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Retrofit Rooftop Controller

Version 3.x

Application Data
Part Number 33CSPREMLK
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Disconnect all power to the unit before performing mainte-
GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 nance or service. Unit may automatically start if power is
Physical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 not disconnected. Electrical shock and personal injury
PremierLink Controller Hardware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 could result.
Field-Supplied Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Location of PremierLink Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Inputs and Outputs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Control Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 CAUTION
APPLICATION DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-11
Rooftop Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Damage to equipment may result. An individual field-
Heat Pump Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 supplied 24-vac power transformer is strongly recom-
mended for each PremierLink controller. The transformer
Thermostat Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Demand Controlled Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 must be less than 100 va to meet UL (Underwriters Labo-
Dehumidification of Fresh Air with Demand ratories) Class 2.
Controlled Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Humidi-MiZer® Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 GENERAL
USER INFORMATION SCREENS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-15 The PremierLink retrofit rooftop controller is an intelligent
SEQUENCE OF OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-19 control that continuously monitors and regulates rooftop
Indoor Fan Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 operation.
Economizer Control Sensor Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 The PremierLink controller is compatible with the Carrier
DX Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Comfort Network® (CCN) system. The controller is designed
Cooling Control Submaster Loop (CCSR) . . . . . . . 16 to allow users the access and ability to change factory-defined
Heating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 settings, thus expanding the function of the standard unit con-
Dehumidification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 trol board.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Remote Timeclock/Door Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 IMPORTANT: PremierLink part number 33CSPREMLK
Linkage Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 should only be used in applications where the integrity of
Uncooling Free Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 the Underwriters Laboratories rating will be maintained.
Demand Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Diagnostic Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Carrier’s diagnostic standard tier display tools such as
Space Sensor Set Point Adjust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 System Pilot™ or Touch Pilot™ devices can be used with the
Timed Override. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 PremierLink controller. Access is available via an RJ-11
Temperature Compensated Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 connection or a 3-wire connection to the communication bus.
Power Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 User interfaces available for use with the CCN system are
Network Modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 PC’s equipped with Carrier user interface software such as
Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Service Tool, ComfortVIEW™, or ComfortWORKS® soft-
GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-23 ware. When used as part of the CCN system, other devices
such as the CCN data transfer or Comfort Controller can read
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS data from or write data to the PremierLink retrofit controller.
The PremierLink controller offers ventilation monitoring
SAFETY NOTE with an optional CO2 ventilation sensor. The CO2 ventilation
sensor measures the amount of ventilation needed by the space
This equipment will provide safe and reliable service when and a PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) calculation makes
operated within design specifications. The equipment adjustments to the economizer minimum position during occu-
should be operated and serviced only by authorized person-
pied operation. The indoor CO2 level will be compared to an
nel who have a thorough knowledge of system operation,
outdoor CO2 reference level before making adjustments to the
safety devices and emergency procedures.
economizer minimum position.
Good judgement should be used in applying any manufac- The PremierLink controller will provide intelligent com-
turer’s instructions to avoid injury to personnel or damage pressor staging and economizer operation when connected to a
to equipment and property. space sensor with set point adjustment, timed override and a
service port jack. The intelligent compressor staging and the
economizer control use error reduction logic as designated in

Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Section 10 Catalog No. 04-51330005-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 33CS-4XA Pg 1 10-10 Replaces: 33CS-3XA
Tab 10d
ASHRAE 90.1 (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, • wire harness
and Air Conditioning Engineers). The error reduction logic • 10 spade connectors
provides better temperature control and reduced energy usage. • wire nuts
The PremierLink™ controller provides communication to • 4 no. 6 x 1-in. self-drilling Phillips pan head mounting
the System Pilot™ interface. The sensor allows for set point screws
adjustment, timed override, force fan and will read equipment Field-Supplied Hardware — Each PremierLink con-
mode. The sensor will also measure and maintain room troller requires the following field-supplied components to
temperature. complete its installation:
Physical Characteristics — The PremierLink controller • space temperature sensor (33ZCT55SPT, 33ZCT56SPT, or
is microprocessor based and includes an electronic board 33ZCT59SPT) in sensor mode or in thermostat mode for
assembly, terminal blocks, and internal relays. economizer control
Field wiring is 18 and 22 AWG (American Wire Gage). The • supply air temperature sensor (33ZCSENSAT) required for
PremierLink controller is a NEC (National Electrical Code) all applications
Class 2 rated device. The power supply is 2-wire, 24 vac • indoor air quality sensor (33ZCSENCO2, 33ZCT55CO2,
(±15% at 40 va) 60 Hz. Power consumption during normal 33ZCT56CO2) required for demand control ventilation
operation is between 18 and 32 vac. The controller also has • outdoor air quality sensor (33ZCSENCO2) required for
internal flash memory of 128K. demand control ventilation
• indoor relative humidity sensor (33ZCSENSRH-01)
The PremierLink controller space temperature range is required for dehumidification
–40 to 245 F (–40 to 118 C). The controller has an allowable • outdoor air temperature sensor (33ZCSENOAT)
control set point range from 40 to 90 F (4 to 32 C) for heating • enthalpy and differential enthalpy sensors (33CSENTHSW
and 45 to 99 F (7 to 37 C) for cooling. and 33CSENTSEN).
The PremierLink controller is designed to be used with the SPACE TEMPERATURE (SPT) SENSOR — The Premier-
Carrier Comfort Network® (CCN) system. As part of this de- Link controller can be used with any combination of CO2 and
sign the controller is equipped with a 365-day software clock. space temperature sensors. Refer to the instructions supplied
A software clock differs from a hardware clock as there is no with each sensor for electrical requirements. See Fig. 3 and
battery or capacitor that backs up the clock during a power fail- Table 1.
ure. After a power failure the PremierLink controller will send
out a message requesting the time from a CCN time broadcast There are three types of SPT sensors available from Carrier:
device. Once the time broadcast is received, the PremierLink • 33ZCT55SPT space temperature sensor with timed over-
clock will be set and normal time functions will resume. If ride button
stand alone operation is desired, it is recommended that a • 33ZCT56SPT space temperature sensor with timed over-
System Pilot thermostat be used. A room sensor may be used ride button and set point adjustment
in conjunction with a switch or dry contacts to switch the • 33ZCT59SPT, space temperature sensor with LCD (liq-
PremierLink controller from unoccupied to occupied operation uid crystal display) screen, override button, and set point
as needed. The PremierLink controller may also be reconfig- adjustment.
ured to use a standard thermostat if desired. The sensor should be mounted approximately 5 ft from the
The number of PremierLink controllers is limited only by floor, in an area representing the average temperature in the
the maximum number of PremierLink controllers allowed on a space. Allow at least 4 ft between the sensor and any corner
CCN system. Bus length may not exceed 4000 ft (1219 m), and mount the sensor at least 2 ft from an open doorway. The
with no more than 60 devices on any 1000 ft (305 m) section. SPT sensor wires are to be connected to terminals in the unit’s
Optically isolated RS-485 repeaters are required every 1000 ft main control board.
(305 m). Status and control data is transmitted at a baud rate of SUPPLY AIR TEMPERATURE (SAT) SENSOR — The
between 9600 and 38.4K. See Fig. 1 for typical PremierLink 33ZCSENSAT supply air temperature sensor is required for
wiring. controller operation. The sensor consists of a thermistor
The default address is 0,31. The default baud rate is 9600. encased within a stainless steel probe. See Fig. 4. The SAT
The Network Service Tool can be used to change the address sensor probe is 6-in. nominal length with 114 in. of unshielded,
and baud rate. 2-conductor 18 AWG twisted-pair cables. The sensor tempera-
Two activity indicators present on the PremierLink control- ture range is –40 to 245 F with a nominal resistance of
ler indicate activity. A green LED (light-emitting diode) will 10,000 ohms at 77 F. The sensor measures accuracy of ±0.36 F.
indicate activity on the communication port and a red LED will See Table 1.
indicate status of processor operation. NOTE: The sensor must be mounted in the discharge of the
The controller environmental ratings are as follows: unit, downstream of the cooling coil and heat exchanger. Be
sure the probe tip does not come in contact with any of the
• Operating Temperature: –40 to 158 F (–40 to 70 C) at 10 unit surfaces.
to 95% RH (non-condensing)
• Storage Temperature: –40 to 185 F (–40 to 85 C) at 10 to Ideally, the SAT sensor should be located inside the unit
95% RH (non-condensing) under the heat exchanger. The SAT sensor can also be installed
in the supply air duct downstream from unit heat source to
PremierLink Controller Hardware (See Fig. 2) — control.
The PremierLink controller hardware package consists of the
following hardware:
• control module



1. Ground the communication bus shield at only one end of the bus.
2. PremierLink controllers (33CSPREMLK) are normally mounted inside
the HVAC unit. PremierLink controllers that are mounted outside the
HVAC unit require a water proof enclosure.

Fig. 1 — Typical PremierLink™ System Wiring

Fig. 2 — PremierLink™ Controller



.175 DIA
x .600



.40'' O.D.

.250 ±.01 Dia

5.5 ±.5


114'' ±6

Fig. 3 — Space Temperature/Room Humidity NOTE: Dimensions are in inches.

