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Abdul Basit

Date of birth: 11/08/1993 Nationality: Pakistani Phone number:

(+92) 3212139828 (Mobile) Email address: [email protected]

Skype: [email protected]

Address: A-54 Shadh Bagh Society, Malir City, 75210, Karachi, Pakistan (Home)


Tech-savvy Environmental Sciences Lecturer with expertise in Remote Sensing & GIS. Passionate about integrating
technology for engaging classroom experiences. Proven track record of delivering impactful lectures and analyzing
aerial/satellite imagery for project success. Proficient in GIS applications and data analysis. Published researcher with a
strong academic background.


24/06/2021 – CURRENT Pakistan


Courses Responsibilities: Digital Mapping, Remote Sensing, Geographical Information Sciences, Cartography, Earth
Sciences, Natural Resources Management, Photogrammetry, Principal of Surveying.
Management Responsibilities: Managed and executed comprehensive training programs, collaborating with
department heads to identify needs and develop tailored plans. Led training sessions, workshops, and seminars while
optimizing logistics and resources for engaging learning experiences.

09/03/2020 – 19/11/2020 Pakistan


Contributed to a project aimed at creating a Geo-referenced Exposure Database for disaster risk management with a
focus on NatCat Modeling. Responsibilities encompassed data processing, land-cover mapping, image segmentation,
segment interpretation, and conducting field verification surveys. Also, undertook various project-related tasks to
support accurate risk assessment and modeling.

30/12/2019 – 31/12/2020 Pakistan


Courses Responsibilities: Geographical Information Sciences (GIS), Advance Remote Sensing (RS)

30/01/2019 – 31/07/2021 Pakistan


Courses Responsibilities: Hydrology, Environmental Sciences, Water Supply and Waste Water Management, and
Applied Mechanics

29/12/2017 – CURRENT Pakistan


Courses Responsibilities: Geographical Information Sciences (GIS), Advance Remote Sensing (RS)

16/06/2018 – 29/07/2019 Pakistan


Collected, curated, and visualized research data, creating graphs and charts for presentations. Designed and
implemented telephone questionnaires for data acquisition. Processed multi-sensor imagery using algorithms.
Summarized findings through written reports and visual aids. Collaborated with leadership to refine research questions
and optimize data collection, conducting rigorous statistical and qualitative analyses

16/07/2018 – 15/11/2018 Pakistan

Conducted surveys, gathered primary data, and digitally geo-referenced cadastral maps to support the TAPI gas
pipeline project. Efficiently organized and managed vast spatial databases and synthesized analysis results for

31/12/2014 – 30/03/2016 Pakistan


Soil Analysis and Interpretation, Testing Methodologies and Equipment.


30/08/2017 – 07/09/2019 Pakistan


Short Description: Conducted research on using satellite remote sensing to estimate PM2.5 concentrations in
Lahore, Punjab. By combining Aeronet AOD, MODIS AOD, and ground-based EPD PM2.5 data, I developed and
compared statistical models. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model showed the most promising results,
significantly improving estimation accuracy. This work demonstrates my expertise in air quality management and
advanced statistical analysis.
Supervisor: Badar Munir Khan Ghauri

Website Field of study Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Sciences (RS & GIS)

Final grade 3.57 GPA Thesis Estimation of Ground Level PM2.5 by using MODIS Satellite data

30/12/2011 – 30/01/2016 Pakistan

BACHELORS OF SCIENCE IN GEOLOGY Federal Urdu University of Arts Science and Technology (FUUAST)

Website Field of study Geology Final grade 3.54


SNAP Envi Arcmap Erdas Imagine Hydraulic Modeling eCognition Q-GIS cartography Spatial
Analysis Satellite Image Processing Google Earth Engine Photogrammetry



Comparing Radiative Transfer Equation Method (RTEM) and the Generalized SingleChannel Method (GSCM)for
Retrieving Sea Surface Temperature along the Karachi Coast, Pakistan.
– 2023
Basit, A., Khalil, R. Z., Khan, I. A., Zia, I., Sadiq, S., & Majeed, S. (2023). (2023). Comparing radiative transfer equation
method (rtem) and the generalized single-channel method (gscm) for retrieving sea surface temperature along the
karachi coast, pakistan. fuuast journal of biology, 13(1), 27-37.

Estimation of Ground Level PM2.5 by using MODIS Satellite data – 2019

Basit, A., Ghauri, B. M., & Qureshi, M. A. (2019, November). Estimation of Ground Level PM2. 5 by using MODIS Satellite
data. In 2019 Sixth International Conference on Aerospace Science and Engineering (ICASE) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.e description...

Modeling Coral Reef Susceptibility Using GIS Multi-Criteria Analysis – 2019

Aslam, K., Khalil, R. Z., Zafar, S., Malik, S., & Basit, A. (2019, November). Modeling Coral Reef Susceptibility Using GIS
Multi-Criteria Analysis. In 2019 Sixth International Conference on Aerospace Science and Engineering (ICASE) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
the description...

Application of Simplified Surface Energy Balance Index (S-Sebi) for Crop Evapotranspiration – 2018
Basit, A., Khalil, R. Z., & Haque, S. (2018). Application of simplified surface energy balance index (s-sebi) for crop
evapotranspiration using landsat 8. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial
Information Sciences, 42, 33-37.rite here the description...


Award Merit Scholarship in Masters – Institute of Space Technology

Award Merit Scholarship in Bachelors – Federal Urdu University of Arts Science and Technology (FUUAST)

ISPRS Commission Midterm Symposium Travel Grant Winner. – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute
of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

NASA Certifications

• National Aeronautics and Space Administration [30/06/2021]

• Monitoring Aquatic Vegetation with Remote Sensing [19/07/2022]
• Measuring Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide from Space in Support of Climate Related Studies [25/05/2022]
• Atmospheric CO2 and CH4 Budgets to Support the Global Stocktake [25/05/2022]
• Satellite Observation and Tools for Fire Risk, Detection, and Analysis [27/11/2020]
• Hyperspectral Data for Land and Coastal Systems [02/02/2021]
• Mapping and Monitoring Lakes and Reservoirs with Satellite Observations [23/02/2021]


Muhammad Ateeq Qureshi Assisstant Professor

Organization: Institute of Space Technology

Email [email protected] Phone (+92) 32198800332

Deutscher Postfach 200404 · D-53134 Bonn
Kennedyallee 50 · D-53175 Bonn
Akademischer Telefon 0228/882-0 · Fax 0228/882 444
E-Mail: [email protected]
Austausch Dienst Internet:

Antrag auf ein Forschungs-/Studienstipendium

Application for Research Grants and
Study Scholarships

Name Abdul Basit


Staatsangehörigkeit Pakistani

Antrag für ein ✔ Forschungsstipendium für Doktoranden und Nachwuchswissenschaftler

Application for a Research grant for doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists

Nur ein Programm ✔ Forschungsstipendium für Doktoranden nach dem Sandwich-Modell

ankreuzen Research grant for doctoral candidates within the „Sandwich-Model“
Tick one programme
✔ Studienstipendium für einen Aufbaustudiengang mit entwickungsländerbezogener Thematik
Study scholarship for a postgraduate course with relevance to developing countries

Studienstipendium für Graduierte aller wissenschaftlichen Fächer

✔ Study scholarship for graduates of all disciplines

✔ Studienstipendium für Künstler

Study scholarship for artists

✔ Sonstige Programme (genaue Bezeichnung)

Other programmes (please specify programme title)

Bitte lesen Sie zunächst die Hinweise auf Seite 4, bevor Sie den umseitigen Antrag ausfüllen
und ihm weitere Unterlagen beifügen.
Please read the information provided on page 5 carefully before completing the application
and adding further documents.
Bitte nicht beschriften!

Please leave blank!

Abdul Basit

1. Familienname Abdul Basit

(Bitte verwenden Sie die
Schreibweise in Ihrem Pass; Hauptnamen unterstreichen)
Surname (please use exactly the same name as in your passport; please underline main name)
Bitte Foto Vorname(n)
First name(s) Abdul
männlich weiblich akad. Titel
Academic title Mr
nicht heften! ✔
Male Female ✔
Geburtsdatum (Tag/Monat/Jahr) Geburtsort
Attach photo Date of birth (day/month/year) 11/08/1993 Place of birth Karachi
please – Geburtsland
do not staple! Country of birth Pakistan
Familienstand verheiratet unverheiratet Zahl der Kinder
Marital status married ✔ single ✔ Number of children 2
Land des ständigen Wohnsitzes
Country of permanent residence Pakistan
2. Korrespondenzanschrift, unter der Sie bis zu einem evtl. Stipendienantritt ständig zu erreichen sind
Mailing address, where you may be contacted at any time until taking up a possible scholarship
Street A-54 Shadh Bagh Society, Malir City, 75210, Karachi
PLZ, Ort, Provinz
Post/Zip Code, town, county/province/state 75210, Malir, Sindh
Country Pakistan
Telefon mit Vorwahl Fax
Telephone, area code +9-2321-2139828 e-mail

3. Sekundarschule
Secondary school education Board of Intermediate Education Karachi
von bis
from (month/year) 08/2009 to (month/year) 09/2011
Art des Abschlussexamens
Type of final examination Physical
(bitte Orginalbezeichnung)
(Original name of examination) HSC
Erworben am (Tag/Monat/Jahr) Ergebnis
Awarded on (day/month/year) 12/09/2011 Result(s) 12/09/2011

4. Hochschulstudium von / from bis / to an / at in / in Fach / subject

(Universität/ Technische Hochschule etc.)
higher education (university or other 30/08/2016 07/09/2019 Institute of Space焁Technology MASTERS OF SCIENCE IN REMO
degree-awarding institution)
30/12/2011 01/02/2016 BACHELORS
Federal Urdu University of Arts Science OF SCIENCE IN GE
and Technology

In welchem Studienjahr befinden Sie sich zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung / Academic year at the time of application
Hauptfach Jahr
Nebenfach Jahr
Subsidiary subject/minor GEOLOGY year 2016

Zurzeit tätig an (Hochschule/Institution)

Currently affiliated with (university/ Institute of Space焁Technology

5. Abgelegte Tag/Monat/Jahr Bezeichnung des Examens Fach Examensergebnis

Hochschulexamen day/month/year Exact degree title Subject Degree result
INFORMATION 10/10/2019
18/12/2017 Geology Bachelors 01/02/2016

Voraussichtliches Abschlussdatum
Vor Stipendienantritt noch beabsichtigte Examen Expected date of final examination
Degree(s) expected before
taking up a possible scholarship

6. Geplante Dauer des Deutschlandaufenthalts / Duration of planned stay in Germany 2024-2026

beantragte Stipendienlaufzeit vom (Tag/Monat/Jahr) bis (Tag/Monat/Jahr)
Scholarship period applied for from (day/month/year) 01/01/2024 to (day/month/year) 31/12/2026

Bitte nicht beschriften!

