pyromaniac: Unchanged
Thief: Unchanged
Quick Pockets: Unavailable
Tough Hide: Unavailable
Quick Recovery: Unchanged
Toughness: Unchanged
Rad Child: Unavailable
Tunnel Rat: Unchanged
Rad Resistance: Unchanged
Way of the Fruit: Unavailable
Ranger: Unavailable
Weapon Handling: Unchanged

The following is a list of complete rounds of combat to change
new perks for use exclusively your ship's sails when you have this
in a Waterworld campaign. perk, and you get a 10% bonus to your
Seafaring skill.
Argonaut Ranks: 1
Your travels have given you an uncanny Requirements: Strength 5, Agility 5, Level
ability to master the winds and currents. 12
When helming a vessel that uses sails as a
means of propulsion, the boat's top speed is Sleep With the Fishes
increased by 25%. Your lung capacity has become much larger
Ranks: 1 than the average person. While it doesn't
Requirements: Strength 5, Intelligence 4, actually allow you to sleep with the
Level 9 fishes, you can last a lot longer
underwater than most. Instead of running
Don't Panic! out of air at a round equal to your
You are a seasoned traveler, and know the Endurance, you don't need to begin rolling
ins and outs of the different atolls. Your until rounds equal to twice your
Charisma is increased by 2 for the purposes Endurance.
of reaction rolls when dealing with Ranks: 1
Waterworld's other inhabitants, and your Requirements: Endurance 6, Level 3
Barter is increased by 25%.
Ranks: 1 Swim With the Fishes
Requirements: Intelligence 5, Charisma 5, You've developed your swimming skills to
Level 9 olympian levels. It takes you one less AP
to move 1 hex while swimming. Note that
Machinist this perk can eventually bring some
All that time you've spent around the characters to the point at which they can
machine shops has finally paid off. You've move 2 hexes for 1 AP.
picked up a thing or two, and are now much Ranks: 2
better at fixing things. For each rank of Requirements: Strength 5, Endurance 4,
this perk, your Repair skill is increased by Level 3
Ranks: 2 Tugboat
Requirements: Intelligence 6, Level 6 You've learned how to haul heavy objects
when you're swimming. For each rank of
Nautilus this perk, you can carry an extra 3 lbs. X
Diving is no longer a problem or a mystery STR of equipment while swimming, diving,
for you. You do not suffer any ill effects and playing Marco Polo.
from diving, including narcosis and the Ranks: 3
bends. Must be nice to not have to Requirements: Strength 6, Level 3
depressurize, huh?
Ranks: 1 II A Geographical and Social
Requirements: Strength 6, Endurance 7, Level
12 Survey of Waterworld
Navigator A The Planet
Prince Henry has nothing on you. You've
mastered the methods of finding your way History
around Waterworld. For purposes of
determining location or other navigational Approximately 1000 years ago, the polar
procedures *only*, your Seafaring skill gets ice caps melted due to increased
a 50% bonus. greenhouse gasses combined with a nuclear
Ranks: 1 strike. The water raised the ocean levels
Requirements: Intelligence 5, Level 6 to where little or no land was above the
surface. The inhabitants of the planet
Rigging Rat began to refer to their home as
You have become adept at learning how to Waterworld, and today, none of those who
raise and lower sails. It only takes you 2 dwell on the surface know of any other

kind of planet. When the all the hydro required from the
waters came, only a small area ocean.
of the Himalayan mountains escaped the
ever-rising deluge. Today, this tiny Of course, none of these facts lend
section of Earth is called Dryland, and it themselves to a decent story or post-
is spoken of in reverent whispers. Many nuclear campaign world, especially one as
consider it to be little more than a myth to creative as Waterworld.
tell children before bedtime; some actively
look for it, and the promise of a better Geography
life on land. A few have actually been
there. There is no way to properly map
Waterworld, as most of its settlements are
The exact cause of Waterworld's cataclysm is free-floating and move quite a bit. There
unknown. The military vessels that litter are two main "permanent" surface
the ruins of cities like Denver seem to fixtures - Dryland, which only measures
point to a gradual process, and one that about 50 square kilometers, and the
civilization might have tried to avoid, even Sargasso Flats, an area of high seaweed
if their efforts were too little, too late. concentration that reaches the surface.
Perhaps the greenhouse effect combined with
the fallout from a nuclear war to drive the Dryland should be something that is
nails into Waterworld's coffin. adapted to each individual Waterworld
campaign. Its existence should always be
Notes on the Science of Waterworld something that is questioned, and if the
party ever finds Dryland, it should be as
If the idea that the polar ice caps could a culmination of the entire adventure or
completely melt and cover the planet with campaign. Maps of Hawai'i, specifically
water seems unfeasible, you're right, for smaller islands like Kaua'i or Mau'i, will
two main reasons. First of all, it seems make excellent references as to the
that melting icecaps would cool the seas geographic makeup, flora, and fauna of
down enough to actually cause an ice age, Waterworld's Dryland.
leading, in the long run, to glaciation of
most of the land and an eventual re-freezing The Sargasso Flats, on the other hand,
of the ice. Second, even if all the ice on span hundreds of square kilometers,
Earth were to melt (an event that would stretching from around Seattle, Washington
require temperatures at the equator to stay north into the highlands of the Canadian
well beyond 100 degrees Celsius for years Rockies. Although these features are all
and years), there would not be enough water underwater, the currents, weather
to cover the entire planet. Dryland would conditions, and relative shallow levels of
consist of most of the mountain ranges in the ocean have allowed an enormous patch
the world, including sections of Antarctica. of different kinds of seaweed to grow in
this area. Growth can be sporadic, but
Also, if the polar ice were to melt as small atolls laying throughout the
depicted in the movie, the ocean water would Sargasso Flats have learned to process the
be diluted to the point where it was easily seaweed for all kinds of uses, including
drinkable. clothing, food, and distillation of their
famous Sargasso Ale.
One other interesting note is that, due to
the Coriolis effect, massive storms would As demand for these products slowly but
form and there would be no land masses to surely increases the wealth and resources
break them up. These hurricanes would for harvesting, engineers have turned
continue to circle the globe, growing towards exploring other uses of the
stronger, much like the Red Spot on Jupiter. seaweed, such as medicines. Even raiders
like the Smokers avoid hitting the Flats
A last nitpicker's note: human urine too hard, as it represents one of the few
contains more salt and toxins than ocean rays of hope on Waterworld. Other atolls,
water, so even if the ocean water were still though, are more than mumbling about the
as salty as it is today, the Mariner's increasing wealth of the Flats, and should
distilling machine could easily have made they band together with a raiding force,

the Flats' fragile peace and The makeup of atolls varies widely.
prosperity could be shattered Every building rests on some kind of
in a matter of days. pontoon or floatation device, and since
enterprising raiders began swimming under
Underwater Geography the walls, there are often giant screens
or nets that can extend thousands of feet
All of the old cities still lie under the beneath the perimeter.
waves, home to no one except fish and other
creatures of the deep. The cities that Atoll government varies greatly, but the
drowned first, such as New York, Venice, majority of towns are ruled by a council
Amsterdam, Rio de Jenerio, Cairo, Sydney, of elders and wealthy citizens. Usually,
and Shanghai, are in much worse shape than the atoll will hire a kind of sheriff to
cities further inland. Except for seaweed discourage crime and, in case of attack,
growth and rust, everything is as it was plan and lead the defense of the city.
left hundreds of years ago as the waters Larger atolls will have proportionally
rose. Whether or not the ruined cities play larger police forces, and many wealthy
a role in a campaign is entirely up to the traders have their own private guards.
GM; they should be difficult to reach, as
they are potentially the most rewarding Every atoll also has a recycling tank,
treasure troves on the planet. There is one where any organic matter is processed into
area of interest: the Foundationist nutrient-rich goop that is used for
compound. For more information on the hydroponics farming. It would be a bit of
Foundation and its base, see their entry in a stretch to call this matter dirt, as it
the Groups section, below. isn't traded in the same way, but the
biomatter created from this compost
Cities and Atolls process works just as well for farming
purposes. As the recycling tanks are the
"Atoll" is a generic lifeblood of the atoll, they are usually
term for cities on the most well-defended part of the
Waterworld; although the settlement.
word actually refers to
the smaller floating Additionally, each atoll usually has a
island communities, it kind of bank where dirt can be exchanged
has come to represent for local currency, and a store where
every town, from tiny goods are traded. Many of the larger
hamlets of a few dozen atolls have more than one bank and store,
to the largest and these businesses are often in
fortresses housing tens competition with each other. Larger
of thousands of people. atolls also have restaurants, bars,
casinos, and other types of gathering-
Atolls also represent what remains of human places. The largest cities might even
civilization on Waterworld. Built mostly of offer a theatre, featuring a play or some
metal and, occasionally, wood, they act like music.
medieval towns, offering the inhabitants
protection while the individuals inside work Religion on Waterworld
for the good of everyone else - and,
usually, the good of an overseer, mayor, or Religious life hasn't died completely, but
committee. it has become less of a driving force
among Waterworld's inhabitants. Many
As stated, atolls range in size from 30-40 people are either too oppressed or too
people to up to and about 10,000 poor to believe in a loving deity, and
inhabitants. They are generally round or religious ceremonies have begun to reflect
square in shape, with towers to use as Waterworld's needs - fresh hydro and dirt.
lookouts or defensive positions. Almost Since every corpse is recycled back into
exclusively, atolls have walls much too high dirt in an atoll's recycling tanks,
to climb and gates that only open to allow Waterworlders are very aware of the
approved boats passage. fragile balance and cycle of life,
recognizing they owe their continued

