Practice Worksheet 2 Chapter 2

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WS / HW / / RS / 267: 2024 - 2025: TERM: I / II

NAME________________________ CLASS: 5 DIV: A B C D E F ROLL NO.: ____ DATE: ____________

SUBJECT: Mathematics TOPIC: Number Operations TEACHER’S NAME: Ms Mita Golwala

Practice Worksheet 2 Ms Pooja Sheth
Note: This sheet can be assessed. MARKS / GRADE:

A) Solve

1) 34567 + 56743 = _____ 2) 679321 + 235678 = 3) 67832 - 47865 = ______


4) 765234 - 249857 = 5) 657 X 34 = __________ 6) 768 X 73 = _________


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7) 2896 X 52 = _________ 8) 5697 ÷ 6 = _____ r____ 9) 7894 ÷ 2 = _____ r____

B) Work out these answers.

1) – 9 + 18 = ________ 6) – 16 – 7 = ________

2) – 7 + 6 = ________ 7) 9 – 11 = __________

3) – 9 + 16 = ________ 8) – 5 – 12 = ________

4) – 1 + 7 = ________ 9) – 17 – 6 = ________

5) – 12 + 11 = ________ 10) 8 – 15 = _________

C) Find the value of a in each number sentence.

1) a + 5 = 15 2) a – 24 = 45 3) 56 + a = 142

_________ __________ ___________

4) 325 - a = 78 5) a – 88 = 43 6) a + a + 6 = 76

_________ __________ ___________

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D) Fill in the blanks

1) Find the difference between – 15 and – 10. ________

2) Find the difference between – 16 and – 24. ________

3) Find the sum of – 38 and – 45. ________

E) Use the array method to find the products. Show your working clearly.

1) 856 X 9

800 50 6 856 X 9 = ______ + ______ + ______

= ___________

2) 3587 X 6

3587 X 6 =
3000 500 80 7 _______ + _______ + ______ + _____
= _________

3) 5263 X 5

5263 X 5 =
5000 200 60 3 _______ + _______ + ______ + _____
= _________

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4) 4246 X 16

4000 200 40 6


4246 X 16 = ________ + ________ + ________ + ________ +

________ + ________ + ________ + ________

= ______________

F) Work out the answers for each number sentence below.

1) 15 X 4 – (12 + 18) ÷ 5 = __________

2) 66 ÷ (3 X 2) X 8 = ____________

3) 854 – ( 3 + 25 + 6) X 8 = _________

4) (50 – 6 X 3) ÷ 4 X 15 = __________

5) 45 ÷ 9 + (17 - 5 X 3) = ___________

6) 250 – 14 X 3 + (36 ÷ 9) = __________

7) 540 – (63 ÷ 7) + (8 X 6) ÷ 3 = ________

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G) Solve

1) Underline the numbers that are divisible by 3.

123, 678 , 704 , 368

2) Underline the numbers that are divisible by 6.

796, 288 , 534 , 267

3) Underline the numbers that are multiple of 9.

884, 653 , 522 , 999

H) A company has 23 workers. Each worker receives $1345 as their salary. What is
the total amount needed to pay all the workers?

$ ____________
I) The temperature in New York last Monday was – 7 C. On the next day, the
temperature decreased by 14 C. What was the temperature of New York last

___________ C

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