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Chapter 3

Two-port Networks
3.1. Two port networks and parameters
Reference: F.F. Kuo, "Network Analysis and Synthesis" Chapter 9

V.K. Aatre, "Network Theory and Filter Design“: Chapter 7

3.2. Interconnection of two port networks

3.3. Conversion between two-port parameters

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• If the current entering one terminal of pair is equals (and opposite) to the
current leaving the other terminal, this terminal pair constitute a port.
• A one port network is completely specified when the voltage-current
relationship at the terminals of the port is given.

𝐼 = 𝐼′

• A general two port on the other hand has two pairs of voltage and current
• The variable are 𝑉1 , 𝑉2 , 𝐼1 , 𝐼2
• Two of these are independent, Input Output
Port Port
• the other two are dependent.

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Two port example: Printed Circuit Boards (PCB)
• Provide a platform for interconnection of
various electronic blocks
• May not be interested in the detailed
internal behavior of an IC
• But in a multiport network model that
can be utilized in analysis of this entire
• Multiport model describes the behavior
of the IC in terms of the voltages and
currents at the terminals.
• Study multiport networks using two-
port networks

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Types of Two-port networks

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Z-parameters (Impedance Parameters)
• There are six possible set of equations that describe two port networks.
• There are various ways to write these relationships
• Z, Y, H and ABCD parameters.
• A particular set of equations that describe two port networks are Z-parameter

V1 = Z11I1 + Z12 I 2
V2 = Z 21I1 + Z 22 I 2

• In these equations 𝑉1 and 𝑉2 are the dependent variables, while 𝐼1 and 𝐼2 are the
independent variables.

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Z-parameters (Impedance Parameters)…
• The individual z-parameters are defined as
V1 V1
z11 = z12 =
I1 I 2 =0
I2 I1 = 0

V2 V2
z 21 = z 22 =
I1 I 2 =0
I2 I1 = 0

• All the z-parameters have a unit of impedance.

• The individual z-parameters are specified when the current in one of the ports is
zero. i.e. open circuit : sometimes referred as open-circuit impedance parameters
• 𝑍11 relates the voltage and current in the first port open circuit driving point
• 𝑍22 relates the voltage and current in the second port impedances
• 𝑍12 relates the voltage on the first port to the current in the second port
open circuit transfer
• 𝑍21 relates the voltage in second port with the current in the first port. impedances
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Example 1
• Find the open circuit impedances for the following T circuit.

V1 V2
Z11 = = Z a + Z b Z 21 = = Z b
I1 I1
V1 V2
Z12 = = Zb Z 22 = = Zb + Zc
I2 I2
• Note that 𝑍12 = 𝑍21 ⇒ the circuit is reciprocal.
• Most passive time-invariant networks are reciprocal.

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Y-parameters (Admittance Parameters)
• The Y-parameters are defined as

I1 = y11V1 + y12V2
I 2 = y21V1 + y22V2
• voltages 𝑉1 and 𝑉2 : independent variables,
• currents through the two ports (𝐼1 & 𝐼2 ) : dependent variables.
• All the Y-parameters have unit of admittance. Individual Y-parameters
• The individual Y-parameters are specified when the I1 I1
y11 = y12 =
voltage at one of the ports is zero. i.e. short circuit : V1 V V2
2 =0 V1 = 0
sometimes referred as short-circuit admittance
I2 I2
parameters. y21 = y22 =
V1 V2
• 𝑌12 = 𝑌21 ⇒ the circuit is reciprocal V2 = 0 V1 = 0

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Example 2
• Find the Y-parameters for the following 𝜋 circuit.

• We short circuit port 2 to find the 𝑌11 and 𝑌21 .
• We short circuit port 1 to find the 𝑌12 and 𝑌22
I I2
Y11 = 1 = YA + YC Y21 = = −YC
V1 V1
I1 I2
Y12 = = −YC Y22 = = YB + YC
V2 V2
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H-parameters (Hybrid Parameters)
• A set of parameters that are very useful in describing transistor circuits are
h- parameters.
• H-parameters are given by the following equation

V1 = h11 I1 + h12V2
I 2 = h21 I1 + h22V2
• 𝐼1 and 𝑉2 are the independent variables, whereas 𝑉1 and 𝐼2 are dependent
variables. V1 V1
h11 = h12 =
• Individual parameters I1 V2 = 0
V2 I1 = 0