Sensor (P/N 33ZCT56SPT Shown) Fig. 4 — Supply Air Temperature Sensor

Table 1 — Thermistor Resistance vs Temperature Values for Space Temperature Sensor and
Supply-Air Temperature Sensor
(C) (F) (Ohms)
–40 –40 335,651
–35 –31 242,195
–30 –22 176,683
–25 –13 130,243
–20 –4 96,974
–15 5 72,895
–10 14 55,298
–5 23 42,315
0 32 32,651
5 41 25,395
10 50 19,903
15 59 15,714
20 68 12,494
25 77 10,000
30 86 8,056
35 95 6,530
40 104 5,325
45 113 4,367
50 122 3,601
55 131 2,985
60 140 2,487
65 149 2,082
70 158 1,752

quality (IAQ) sensor monitors carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in air temperature (OAT) sensor (33ZCSENOAT) monitors the
conditioned air space. This is achieved by using infrared temperature outside of the outside air entering the equipment.
technology to measure the levels of CO2 present in the air. The The OAT sensor must be located properly. The sensor must be
wall sensor is available with or without an LCD (liquid crystal installed immediately upstream from outdoor air damper
display) readout to display the CO2 level in ppm. See Fig. 5 where it will accurately sense the temperature of the outdoor
and 6. air entering the mixing box. For applications without
The CO2 sensors are all factory set for a range of 0 to economizer, the sensor may be located in the outdoor air duct
2000 ppm and a linear mA output of 4 to 20. Refer to the near the outdoor air intake or on the exterior of the building.
instructions supplied with the CO2 sensor for electrical require- The thermistor has a range of –40 to 245 F and a resistance of
ments and terminal locations. 10,000 ohms at 77 F.
To accurately monitor the quality of the air in the condi- Do not mount the sensor in direct sunlight. Inaccurate read-
tioned air space, locate the sensor near a return air grille (if ings may result. Do not mount the sensor near the exhaust from
present) so it senses the concentration of CO2 leaving the air-handling units or compressors, near leakage drafts of indoor
space. The sensor should be mounted in a location to avoid air, or near shrubbery or trees, or under direct water runoff.
Three different CO2 sensors are available for this The accessory enthalpy switch/receiver (33CSENTHSW)
application: senses temperature and humidity of the air surrounding the
• 33ZCSENCO2 sensor is an indoor, wall-mounted sensor device and calculates the enthalpy when used without an
with an LCD display. enthalpy sensor. The relay is energized when enthalpy is
high and deenergized when enthalpy is low (based on
• 33ZCT55CO2 sensor is an indoor, wall-mounted sensor ASHRAE 90.1 criteria). If an accessory enthalpy sensor
without display. The CO2 sensor also includes a space tem- (33CSENTSEN) is attached to the return air sensor input, then
perature sensor with override button. See Fig. 6. differential enthalpy is calculated. The relay is energized when
• 33ZCT56CO2 sensor is an indoor, wall-mounted sensor the enthalpy detected by the return air enthalpy sensor is less
without display. The CO2 sensor also includes a space tem- than the enthalpy at the enthalpy switch/receiver. The relay is
perature sensor with override button and temperature offset. deenergized when the enthalpy detected by the return air en-
OUTDOOR AIR QUALITY (OAQ) CO2 SENSOR — The thalpy sensor is greater than the enthalpy at the enthalpy
outdoor air CO2 sensor is designed to monitor carbon dioxide switch/receiver (differential enthalpy control). See Fig. 7 and 8.
(CO2) levels in the air and interface with the ventilation damper NOTE: The outdoor air quality level, outdoor air temperature,
in an HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system. and outdoor air enthalpy may be broadcast and shared with any
The OAQ sensor requires an outdoor cover. An accessory out- rooftop units on the CCN bus.
door enclosure (33ZCOA-CO2) can be used. RELATIVE HUMIDITY SENSOR — The 33ZCSENSRH-
The OAQ sensor is used as an outdoor CO2 reference 01 relative space humidity sensor is required for dehumidifica-
to maintain a differential CO2 level in the space per tion control on a rooftop unit equipped with a dehumidification
ASHRAE 62.99. The outdoor CO2 level may also be forced to device. Otherwise, the relative humidity sensor is used for
a fixed outdoor ambient CO2 level. When no CO2 sensor is monitoring only.
detected, the controller will use 400 ppm as the default outdoor NOTE: The relative humidity sensor and the outdoor air CO2
CO2 level. sensor cannot both be used on the controller at the same time.

5.625 5
(14.3) (12.7)

3.25 1.125 0.25

(8.3) (2.9) (0.8)

NOTE: Dimensions are in inches.

Dimensions in ( ) are in centimeters.
Fig. 5 — Indoor Air Quality (CO2) Sensor
(33ZCSENCO2) with Display

Fig. 7 — Enthalpy Switch/Receiver Dimensions


Fig. 6 — Indoor Air Quality (CO2) Sensor Fig. 8 — Enthalpy Sensor Dimensions
(33ZCT55CO2) Without Display (33CSENTSEN)

Location of PremierLink™ Controller — The In some equipment, the integrated gas control (IGC) board
PremierLink controller should be located inside one of the may run the fan for 90 to 120 seconds depending on the mode,
available service access panels of the unit. Be sure the location if heat was on during the fire shutdown command. Operation
selected prevents moisture and rain from coming into con- of the fan after the command to shut down may not be accept-
tact with the circuit board. able to the local inspector. If that is the case, another relay must
Select a location which will be safe from water damage and be added to drop power to the IGC for a fire shutdown.
allow sufficient access for service and wiring. For service When the fan output goes off, the compressors can be pro-
access, there should be at least 6 in. of clearance between the grammed to turn off after their minimum runtime delay has
front of the PremierLink controller and adjacent surfaces. Be elapsed. This is to protect the compressors in case the shut-
sure to leave 1/2-in. clearance in front of RJ-14 connector for down command would cause compressor short cycling. This
attaching RJ-14 cable from the CCN system. A field-supplied systematic shutdown is acceptable with nationally adopted fire
right angle 6-pin RJ-14 connector can be attached if necessary. codes. The compressors can also be programmed to go off im-
An accessory mounting bracket may be used to mount the mediately if it is required by the local inspectors.
PremierLink control under the rooftop unit control box. See SUPPLY FAN STATUS — The Supply Fan Status input is a
Fig. 9. 24-vac input used by the PremierLink control to determine if
the fan is actually operational after it has been commanded on.
Inputs and Outputs — The PremierLink™ controller in- If the supply fan status disagrees with the Supply Fan output,
puts and outputs are shown in Table 2. then an alarm will be generated and heating and cooling will be
Most of the inputs are discussed in the Field-Supplied terminated. Compressors may run for a short time to satisfy the
Hardware section. The following information is provided to minimum compressor runtime.
assist in applying other inputs and outputs. ENTHALPY STATUS — The Enthalpy Status input is a
The PremierLink controller has two modes: Sensor mode 24-vac input that is used by the PremierLink controller to
and Thermostat mode. The digital inputs on connector J4 are determine if the outdoor enthalpy is high or low.
designed to receive 24 vac and are used to receive thermostat HEAT 3/EXHAUST FAN/REVERSING VALVE/DEHUM-
commands in the thermostat mode. In the Sensor mode, they DIFY/OCCUPIED — This output is a 24-vac output that can
may be used for the features listed in Table 2. be used to control a third stage of heat, an exhaust fan, or a re-
REMOTE TIMECLOCK/DOOR SWITCH — This input versing valve for a heat pump unit.
can be programmed to operate as a Remote Time Clock or as a To use the output as a third stage of heat, two configuration
Door Switch. When programmed as a Remote Time Clock and settings must be changed. The AUXOUT configuration (see
24 vac is sensed at the remote timeclock input, the PremierLink User Information Screens section on page 11) must be set to 2
controller will operate in the Occupied mode. When 24 vac is and Heat Stages number of stages in service configuration must
not present, the control will revert back to Unoccupied mode or be set to 3 (see User Information Screens section on page 11).
to the local occupancy control logic.
To use this output to turn an exhaust fan on and off based on
For basic operation of a newly installed PremierLink con- damper position, set the AUXOUT configuration (see User In-
trol, the unoccupied set points are 75 F and 69 F. In the Sensor formation Screens section on page 11) to 1 and set the desired
mode, the PremierLink control will provide control of the damper position in the set point schedule PES (see User Infor-
equipment to maintain the space temperature between 69 and mation on Screens section on page 11).
75 F with intermittent fan. If the RMTOCC input is provided
24 vac, the PremierLink control will control to the Occupied To use this output to run the exhaust fan, lights, or other ap-
set points (default 70 F and 74 F) as biased by the STO or T56 plications when occupied, set the AUXOUT configuration to 1
slider input. The fan will run continuously or intermittently (see User Information Screens section on page 11) and set
with the cool or heat demand only depending on configured MODPE in the service configuration to Enable (see User Infor-
compliance with ASHRAE 90.1 standard. mation Screens section on page 11).
When programmed for Door Switch and 24 vac is present This output will turn on any time the mode is occupied. The
for a user configurable time delay of 2 to 20 minutes, the heat- temperature compensated start mode is considered occupied
ing and cooling outputs will be deenergized. The fan will con- mode. If temperature compensated start is being allowed to
tinue to operate depending on the ASHRAE 90.1 configuration function, the PremierLink controller enters Occupied mode
decision. When 24 vac is not present, the PremierLink control-
ler will control to normal temperature control set points.
The Door Switch function can also be applied to water MOUNTING UNIT CONTROL
source heat pumps as a condensate overflow safety contact. SCREWS BOX
When the condensate level rises to close a contact providing
24vac to the RMTOCC input, it will disable the mechanical
cooling until the condensate level as dropped and the contact is
COMPRESSOR LOCKOUT — The Compressor Lockout
input is a 24-vac input used by the PremierLink controller to
send out an alert if either of the compressors is locked out. This
was designed to be a location for feedback from the compres-
sor lockout boards to indicate if there is trouble turning on the MOUNTING
compressors in the rooftop unit. This input has no effect on BRACKET
normal compressor staging.
FIRE SHUTDOWN — The Fire Shutdown input is a 24-vac
input that will cause the PremierLink controller to halt fan op-
eration and close the damper immediately in case of a fire. This PREMIERLINK
input can be programmed for normally open or closed contact. (WITH COVER)
All heat operation will turn off immediately after the fan shuts
off. Fig. 9 — Accessory Mounting Bracket

