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Thermochemistry IB Review Questions

I. 1.

Multiple Choice:

Ammonium nitrate, NH4NO3, dissolves readily in water according to the equation: NH4NO3(s) NH4+(aq) + NO3-(aq) H = 28kJ mol-1

Which of the following contribute(s) to the occurrence of this process? I. II. a. b. c. d. The system moves to lower enthalpy. The system becomes more disordered.

I only II only Both I and II Neither I nor II

2. Which substance has the largest lattice energy? a. b. c. d.



A certain reaction is spontaneous below 100oC but is non-spontaneous at higher temperatures. Based on this information, what are the signs of H and S? a. b. c. d. H + + S + + -

4. Which ionisation requires the most energy?

a. b. c. d. 5.

Na(g) Na+(g) + eNa+(g) Na2+(g) + eMg(g) Mg+(g) + eMg+(g) Mg2+(g) + e-

The bond enthalpies in kJ mol-1 for several bonds are given below: H H 436 O O 196 O = O 496 H O 463 What is the enthalpy change, H, in kJ for the reaction below? 2 H2(g) + O2(g) 2 H2O(g) a. 442 b. 92 c. -484 d. -834


At 0oC, the mixture formed when the following reaction reaches equilibrium consists mostly of N2O4(g) 2 NO2(g) N2O4(g) What are the signs G, H, S at this temperature? a. b. c. d. G + + H + + + S + + -


Excess thionyl chloride, SOCl2, can be removed from a reaction mixture by reacting it with water according to the equation: SOCl2(l) + H2O(l) 2 HCl(g) + SO2(g) Use the following data to calculate the Ho for this reaction. SOCl2(l) H2O(l) HCl(g) Hof (kJ mol-1) -245.6 -285.8 -92.3 a. b. c. d. 142.3 50.0 +50.0 +142.3 SO2(g) -296.8


200 J of energy were given to a 10 g sample of copper. If the temperature of the copper is increased by 50oC, what is the specific heat capacity of the copper?
a. b. c. d.

0.25 J g-1 oC-1 0.40 J g-1 oC-1 2.5 J g-1 oC-1 4.0 J g-1 oC-1

9. Which of the changes below occurs with the greatest increase in entropy?
a. b. c. d.

Na2O(s) + H2O(l) 2 Na+(aq) + 2 OH-(aq) NH3(aq) + HCl(g) NH4Cl(s) H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g) C(s) + CO2(g) s CO(g)

10. For the reaction: 6 HC CH(g) C6H6(g) Ho = -597.3 kJ and So = -0.33 kJ K-1. This reaction a. b. c. d. is spontaneous at 300 K and becomes non-spontaneous at higher temperatures is spontaneous at 300 K and becomes non-spontaneous at lower temperatures is non-spontaneous at 300 K and becomes spontaneous at higher temperatures is non-spontaneous at 300 K and becomes spontaneous at lower temperatures

II. Short Answers:

1) Given the following data: calculate the average bond enthalpy (in kJmol ) for the CF bond. C(s) + F2(g) CF4(g); H1 = 680 kJ mol F2(g) 2F(g); H2 = +158 kJ mol C(s) C(g); H3 = +715 kJ mol
1 1 1


For the process: CH6(l) C6H6(s) the standard entropy and enthalpy changes are: H = 9.83kJ mol

and S = 35.2J K mol .

Predict and explain the effect of an increase in temperature on the spontaneity of the process. 3) For the process C6H6(l) C6H6(s) H = 9.83 kJ mol and S = 35.2J K mol . Calculate the temperature (in C) at which G =0 for the above process and explain the significance of this temperature. 4) The standard enthalpy change of formation of Al2O3(s) is 1669 kJ mol and the standard enthalpy change of formation of Fe2O3(s) is 822 kJ mol . (i) Use these values to calculate H for the following reaction.Fe2O3(s) + 2Al(s) 2Fe(s) + Al2O3(s) State whether the reaction is exothermic or endothermic. (ii) Estimate, without doing a calculation, the magnitude of the entropy change for this reaction. Explain your answer. 5) Explain in terms of AG , why a reaction for which both H and S values are positive can sometimes be spontaneous and sometimes not. 6) Consider the following reaction. N2(g) +3H2(g) 2NH3(g) (i) Use values from Table 10 in the Data Booklet to calculate the enthalpy change, H , for this reaction. The magnitude of the entropy change, S, at 27 C for the reaction is 62.7 J K mol . State, with a reason, the sign of S.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1


(iii) Calculate G for the reaction at 27 C and determine whether this reaction is spontaneous at this temperature. (iv) The absolute entropy values, S, at 300 K for N2(g), H3(g) and NH3(g) are 193, 131 and 192 JK (v)
1 1

mol respectively. Calculate S for the reaction and explain the sign of S .

Calculate G for the reaction at 300 K.

(vi) If the ammonia were produced as a liquid and not as a gas, state and explain the effect this

would have on the value of H for the reaction.

Answers: I. Multiple Choice: 1. b 6. a 2. c 7. c 3. a 8. b

4. 5. b d II. 9. d 10. a

Short Answers:

1) -1711kJ 2) As temp. increases, -TS becomes less negative (because entropy increases). System will favour the reactants. Spontaneity decreases. 3) 279K which benzene will begin to liquefy. At equilm. 4) (i) -847kJ (Rxn. Is exo.) (ii) Entropy change will be minimal No sig. change in positional or phase disorder. 5) Depends on the temperature of the rxn. If temp is high, then rxn. wll be spontaneous if enthalpy is not too high to make the overall G positive. 6) (i) -76kJ (ii) -S (product is more ordered). (iii) -57.2kJ/mol (iv) -202kJ/mol (v) -15.4kJ/mol (vi) Change of enthalpy gets more negative (In other words, you would not have to provide as much energy to initiate the reaction).

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