Please leave blank!

Abdul Basit

7. Gewünschte Gasthochschule/-institution (ggf. mehrere nach Prioritäten) / Choice of host university/institution in Germany (please give priorities if any)

Die endgültige Entscheidung trifft

der DAAD 1. "NEXtra" Doctoral Researcher position at TU Dresden and UNU-FLORES
The final selection and place-
ment will be made by DAAD 2.

Welche Gründe haben Sie
zu dieser Wahl bewogen?
Why have you chosen this/these
particular institution(s)?
Bestehen bereits Kontakte? nein ja, und zwar mit (Kopien beifügen)
Have contacts been made? no yes, namely with (attach copies)

8. Angestrebtes Studienfach an der deutschen Hochschule/Institution / Chosen field of study/specialization at German host university/institution
Mapping Citizen's Perception for Sustainability Transition

9. Streben sie einen Abschluss an? / Do you intend to obtain a degree?

nein ja welchen? UNU-FLORES
no ✔ ✔ yes namely
Wenn ja, an der deutschen Hochschule/Institution? ja nein; wo sonst?
If so, at the German host university/institution? yes no, but at

10. Studien-/Forschungsvorhaben in Deutschland / Study/research projects in Germany

Bitte geben Sie hier das Vorhaben
in Stichworten an und fügen Sie Mapping Citizens' Perception for Sustainability Transition: Integrating Innovative Approaches焁a
eine ausführliche, präzise
Begründung getrennt bei
Please only outline your project
here and attach a precise and
detailed description on separate

11. Welche Fachprofessoren haben zu diesem Antrag Gutachten abgegeben? / Which academic referees have submitted a report for this application?
Bitte Name, Fach, Hochschule/
Institution angeben Muhammad Ateeq Qureshi, Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Sciences (RS & GIS
Please give name, academic field,
university/institution Imran Ahmed Khan, Geography, University of Karachi

12. Sprachkenntnisse / Language skills

Seit wann und wo lernen Sie
Since when and where have you been learning German?
Bitte DAAD-Sprachzeugnisse und ggf. weitere Sprachzeugnisse beifügen / Please attach DAAD language certificate and others, if applicable
Sonstige Sprachkenntnisse sehr gut gut mittel schwach
knowledge of other languages very good good fair poor

13. Wurden Sie bereits durch den DAAD gefördert? / Have you received a DAAD scholarship in the past?
nein ja, von - bis (Daten), Programm
no ✔ ✔ yes, give exact dates and title of programme

Werden/wurden Sie bereits durch andere Institutionen gefördert? / Are you/Have you been sponsored by other institutions?
nein ja, von - bis (Daten), bei (Institution)
no ✔ ✔ yes, give exact dates and name of sponsor

Bewerben Sie sich für den gleichen Zeitraum in anderen DAAD-Programmen? / Are you applying under another DAAD programme for the same period of time?
nein ja, Programme
no ✔ ✔ yes, title of programmes

Haben Sie sich gleichzeitig bei anderen Organisationen beworben? / Are you currently applying to other institutions?
nein ja, bei (Institution)
no ✔ ✔ yes, name of institution
Wenn ja, liegt schon eine Entscheidung vor und welche? If yes, what decision have you received?

Bitte informieren Sie den DAAD umgehend, wenn Sie ein anderes Stipendium erhalten. / Please notify the DAAD immediately, should you be granted another scholarship.

Bitte nicht beschriften!

Please leave blank!

Abdul Basit

14. Bisherige Studien-/

Arbeitsaufenthalte von / from ... bis / to ... wo / where? was / what? wie finanziert / financed by?
im Ausland von mindestens
einem Monat NIL
Previous visits abroad for study
or work of at least one month

15. Praktische/berufliche Tätigkeit während oder im Anschluss an das Studium / Practical or professional work experience during or after higher education
bitte lückenlos angeben von ... bis... wo? Art der Tätigkeit Position/berufliche Stellung (exakt angeben)
please give complete information from ... to ... where? type of work position/professional status (give exact title)
25/06/2021 to Current, Institute of Space Technology, Teaching, Lecturer/BPS-18
30/12/2019 to 31/12/2020, University of Karachi, Teaching, Visiting Lecturer
16/06/2018 to 29/07/2019, Institute of Space and Technology, Research Associate
16/07/2018 to 15/11/2018, Institute of Space and Technology, GIS Operator

Gegenwärtige Tätigkeit; bitte Nachweis beifügen

Present professional occupation;
please enclose written proof 25/06/2021 to Current, Institute of Space Technology, Teaching, Lecturer/BPS-18

16. Werden Sie für den Deutschlandaufenthalt freigestellt/beurlaubt? / Will you be granted leave of absence for your stay in Germany?
✔ nein
✔ ja, nach Möglichkeit Bestätigung des Arbeitgebers beifügen
yes (if possible enclose confirmation from your employer)
Wenn ja, mit Fortzahlung der Bezüge?
If so, will leave be paid? ✔ nein ✔ ja
no yes

17. Welches Berufsziel streben Sie an? / What professional career do you envisage?

18. Womit beschäftigen Sie sich außerhalb Ihres Studiengebietes? / What are your extracurricular interests?
Cricket, Table Tennis

19. Sonstige Bemerkungen/Hinweise, die Ihnen im Zusammenhang mit der Bewerbung wichtig erscheinen
Other information/remarks
which seem important
to you in connection with
this application

20. Name und Anschrift des nächsten Angehörigen, der bei dringenden Anlässen zu benachrichtigen ist / Name and address of person to be notified in case of emergency
Name Straße
name Sadaf Sadiq Street A-54 Shadh Bagh Society, Malir City, 75210, Ka
Postfach PLZ/Ort
PO Box Post/Zip code, town 75210, Malir
Provinz Land
County/province/state Sindh Country Pakistan
Telefon (mit Vorwahl) Fax
Telephone, including area code +92-335-2584513 e-mail [email protected]

Ich versichere die Richtigkeit der oben gemachten Angaben. Änderungen und Zusätze werde ich dem Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst umgehend
Die Hinweise zum Stipendienantrag sowie die Ausführungen zur Datenerfassung habe ich zur Kenntnis genommen, insbesondere, dass die Verantwortung für
die Vollständigkeit dieses Antrags bei mir liegt. Ich erkläre mich damit einverstanden, dass die Bewerbungsunterlagen beim DAAD verbleiben.
I certify that the information provided in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Furthermore I agree to inform the DAAD immediately of
any changes and amendments.
I have taken note of the information provided in and regarding this application as well as the notice about the storage of personal data. I accept responsi-
bility for the completeness of my application. I agree that this application and accompanying documents shall remain with the DAAD.