each day a few minutes before the actual configured occupancy APPLICATION DATA
To use this output to control a reversing valve, set the
Rooftop Applications — The PremierLink™ control-
ler is designed to comply with ASHRAE 90.1 and ASHRAE
AUXOUT configuration to 3 to energize for heating or 4 to en- 62, therefore the supply fan output will remain energized when
ergize for cooling (see User Information Screens section on the schedule is in Occupied mode. The equipment will provide
page 11). required ventilation air from the fresh air intake during occu-
To use this output for Dehumidification, set the AUXOUT pancy and enhance economizer performance. The PremierLink
configuration to 5 (see User Information Screens section on controller provides intermittent fan control during Unoccupied
page 11) and set the desired occupied and unoccupied high hu- periods.
midity setpoints in the SETPOINT table (see User Information If the application is an exception to current ventilation
Screens section on page 11). requirements and the user would like the fan to cycle with
To use the output for a separate occupied schedule, set the the space demand during occupied periods, then the user can
AUXOUT configuration to 6 (see User Information Screens configure the ASHRAE 90.1 Supply Fan decision to No. The
section on page 11) and set OCCPC63 schedule to the desired supply fan will only turn on when there is a demand for heating
occupied time. When configured for this function, the output or cooling. The economizer will not operate when the space
can be written to by data transfer, Comfort Controller, etc., over temperature requirements are satisfied.
the CCN communication bus. The PremierLink controller requires the use of a supply air
Control Wiring — The PremierLink™ controller can be temperature (SAT) sensor (33ZCSENSAT) for heat and cool
connected to either a Carrier-approved thermostat or CCN staging in both thermostat and sensor modes. The SAT also
compatible temperature sensor. controls leaving-air temperature to prevent the equipment
supply air from becoming too cold or too hot. When in cooling
1. Turn off power to the control box.
mode, stages 1 and 2 utilize a low set point for supply air to
2. Strip the ends of the red, white, and black conductors of prevent the refrigeration coil from icing up under diminished
the communication bus cable. flow conditions and also to prevent duct condensation that
NOTE: When connecting the communication bus cable, a could be created if low supply-air temperatures were intro-
color code system for the entire network is recommended to duced into the ductwork or diffusers. When in heating mode,
simplify installation and checkout. the SAT high limit set point provides a maximum duct temper
3. Use 4-connector Molex with red, white and black wires control point to protect heat exchangers from tripping on inter-
to connect the controller wires. Connect the Red (+) wire nal high limit safeties.
to Terminal 1. Connect the White (ground) wire to Termi- The default configuration for PremierLink controller is
nal 2. Connect the Black (–) wire to Terminal 3. 2-stage cooling and 2-stage heating. The controller can be
4. Secure all connections in step 3 with wire nuts. configured for applications requiring different stages such as
single-stage equipment, heat pump or other heating applications
5. Insert the plug into the existing 4-pin mating connector using the auxiliary output for the third stage of heat.
on the base module in the main control box (Terminal
J-2). The PremierLink controller is equipped with a 0 to 20 mA
output that may be used to control a fresh air economizer. The
6. Restore power. PremierLink controller may also be used to stage heating and
cooling in applications where no economizer is available. If no
economizer is used, make sure to leave the enthalpy switch
input open so that the enthalpy reads HIGH at all times and the
PremierLink controller will operate the stages independent of
the economizer output.

Table 2 — PremierLink Controller Inputs and Outputs

SPACE TEMPERATURE (SPT) AI (10K Thermistor) J6-7, J6-6
SET POINT ADJUSTMENT (STO) AI (10K Thermistor) J6-5, J6-6
SUPPLY AIR TEMPERATURE (SAT) AI (10K Thermistor) J6-3, J6-4
OUTDOOR AIR TEMPERATURE (OAT) AI (10K Thermistor) J6-1, J6-2
IAQ SENSOR (IAQ) (4-20 mA) J5-5, J5-6
FAN (SF) DO Relay (24 VAC, 1A) J8-18
COOL STAGE 1 (CMP1) DO Relay (24 VAC, 1A) J8-15
COOL STAGE 2 (CMP2) DO Relay (24 VAC, 1A) J8-12
HEAT STAGE 1 (HS1) DO Relay (24 VAC, 1A) J8-9
HEAT STAGE 2 (HS2) DO Relay (24 VAC, 1A) J8-6
AI — Analog Input
DI — Digital Input
DO — Digital Output

The OAT sensor may be shorted out if not installed. The • OAT must be less than SPT
DXCTLO configuration may be turned off if an OAT sensor is • Enthalpy is LOW
installed or being broadcast and the user wants the cooling • May be jumper if Enthalpy sensor not available
stages to operate below the Cooling Lockout set point • Pre-cooling is done when no call from the thermostat
DXLOCK. except G. Economizer modulates to provide 70 F
When Economizer operation is desired the PremierLink ECONOMIZER/DX COOLING CONTROL
controller requires an OAT input and an SPT input as a mini- • Three control routines based on OAT. Improves
mum check to determine if the air is suitable for free cooling. integrated economizer and compressors usage.
This also applies to thermostat applications, so it is suggested • Economizer modulated to maintain SAT at varying
that a sensor be installed in the return air and wired to the SPT Supply Air Set Points (SASP)
input for thermostat applications. The enthalpy switch may be
added as an extra check for more humid climates. If no Routine 1 (OAT  DXCTLO°F)
enthalpy switch is installed, be sure to jumper the enthalpy • Y1 energized – Economizer maintains a SASP =
switch input so that the enthalpy point reads LOW all of the (SATLO1 + 3)
time. Therefore the PremierLink controller will only check • Y2 energized – Economizer maintains a SASP =
OAT and SPT to determine if conditions are good for free (SATLO2 + 3)
cooling. Routine 2 (DXCTLO < OAT < 68 F)
Heat Pump Applications — The PremierLink con- • Y1 energized
troller can be configured for use in applications with heat - Economizer maintains a SASP = (SATLO1 + 3)
pumps that do not control the reversing valve from a defrost - If SAT > SASP + 5 and economizer position 
board. In addition, the controller can also be used in applica- 80%
tions with heat pumps that include the defrost board. If the con- - Economizer will go to minimum position for
troller is installed on a Carrier heat pump with a defrost board
the default (AC) configuration will apply. The CMP1 and 3 minutes or until SAT > 68 F
CMP2 outputs will control cooling and the HS1 and HS2 - First stage of mechanical cooling will be ener-
outputs will control heat. If IAQ control with temperature gized.
tempering is desired (IAQ priority set to HIGH), the AC/HP - Integrator resets
configuration should be set for heat pump operation so HS2 - Economizer opens again and controls to SASP
will energize without HS1 for tempering.
after stage one on for 90 seconds
For equipment with a reversing valve, the AUXOUT output
should be configured for reversing valve operation and AC • Y2 energized
configured for heat pump operation. - Economizer maintains a SASP = SATLO2 + 3
- If SAT > SASP + 5 and economizer position 
When AUXOUT is set to 3, the reversing valve is energized
when the compressors are turned on for heat and deenergized 80%
when the compressors are turned on for cooling. - Economizer will go to minimum position for
When AUXOUT is set to 4, the reversing valve is energized 3 minutes or until SAT > 68 F
when the compressors are turned on for cooling and turned off - First stage of mechanical cooling will be ener-
when compressors are turned on for heating. Refer to Split Sys- gized.
tem or Water Source Heat Pump manuals for more informa- - Integrator resets
- Economizer opens again and controls to SASP
Thermostat Applications — The PremierLink con- after stage one on for 90 seconds
troller may be used with a typical thermostat instead of a room
sensor. The PremierLink controller must be reconfigured for Routine 3 (OAT > 68)
usage with a thermostat. Economizer and DCV (demand • Economizer is opened 100%
controlled ventilation) are supported in Thermostat mode. See • Compressors 1 and 2 are cycled based on Y1 and Y2
FAN AND MINIMUM DAMPER CONTROL Gas Heat, Electric Heat, and Heat Pump with Internal
• Fan (G or W1 input from thermostat) must be present Reversing Valve
before cooling can operate. • Indoor Fan will be on for electric heat.
• With G Economizer will go to minimum position if not • Heat 1 follows W1 input.
active. • Heat 2 follows W2 input.
• With W1 only Economizer will stay at 0%. Heat Pump without Internal Reversing Valve and AUXOUT
DX (Direct Expansion) COOLING CONTROL = Reversing Valve for Heat
• Controls 2 stages of DX to satisfy Y1 and Y2 inputs from • Indoor fan will be on.
thermostat. If economizer not active. • Compressors 1,2 and RV will follow W1 input.
• RV energized if configured for heat pump and AUXOUT • Heat Stages 1,2 will follow W2 input.
configured for reversing valve for cooling.
• Compressors Cycled off at configurable SAT values for Demand Controlled Ventilation — Certain criteria
SAT control. must be considered when using the PremierLink™ controller
• SATLO1 (default 55 F) for demand control ventilation. When selecting the heating and
• SATLO2 (default 50 F) cooling capacity of the equipment, the maximum ventilation
rate must be evaluated for design conditions along with the
ECONOMIZER COOLING CONTROL maximum damper position to achieve desired conditioning of
• Economizer active requires SPT, SAT, and OAT the space. Typical maximum ventilation rate should be
• SPT device may be mounted in return air ASHRAE occupied design cfm +5 to 10%.
• OAT must be less than 75 F