existence to their son of a Deacon. Fortunately, all
ancestors. For this reason, the previous deacons have borne sons,
ancestor veneration has become quite so leadership has not yet come into
popular, and not only in societies with question. The Deacon is surrounded by a
large concentrations of peoples descended small group of advisors, who keep him
from Eastern and Asian culture groups. abreast of everything from supplies to
Aside from cults like the Children of the
Leviathan and, arguably, the Smokers, Everyone else on board the oil tanker is
organized religion on a scale larger than a more or less equal; they willingly go on
single atoll is more or less unheard-of on raids, do any amount of work, and even die
Waterworld. for the Deacon. This form of slavery,
based largely on the control and
B. The People propaganda the Deacon and his advisors
feed the people, has lasted for hundreds
Waterworld's inhabitants represent a wide of years. The Deacon occasionally makes
variety of ethnic groups and linguistic motivational speeches, invoking the name
backgrounds. Any ethnic group present in of "Saint Joe," the last captain of the
the 20th Century survives in some form on oil tanker. The Smokers act even more
Waterworld, and humans come in every shape, fervently when they have a goal or
size, and color. Most are quite athletic purpose, much like the latest Deacon
and fit, and being overweight is seen as a notion of finding Dryland.
bit of an obscenity in a place where food
and water are so rare. Everyone's skin is There is little to no crime to speak of
tan from almost constant exposure to the among the Smokers; disputes are usually
sun, and hair tends to bleach out as a settled with fists or weapons, when
result of UV radiation and the oceanic necessary. There is an honor system among
conditions. the group - when someone steals, rapes, or
murders a shipmate, if no challenge is
While the vast majority of Waterworld's issued, the other Smokers refuse to
people live in the atolls, there are a few barter, feed,
groups that wander around. Not all of them and watch out
are traders, either. You'll find below an for the
outline of the different societies wander c r i m i n a l .
the waves. Those people
usually end up
dead, marooned
Smokers on flotsam, or
The Smokers aren't a society so much as a
large, well-equipped band of thugs. They Life on the tanker is hard, but Smokers
take their name for two reasons: their ship, try to have some playtime each day. Auto
the Deez, holds an enormous cache of races through the maze of cabins and beams
cigarettes, which they enjoy liberally; and under the main deck, tractor pulls - where
it also happens to be an oil tanker, meaning contestants pit engineering skill and
the Smokers have a number of gasoline machine strength against each other -
(petrol) powered craft - more than anyone across the deck, and traditional games
else on Waterworld. They are a very close- like pool, dice, and cards fill free time.
knit group, and don't accept members from Smokers live in dormitory-style cabins,
the outside - you are either born a Smoker, often with twenty or more in a crowded
or you are enslaved (or, far more likely, room, and families usually split up -
killed) by them. There are about 800 raising children is more of a communal
Smokers living aboard the oil tanker. effort rather than a job tackled by two
The Deacon, a kind of high-priest, Economy
navigator, and warlord, leads the Smokers. Smokers engage in a limited amount of
His position is hereditary and patriarchal; barter with atolls and outposts. More
the only way to become a Deacon is to be the

often than not, they take Slavers
what they need - food,
supplies, dirt, etc. Although the smokers Unlike the Smokers, the Slavers aren't a
usually practice a limited amount of fishing cohesive group at all; it is more of a
and agriculture, they have been known to catchall title for anyone who engages in
rely on these methods when ripe atolls are the slave trade on Waterworld. There are
scarce. On the smoker's ship, cigarettes quite a few enterprising individuals who
are exchanged around for goods, services, do so, and there may be more than 10,000
and bribes among other smokers. Never, people who make their living by the slave
under any circumstances, will cigarettes be trade. No formal "Slavers Guild" exists
traded to non-smokers; they are far too to regulate the trade, although slavers
valuable on the ship, and no one else has will often band together and form small
any use for them. gangs or even communities; slavers
sometimes build small atolls, but these
Unfortunately, the smokers' two main outposts are rare. Slavers may even be
economic staples - gas (which they refer to citizens of atolls attempting to make a
as "go-juice") and cigarettes are not living for themselves doing something
unlimited in their supplies. The group other than hydroponics farming or factory
knows this full well, and in the last few work.
years, great pains have been taken to ensure
these resources last as long as possible - Structure
but the smokers still have a long way to go Because the slavers don't have a strict
to reach necessary conservation levels. society, and aren't a true group, the
structure of slaver life is hard to label
Technology and pin down. Rules certainly do exist,
As previously mentioned, the Smokers have a and older, more powerful, and more wealthy
very high tech level in Waterworld, slavers tend to make those rules - and
primarily because of their easy access to enforce them with private armies. Slavers
large amounts of oil, which can not only be usually don't have permanent residences
used to power their craft, but also provides (although, as mentioned, there are
power - and grease - for their machine exceptions) and are accepted in all but
shops. The oil tanker has a fully the pickiest atolls. The lack of a home
functional machine shop, where weapons are base and the scattering of slavers across
both made and repaired; casings from bullets the surface of Waterworld make slavers
are scavenged and saved on raids, and then even more difficult to classify. Like
either reused or melted down for other mariners, slavers have a code of honor;
parts. Despite what outsiders initially slaves are only traded or stolen to pay
might see, Smokers waste no mechanical parts off a debt, at least from other slavers.
or metal, putting everything in the skilled When disputes occur, the two sides make
hands of machine technicians, who work magic every attempt not to harm the property;
not seen for hundreds of years. Most after all, dead or mangled slaves aren't
Smokers have at least cursory knowledge of worth anything at all. Also, younger
machines, especially firearms, and slavers are expected to defer to their
technicians begin training children at a elders when on slave capture runs; this
young age. isn't out of respect for age so much as
respect for the elders' mercenary forces.
Nearly any technology available on If a younger slaver happens to have a
Waterworld is - or has been at one time - in larger group of thugs, the goods are fair
Smoker hands. They are excellent game.
navigators, and use tools unavailable to
others to lay traps when raiding atolls, Slave atolls aren't cities in the
especially if it means minimizing loss of traditional sense; rather, they are more
Smoker life and resources. They have little like large, somewhat self-sufficient
knowledge of hydroponics, however, as they prisons. They have recycling and
tend to take food rather than grow it. hydroponics labs, and a few have crude
machine shops, but anywhere from 100 to
500 slaves occupy these facilities across
Waterworld. Slave colonies are located