Place Pakistan, Karachi

Datum Unterschrift
Date 02/06/2023 Signature

11954_DAAD.qxd 21.03.2006 11:48 Uhr Seite 1

Deutscher Postfach 200404 · D-53134 Bonn

Kennedyallee 50 · D-53175 Bonn
Akademischer Telefon 0228/882-0 · Fax 0228/882 444
E-Mail: [email protected]
Hinweise zum Antrag Information regarding your application
Austausch Dienst Internet:
Bevor Sie den umseitigen Antrag ausfüllen und ihm weitere Unterlagen beifügen, beachten Sie bitte die folgenden Hinweise. Sie sollen Ihnen dazu dienen, einen Before completing this application form and attaching the necessary documents, please read the following information carefully. It is meant to help you to sub-
vollständigen Antrag einzureichen und damit uns helfen, ihn trotz der großen Zahl von Bewerbungen sorgfältig und dennoch rasch auszuwerten und für die mit a complete application and to assist us in evaluating it speedily but carefully and in preparing it for the DAAD-selection commitee.
Auswahlkommission vorzubereiten.
As a rule the application cannot be submitted to DAAD direct, but should be sent to the appropriate authorities in the applicant’s home country. The DAAD
Die Bewerbung kann in der Regel nicht direkt beim DAAD eingereicht werden, sondern nur über die zuständigen Stellen im Heimatland. Informationen hierzu website provides further specific information for applicants from your home country including the exact deadlines. The DAAD offices
sowie zu den für Ihr Land geltenden Bewerbungsterminen finden Sie auf der Homepage des DAAD unter der Adresse Auch die abroad, the German Embassies or Consulates or your university will give you these pieces of information as well. Any incomplete application or applications
Außenstellen des DAAD, die Deutschen Botschaften und Konsulate oder gegebenenfalls Ihre Universität können Ihnen auf Anfrage Auskunft geben. Verspätete
oder unvollständige Bewerbungen können leider nicht berücksichtigt werden. Ein vollständiger Antrag umfasst das Antragsformular mit zusätzlichen Unterlagen
handed in after the deadline cannot be taken into consideration. A complete application consists of the application form and accompanying documents to be
submitted in the original along with two sets of legible copies. Applicants in the field of medicine should submit three sets of copies. Original and copies must be Antrag auf ein Forschungs-/Studienstipendium
im Original mit zwei gut lesbaren Kopien. Mediziner reichen drei Kopien ein. Original und Kopien müssen unterschrieben sein. Dem ausgefüllten Antragsformular duly signed. The completed application form must be accompanied by the following documents in German, English or French; translations must be submitted with
sind folgende Unterlagen in deutscher, englischer oder französischer Sprache beizufügen (Unterlagen in anderen Sprachen bitte mit Übersetzung vorlegen): documents in other languages.
 full curriculum vitae
 Lückenloser Lebenslauf
 Ausführliche und präzise Darlegung des Studien- oder Forschungsvorhabens sowie die Darstellung der bisherigen Studien- und Forschungsarbeiten, die für  detailed and precise description of study or research proposal as well as information on any previous study or research projects of particular relevance to a Application for Research Grants and
die Entscheidung von besonderer Wichtigkeit sind. decision of award
 Gegebenenfalls Nachweis über bestehende Kontakte zu Hochschullehrern der deutschen Hochschulen, an denen der Aufenthalt durchgeführt werden soll
(Kopien der Korrespondenz). Bewerber für ein Forschungsstipendium bis 6 Monate fügen einen genauen, mit dem Gastinstitut abgestimmten Zeitplan bei.
 evidence of any existing contact with academics at the chosen German host institutions (copies of correspondence), applicants for Research grants up to 6
months should provide a precise schedule which has been agreed upon by the host institution. Study Scholarships
 Je nach Vorhaben ein bzw. zwei Gutachten neuesten Datums von einem bzw. zwei Hochschullehrer(n), die über die wissenschaftliche oder künstlerische  depending on the purpose one or two recent referee’s report(s) by one or two university teacher(s), which should contain information on the applicant’s aca-
Befähigung des Bewerbers Auskunft geben (das Gutachtenformular ist bei den oben genannten Stellen oder im Internet erhältlich: demic or artistic abilities (the form is available from the above-mentioned offices or on the Internet: Applicants with the purpose of gain-
Bewerber mit dem Förderungsziel Promotion reichen zwei Gutachten ein (ggf. aus unterschiedlichen Fächern), alle anderen Bewerber ein Gutachten. Die ing a doctorate have to submit two reports (as the case may be from different subjects), all other applicants have to submit one report. These reports are con-
Gutachten sind vertraulich; sie sind nicht direkt an den DAAD, sondern in verschlossenem Umschlag an die Stelle zu schicken, welche die Bewerbung fidential; they should not be sent to the DAAD in Bonn direct, but forwarded in a sealed envelope to the responsible authority accepting applications in the can-
annimmt. didate’s home country.
 Zeugnisunterlagen:  academic certificates:
Amtlich beglaubigte Kopien officially authenticated copies of the following:
- des Schulabschlusszeugnisses, das im Heimatland zum Hochschulstudium berechtigt (mit allen Einzelnoten, entfällt bei Bewerbern für ein Forschungsstipen- - school-leaving certificate giving the right of entry to higher education in the applicant´s home country (with individual grades, not required for Research grants Name
dium bis 6 Monate) up to 6 months) Name
- aller Hochschulzeugnisse über sämtliche Jahresprüfungen (mit allen Einzelnoten) - all university end-of-year exam certificates (with individual grades)
- des Diplom- oder Abschlusszeugnisses mit Angabe der Abschlussnote(n). - university diploma or degree certificate indicating the final grade(s).
Allen Zeugnissen muss eine Erklärung des Notensystems beigefügt werden. Zeugniskopien sind amtlich beglaubigt und nach Möglichkeit in DIN A4 oder DIN A5 All certificates must be accompanied by an explanation of the grading system. Copies of certificates must be officially authenticated and submitted preferably Staatsangehörigkeit
vorzulegen. Es genügt, wenn die Übereinstimmung der Kopie mit dem Original durch Stempel und Unterschrift von einer der folgenden Stellen bescheinigt wird: on DIN A4 or A5 paper. Document copies may be authenticated as true copies of the originals with a stamp and signature by one of the following authorities: Nationality
Botschaft bzw. Konsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, deutsche Schule oder Universität, die das Originalzeugnis ausgestellt hat. Die Richtigkeit von Über- The German Embassy or Consulate, a German school, or the university which conferred the degree. The accuracy of the translation must be confirmed. Original
setzungen muss bestätigt werden. Originalzeugnisse werden erst bei der Immatrikulation in Deutschland benötigt. certificates will not be needed until matriculation at the German institution.
 Sprachzeugnis; es soll über den Stand der deutschen Sprachkenntnisse zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung Auskunft geben. Es sollte, wenn Dozenten des Goethe-  language certificate, giving evidence of the applicant´s level of proficiency in German at the time of application. The certificate should preferably be issued by
Instituts oder Lektoren des DAAD sich am Ort befinden, von diesen, sonst von anerkannten Deutschlehrern ausgestellt sein. Bewerber für einen englischspra- a Goethe-Institut lecturer or a DAAD-Lektor/in, otherwise by a recognised teacher of German. Applicants for an English-instructed degree programme are
chigen Studiengang reichen die in der Programmausschreibung erbetenen Nachweise über die Sprachkenntnisse ein. requested to submit the English language proficiency certificates specified in the programme announcement. Antrag für ein Forschungsstipendium für Doktoranden und Nachwuchswissenschaftler
 Neuere Fotografien, die auf die Bewerbungsbögen aufgeklebt sind.  recent photographs, attached to the application forms Application for a Research grant for doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists
 Ein Gesundheitszeugnis (erst einzureichen, wenn Sie vom DAAD dazu aufgefordert werden).  health certificate (DAAD will give you a special notice as to when this certificate should be delivered)
 Gegebenenfalls Nachweis über abgelegte Praktika.  documents relating to periods of practical training, if appropriate
 Gegebenenfalls Liste der Veröffentlichungen.  list of publications if any. Nur ein Programm Forschungsstipendium für Doktoranden nach dem Sandwich-Modell
Bewerber der Fachrichtung Musik beachten bitte das gesonderte Merkblatt (erhältlich bei den oben genannten Stellen oder im Internet: Applicants in the field of Music must ensure that they read the special leaflet (available from the above-mentioned offices or on the Internet: ankreuzen Research grant for doctoral candidates within the „Sandwich-Model“
fo). Zur Ergänzung der übrigen Unterlagen benötigt der DAAD: In addition to the other papers and documents, the DAAD requires: Tick one programme
 Einen Tonträger in Form einer CD, MD oder DAT-Kassette, die (vom Bewerber gespielte bzw. gesungene) Werke höheren Schwierigkeitsgrades enthält und  a sound recording submitted on a CD, MD or DAT cassette and made up of pieces of a higher degree of difficulty (played or sung by the applicant) and no older only
zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung nicht älter als ein Jahr ist. than one year at the time of application. Studienstipendium für einen Aufbaustudiengang mit entwickungsländerbezogener Thematik
 Instrumentalisten müssen vollständige Werke (nicht nur einzelne Sätze!) aus mindestens drei verschiedenen, für das Fach wesentlichen Stilepochen anbieten.  Instrumentalists must submit complete works (not only individual movements!) from at least three different style eras of essential relevance to the discipline Study scholarship for a postgraduate course with relevance to developing countries
Eines der Werke sollte Neue Musik sein. (instrument) in question. One of the works should be from the field of Modern Music.
 Sänger und Sängerinnen bereiten bitte ein vergleichbar unterschiedliches Programm aus drei Stilepochen bzw. aus den Bereichen Oper, Lied und Oratorium vor.  Singers are requested to prepare a comparably differentiated programme made up of three style eras respectively chosen from the fields of Opera, Song,
 Die Gesamtaufnahme muss bei Gesang mindestens 20 Minuten, bei Instrumentalspiel mindestens 30 Minuten betragen. Oratorio. Studienstipendium für Graduierte aller wissenschaftlichen Fächer
 Komponisten reichen bitte eigene Kompositionen jüngerer Zeit in Form von Partituren und Tonaufnahmen ein.  The total recording time must be at least 20 minutes for singers and at least 30 minutes for instrumentalists. Study scholarship for graduates of all disciplines
 Dirigenten und Chorleiter müssen eine DVD- oder Videoaufnahme mit eigenem Dirigieren (bei Video System VHS-PAL, VHS-NTSC, -4,43 Mhz und PAL SE-CAM-  Composers are requested to submit their own compositions of recent date in the form of full scores and sound recordings.
Ost, alle Systeme in SP-Geschwindigkeit) aus jüngerer Zeit vorlegen, die sowohl eine Probenarbeit als auch eine Aufführung, möglichst mit dem Gesicht zur  Conductors (orchestral and choir) must present a recent DVD or video recording of their own conducting (video systems VHS-PAL, VHS NTSC, -4,43 MHz and
Kamera, zeigt. Die dirigierten Werke sollten aus verschiedenen repräsentativen Stilepochen stammen. Zusätzlich ist eine Aufnahme mit eigenem PAL-SECAM;-Ost, all systems at SP-speed) showing rehearsal work and a performance, as far as possible, with the conductor facing the camera. The con-
Instrumentalspiel erforderlich. ducted works should come from various representative style eras. A recording of the applicant playing an instrumental piece is also required Studienstipendium für Künstler
Study scholarship for artists
Bewerber der Fachrichtungen Bildende Kunst, Design und Film beachten bitte das gesonderte Merkblatt (erhältlich bei den oben genannten Stellen oder im Applicants in the fields of Fine Art, Design and Film must ensure that they read the special leaflet (available from the above-mentioned offices or on the Internet:
Internet: Folgende Arbeitsproben sind zur Ergänzung der übrigen Unterlagen erforderlich (bitte den Bewerbungsunterlagen eine In addition to the application forms, the following samples of works of art must be submitted (please enclose a list of all samples):
Aufstellung aller eingereichten Werke beifügen):  painters: up to 5 paintings (if possible originals, no more than 2 years old at the time of application) as well as several sketches or drawings. All samples must Sonstige Programme (genaue Bezeichnung)
 von Malern: bis zu 5 Werke (möglichst Originale, die zum Zeitpunkt der Stipendienbewerbung nicht älter als 2 Jahre sein dürfen) sowie mehrere Skizzen bzw. be signed and dated and may be submitted in a folder or rolled. If it is not possible to submit originals (in case they are too large or there are delivery or customs
Handzeichnungen. Die Arbeitsproben müssen signiert und mit dem Entstehungsdatum versehen sein. Die Werke können in Mappen oder gerollt eingereicht problems), slides or reproductions on CD-ROM (playable under WINDOWS) / DVD with indication of size must be submitted.
Other programmes (please specify programme title)
werden. Wenn die Zusendung von Originalen nicht möglich ist (zu großes Format, Versand- u. Zollprobleme etc.) müssen Diapositive oder Abbildungen auf CD-  sculptors: photos (at least 18cm x 24cm), slides or reproductions on CD-ROM (playable under WINDOWS) / DVD with indication of size. All sculptures should
ROM (abspielbar unter WINDOWS) / DVD mit Angaben zu den Maßen eingereicht werden. be photographed from various angles. Several sketches.
 von Bildhauern: Fotos (Format mindestens 18 x 24 cm), Diapositive oder Abbildungen auf CD-ROM (abspielbar unter WINDOWS) / DVD mit Angaben zu den  designers: photos (at least 18cm x 24cm), slides or reproductions on CD-ROM (playable under WINDOWS) / DVD with indication of size, as well as drawings or
Maßen. Jede Plastik sollte von verschiedenen Blickwinkeln aus aufgenommen werden. Mehrere Skizzen. possibly small models.
 von Designern: Fotos (Format mindestens 18 x 24 cm), Diapositive oder Abbildungen auf CD-ROM (abspielbar unter WINDOWS) / DVD mit Angaben zu den Slides or reproductions on CD-ROM (playable under WINDOWS) / DVD must bear the name of the artist as well as clear indication of front, top and bottom (in
Maßen sowie Zeichnungen, evtl. kleinere Modelle. case of slides), as well as technique, size and date of work.
Auf den vorgelegten Dias oder Abbildungen auf CD-ROM (abspielbar unter WINDOWS) / DVD müssen außer dem Namen noch folgende Angaben gemacht wer-  film makers: films (Super 8, 16mm, magnetic or photographic sound film), video cassettes (only VHS-PAL and PAL-U-matic lowband), DVD. Title, length of film
den: Hinweis auf die Vorderseite bei Dias sowie auf oben und unten, Angaben zu Technik, Format und Entstehungsdatum des abgebildeten Werks. and date of filming as well as technical details of recording should also be given.
 von Filmemachern: Filme (Super 8, 16 mm, Magnet- oder Lichtton), Videobänder (nur VHS-PAL-System und PAL-U-matic lowband), DVD. Auf den Kassetten müs- Bitte lesen Sie zunächst die Hinweise auf Seite 4, bevor Sie den umseitigen Antrag ausfüllen
sen Angaben zum Titel, zur Länge des Filmes und zum Aufnahmedatum gemacht werden. Bitte auch die technischen Aufnahmedaten vermerken. Applicants in the Fields of Drama, Direction, Dance and Choreography must ensure that they read the special leaflet (available from the above-mentioned offices
or on the Internet: Applicants must submit the following along with the other application papers: und ihm weitere Unterlagen beifügen.
Bewerber der Fachrichtungen Schauspiel, Regie, Tanz und Choreographie beachten bitte das gesonderte Merkblatt (erhältlich bei den oben genannten Stellen  Drama: a video or DVD in which applicants present themselves (in German), explain the reasons for their application and their plans in Germany (approx. 5 min- Please read the information provided on page 5 carefully before completing the application
oder im Internet: Folgendes ist zur Ergänzung der übrigen Unterlagen erforderlich: utes). This is followed by two role extracts each lasting between 5 and 10 minutes, of which one may be in English. Recordings with technical faults (light- and adding further documents.
 Schauspiel: ein Video/ eine DVD. Dort soll sich der Bewerber selbst präsentieren (auf deutsch), Grund seiner Bewerbung und Vorhaben in Deutschland erläu- ing/sound quality) cannot be considered.
tern (ca. 5 Minuten). Darauf sollen zwei Rollenausschnitte von jeweils 5-10 Minuten folgen, von denen einer auf Englisch sein darf. Technisch fehlerhafte  Direction: a video/DVD with presentation; the video/DVD should then document the applicant's own projects and may be accompanied by additional written
Aufnahmen (Ausleuchtung/Tonqualität) können nicht berücksichtigt werden. material.
 Regie: Video/DVD mit Präsentation; danach sollten auf dem Video/ der DVD eigene Projekte dokumentiert werden, zu denen auch zusätzliches schriftliches  Dance: a video/DVD with presentation (as for drama applicants). This is followed by two dance interludes: classical (warm-up training), modern (applicant's
Material eingereicht werden kann. own piece).
VA 7 07.07 – 15.000

