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Reading Response Journal Questions

Non-Fiction Books: *What information surprised you? *How can you use this information in your life? *What information do you question or think might not be correct? How might you check it out? *What is the most important thing you have learned? Why? * What is the most interesting thing you read? * What techniques does the author use to make this information easy to understand? *Where do you think you could look for more information on this topic? *After reading I wonder. Fiction Books: *After reading, I wonder * Are the characters realistic (do they seem like they could be read people)? Why or why not? * Create a timeline of events from what you have read so far. * Create a WANTED poster for the antagonist. * Describe a character that you would like to meet (which doesnt mean that you think you would like the character, but that you think the character would be interesting). List 4 questions that you would ask. * Describe something you have read that is similar to this. * Describe the major conflict. What side are you on? Describe the settings time and place. Create a new setting that you think would be better for the story and describe it. * Describe what was either believable or unbelievable about your reading. Defend your opinion. * Describe the similarities and differences between the main character and you. * Theme: Explain an idea or theme either stated outright or implied by eventswhich is meaningful to you. Explain its importance to the book/film and why you find it meaningful. * Character Comparison #1: Compare yourself to a main character. Point out your similarities and try to account for differences between you and him/her. Considering what you have discovered, what is your reaction to this character? Why? How do you think the character would feel about you? * Character Comparison #2: Compare a character from your book/film to a character from another work of fiction (novel, play, film, short story). What are their similarities? What are their differences? Which character do you admire more? Why? * Judgment: Examine a characters actions, values, behavior, etc. with which you disagree. Which do you agree with?

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