away from the prying eyes of can. Technically, any single
atolls and major trade routes, person or small group of people
and slavers often choose to keep these traveling between atolls is a Mariner,
locations secret even from other slavers. but if they aren't making a living out of
it, they - and other Mariners - feel no
It is difficult to tell how many Slavers need to adhere to Mariner traditions when
sail around Waterworld; often, the lines encountering such adventurers.
between Slaver and Mariner, or even Slaver
and common businessman, can become blurred. Structure
There may very well be between five-thousand Mariners have no hierarchy; they live by a
and ten-thousand of them, give or take a few traditional code of laws that provides
hundred. Larger slave colonies constitute them protection against each other. When
many of these numbers. two mariners meet, they usually exchange
information (although that information
Economy might be intentionally misleading) and
The slaver economy is based primarily on always exchange goods - a sign of trust
trade. In some places, slaves are worth and brotherhood in an otherwise harsh
their weight in dirt, especially young, place. Mariners respect each other's
female slaves (no one ever said loss of boats, but if
civilization would be kind to women). Where presented with an
slavers have banded together enough to form opportunity to take
atolls, they usually practice hydroponic or what looks to be
kelp farming and fishing. Otherwise, almost abandoned - or
all goods are acquired from large atolls in unguarded - there
exchange for slaves (or other goods). isn't a sailor on
Waterworld who
Technology wouldn't jump at the
Slavers don't have a single technology chance, usually after
level; many of them are fairly well- a generous allotment
equipped, with working firearms and perhaps of time. If another
even a gas-powered boat or two, but a good Mariner is in trouble, or needs a
number rely on sails, harpoons, and twisted particular supply, others will usually
metal cages. Since slavers don't have any trade for it or help out; good deeds have
manufacturing facilities of their own, a way of spreading around the atolls, and
everything they own will either be second or Mariners easily remember each other's
thirdhand, or bought at an absolute premium boats. It is difficult to tell how many
and therefore almost too priceless to use in Mariners prowl the oceans of Waterworld;
combat. Slaver atolls usually have there are probably close to ten-thousand,
electricity, as it is required to maintain if not more.
order through fences, locked cells, and
other implements of incarceration. Unless a Economy
slaver is down on his luck, his boat will Mariners get along by trading and nothing
usually be a very well-equipped, top of the else. This exclusive lifestyle obviously
line craft. means that there are some lean times when
a mariner can't trade for food, and he or
Mariners she is always at the mercy of supply in
the atolls, but an intelligent Mariner
Mariners, like slavers, aren't an organized tries to compensate for these problems by
community or society, but they are a special keeping hordes of foodstuffs and valuable
class of person on Waterworld and live by a goods in their boats - and perhaps on tiny
strict code of ethics and honor. Like the buoys strewn (or half-sunken) throughout
archetype of the "wandering outsider," the vast oceans. Some Mariners offer
mariners are people who don't usually fit in unique services to trade instead of goods;
with atoll society - or have been forced for example, a Mariner might keep a small
out, either as criminals or as undesirables. machine shop aboard his or her boat,
They travel Waterworld along major trade trading weapon repair for food and water
routes and across open sections of water in to an atoll that lacks that service.
customized boats, scraping by however they

Technology line guns and machinists. Instead
Mariners tend to have access to of merely using old, discarded items,
more technology than other Waterworlders, their machinists actively try to invent
but it is usually in the form of useless new devices, relying on current situations
gadgets that even they are unsure how to rather than using the discarded remains of
operate. Since their belongings are things a corrupt and destroyed civilization.
traded for, scrounged, or stole, it is
impossible to state that Mariners have one, The Foundationists
all-encompassing technology level.
The Foundation is the closest thing
Children of the Leviathan Waterworld has to something like the
Brotherhood of Steel. Before the waters
The Children of the Leviathan are a full- rose, one of the remaining world
blown religious cult, and their leader, a governments build an enormous structure
mysterious man called simply "Leviathan," deep in a cave in the side of a mountain
has found a way to play on the fears and and send 10,000 scientists, artists, and
lack of beliefs among Waterworld's simple military personnel to inhabit it. The
folks. The Children have a flotilla of Foundation was intended to be entirely
ships that travel Waterworld, looking for self-sufficient, and it has survived
converts. They are also raiders and almost 1000 years under the waves. If
traders, but these activities are kept quiet there is ever any hope of rebuilding the
and apart from main Children society. civilization that was lost when the ice
caps melted, the Foundation is that hope.
All Children owe absolute devotion and Structure
allegiance to the Leviathan and his The Foundation is controlled by a
henchmen. They, and their priests who often President and his or her advisors. The
act as inquisitors and police on the President is elected by popular vote from
flotilla, are the one and final say among all Foundationists over the age of 18, and
the Children. This suits the Children fine, selects the cabinet after elected. There
as they would all be willing to die for is little or no crime to speak of, as
Leviathan and their cause, which is, every Foundationist realizes the
obstinately, to bring some sort of order to precarious nature of their continued
the blind darkness of the atolls. There are existence, and therefore there is no need
over twenty-thousand Children, with about for a police force. The military branch
fifteen thousand living and working in the of the Foundation can be called upon to
flotilla and the rest trying to recruit new maintain control, but so far, this hasn't
members among the atolls. Slavery, been necessary.
gambling, and consumption of alcohol has
been completely outlawed among the Children, The Foundation structure itself is huge,
although it is rumored that the Leviathan with 20 floors descending deep into the
has some fairly strong ties to several Earth. It lies about 3000 meters beneath
wealthy slavers. Some outsiders have begun the surface of the water, at the foothills
to realize that Leviathan has an enormous, of the Rocky Mountains in what used to be
well-equipped, and fiercely loyal army at Wyoming. There are machines for every
his disposal, and it might only be a matter conceivable problem, from hydro production
of time before he decides to use it. to hydroponics farming and more.

Economy Occasionally, the Foundation sends one of

The Children have a commune-style economy, its members out to scout Waterworld, and
where everyone owns everything. Of course, therefore, they are aware of life on the
Leviathan and his retainers own more than surface, although they may not know all of
everyone else, but most followers are too the ins and outs of the atolls and various
blind in their devotion to realize this. other groups. The Foundation is currently
deciding whether to attempt to make
Technology contact with a group above, or to just
The Children have quite a bit of technology continue as they have for hundreds of
at their disposal, and have some top-of-the- years.

Part of the Foundation pistol, but it will likely use
compound is a system of mines, electricity to recharge instead of
meaning they have access to new metals and power cells.
materials. If anyone on the surface were
ever to get word of such an operation, the Note also that none of the mines or chems
Foundation knows it would become the target from the Fallout manual are found in
of every half-powerful trader with delusions Waterworld.
of grandeur; therefore, it values secrecy
above all else, and their scouts are Weapons LT WW FO
instructed to kill themselves before
revealing anything about the Foundation or Unarmed Skill
the compound.
Brass Knuckles U C C
Economy Tiger Claw NA R R
There is no economy to speak of among the Sapper U C C
Foundation because it is a collective Shredders R U U
society. Lacerators R U U
Mace Glove NA NA R
Technology Spiked Knucles R U C
Foundationists have access to every Boxing Gloves NA NA NA
technology available on the surface and then Plated B-Gloves NA NA NA
some. Basically, if any kind of technology Punch Dagger R U U
exists on Waterworld, the Foundationists Punch Gun NA NA R
have it. Impact Glove NA NA NA
Adamantine Claws NA NA Q
III Technology and Equipment Power Fist NA NA NA
Mega Power Fist NA NA NA
Waterworld's technological level is about
the same as Earth at the end of the 20th Melee Weapons
Century. This means that many of the
advanced weapons in Fallout would likely Rock NA NA NA
unbalance the game or become entirely out- Sap C C C
of-place in a Waterworld campaign. Below is Shiv U U U
a chart detailing which weapons are allowed Broken Bottle C C C
in three different kinds of campaigns: a Sharpened Pole C C C
low-tech Waterworld where machinery has Metal Pipe C C C
disintegrated (LT), the Waterworld detailed Wooden Club R R R
in the movies and the books and this Club R U C
campaign setting (WW), and a Foundationist Shovel NA NA Q
Waterworld, where the Foundationists have Knife U C C
re-introduced some technology (FO). These Claw Hammer U C C
charts are adjustable and represent Ax U U U
suggestions for GMs and adventure writers; a Switchblade NA NA NA
low-tech campaign can be just as fun as a Wrench U C C
high-tech one, depending on the level to Crowbar U C C
which the players want to roleplay. Weapons Spear C C C
are designated as Common (C), Uncommon (U), Machete R U U
Rare (R), Unique (Q), or Not Allowed (NA). Butcher's Cleaver R R U
Unique weapons are found only in the hands Sledgehammer R U U
of the wealthiest merchants, the toughest Scalpel NA R U
warlords, of the Foundation elite. Note Combat Knife R U U
that no energy weapons are allowed, and Wakizashi NA NA NA
those weapons that usually require energy Louisville Slugger NA Q Q
cells to charge use normal electricity Micro Sledge NA NA NA
instead. The only exception is in a highly Cattle Prod NA Q R
technical Foundationalist campaign - in this Ripper NA NA NA
case, at the GM's discretion, some high- Super Prod NA NA NA
ranking NPCs might have a primitive laser Decofilament NA NA NA