 Tanz: Video/DVD mit Präsentation (wie bei Schauspiel), im Anschluss daran zwei Tanzeinlagen: klassisch (Aufwärmtraining), modern (eigenes Stück).  Choreography: a video/DVD with presentation. This is followed by the applicant's own choreography of around 15 minutes.
 Choreographie: Video/DVD mit Präsentation, im Anschluss daran eigene Choreographie von circa 15 Minuten.
Applicants in the field of Architecture must additionally submit the following:
Bei Bewerbern der Fachrichtung Architektur sind zusätzlich erforderlich: Entwürfe (Zeichnungen, Fotografien) sowie mindestens 1 Perspektivzeichnung,  blueprints (sketches, photos); in addition at least 1 perspective sketch, 1 drawing, 1 constructive sketch as well as a selection of other sketches, blueprints and
1 Handzeichnung, Entwurfszeichnung sowie sonstige Zeichnungen, Pläne, Fotos etc., die über das gestalterische Können des Bewerbers Auskunft geben. photographs which give evidence of the applicant´s creative talent.

Die Bewerbungsunterlagen verbleiben beim DAAD. Die Daten von Stipendiaten werden vom DAAD in Übereinstimmung mit dem Bundesdatenschutzgesetz The application and accompanying documents will remain with the DAAD. Personal data will be stored in the DAAD`s computer files only to the extent
gespeichert, soweit sie zur Bearbeitung der Bewerbung bzw. des Stipendiums nötig sind. Soweit es für die Abwicklung des Stipendiums und die Betreuung necessary for the administration of applications and scholarships and in compliance with the “Federal Data Protection Act“. Data will be provided to the
der Stipendiaten notwendig ist, werden Daten dem zuständigen Akademischen Auslandsamt übermittelt. Die Unterlagen erfolgloser Bewerber werden nach respective International Student Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt) when this is necessary for administering the scholarship and providing the scholarship
Ablauf eines Jahres vernichtet. holder with guidance-counselling services. Applications of unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed after one year.

