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Annual Sri Ksetra Jagannatha Puri Dhama

Parikrama 2016

Organized by ISKCON (International Society for

Krishna Consciousness)

Every year during the month of November/December, few days after the end
of Kartik masa (month) ISKCON organizes Sri Ksetra Jagannatha Puri
Dhama Parikrama. This year’s Parikrama will be from 16th to
19th November 2016. More details are on:


Sri Purushottama Ksetra Jagannatha Puri Dhama

The waves pounding on the beach, the refreshing sea breezes, the colossal
hand-carved 12th century stone temple, the relaxed and happy ambience of
the local folk, the bright red, yellow and blue cloth appliqué, and that
bewitching pair of big smiling eyes looking out from every wall, every
billboard, every poster, every calendar, every wedding invitation, every
sticker, every button, every bead bag, every taxi and rickshaw, every
windshield, every t-shirt, every shoulder bag - “This is Jagannatha Puri
Dhama”, one of India’s most popular pilgrimage sites located in Orissa, 300
miles south of Kolkata and 60km from Bhubaneswar.

In Skanda-Purana (Utkala-khanda) it is mentioned that this most beautiful

Sri Ksetra is spread over 10 yojanas (128km or 80 miles) and surrounded by
sands. Utkala is another name of Orissa. Utkala is described in scriptures as
the most holy place on this planet. Utkala is divided into four parts which
represent the weapons of Lord Visnu. These four ksetras are known
as Sankha-ksetra (Puri town), Padma-ksetra (Konark), Cakra-
ksetra (Bhubaneswar) and Gada-ksetra (Jajapura, where the Viraja Devi
temple is). Within this area of 10 yojanas, Puri is known as Sankha-
ksetra because its shape resembles a conch shell. This Puri-ksetra covers an
area of 5 krosa, three of which are immersed under the ocean, and two on
land. This land is covered with golden sands and decorated with a blue
mountain. The Lord Himself in His arca-vigraha form is residing here on the
bank of the ocean atop the blue mountain. Sankha-ksetra spreads from east
to west. Its head is towards west where Lokanatha Mahadeva resides.

Puri-dhama is known by different names: Purusottama-ksetra, Sri Ksetra,

Nilacala-dhama, Jagannatha-dhama, Yamanika-tirtha, Martya Vaikuntha,
Nilagiri, Sankha-ksetra, Dasa-avatara-ksetra and Nrsimha-ksetra. Glories of
Sri Purusottama-ksetra Jagannatha Puri Dhama are mentioned in
different Puranas: Skanda Purana, Brahma Purana, Vamadeva Samhita,
Kapila Samhita, Padma Purana and Niladri Purana.

Relationship of Three-Dhamas: (teen dhama sambandha) -


 Sri Ksetra Jagannatha Puri Dhama represents the Aisvarya (opulence,

power and grandeur) of Dwarka and Kuruksetra. Sri Navadvipa-Mayapur
Dhama represents Audarya (compassion). Sri Vrindavana Dhama
represents Madhurya (sweetness).

 Jagannatha Puri and Navadvipa-Mayapur are two bhajana-sthalis for

sadhaka cultivating Krishna-prema because they contribute two
important ingredients.

 Navadvipa-Mayapur Dhama gives the mercy of Sri Krishna’s Holy

Names and Gaura-Nitai kindly remove anarthas and aparadhas from the

 Jagannatha Puri Dhama embodies the mood of separation -

awakening deep longing and yearning to be with Sri Krishna - which
forcefully carries one into Krishna’s association. Lord Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu displayed this mood in Jagannatha Puri. Through the door of
Gauranga’s Puri pastimes, one can enter the land of eternal
enchantment, Sri Vrindavana Dhama.

Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Time in Sri Jagannatha Puri


After taking sannyasa, Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu made His headquarters in

Jagannatha Puri at the request of His mother, Sri Sacidevi, and was based
there for remaining 24 years of His manifest pastimes. However,
Mahaprabhu’s first visit was cut short because He immediately left for a
South India yatra which lasted 2 years (1510-12).

Ages 24-30: All India Preaching

Gauranga Mahaprabhu continuously travelled to and from Jagannatha Puri.

He toured South India, Vrindavana and Bengal distributing love of God by
ecstatic dancing and chanting the Holy Names: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare | Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

He met all big religious teachers, debating with them and

established Krishna-prema as the sublime goal of human life. He based His
arguments based on Bhagavad-Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam and He firmly
established His Hari-prema-Nama Sankirtana movement throughout the sub-

Ages 30-36: Puri Preaching

After travelling to and from Jagannatha Puri for 6 years, Gauranga

Mahaprabhu fixed His residence at Jagannatha Puri for remaining 18 years of
His life. Every year, the devotees visited Puri and stayed with Him for 4
months (catur-masya) enjoying Lord’s company. Lord relished various
pastimes including cleansing the Gundica Temple, Rathayatra, ecstatic
kirtans in Jagannatha Temple, water sports in Narendra Sarovara and Deity
festivals like Dola Yatra. He spent these 6 years mainly chanting Holy Names
and dancing with His many devotees, thus inducing everyone to love Krishna
by this simple process.
Through His personal behaviours, Lord instructed all living entities in the
science of Bhakti. A person advanced in Krishna Consciousness always feels
separation from Krishna. Lord Caitanya taught how, with a feeling of
separation one can develop his dormant love of Krishna. These feelings
develop in time when a person seriously engages in devotional service.

Ages 36-48: Gambhira and internally relishing Krishna

For last 12 years of His life, Gauranga Mahaprabhu was continuously

overwhelmed, night and day by separation from Krishna. Associating mainly
with Svarupa Damodara Goswami and Ramananda Raya, Mahaprabhu tasted
the blissful divine songs and verses from Krishna Karnamrita, Gita Govinda,
Srimad-Bhagavatam and Jagannatha Vallabha Nataka. Mahaprabhu relished
Sri Krishna’s sweet beauty, fragrance and mellow as if He were touching
Krishna hand to hand. In the mood of Vraja-gopis, Sri Caitanyadeva was
always experiencing the pastimes of Krishna in separation within His heart.
When Krishna left the gopis and went to Mathura, they cried for Krishna the
rest of their lives, torn by the pangs of separation from Him. Gopis’ ecstatic
feelings of separation were specifically advocated by Lord Caitanya through
His actual demonstrations. Tossed by the waves of separation, Mahaprabhu
appeared mad day and night. Sometimes He laughed, sometimes cried,
sometimes danced, and sometimes He chanted in great sorrow. Mahaprabhu
saw Jagannatha Svamy with the same feelings of separation that Vraja-gopis
experienced when they saw Krishna at Kuruksetra after long separation.

Lord Caitanya now taught everyone to taste the transcendental mellow

ecstasy of Krishna-prema by tasting it Himself. Advanced devotees always
feel separation from Krishna. Gauranga taught how, with a feeling of
separation one can develop his dormant love Krishna. Such feelings develop
in time when a person seriously engages in devotional service.


Places to visit:
1. Gambhira (the small room in which Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu lived during
His 18 years in Jagannatha Puri);

2. Sri Tota Gopinatha Mandira (most unique Krishna Deity in the world
“sitting down”);

3. Sri Siddha-Bakula (Bhajana Kutir of Namacarya Srila Haridasa Thakura);

4. Gundica Temple (Rathayatra culminates here);

5. Lord Nrsimhadeva Temple (unique ancient Temple of Santa- Nrsimhadeva

and Ugra-Nrsimhadeva);

6. Jagannatha Vallabha Garden (Lord Caitanya used to take rest here after

7. Birthplace of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura;

8. Narandera Sarovara (Lord Jagannatha comes here for Nauka-vihar (boat-

pastimes) during Chandan Yatra Mahostav);

9. Srila Haridasa Thakura Samadhi;

10. ISKCON Bhakti Kuti (Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura spent his last 4 years

11. Cataka Parvata Sand Dunes;

12. Bhajana Kutir of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura;

13. “Mahodadhi” - A Great Ocean;

14. Satasana Bhajana Sthali;

15. Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya house (Lord Caitanya showed His Sadbhuja

(six-armed) form here);

16. Sweta Ganga;

17. Indradyumna Sarovara;

18. Markandeya Sarovara;

19. Visakha Math;

20. Bali Math;

21. Mausi Maa Mandir;

22. Ahulya Math (home of Lord Nityananda and Sri Advaita Acarya at
Jagannatha Puri);

23. Cakra Tirtha;

24. Bedi Hanuman Temple;

25. Atharnala bridge;

26. “SRI MANDIRA” - LORD JAGANNATHA TEMPLE (eternal abode of Lord


“Gambhira”, the small room in which Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu lived during
His 18 years in Jagannatha Puri. This is located on Svargadvara Road, the
main street running by the Lion Gate toward the ocean. It is 5 mins walk to
the Jagannatha Temple. Sign above the entrance gate reads, “Sri Sri Radha
Kanta Math Gambhira”. When Mahaprabhu came to Jagannatha Puri after
taking sannyasa, He stayed at Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya’s House. But
After he toured South India, on His return to Puri he then stayed at Kashi
Mishra’s House. Kashi Mishra was Rajguru of King Prataparudra, and King
had gifted him a house with a large garden near the temple. King
Prataparudra was a great Devotee of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; He
suggested to Sarvabhauma that Mahaprabhu can stay in Kashi Mishra’s

The word gambhira means deep, inscrutable, hidden or secret. Mahaprabhu

stayed in Gambhira constantly for last 12 years of His manifest pastimes.
During this time He was feeling intense separation from Krishna and was
manifesting His viraha-bhava. Room is “deep” inside the house. When
Mahaprabhu stayed here the room had mud walls and sunken floor, which
has been raised in the course of time. By looking through a small barred
window one can see a box holding the kamandalu (clay water
pot), paduka (wooden shoes) and a quilt given to Him by Mother Saci. On
marble throne there is a Deity of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wrapped with
a cloth so that only His beautiful face is visible. On wall above is a terracotta
bas-relief of Gauranga Mahaprabhu flanked by Svarupa Damodara and
Ramananda Raya on His right and left. Govinda Dasa, personal servant of
Mahaprabhu, stands below holding Mahaprabhu’s kamandalu. There are
dioramas upstairs depicting the pastimes of Sri Caitanyadeva.