I2 I2
h21 = h22 =
I1 V2 = 0
V2 I1 = 0

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H-parameters (Hybrid Parameters)…
• ℎ11 and ℎ21 are short circuit parameters, while ℎ12 and ℎ22 are open circuit
1 1
h11 = h22 =
y11 z 22
• While ℎ12 and ℎ21 are transfer parameters
• H-parameters are sometimes called hybrid parameters since they have both
short circuit parameters and open circuit parameters.
• ℎ12 = −ℎ21 ⇒ Reciprocal network

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Example 4
• For the 𝜋 circuit below, find the h-parameters using open circuit and short

V1 1
h11 = =
I1 V2 = 0
Solution: V1 YC
• Short circuit the second port to find ℎ11 and ℎ21
h12 = =
V2 I1 = 0
• Open circuit the first port to find ℎ12 and ℎ22 . I2 YC
h21 = =
I1 V2 = 0
h11 = = YB +
V2 I1 = 0
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ABCD parameters (Transmission matrix)
• The ABCD parameters are given in matrix form as

V1   A B   V2 
 I  = C D  − I 
 1   2 
Equation : V1 = AV2 − BI 2
I1 = CV2 − DI 2
• The reason we multiply 𝐼2 by negative is in most cases the current on the
output port is coming out of the port.
V1 V1
• 𝑉2 and 𝐼2 are the independent variables, A= B=−
V2 I 2 =0
I2 V2 = 0
• 𝑉1 and 𝐼1 are the dependent variables.
I1 I1
C= D=−
V2 I 2 =0
I2 V2 = 0

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ABCD parameters (Transmission matrix)…
• ABCD parameters relation with Z-parameters and Y-parameters.
z11 1
A= B=−
z 21 y21
1 y11
C= D=−
z 21 y21

• Exercise: Prove the above relationships.

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Example 4
• For the 𝜋 circuit below, find the ABCD-parameters



A= = C= =
V2 I =0
YC V2 I =0
V1 −1 1 I1 YA + YC
B=− =− = D=− =
I 2 V =02
YC YC I 2 V =02
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• For the 𝑇 circuit below, find the ABCD-parameters

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Transfer function using two port parameters
• There are two types of transfer functions:
• Two ports without load/source impedance
• Two ports with load/source impedance
• In order to easily get these functions we use circuit representations of two
port parameters.

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Transfer function using two port parameters


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3.1. Two port networks and parameters

3.2. Interconnection of two port networks

Reference: F.F. Kuo, "Network Analysis and Synthesis" Chapter 9

V.K. Aatre, "Network Theory and Filter Design“: Chapter 7

3.3. Conversion between two-port parameters

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Series Interconnection of Two-ports

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Parallel Interconnection of Two-ports

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Nb ⟹

• Substituting the second matrix into the first, we obtain

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Interconnection of Two-ports
1.When two-ports are connected in parallel, find the y parameters first, and,
from the y parameters, derive the other two-port parameters.
2.When two-ports are connected in series, it is usually easiest to find the z
3.When two-ports are connected in tandem, the transmission matrix is
generally easier to obtain.

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Example 3
• Find the Y-parameters of the following circuit.

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Example 3…
• Using mesh analysis, we can write the following equations.
1  1
V1 =  + 1 I1 + I 2 − I 3
s  s
1  1
V2 =  + 1 I 2 + I1 + I 3
s  s
1 1 2 
0 = − I1 + I 2 +  + 2  I 3
s s s 
• Solving for 𝐼1 & 𝐼2 , we get
2s 2 + 4s + 1 𝑌11 = 𝑌22 𝑜𝑟 𝑍11 = 𝑍22
y11 = y22 =
2(2 s + 1) ⇒ the circuit is Symmetrical.
2s 2 + 2s + 1 By Interchanging port 1-1’
y21 = y12 = − and port 2-2’ the network
2(2 s + 1)
remains unchanged.
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3.1. Two port networks and parameters

3.2. Interconnection of two port networks

3.3. Conversion between two-port parameters

Reference: F.F. Kuo, "Network Analysis and Synthesis" Chapter 9

V.K. Aatre, "Network Theory and Filter Design“: Chapter 7

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Matrix Conversion Table

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