Chainsaw Q R R
Proton Ax NA NA NA MP-5 Q U U
Super Sledge NA NA NA UZI Mk27 NA R U
Tommy Gun NA NA NA
Small Guns Ruger AC556 NA R R
Sten Gun NA R U
Primitive Guns MP-38 NA NA NA
Grease Gun R U U
Blowgun U C C Super Soaker NA NA NA
Wooden Bow NA NA NA Liberty 100 NA R R
Wooden Crossbow NA NA NA AUG NA NA R
Composite Bow NA R U P90C NA NA NA
Composite Crossbow NA R R UZI Mk34 NA R U

Pistols Rifles

10mm Pistol NA U C BB Gun NA NA NA

Zip Gun U C C Pipe Rifle R C C
.22 Pistol R U C .22 Hunting Rifle R C C
.38 Special R U C M1 Garand NA U U
9mm Beretta R U C M17-A Q U U
Colt .45 R U C Colt Hunting Rifle R C C
.357 Magnum NA R R M19 NA R U
Casull Revolver NA NA NA Spear Gun U C C
.44 Magnum NA R R DKS-501 NA R R
Browning HP NA NA NA SVD-4000 NA NA Q
Desert Eagle 44 R U U PSG1 NA NA NA
Calico M-950 NA NA R G3 NA R U
Sig P220 NA NA R Red Ryder NA NA NA
Sig 14mm NA NA NA M72 Gauss NA NA NA
9mm Mauser NA R R
Needler NA NA NA Assault Rifles
Flamer Pistol NA NA R M14 Q R U
Scorpio MP NA R U Browning Auto NA R R
.223 Pistol R U U AK-47 Q R U
M78 NA R R AK-112 NA NA NA
Shotguns M16A2 Q R U
Winchester 12g R U C G11 NA NA NA
Winchester Sawed R U U AK-97 NA NA R
Pump-Action Shot R U C M16A1 NA R U
Beretta 470 NA R U M1989A1 NA NA R
Winchester C-shot NA Q R
CAWS NA Q R Big Guns
Jackhammer NA NA NA
Neostead Combat NA R R Machine Guns

Submachine Guns Lewis MkII NA NA NA
M60 NA Q R
MP-9 Q U U Bren Gun NA NA NA


CZ-53 Minigun NA NA NA
M249 SAW NA R R Mines NA NA NA
Bozar NA NA NA
Avenger Minigun NA NA NA Robes U C C
Vindicator Minigun NA NA NA Leather Jacket R U C
MEC Gauss Minigun NA NA NA Leather Armor R U C
Raider Armor R C C
Grenades & Mortars Vandal Armor U C C
Brotherhood Armors NA NA NA
M203 NA NA R Combat Leather NA NA NA
BG-1 NA NA R Metal Armor Q R U
M79 NA R U Reaver Banding R U U
MK-19 NA NA NA Ghoul Armor NA NA NA
AGS-17 NA NA NA Greader Banding R U U
M2 NA NA NA Mutant Armors NA NA NA
PS-22 NA NA NA Tesla Armor NA NA NA
Combat Armor NA NA Q
Anti-Tank Weapons Radiation Suit NA NA NA
Environmental Armor NA NA NA
LAW-80 NA NA R Pseudo-Chitin Armor NA NA NA
L-72 NA NA R Power Armor NA NA NA
TOW-II NA NA NA Mutant L. Jacket NA NA NA
Bullet-Proof Shirt NA R U
Flamethrowers Kevlar Vest NA Q R
Deathclaw Hide NA NA NA
M9E17 NA R U Kevlar Suit NA NA Q
Flambe 450 NA R R
Throwing Weapons
Leather Cap U C C
Raider Helmet R U C
Hardened L. Cap R C C
Powder Bag R U U
Metal Helmet Q R U
Sharpened Pole C C C
Deathclaw Skull NA NA NA
Dart U U U
Head Banding R U U
Bola C C C
Kevlar Derby NA Q R
Boomerang C C C
Mutant Helmet NA NA NA
Throwing Stars U U U
Combat Helmet NA NA R
Knife C C C
Environmental Helm NA NA NA
Chakram NA NA NA
Power Armor Helmet NA NA NA
Molotov Cocktail R U U
Spear C C C Equipment
Throwing Knife C C C
Smoke Grenade NA R R Flare R U U
Frag Grenade Q R U Lighter R R U
Combat Knife R U U Flashlight NA R U
Fantasy Ball NA NA NA Rope C C C
Plasma Grenade NA NA NA Shovel NA R R
Gas Grenade NA NA NA Claw Hammer R U U
Acid Grenade NA NA NA Lockpick R R R
Flash Grenade NA NA R Tool Set NA R U
Tangle Grenade NA NA R Boots R U U
Inc. Grenade NA NA R Scalpel NA R R
Pulse Grenade NA NA NA Gas Mask NA R R
Boom Bugs NA NA NA Expanded Picks R R R
Safe Kit NA NA NA

LT WW FO Personal Grapple
Value: 2000
Electronic Picks NA NA NA Not actually a weapon per se, although it
Dynamite R R R will work in a pinch, this little tool is
Medical Kit R U C designed for a person to grapple up onto
Geiger Counter NA NA R walls, rigging, and such. It can attach
C-14 NA Q R to a belt or bandolier to allow free
Doctor's Bag NA R R movement of the hands. The Personal
Grapple holds 1 Small Grapple.
Chems NA NA NA Min. ST: 4 W: 3 lbs. Dmg: 1d4+2, Grapple
(25, 300, 10) Rng: 13 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
New Equipment
Ship-to-Ship Harpoon
Unconventional Weapons Value: 2100
This huge gun isn't necessarily designed
The skill that replaces Energy Weapons, to be used on other vessels, but if the
unconventional weapons are those that do not situation should call for it, it can be.
use traditional propellants, such as Originally intended to hunt Whalephin and
gunpowder, to fire shots. Most of them have other large marine creatures, it is
been specially adapted for Waterworld. powerful, destructive, and strong. It
Weapons with a "grapple (x, y, z)" effect also needs to be fired from a ship-based
mount, otherwise, the shooter is likely to
have an X-meter-long cord attached to the
gun; the projectile is barbed, allowing it get yanked off the deck and taken for a
to stick into a target, and the cord can ride. It holds 1 Large Harpoon.
hold an object that weighs *y*. *Z* is the Min. ST: 5 W: 30 lbs. Dmg: 4d6+6, Grapple
length of line that the weapon can retract (100, 10000, 5) Rng: 50 AP S: 5 T: 6 B: N/
in one round; in other words, how much rope A
it can reel in, pulling the shooter and the
target closer together. Ship-to-Ship Grapple
Value: 3000
Fishing Gun This huge, barbed hook was designed to
Value: 500 allow one ship to grapple onto another,
A small, hand-held, pistol-gripped harpoon either to tow it or board it. A StS
gun with a limited range, designed for Grapple must be firmly anchored to the
landing smaller species of fish. It uses a vessel from which it is being fired. It
spring mechanism to fire. Variations on holds 1 Large Grapple.
these guns are found throughout Waterworld. Min. ST: 5 W: 70 lbs. Dmg: 5d10+10,
The Fishing Gun holds 1 Small Harpoon. Grapple (100, 50 tons, 10) Rng: 50 AP S: 5
Min. ST: 3 W: 5 lbs. Dmg: 1d6+2, Grapple T: 6 B: N/A
(25, 30, 5) Rng: 12 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A
Harpoon Gun
Value: 800 Although certain armors from Fallout are
A larger, two-handed version of the Fishing allowed in a Waterworld campaign, it might
Gun, the Harpoon Gun is designed to hunt help keep the "flavor" of the game if the
larger prey. It holds 1 Medium Harpoon. GM allowed only these armors.
Min. ST: 5 W: 15 lbs. Dmg: 3d6+3, Grapple
(40, 100, 5) Rng: 21 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A Marine Leather Armor
Value: 300
Harpoon Rifle Strips of leather, sewn together with
Value: 1200 crude pieces of cloth or leather strings,
A harpoon gun designed for the sniper, this make up this basic protective shirt.
is a "rifled" version of the Harpoon Gun, W: 5 lbs. AC: 10 N: 0/15 L: 0/15 F: 0/5 P:
with incre a s ed accuracy but less 0/5 E: 0/5
reliability. This weapon holds 1 Medium
Min. ST: 5 W: 12 lbs. Dmg: 2d6+2, Grapple
(60, 75, 10) Rng: 35 AP S: 4 T: 5 B: N/A