NOTE: Remove all unused red wires from J4 connector to prevent 24 vac shorting other components or ground. Inputs on J4 are 24 vac; red leads are voltage source.
Fig. 10 — Typical Thermostat Wiring
The PremierLink controller can also provide tempering of the proper IAQ damper position to hold the CO2 level at the
supply air when the space or return air temperature falls be- configured differential set point.
tween the occupied heat and cool set points or there is not a call
for heating or cooling in the Thermostat mode. The maximum Dehumidification of Fresh Air with Demand
ventilation airflow rate should be checked by evaluating the Controlled Ventilation — The PremierLink controller
unit's heating capability to raise the supply air to an acceptable can be used with a heat recovery unit to reduce the moisture
level during tempering of supply air. content of the fresh air being brought in when the enthalpy is
high. To assist in the control of dehumidification, either an
After determining the maximum ventilation airflow rate the enthalpy or differential enthalpy switch should be installed on
indoor air quality (IAQ) maximum damper configuration the equipment to enable dehumidification when economizer
needs to be configured. Demand control ventilation software operation is not possible.
may be used to assist in determining the CO2 maximum venti-
lation recovery rate. The recovery rate can be accomplished by Humidi-MiZer® Applications — The PremierLink
using either proportional-anticipatory strategy or proportional controller can be used in applications with the Humidi-MiZer
integral (PI) control. Adaptive Dehumidification system. For PremierLink versions
Proportional-anticipatory strategy should be used in appli- 2.0 and later, the humidity sensor input can be wired directly
cations where installed equipment cannot exceed the required into the PremierLink controller. The output will be energized
ventilation rate. In a large zone having varied occupancy, whenever the attached Indoor Relative Humidity (RH) sensor
implementing proportional-anticipatory strategy will cause the exceeds the unoccupied or occupied high RH set point. This
fresh air supply to increase as the room CO2 level increases function will not bring on the compressors but is designed to
even though the CO2 set point has not been reached. By the work with MoistureMi$er or Humidi-MiZer option on Carrier
time the CO2 level reaches the set point the damper will be at rooftop units. If the unoccupied set point is exceeded, the con-
maximum ventilation and will maintain the set point. Equip- trol will also turn on the fan. Refer to the Humidi-MiZer appli-
ment installed in a small zone that has capacity to occasionally cation data for further details.
exceed the required ventilation rate and still has enough capac-
ity to maintain comfort will not energize until the CO2 set point USER INFORMATION SCREENS
is reached. Once this occurs, the unit will then regulate the
fresh air using proportional integral derivative (PID) loop to The following section describes the computer user informa-
maintain the required ventilation. tion screens, which are used to monitor and configure the
PremierLink™ controller. The screens shown may be dis-
For the IAQ control to be effective, the maximum damper played differently when using different Carrier software.
position needs to allow enough ventilation air in to decrease the
CO2 level at maximum occupancy or supply enough ventila- The following configuration screens are provided:
tion air to hold the CO2 level at its current position. If the max- • Points Display (Table 3)
imum fresh air can reduce the space CO2 level, the differential • Thermostat Control Input Display (Table 4)
set point should be set to the desired level. If the maximum • Alarm Service Configuration (Table 5)
ventilation air can only maintain the set point, then the differen- • Controller Identification (Table 6)
tial set point should be set far enough below the required level • Holiday Configuration (Table 7)
so the damper will be at IAQ maximum position when the • Occupancy Configuration (Table 8)
required differential is reached. • Service Configuration Selection (Table 9)
PROPORTIONAL INTEGRAL DERIVATIVE (PID) CON- • PremierLink Control Configuration (Table 10)
TROL — The PremierLink controller is configured for PID • Set Point Configuration (Table 11)
control for CO2 level with a starting value of zero. As the CO2 • Occupancy Maintenance (OCCPC63S-64S) (Table 12)
differential set point is exceeded the controller will start calcu- • Primary Maintenance (MAINT) (Table 13)
lating an IAQ damper position based in the PI calculations. As • System Pilot Maintenance (SP_MAINT) (Table 14)
the IAQ damper position exceeds either the current minimum • System Pilot Alternate Maintenance Display
position or economizer damper position, the IAQ damper posi- (ALT_DISP) (Table 15)
tion will become the economizer position. As long as the CO2 Refer to the PremierLink Controller Installation Instructions
level is high due to zone occupancy, the PID loop will maintain for more information on configuring the controller.

Table 3 — Points Display
Space Temperature 72.2 dF SPT
Supply Air Temperature 67.1 dF SAT
Outdoor Air Temperature 48.8 dF OAT
Control Setpoint 70.0 dF CLSP
Rooftop Mode COOL MODE
Cooling % Total Capacity 0 % CCAP
Heating % Total Capacity 0 % HCAP
Economizer Active Yes ECOS
Supply Fan Relay On SF
Supply Fan Status On SFS
Economizer Position 26.2 % ECONPOS
Current Min Damper Pos 20 % IQMP
Filter Status Clean FLTS
Remote Occupied Mode Off RMTOCC
Heat Stage 1 Off HS1
Heat Stage 2 Off HS2
Ht 3/Exhaust/Rev Valv/DH Off H3_EX_RV
Enthalpy Low ENTH
Indoor Air Quality 367.9 IAQI
Indoor Air Quality Setpt 1050.0 IAQS
Outdoor Air Quality 0.0 OAQ
Indoor RH 0 % IRH
Fire Shutdown Normal FSD
SPT Offset 0.0 ^F STO
Compressor 1 Off CMP1
Compressor 2 Off CMP2
Compressor Safety Off CMPSAFE
Rooftop Mode 2 RTU_MODE
LON Setpoint 72 dF LON_SP
Alarm Status Normal ALARM

SPT — Space Temperature Sensor
NOTE: Bold values indicate points that can be forced through communications.

Table 4 — Thermostat Control Input Display

Y1 - Call for Cool 1 On Y1
Y2 - Call for Cool 2 On Y2
W1 - Call for Heat 1 Off W1
W2 - Call for Heat 2 Off W2
G - Call for Fan On G
NOTE: Bold values indicate points that can be forced through communications.

Table 5 — Alarm Service Configuration Table 6 — Controller Identification

Alarm Control Description: Rooftop Control DevDesc
Alarm Routing Control 00000000 ALRMCNT Location: Location
Realarm Time 0 min REALARM Software Part Number: CESR131269-08 PartNum
Control Temp Hysteresis 5.0 ^F SPTHYS Model Number: ModelNum
Control Humid Hysteresis 5 % RHHYS Serial Number: SerialNo
Supply Air Temperature Reference Number: Version 2.000 RefNum
Low Limit 45.0 dF LOWLIM NOTE: Bold values are configurable through communications.
High Limit 150.0 dF HIGHLIM
IAQ High Alert Limit
Low Limit 0.0 LOWLIM
Table 7 — Holiday Configuration
Fire Inp Alm Conditn Normal FIAC Start Month 1 MONTH
Start Day 1 DAY
IAQ — Indoor Air Quality
NOTE: Bold values are configurable through communications. NOTE: Bold values are configurable through communications.

Table 8 — Occupancy Configuration Table 9 — Service Configuration Selection
Manual Override Hours 0 hours OVRD Cooling PID
Period 1: Day of Week 11111111 DOW1 Proportional Gain 6.0 KP
Period 1: Occupied from 00:00 OCC1 Integral Gain 3.0 KI
Period 1: Occupied to 24:00 UNOCC1 Derivative Gain 5.0 KD
Period 2: Day of Week 00000000 DOW2 Starting Value 70.0 dF STARTVAL
Period 2: Occupied from 00:00 OCC2
SAT CMP1 Low Setpoint 55 dF SATLO1
Period 2: Occupied to 24:00 UNOCC2
SAT CMP2 Low Setpoint 50 dF SATLO2
Period 3: Day of Week 00000000 DOW3
Staged Cooling
Period 3: Occupied from 00:00 OCC3
Total Number of Stages 2 STAGES
Period 3: Occupied to 24:00 UNOCC3
Stage 1 Time Guard Enable TG1
Period 4: Day of Week 00000000 DOW4
Stage 2 Time Guard Enable TG2
Period 4: Occupied from 00:00 OCC4
Period 4: Occupied to 24:00 UNOCC4 Stage 3 Time Guard Disable TG3
Period 5: Day of Week 00000000 DOW5 Heating PID
Period 5: Occupied from 00:00 OCC5 Proportional Gain 6.0 KP
Period 5: Occupied to 24:00 UNOCC5 Integral Gain 3.0 KI
Period 6: Day of Week 00000000 DOW6 Derivative Gain 5.0 KD
Period 6: Occupied from 00:00 OCC6 Starting Value 75.0 dF STARTVAL
Period 6: Occupied to 24:00 UNOCC6 SAT High Setpoint 140 dF SATHI
Period 7: Day of Week 00000000 DOW7 Staged Heating
Period 7: Occupied from 00:00 OCC7 Total Number of Stages 2 STAGES
Period 7: Occupied to 24:00 UNOCC7 Stage 1 Time Guard Enable TG1
Period 8: Day of Week 00000000 DOW8 Stage 2 Time Guard Enable TG2
Period 8: Occupied from 00:00 OCC8 Stage 3 Time Guard Enable TG3
Period 8: Occupied to 24:00 UNOCC8 IAQ PID
NOTE: Bold values are configurable through communications. Proportional Gain 0.1 KP
Integral Gain 0.5 KI
Derivative Gain 0.0 KD
Starting Value 0.0 % STARTVAL
Economizer PID
Proportional Gain -4.0 KP
Integral Gain -2.0 KI
Derivative Gain -3.0 KD
Starting Value 70.0 dF STARTVAL
Submaster Gain Limit -5.5 ESG
Submaster Center Value 60 % CTRVAL
Damper Movement Band 0 % ECONBAND
OAT Temp Band 25 dF TEMPBAND
Minimum Damper Position 20 % MDP
Low Temp MDP Override 100 % LOWMDP
DX Cooling Lockout On DXCTLO
DX Cooling Lockout Temp 45.0 dF DXLOCK
Time Guard Override Off TGO
Continuous Power Exhaust Disable MODPE
Supply Fan Status Enable Disable SFSENABL
Remote Cont/Door Switch 0 RC_DS
ASHRAE 90.1 Supply Fan Yes CONTFAN
Min Setpoint Deadband 1.5 ^F MIN_DBND
Max OAT for Free Cool 75 dF OATMAX
Max Offset Adjustment 2.0 ^F LIMT
Comp Time Gard for Fire Yes COMP_TG
Comp Min Off Time 5 min C_MIN_OF
Comp Min On Time 3 min C_MIN_ON
Mode Change Time 10 min M_SELECT
Space Temp Trim 0.0 ^F RATTRIM
Supply Air Temp Trim 0.0 ^F SATTRIM

DX — Direct Expansion
IAQ — Indoor Air Quality
OAT — Outdoor-Air Temperature
PID — Proportional Integral Derivative
SAT — Supply Air Temperature
NOTE: Bold values are configurable through communications.