Main Deities: Sri Sri Radha Kanta is worshipped in Kasi Mishra’s house.
King Prataparudra’s father, Sri Purusottama Deva, conquered the king of
Kanchipura in battle and returned with three deities: Radha Kanta, Saksi
Gopala, and Bhada Ganesha. Bhada Ganesha is still worshipped in an
inner courtyard just behind Jagannatha temple. It is said Radha Kanta was
also worshipped inside the Jagannatha Mandir for some time. But in dream
Lord Jagannatha informed the King Prataparudra to remove Radha
Kanta deity because He is taking all nice items from his bhoga plate and so
king requested to his Gurudev Kasi Mishra to take the Radha Kanta to his
Lord Caitanya’s room at Gambhira

“Gambhira”, the small room in which Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu lived

during His 18 years in Jagannatha Puri. This is located on
Svargadvara Road, the main street running by the Lion Gate toward
the ocean. It is 5 mins walk to the Jagannatha Temple.
Lord Caitanya’s original Paduka (wooden shoes),

Kamandalu (clay water pot), and a Quilt given to Him by Mother


The word gambhira means deep, inscrutable, hidden or secret.

Mahaprabhu stayed in Gambhira constantly for last 12 years of His
manifest pastimes. During this time He was feeling intense
separation from Krishna and was manifesting His viraha-bhava.
Room is “deep” inside the house. When Mahaprabhu stayed here the
room had mud walls and sunken floor, which has been raised in the
course of time. By looking through a small barred window one can
see a box holding the kamandalu (clay water pot), paduka (wooden
shoes) and a quilt given to Him by Mother Saci. On marble throne
there is a Deity of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wrapped with a cloth so
that only His beautiful face is visible.
Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha-Kanta at Kasi Misra’s house in

King Prataparudra’s father, Sri Purusottama Deva, conquered the

king of Kanchipura in battle and returned with three deities: Radha
Kanta, Saksi Gopala, and Bhada Ganesha. Bhada Ganesha is still
worshipped in an inner courtyard just behind Jagannatha temple. It
is said Radha Kanta was also worshipped inside the Jagannatha
Mandir for some time. But in dream Lord Jagannatha informed the
King Prataparudra to remove Radha Kanta deity because He is
taking all nice items from his bhoga plate and so king requested to
his Gurudev Kasi Mishra to take the Radha Kanta to his house.
Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at GAMBHIRA


Sri Tota Gopinatha is exquisitely beautiful Deity of Lord Sri Krishna. Tota
Gopinatha is also a most unique Deity because He is the only Krishna Deity
in the world “sitting down”. Moreover, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu concluded
His manifest pastimes here by entering the Gopinatha Deity.

Main Deities: Sri Tota Gopinatha graces the centre altar with Sri Radhika
playing vina and Lalita sakhi playing flute on His left and right. Being deeply
absorbed in syama-rasa - the mellow of satisfying all of Krishna’s conjugal
desires - Radhika and Lalita-sakhi appear black. Holding Her kacchapi-vina,
Srimati Radharani curiously stands in a three-fold bending form dancing in
time with Her beloved syamam tri-bhanga-lalitam. The left altar features
Lord Balaram with Revati and Varuni on His left and right. On right altar are
Deities of Gaura-Gadadhara and Sri Sri Radha Madana-mohana installed by
Mamu Thakura. He is the nephew of Sri Nilambara Cakravati, Lord
Gauranga’s grandfather.

Sri Tota Gopinatha has such a charismatic bewitching quality that draws one
to His darshana over and over again. Srila Vrindavana Thakura extols His
power: “Even an extreme atheist will be changed upon seeing the Deity of

At 7am during darshan time, upon request, the pujari can show a small
golden streak on Gopinatha’s right knee where Mahaprabhu entered the

Appearance of Tota Gopinatha:

Gopinatha temple is situated in an area named Yamesvara Tota. While residing here in
this peaceful garden of trees and creepers, Gadadhara Pandita recited Srimad
Bhagavatam every afternoon. Mahaprabhu attended regularly and heard recount the
stories of Dhruva and Prahlada Maharaj 100 times.

One day here, Sri Caitanyadeva experienced immense separation from Krishna. Crying
out, “Where us My Prananatha,” Gauranga started digging the earth to search of His
Lord. Feeling the carved stone mukuta of a murti below the ground, Gaurahari
declared, “Gadai, I have found a most precious treasure here. Would you like to accept
it?” Noticing the head of a murti emerging from the sand, Gadadhara helped Gauranga
uncover a most beautiful Deity of Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. Mahaprabhu named the
Deity, Gopinatha, and because He appeared in a garden (tota in Oriya) the devotees
called Him, Tota Gopinatha. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu engaged Gadadhara Pandita in
Gopinatha’s service by awarding him ksetra-sannyasa.

Why Tota Gopinatha is sitting down?

The Deity of Sri Tota Gopinatha was previously in standing form and was being
worshiped by Gadadhara Pandita. But after the departure of Mahaprabhu, Gadai
(Gadadhara) felt devastated. His body got bent over from intense agony of separation
from his beloved Gaura. Although he was only 47 years old, Gadadhara became lean
and thin like an old man. Incapable of lifting his arms, Gadai could neither dress Tota
Gopinatha nor offer Him candana and flower garlands. Gadadhara thought it best to
engage another pujari in worshiping the Lord. In a dream that night, Sri Tota Gopinatha
appeared and said, “Why do you want to engage another pujari in My seva? I only want
you to serve Me.”

Gadadhara replied, “O Prananatha! Due to my condition, I can no longer stand up and

serve You properly.” Lord Gopinatha said, “No, I insist that you alone serve Me. If you
are finding difficulty, then from tomorrow I will become shorter.” Next morning when
Gadadhara entered the Deity room to serve Gopinatha, he saw an amazing sight. The
most merciful Lord had sat down in order to receive service from his hands.
SRI SRI TOTA-GOPINATHA - Most Unique Krishna Deity in the world
in “Sitting” posture.

Sri Tota Gopinatha graces the centre altar with Sri Radhika playing
vina and Lalita sakhi playing flute on His left and right. Being deeply
absorbed in syama-rasa - the mellow of satisfying all of Krishna’s
conjugal desires - Radhika and Lalita-sakhi appear black. Holding
Her kacchapi-vina, Srimati Radharani curiously stands in a three-fold
bending form dancing in time with Her beloved syamam tri-bhanga-
lalitam. Sri Tota Gopinatha has such a charismatic bewitching
quality that draws one to His darshan over and over again. Srila
Vrindavana Thakura extols His power: “Even an extreme atheist will
be changed upon seeing the Deity of Gopinatha.” Mahaprabhu
attended regularly and heard recount the stories of Dhruva Maharaj
and Prahlada Maharaj at least 100 times.



The left altar at Sri Tota Gopinatha Temple features Lord Balarama
with Revati and Varuni on His left and right. On right altar are
Deities of Sri Sri Gaura-Gadadhara and Sri Sri Radha Madana-
mohana installed by Mamu Thakura. He is the nephew of Sri
Nilambara Cakravati, Lord Gauranga’s grandfather.

Bhajana Kutir of Namacarya Srila Haridasa Thakura

Siddha Bakula is located near Gambhira Temple on Bali Sahi road. Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally arranged for Srila Haridasa Thakura to
reside at this place. This is the place where he performed his
daily bhajana of chanting 192 rounds (3,00,000 names) of Hare
Krishna maha-mantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna
Hare Hare | Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ||

Since Haridasa could not enter the Jagannatha Temple, being of a Muslim
family, Sri Caitanya requested Haridasa, "Remain here and chant the Hare
Krishna maha-mantra. I shall personally come here to meet you daily.
Remain here peacefully, and look at the cakra on top of Lord Jagannatha's
temple and offer obeisances. As far as your Prasadam, I shall arrange to
have that sent here." In order to provide shade for Thakur Haridasa, Sri
Caitanya planted a used tooth stick of Lord Jagannatha. All of a sudden it
grew up and appeared as a great shade tree. When Srila Rupa Goswami
visited Jagannatha Puri, Mahaprabhu allocated him a residence here with
Thakura Haridasa. Rupa Gosvami recited Lalitha Madhava and Vidagdha
Madhava under this tree before Sri Gauranga and his followers. During his
stay Sanatana Gosvami also lived here. Haridasa Thakur left his body here.