4 5
11954_DAAD.qxd 21.03.2006 11:48 Uhr Seite 1

Deutscher Postfach 200404 · D-53134 Bonn

Kennedyallee 50 · D-53175 Bonn
Akademischer Telefon 0228/882-0 · Fax 0228/882 444
E-Mail: [email protected]
Hinweise zum Antrag Information regarding your application
Austausch Dienst Internet:
Bevor Sie den umseitigen Antrag ausfüllen und ihm weitere Unterlagen beifügen, beachten Sie bitte die folgenden Hinweise. Sie sollen Ihnen dazu dienen, einen Before completing this application form and attaching the necessary documents, please read the following information carefully. It is meant to help you to sub-
vollständigen Antrag einzureichen und damit uns helfen, ihn trotz der großen Zahl von Bewerbungen sorgfältig und dennoch rasch auszuwerten und für die mit a complete application and to assist us in evaluating it speedily but carefully and in preparing it for the DAAD-selection commitee.
Auswahlkommission vorzubereiten.
As a rule the application cannot be submitted to DAAD direct, but should be sent to the appropriate authorities in the applicant’s home country. The DAAD
Die Bewerbung kann in der Regel nicht direkt beim DAAD eingereicht werden, sondern nur über die zuständigen Stellen im Heimatland. Informationen hierzu website provides further specific information for applicants from your home country including the exact deadlines. The DAAD offices
sowie zu den für Ihr Land geltenden Bewerbungsterminen finden Sie auf der Homepage des DAAD unter der Adresse Auch die abroad, the German Embassies or Consulates or your university will give you these pieces of information as well. Any incomplete application or applications
Außenstellen des DAAD, die Deutschen Botschaften und Konsulate oder gegebenenfalls Ihre Universität können Ihnen auf Anfrage Auskunft geben. Verspätete
oder unvollständige Bewerbungen können leider nicht berücksichtigt werden. Ein vollständiger Antrag umfasst das Antragsformular mit zusätzlichen Unterlagen
handed in after the deadline cannot be taken into consideration. A complete application consists of the application form and accompanying documents to be
submitted in the original along with two sets of legible copies. Applicants in the field of medicine should submit three sets of copies. Original and copies must be Antrag auf ein Forschungs-/Studienstipendium
im Original mit zwei gut lesbaren Kopien. Mediziner reichen drei Kopien ein. Original und Kopien müssen unterschrieben sein. Dem ausgefüllten Antragsformular duly signed. The completed application form must be accompanied by the following documents in German, English or French; translations must be submitted with
sind folgende Unterlagen in deutscher, englischer oder französischer Sprache beizufügen (Unterlagen in anderen Sprachen bitte mit Übersetzung vorlegen): documents in other languages.
 full curriculum vitae
 Lückenloser Lebenslauf
 Ausführliche und präzise Darlegung des Studien- oder Forschungsvorhabens sowie die Darstellung der bisherigen Studien- und Forschungsarbeiten, die für  detailed and precise description of study or research proposal as well as information on any previous study or research projects of particular relevance to a Application for Research Grants and
die Entscheidung von besonderer Wichtigkeit sind. decision of award
 Gegebenenfalls Nachweis über bestehende Kontakte zu Hochschullehrern der deutschen Hochschulen, an denen der Aufenthalt durchgeführt werden soll
(Kopien der Korrespondenz). Bewerber für ein Forschungsstipendium bis 6 Monate fügen einen genauen, mit dem Gastinstitut abgestimmten Zeitplan bei.
 evidence of any existing contact with academics at the chosen German host institutions (copies of correspondence), applicants for Research grants up to 6
months should provide a precise schedule which has been agreed upon by the host institution. Study Scholarships
 Je nach Vorhaben ein bzw. zwei Gutachten neuesten Datums von einem bzw. zwei Hochschullehrer(n), die über die wissenschaftliche oder künstlerische  depending on the purpose one or two recent referee’s report(s) by one or two university teacher(s), which should contain information on the applicant’s aca-
Befähigung des Bewerbers Auskunft geben (das Gutachtenformular ist bei den oben genannten Stellen oder im Internet erhältlich: demic or artistic abilities (the form is available from the above-mentioned offices or on the Internet: Applicants with the purpose of gain-
Bewerber mit dem Förderungsziel Promotion reichen zwei Gutachten ein (ggf. aus unterschiedlichen Fächern), alle anderen Bewerber ein Gutachten. Die ing a doctorate have to submit two reports (as the case may be from different subjects), all other applicants have to submit one report. These reports are con-
Gutachten sind vertraulich; sie sind nicht direkt an den DAAD, sondern in verschlossenem Umschlag an die Stelle zu schicken, welche die Bewerbung fidential; they should not be sent to the DAAD in Bonn direct, but forwarded in a sealed envelope to the responsible authority accepting applications in the can-
annimmt. didate’s home country.
 Zeugnisunterlagen:  academic certificates:
Amtlich beglaubigte Kopien officially authenticated copies of the following:
- des Schulabschlusszeugnisses, das im Heimatland zum Hochschulstudium berechtigt (mit allen Einzelnoten, entfällt bei Bewerbern für ein Forschungsstipen- - school-leaving certificate giving the right of entry to higher education in the applicant´s home country (with individual grades, not required for Research grants Name
dium bis 6 Monate) up to 6 months) Name
- aller Hochschulzeugnisse über sämtliche Jahresprüfungen (mit allen Einzelnoten) - all university end-of-year exam certificates (with individual grades)
- des Diplom- oder Abschlusszeugnisses mit Angabe der Abschlussnote(n). - university diploma or degree certificate indicating the final grade(s).
Allen Zeugnissen muss eine Erklärung des Notensystems beigefügt werden. Zeugniskopien sind amtlich beglaubigt und nach Möglichkeit in DIN A4 oder DIN A5 All certificates must be accompanied by an explanation of the grading system. Copies of certificates must be officially authenticated and submitted preferably Staatsangehörigkeit
vorzulegen. Es genügt, wenn die Übereinstimmung der Kopie mit dem Original durch Stempel und Unterschrift von einer der folgenden Stellen bescheinigt wird: on DIN A4 or A5 paper. Document copies may be authenticated as true copies of the originals with a stamp and signature by one of the following authorities: Nationality
Botschaft bzw. Konsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, deutsche Schule oder Universität, die das Originalzeugnis ausgestellt hat. Die Richtigkeit von Über- The German Embassy or Consulate, a German school, or the university which conferred the degree. The accuracy of the translation must be confirmed. Original
setzungen muss bestätigt werden. Originalzeugnisse werden erst bei der Immatrikulation in Deutschland benötigt. certificates will not be needed until matriculation at the German institution.
 Sprachzeugnis; es soll über den Stand der deutschen Sprachkenntnisse zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung Auskunft geben. Es sollte, wenn Dozenten des Goethe-  language certificate, giving evidence of the applicant´s level of proficiency in German at the time of application. The certificate should preferably be issued by
Instituts oder Lektoren des DAAD sich am Ort befinden, von diesen, sonst von anerkannten Deutschlehrern ausgestellt sein. Bewerber für einen englischspra- a Goethe-Institut lecturer or a DAAD-Lektor/in, otherwise by a recognised teacher of German. Applicants for an English-instructed degree programme are
chigen Studiengang reichen die in der Programmausschreibung erbetenen Nachweise über die Sprachkenntnisse ein. requested to submit the English language proficiency certificates specified in the programme announcement. Antrag für ein Forschungsstipendium für Doktoranden und Nachwuchswissenschaftler
 Neuere Fotografien, die auf die Bewerbungsbögen aufgeklebt sind.  recent photographs, attached to the application forms Application for a Research grant for doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists
 Ein Gesundheitszeugnis (erst einzureichen, wenn Sie vom DAAD dazu aufgefordert werden).  health certificate (DAAD will give you a special notice as to when this certificate should be delivered)
 Gegebenenfalls Nachweis über abgelegte Praktika.  documents relating to periods of practical training, if appropriate
 Gegebenenfalls Liste der Veröffentlichungen.  list of publications if any. Nur ein Programm Forschungsstipendium für Doktoranden nach dem Sandwich-Modell
Bewerber der Fachrichtung Musik beachten bitte das gesonderte Merkblatt (erhältlich bei den oben genannten Stellen oder im Internet: Applicants in the field of Music must ensure that they read the special leaflet (available from the above-mentioned offices or on the Internet: ankreuzen Research grant for doctoral candidates within the „Sandwich-Model“
fo). Zur Ergänzung der übrigen Unterlagen benötigt der DAAD: In addition to the other papers and documents, the DAAD requires: Tick one programme
 Einen Tonträger in Form einer CD, MD oder DAT-Kassette, die (vom Bewerber gespielte bzw. gesungene) Werke höheren Schwierigkeitsgrades enthält und  a sound recording submitted on a CD, MD or DAT cassette and made up of pieces of a higher degree of difficulty (played or sung by the applicant) and no older only
zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung nicht älter als ein Jahr ist. than one year at the time of application. Studienstipendium für einen Aufbaustudiengang mit entwickungsländerbezogener Thematik
 Instrumentalisten müssen vollständige Werke (nicht nur einzelne Sätze!) aus mindestens drei verschiedenen, für das Fach wesentlichen Stilepochen anbieten.  Instrumentalists must submit complete works (not only individual movements!) from at least three different style eras of essential relevance to the discipline Study scholarship for a postgraduate course with relevance to developing countries
Eines der Werke sollte Neue Musik sein. (instrument) in question. One of the works should be from the field of Modern Music.
 Sänger und Sängerinnen bereiten bitte ein vergleichbar unterschiedliches Programm aus drei Stilepochen bzw. aus den Bereichen Oper, Lied und Oratorium vor.  Singers are requested to prepare a comparably differentiated programme made up of three style eras respectively chosen from the fields of Opera, Song,
 Die Gesamtaufnahme muss bei Gesang mindestens 20 Minuten, bei Instrumentalspiel mindestens 30 Minuten betragen. Oratorio. Studienstipendium für Graduierte aller wissenschaftlichen Fächer
 Komponisten reichen bitte eigene Kompositionen jüngerer Zeit in Form von Partituren und Tonaufnahmen ein.  The total recording time must be at least 20 minutes for singers and at least 30 minutes for instrumentalists. Study scholarship for graduates of all disciplines
 Dirigenten und Chorleiter müssen eine DVD- oder Videoaufnahme mit eigenem Dirigieren (bei Video System VHS-PAL, VHS-NTSC, -4,43 Mhz und PAL SE-CAM-  Composers are requested to submit their own compositions of recent date in the form of full scores and sound recordings.
Ost, alle Systeme in SP-Geschwindigkeit) aus jüngerer Zeit vorlegen, die sowohl eine Probenarbeit als auch eine Aufführung, möglichst mit dem Gesicht zur  Conductors (orchestral and choir) must present a recent DVD or video recording of their own conducting (video systems VHS-PAL, VHS NTSC, -4,43 MHz and
Kamera, zeigt. Die dirigierten Werke sollten aus verschiedenen repräsentativen Stilepochen stammen. Zusätzlich ist eine Aufnahme mit eigenem PAL-SECAM;-Ost, all systems at SP-speed) showing rehearsal work and a performance, as far as possible, with the conductor facing the camera. The con-
Instrumentalspiel erforderlich. ducted works should come from various representative style eras. A recording of the applicant playing an instrumental piece is also required Studienstipendium für Künstler
Study scholarship for artists
Bewerber der Fachrichtungen Bildende Kunst, Design und Film beachten bitte das gesonderte Merkblatt (erhältlich bei den oben genannten Stellen oder im Applicants in the fields of Fine Art, Design and Film must ensure that they read the special leaflet (available from the above-mentioned offices or on the Internet:
Internet: Folgende Arbeitsproben sind zur Ergänzung der übrigen Unterlagen erforderlich (bitte den Bewerbungsunterlagen eine In addition to the application forms, the following samples of works of art must be submitted (please enclose a list of all samples):
Aufstellung aller eingereichten Werke beifügen):  painters: up to 5 paintings (if possible originals, no more than 2 years old at the time of application) as well as several sketches or drawings. All samples must Sonstige Programme (genaue Bezeichnung)
 von Malern: bis zu 5 Werke (möglichst Originale, die zum Zeitpunkt der Stipendienbewerbung nicht älter als 2 Jahre sein dürfen) sowie mehrere Skizzen bzw. be signed and dated and may be submitted in a folder or rolled. If it is not possible to submit originals (in case they are too large or there are delivery or customs
Handzeichnungen. Die Arbeitsproben müssen signiert und mit dem Entstehungsdatum versehen sein. Die Werke können in Mappen oder gerollt eingereicht problems), slides or reproductions on CD-ROM (playable under WINDOWS) / DVD with indication of size must be submitted.
Other programmes (please specify programme title)
werden. Wenn die Zusendung von Originalen nicht möglich ist (zu großes Format, Versand- u. Zollprobleme etc.) müssen Diapositive oder Abbildungen auf CD-  sculptors: photos (at least 18cm x 24cm), slides or reproductions on CD-ROM (playable under WINDOWS) / DVD with indication of size. All sculptures should
ROM (abspielbar unter WINDOWS) / DVD mit Angaben zu den Maßen eingereicht werden. be photographed from various angles. Several sketches.
 von Bildhauern: Fotos (Format mindestens 18 x 24 cm), Diapositive oder Abbildungen auf CD-ROM (abspielbar unter WINDOWS) / DVD mit Angaben zu den  designers: photos (at least 18cm x 24cm), slides or reproductions on CD-ROM (playable under WINDOWS) / DVD with indication of size, as well as drawings or
Maßen. Jede Plastik sollte von verschiedenen Blickwinkeln aus aufgenommen werden. Mehrere Skizzen. possibly small models.
 von Designern: Fotos (Format mindestens 18 x 24 cm), Diapositive oder Abbildungen auf CD-ROM (abspielbar unter WINDOWS) / DVD mit Angaben zu den Slides or reproductions on CD-ROM (playable under WINDOWS) / DVD must bear the name of the artist as well as clear indication of front, top and bottom (in
Maßen sowie Zeichnungen, evtl. kleinere Modelle. case of slides), as well as technique, size and date of work.
Auf den vorgelegten Dias oder Abbildungen auf CD-ROM (abspielbar unter WINDOWS) / DVD müssen außer dem Namen noch folgende Angaben gemacht wer-  film makers: films (Super 8, 16mm, magnetic or photographic sound film), video cassettes (only VHS-PAL and PAL-U-matic lowband), DVD. Title, length of film
den: Hinweis auf die Vorderseite bei Dias sowie auf oben und unten, Angaben zu Technik, Format und Entstehungsdatum des abgebildeten Werks. and date of filming as well as technical details of recording should also be given.
 von Filmemachern: Filme (Super 8, 16 mm, Magnet- oder Lichtton), Videobänder (nur VHS-PAL-System und PAL-U-matic lowband), DVD. Auf den Kassetten müs- Bitte lesen Sie zunächst die Hinweise auf Seite 4, bevor Sie den umseitigen Antrag ausfüllen
sen Angaben zum Titel, zur Länge des Filmes und zum Aufnahmedatum gemacht werden. Bitte auch die technischen Aufnahmedaten vermerken. Applicants in the Fields of Drama, Direction, Dance and Choreography must ensure that they read the special leaflet (available from the above-mentioned offices
or on the Internet: Applicants must submit the following along with the other application papers: und ihm weitere Unterlagen beifügen.
Bewerber der Fachrichtungen Schauspiel, Regie, Tanz und Choreographie beachten bitte das gesonderte Merkblatt (erhältlich bei den oben genannten Stellen  Drama: a video or DVD in which applicants present themselves (in German), explain the reasons for their application and their plans in Germany (approx. 5 min- Please read the information provided on page 5 carefully before completing the application
oder im Internet: Folgendes ist zur Ergänzung der übrigen Unterlagen erforderlich: utes). This is followed by two role extracts each lasting between 5 and 10 minutes, of which one may be in English. Recordings with technical faults (light- and adding further documents.
 Schauspiel: ein Video/ eine DVD. Dort soll sich der Bewerber selbst präsentieren (auf deutsch), Grund seiner Bewerbung und Vorhaben in Deutschland erläu- ing/sound quality) cannot be considered.
tern (ca. 5 Minuten). Darauf sollen zwei Rollenausschnitte von jeweils 5-10 Minuten folgen, von denen einer auf Englisch sein darf. Technisch fehlerhafte  Direction: a video/DVD with presentation; the video/DVD should then document the applicant's own projects and may be accompanied by additional written
Aufnahmen (Ausleuchtung/Tonqualität) können nicht berücksichtigt werden. material.
 Regie: Video/DVD mit Präsentation; danach sollten auf dem Video/ der DVD eigene Projekte dokumentiert werden, zu denen auch zusätzliches schriftliches  Dance: a video/DVD with presentation (as for drama applicants). This is followed by two dance interludes: classical (warm-up training), modern (applicant's
Material eingereicht werden kann. own piece).
VA 7 03.06 – 15.000

