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A Community Internship Report Submitted In The Department

Of Nursing, Faculty Of Health And Sciences, St. Louis
University Institute Yaounde In Partial Fulfillments Of The
Requirements For The Award Of Higher National Diploma
(HND) Nursing

Presented by:
Kehmoa Blessing Yika



To the KEHMOA’s Family


I will like to begin by acknowledging the enormous effort of all my lecturers because they all

gave me what I needed to make this internship a successful one.

Also wish to acknowledge my professional supervisor Dr. Ngoh Kanga who even with her busy

schedule spare off time and efforts to ensure that this work is well scrutinized

Special thanks to Mr. Dipendoh Kingsly and Mme. Bisong Prisca for they are the back born of

my field.

Finally, I wish to extend a million thanks to my entire family especially my mum Mme. Martha

Keh, Mme. Prisca and her family, sister Kehmoa Stecy and not forgetting my friends, drivers for

their assistance offered to me during this period of studies. May God who grants to you this

ability and efforts richly replenish your all.


Table of content..........................................................................................................................................iii
List of figures...............................................................................................................................................iv
Chapter One............................................................................................................................................- 1 -
Introduction.........................................................................................................................................- 1 -
The significance of the community internship.....................................................................................- 1 -
The internship period..........................................................................................................................- 1 -
Chapter Two............................................................................................................................................- 4 -
1. Location...........................................................................................................................................- 4 -
2. HISTORY:..........................................................................................................................................- 4 -
Organigram of CSI de Nomayos...........................................................................................................- 4 -
Chapter Three..........................................................................................................................................- 5 -
Activities carried out in the community..............................................................................................- 5 -
Activities carried out under supervision and those observed in the hospital......................................- 6 -
Identification of common illnesses in the community.........................................................................- 9 -
Chapter Fours........................................................................................................................................- 11 -
Conclusion.........................................................................................................................................- 11 -
SWOT analysis...................................................................................................................................- 11 -
Recommendation..............................................................................................................................- 12 -
References.............................................................................................................................................- 13 -
Appendix...............................................................................................................................................- 14 -


Figure 1...................................................................................................................................................- 4 -



A community internship is a work experience program that allows students to gain practical

experience while contributing to the betterment of their local community. It combines elements

of service learning and traditional internships, offering valuable learning opportunities alongside

the chance to make a positive impact.

The significance of the community internship

 Contribute your skills to address local needs and make a positive difference.

 Gain practical experience in communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

 Apply classroom knowledge to real-world situations in a professional setting.

 Foster a sense of responsibility and understanding of local issues.

 Build connections with professionals in your community.

The internship period

The internship was for a period of one month one weeks 5days. It started on the March 19 th, 2024

to the April 19th, 2024


The overall goal of this internship is to give the students the opportunity to put into practice the

knowledge and skill acquired in class while exposing them to specialized methods in various

chosen areas of nursing as practiced in the communities.


The student is expected to:

1) Integrate into the health team.

2) Identify the human resources and inquire about the existence of the personnel


3) Identify the health dialogue resources and inquire about their activities.

4) Identify the structures of the related or health related sectors, as well as other social

action groups (health club, Association, NGO, etc...) and inquire about their activities.

5) Specify health team reports with other existing structures.

6) Identify the activities of the health area and the priority programs implemented in the

health area and participate actively in their success.

7) Participate in the development of the monographic map of the health area if not already

done, and taking into account the following components.

8) Collect data on physical, human and social environments.

9) Analysis and interpretation of data collected to determine nuisance factors (social


10) Elaboration of a consensual chronogram (head of health team Center + COGE).

11) Identify the social behaviors and patterns of behavior to which the selected nuisance

factors are linked.

12) Help families or communities to make the link between selected nuisance factors and

identified health behaviors in order to find simple solutions together.

13) Bring the family or the community to organize themselves in order to put into practice the

chosen solutions.

