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Chapter 2


The cotton economy and slavery

By the mid-nineteenth century, most Americans were proud of the achievements of their country and optimistic about its future. However, there was a threatening cloud on the horizon. This was the fact that Northern and Southern states were growing apart, economically, socially, culturally and politically. The main reason for this was the peculiar institution of slavery. This chapter examines the following key questions: How successful was the USA in the early nineteenth century? What was the nature of the peculiar institution? Was slavery in the USA a system of ruthless exploitation or a paternalistic arrangement?

1 The great experiment

Key question: HowsuccessfulwastheUSAintheearlynineteenth


A people of plenty?
Historian David Potter described mid-nineteenth-century Americans as a people of plenty. Prosperity and growth seem to be the two words that best describe Americas economic development in the early nineteenth century. The country had enormous reserves of almost every commodity fertile land, timber, minerals and an excellent network of navigable rivers. In the period 180050 the USAs gross national product increased seven-fold and per capita income doubled.

To what extent were mid-nineteenthcentury Americans a people of plenty?

Population growth
The USAs population grew rapidly, doubling every 25 years or so. In 1840 it stood at 17 million; by 1860 it had reached 31 million. Most of the growth came from natural increase: plenty of children were born and Americans lived longer than most people in the world. Population growth was also the result of immigration, especially from Ireland and Germany. The population was mobile. Some Americans moved to find work in the towns. Others moved westwards to settle new land.

Western expansion
In the early nineteenth century Americans populated the area between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River. Between 1815 and 1850, the population west of the Appalachians grew three times as quickly as the population of the original thirteen states. By 1850, one in two Americans lived west of the Appalachians. Many moved west and west again. Abraham Lincolns family was typical. Abrahams father was born in Virginia


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Lake Superior Lake Hudson Lake Lake Erie Ontario


Lake Michigan

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OREGON 1818 British claims relinquished

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1819 from US to Spain ARKANSAS





Pacific Ocean


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SPANISH (Mexican after 1823) 1812 LOUISIANA



The United States 1783

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Atlantic Ocean

States admitted to the Union 17841836

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Acquired by US 181819

The Louisiana Purchase 1803

USSpanish frontier according to the Treaty of 1819

1819 to US from Spain

Gulf of Mexico

1819 from Spain by Treaty

The expanding frontier 17831840

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in 1778: in 1782 he was taken to Kentucky, where Abraham was born in 1809. In 1816, the Lincoln family moved to Indiana. In 1831 Abraham moved to Illinois. In the 1840s, Americans began crossing the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains to settle in California and the Oregon Territory on the Pacific coast.

Most Americans were farmers. Small family farms still characterised agriculture, north and south, east and west. Between 1840 and 1860, food production increased four-fold. This was mainly due to the opening up of new tracts of land in the west. The development of more scientific techniques fertilisation, crop rotation, the use of new machinery also helped.

Massive changes in transport help to explain the agricultural and industrial changes that were underway. The development of steamboats revolutionised travel on the great rivers. By 1850, there were over 700 steamships operating on the Mississippi and its tributaries. The country also developed an impressive canal system. However, by 1850 canals were facing competition from railways. In 1840, the USA had over 3,000 miles of track. By 1860 this had increased to over 30,000 miles more track than the rest of the world combined.

Americas industrial revolution mirrored that of Britain. There were important technological developments in textiles, coal, iron and steel, and in the use of steam power. New machines were introduced and constantly improved. The USA, fortunate in its enormous mineral wealth, could also count on British investment.


Feudal hierarchy A system of social organisation prevalent in Western Europe in the Middle Ages. People held a range of positions within a rigid class system. American Dream The idea that the American way of life offers the prospect of economic and social success to every individual.
To what extent was the uSA a society of equals?

