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When you say _____ your wand will light up like a flash light. A) Lumos B) Stupefy C) Expecto Patromum D) Dox _____ is the spell that killed Harry's Parents. There is no counter spell, and Harry is the only person ever to survive it. A) Accio B) Avada Kedavra C) Imperio D) Ropas By saying _____ and the object he wants, Harry can have it come to him. (Hint: This is the summoning spell). A) Expelliarmus B) Stupefy C) Crucio D) Accio This is one of the Unforgivable Curses. When the witch or wizard says _____ the person that they are aiming the spell at finds themselves in great pain. A) Accio B) Lumos C) Crucio D) Expecto Patronus When Ludo Bagman said _____ his voice became loud enough to broadcast the Quidditch World Cup. A) Relashio B) Stupefy C) Sonorus D) Dox

By saying _____ Harry can stun his friends, however he is more likely to use this spell on his enemies. A) Stupefy B) Deletrius C) Prior Incantato D) Lumos _____, also known as the Disarming Spell, is a useful spell to know. A) Crucio B) Expelliarmus C) Engorgio D) Reducio _____ is another one of the Unforgivable Curses. Unlike the other two though, you can fight this one if you try hard enough. A) Accio B) Avada Kedavra C) Imperio D) Furnunculus By saying _____ Harry can drive off a dementor. A) Dox B) Stupefy C) Expecto Patronum D) Riddikulus

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