There is a small temple featuring a murti of namacarya Srila Haridasa

Thakura in a sitting pose chanting japa. The site has
extraordinary bakula tree winding and climbing around the courtyard. Tree
looks like it exploded or it appears like petrified wood; completely dead. Yet
it is wonderfully flourishing with lush green leaves and fragrant flowers. In
another temple altar is Sadbhuja Gauranga (six-armed Gauranga) in the
middle and Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Advaita Acarya. There is also a Deity
of Lord Nrsimhadeva.
Sri Siddha-Bakula -

This is where Srila Haridasa Thakura performed his daily bhajana of

chanting 192 rounds (3,00,000 names) of Hare Krishna maha-
mantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare |
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ||
Holy site of Siddha-Bakula is extraordinary in its potency; not only
did the tree sprout from the maha-prasadam toothbrush of Sri
Jagannatha Deva, planted by the lotus hand of Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu, but it was the residence of Namacarya Srila Haridasa
Thakura. Here, Lord Caitanya discussed with Srila Haridasa Thakura
the yuga-dharma, thus establishing the true importance of the
location, Siddha-Bakula.

Every year the Rathayatra culminates at this temple which is surrounded by
lush gardens and tall cooling coconut trees. Fragrant flowers and shady trees
create a Vrindavana atmosphere which Lord Jagannatha enjoys for 7 days
before returning to Sri Mandira. This temple is located at the opposite end of
main road about 3 km northeast of the Jagannatha Temple. The temple at
Gundica is called Sundaracala and Jagannatha Temple is called Nilacala.
During Rathayatra festival, Lord Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra along
Sudarshan, leave Jagannatha Mandira for nine days: one day for travelling
to Gundica, Seven days spent there, and one day to return home. This
Journey is known as to Gundica Yatra, Nava Dina Yatra (“nine days
Journey”), or Ghosa Yatra. It is most auspicious to have darshana of Lord
Jagannatha at this time.

Gundica Mandira is called the “birthplace” of Jagannatha Svami because here

on a special platform called the mahavedi, a celestial carpenter carved
the daru that manifested the Deities of Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra
during the reign of King Indradyumna. It is said that the wife of
Indradyumna, the king who originally established the temple of Jagannatha,
was known as Gundica. The cleansing of the Gundica Temple - Gundica-
marjana - takes place the day before the Rathayatra festival as mentioned
in Caitanya-Caritamrita. Darshan of Jagannatha during His stay at Gundica
temple is known as Adapa darshana. It is said in scripture that darshan of
the Lord Jagannatha at Gundica temple is equal to ten darshan at Nilachala
Temple (main temple). This place is compared to Vrindavana.
Gundica Temple

Every year the Rathayatra culminates at this temple which is

surrounded by lush gardens and tall cooling coconut trees. Fragrant
flowers and shady trees create a Vrindavana atmosphere which Lord
Jagannatha enjoys for 7 days before returning to Sri Mandira. This
temple is located at the opposite end of main road about 3 km
northeast of the Jagannatha Temple. The temple at Gundica is called
Sundaracala and Jagannatha Temple is called Nilacala.


This is a very ancient temple, next to Gundica Temple. There are two Deities
of Lord Nrsimhadeva, one behind the other. Santa Nrsimhadeva (peaceful) is
in the front. Santa Nrsimhadeva has human-like features: a sharp nose,
curvy moustache and an outstretched tongue. By seeing Santa Nrsimhadeva
one will feel cool and relaxed; all anger, anxiety and frustration will vanish.
Once a Muslim marauder named Kalapahad ransacked Puri and broke many
Deities. Upon seeing Santa Nrsimhadeva, his anger subsided and he did not
touch the Deity. Deity behind is Ugra Nrsimhadeva (ferocious) and may be
seen with pujari’s lamp.


This a very important place of pilgrimage because several wonderful
pastimes enacted here, after the Rathayatra when Their Lordships Sri Sri
Jagannatha-Baladeva-Subhadra relaxes in the Gundica Temple, Sri
Gauranga Mahaprabhu took rest here for 9 days.

 Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu used to meet Sri Ramananda Raya who was His
very dear and confidential associate. A great-devotee and King, King
Prataparudra was delivered by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu here. Towards
the later part of Mahaprabhu’s life, when He was feeling intense separation
from Lord Sri Krishna, He came to this garden on a full moon day during the
month of Vaisakha, along with His associates. Srila Krishnadasa Kaviraja
Gosvami has explained this pastime very nicely in Caitanya-Caritamrta
Antya 19-76-100. The wonderful pastime of Mahaprabhu’s Bhojan
Lila (Mahaprabhu’s honouring of Prasada) took place here. A
great pandita Pradyuma Misra came here to learn to look beyond the
material covering and he heard Bhagavata-Katha from Ramananda Raya.

This large garden, full of coconut trees and cooling pond, is very dear
(vallabha) to Lord Jagannatha because it produces varieties of flowers and
fruits for His service. Lord Jagannatha’s utsava murti, festival Deity, come
here on different auspicious functions and relish many spectacular festivities
performed here. It is believed that this garden existed since the construction
of Lord Jagannatha’s Temple.
Immediately to the left entrance of the garden is Jagannatha Vallabha
Matha, which is said to be established by the Sri Visnuswami Sampradaya.
Inside the temple there are three altars. In one, Sri Radha Gopala murtis are
worshipped. These Deities are extraordinarily beautiful. The Gopala
murti has four hands: in two hands He holds sankha and cakra, and in other
two His celebrated flute. Second altar has Deities of Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu in sannyasa dress sitting before Ramananda Raya. Third altar
has large Deities of Lord Jagannatha, Baladeva, Subhadra and Sudarsana
Cakra. This temple is half km walk up the Grand Road towards Jagannatha
Mandira. Garden has distinctive dark red boundary wall. Above main
entrance gate there is a colourful diorama of Lord Visnu lying on Ananta
Lord Caitanya and Sri Ramananda Raya at Jagannatha Vallabha

Here Lord Caitanya used to meet Sri Ramananda Raya who was His
very dear and confidential associate. King Prataparudra was
delivered by Lord Caitanya here. Towards the later part of
Mahaprabhu’s life, when He was feeling intense separation from
Lord Sri Krishna, He came to this garden on a full moon day during
the month of Vaisakha, along with His associates (Caitanya-
Caritamrta Antya 19-76-100). This large garden, full of coconut
trees and cooling pond, is very dear (vallabha) to Lord Jagannatha
because it produces varieties of flowers and fruits for His service.
Lord Jagannatha’s utsava murti, festival Deity, come here on
different auspicious functions and relish many spectacular festivities
performed here. Immediately to the left entrance of the garden is
Jagannatha Vallabha Matha, which is said to be established by the
Sri Visnuswami Sampradaya. Inside the temple there are three
altars. In one, Sri Radha Gopala murtis are worshipped. These
Deities are extraordinarily beautiful. The Gopala murti has four
hands: in two hands He holds sankha and cakra, and in other two
His celebrated flute. Second altar has Deities of Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu in sannyasa dress sitting before Ramananda Raya.
Third has large Deities of Lord Jagannatha, Baladeva, Subdhara and
Sudarsana Cakra.


Birthplace of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura is located near to
Jagannatha Vallabha Garden. Proceed towards the Jagannatha Mandira. Until
on the right side the big pink Sri Caitanya Gaudiya Math temple with a sign
above the entrance gate saying, “Birth Place of Prabhupada 108 Srila
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Thakura”. Present day temple is located
on the former site of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s house, where he lived
while acting as the Puri District Magistrate and Jagannatha Temple

Main Deities: A gorgeous black Krishna and most attractive, charming

golden Srimati Radharani named Sri Sri Radha-Nayana Mani Jiu grace the
centre altar. The words nayana mani mean, “Krishna-the jewel of Radha’s
lotus eyes”. Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra are also here.
A murti of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura is being worshiped in the
far right altar. This is the exact spot where he appeared. It is said that while
digging the earth during the temple construction, a sweet sandalwood smell
emanated from the ground where Sarasvati Thakura took birth. While doing
the Mandira parikrama, one will see the four sampradaya acaryas:
Visnuswami, Madhvacarya, Nimbarka and Ramanuja, and beautiful diorama
of various pastimes of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu.

Birthplace of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura took birth in Jagannatha
Puri Dhama on 6 Feb 1874. His father, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
had a house in Puri on Grand Road, close to Jagannatha Mandir. Srila
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura was a foremost scholar and Lord
Krishna’s devotee of his day. He is the child that Srila Bhaktivinoda
Thakura prayed to Lord Jagannatha for, wanting an able assistant to
preach Krishna Consciousness.

This large tank is located north-east of Jagannatha’s temple. This pond is
also known as Sri Chandan Pukur, because Lord Jagannatha comes here
every evening for 21 consecutive days during Chandan-yatra, from Aksaya-
trtiya (in month of Vaisakha or April/May) up to Suklastami-tithi in the
month of Jyestha (May/June) to enjoy His Nauka-Lila (boating pastime).

Jagannatha Swami’s Chandan Yatra and Nauka-Lila: Before coming

here, Lord Jagannatha’s festive Deity (utsava murti) of Madan Mohana along
with His consorts Sridevi and Bhudevi bathe in sandalwood water and are
decorated with fragrant flowers. All the Deities travel here on 7 different
palanquins. Madan-Mohana, Sri and Bhu-devis arrive in one palanquin; Sri
Rama Govinda on a second palanquin; and 5 more palanquins transport
the Panca Mahadevas (five Siva linga Deities): Lokanatha, Janesvara, Kapal-
mocana, Markandesvara and Nilakanthesvara. Entire length of the
procession route from Jagannatha Mandira to Narendra Sarovara is lined
with white canopies strewn with forest leaves, flower and fruits. In
Narendra-sarovara two nicely decorated boats are used for Chandana-yatra:
one boat Sri Madan-Mohana and other boat for Sri Rama
Govinda and Panca-Sivas. While the Lords ride in Their boats around the
pond, throngs of devotees line the banks chanting Harinam-Sankirtan and
relishing most spectacular pastimes of the Lord. After a certain point all the
Deities are brought to the temple in the middle of the pond and receive
worship from the pujaris. After the festivities the Deities go back to their
respective temples in their palanquins.
Narandera Sarovara or Sri Chandan Pukur - Chandan Yatra

Lord Jagannatha comes here every evening for 21 consecutive days

during Chandan-yatra, from Aksaya-trtiya (in month of Vaisakha or
April/May) up to Suklastami-tithi in the month of Jyestha
(May/June) to enjoy His Nauka-Lila (boating pastime).


