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Mermaid B INGLÉS

A long time ago, there lived a Little Mermaid
under the sea.The Little Mermaid's best friend
was adolphin. His name was Fin. They loved to
watch the ships go by.
One day,they were watching a ship goby when
the Little Mermaid said, "Let's swim closer" Fin
was scared. "It's dangerous! What if they see
us?"The Little Mermaid smiled. "They won't see
us. Come on!"
They swam closer to the ship.The Little Mermaid
looked up. She saw a tall Prince standing on the
ship's deck.He was laughing with the other sailors.
The Little Mermaid whispered to Fin,"They look like
theyare having so much fun." The Little Mermaid
wished she could have a human friend.
The clouds started to change from blue to grey.
Fin frowned. "We should go home. There's a
storm coming." The Little Mermaid looked up at
the sky.The sound ofthunder echoed.The waves
got bigger and bigger, and the sky got darker.
It started to rain. The ship rocked up and down.

The ship rocked all around. Suddenly, the ship

started tosink.
The Mermaidwas worried."We have to help

him!" She swamn and swam until she found the

Prince. Hewasdrowning.Fin and the Little Mermaid

helped the Prince to shore. The Prince was cold
and tired. He thought he was dreaming.
The Little Mermaid said to Fin, "I want to see the
Prince again." Fin frowned."You are amermaid,

not a human."The Little Mermaid looked at her

tail."lwish I had legs." She felt sad.
Inthedeep sea,there lived astrange sea creature.
Her name was Odessa, and she had magic
powers. One day, the Little Mermnaid went to
see her. The Little Mermaid said, "Please help
me! Iwish to have legs like a human. Iwant to
see the Prince again."
OdessagavetheLittle Mermaid amagicpotion.
Suddenly, her fish tail turned into legs. Odessa
said, "You will have legs for one day only."
The Little Mermaid didn't know how to swim with
her new legs. Fin helped her onto the shore. He
frownedandsaid,"I'm going to miss you."The Little
Mermaid smiled."lpromise l'l be back when the
clock strikes twelve."
The clock struck twelve, and the Little Mermaid's
legsturned back into afin.The Prince helped her
into the water. She asked him,"Willyou visit me in
your ship one day?"The Prince smiled and said,
"Please visit me on the shore!"The Little Mermaid
was happy.She had made a human friend.

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