 Tanz: Video/DVD mit Präsentation (wie bei Schauspiel), im Anschluss daran zwei Tanzeinlagen: klassisch (Aufwärmtraining), modern (eigenes Stück).  Choreography: a video/DVD with presentation. This is followed by the applicant's own choreography of around 15 minutes.
 Choreographie: Video/DVD mit Präsentation, im Anschluss daran eigene Choreographie von circa 15 Minuten.
Applicants in the field of Architecture must additionally submit the following:
Bei Bewerbern der Fachrichtung Architektur sind zusätzlich erforderlich: Entwürfe (Zeichnungen, Fotografien) sowie mindestens 1 Perspektivzeichnung,  blueprints (sketches, photos); in addition at least 1 perspective sketch, 1 drawing, 1 constructive sketch as well as a selection of other sketches, blueprints and
1 Handzeichnung, Entwurfszeichnung sowie sonstige Zeichnungen, Pläne, Fotos etc., die über das gestalterische Können des Bewerbers Auskunft geben. photographs which give evidence of the applicant´s creative talent.

Die Bewerbungsunterlagen verbleiben beim DAAD. Die Daten von Stipendiaten werden vom DAAD in Übereinstimmung mit dem Bundesdatenschutzgesetz The application and accompanying documents will remain with the DAAD. Personal data will be stored in the DAAD`s computer files only to the extent
gespeichert, soweit sie zur Bearbeitung der Bewerbung bzw. des Stipendiums nötig sind. Soweit es für die Abwicklung des Stipendiums und die Betreuung necessary for the administration of applications and scholarships and in compliance with the “Federal Data Protection Act“. Data will be provided to the
der Stipendiaten notwendig ist, werden Daten dem zuständigen Akademischen Auslandsamt übermittelt. Die Unterlagen erfolgloser Bewerber werden nach respective International Student Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt) when this is necessary for administering the scholarship and providing the scholarship
Ablauf eines Jahres vernichtet. holder with guidance-counselling services. Applications of unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed after one year.

4 5

U n i v e r s i t y of K a r a c h i , K a r a c h i - 7 5 2 7 0 , P a ki s t a n

T e l : ( 9 2 ) ( 0 2 1 ) 9 9 2 6 1 3 0 0 - 6 , Ext. 2 4 4 3 E - m a i l : i s s t @ u o k . e d u . p k institutes/isst/


This is to certify that Abdul Basit S/o Idrees Ahmed has conducted labs of

Geographical I nformation Sciences and Advance GIS 31-12-2019 to 31-12-2020. as a

v i s i t i n g fa c u l ty in the e v e n i n g program o f Institute of Space & Technology ( I S S T )

U n i v e r s i ty of K a r a c h i.

During her tenure with u s , he s u c c e s s fu ll y h a n d l e d h i s r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s and we fo u n d

h i s s i n c e r e , hardworking and keen to l e a rn further. He bears a good m o ra l c h a ra c t e r .

(Prof. D r . M u h a m m a d Jawed I q b a l )



U n i v e r s i ty of K a r a c h i
Motivational Letter

Dear Selection Committee,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my deep enthusiasm and interest in pursuing
research on the topic of mapping citizens' perception for sustainability transition. I believe that this
research area holds immense potential to contribute to the field of urban planning and foster
sustainable development in our cities.

Throughout my academic journey, I have developed a strong passion for understanding the dynamics
between cities and their inhabitants. I firmly believe that citizens' perceptions play a crucial role in
shaping sustainable urban environments. Evaluative images, which capture citizens' perspectives of
neighborhoods and places, offer a unique qualitative dataset that can inform urban planning practices
and decision-making processes. By exploring these evaluative images, we can gain valuable insights into
how people relate to their cities, their preferences, and their needs.

The traditional approach of deriving evaluative images through interviews has limitations in terms of
scalability and efficiency. However, recent advancements in technology have opened up new
opportunities for data collection and analysis. For instance, the web-mapping approach proposed by
Barros, Degbelo, and Filomena (2022) allows citizens to document their perceptions using web maps,
providing a more comprehensive and dynamic understanding of citizens' perceptions. I am particularly
excited about the potential of incorporating innovative approaches and technologies, such as mobile
applications, social media analysis, environmental sensors, machine learning, augmented reality, and
collaborative workshops, to enhance the accuracy, scalability, and usability of mapping citizens'

I am drawn to this research topic because I firmly believe in the power of interdisciplinary collaboration.
The integration of citizens' perceptions with the perspectives of urban planners can lead to more
informed and inclusive urban planning practices. By conducting a needs assessment with urban
planners, I aim to understand their data collection requirements and preferences for visualizations. This
collaboration will ensure that the evaluative images generated align with the information urban
planners need for effective decision-making. Moreover, by organizing collaborative workshops, I aim to
facilitate co-design sessions where citizens, urban planners, and stakeholders can collectively design and
visualize sustainable interventions based on the evaluative images. This participatory approach fosters
transparency, collaboration, and co-creation of knowledge, ultimately leading to more impactful and
sustainable policy implications.

I am confident that my academic background and research experience have equipped me with the
necessary skills and knowledge to undertake this research project. My interdisciplinary background in
Geo informatics has provided me with a solid foundation in understanding the complexities of urban
environments and the significance of citizen engagement. Additionally, my experience in geographical
information system has honed my skills in data collection, analysis, and visualization.

I am eager to contribute to the field of sustainable urban planning through this research, as I firmly
believe in the importance of creating livable and sustainable cities for future generations. I am excited
about the potential impact of this research on urban planning practices, policy formulation, and the
creation of sustainable and inclusive urban environments. Moreover, I am eager to collaborate with
experts, stakeholders, and fellow researchers who share a similar passion for sustainable urban

I would be honored and grateful for the opportunity to pursue this research as a PhD student in your
esteemed institution. I am confident that, given the necessary resources and support, I can make
significant contributions to this field of research. I am committed to conducting rigorous and impactful
research, and I am ready to invest the time and effort required to complete a successful research

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working with esteemed
researchers and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of mapping citizens'
perception for sustainability transition. I am available for further discussion or an interview to provide
any additional information or clarify any queries.