Table 10 — PremierLink™ Control Configuration Table 11 — Set Point Configuration
0=TSTAT, 1=CCN Sensor 0 TSTATCFG Setpoints
0=Gas, 1=Electric Heat 0 HEATTYPE Occupied Low Setpoint 70.0 dF OHSP
0=AC Unit, 1=Heat Pump 0 AC Occupied High Setpoint 74.0 dF OCSP
Auxiliary Output 0 AUXOUT Unoccupied Low Setpoint 69.0 dF UHSP
0=None Unoccupied High Setpoint 75.0 dF UCSP
1=Exhaust Fan Hi OAT Lckout for TSTAT 65.0 dF OATL
2=Heat Stage Unocc. OAT Lockout TEMP 50.0 dF NTLO
3=Reversing Valve Heat Unocc. Heating Deadband 1.0 ^F UHDB
4=Reversing Valve Cool Unocc. Cooling Deadband 1.0 ^F UCDB
5=Dehumidification Low Temp. Min. Position 10 % LTMP
6=Separate Schedule Hi Temp. Min. Position 35 % HTMP
Unnoc Free Cool 0 NTEN Power Exhaust Setpoint 50 % PES
0=Disable Occ Rel Hum Setpoint 50 % ORHS
1=Always enabled Unocc Rel Hum Setpoint 99 % URHS
2-6 Hours prior to OCC
Demand Limiting Disable DLEN LEGEND
Loadshed Group Number 1 LSGP OAT — Outdoor Air Temperature
CCN Broadcast OAT, ENTH,OAQ 0 OATBC NOTE: Bold values are configurable through communications.
Global Schedule Broadcast No GSBC
Broadcast Acknowledge No BCACK Table 12 — Occupancy Maintenance Screen
Schedule Number 64 SCHEDNUM (OCCPC63S-64S)
Timed Override Hours 0 hours TIMOVRID
Linkage Thermostat Mode 0 MODE
Cool Strt Bias(min/deg) 10 min KCOOL Current Occupied Period 0 PERIOD
Heat Strt Bias(min/deg) 10 min KHEAT Override in Progress No OVERLAST
Filter Timer hrs* 100 15 FIL_TIMR Override Duration 0 min OVERDURA
IAQ Priority Level Low IAQP Occupied Start Time 00:00 OCCSTART
IAQ Pre-Occupancy Purge Disable IAQPURGE Unoccupied Start Time 00:00 UNSTART
IAQ Purge Duration 5 min IQPD Next Occupied Day NXTOCCD
IAQ Delta Setpoint 650 IAQD Next Occupied Time 00:00 NXTOCCT
IAQ Maximum Damper Pos. 50 % IAQMAXP Next Unoccupied Day NXTUNOD
Indoor AQ Low Ref. 0.0 IIAQREFL Next Unoccupied Time 00:00 NXTUNOT
Indoor AQ High Ref. 2000.0 IIAQREFH Last Unoccupied Day PRVUNOD
Outdoor AQ Low Ref. 0.0 OIAQREFL Last Unoccupied Time 00:00 PRVUNOT
Outdoor AQ High Ref. 2000.0 OIAQREFH
Outdoor AQ Lockout Point 0 OIAQLOCK

CCN — Carrier Comfort Network®
ENTH — Enthalpy
IAQ — Indoor Air Quality
OAQ — Outdoor Air Quality
OAT — Outdoor Air Temperature
NOTE: Bold values are configurable through communications.

Table 13 — Primary Maintenance Screen (MAINT)
Thermostat Control No TSTAT
Occupied Yes OCCUP
Override Time Remaining 0 min OVRTIMER
Timed Override in Effect No TIMOV
Start Bias Time 0 min STRTBIAS
Heat No HEAT
Cool No COOL
IAQ Control No IAQCL
Demand Limit No DEMLT
Temp Compensated Start No TCSTR
IAQ Pre-Occupancy Purge No IQPRG
Unoccupied Free Cool No NTFCL
Fire Shutdown No FIRES
Linkage Control No DAVCL
Field/Startup Test No FIELD
Heat Submaster Ref 40.0 dF SHSR
Cool Submaster Ref 150.0 dF CCSR
Economizer Submaster Ref 120.0 dF ECONSR
Economizer Submastr Gain 0.00 ECONGN
Compressor Starts 0.00 CMPST
Compressor 1 Runtime 0.00 HOURS CM1RT
Compressor 2 Runtime 0.00 HOURS CM2RT
Supply Fan Runtime 17.00 HOURS FANRT
Reset Statistics No STAT_RES
Linkage Thermostat
Linkage Status 2 LINKSTAT
Supervisory Element 0 SUPE-ADR
Supervisory Bus 0 SUPE-BUS
Supervisory Block 0 BLOCKNUM
Average Occ Heat Setpt 0.0 dF OCLOSTPT
Average Occ Cool Setpt 0.0 dF OCHISTPT
Average Unoc Heat Setpt 0.0 dF UNLOSTPT
Average Unoc Cool Setpt 0.0 dF UNHISTPT
Average Zone Temp 0.0 dF AZT
Average Occ Zone Temp 0.0 dF AOZT
Occupancy Status(1=occ) 1 OCCSTAT
IAQ — Indoor Air Quality
OCC — Occupancy
UNOC — Unoccupied
NOTE: Bold values indicate points that can be forced through communications.

Table 14 — System Pilot Maintenance Table Table 15 — System Pilot Alternate Maintenance
(SP_MAINT) Display Table (ALT_DISP)


Rooftop Mode COOL MODE Supply Air Temperature 66.5 dF SAT
Control Setpoint 70 dF CLSP Cooling % Total Capacity 0 % CCAP
Linkage Master No LINKMAST Heating % Total Capacity 0 % HCAP
Space Temperature 73 dF SPT Outdoor Air Temperature 74.8 dF OAT
Occupied Yes ZONEOCC Enthalpy Low ENTH
Occupied Heat Setpoint 70 dF OHSP Economizer Position 20 % ECONOS
Occupied Cool Setpoint 74 dF OCSP Indoor Air Quality 0 IAQI
Unoccupied Heat Setpoint 69 dF UHSP Filter Status Clean FLTS
Unoccupied Cool Setpoint 75 dF UCSP Indoor RH 0 % IRH

mode is active.
NOTE: Refer to the instruction manual supplied with the unit • SPT reading is available.
for specific operating instructions. • Low ambient lockout of DX cooling is not activated.
Indoor Fan Control — The indoor fan control will oper- If all of the above conditions are met, the cooling reference
ate the unit at all times in one or more operating modes. In will be calculated, otherwise it is set to its maximum value. If
Occupied mode, the fan will be ON continuously if ASHRAE any of the qualifying conditions above are not met, the cooling
90.1 Supply Fan is set to Yes (default). If ASHRAE 90.1 Sup- and submaster references are set to the maximum limit.
ply Fan is set to No, then the fan will cycle with temperature The PremierLink controller controls the cooling stages to
demand. In Unoccupied mode, the fan will cycle with tempera- maintain set point temperature. Room temperature can go
ture demand. above and below the set point by the same amount for each
Economizer Control Sensor Cooling — The econ- cycle. Smart staging works to reduce the cooling time by using
omizer dampers will provide free cooling and/or air quality both stages when conditions are right. As OAT temperature
control when the outside conditions are suitable. Providing free comes down, the second stage will not be used to allow the first
cooling is accomplished by controlling supply-air temperature stage of cooling to cool the space with economizer. The
(SAT) to a certain level pre-determined by the submaster refer- Premierlink control uses the resources available for optimum
ence. Air quality control is maintained as the need for fresh air performance. See Fig. 12. This provides better temperature
becomes greater. The need for fresh air is measured by the CO2 control and uses less energy than control by a conventional
sensor. thermostat.
When economizer operation is desired, the PremierLink LOW AMBIENT LOCKOUT OF DX COOLING — Low
controller requires an OAT input and an SPT input as a ambient lockout of DX cooling will take place if all of the fol-
minimum check to determine if the air is suitable for free lowing conditions are met:
cooling. This also applies to thermostat applications, so it is • OAT reading is available
suggested that a sensor be installed in the return air and wired • DXCTLO option is enabled
to the SPT input for thermostat applications. The enthalpy • OAT  DXLOCK
switch may be added as an extra check for more humid
climates. If no enthalpy switch is installed, be sure to jumper Cooling Control Submaster Loop (CCSR) — This
the enthalpy switch input so that the enthalpy point reads LOW control will calculate the number of Cooling Stages (between 0
all of the time. Therefore the PremierLink controller will only and maximum cooling stages) based on SAT deviation and
check OAT and SPT to determine if conditions are good for temperature drop for each stage of capacity when the following
free cooling. qualifying conditions are met:
• Indoor fan has been on for at least 30 seconds.
When outside-air temperature conditions require the • HEAT mode is not active
economizer to close for a compressor stage-up sequence, the • OCCUPIED or TEMP.COMPENSATED START or
economizer control integrator is reset to zero after the stage-up COOL mode is active
sequence is completed. This prevents the supply-air tempera-
ture from dropping too quickly and creating a freeze condition
that would make the compressor turn off prematurely.
The high set point is used for DX (direct expansion) cooling TEMPERATURE CONTROL
control, while the economizer set point is a calculated value 75
between the heating and cooling set points. The economizer set

point will be at least one degree below the cooling set point.
This allows for a smooth transition from mechanical cooling 73
with economizer assist back to economizer cooling as the 72 COOL SETPOINT
cooling set point is achieved. The compressors may be used for 71 TEMPERATURE
initial cooling then the PremierLink™ controller will modulate 70 HEAT SETPOINT
the economizer using an error reduction calculation to hold the 69
space temperature between the heating and cooling set points. 68
See Fig. 11. The following are the conditions the controller uses TIME
to determine economizer cooling:
• Indoor fan has been on for at least 30 seconds Fig. 11 — Economizer Temperature
• Enthalpy is Low Control Example
• SAT reading is available
• OAT reading is available TEMPERATURE CONTROL
• SPT reading is available
• OAT SPT 75

• OAT < 75 F 74
• Economizer Position is NOT forced 73
If any of the above conditions are not met, the Economizer 72 SET POINT
submaster reference (ECSR) is set to MAX limit and the damp- 71 TEMPERATURE
er moves to minimum position. The operating sequence is 70
complete. The ECSR is recalculated every 30 seconds. 69
DX Cooling — Every 60 seconds the DX (direct expan- TIME
sion) cooling function will determine the desired SAT needed
to satisfy the space. This function runs every minute. The
following are the conditions the controller uses to determine NOTE: PremierLink control performs smart staging of 2 stages of
DX cooling and up to 3 stages of heat.
DX cooling:
• Indoor fan has been on for at least 30 seconds. Fig. 12 — DX Cooling Temperature Control
• HEAT mode is not active. Example