Srila Haridasa Thakura’s Samadhi is situated in Sri Jagannatha Puri Dhama
on the oceanfront in the area of Svarga dvara. At the time of Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu this place was just a sandy beach and part of it was used as a
crematorium. Here Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu put the body of Srila Haridasa
Thakura into samadhi with His own hands. The actual samadhi is seen in the
courtyard as a small tomb.

Towards the west of the samadhi there are three altars where deities of Lord
Gauranga, Lord Nityananda, and Sri Advaita Acarya are worshipped. After
the disappearance of Srila Haridasa Thakura, Lord Caitanya would come here
every day after taking bath in the ocean, offer prasada to
Haridasa’s samadhi and do nilma-bhajana for some time. Thus all the deities
are in a sitting posture and doing nilma-bhajana.

Srila Haridasa Thakura was residing in his bhajana-kutira behind Gambhira,

at the place at presently known as Siddha-Bakula. In the assembly of
devotees, by Lord Caitanya’s grace, Haridasa Thakur’s life air left his body at
this place. As he lay there lifeless, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s spiritual
rapture and ecstasy went seemingly beyond control. The entire Kirtan
became tumultuous. The mrdanga, kartals, the enthusiasm and the love in
the devotees voices cried out Krishna’s Holy Names. Mahaprabhu maddened
by His love, lifted up Haridasa and embracing him to His heart began to
dance! Lord Caitanya carried Srila Haridasa Thakura’s transcendental body in
His hands to the oceanfront in a harinama procession. There his body was
placed in the samadhi.
Srila Haridasa Thakura’s Samadhi

Srila Haridasa Thakura was residing in his bhajana-kutira behind

Gambhira, at the place at presently known as Siddha-Bakula. In the
assembly of devotees, by Lord Caitanya’s grace, Haridasa Thakur’s
life air left his body at this place. As he lay there lifeless, Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s spiritual rapture and ecstasy went seemingly
beyond control. The entire Kirtan became tumultuous. The mrdanga,
kartals, the enthusiasm and the love in the devotees voices cried out
Krishna’s Holy Names. Mahaprabhu maddened by His love, lifted up
Haridasa and embracing him to His heart began to dance! Lord
Caitanya carried Srila Haridasa Thakura’s transcendental body in His
hands to the oceanfront in a harinama procession. There his body
was placed in the samadhi.
Bhakti-Kuti is the name that Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura gave to his bhajana
kutrir, which was located beside the sea just opposite Haridasa Thakura’s
Samadhi. This the place where illustrious Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura spent
his last 4 years on earth (1910-14) before entering Samadhi. In 1908,
Thakura left household life and entered renounced order by
accepting babaji-vesa from Srila Gaura-kisora Dasa Babaji Maharaj. In 1910,
Thakura stayed inside the Bhakti-kuti performing solitary bhajana. He
absorbed himself in uninterrupted meditation upon asta-kaliya lila and
rendering mental service to the Divine Couple Sri Sri Radha-Madhava.
Millions of years ago, the Sapta-rsis performed Hari-bhajana in this
area. When the Government declared that any Vaishnava Society can
undertake it’s responsibility, ISKCON took its responsibility and built a
temple for the presiding deities Sri Sri Radha Giridhari and Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu. On the outside wall is a marble plaque with the following verse
written in Bengali by Bhaktivinoda Thakur himself:

gaura-prabhoh prema-vilasa-bhumau niskincano bhakti-vinoda-nama

ko’pi sthito bhakti-kutira-kosthe smrtvanizam nama-gunam murareh
“In this land, Lord Gaura enjoyed His prema-filled pastimes. One desireless
sadhu named Bhaktivinoda stays in a small room in his Bhakti-kuti,
constantly remembering the name and qualities of His Lord Murari
throughout the night.”
His Divine Grace Sachidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakura at ISKCON

In 1910, Thakura stayed inside the Bhakti-kuti performing solitary

bhajana. He absorbed himself in uninterrupted meditation upon
asta-kaliya lila and rendering mental service to the Divine Couple Sri
Sri Radha-Madhava. Millions of years ago, the Sapta-rsis performed
Hari-bhajana in this area. When the Government declared that any
Vaishnava Society can undertake it’s responsibility, ISKCON took its
responsibility and built a temple for the presiding deities Sri Sri
Radha Giridhari and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.


All the hilly sand dunes in this area are known as Cataka Parvata where Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu enjoyed ecstatic pastimes. One day while Mahaprabhu
was going to bathe in the ocean He mistook the sand dune named Cataka-
parvata to be Govardhana Hill and ran toward it while uttering verse
from Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.21.18: “Of all the devotees, this Govardhana
Hill is the best! O my friends, this hill supplies Krishna and Balarama, along
with Their calves, cows and cowherd friends, with all kinds of necessities -
water for drinking, very soft grass, caves, fruits, flowers and vegetables. In
this way the hill offers respects to the Lord. Being touched by the lotus feet
of Krishna and Balarama, Govardhana Hill appears very jubilant.”

Sri Caitanyadeva’s personal servant Govinda followed but he failed to catch

the Lord. Svarupa Damodara Goswami, Jagadananda Pandita, Gadadhara
Pandita, Ramai, Nandai and Sankara Pandita roared tumultuously as they
ran after Mahaprabhu. Bhagavan Acarya, who was lame, trudged along very
slowly. Although Gauranga was running at the speed of wind, He suddenly
became stunned in ecstasy (stamba-bhava) losing all power to move. Within
seconds, Sri Caitanyadeva manifested all asta-sattvika vikara, eight
transformations of divine ecstasy- stupor (stamba), perspiration (sveda),
horripilation (romancha), choking of the voice (svara-bhanga), trembling
(vepathu), changes in color (vaivarnya), profuse weeping (asru), and loss of
external consciousness (pralaya). Gaura’s transcendental body flushed with
thrill bumps and His bodily hairs, standing on end (romancha), appeared like
kadamba flowers. Blood and perspiration (sveda) flowed incessantly from
every pore of Gauranga’s body. He could not speak a word but simply
produced a gargling sound within His throat (svara-bhanga). Unlimited tears
poured from Mahaprabhu’s eyes like Ganga and Yamuna flowing into the
sea. Mahaprabhu’s golden form turned white like a conch shell, and He
trembled like the waves in sea and then collapsed on the ground. Upon
seeing the divine rapture visible in Mahaprabhu’s body, Svarupa Damodara
Goswami and all the devotees became struck with wonder and cried.
Devotees performed loud kirtana and wasked Gauranga’s divine body with
cold water. After listening for a long time, Mahaprabhu suddenly stood up
and chanted, “Haribol!”. Upon returning to half external consciousness,
Mahaprabhu spoke: “Who has brought Me here from Govardhana Hill? I was
seeing Sri Krishna’s pastimes, but now I cannot see them. Today I went
from here to Govardhana Hill to find out if Krishna was tending His cows
there. I saw Sri Krishna climbing Govardhana Hill and playing His flute,
surrounded on all sides by grazing cows. Hearing the vibration of Krishna’s
flute, Venunanda, Radha Thakurani and all Her gopi friends came there to
meet Syama. They aware all very nicely dressed. When Krishna and Srimati
Radhika entered a cave together, the other gopis asked Me to pick some
flowers. Just the, all of you made a tumultuous sound and carried Me from
there to this place. Why have you brought Me here, causing Me unnecessary
pain? I had a chance to see Krishna’s pastimes, but I could not see them”.
Saying this, Mahaprabhu wept and then so did the Vaishnavas upon seeing
Gauranga’s condition. [Caitanya Caritamrta Antya Lila 14.84-119]

Cataka Parvata Sand Dunes


Kutir is on top of the hill behind Purusottma Gaudiya Math, which stands on
the hilly sand dune known as Cataka Parvata on the road leading to Tota
Gopinatha temple. Main temple houses Deities of Sri Sri Gaura-Gadadhara
and Radha-Vinoda Madhava Jiu. Inside the bhajana kutira are Srila
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s bed and personal effects. There is also
a murti of Srila Vedavyasa and Madhvacarya. Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada once stayed here for a few days.

Sri Sri Gaura-Gadadhara and Sri Sri Radha-Vinoda Madhava Jiu


Like holy Ganga and Yamuna rivers, the ocean at Puri is a purifying sacred
place of pilgrimage. Ocean here is not just a pilgrimage place; it is a maha-
tirtha, a great pilgrimage site. During Nama-acarya Srila Haridasa
Thakura’s samadhi ceremony, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu bathed his
transcendental body in the sea and declared, “From today onwards, this sea
has become a great pilgrimage site, samudra ei maha-tirtha.” Every day, Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu would bathe in the ocean and take darsana of
the nila-cakra of Lord Jagannatha’s temple, offering obeisances to it. He also
instructed His devotees to follow His example and perform these practices.