14) Directing families to use other development sectors (related sectors) to resolve specific


15) Help members of the community to empower themselves on the health plan.

16) Apply communication techniques as taught in any problem solving.

17) Evaluate the activities carried out with the community.

18) Write an internship report based on the following plan:




1. Location

Nomayos is a village of the center region of Cameroon found precisely in the Mbankomand

community and in the department of the Mefou and Akoro which is 45km away from Yaoundé. It

had a population of 3000 as of census which was conducted in 1987. The Center serves a

population of approximately 15,000 (fifteen thousand) inhabitants.


Eugene Jamot a French doctor, created an integrated health center in Ayos, Cameroon in 1993.

He developed a holistic approach to healthcare that combine modern medicine with traditional

healing practices to provide comprehensive care to the local population. Jamot’s integrated

health center focused on preventive medicine, community health education, and collaboration

with local healers to improve healthcare outcomes in the region. His work in Ayos is considered

pioneering in the field of integrated healthcare and had a lasting impact on healthcare delivery in

resource-constrained settings.

Organigram of CSI de Nomayos


Chef of Center


Activities carried out in the community

We carried on with a programmed called couverture Sante Universal in French and universal health

coverage in English. This program stipulates that every one is to have access to quality health for free. To

this free access, everybody was registered and the following set of persons are taken into consideration;

 Children of 0-5 years where if they have malaria no matter the stage, they will be treated for free

 Pregnant women from prenatal consultation till birth and 42days after birth she gives a sum of


 HIV/AIDS patients due to weak immune system they are exposed to opportunistic disease which

are treated for free

 Tuberculosis patients are also treated for free

 Finally, the people with kidney problems give a sum of 15000F per year

On registration the following information is taken;

The person’s name, date of birth, place of birth, sex, profession, address, Tel, person to contact if he/she is

not available. This information is registered online and after a while, he/she will be given an access card

They told us the people funding this program is PLAN-CAMEROON

Also, we had questionnaires which were to assess the community’s knowledge about health, their source

of water, type of toilet and how often they keep it clean, waste and how they manage it, source of water

and how they treat it to be fit for drinking. We had different answers which were analyzed

Furthermore, we visited the chief of Nomayos where we asked him questions about the community like

the history of the village, the traditional activities that affect health, the kind of treatment they prefer

either medical or traditional or both. The punishment given to defaulters and just to name a few

To continue, we went in to the community and had a health talk on malaria and typhoid since we

discovered it the re-occurrent case in the hospital. This talk was done in the following headlines;

 What malaria and typhoid are all about

 Their causes

 Signs and symptoms

 How to prevent them

 Their treatment

To end, we have a health talk at Ecole Publique de Nomayos on hygiene. The health talk was done as


 What hygiene is all about

 Types of hygiene (personal, environmental, and food hygiene)

 How to practice the various types of hygiene

 When to practice the various types of hygiene and the importance of hygiene

This talk was made participatory between us and the children when they answered questions well prizes

like books, pens, ear cotton and toothbrush were awarded to the best pupil

Activities carried out under supervision and those observed in the hospital

A: Surgical ward

Activities observed: The following activities were observed in the surgical wad from the first to

the last day

 Wound dressing on the leg which had stayed without the bandage being change so the

area was firstly moisten with to ease removal. Betadine was then applied to disinfect the

area and to clean the wound and then dressed

 Cleaning of an open wound where it was first of all flushed with a solution containing

NACl , cleaned with betadine and then sutured

 Cleaning of abscess

Activities carried out under supervision were mostly cleaning and dressing of wounds after a

short period of observing how it was done

I also cleaned the surgical ward and sterilized the equipment’s after every activity carried out

B: Medical ward

Activities observed and participated

Mostly the administration of drugs in their calculated doses like

artemether whose dose is the patient’s weight *3.5 for at least 3days where the dose reduces by

half as the days pass. This medication is an injectable which is administered intramuscular every

after 24 hours

Artesunate whose dose is the patient’s weight X2.4 for at least 3 days. This medication is also an

injectable which is administered intravenous or intramuscular every after 12hours