• SAT reading is available calculated from the differential air quality that is configured by
Stages CMP1 and CMP2 are turned on based on the number the user. As air quality within the space changes, the position of
of stages needed by the smart staging loop and when minimum the economizer damper will also change thus allowing more or
on and off times have expired. If configured for heat pump less outdoor air into the space. If IAQ is configured for low
control and AUXOUT is set to 4, the reversing valve will be priority, the positioning of the economizer damper can be
energized whenever CMP1 is turned on and remain on until overridden by comfort requirements. If IAQ is configured for
there is a demand for heat. high priority, the controller will check the air quality every
30 seconds and will perform supply air tempering when in IAQ
Heating — Every 40 seconds the controller will calculate mode if the following criteria are met:
the required heat stages (maximum of 3) to maintain supply-air • IAQ priority is high
temperature (SAT) if the following qualifying conditions are • Outdoor temperature is less than 55 F
met: • Heat and cool set points have not been exceeded
• Indoor fan has been on for at least 30 seconds
• COOL mode is not active Remote Timeclock/Door Switch — A discrete in-
• OCCUPIED, TEMP.COMPENSATED START or HEAT put channel on PremierLink controllers performing room sen-
mode is active sor control has been allocated for remote occupancy or as a
• SAT reading is available Door Switch (RMTOCC). When configured for remote occu-
• Fire shutdown mode is not active pancy, the input will provide the capability to start the unit re-
motely. When RMTOCC input is ON, the unit will operate in
If all of the above conditions are met, the number of Heat occupied state. When RMTOCC input is OFF, the controller
Stages is calculated, otherwise the required number of heat will use the local schedule to determine occupancy. If the glob-
stages will be set to 0. al schedule broadcaster has RMTOCC input ON, then the con-
Staging will occur as follows for heat pump units requiring troller will broadcast the occupied status to all the global sched-
AUXOUT to be configured as reversing valve for heat (non- ule receivers.
Carrier units): If the RMTOCC on any of the global schedule receivers is
If Heating PID STAGES=2 ON, the receiver will send out a command to the Global Sched-
• HEAT STAGES=1 (50% capacity) will energize CMP1, ule broadcaster that should initiate an occupied state of the
CMP2, RVS global schedule. When the RMTOCC switches to OFF, a com-
• HEAT STAGES=2 (100% capacity) will energize HS1 mand will be sent out releasing the occupied state control to the
and HS2 global schedule broadcaster only if all RMTOCC inputs on the
global schedule controllers are OFF.
If Heating PID STAGES=3
NOTE: If the unit is operating in linkage control mode, the
• HEAT STAGES=1 (33% capacity if) will energize linkage supervisory device (such as a 3V™ Linkage Coordina-
CMP1, CMP2, RVS tor) will determine the unit's schedule and the RMTOCC will
• HEAT STAGES=2 (66% capacity) will energize HS1 be inoperative.
• HEAT STAGES=3 (100% capacity) will energize HS2
When configured for Door Switch and the RMTOCC is
Staging should be as follows for gas electric units, Carrier ON after a configurable amount of time (2 to 20 minutes), the
commercial heat pump units with a defrost board, or cooling heating and cooling outputs will be disable. The fan will con-
units with electric heat: tinue to operate based on the current mode and the ASHRAE
If Heating PID STAGES=2 90.1 Supply Fan setting. When the RMTOCC is OFF the con-
• HEAT STAGES=1 (50% capacity) will energize HS1 troller will continue to operate the heat and cool outputs based
• HEAT STAGES=2 (100% capacity) will energize HS2 on normal temperature control.
If Heating PID STAGES=3 and AUXOUT = HS3 Linkage Operation — The unit’s linkage function in the
• HEAT STAGES=1 (33% capacity) will energize HS1 PremierLink™ controller is available for applications using a
• HEAT STAGES=2 (66% capacity) will energize HS2 3V control system. The PremierLink controller will be re-
• HEAT STAGES=3 (100% capacity) will energize HS3 sponsible for initiating a linkage communication failure
alarm if a failure occurs once a 3V control system has previ-
Dehumidification — An indoor relative humidity sensor ously established communications with a PremierLink con-
can be used to maintain a high humidity set point for occupied troller. For systems that have been configured incorrectly,
and unoccupied periods. The unit must have the required de- PremierLink controller will disable linkage control and gen-
humidification accessories installed for this function to main- erate a return to normal if a previous linkage communication
tain humidity levels and the AUXOUT configuration must be failure alarm was generated. The set points, occupancy and
set to 5 for Dehumidification (see User Information Screens room temperature are all supplied to PremierLink from a re-
section on page 11). mote linkage device.
When controller is in the Occupied mode and the indoor hu- Unoccupied Free Cooling — Unoccupied free
midity exceeds the occupied high humidity set point, the dehu- cool function will start the indoor fan during unoccupied times
midification output will be energized, enabling accessory com- in order to cool the space with outside air. This function can op-
ponents to perform their control logic. The output will be deen- erate at any time during the unoccupied period or from 2 to 6
ergized when the indoor humidity drops below the set point by hours prior to the next occupied period. This function is per-
5%. formed to delay the need for mechanical cooling when the
If the controller is in the Unoccupied mode and exceeds the system enters the occupied period. Once the space has been
unoccupied high humidity set point, the output will be ener- sufficiently cooled during this cycle, the fan will be stopped. In
gized along with the fan relay. When the indoor humidity de- order to perform unoccupied free cooling all of the following
creases below set point by 5%, the dehumidification output conditions must be met:
will be deenergized and fan will be released to normal unoccu- • NTEN option is enabled
pied temperature control. • Unit is in unoccupied state
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Monitoring — An indoor • TEMP COMPENSATED START mode is not active
air quality (IAQ) controller will maintain indoor air quality • COOL mode is not active
within the space at the set point level. The set point is • HEAT mode is not active

• SPT reading is available and is placed in Occupied Override, it should broadcast the
• OAT reading is available schedule override to the global schedule receivers. If it is
• Enthalpy is good recieving a Global Schedule then it will send a request to the to
• OAT > NTLO (with 1 degree F hysteresis) Global Schedule Broadcaster to initiate the occupied override.
If any of the above conditions are not met unoccupied free The amount of override time will be determined by the device
cool mode will be stopped. that is broadcasting the Global Schedule.
If the unit is configured to not participate in Global Sched-
Demand Limit — If the demand limit option is enabled, ule override, it will not broadcast the override request to the re-
the control will receive and accept Redline Alert and Loadshed cievers if it is the Global Schedule Broadcaster nor will it send
commands from the CCN Loadshed controller. out an override request if it is a Global Schedule reciever. The
When a Redline Alert is received, the control will set the PremierLink controller will initiate a local occupied override
maximum stage of capacity equal to the stage of capacity that only for the amount of its configured override time.
the unit is operating at when the redline alert was initiated.
Temperature Compensated Start — This function
The controller will have a maximum demand limit timer of will run when the controller is in unoccupied state and will cal-
1 hour that prevents the unit from staying in loadshed or redline culate early start bias time (SBT) based on space temperature
alert longer than 1 hour in the event the controller loses deviation from occupied set points. The following conditions
communication with the network loadshed module. Should the will be met for the function to run:
maximum demand limit timer expire prior to receiving the
unshed device command from CCN system, the control will • Unit is in unoccupied state
stop demand limit mode and return to normal operation. • Next occupied time is valid
• Current time of day is valid
Diagnostic Test — The diagnostic test will be initiated • Valid space temperature reading is available (from sensor
by forcing the field test maintenance decision from off to on. or 3V™ control system)
The following test sequence will be used: The start bias time can range from 0 to 255 minutes. When
1. The field test maintenance point is forced to on position. SBT is greater than 0 the function will subtract the SBT from
2. The unit is placed into field test mode and all outputs are the next occupied time to calculate new start time. When new
turned off. start time is reached, the TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED
3. Economizer is fully closed. START mode is generated. This mode energizes the fan and
4. Implement 90-second delay. the unit will operate as though it is in occupied state. Once set,
5. Turn indoor fan ON. TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED START mode will stay
6. Economizer: on until the unit returns to occupied state. If UNOCCUPIED
FREE COOL mode is active when TEMPERATURE COM-
• Drive economizer to 20% open then implement a PENSATED START begins then UNOCCUPIED FREE
30-second delay. COOL will end.
• Drive economizer fully open then implement a
90-second delay. Power Exhaust — The power exhaust output will be
• Drive economizer fully closed. energized any time fan input is received from the thermostat
7. Energize heat stage 1 — 30-second delay and the economizer position is greater than the power exhaust
8. Energize heat stage 2 — 30-second delay. set point. The exhaust fan will also run if the indoor IAQ sensor
9. If configured for 3 stages of heat and AUXOUT is stage reading is above the IAQ set point. If the continuous power
3, then HS3 will energize for 30 seconds then turn off exhaust configuration is on then the exhaust fan will run
with other stages. whenever the controller is in Occupied mode.
10. Turn off all heat outputs. Network Modules — The PremierLink controller sup-
11. Load up all stages of DX cooling, implementing a ports the following network modules with CCN network:
10-second delay after every stage.
• NDS (network directory services)
12. Turn off all cooling stages. • data collection (history only)
13. Turn off indoor fan. • data transfer
14. Test complete • BEST++™ access
15. Remove unit from field test mode. • BACnet*/Modbus RS485 translator
• LON translator
Space Sensor Set Point Adjust — The control will • receive and send network time schedule
provide the capability to offset a space temperature set point a • broadcast acknowledger
maximum of up to ±15 F using a T56 or T59 sensor. The de- • broadcast OAT, ENTH, OAQ function
fault is ±2 F.
NOTE: In order to broadcast OAT, ENTH, or OAQ the clock
Timed Override — The PremierLink™ controller will must be set with a valid time and the sensor input must not
interface with T55, T56, and T59 sensors or an attached Sys- indicate a failure. The controller will broadcast every 15 min-
tem Pilot™ device. During timed override, the PremierLink utes (on the hour and 15, 30, and 45 minutes past each hour)
controller will operate in the occupied period for its configured when enabled.
amount of time on command from one of the above devices
The sensor or System Pilot device must be installed as the Alarms
space temperature sensor for the PremierLink controller. The SPACE TEMPERATURE LIMIT ALARM — A CCN alarm
timed override will be initiated by the user pressing the over- message will be generated if the value of a point deviates
ride button on the sensor for more than 1 second but less than from the range defined by the high or low set points by a
5 seconds when the PremierLink controller is in the Unoccu- configurable amount. A return to normal will be generated
pied mode. The software will recognize this user command by when the value of the point returns within the set point range.
monitoring the current value of the space temperature input. Set point alarms will be applicable to the controlling
When the unit is configured to be a Global Schedule Broad- temperature.
caster, is configured to participate in Global Schedule override,
*Sponsored by ASHRAE.