Yours sincerely,

Abdul Basit

Motivational Letter

Dear Selection Committee,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my deep enthusiasm and interest in pursuing
research on the topic of mapping citizens' perception for sustainability transition. I believe that this
research area holds immense potential to contribute to the field of urban planning and foster
sustainable development in our cities.

Throughout my academic journey, I have developed a strong passion for understanding the dynamics
between cities and their inhabitants. I firmly believe that citizens' perceptions play a crucial role in
shaping sustainable urban environments. Evaluative images, which capture citizens' perspectives of
neighborhoods and places, offer a unique qualitative dataset that can inform urban planning practices
and decision-making processes. By exploring these evaluative images, we can gain valuable insights into
how people relate to their cities, their preferences, and their needs.

The traditional approach of deriving evaluative images through interviews has limitations in terms of
scalability and efficiency. However, recent advancements in technology have opened up new
opportunities for data collection and analysis. For instance, the web-mapping approach proposed by
Barros, Degbelo, and Filomena (2022) allows citizens to document their perceptions using web maps,
providing a more comprehensive and dynamic understanding of citizens' perceptions. I am particularly
excited about the potential of incorporating innovative approaches and technologies, such as mobile
applications, social media analysis, environmental sensors, machine learning, augmented reality, and
collaborative workshops, to enhance the accuracy, scalability, and usability of mapping citizens'

I am drawn to this research topic because I firmly believe in the power of interdisciplinary collaboration.
The integration of citizens' perceptions with the perspectives of urban planners can lead to more
informed and inclusive urban planning practices. By conducting a needs assessment with urban
planners, I aim to understand their data collection requirements and preferences for visualizations. This
collaboration will ensure that the evaluative images generated align with the information urban
planners need for effective decision-making. Moreover, by organizing collaborative workshops, I aim to
facilitate co-design sessions where citizens, urban planners, and stakeholders can collectively design and
visualize sustainable interventions based on the evaluative images. This participatory approach fosters
transparency, collaboration, and co-creation of knowledge, ultimately leading to more impactful and
sustainable policy implications.

I am confident that my academic background and research experience have equipped me with the
necessary skills and knowledge to undertake this research project. My interdisciplinary background in
Geo informatics has provided me with a solid foundation in understanding the complexities of urban
environments and the significance of citizen engagement. Additionally, my experience in geographical
information system has honed my skills in data collection, analysis, and visualization.

I am eager to contribute to the field of sustainable urban planning through this research, as I firmly
believe in the importance of creating livable and sustainable cities for future generations. I am excited
about the potential impact of this research on urban planning practices, policy formulation, and the
creation of sustainable and inclusive urban environments. Moreover, I am eager to collaborate with
experts, stakeholders, and fellow researchers who share a similar passion for sustainable urban

I would be honored and grateful for the opportunity to pursue this research as a PhD student in your
esteemed institution. I am confident that, given the necessary resources and support, I can make
significant contributions to this field of research. I am committed to conducting rigorous and impactful
research, and I am ready to invest the time and effort required to complete a successful research

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working with esteemed
researchers and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of mapping citizens'
perception for sustainability transition. I am available for further discussion or an interview to provide
any additional information or clarify any queries.

Yours sincerely,

Abdul Basit
Mapping Citizens' Perception for Sustainability Transition: Integrating Innovative Approaches
and Technologies

1. Introduction:

Mapping residents' perceptions is critical for understanding how people interact with their cities and
promoting sustainable urban design practises. Evaluative photographs, which capture residents'
perceptions of neighbourhoods and places, provide significant qualitative data to urban planners.
Traditional tactics entail interviews, but technological improvements have opened up other avenues. The
web-mapping approach allows residents to register their perceptions using online maps, providing
insights into spaciousness, tidiness, naturalness, and other factors. However, including urban planners'
ideas and determining appropriate visualisations are critical. This study intends to bridge the gap by
conducting a needs assessment with urban planners, creating a mobile application prototype, and
experimenting with novel methodologies such as social media analysis, environmental sensors, machine
learning, augmented reality, and collaborative workshops. The research intends to provide practical
advice for sustainable urban planning and policy-making by integrating these factors, improving the
accuracy, scalability, and usability of mapping residents' opinions.

2. Objectives:
 Collaborate with urban planners to develop data collecting needs for sustainable urban planning
and appropriate visualisations for evaluation pictures.
 Create a mobile application that allows users to use their smartphones to take real-time
evaluative photos and perceptions, supporting dynamic and location-specific data collecting.
 Analyse geotagged posts, hashtags, and user-generated material to acquire insights into public
attitude and perceptions using social media data as a source of information.
 Integrate environmental sensors or wearable devices to collect objective data on environmental
parameters such as air quality, noise levels, or temperature, thereby improving understanding of
the aspects that influence citizens' perceptions.
 Machine learning algorithms can be used to automatically analyse and classify evaluative
photographs based on predetermined categories or themes, speeding data analysis and allowing
for effective processing of massive datasets.
 Use augmented reality (AR) technology to visualise citizens' evaluative images and overlay them
into the physical world, providing urban planners and stakeholders with an immersive and
engaging experience.
 Organise co-design workshops in which residents, urban planners, and stakeholders work
together to create and visualise sustainable interventions based on evaluative images, ensuring
democratic decision-making.
 Implement a long-term monitoring and evaluation system to follow changes in citizens' attitudes
over time, allowing you to get insights into the success of sustainability actions.
 To understand the influence of contextual elements and educate context-specific sustainable
transition solutions, compare residents' perspectives across distinct cities with different cultural,
social, and economic circumstances.
 Create a collaborative data-sharing platform that allows stakeholders to access and contribute to
the evaluative image dataset while encouraging transparency, cooperation, and knowledge co-

3. Methodology:

a) Needs Assessment:

Conduct interviews and/or focus groups with urban planners to identify their data collection requirements
and preferences for visualizations.

Analyze the needs assessment data to determine common themes and requirements.

b) Prototype Development:

Develop a mobile application that allows citizens to capture evaluative images and perceptions using their

Implement machine learning algorithms for automatic analysis and classification of evaluative images.

Integrate AR technology to visualize evaluative images in an immersive and interactive manner.

c) Data Collection and Analysis:

Deploy the mobile application in selected cities, allowing citizens to capture real-time evaluative images
and perceptions.

Collect social media data related to the study areas and analyze it for insights into public sentiment and

Incorporate environmental sensors or wearable devices to collect objective data on environmental


Analyze the collected data using appropriate statistical techniques, machine learning algorithms, and
sentiment analysis.

d) Collaborative Workshops:

Organize co-design workshops involving citizens, urban planners, and stakeholders to collectively design
and visualize sustainable interventions.

Facilitate discussions, idea sharing, and consensus-building during the workshops to ensure participatory

4. Ethical Considerations:

Obtain informed consent from participants involved in interviews, workshops, and data collection.

Protect privacy and confidentiality of participants' data.

Comply with ethical guidelines and regulations regarding data collection, storage, and usage.
5. Expected Outcomes:

Comprehensive understanding of citizens' perceptions using innovative data collection methods,

including mobile applications, social media analysis, and environmental sensors.

Improved visualization of evaluative images using AR technology, enhancing the engagement of urban
planners and stakeholders.

Policy implications and sustainable interventions formulated through collaborative workshops and co-
design sessions.

Longitudinal analysis of citizens' perceptions, tracking changes over time and providing insights into the
effectiveness of sustainability interventions.

Enhanced understanding of the influence of contextual factors on citizens' perceptions through

comparative analysis across diverse cities.

6. Expected Impact:

Discuss the potential impact of the research on sustainable urban planning practices, decision-making
processes, and citizen engagement. Emphasize how the integration of innovative approaches and
technologies can contribute to more informed and inclusive urban planning practices.

7. Conclusion:

Summarize the proposed research, highlighting the integration of unique approaches and technologies in
mapping citizens' perception for sustainability transition. Emphasize the potential benefits of the research
for urban planning practices, policy formulation, and the creation of sustainable and livable cities.

8. References:

Nasar, J. L. (1990). Evaluative Images of the City. Sage Publications.

Barros, A., Degbelo, A., & Filomena, J. (2022). Web Mapping Citizens’ Perceptions: A Novel Approach for
Urban Planning. Journal of Urban Technology, 29(3), 35-49.
Abstract of Master Thesis

Particulate Matter (PM) concentrations in the atmosphere impairs visibility and renders
bad quality of air. Air quality management and mitigation requires extensive knowledge of
air pollution sources. Fine PM is known to have adverse effects on human health. PM2.5
can cause respiratory and cardiovascular disease after intake through inhalation. For
monitoring of PM 2.5 concentration, Punjab Environmental Protection department (EPD)
has installed more than eight ground stations in Lahore. However, most of these
stations are located in urban area covering only a limited area around these stations. To
overcome such deficiency, satellite remote sensing can be used as an effective tool to
estimate PM 2.5 calculation. Common statistical models have used 10 km aerosol
product of MODIS to develop a relationship between PM2.5 and Aerosol optical depth
(AOD). 3 km aerosol product of MODIS was made available in 2014 enabling PM 2.5
estimation with higher resolution. In this paper various levels of PM 2.5 were defined in
Lahore region by combining Aeronet AOD, MODIS AOD and ground based EPD PM 2.5
for the year of 2018. Firstly, the 3km and 10 km MODIS product was extracted on location
of Aeronet station and both pixel values were validated with Aerosol Robotic Network
AOD (Aeronet AOD) for better estimation. Secondly, two variable method (TVM),
Multiple linear regression (MLR), and Artificial Neural network model were used to
estimate PM 2.5 concentration. Results from ANN model shows significant
improvement in R-square over TVM and MVM models. In MLR model, the 10 km
calibrated AOD model performed well as compared to the model of 3km calibrated AOD
model. In the ANN model, it was observed that the 10km calibrated AOD model did not
perform good as compared to the 3km calibrated AOD model. The R-square from MLR to
ANN increases from (0.75) to (0.84) in 3km calibrated AOD model and (0.76) to (0.79) in
10km calibrated AOD model. For finer resolution and better estimation of PM 2.5, we used
3km MODIS product using the ANN model,which shows good R- square value as
compared with the product of 10km.Keywords—PM, EPD, AOD, TVM, MLR, ANN

Abdul Basit
Nationality: Pakistani Date of birth: 08/08/1993

 Phone number: (+92) 3212139828  Email address: [email protected]

 Home:
Sector 18, Block L, North Nazimabad Sumera View, 3rd floor, Flat number 37, 75600

Karachi (Pakistan)


Modern Lecturer with extensive knowledge of integrating technology into classrooms for increased student
interest. Expert in Environmental Sciences with training in Remote sensing & GIS and public speaking. Proven
history of providing students with memorable and effective lectures. Versed in compiling and processing aerial
and satellite imagery to achieve project goals. Background interpreting geographic data, researching details and
utilizing GIS applications for mapping, intelligence gathering and exploration. Proficient in assessing algorithms,
data structures and user interfaces to better understand information.