Ceftriaxone whose dose is patients’ weight *50 administered intravenously every after 12hours

Before the administration of the above-mentioned drugs, a catetha was first of all placed for

saline infusions where the first one without vit B complex always have ahigh flow rate followed

by the one containing vit B complex which has a low flow rate

Participated in the consultation and admission of patients. Also participated in vaccination where

I took the parameters of the babies like the head, circumference, weight and height . while the

vaccination was going on, mothers were educated on the meals, breastfeeding position and

family planning

After observing and participating in the above-mentioned activities, I was able to do them under


I was also taking vital signs on daily bases and cleaning of the medical ward

C: Maternity

This was the functional ward of the hospital where series of deliveries were done .one of which

was as follows;

Firstly, the fingers were put in the vagina to check the cervix. Two fingers indicate 3cm when the

woman was at 5cm the patograph was opened to fill the information like her age, number of

children, number of abortions just to name a few

After that, she was placed a catheter and glucose was administered followed by saline lactate to

increase contractions. After a series of contractions, she gave birth and the placenta was tied and

cut. After the delivery of the child, the placenta was delivered.

While delivering the placenta, the child was taken care of by taking the parameters, cleaning,

dressing and finally injected with vitamin k1 and tetracycline administer with vin the eye. The

mother was injected with oxytocin to enhance uterine contraction so that the blood and others

come finally come out. At the end the delivery she got stitches

Prenatal consultation where the physical examination was done by checking her eyes which were

white, her tongue which was wet, and teeth which were clean.

Furthermore, her fundal height and the abdominal circumference were taken. The position of the

baby was also palpated which was cephalic and the head had engaged. The fetal heart bit was

also taken using a doppler.

Observed two methods of family planning which were;

 Jadelle where it was implanted subcutaneously and lasts for 5years

 Depo-provera which is injected intramuscular and it lasts for 3months. This depo will

suppress the ovulation

Identification of common illnesses in the community

This analyzed by going through the data registered in the past 4 months (from December to

march) in the Health Center’s register

No Diseases Positive cases Prevalence rate (per


1 Malaria 205 positives out of 297 690

2 Typhoid 85 positives out of 184 462

3 Fungi infection 82 positives out of 200 410

4 Hypertension 9 positives out of 30 300

5 Diabetes 5 positives out of 85 85



My community internship at CSI de Nomayos was a challenging but rewarding experience. I

learned a great deal about the different aspects of community, and I gained valuable experience

working with patients and families from all walks of life. I’m grateful for the other members of

the nursing team. I am confident that the skills and knowledge that I gained during my internship

will be essential to my success as a nurse

SWOT analysis


Exposure to a variety of patients and diseases

Monitorship from experienced staffs

Opportunities to learn new skills and knowledge

Chanced to link up with other professionals in the field

W = Weaknesses

Stressful working environment

Long working hours especially the night shifts

O = Opportunities

Developed a strong relationship with some staffs and some patients

Learned about new research and developments in the field

T = Threats

Low pay

Changes in health care regulations

Lack of job security


Identify areas where communication between staff members could be improved

Suggest ways to make the hospital more patient-friendly and welcoming

Recommend new technologies or equipment that could improve the hospital


From my clinical supervisor , I learned a lot not just about clinical skills but also about how to

be a compassionate and effective care giver

Am grateful for the opportunity to have worked on each one of them . I have learned a lot from

them I can offer complete care to other patients thanks to them

I also learned so much from my colleagues and the staff members of the hospital during this

internship period


Gained experience in a variety of clinical settings including the emergency room and the

surgical unit

Developed a strong clinical skills in assessment , diagnosis and treatment of patients

Learned how to communicate effectively with patients .their families and other members of the

healthcare team

I am grateful for the opportunity to have completed my internship at CMA Bonendale


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