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Gang stalking network Belgique

Psychotronique, Armes negie dirige, Databases multivictims, Mods, Silent sound, Champs magntiques, Viols, Human tracking, Gamers, Black lists, Nazis, Perpetrators, Wallonie,Surveillance Harrassement 24/7, Psywar, psychotronical tyranny, Tortureware, Full spectrum disorder, Isolation.


Articles Commentaires

Uncategorized organized stalking suret de l'tat Nazis vsse mil Guy Rapaille Alain Winants stalking cointelpro

VIDEO yer_embedded&v=dos224JJc-Y yer_embedded&v=dos224JJc-Y _embedded&v=egUqBH2V4rI Wfg&feature=player_embedded wxs&feature=player_embedded _embedded&v=WKmns_QMSP0 A&feature=player_embedded _embedded&v=xUIG6V3zjYk _embedded&v=vZsMY5qQu3E 0&feature=player_embedded

armes nergies diriges assassins

Belgique Canada cointelpro comiter crimes waves Criminal Harassments DOD

donatien ELF EMP enfants epo europe gang-stalking network

gang stalking GIG Harcelement Human

psychotronique psywar

tracking inner voices janssen cilag Microwaves mkultra mk ultra monitoring nazis nazis games nazis network nwo police ciney Police de ciney psychiatrie psycho-electronic weapons psychotronic
remote watching

Risperdal satellites suret de l'tat terahertz terrorisme trought vsse

benjamin simon


DGRIP Plusieurs tentatives de contact, formulaire web, chaque zones, dossier papier Marchovelette, cd Marchovelette pas de rponses Serge Labrze, France, essaye de se protger depuis des annes, blog ultra riche en VERITEES Scientifiques..Mesures.Pas dinterlocuteur officiel. Command and Control Warfare JOINT PUB 3-55 DOCTRINE FOR RECONNAISSANCE, SURVEILLANCE, AND TARGET ACQUISITION SUPPORT FOR JOINT OPERATIONS Donatien Nijs Neuroleptics are Toxic, M. Rich Surveillance Technology and Methods, M Rich Coverup Initiatives, M Rich Le secret de la micropuce crbrale, by janssen-cilag.LA HONDE from Belgium Gang stalking, psychotronique, PINK FLOYD, THE WALL, nazis, silent sound, neurophone, janssen-cilag, nanotechnologie, risperdal,, mind control psychiatrie dessine aux enfants Un pote nicois dont je parle dans le blog, subit un protocole similaire .merci Nicolas Desurmont, Consultant en criminologie et victimologie, Belgique

Last Message To the workers of the BBC before victims will come over to the BBC building on the 14th & 15th of december 2011, by Stphanie Vdv Police ciney, Gang stalking, Psychosomatologie..Cover crimes Mind control europe ..(2008) 867 Another Pattern of the Perps, by Anthony Forwood Other Devices Connected to the GIG, by Mark M. Rich Synthetic telepathy Artificial Telepathy By Magnus Olsson Mindtech (Sweden) Gamers..Who would want this job? .!!!!!!DECHETS!!!!!! Stphanie Vandevelde, Anvers Demandze de sponsonr chez Janssen-cilag 3 Message to NATO OTAN le 23 Nov. pas de rponses. ce nest pas le premier.. Patents and Inventors of Satellite Microwave delivered technology The Destruction of Society Through Community Spying Networks Chez nos voisins.en Allemagne Computer Network Covert Usurpations Computer Network Operations OTAN-UE-ops Belgium Du harclement en rseau au harclement global Harclement Moral Mobbing Gang Stalking A Situationist Perspective on the Psychology of Evil: Understanding How Good People Are Transformed into Perpetrators.


dcembre 2011 novembre 2011 octobre 2011

gang stalking

Annabelle Annuaire Liens Web Arfoo

Arme belge Bricabrac CIA Conscience vraie

Court Internationnale de Justice Dicoblog Electronic Monitoring and Harrassment Defence Fundation Facebook Articles Gang Stalking En Wallonie GANG STALKING Harclement urbain gang stalking wallonie Gang stalking Wallonie Guide radio amateur hrc IBPT

