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27. Felix Herzog, Philosophical and Social View of the Jury: Could It Have a Renaissance in
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9. Maxwell O. Chibundu, The Jury Trial and Democratic Values: On The Twenty-First Century
Incarnation of an Eighteenth Century Institution, University of Maryland School of Law, Legal
Studies Research Paper No. 2006-45,2
10. Leib, Ethan J., A Comparison of Criminal Jury Decision Rules in Democratic Countries. Ohio
State Journal of Criminal Law, Vol. 5, 2008
11. Felix Herzog, Philosophical and Social View of the Jury: Could It Have a Renaissance in
Germany?, in Lay participation in the criminal trial in the XXist century, 72 Revue Internationale De
Droi Penal (2001), at 553-57

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Jury trial has its roots from the early stage of creation of states. It is a legal institute that has the
oldest traditions that during the centuries provided invaluable service and played a great role in
development of justice in many countries and in establishment of democracy.
The idea that citizens must have the right to vote appeared in BC V-VI centuries in Athens. In
comparison with current democratic society the government of Athens was less democratic; it was a
democracy for favorites (when close to free citizens existed also slaves).
Each specific historical society is characterized by specific estimation and the hierarchy of such
estimations. Estimating systems are formed and are changed with historical development of society.
Although, exist so-called absolute, universal values. These values by their importance for everyone
and any time are valued. Values are connected with ideals and their identification often happens. An
ideal for people is desired, wished, perfect essence that cannot be and cannot become a reality,
although his aspiration is positively examined.
Jury trial is a highly controversial institute. That is why maybe Jeffrey Abramson notes that
მjury trial is the best democratic and at the same time the worse achievementნ and as the example of
it he makes well-known verdicts that astonish us still today: in Athens by Jury Socrates was
sentenced to death because of religious crime committed before the state, in England- William Penny
chose to go to prison rather than inculpating, in South America the solicitors were released who were
condemned under Lynch's law by Africans-Americans, in north they were sheltered by runaway
slaves and abolutions ( their aim was to abolish slavery of Negros in USA).
How effectively jury institute მwill workნ in this or that country depends on the unity of
number of factors.
Members of society must not be unknown towards laws and professional language of judges.
Society must carry out realization of criminal law judges and not as the problem of one specific
For democratic ideal to be used in practice, it is necessary the existence of appropriate
mechanism, as the types of state structures that act according to legislation and constitution.
The answer on the question- if jury trial institute is democratic ideal- is evident in itself. Jury
trial is the only institute among others that must help to the increase of the democracy.
It is true that no one state can realize the principals of control of society and political equality,
but the process of democracy is endless. Each strong society wants to improve democratization, as it is
general factor of social progress.


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