The controlling temperature can be either the value of the Supply Air Temperature (SAT) Sensor Failure — A flashing
space temperature (non-linked systems) or the average zone asterisk near the sensor value in the display table.
temperature (AZT) if the control is used with a 3V control The following functions will be disabled:
system. The Controlling Temperature alarm will utilize the
Heating and Cooling Master References and a configurable • Heating
hysteresis value to determine the alarm set points during the • Cooling
occupied periods (this includes any adjustment that may be • Economizer
introduced by a T56 or T59 sensor). During unoccupied peri- • IAQ SAT Override
ods, the unoccupied alarm set points will be configured The reset method for this alarm is automatic.
values. Outside Air Sensor Failure — A flashing asterisk near the
The alarm persistence time is fixed at 5 minutes unless there sensor value in the display table.
is a change in set point due to user input or change of occupancy The following functions will be disabled:
• Unoccupied free cool
FIRE SHUTDOWN ALARM — When the unit detects an • IAQ pre-occupancy purge
input to the fire shutdown terminal, the fire shutdown alarm • Economizer
will be initiated. An alarm will be generated. All outputs will • Low ambient DX cooling lockout
be turned off starting with the supply fan. The economizer
damper will close. The following functions will be disabled: The reset method for this alarm is automatic.
Unoccupied Cooling and Heating; Economizer; Cooling; Heat- Thermostat Failure — A thermostat failure alarm is generated
ing; Temperature Compensated Start; IAQ Space Temp Over- when a thermostat connected to a unit calls for heating and
ride and Unoccupied Free Cool. When the fire shutdown cooling at the same time. An alarm will also be sent when
mode is ON, an alarm will be issued. When fire shutdown second stage of cooling or heating is called for before the first
mode is OFF, the alarm will return to normal. The reset meth- stage. The system will be automatically reset.
od is automatic. Indoor Air Quality Sensor Failure — This alarm is generated
SUPPLY FAN STATUS ALARM — The supply fan status when IAQ sensor is reading less than or greater than the
will be compared to the supply fan output. When the two defined range. A flashing asterisk near the sensor value in the
statuses are not equal for longer than the predetermined time, display table. The reset method for this alarm is automatic.
an alarm will be issued. Once the two are in agreement a Outdoor Air Quality (OAQ) Sensor Failure — This alarm is
return to normal status will be issued. generated when OAQ sensor is reading less than or greater
IAQ LIMIT ALARM — An IAQ alarm message will be than the defined range. A flashing asterisk near the sensor
generated if air quality is higher or lower than set point for value in the display table. The reset method for this alarm is
2 minutes. automatic.
A return to normal status will be generated when the input Indoor Humidity Sensor Failure — This alarm is indicated by
returns to the limit plus a fixed hysteresis value. a flashing asterisk near the sensor vaule in the display table.
The Dehumidification function will be disabled. The reset
COMPRESSOR LOCKOUT ALERT — This alert will oc-
cur if compressor lockout safety input is sensed for 3 seconds. method for this alarm is automatic.
This will initiate a discrete state alarm. There is no need to lock Linkage Failure — When the unit is operating under Linkage
out compressor stages with this fault. This alert is intended to control and the control has not been updated for 5 minutes,
send out a message indicating that compressor lockout has the alarm activates and the unit will return to stand-alone
occurred and to satisfy the space load. The safeties will reset operation. The reset method for this alarm is automatic.
automatically after a call for the compressor is deenergized.
be initiated based on the filter status switch closing or the accu- PremierLink™ Retrofit Rooftop Controller
mulated fan hours exceeding the configured allowable value. If
the total accumulated hours exceeds this value, then an alert Part Number: 33CSPREMLK
will be generated. The point will return to normal when the
timer is cleared. The timer is cleared by forcing the FLTS point Part 1 — General
to CLEAN and then removing the force. 1.01 DEVICE DESCRIPTION:
HIGH HUMIDITY ALARM — When the indoor humidity A. The controller shall be a solid-state microprocessor
exceeds the occupied or unoccupied high set point by 2% for based controller used to control each function of the
20 minutes an alarm will be issued. A return to normal will be applicable HVAC equipment using Direct Digital
issued with the indoor humidity is 3% less then the set point. Controls (DDC) and specifically designed software.
SENSOR FAILURE ALARMS — The controller will moni- B. The controller shall be capable of providing stand-alone
tor various sensor inputs and alert to sensor failures. operation. All application software actually performing
Space Temperature (SPT) Sensor Failure — A flashing as- the required control functions shall be supplied with the
terisk near the sensor value in the display table or a blinking controller, pre-tested and pre-configured. All closed
“C” in the Navigator™ display will indicate a space tempera- loop DDC routines shall utilize controller based
ture sensor failure. If the unit is not in Linkage mode, then the software algorithms that shall be resident in the control-
following functions will be disabled: ler memory.
• Unoccupied cooling and heating C. The controller and associated transformers shall be field
• Economizer mounted in the unit’s control box or a separate weather
• Cooling resistant NEMA enclosure shall be provided.
• Heating D. All control transformers shall be field supplied,
• Temperature Compensated Start mounted and wired. The controller shall not require a
• IAQ Space Temp Override battery. All configuration data is to be stored in non-
• Unoccupied Free Cool volatile memory. Systems that require a battery to store
The reset method for this alarm is automatic. data are not acceptable.

E. The controller shall feature and maintain a 365-day 2. Space Temperature Sensor with LCD (Liquid
software clock/calendar with holiday functions. The Crystal Display), RS-485 Communications and
controller shall provide the capability to provide various Tactile Push Buttons:
time scheduling such as: a. The factory-supplied, microprocessor-based
1. Local time schedule sensor shall be a thermistor type with an
2. Time schedule within another controller on the integral LCD display.
network b. The sensor shall also be capable of display-
3. Time schedule from a field-supplied dry contact ing the outside-air temperature.
that performs remote occupancy control.
c. The sensor shall be capable of supporting
F. Timed override requests shall be performed by all temperatures in either Fahrenheit or Celsius
controllers without a network requirement. The control- units.
ler shall be capable of interfacing to a portable PC for
configuring, or altering the configuration, setting B. Indoor Air Fan, Cooling, and Heating Stages Relays:
address, uploads, downloads, etc. 1. The relays (SPDT) shall be integrated in the
G. Alarm/Alert Processing: controller field wired to equipment contactors or
The controller shall contain routine(s) to process alarms
and alerts. Alarm/alert processing shall consist of a scan 2. Pilot relays shall be field-supplied and wired as
of all input points. Certain analog alarms/alerts shall applicable inside the equipment or control
only be monitored when the controller is in the occu- panel.
pied mode (i.e., relative humidity, indoor air quality C. Outside-Air Sensor:
sensor, etc.). Time delays shall be provided with the 1. The sensor shall be a thermistor type, factory
software to prevent nuisance alarms/alerts during a tran- supplied for each air handler for field mounting
sition period or if a set point change occurs. All alarms/ and wiring.
alerts shall be displayed at a local Interface device, por-
table PC and via the network to a remote EMS (energy 2. The sensor shall be installed upstream from the
management system) operator’s station or alarm printer outside air economizer damper where it shall
as applicable. The controller shall include the inherent accurately sense the temperature of the outside
capability to store the most recent alarm messages. air entering the mixing box.
3. Each air handler shall include its own outside-
Part 2 — Products air sensor unless a common outside air plenum
2.01 STANDARD CONTROL HARDWARE is serving all units.
A. Supply Air Sensor: D. Indoor/Outdoor Relative Humidity (IRH) Sensor:
1. The factory-supplied sensor shall be a thermis- 1. Each wall or exterior building surface mounted
tor type (RTDs [Resistant Temperature Detec- sensor shall be factory supplied for field mount-
tors] shall also be acceptable). ing and wiring as shown on the plans.
2. The sensor shall be field installed to properly 2. The sensor shall maintain a ±3% accuracy from
measure the unit supply-air temperature. 10 to 99%.
3. The sensor shall be field wired to the controller. E. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Sensor:
2.02 OPTIONAL CONTROLLER HARDWARE 1. Each wall-mounted IAQ sensor shall be factory
A. The installer shall choose from one of the following supplied for field mounting and wiring as shown
space temperature sensors: on the plans.
1. Space Temperature Sensor: 2. The sensor shall measure the concentration of
a. The space temperature sensor shall be field- CO2 in the space and have a maximum range of
supplied for field installation as shown on 0 to 5000 ppm.
the plans. 3. The sensor shall utilize an infrared diffusion
sampling tube to eliminate pumps and dust
b. The sensor shall consist of a thermistor with filters.
a nominal resistance of 10,000 ohms at
4. The sensor shall not require calibration or a span
77 degrees Fahrenheit (RTDs shall also be gas check.
acceptable), termination block with screw
terminals mounted on a printed circuit board, 5. The sensor shall be capable of producing a
proportional 0 to 10 vdc-control signal over a
push button for remote occupant override, range of 0 to 2000 ppm and shall include
and a remote communication port (RJ11), if indicating LEDs (light-emitting diodes).
F. Differential Enthalpy Switch:
c. Sensors shall be capable of including a slide The differential enthalpy switch shall be factory
switch that may be used by the occupant to supplied and field mounted with one sensing element
adjust the heating and cooling set points as exposed to freely circulating outside air and the other to
detailed in the I/O (Input/Output) list, shown the return airstream.
on the plans, or mentioned elsewhere within G. Fan Status Indication:
this specification.
1. A current sensing sensor shall provide status
2. The sensor shall be installed at the motor starter
or motor to provide load indication.