INTERPOL wanted Janssen Cilag Mind control Union Europenne mindcontrol sweden Monika Neurotechnologie

otan nato peacepink Police Ciney Portail-blog psihoteror Psychiatrie Belgique Rfrences bibliographiques Judy Malloy: Revelations of Secret Surveillance REVOLUTIONNARY METHODS FOR POLITICAL CONTROL Rudy2 Serge Labrze Stphanie Vandevelde

Suret de l'tat belgique vsse Targeted individuals canada The info underground

gang stalking Belgique


La libre Belgique 7 sur 7 Le monde Le soir Serge Labrze Sud presse La dernire heure L'Avenir Jeff Rense le soir echos

Catgories Flux Atom

DGRIP Plusieurs tentatives de contact, formulaire web, chaque zones, dossier papier Marchovelette, cd Marchovelette pas de rponses 2011/12/23 Donatien Nijs 2011/12/23 Command and Control Warfare JOINT PUB 3-55 DOCTRINE FOR RECONNAISSANCE, SURVEILLANCE, AND TARGET ACQUISITION SUPPORT FOR JOINT OPERATIONS 2011/12/23

Gang stalking world

Gang Stalking Redefined

Gang Stalking is a covert investigation that is opened on an individual, or a list that a Targeted Individual is placed on. Jane Clift Mrs Clifts name in the Violent Person Register. She was rated as medium risk, her name to remain on the register for 18 months. Individuals can be placed on such lists [...]

Gang Stalking, Cyber Vigilantes, Mobbing, Cellphone Stalking Ever since researching the Human Flesh Search Engine people are probably a little confused. What is the difference between something like that and Gang Stalking? Well I thought that this would be a good time to briefly go over some of the harassments that are similar, and what the differences are. If I have forgotten [...]

Bridging the gap Misdiagnosed as having paranoid delusions. This is exactly where many of our workplace mobbing cousins were 15 years ago before credible research was done into the phenomenon of workplace mobbing. They were often thought to be paranoid, some I am sure were equally locked away or put on medications, but a decade and a half [...]

Sharing their Conspiracy on the Internet Sharing their Conspiracy on the Internet. This is a quick follow up to the article sharing their Demons on the Web that came out November 13, 2008 in the New York Times. I dont know how many of our website visitors out ther []

Extreme assessments and paranoid conclusions After giving the New York Times article a little bit more time to settle there are three points that I wanted to review further. The first was how the article came to use the term extreme communities. I did read over the Vaughan Bell article where a reference is made to such communities. According [. []

Areas of study to consider when researching Gang Stalking In researching Gang Stalking there are many factors to be considered. Its not a subject matter that should be studied lightly. Also the average psychiatrist if not familiar with some of the other issues that are affecting members of many communities might not be able to make an iron clad assessment without looking at several [...]

La libre

Donatien 2011/12/21 Neuroleptics are Toxic, M. Rich 2011/12/19 Surveillance Technology and Methods, M Rich 2011/12/19 Coverup Initiatives, M Rich 2011/12/19

Le secret de la micropuce janssen-cilag.LA HONDE from Belgium 2011/12/17

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FRANCE QUENNEVILLE: Organized Stalking, le harclement lectronique, contrle mental et torture.

Microchiping the population is not a theory, its a plan! LES ABUS DES NEUROSCIENCES.: Les vraies raisons de la guerre en Libye par Jean-Paul Pougala Une tude prouvant la relation directe entre immunit et motions positives Abuser Characteristics - the secrets that go on behind closed doors GangStalking, Organized Stalking-1 & The Resistance Festival Brsilien de Montral Caporales de Montreal Le Harclement en Rseau, le Gang Stalking, le harclement d'Etat Les Chroniques De Rorschach: Sur la possibilit de contrle distance de tous les cerveaux humains par linduction lectromagntique SIDA L'arnaque ou l'effroyable supercherie

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