Marine Scale Armor per round.
Value: 600 W: 70 lbs. AC: 25 N: 2/40 L: 0/0 F:
This "scale" armor is made up of plastic, 3/60 P: 0/0 E: 0/0
leather, and metal bands and chunks held
together with cloth and thin pieces of Equipment
metal. A step above your basic Waterworld
protection. Waterproof Flare
W: 10 lbs. AC: 15 N: 0/20 L: 0/20 F: 0/10 P: Value: 20
0/10 E: 0/10 This flare works underwater. Amazing!

Marine Metal Armor Flippers

Value: 900 Value: 30
This suit of metal armor is made from One of the most valuable dive tools, and
slightly flexible bands of metal, held one of the easier to construct, flippers
together by strings and ropes of leather and are shoes that go over the feet and have
cloth. While it doesn't provide the large webs on the end, like a duck's foot.
greatest protection, it's better than It allows the swimmer to move much faster
nothing. You probably wouldn't want it on underwater. Someone wearing flippers
if you fell in the water, though. takes 1 less AP to move 1 hex while
W: 20 lbs. AC: 20 N: 1/25 L: 0/30 F: 0/10 P: swimming.
1/25 E: 0/10
Diving Goggles
SCUBA Wetsuit Value: 40
Value: 1500 When wearing these goggles, a character
Not really a suit of armor, although it will can ignore Perception penalties
offer some basic protection, this suit is underwater.
good for SCUBA divers on a budget. A
"wetsuit" allows water to pass through the Snorkel
suit, so it probably isn't great for cold Value: 50
water diving, but it's better than nothing. A snorkel is a tube that a diver sticks in
SCUBA suits usually hold about 60 minutes his mouth, allowing him to breathe while
worth of air. Weight given is fully loaded. keeping his head underwater. It is no
W: 25 lbs. AC: 5 N: 0/5 L: 0/0 F: 0/5 P: 0/0 longer than half a meter at the most (any
E: 0/0 larger and the user could not effectively
use it to breathe), and is usually made
SCUBA Drysuit from plastic.
Value: 2100
Where a wetsuit allows water to pass Diving Mask
through, a drysuit keeps the diver Value: 60
completely dry. These suits are very rare. Much like a pair of goggles, this mask
W: 35 lbs. AC: 10 N: 1/20 L: 0/0 F: 1/20 P: allows a diver to ignore Perception
0/0 E: 0/0 penalties while underwater.

Pressurized Dive Suit Rebreather

Value: 5000 Value: 500
While not practical as a suit of armor, this A rebreather is a mask-like device that
dive suit allows the diver to move around a allows a diver to breathe normally, by
little while underwater and, more mixing exhaled air with water and drawing
importantly, dive to depths far below the oxygen from the water, into the air.
normal. Fully loaded, it has about 3 hours Rebreathers can function for about 30
worth of air. When wearing this suit, minutes before they need to be returned to
Agility is reduced to 2, and it takes 1 more the surface.
AP to move 1 hex. Depending on the model,
someone can dive up to 1000 meters in one of Chems
these suits; the diver surfaces by
triggering and releasing pressurized air Although there aren't any healing chems in
into a tank, much like a submarine. The Waterworld, and therefore characters must
suit then surfaces at a rate of 10 meters be *much* more careful and reliant upon

First Aid and Doctor skills, dependent on the material the boat
the inhabitants have still is constructed from, and GMs should
found some fun ways to relax. apply this number accordingly.

Nicotine (Cigarettes) Boat Armor Class, Based on Materials

Primarily a drug used by Smokers - in fact,
it's where they get their name - nicotine is Material AC
a stimulant delivered by inhaling the smoke
from burning tobacco. It causes the user to Wood 10
feel a head rush and can make people Thin Metal 15
slightly ill to the stomach. After a person Thick Metal 30
is addicted, the symptoms are reversed, and Honeycombed
they feel nauseous if they don't get their Metal 50
fix. Nicotine has no effect on statistics,
but cigarettes have a cumulative addictive Different enhancements can increase the
nature - for each cigarette smoked, the armor class of a ship; for more
chance of addiction is increased by 3%, information, see the Enhancements section,
beginning at 3 for the first, going to 6 at below.
the second, 9 at the third, and so on.
Remember that different kinds of ships
Sargasso Ale have different systems, and are always
The only form of alcohol brewed on expressed in this order: Hull (H), Sails
Waterworld, Sargasso Ale is a strong, dark (S), Controls (C), Propeller or External
ale formed from fermented seaweeds from the Propulsion (P), and Engine (E). When
Sargasso Flats. Served warm, it is a there is a potential for confusion, the
favorite among slavers and rich traders all systems are designated with 1-letter
over the planet, and has become almost as abbreviations. Recall that a ship's
famous as legends of Dryland. After rudder has 10% of the hull's total hit
imbibing an ale, the drinker loses 1 point points, but that total is added on to the
to Perception for 1 hour. If Perception hull's total when determining how many HPs
drops to 1, the person passes out for 1d10 the ship has, total.
hours and is hung over for 2d10 hours after
waking up. While hung over, the poor sot Simple Boats
loses 2 points of perception and must roll
an Endurance check every hour to avoid Simple boats are those that carry one or
puking. Alcohol has a cumulative addiction two passengers, don't have a keel, and are
rate of 2% per drink, resetting back to 0% relatively easy to make - therefore, they
24 hours after the last drink. are the most common craft on Waterworld.
They aren't designed for travel on the
Vehicles open waves, and are usually only found in
or very near larger ships and atolls.
Much like the core rules, vehicles include a Simple boats will probably be the first
top speed (in knots), an Acceleration Range, type of craft the party acquires, but will
a Braking (stopping) range, and the Turning be relatively useless for traveling
Radius. There are also statistics for between places.
Driving (Sailing) Range, where applicable,
the Number of Passengers, and the maximum Canoe
Carry Weight. Hit Points are divided among A canoe is a simple, long, keel-less boat
systems on larger craft, and each boat has a powered by paddling. It sits low and flat
certain tonnage - a measure of its mass. in the water, making it very difficult to
Sometimes, speeds are based on the wind (WS) c a p s i z e .
or the number of passengers (NP), and are Canoes aren't
therefore given in formulae. Note that intended for
larger boats have a carry weight measured in use on the
tons, and will weight that much more when high seas, and are usually only found
riding low in the water - when they are inside atolls or near their protective
fully loaded with cargo. Note also that walls. Even if a canoe is submerged or
Armor Class values for boats can be highly "gunched," it will not immediately sink,