3. The unit shall consist of a current transformer, a E. The algorithm shall be disabled if the outside air or
solid-state current sensing circuit (with adjust- space sensor fail or if Temperature Compensated Start
able set point) and a solid-state switch. is active.
4. A red light-emitting diode (LED) shall indicate 3.03 HEAT CONTROL:
the on/off status of the unit. A. If the indoor air fan is on, the controller shall monitor
5. The switch shall provide an N.O. (normally the space temperature and heating set point value with a
open) contact for wiring back to the controller. PID error reduction calculation to determine if heating
H. Relays: is required.
1. The relays shall be 24 volt 1 amp, SPDT, field- B. The algorithm shall calculate the required supply-air
supplied and installed, and wired to the temperature and determine the number of heat stages
controller. required (up to two separate stages) thus satisfying the
calculated supply temperature.
2. Relays shall be included for the indoor air fan,
cooling and heating stages. C. Whenever heat is required and the heat stages presently
enabled are different than the stage(s) commanded on,
3. Pilot relays shall be field-supplied and wired as the algorithm shall add/remove the heat stages to match
applicable. the calculated number of stages and order.
I. Economizer: D. The algorithm shall include the ability to automatically
The controller shall include a self-powered 4 to 20 mA compensate for additional cold outside air required by
output, field wired to the economizer motor. the ventilation algorithm through the enabling of its
Part 3 — Control Algorithms heat stages, when the outside-air temperature is below
55 F, if enabled by the operator.
E. The operator shall have the ability to lock out the heat
A. The indoor air fan shall be started and stopped based whenever the outside-air temperature is above the
on an occupancy schedule, Unoccupied Free Cooling, operator entered set point.
IAQ Preoccupancy purge, Temperature Compensated
Start, Fire shutdown, Unoccupied Heating or Cooling, F. If the space temperature sensor fails, an alarm shall be
Network command, and Timed Override. generated and the algorithm shall assume a default
submaster value to control to.
B. The start of an occupancy schedule shall be determined
by either the local occupancy schedule, remote timed 3.04 COOLING CONTROL:
override, the temperature compensated start program, A. If the indoor air fan is on, the controller shall monitor
or if the remote start contact opens (refer to the the space temperature and the cooling set point value
sequence of operation or the input/output list for and with a PID error reduction calculation shall
requirements). determine if cooling stages are required.
C. If temperature compensated start is not selected the B. The algorithm shall determine the number of cool
indoor fan shall start at the beginning of the scheduled stages that are required to satisfy the calculated supply-
occupancy. air temperature.
D. The fan shall be stopped when the time schedule C. The controller shall calculate the number of cooling
becomes unoccupied. stages based on the supply-air temperature deviation,
E. Timed override (0 to 4 hours) shall be initiated by the the calculated supply air reference value, and the
operator or by an occupant pushing the override button temperature drop per one stage of capacity.
on the space sensor. D. Whenever the outside-air temperature is less than an
F. During the unoccupied period whenever the space operators adjustable low ambient lockout value all
temperature drops below the unoccupied heating set stages of cooling shall be disabled (refer to the sequence
point or above the unoccupied cooling set point the of operation or the input/output list for requirements).
indoor air fan shall run until the space condition’s have E. Cooling shall not be enabled whenever heat is active or
returned to the required unoccupied space temperature if the supply-air temperature sensor fails.
limits at which time it will stop. F. This algorithm shall include compressor minimum on
G. The indoor air fan shall be enabled during the unoccu- and minimum off time guards.
pied period when the unit is in the Unoccupied Free G. There shall be a minimum delay of three minutes after
Cooling mode to precool the space prior to occupancy. turning on the first compressor before the second
3.02 UNOCCUPIED FREE COOLING: compressor shall be allowed to start.
A. The controller shall start the indoor fan during unoccu- 3.05 ECONOMIZER CONTROL:
pied periods to precool the structure mass by using only A. The economizer shall be modulated to provide free
outside air for units with modulating economizer. cooling and/or air quality control.
B. The algorithm shall monitor the time of the scheduled B. During the Occupied mode if the indoor air fan is on,
occupancy, enthalpy status, outside air and space the economizer damper shall be modulated to maintain
temperature, and the heat/cool set points to determine a preset, minimum damper position to maintain
when to begin and end Unoccupied free cooling. minimum ventilation requirements.
C. Once the algorithm determines that the space has been C. The controller shall evaluate, based on outside-air
sufficiently cooled, the indoor air fan shall be disabled temperature and enthalpy, if outside air is suitable as the
and the economizer shall close. first stage of cooling. If not, the damper shall stay at its
D. The algorithm shall include an operator adjustable minimum position unless the ventilation algorithm
outside air nighttime lockout temperature set point that (including pre-purge) overrides it.
shall disable this algorithm if the outside-air tempera- D. If the outside air conditions are suitable for free cooling,
ture is below the operator adjustable value entered or if then the controller shall calculate a space temperature
the algorithm determines that the enthalpy of the set point that is between the heating and cooling set
outside air is unsuitable. points. This is done in an effort to minimize the need for

mechanical heating or cooling when the Night Time damper shall be positioned to a minimum posi-
Lockout Temperature (NTLO) is less than the outside- tion (operator adjustable).
air temperature and the outside-air temperature is less 3. When the outside-air temperature is above the
than 68 F. When the outside-air temperature is less than adjustable Night Time Lockout temperature but
or equal to the NTLO temperature the controller shall the enthalpy of the outside air is high, the
calculate a space temperature set point below the economizer damper shall be positioned to a dif-
occupied cooling set point to minimize mechanical ferent minimum position (operator adjustable).
E. If the outside air temperature is greater than or equal to
68 F the controller shall calculate a space temperature A. The ventilation algorithm shall calculate a ventilation
set point above the heating set point to minimize set point based on the differential between the outside
mechanical heating. air ventilation (CO2) sensor and the indoor air ventila-
tion (CO2) sensor.
F. The damper opening adjustment rate shall automati-
cally limited to help prevent nuisance low temperature B. If a outside air ventilation sensor is not used (see I/O
thermostat from tripping whenever the outside-air summary and or sequence of operation for the exact
temperature is less than 45 F. requirements) the algorithm shall default to an operator
adjustable 400 ppm value. The algorithm shall then
G. If the outside-air enthalpy is high and the space, supply, calculate a ventilation minimum position for the econo-
or outside-air sensors fail, then the economizer shall be mizer based on the indoor-air sensor’s deviation from
positioned to its minimum damper position. The econo- the calculated set point.
mizer shall be closed whenever the indoor air fan is
not on. C. The controller shall be capable of both Proportional and
PID ventilation calculations depending on the space
H. During the unoccupied cycle the controller shall close configuration.
the economizer air damper unless the system has been
indexed to Unoccupied Free Cooling or Indoor Air D. The operator shall have the ability to index the
Quality purge. algorithm to a minimum ventilation position based on
the comfort requirements for the conditioned space. If
I. The economizer control algorithm shall include a self the space temperature is outside the range of the heating
tuning error reduction calculation or shall include or cooling set point the ventilation minimum position
adjustable gains/multipliers which shall be automati- shall be overridden by the temperature control algo-
cally changed based on the outside-air temperature to rithm and the amount of outside air shall be reduced.
compensate for different weather conditions.
E. When the space temperature is within the range of the
3.06 TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED START: heating and cooling set points the algorithm shall
A. The controller shall include the software capabilities override the normal minimum damper position and
necessary to detain the morning start-up of applicable override it to control to the ventilation minimum
HVAC systems until the last possible moment and still position calculated.
allow the building space to reach occupant comfort F. The controller shall include the capability to automati-
levels according to the selected occupied time and set cally position the economizer damper to its minimum
point schedules for that particular space. ventilation position whenever the CO2 value outside is
B. The program shall utilize the thermal characteristics of more than an adjustable entered set point value.
the space along with the actual space temperature, 3.09 FILTER RUN TIMER:
outside-air temperature, and applicable set points.
A. The controller shall include the capability to track its
C. If Unoccupied Free Cooling is active when temperature run time of the supply fan and to generate an alert to
compensated start begins, then Unoccupied Free Cool- change the filter whenever the run time exceeds an
ing shall be disabled. operator adjustable hourly value programmed.
3.07 PRE-OCCUPANCY PURGE: B. The operator shall have the ability to reset the timer.
A. The controller shall include the capability to operate the
equipment prior to the occupied period in order to purge 3.10 DEHUMIDIFCIATION:
the conditioned space of airborne contaminants that A. The controller shall have the ability to monitor an
may have built up during the unoccupied period when indoor relative humidity sensor and a high humidty set
the equipment was off. point to determine if the dehumidification output should
B. The algorithm shall include an adjustable user value to be enabled.
begin the purge for each occupied period. B. If the unoccupied high humidity set point is exceeded,
C. The algorithm shall compensate for different atmo- the fan relay ouput shall also be enabled along with the
spheric conditions as follows: dehumidification output.
1. When the atmospheric conditions are conducive C. The dehumidification output shall be deenergized when
(based on a comparison of the outside air the indoor humidity has descreased by at least 3% less
temperature to an adjustable Night Time then the high humidity set point.
Lockout [NTLO] set point) to precool the space, 3.11 REMOTE DOOR SWITCH/CONTACT OVERRIDE:
the economizer damper shall be opened 100% A. The controller shall be capable of monitoring a remote
(operator adjustable) to provide both ventilation door switch or other contact for the purpose of disabling
and space temperature tempering simultane- the mechanical cooling and heating outputs when the
ously. contact is closed after a user configured time delay of 2
2. When atmospheric conditions pose a possible to 20 minutes.
low temperature condition for the space (based B. The fan shall continue to operate in its configured
on when the outside-air temperature is below an mode.
adjustable NTLO temperature), the economizer
C. When the contact is open, the controller shall can con-
tinue to operate based on normal temperature control.

Part 4 — Safeties the controller shall generate an alarm and disable all
4.01 COMPRESSOR LOCKOUT: heating and cooling, close the economizer and disable
the indoor air fan. When the contact opens the controller
The controller shall monitor the unit’s compressor shall generate a return to normal, and the operation of the
lockout safety status. If a compressor is locked out the unit shall be as the time schedule and its associated
controller shall generate an alarm and if only one algorithms dictate.
compressor was on, it shall bring on the second compres-
sor without waiting for the staging routine. 4.03 DIAGNOSTIC TEST:
4.02 FIRE SHUTDOWN: The controller shall support a diagnostic test of all
its outputs including the economizer and thermistors
The controller shall be capable of supporting a remote whenever the unit is indexed to field test. All outputs
field-installed dry contact that closes when the unit is to shall be disabled and checked one at a time.
go into a fire shutdown mode. When the contact closes

Copyright 2010 Carrier Corporation

Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Section 10 Catalog No. 04-51330005-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 33CS-4XA Pg 24 10-10 Replaces: 33CS-3XA
Tab 10d

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