“MAHODADHI” - A Great Ocean

During Nama-acarya Srila Haridasa Thakura’s samadhi ceremony,

Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu bathed his transcendental body in the
sea and declared, “From today onwards, this sea has become a great
pilgrimage site, samudra ei maha-tirtha.” Every day, Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu would bathe in the ocean and take darsana of the nila-
cakra of Lord Jagannatha’s temple, offering obeisances to it. He also
instructed His devotees to follow His example and perform these
On the road next to ISKCON Bhakti-kuti and Srila Haridasa
Thakura’s samadhi one will find Sat Asana Mathas, which are actually only 4
temples honouring 7 sitting places (sat asana) established by the Sapta-rsis,
who once did bhajana here. Sapta-rsis are 7 potent Brahmin sages amongst
demigods who assist in universal affairs: Kasyapa, Atri, Vasistha, Visvamitra,
Gautama, Jamadagni and Bharadvaja.

One day during his samudra-snana (sea bath), King Indradyumna saw 7
exalted sages doing bhajana in a lonely place on the beach. When asked
about their identity, they remained silent, absorbed in meditation. That
night, Lord Jagannatha told King Indradyumna in a dream, “They are the
universally famous Sapta-rsis. You must give them some land and daily send
My maha-prasadam.” Although the king offered land, the rsis refused saying,
“We are detached sadhus only interested in bhajana. But if you desire, you
may send Lord Jagannatha maha-prasadam every day.” In time,
7 mathas (temples) were established to honour the 7 sitting places of these
exalted saints. Today however, only four temples remain.


When Lord Caitanya first came to Puri, He fainted in front of Deity of Lord
Jagannatha and Sarvabhauma took Him to his home. Sarvabhauma
Bhattacharya spoke to Lord Caitanya in his house about the impersonal
doctrine for several days and finally Lord Caitanya defeated all his
impersonal conclusions and bestowed His causeless mercy upon him by
showing His Sadbhuja rupa, or six-armed form, a combined form of Lord
Krishna, Lord Rama and Lord Caitanya. The house is located opposite to the
Sveta Ganga tank. There is Radha Krishna Deities called Sri Sri Radha-
Rasikaraja in this house worshipped by Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya. There is
a hidden tunnel in the house that is said to lead in two directions, one to the
sea and another to the Jagannatha Temple. It is said that this tunnel was
used by Sri Caitanya.
SAD-BHUJA GAURANGA (Six-armed Gauranga) -

A combined form of Lord Krishna, Lord Rama and Lord Caitanya.

Lord Caitanya bestowed His causeless mercy upon Sarvabhauma
Bhattacharya by showing His Sadbhuja rupa.
This large sacred bathing tank is located just opposite Ganga Mata Math.
Puri residents say that Ganga-devi personally resides here in the form of
Sweta Ganga so that she can regularly take darsana and serve Jagannatha
Swami. Being non-different from the Ganga, Sweta Ganga never becomes
dry. Even if all the water is pumped out for some reason, it automatically
refills. Remarkably, its water level rises or falls at the same rate as the
Ganga river. Sweta Ganga is one of the Panca Mukti Tirthas of Sri Ksetra
Dhama. After cremating the deceased, Puri residents bath here and perform
the sraddha ceremony.

Non-different from Ganges river. Sweta Ganga never becomes dry.

Even if all the water is pumped out for some reason, it automatically


This water tank is half km from Gundica temple. Mahaprabhu took water from here to
cleanse Gundica temple. There are 3 main temples here: Indradyumna Maharaja’s
temple on left side near tank, a large Saksi Gopala temple on right side and
Nilakantesvara Mahadeva Siva temple mid-way down the stairs leading to the sarovara.

Mother Cow creates a huge lake: Millions of years ago during Satya-yuga, King
Indradyumna performed asvamedha-yajna (horse sacrifice) here. At that time he
honoured the assembled Brahmins by donating 1000’s of cows. While all those heavy
cows were standing here, their hooves made a deep depression in the earth; creating a
large lake. Lake became filled with water and cow urine. Since then it became a tirtha,
a purifying place of pilgrimage. Skanda Purana says that this is the best of all tirthas.
Chandana Yatra and Sitala-sthali festival are pompously celebrated here.


This large tank is located south-west of Jagannatha Mandira in Markandeshwar-sahi
area. Great Vaishnava sage Markandeya Rsi resides here worshipping Siva Deity named
Markandesvara Mahadeva. Sri Madana-mohana, Lord Jagannatha’s utsava-murti,
enacts His Kaliya-mardana-lila (crushing Kaliya serpent) in this holy tank. If one bathes
in Markandeya Sarovara and then takes darshan of Markandesvara Mahadeva, he
obtains the pious result of performing rajasuya and asvamedha-yajnas.


This extremely small holy spot is only 5 mins from Markandeya Sarovara.
Madhava Chandra Dasa worships the Deities in a make ship Deity room next
to the original temple which is now severely rundown. It is said that Sri
Narahari Sarakara Thakura, an eternal associate of Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu, installed and worshiped 5 feet tall, blissfully
dancing neem wood Deities of Gaura-Gadadhara here. Jagannatha,
Baladeva, Subhadra and many salagrama-silas share the altar.
Sri Sri Gaura-Gadadhara worshipped by Srila Narahari Thakura


This is in Markandeshwar-sahi area behind Bada Oriya Math, 5 mins from
Markandeya Sarovara. It is said that Srila Abhirama Thakura (Abhirama
Gopala) who is Sridhama in Krishna-lila, established this classic temple,
which now desperately needs renovation. Deities are Sri Sri Radha-Krishna,
Sri Sri Radha Madana-Mohana vijaya-vigraha, Patita-pavana Jagannatha
Deva, many salagrama-silas and a murti named Abhirama Gopala.
Deities worshipped by Abhirama Thakura


In Orissa “Mausi Ma” means aunty. Temple is situated almost the mid-way of the Grand
road, a small temple of the Goddess Ardhasini otherwise called as Mausima of
Lord Jagannatha. She is maha-saktis who also help protect Puri Dhama. According to
local stories, once Lakshmi Devi left Sri Mandira, and
thus Jagannatha and Baladeva becomes poor. They had nothing to eat for a long period
of time and so they had to go out begging. When Jagannatha and Baladeva were out
during that time, Subhadra Devi was forced to stay here at Mausi Ma, or aunty's house.
During return of Rathayatra all chariots stop here at Mausi Ma Mandira and the Deities
are offered Poda Pitha, a kind of cake.


This important place is the Puri home of Lord Nityananda and Sri Advaita Acarya. It is
difficult to locate this place because this is in a private home and very unfortunately the
owners have removed sign-boards for this very important place. It on the other side of
Grand Road, 5 mins walk from Gaudiya Math temple. Coming from Gaudiya Math, go
down Heragohiri-sahi road toward Daitaparha-sahi area. Go past Jaduani library and
Temple passing police station. On the chowk (intersection), just opposite to chemist
shop, a private home with green color small entrance door is the spot. Present day,
unfortunately, this very important spot is in a very deprecated and neglected state.
This important place is the Puri home of Lord Nityananda and Sri Advaita
Acarya. Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu stands in the centre flanked by Sri Advaita
Acarya and Srimati Sita Thakurani (the eternal wife of Sri Advaita Acarya) on
His left, and Sri Nityananda Prabhu on His right. Small Deities of Jagannatha,
Radha-Krishna and salagrama are also on the altar.


It is located on Cakra Tirtha road at the beach on the east side of Puri, 3 km from
Jagannatha Mandira. Temple is a small white building with a red stripe, off Cakra Tirtha
road, behind Z hotel down the beach near the ocean. There are three
Deities: Nrsimhadeva, Cakra Narayana and Adi Narayana. A brown stone shaped
like cakra is worshiped here as Cakra Narayana. Nearby is a small temple of
Jagannatha’s father-in-law, Varuna-deva, the father of Laxmi-devi. Inside here are
Deities of Jagannatha, Baladeva, Subhadra and Garuda holding Visnu.

Chakra Tirtha


This small temple with red-granite roof is on Cakra Tirtha road, across the street from Z
hotel, 2 mins from Cakra Tirtha temple. This temple is dedicated to a tall black stone
Deity of Hanuman, now covered in red sindhur, who serves Lord Jagannatha by
protecting the holy dhama. Word bedi means chain.

Puffed Rice Can’t Match Ladoos: Puri residents of yore complained to Lord
Jagannatha that cyclone whipped sea often washed away the town. Lord Jagannatha
posted Hanuman here to protect Puri and prevent future inundations. The faithful were
daily offering some puffed rice and jaggery to Hanuman but he longed for laddoos. One
day Hanuman leaped to Ayodhya to see his beloved Lord Rama and received some
delicious laddoo maha-prasadam. Angry seas took advantage of Hanuman’s absence
and once again flooded the town of Puri. When Hanuman returned, Lord Jagannatha
promised to daily give him laddoos. But just to make sure that this mischievous
monkey would not leap away again, Lord Jagannatha bound Hanuman’s leg with a
heavy steel ball and chain. Henceforth, Hanumanji was called Bedi Hanuman.


This is 6 km from Jagannatha Mandira at the entrance of Jagannatha Puri
Dhama on the main road to Bhubaneswar. There is a small pink domed
temple with green doors beside Atharanala road, marking the place where
Mahaprabhu rested before crossing Atharanala Bridge. Inside there is a
marble plaque enshrining the lotus footprints of Gauranga Mahaprabhu
(mahaprabhu pada-pitha).
Atharnala Setu (Bridge)


Eternal abode of Their Lordships Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva and

Jagannathah swami nayana-patha-gami bhavatu me

“O Lord of the universe, kindly be visible unto me.”