due to pockets of air in the Bathysphere (Diving Bubble)
bow and stern. It is possible Not the most technologically advanced
to continue paddling a canoe that has been item, a Bathysphere allows one passenger
completely gunched, although the passengers to make brief,
will want to be ready to ditch it at the pressurized dives.
first sign of trouble. The air trapped
TS: 3xNP AR: 3xNP BR: 3xNP TR: 3 DR: N/A NP: inside the sphere
3 CAP: +10% CW: 1200 lbs. Tonnage: 0.25 HP: stays pressurized,
80 and the sphere is
heavy enough to
Rowboat sink on its own.
Rowboats are a staple of life on Waterworld. Of course, someone
They come in many different or something will
shapes and sizes, from a have to tow it back
tiny, round tub to a to the surface. A
sophisticated metal vessel bathysphere holds enough air for about a
with a pointed prow and flat half-hour dive, and falls at a rate of 4
stern. Rowboats are used to meters per round.
haul smaller pieces of cargo TS: N/A AR: N/A BR: N/A TR: N/A DR: N/A
back and forth inside of NP: 1 CAP: N/A CW: N/A Tonnage 0.5 HP: 30
atolls, or to unload larger ships. They
have no keel, and wouldn't last long on the Pedaled Personal Submarine
high seas. There is no single kind of personal sub,
TS: 3 AR: 3 BR: 3 TR: 5 DR: N/A NP: 2 CAP: but this simple variety is byfar the most
0% CW: 2000 lbs. Tonnage: 0.4 HP: 150 common. Essentially a larger version of
the bathysphere with room for three people
Kayak and an enclosed bottom, this sub is
A small one- or two-man ship, a kayak is powered by one (or more) crewmember(s)
designed for speed pedaling on a bicycle-like contraption
rather than carrying that drives
things. They handle an external
themselves fairly well propeller or
on waves and, although f l i p p e r ,
they have no keel, are while another
designed to right crew member steers. It sinks by allowing
themselves when water to fill a series of tanks along its
capsized. Kayaks make excellent scouting hull and then rises by forcing pressurized
craft, but would not last long on their own. air back into those tanks. A typical
TS: 4xNP AR: 3xNP BR: 2xNP TR: 3 DR: N/A NP: personal sub can carry enough air for a
2 CAP: 0% CW: 700 lbs. Tonnage: 0.2 HP: 40 10-hour dive and can withstand depths of
up to 1000 meters. It can dive and
Outrigger Canoe surface at a rate of 10 meters per round.
A variation on the normal canoe, originally Some models have mechanical "arms" that
designed by come out of the sides, allowing the users
Polynesian to manipulate objects outside of the sub
islanders like pieces of salvage and the hulls of
thousands of other ships. For this reason, subs are
years ago. usually used for espionage or sabotage
An outrigger missions. Subs are weighted to prevent
has a small pontoon on one or both sides of them from capsizing. The PPS has two
the main body, preventing the canoe from systems in addition to the hull: the
tipping and allowing a much larger craft to control system and the external propeller
make much longer voyages. (or propulsion device).
TS: 3xNP AR: 2xNP BR: 4xNP TR: 10 DR: N/A TS: 2xNP AR: 1 BR: 2 TR: 30 DR: N/A (10
NP: 5 CAP: +25% CW: 3000 lbs. Tonnage: 1 HP: hour dives) CAP: N/A CW: 1 ton Tonnage: 3
250 HP: 500, 40 (C), 50 (P)

Sailboats front of the vessel.
TS: WS-10 AR: 10 BR: 2 TR: 60 DR: N/A
Sailboats range from small, one-person NP: 70-150 CAP: -40% CW: 400 tons
affairs to Tonnage: 1000 PS: Running HP: 1000, 240.
enormous cargo
vessels that Junk
plod across the Invented in the East and often associated
landscape. As with China, a junk, despite its name, is
e x p l a i n e d far from a piece of flotsam. It is a
above, there small, keel-less sailboat with two main
are two kinds masts and a unique ribbed sail system that
of sailboats: resembles two gigantic dorsal fins - which
those with is probably what inspired the design. A
square rigging, large rudder
and those with triangle rigging. A controls direction,
triangularly-rigged ship is faster, but as the sails are
usually smaller than their square-rigged stationary, but
counterparts. Almost all sailboats have junks are extremely
keels of some sort; the only exceptions are fast and very
wide-bottomed boats that are still prone to maneuverable. They
capsizing. The Capsize Modifier is a were the favorite
statistic other vehicles do not have, and is vessels of pirates
expressed as a percentage bonus to the Pilot in the South China
skill. Sailboats have another statistic Sea through the end
that other vessels do not: the best Point of of the 20th century.
Sailing, or PS. For more information, see Junks are usually used for hauling small
the section on Sailing, above. Hit Points amounts of cargo quickly between atolls,
are divided into the Hull and Sails & as they can be capsized easily by a storm.
Rigging. Occasionally, a mariner will use a
modified junk with a keel as his vessel of
Trireme choice, but keels greatly restrict the
The Trireme dates back to the days of the ship's agility.
Phoenician sailors, and were the kinds of TS: WS-5 AR: 10 BR: 10 TR: 20 DR: N/A NP:
ships that the Greeks used to the defeat the 10 CAP: -10% CW: 5 tons Tonnage: 100 PS:
navy of Xerxes the Great. A long ship with Broad HP: 350, 200
a single mast and a single square sail,
triremes could sail in very shallow water. Dhow
They were also designed with a huge ram on Invented by Arab traders at the height of
the front, ideal for punching holes in other the Empires of Islam, while Europe
ships, as Xerxes found wallowed in the dark
out. In addition to ages, the Dhow is
the sail, which had to probably the first
be stowed during storms triangularly- rigged
or else the ship would vessel. Designed for
capsize, triremes had brief cargo runs in the
two or three rows of relatively calm waters
oars. The word tri- of the Mediterranean
reme literally means and Red Seas, dhows run
"three layers" and technically, a triremes fast and shallow and
should all have three rows of oars, but the are every bit as agile and strong as a
meaning has been lost over time and now just junk or similar schooner-type vessel.
applies to a general kind of vessel. Dhows have two main masts, each with an
Triremes tend to capsize when trying to turn almost triangle-shaped sail (it's really
at high speeds. Because of their more of a trapezoid with one very small
unpredictable performance on the open seas, edge). Its purpose is much like that of a
triremes are usually found brief - a few junk, but since it uses normal sails, it
days or less - cargo runs between atolls. A can be easier to repair. Like a junk, a
trireme has a ram already attached to the keel will greatly decrease chances of

capsizing on the open seas, South Pacific, a catamaran can hold
but make a dhow far less a fairly significant amount of cargo,
maneuverable. although unless the ship has some kind of
TS: WS-5 AR: 10 BR: 5 TR: 15 DR: N/A NP: 15 shelter in the middle, that cargo can be
CAP: -15% CW: 10 tons Tonnage: 120 PS: Broad at the mercy of the weather.
HP: 400, 250 TS: WS AR: 15 BR: 10 TR: 20 DR: N/A NP: 6
CAP: +40% CW: 20 tons Tonnage: 190 PS:
Sloop Broad or Broad Beam HP: 1000, 275
Designed by the Dutch in the period of
colonization, a sloop is an improvement over Trimaran
larger f o r e - and- aft, A trimaran is a triangle-rigged, keel-less
triangularly-rigged ships, ship like a catamaran,
like the barque. It is except it has a third
slightly smaller, but its pontoon. This larger,
sails allow it to perform middle section sits in the
well in almost any weather water and allows a
condition and its smaller trimaran to hold a
keel originally allowed it significant amount of
to sail through shoals without incurring as cargo while not
much damage as a larger ship. With trimmed sacrificing much
sails, sloops can outmaneuver almost any maneuverability or
other vessel in combat, but they tend to do stability. Unlike the
poorly in long ocean voyages. catamaran, where the cabin
TS: WS AR: 15 BR: 9 TR: 20 DR: N/A NP: 20 is above the water on struts or some kind
CAP: +10% CW: 25 tons Tonnage: 200 PS: Broad of netting, the trimaran's cabin and cargo
or Broad Beam HP: 1300, 300 area sits in the water.
TS: WS AR: 10 BR: 8 TR: 22 DR: N/A NP: 10
Pinnance CAP: +45% CW: 40 tons Tonnage: 240 PS:
Small, fast, and exceptionally maneuverable, Broad or Broad Beam HP: 1500, 375
the pinnance was used in the
shallow waters of the Caribbean Fluyt
for getting between islands and A fluyt is a small, square-rigged ship
outrunning pirates. No bigger designed primarily to haul cargo. The
than a junk, a pinnance design is an improvement
nonetheless has true triangular on the medieval -style
sails and a keel, allowing it to move caravels, essentially a
quickly and turn in next-to-no space. squat vessel with a gently
Although not suited for long voyages or curving bottom. Due to
carrying large amounts of cargo, a pinnance their small keel, fluyts
can easily defeat many larger ships in capsize in bad weather,
combat simply because it can run circles but are still popular because they can
around them. carry far more than many other vessels
TS: WS+5 AR: 18 BR: 10 TR: 12 DR: N/A NP: 10 their size.
CAP: 0% CW: 10 tons Tonnage: 100 PS: Broad TS: WS-10 AR: 5 BR: 3 TR: 50 DR: N/A NP:
Beam or Beam HP: 500, 200 15-50 CAP: -35% CW: 1000 tons Tonnage: 400
PS: Running HP: 2500, 500
An improvement on the outrigger canoe, the Merchantman
catamaran is, essentially, two pontoons Although the term
somehow lashed together, with room for a merchantman is slightly
cabin or small shelter in the middle. It is generic, it refers to any
a triangularly-rigged craft but, due to it's number of large, square-
low center of gravity and distribution of rigged ships designed for
weight - more like a raft than an actual hauling cargo. Similar to
boat - a catamaran has no need for a keel, galleons and frigates,
but often capsizes less than many larger, merchantmen have large
keeled boats. Developed by Polynesians for keels and tend to be wide,
travel over long distances in the stormy slow, and sluggish. They can take a good