Federal Urdu University of Arts Science and Technology (FUUAST) [ 30/12/2011 – 30/01/2016 ]
Address: (Pakistan)
Field(s) of study: Geology
Final grade: 3.54

Institute of Space Technology [ 30/08/2017 – 07/09/2019 ]
Address: (Pakistan)
Field(s) of study: Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Sciences (RS & GIS)
Final grade: 3.57 GPA
Thesis: Estimation of Ground Level PM2.5 by using MODIS Satellite data

Environmental Sciences and Management


Institute of Space and Technology [ 24/06/2021 – Current ]
City: Karachi

Teaching following courses:

1. Digital Mapping
2. Remote Sensing
3. Geographical Information Sciences
4. Cartography
5. Earth Sciences
6. Natural Resources Management
7. Photogrammetry
8. Principal of Surveying

GIS Consultant
Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) [ 09/03/2020 – 19/11/2020 ]
City: Karachi
Country: Pakistan

Project Title

"Geo referenced Exposure database for catastrophe for national disaster risk management fund - NatCat

• Data Processing and Preparation for Land-cover mapping.

• Image segmentation and Segment interpretation.
• Field verification survey.
• Other tasks related to the Project

Visiting Lecturer
University of Karachi (ISPA) [ 30/12/2019 – 31/12/2020 ]
City: Karachi
Country: Pakistan

• Taught Course in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System.

• Guided students in researching, structuring, and presenting debate cases.

Visiting Lecturer
Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education (DIHE) [ 30/01/2019 – 31/07/2021 ]
City: Karachi
Country: Pakistan

• Inspired discussions through the presentation of thought-provoking material, preparing students for the
rigors of the Environmental field.
• Arranged syllabus, developed a schedule, and determined reading list for Hydrology, Environmental
Sciences, and Water Supply and Waste Water Management simultaneously, giving students appropriate
time to complete assignments and absorb information.

Visiting Lecturer
Skill Development Council (SDC) [ 29/12/2017 – Current ]
City: Karachi
Country: Pakistan

Taught courses in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System to all-ages college classroom.

Research associate
Institute of Space and Technology [ 16/06/2018 – 29/07/2019 ]
City: Karachi
Country: Pakistan

• Gathered, arranged and corrected research data to create representative graphs and charts highlighting
results for presentations.
• Supported design and implementation of survey instruments such as telephone questionnaires to obtain
study information.
• Processed multi-sensor imageries using Algorithms.
• Summarized search results by preparing written reports, graphs, fact sheets and tables.
• Collaborated with leadership team to identify relevant questions and determine best methods of collection.
• Performed statistical, qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Geo-Technical Laboratory Technician

Earth Testing Service (ETS) Pvt. Ltd [ 31/12/2014 – 30/03/2016 ]
City: Karachi
Country: Pakistan

• Collaborated with team members to carry out efficient work with optimal safety and achieve timetables.
• Updated logs and reported on job progress.

GIS Operator
Institute of Space and Technology [ 16/07/2018 – 15/11/2018 ]
City: Karachi
Country: Pakistan

Project Title

"Asian Bank Development funded project “ TAPI ( Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India) gas pipeline"

• Geo-Referencing and Digitize Cadastral Maps

• Conducted surveys and collect primary data for analyzing.
• Organize and manage extensive spatial databases.
• Prepare and compile results from analyses.


Estimation of Ground Level PM2.5 by using MODIS Satellite data

2019 Sixth International Conference on Aerospace Science and Engineering (ICASE)

Modeling Coral Reef Susceptibility Using GIS Multi-Criteria Analysis

2019 Sixth International Conference on Aerospace Science and Engineering (ICASE)

Application of Simplified Surface Energy Balance Index (S-Sebi) for Crop Evapotranspiration
ISPRS (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)

Ordinary Least Square Regression Model Using Landsat Imagery for Coastal Water Quality
In reviewing process for Journal of Coastal Conservation (JCC)

Comparing Radiative Transfer Equation and Generalized Single Channel Methods for Sea Surface
In reviewing process for Journal of Ocean University of China

National-scale estimates of ground-level Particulate Matter (PM2. 5) concentration in Pakistan

Accepted in ISPRS 2020 Congress
Full Title: National-scale estimates of ground-level Particulate Matter (PM2. 5) concentration in Pakistan using Artificial
Neural Network (ANN) and Multiple Linear regression (MLR) model based on 3 km and 10km resolution MODIS AOD


Introduction to Hydrocarbon Exploration Techniques and Advanced Methodologies.

Pakistan Association of Petroleum Geoscientist [ 18/10/2016 ]
Technical Workshop at Department of Earth Sciences, Quide-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan
Reshaping Careers
Federal Urdu University of Arts Science and Technology (FUUAST) [ 04/11/2013 ]
• Resume Writing
• Interviewing Techniques
• Effective Communication Skills

Using Google Earth Engine for Land Monitoring Applications

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) [ 30/06/2021 ]

Monitoring Aquatic Vegetation with Remote Sensing

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) [ 19/07/2022 ]

Measuring Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide from Space in Support of Climate Related Studies
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) [ 25/05/2022 ]

Atmospheric CO2 and CH4 Budgets to Support the Global Stocktake

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) [ 25/05/2022 ]

Satellite Observation and Tools for Fire Risk, Detection, and Analysis
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) [ 27/11/2020 ]

Hyperspectral Data for Land and Coastal Systems

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) [ 02/02/2021 ]

Mapping and Monitoring Lakes and Reservoirs with Satellite Observations

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) [ 23/02/2021 ]


SNAP / Envi / Arcmap / Erdas Imagine / Hydraulic Modeling / eCognition / Q-GIS / cartography / Spatial
Analysis / Satellite Image Processing / Google Earth Engine / Photogrammetry
National Center for Remote Sensing & Geo-Informatics
Institute of Space Technology, Karachi
Department of Remote Sensing & Geo-Information Sciences

Dated: Jan 3, 2023


I feel pleasure to write few lines for Mr. Abdul Basit s/o Mr. Idrees Ahmed, whom I know for past
few years as my student at Institute of Space Technology (IST), Pakistan.

Mr. Abdul Basit is one of the brilliant student and a good team player. His thorough knowledge
regarding environmental applications, especially Remote Sensing is quite remarkable. Not only
the theoretical concepts that he possesses are excellent but he is practically very much sound as
well. His superb analytical and problem solving skills distinguish him from the rest of team

I found him very much hardworking, enthusiastic and confident. His motivation towards studies
has always been splendid. Considering his performance, motivation towards Master's studies
and his keen interest towards R&D in the field of Remote Sensing, pursuing Master's studies
would not be the end towards his educational career but surely be one of his steps in the way
towards successful PhD.

I strongly recommend him for the Scholarship and admission into graduate program at your
prestigious university. If he is accepted to the university, I am certain that he would prove
himself to be the ideal candidate for the Program.

Dr. Muhammad Ateeq Qureshi

Assistant Professor
Department of RS & GISc (NCRG)
Institute of Space Technology, Karachi
Tel: +92-21-34650765 EXT. 2219

Address: National Center for RS & Geo-Informatics; Institute of Space

Technology, Sector 28, Gulzar- e-Hijri, SUPARCO Road, P.O Box 8402, Karachi
75270, Pakistan. Phone: +92-21-34694931, E-mail: [email protected]
National Center for Remote Sensing & Geo-Informatics
Institute of Space Technology, Karachi
Department of Remote Sensing & Geo-Information Sciences

Dated: January 01, 2023

Recommendation Letter

I feel pleasure to write about Mr. Abdul Basit, who has been associated with me first as an MS student and
then as a colleague. He is a Lecturer at the Institute of Space Technology, Pakistan. I found
him hardworking and disciplined and showing the willingness to participate in the educational activities of the
Department. He completed his MS research thesis under my supervision and his performance in this research was
excellent. His overall intelligence is also reflected in his grades for the course, which were among highest in the
He also worked with me on various funded projects, organized training and seminars related to GIS and Remote
Sensing. Besides his academic and technical expertise in the field of Remote Sensing and GIS, he is always
comfortable working as a team member. He possesses excellent leadership qualities that inspire and motivate his
In my opinion, Mr. Abdul Basit has the potential of learning more about his discipline, required for a
successful and fulfilling career. I, therefore, strongly recommend him for your PhD Program.
I am sure that through this opportunity he will excel in his field. Please do not hesitate to contact me if any
additional information is required.

Dr. Badar Ghauri

Dept of RS & GISc
Email: [email protected]
Ph: 92-21-34650765 Ext 2202 (office)

Address: National Center of RS & Geo-Informatics; Institute of Space Technology,

Sector 28, Gulzar- e-Hijri, SUPARCO Road, P.O Box 8402, Karachi 75270, Pakistan.
Phone: +92-21-34694931, E-mail: [email protected]

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