Jagannatha means “Lord of the Universe”. Jagannatha Swami is a unique

Deity form of Lord Sri Krishna, who has especially appeared in Kali-yuga to
deliver the most fallen souls. Merciful Lord Jagannatha accepts worship from
one and all. Padma Purana states:

Samudrasyottare tire, aste sri-purusottame

Purnananda-mayam brahma, daru-vyaja-sarira-bhrt

“At Sri Purusottama [Jagannatha Puri], on the northern shore of the ocean,
resides the Supreme Absolute Truth. Full of ecstatic bliss, He has assumed a
transcendental body that appears wooden.”

Jagannatha Svami is called daru-brahman because He is the Absolute

Truth in wood (daru), and because He destroys (daranat) the miseries of
material existence. Daru Brahman means the Deity form of God, the
Supreme Brahman, Parabrahman. It means the Supreme Personality of
Godhead Sri Krishna who cuts away all sufferings and miserable material
attachments, and then rewards one an eternal life of endless bliss in the
spiritual world; He is Lord Jagannatha or Daru Brahman.

Being absolute, Lord Jagannatha is identical in person, form, picture, kirtana

and all other circumstances. If one thinks that the form of Lord Jagannatha
is an idol made of wood, he immediately brings ill fortune into his life. Lord
Jagannatha is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha, just as the body of Krishna is sac-cid-
ananda-vigraha. A pure devotee who knows the science of Krishna
Consciousness makes no distinction between Lord Jagannatha and His body.
Lord Jagannatha is identical with Sri Krishna (Krsnera ‘atma-svarupa). But in
Jagannatha Puri, He appears as daru-brahma, a non-moving entity
(sthavara-svarupa). Thus Lord Jagannatha and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu,
although appearing as two, are one because They are both Krishna, who is
one alone. The supreme desire to deliver the entire world meets in both
Mahaprabhu and Jagannatha, and for that reason also They are one and the
same. To deliver all the materially contaminated people of the world, that
same Krishna has descended in the moving form (jangama rupa) of Gaura.
(Caitanya Caritamrta Antya Lila 5.148-151)

Beauty of Jagannatha Svami: Lord Jagannatha has extraordinary form.

Pilgrims in Puri often ask, “Why does the Deity of Jagannatha Deva have
such an unusual form?” Answer is simple: God wants to appear like this, in
this most unusual form, to establish religion in this most unusual age of
Kali. Vamadeva Samhita and Skanda Purana state that Lord Sri Krishna
appears in this covered wooden form out of His independent will and due to
prayer of Brahma Ji. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very thirsty to see the
Deity of Lord Jagannatha. Gauranga’s eyes became like two bumblebees
drinking the honey from the lotus-like eyes of Lord Jagannatha who is
Krishna Himself.

The eyes of Lord Jagannatha conquer the beauty of blossoming lotus flowers and His
neck defeats the luster of a mirror made of blue sapphires. The chin of Jagannatha
Svami, tinged with a buff color conquers the beauty of bandhuli flower. This increases
the beauty of Jagannatha’s mild smiling, which is like lustrous waves of nectar. Luster
of Jagannatha Deva’s beautiful face increases at every moment, and the eyes of 100’s
and 1000’s of devotees drink its honey like bumblebees. Feeling such great pleasure
upon seeing the face of Lord Jagannatha, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu forgot everything.
(Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya Lila 12.210-19)

Temple Architecture: Main temple of Jagannatha Svami soars 214 feet

high. Temple complex comprises an area of 10.7 acres and is enclosed by 2
rectangular walls. Outer enclosure is called Meghananda Prachira (665 x 640
feet). Walls are 6 meters high. Inner wall is called Kurmabedha (420 x 315
ft). This ancient temple combines two styles: South Indian (Dravidian) and
North Indian (Nagara). King Anangabhima Deva completed the temple in
1200 AD. Within the boundary walls of the Jagannatha temple there are 30
different temples. Outer wall has opening in four directions. East and main
gate, Lion Gate (Simha-dvara) has two crouching stone lions. South gate,
Horse Gtae (Aswa-dvara) has a pair of galloping horses carrying Jagannatha
and Baladeva on backs with all Their martial glory. West gate, Tiger Gate
(Vyaghra-dvara) has two stone tigers, and north gate, Elephant Gate (Hasti-
dvara) has a huge stone elephant.

Cakra and Flags: The cakra (Sudarsana disc) above Lord Jaganantha’s
temple is called “Nila-Cakra” (blue wheel). Nila-cakra is made of an alloy of
8 different metals. It is 11 feet 8inch high and has circumference of 36 feet.
On every Ekadasi a lamp is lit near the wheel. Daily around 6:30pm, the
Garuda Sevaka (a pujari flag bearer) fearlessly climbs up 214 feet to the
Nila-cakra and fastens a number of flags to the mast fixed to Nila-cakra.
Flags, which are bright red, white or bright yellow in color, are embroidered
with a crescent moon and a sun in the middle, signifying that Lord
Jagannatha is our ever-watchful, loving guardian both in the day and night.
It alsom means that Lord Jagannatha rules the universe wherever the sun
and moon shine. Nila-cakra sevaits, begin this hereditary service from age of
8, get the ability to perform this very difficult service by the mercy of
Garuda, whose name they chant while scaling the shikara.

In front of main gate is a pillar 11m high called Aruna Stambha. On top of
this single-stone pillar is Aruna, the charioteer of the sun god. In passage
room of main gate is a Deity of Lord Jagannatha called Patita
Pavana (saviour of the most fallen). It is visible from the road. One can
stand behind Aruna Stambha and respectively gaze at the Nila-Cakra, flags
billowing atop Jagannatha’s temple and Patita Pavana Jagannatha in front,
and then offer humble obeisances. Seeing Nila-Cakra, flags and Patita
Pavana Jagannatha is equal to direct darshana of Lord Jagannatha in the
temple. (Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya Lila 11.195 purport)

Transcendental ambience within sacred space of the Supreme Lord

Jagannatha: While approaching innermost sanctuary (Garbha Grha) of the
Jagannatha Temple through the various halls and past many pillars and
carved panels, a devotee is subtly influenced by sacredness of the
architecture. He finds himself enclosed with the Supreme Lord in a dim,
soothing atmosphere. His eyes find rest after fierce light of the day outside.
Not only is lighting dim, but the air is filled with scent of flowers, burning oil
lamps and incense coming from the sanctuary. Gradually his mood calms
and his spiritual feelings are awakened as he approaches the Deities.

Garuda-stambha: Garuda-stambha (pillar) stands along east back wall of

the Jagamohana. It supports murti of Lord Narayana’s eagle carrier Garuda,
who is admiring the Deity of Jagannatha Deva from this vintage point.
Devotees regularly hug this pillar and offer prayers while seeing Lord
Jagannatha. By doing this they feel blessings of Lord’s direct embrace.
Gauranga Mahaprabhu used to stand here and offer obeisances and prayers
while reeling in ecstatic bliss gazing upon saksat Vrajendranandana
Jagannatha Svami. Mahaprabhu’s divine finger prints are imprinted on the
wall behind the Garuda-stambha. Srila Krishna dasa Kavriraj Goswami

“Staying near the Garuda-stambha, Gaura-raya gazed upon the Lord

Jagannatha. What can be said about the strength of that love? On the
ground beneath the column of the Garuda-stambha was a deep ditch, which
filled with the water of Gauranga’s tears.” (Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya Lila

Kitchen and Maha-Prasadam of Lord Jagannatha:

 Temple has largest kitchen in the world and feeds thousands of

devotees every day. Kitchen can prepare prasadam for 100,000 people
one day, and 250,000 is normal on a festival day.

 Kitchen has astounding 752 wood-burning stoves, each 3’x4’ spread

over one acre in the south east corner, far left inside the Lion Gate.

 600 cooks and 1,000 devotees work daily in the kitchen.

 Chillies, onion, garlic, carrots and widely available “new-world”

ingredients such as cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, cauliflowers are not
used in any preparation. Wide variety of locally available organic produce
such as beans, tubers, squashes, melons, leafy greens, local spices like
mace, cumin, fennel, nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, mustard
seed and black cumin is used.
 Without electricity or machines, skilled chefs work under oil lamps
over open wood fires. Every day they prepare more than a 100 different
dishes and offer them to the Deities. Given only 1 day notice the chefs
can prepare a full meal for up to 10,000 guests at a sitting.

 Every day, a fire sacrifice is performed in the temple kitchen.

Afterwards, the cooks take embers from that sacrificial fire to ignite their
individual stoves.

 All bhoga is cooked in earthen pots. Nine clay pots full of bhoga are
cooked simultaneously upon one oven with 9 burners. Every pot of bhoga
is placed before Lord Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra, unlike most
temples in India where only small portions of the entire meal are offered
before the Deities.

 Everyday Lord Jagannatha is offered 56 items (chappana bhoga) for

His pleasure: 9 rice preparations, 14 subjis and curries, 9 milk
preparations, 11 sweets, 13 cakes, pancakes and patties.

 Jagannatha Temple kitchens are exemplary in many ways. Three

things are of special significance: Preservation of ancient cooking
standards, Training program for temple priests and Highly efficient
system for distribution of temple prasadam.