deal more punishment than wheel on either (or
other cargo vessels, and are sometimes both) side(s)
often found in flotillas, protected by of the ship. The advantage
smaller, more capable craft that could not to this vessel is that, when
otherwise survive away from the larger boat. the winds die down, it can
TS: WS-12 AR: 3 BR: 1 TR: 60 DR: N/A NP: 20- continue under its own
70 CAP: 0% CW: 3000 tons Tonnage: 600 PS: propulsion. Statistics in
Broad HP: 4000, 1000 parenthesis are for the ship
under steam instead of under
Powered Boats sail.
TS: WS-12 (17) AR: 3 (2) BR: 1 (1) TR: 60
Powered boats use gasoline (petrol) or some (60) DR: N/A (100) NP: 20-70 CAP: 0% CW:
other fuel to drive a motor that then, in 3000 tons Tonnage: 600 PS: Broad HP: 4100,
turn, drives a propeller, paddlewheel, or 500 (S), 200 (C), 500 (P), 175 (E)
some other method of moving the vessel
through the water. Since go-juice and other Ironclad
combustible materials are fairly rare on The term ironclad refers to any kind of
Waterworld, these vessels are usually only midsized vessel designed to take a lot of
found among groups like the Smokers. punishment and not do a whole lot of
anything else. While some of these
Tug vessels sport guns, it is more for a
A tugboat is a tiny vessel with a very cursory defense only; ironclads are
powerful engine, basically floating bathtubs that can shrug
designed to pull other, off almost any attack, short of a high-
larger boats along. powered bomb. They usually use steam
They are slow and won't motors, as they are
perform well on their too heavy for most
own, but are essential gas-powered engines,
when dragging large and are very slow.
amounts of cargo around. An extraordinarily Another problem is
strong gasoline engine drives two or three that they tend to
huge propellers at the rear of the boat. capsize easier, especially if knocked off
TS: 5 AR: 2 BR: 2 TR: 20 DR: 150 NP: 5 CAP: balance. Ironclads are pretty useless
0% CW: 40,000 tons (towing) Tonnage: 500 HP: unless they are part of a flotilla or
500, 100 (C), 200 (P), 75 (E) attack force. The exception is blockade
running - because ironclads are so well
Jetski protected, they are often used
Jetskis, or Waverunners, are successfully to break blockades - or to
small, one-or-two person affairs ram other vessels. A steam engine drives
that the driver and a passenger one, two, or three propellers at the stern
straddle like a motorcycle. of the ship.
Because of their tiny size, TS: 5 AR: 1 BR: 1 TR: 40 DR: 100 NP: 10-15
jetskis cannot be used in CAP -10% CW: 5 tons Tonnage 30,000 HP:
anything but the calmest waters, 5000, 500 (C), 400 (P), 500 (E)
and are even then they are easily
flipped over. A small, gasoline- Barge or Scow
powered engine allows these boats A barge is a wide, flat boat designed
to travel fairly fast, but only for short primarily for
distances. Jetskis have a smallish inboard hauling cargo. It
motor. is smaller and
TS: 15 AR: 10 BR: 10 TR: 5 DR: 2 NP: 2 faster than larger,
CAP: -40% CW: 400 lbs. Tonnage: .5 HP: 75, capital cargo ships,
20 (C), 10 (P), 40 (E) and some groups,
like the Smokers, use barges as mobile
Sidewheeled Merchantman battle platforms, mounting large guns on
Like the name suggests, this ship is a them. They are a little more maneuverable
merchantman outfitted with an engine, either and fast than the average large ship, and
steam or gas powered, that drives a large can effectively be used as part of a

battle flotilla. Scows are it. Of course, you run the risk of
not particularly fast or someone else coming across your buoy.
mobile, but do fine on the open seas.
TS: 8 AR: 1 BR: 1 TR: 30 DR: 300 NP: 15-20 Guard Buoy
CAP: +20% CW: 5000 tons Tonnage 8000 HP: This platform buoy has enough room and
4000, 200 (C), 200 (P), 150 (E) cover for one or two people on it, and is
used in the defense of large atolls and
Capital Ships other semi-permanent places. They can
also be used as sentry positions and
Capital ships are enormous mobile cities, early-warning stations to sound an alarm
and are the rarest vessels on Waterworld. if an attack on the atoll is approaching.
They cannot be
destroyed in the Enhancements
same manner as
smaller vessels, When your ship just
as a bomb or isn't good enough,
other large, you can always make
d e s t r u c t i v e it better with a
d e v i c e i s little DIY. This is
required to even make a dent in one. Many a list of some
of these ships have already sunk, especially possible enhancements
capital military vessels. to make to a ship.

There is no such thing as a "typical" Anchor

capital ship, although most of them are An anchor is essential when you need to
converted oil tankers or large freighters. stop quickly or stay in one place.
One will only appear in an adventure as a Because ships are so large, once underway,
major part of a plot, or simply as a it takes them a long time to cease forward
location the characters can visit, much like momentum, and dropping an anchor will help
an atoll or buoy. For this reason, they do that process along. An anchor typically
not have hit points per se, as it would be falls about 50 meters per round; after it
literally impossible to sink a capital ship hits the bottom, the ship will stop
using conventional means. completely at the end of the next full
Buoys are not ships per se; anchored to the Adding a ram allows you to ram other
ocean floor, they mark objects, trade vessels without taking nearly as much
routes, and other important things. damage yourself; see the rules for
Occasionally, intelligent people have come Ramming, above.
up with other uses for buoys, too. Below is
a semi-comprehensive list of some buoys one Battle Sails
might encounter. Buoys are usually about These are smaller sails designed to make a
the size of a person, but can be as large as ship more maneuverable in combat.
a schoolbus. Usually, square-rigged ships are the only
vessels that need battle sails. When
Marker Buoy battle sails are raised, the ship's top
This buoy marks an important location, such speed drops by 3 knots, but its turning
as an area where fishing is known to be radius drops by 6 meters and it gains a
good, or is a checkpoint along a trade +10% bonus to rolls against capsizing.
Racing or Running Sails
Cargo Buoy Designed specifically for triangle-rigged
These either float on the surface or a few ships to catch the wind, these sails will
feet below, out of sight of prying eyes. increase the speed of a triangle-rigged
Cargo buoys can store small amounts of ship by 5 knots. Using these sails also
stuff, either for a rainy day or to make adds a 15% penalty to rolls against
sure that an attacker doesn't make off with capsizing.

Dangers of the Deep lured to the surface by the proper
This final section examines some possible
creatures the party might encounter on Social Structure
Waterworld. Although the majority of Like many other marine predators,
encounters on Waterworld will be with other whalephins are solitary creatures, coming
inhabitants, occasionally an encounter with together only to mate. They are
some marine life will throw in some flavor exceptionally territorial, and will fight
and an extra challenge. with their own kind and any other large
animal they perceive to be a threat.
There is an old aphorism about fish: the Whalephins mate every year when the waters
larger the fishbowl, the larger the fish. begin to run warm, when they lay anywhere
Waterworld is a very big bowl, and there are from 1000 to 10000 eggs, only a handful of
some really large fish out there. When which survive to maturity. These unusual
making creatures for the party to encounter, creatures live about 10 years.
think of ordinary sea creatures and then
make them bigger, mutated, or just very Intelligence Level
menacing. New creatures are OK, too, as Animal
long as they somewhat make sense in the
evolutionary scheme of things. Note that HP: 300
each creature has a Movement Rate, MR, which SQ: 7
represents how many AP it takes that AP: 7
creature to move 1 hex in water. Some XP: 5000
creatures can swim much better than others. CC: 15%
MR: 3 hexes per AP
AC: 25 DR / DT
Whalephin Normal: 10 50%
Laser: 5 25%
Obstinately a combination of whale and Fire: 10 50%
dolphin, the whalephin is actually an Plasma: 5 25%
enormous, jawed fish with many rows of Explosion: 3 15%
teeth. PR: 90%
RR: 30%
Physical Description GR: 100/100
Resembling a
lamprey the size of Attacks: Bite (90%, 4 AP, D: 4d12, 20%
a football field, Change of Critical hit), Tail (75%, 3 AP,
whalephins are D: 3d10, none)
long, with two or
three rows of fins
and a set of large
flippers. They
also have a flat, Named after a mythical sea
whale-like tail, which is where they get creature, this enormous
their name. Their jaws are huge, taking up combination of squid and
almost half the head, and are full of octopus can easily take
hundreds of needle-like teeth. Whalephins down a vessel.
are anywhere from olive green to deep brown
in color, with the majority coming in a Physical Description
shade of mottled blue. Kraken are huge, easily 100
meters tall with tentacles
Habitat that can reach almost four
Only rarely do these creatures surface, and times that. They have
since they are true fish and not mammals, bulbous heads with a beaked
they have gills and can stay underwater mouth that take up the majority of that
indefinately. For the most part, they haunt height, and eight tentacles covered with
the ruins of old cities, feeding off of powerful suction cups that can latch on to
schools of fish that inhabit the reef-like ships, people, or other marine creatures.
structures there. Occasionally, they can be Kraken are an orangish-brown in color,

and their tentacles range Physical Description
from orange to white to almost Ranging in size from a few square
translucent. Kraken move by sucking water meters in area to several nautical miles
in and pushing it out, allowing them to swim on either side, a man-o-war sits on the
very quickly for short periods of time. surface of the water,
Their rubbery, slimy skin repels most slightly purple in
attacks, although tentacles CAN be chopped color but otherwise
off with successful critical hits. translucent. As
mentioned previously,
Habitat it is a colony of
Kraken live at the bottom of the deepest symbiotic creatures
basins, content in their darkness and that feed each other by
solitude. Rarely will they swim to the stinging anything
surface, and then it is only for food. unlucky enough to
Kraken do not need to eat but once in a few wander into its
months, and can digest hard objects like tendrils. Because a
ships, and whalephin skeletons. man-o-war is made of thin, water-
permeable, jelly-like stuff, it is
Social Structure exceptionally hard to kill. Its tentacles
Kraken live in individual family units, with can grow to almost 1000 meters in length,
two parents caring for a clutch of 8-12 on the oldest colonies, although 100 to
hatchlings. Kraken mate every 10 years or 500 meters is far more common.
so, and can easily live to be 100 years old.
Intelligence Level A man-o-war can be found anywhere on the
Animal surface of the ocean.

HP: 500 Social Structure

SQ: 9 None.
AP: 9
XP: 10000 Intelligence Level
CC: 19% None (sessile).
MR: 1 (3 hexes per AP for one round of
combat ONLY) HP: 1000
AC: 30 DR / DT SQ: 1
Normal: 5 40% AP: 1
Laser: 0 0% XP: 25000
Fire: 5 25% CC: 0%
Plasma: 0 0% MR: n/a
Explosion: 5 40% AC: 40 DR / DT
PR: 100% Normal: 25 90%
RR: 50% Laser: 0 0%
GR: 100/100 Fire: 20 85%
Plasma: 0 0%
Attacks: Tentacle (90%, 3 AP, D: None, Explosion: 15 60%
immobilizes anyone caught in tentacle), Bite PR: 100%
(200% (must be in tentacle), 3 AP, D: 6d20, RR: 100%
none), Ink (200%, works only in water, 1 AP, GR: 100/100
D: Blindness for 1d10 rounds, roll Poison
Resist to avoid blindess) Attacks: Tendril (200%, works only in
water, 1 AP (all creatures within the man-
Man 'O War o-war's area suffer the same attack each
round), D: 3d10, roll against Poison
Although they resemble jellyfish, a man-o- Resist or become paralyzed (treat as if
war is a different creature altogether - drowning and unconscious).
actually a colony of symbiotic creatures
working together to ensure the survival of
the whole.

Intelligence Level

HP: 80
SQ: 8
AP: 8
XP: 800
CC: 5%
MR: 1 AP per hex
AC: 10 DR / DT
Normal: 3 30%
Laser: 0 0%
Fire: 2 10%
Plasma: 0 0%
Explosion: 3 30%
PR: 50%
RR: 20%
GR: 100/100

Attacks: Bite (70%, 4 AP, D: 3d6, none),

Stinger (80%, 4 AP, D: 1d8, roll against
Poison Resist or become paralyzed (treat
Manta Diablo as unconsciousness and drowning)).

The so-called "devil ray," a gigantic

species of manta ray or skate, has made
A Nautical Glossary
quite a comeback in the large, warm oceans
of Waterworld. Astrolabe - An instrument used to shoot
the sun or shoot the moon.
Physical Description
The manta diablo is about 30 meters long and Bow - The front of the ship. Rhymes with
30 meters across, and is shaped like a "wow."
diamond kite with a 5-meter tail. Their
tops are blue, to blend in with the water, Keel - A kind
and their bottoms are white, to blend in of "fin" on
with the sky. The manta diablo's eyes are the bottom of
on top, while it's slit-shaped mouth is on a ship,
the bottom of its "head" area. At the end designed to
of its tail is a wicked stinger, which the keep it from
manta diablo uses to paralyze its prey. c a p s i z i n g
while turning
Habitat or during
Manta diablo prefer shallow areas, so they winds. Most
can rest on the bottom and wait for often found on
unsuspecting prey. They are wanderers, sailboats.
never staying in one area too long, so they
do not overhunt their prey. Occasionally, a Keelhaul - A nasty form of punishment,
manta diablo will attack a vessel, but it is used by buccaneers in the Spanish Main,
usually only in perceived (or real) self- where the offender is tied up and "hauled"
defense. along the keel and the bottom of the boat
one or many times. The barnacles would
Social Structure cut the prisoner, and the blood would
Manta diablo swim in schools of 5 to 10 often attract sharks. Usually, it was a
individuals. The school looks after young, death sentence.
of which a couple hundred are born every
spring. These large skates live to be about Knot - A measure of speed, in nautical
7 years old. miles per hour.

Nautical Mile - A distance, used

exclusively by sailors. A
Nautical Mile is equal to 1852
meters, or the mean (average) of 1 minute
of latitude.

Port - When facing the bow, the left side of

the ship.

Shoot the Sun and Shoot the Moon - Two terms

that describe the process by which
navigators would take "sun sights" or "moon
sights" that would determine a ship's

Starboard - When facing the bow, the right

side of the ship.

Stern - The back of the ship.

Important Information
This entire work and the Fallout PnP Core
Rules are copyright © 2001 and copyright ©
2000 Jason N. Mical, respectively. This
book may be distributed in its original,
unaltere d PDF format. Original
illustrations are copyright © 2001 Elizabeth
Griffin. All rights reserved. Images from
Waterworld are copyright © 1995 Universal
Pictures, Inc. and are used with permission.
Images from the “Pirates” manual are
copyright © 1987 Microprose productions.
Used with permission.

For more information about Fallout PnP,

visit our homepage at http://www.iamapsycho.

For more information about Waterworld and

the Waterworld universe, take a look at
Chris and Mike’s awesome Waterworld homepage


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