Ananda Bazaar: Near the northeast corner, after climbing 22 stairs from
Lion Gate on right side is where one can get Jagannatha maha-prasadam
and experience the bliss (ananda) of tasting Lord’s unprecedented mercy
remnants. There are 36 traditional communities (chatisha niyaga) who
render a specific hereditary service to the Deities. Temple has as many as
6000 priests.

Deity Dresses (vesa) of Lord Jagannatha: Lord Jagannatha is regularly

dressed in silk or cotton outfits enhanced with lots of pretty
flowers, tulasi garlands and manjaris. Only sweet smelling flowers of white,
yellow, gold, orange and pink colors are offered to Jagannatha Svami.
Jasmines, marigolds and pink and white lotuses are Jagannatha’s favourites.
Some devotees adore Jagannatha Svami as Sri Krishna, the majestic,
opulent Lord of Dvaraka. Others see Him as Vrajendranandana, the simple,
carefree cowherd of Vraja. This combination of simplicity and grandeur is
prominently visible in the varieties of Lord Jagannatha’s outfits.
Nava-kalevara-yatra (or ritual of transformation): Since the Deities are
made from wood, each 12 years Nava-kalevara-yatra (or ritual of
transformation) is held. After elaborate preliminary preparations, the right
trees are found, Deities carved, transformation made and old Deities buried
in the ground. Though as much as half million people attend the festival,
most of the procedures are conducted in secret and no other than few
appointed priests and servants can be present. First of all the special trees
with the symbolic marks of chakra, conch shell, mace and lotus have to be
found. The search party consists of exact numbers of man belonging to
specific families and casts. After several stops they will reach village
Kakatpur 80 km from Puri. The oldest member of Dayitapati family has to
sleep in the temple of Goddess Vimala or Mangala, meaning "Auspicious
One". He must have a dream during this stay in which goddess tells him the
exact location where the trees can be found. The tree for each of the four
Deities will be in a different place (the fourth Deity is Sudarsan). When the
search party locates the places, they may find many trees, but the sacred
symbols will be found on only one of them. The Siva's temple and pond has
to be nearby. Very rare types of trees must be growing beside: The Varuna
tree, which can protect you from snakes. It is said that this tree has the
power to destroy all anger and pride. People today often carry a piece of
Varuna bark with them if they must meet a bothersome person. The Sahada
tree, which gives the power to forget oneself. The Vilua tree, which has the
power to cure any disease, even heart disease, cancer and leprosy The cure
is obtained by chewing its leaves. All three trees are very rare, whereas the
Neem tree is very common. When the trees are found, they must construct a
small hut nearby in which they will now reside. A great fire sacrifice is
performed there to invite all demigods to give their blessings and cutting of
the tree can start. First only the golden axe can touch the tree, then silver
and after that iron axe can finish the work. 108 names of the Lord are
chanted continuously. Neem wood will not decay for more than thirty years
and it is one of the longest-lasting types of wood in India. Since "Neem" is
called "daru" Jagannatha Deity is also called "daru-brahman". Only members
of the Dayitapati family have the right of carrying the huge log back to Puri
and the descendant of the original carver can carve the Deity. Only few
precisely designated servants can participate in the rites of transformation.
Old Deities are placed in front of the new ones and three oldest members of
Dayitapati family transfer "Daru-brahman" to the new Deities Not even the
head priest can be there during this time. Nava-kalevara-yatra is actually
this transformation ceremony during which all present have very intense
experiences as they blindfolded transfer "life force" to the new Deities. Old
Deities are buried in a place known as Koili Vaikuntha. Koili means "burial
ground" and Vaikuntha means "Heaven".
Non-Hindus tread the humble Path: Although many western born
convert to Hindu thought and Gaudiya Vaishnavism in particular visit Puri,
they cannot enter temple to see Lord Jagannatha because temple law forbids
entrance of “non-Hindus”. Srila Prabhupada speaks sympathetically, “We
should not feel sorry about this, as long as we engage in chanting Hare
Krishna maha-mantra. Krishna Himself associates with with devotees who
are chanting His holy name, and there is no need to be unhappy over not
being able to enter a certain temple. Such dogmatic prohibitions were not
approved by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Those who were thought unfit to
enter Jagannatha temple, Srila Rupa Goswami, Sanatana Goswami, Haridasa
Thakura, were daily visited by Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and this indicates that
Mahaprabhu did not approve of the prohibitions. To avoid unnecessary
turmoil, however, these great personalities did not enter the Jagannatha
temple.” (Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya Lila 1.63)

Out of His infinite compassion, Jagannatha shows Himself in three wonderful


 Patita Pavana Jagannatha, Nila-Cakra and flags: Everyday Lord

Jagannatha sits just inside Lion Gate as Patita Pavana Jagannatha smiling
and glancing lovingly toward anyone who peeks in from the street, and
also gaze at Nila-Cakra and flags atop Jagannatha’s Temple. Seeing Nila-
Cakra, flags and Patita Pavana Jagannatha is equal to direct darshana of
Lord Jagannatha in the temple. (Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya Lila 11.195

 Jagannatha maha-prasadam: He arrears in His most relishable form

as Jagannatha maha-prasadam for everyone to see by tasting. In the
form of maha-prasadam He reciprocates very intimately with all His

 Snana-yatra, Rathayatra and Ulta-Rathayatra: Their Lordships Sri Sri

Jagannatha, Baladeva, Subhadra come out in full public three times a
year - Snana-yatra, Rathayatra and Ulta-Rathayatra. At these times
everyone can directly see their benevolent Lord, worship and pray to Him,
pull Jagannatha’s chariot and relish His beautiful darshana to their heart’s
In addition, Sri Murari Gupta, an eternal associate of Lord Gauranga as
confirmed in Sri Krishna Caitanya Carita Maha-kavya 3.4.39: “Whatever
benefit is achieved by having direct darshan of Lord Jagannatha, the master
of Purusottama Ksetra, one can obtain simply by regularly reciting the
pastimes of Gaurahari.”
“SRI MANDIRA” - Lord Jagannatha Temple

Eternal abode of Their Lordships Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva and


In passage room of main gate is a Deity of Lord Jagannatha

called Patita Pavana (saviour of the most fallen). It is visible from
the road. One can stand behind Aruna Stambha and respectively
gaze at the Nila-Cakra, flags billowing atop Jagannatha’s temple and
Patita Pavana Jagannatha in front, and then offer humble
obeisances. Seeing Nila-Cakra, flags and Patita Pavana Jagannatha
is equal to direct darshana of Lord Jagannatha in the
temple. (Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya Lila 11.195 purport)
Phandi Ceremony of Lord Balabhadra (also known as Bada Thakur),
the elder brother of Lord Jagannatha, during the Rathayatra.

Lord Balarama (Balabhadra) coming out of Sri Mandira. Phandi is the

ceremony of Deities coming out of the Temple to the Rathayatra Chariot.
Lord Balabhadra is bulkiest of the three.

Floral crown is known as ‘Tahia’ is prepared by Raghava Math and is brought

to the Temple early in the morning. Elaborate flowers are beautifully
decorated on a bamboo frame. Flowers are lotus flowers, champaka, malati
flowers and Tulsi leaves. These decorations have been going on since ages
in a very traditional manner. Totally 16 Tahia’s are worn. Two large Tahia’s
when Lord comes out of the Sri Mandira, Two large Tahia’s when Lord enters
Gundica Mandira. Two small Tahia’s when coming out of Gundica Mandira
during the return-tourney and Two small Tahia’s before entering the Sri
Mandira. Lord Balaram is fanned by chamara called ‘arota chamara’. The
head is covered with red cotton cloth.

There is blank color umbrella in front. For Lord Balabhadra umbrella is black
color, for Lord Jagannatha it is white color and for Subdhara Devi it is red
and black color.

Phandi Ceremony of Sister Subhadra Devi

Phandi Ceremony of Lord Jagannatha
KHAJA – Lord Jagannatha’s Favourite Sweets!

Places to visit near Jagannatha Puri:

#1) Saksi Gipala Temple: This is 20km west of Jagannatha Puri in a town called
Saksi-Gopala. It is easily reachable by taxi, bus or train. Vrajranabha (Sri Krishna’s
great-grandson) installed two Gopala Deities in Vraja Mandala: Saksi-Gopala and
Madna Gopala (Madana Mohana). The Saksi-Gopala Deity here, being 5000 years old, is
exceptionally special one.

#Pastime: Lord Testifies for His Devotee

Once two brahmins, a young and old one, left their homes in Vidyanagara, South India,
and visited many holy places before coming to Vrindavana. Satisfied with the service of
the young brahmin and feeling grateful, the old one promised him before the Gopala
Deity of Vrindavana to offer his youngest daughter in marriage. Hence, Gopalji acted as
a witness. When the two brahmins returned to Vidyanagara, the old brahmin, due to
family constraints, reneged on his promise; flatly denying that he had ever made such
a promise. The younger brahmin, upset and dejected, returned to Vrindavana and told
everything to the Gopala Deity. Out of love for His devotee (bhakta-vatsala), Gopalji,
followed the young brahmin to Vidyanagara in South India to act as witness (saksi). All
the way, that fortunate brahmin heard the joyful, tinkling sound of Gopalji’s ankle bells.
In Vidyanagara, all the senior brahmins listened as Gopalji testified to the promise of
the elderly brahmin. Thus the marriage was rightfully performed.

More details: Sri Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya Lila Chapter

5; and

#2) Danda-Bhanga: This sacred place is where Lord Nityananda Prabhu

broke Gauranga’s sannyasa danda in three pieces. When Sriman
Mahaprabhu went alone to visit the temple of Lord Siva known as
Kapatesvara Mahadev, Lord Nityananda, taking advantage of the absence of
Mahaprabhu, broke His danda (staff) into three pieces and threw it into the
sacred waters of river Kancha (the tributary of river Bhargavi).


danda-bhanga-lila ei parama gambhira sei bujhe

dunhara pade yanra bhakti dhira (Sri Caitanya-Caritamrta, Madhya Lila, 5, 158)

The devotees could not understand why Nityananda Prabhu broke the staff,
why Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu permitted him to do so, or why, after
permitting Him, Caitanya Mahaprabhu became angry. This Dandabhanga
pastime, of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda Prabhu, is
supremely deep, supremely grave and supremely hidden. Only to him, who
is unflinchingly surrendered and soberly fixed at the Divine Lotus Feet of the
two Lords, in his heart of hearts, can the immeasurable glories of this great
eternal pastime be revealed. Danda Bhanga is located in the village of
Candanpur on main road to Bhubaneswar, 10km, from Sri Jagannatha Puri
Dhama. After the occurrence of this wonderful pastime, the river
subsequently came to known as river Dandabhanga, meaning breaking of
the staff.

More details: Sri Caitanya-Caritamrta Madhya Lila Chapter 5, text 140 to

158 -

#3) Sri Alarnath Temple: Lord Alalanatha is an ancient four-handed Visnu Deity
installed by one of the Alvars. This temple is in Brahmagiri, one hour taxi ride from
Jagannatha Puri. Lord Alarnath is the representative of Lord Jagannatha at Puri. Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu stayed at this temple during anavasara, the two-week period
after Snana-yatra when Lord Jagannatha rests in seclusion before the annual
Rathayatra (chariot festival) in Jagannatha Puri. Lord Caitanya couldn't bear staying in
Puri without seeing His beloved Lord, and at Alarnath He would reveal the highest
spiritual emotions, pining in ecstatic separation. While doing the Temple’s Parikrama,
one can take darshan of the incredible prema-sila (stone slab) of Lord Caitanya, on the
right side of the temple when entering the main gate from the road. This stone slab
bears impressions from Lord Caitanya's body. When Lord Caitanya first lay in full
obeisance before Lord Alarnath, the stone beneath Lord Caitanya melted from His
ecstatic touch.

More details:

#4) ISKCON Bhubaneswar: ISKCON Bhubaneswar was the last founded project of
Srila Prabhupada's worldwide established temples and the 108th temple of ISKCON.
Srila Prabhupada stayed here continuously for 17 days in a humble cottage in Jan-Feb
1977. His Divine Grace finished the English translation of 9th Canto of Srimad
Bhagavatam and started 10th Canto Srimad Bhagavatam translation here.
Bhubaneswar is only 2 hours from Puri.

#5) Gopal Jiu Temple at Gadaigiri: Gadaigiri is a small village situated in

the Jagatsinghpur district of Orissa, about 2 hours from Bhubaneswar.
Gadaigiri houses exceptional Deity of Gopal Jiu which came from Vrindavana.
ISKCON has guesthouse facility at Gadaigiri.

More details and wonderful pastimes of Gopal

Jiu: and

#6) Choti at Kendrapara - The Native Place of Srila Bhaktivinoda

Thakura: Choti is famous for as the home of ancestral Deities of Srila Bhaktivinoda
Thakura, Sri Sri Radha-Madhava. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura wrote hundreds of songs
glorifying the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. His songs capture the essence of Gaudiya
Vaisnava philosophy. One song, “Jaya Radha-Madhava”, was a favorite of Srila A. C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who would sing it every day just before his public
lectures. This song paints a beautiful picture of the Vrindavana pastimes of Srila
Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s beloved Lordships Sri Sri Radha-Madhava. Further details on
Choti are avaialble in book: “Choti: The Native Place of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura” by
Gopal Jiu publications.

#7) Remuna Ksira-cora Gopinatha Temple: Famous temple of Ksira-cora

Gopinatha, the Krishna Deity who stole condensed milk (ksira) for His dear-most
devotee, Sr Madhavendra Puri, lies in a small pastoral village named Remuna in the
Balasore (Baleshwar) district of Orissa. Balasore is halfway between Puri and Kolkata, is
the nearest railway junction to Remuna. Remuna is called Gupta Vrindavana because
Gopinatha had many pastimes here in the mood of Vrindavana with His intimate vraja-
madhurya premi bhaktas.

Between 5am-7am visitors can have full darshana of the Deity while the pujari baths
and dresses Gopinatha. One can clearly see cows, cowherd boys and asta-sakhis carved
in black stone bas-relief Deity of Ksira-cora Gopinatha. On Gopinatha’s right and left are
black stone Deities of Govinda and Madana-Mohana brought. There are also Deities of
Radha-Rasabihari, Lord Jagannatha and Mahaprabhu. All Vaishnavas are welcome here
for Gopinatha’s special darshana, and the indescribably mouth-watering milk sweet
known as amrta-keli, prepared from condensed milk, cream, sugar and a smidgen of

How Sri Gopinatha became Ksira-cora Gopinatha? This very wonderful pastime is
described in Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya Lila
4.21: or other ref:

#8) Nila-Madhava: This is a small village in the interior hilly region of Orissa state,
about 6-7 hours from Jagannatha Puri. Very nice pastime about Nila-Madhava took
place here. Local devotees at ISKCON Puri temple can tell more on this.

#9) Varaha-Ksetra at Jajpur: In Satya-yuga Lord Varaha dev appeared here who
killed demon Hiranyakhya. In other kalpas also different Varahadev appears here, and
because of that this is called Varaha Ksetra. Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu stayed here
for a day or two and offered worship to Lord Varaha on his way to Puri in the first
decade of 16th century. Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya’s Lotus foot print by the melting of
stone at varaha kshetra inside Varaha temple. Jajpur is very close to Kapilesvara, the
birthplace of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s grandfather. It is the place from where His
grandfather’s family had moved to Bengal. This is one of the four most holy places
(Char Dhams) in the religious tradition of Vaishnavism located in Orissa. According to
the tradition, Lord Vishnu after killing the demon Gayasura (at Gaya city of Modern
Bihar), to commemorate the glory of His victory, placed his Sankha (Conch) in Puri,
Chakra (Disc) in Bhubaneswar, Gada (Mace) in Jajpur and Padma (Lotus) in Konark and
they were later known as Sankha Ksetra, Chakra Ksetra, Gada Ksetra and Padma
Ksetra respectively in spiritual and religious tradition.

More details on Varaha Ksetra are on website:

#10) Sridham Mayapur: The Appearance Place of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Jagannatha Puri to Sridham Mayapur is little more than overnight tourney by train via

#11) Ekachakra Dhama: The Appearance place of Lord Nityananda Prabhu.

Ekachakra Dhama is about 4 hours tourney (165km) by taxi from Sridham Mayapur.
Accommodation is available at the ISKCON guesthouse. Please contact Mayapur
Tourism office for taxi and accommodation bookings ([email protected] ) for Ekachakra
More details:
Annual Sri Ksetra Jagannatha Puri Dhama

Organized by ISKCON (International Society for

Krishna Consciousness)

Every year during the month of November/December few days after the end
of Kartik masa (month) Sri Ksetra Jagannatha Puri Dhama Parikrama
organized by ISKCON. Please contact HG Ananga Mohan Das
([email protected]) or HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami Maharaj
([email protected]) for more details.

Annual Sri Ksetra Jagannatha Puri Dhama Parikrama

Annual Sri Jagannatha Puri Dhama Parikrama
Wonderful Kirtan in front of Lord Jagannatha Temple
Every evening during Parikrama there is Jagannatha-katha by
transcendentalists and various cultural programs
Offering Obeisances to Sri Ksetra Jagannatha Puri Dhama

Directions to reach Sri Jagannatha Puri Dhama:

Sri Jagannatha Puri Dhama is well connected by air, rail and road to different
parts of India.

Air: Nearest airport is Bhubaneswar, 60 km from Puri. Bhubaneswar is well

connected by flights to Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai and other Indian cities. One
can take a pre-paid taxi from the airport to Puri, which will take about an
hour to reach Puri.

Rail: Many fast trains link Puri to different parts of India. Puri is overnight
tourney from Howrah (Kolkata) station. A number of overnight trains run
from Howrah to Puri which are very convenient. Once a week (on Friday -
#15644 Kyq Puri Express) a direct train from Nabadwip Dham goes to Puri.
Map of Orissa and Holy Places
Valuable references:

A. Sri Caitanya Caritamrta by Srila Krishna Das Kaviraj


B. Book: Sri Ksetra Parikrama by HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami

C. Hidden Identity of Lord Jagannatha, Sri Krishna Kathamrita magazine

annual addition, Gopal Jiu Publications:

D. Patita-Pavana Jagannath, Sri Krishna Kathamrita magazine annual

addition, Gopal Jiu Publications:

E. Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu fortnightly e-magazine, Gopal Jiu

Publications (free subscription):

F. Sri Ksetra Parikrama songs, Gopal Jiu Publications

G. Book: “Gopal Jiu” beloved Deities of HH Gour Govinda Swami at

Gadeigiri, Gopal Jiu Publications

H. Jagannatha Mandir by Srila Bhaktivinoda


I. Book: Practical Guide to Puri and Navadvipa Dhama by Jada Bharata Das

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