Fewer than one in ten Americans lived in towns (defined as settlements with more than 2,500 people) in 1820: one in five did so by 1860. Some cities experienced spectacular growth. Chicago, with only 40 people in 1830, had 109,000 by 1860. New York had over 800,000 inhabitants by 1860.

A society of equals?
In the 1830s, a perceptive Frenchman, Alexis de Tocqueville, visited the USA and wrote a book recounting his experiences. What struck him was the fact that the country was far more equal than societies in Europe. He noted that there was no feudal hierarchy: no sovereign, no established aristocracy or Church leaders. Instead there were opportunities for men of talent and ambition to rise to the top. Historians today are suspicious of this early notion of the American Dream. Black slaves, Native Americans and women were far from equal. Moreover,


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there were great inequalities of wealth among white males. In 1860, the top 5 per cent of free adult males owned 53 per cent of the wealth. The bottom 50 per cent owned only one per cent. Family standing and inherited wealth were vital assets in terms of individual advancement in America, as in most European societies.

Rags to riches
De Tocquevilles claim did have some basis. Compared with Europe, there was rapid social mobility in the USA and opportunities for those with luck and ability. Men like Cornelius Vanderbilt (who made his fortune in transport) and Cyrus McCormick (associated with farm machinery) did rise from rags to riches. The American dream attracted millions of immigrants to the USA in the nineteenth century. By no means all prospered. But enough did so to keep the dream alive.

Womens status
Mid-nineteenth-century America assigned distinctly unequal roles to men and women. Women were seen, and saw themselves, as home-makers. Only a quarter of white women worked outside the home pre-marriage and fewer than 5 per cent did so while they were married. The notion that womens place was in the home was disseminated by both the Church and the growing media industry. Today, historians debate the extent to which the cult of domesticity was a setback for women. Many would claim it was. Women were denied the same social and political rights as men. They could not vote. In many states wives could not even own property. However, some historians have argued that the cult of domesticity actually gave women some power. They had responsibility for their children. (By 1850 the average white woman had five children.) Often seen as the guardians of morality, women tended to set family values and were greater church-goers than men. Middle-class women participated in many of the reform movements that were a feature of mid-nineteenth century American life, for example abolitionism and temperance.


Cult of domesticity The notion that womens place was in the home. Abolitionism The desire to end slavery. Temperance Opposition to the drinking of alcohol.

The great experiment


A people of plenty? Population growth Western expansion Agriculture Transport Industry Urbanisation

A society of equals? The American dream Rags to riches Womens status Slavery

The great experiment


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2 The peculiar institution

Key question: Whatwasthenatureofthepeculiarinstitution? The settlement of North America was an African as well as a European enterprise. In 1619, a year before the Pilgrim Fathers set sail in the Mayflower, John Rolfe in Virginia reported about the last of August came in a Dutch man-of-war that sold us 20 negars. As Rolfe makes clear, the score of Africans in 1619 had not crossed the Atlantic by choice. They came as slaves. This was the experience of virtually all Africans who were shipped to America in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In 1808, the USA declared the African slave trade illegal. But by then there were about 1million slaves already in the USA and the slave population continued to expand naturally. Slavery divided Americans, North and South. It continues to divide historians. Indeed, perhaps no issue in American history has generated as much controversy.

Cotton and slavery

Slavery pre-1800
In 1776, slavery existed in all the thirteen colonies. However, it was of major importance only in the South, largely because the Northern climate was not suited to plantation agriculture. In the last decades of the eighteenth century radical Protestants, especially Quakers, condemned slavery as a moral evil. Other Americans thought it inconsistent with enlightened ideas that stressed liberty, equality and free enterprise. After 1776, Northern states abolished slavery, some at a stroke, others gradually. In 1787, Congress passed an ordinance that kept slavery out of the North West Territory. Even some Southerners regarded slavery as an evil. A few, like George Washington, freed their slaves (even if posthumously).

Why were cotton and slavery interlinked?


Plantation agriculture Sugar, rice, tobacco and cotton were grown on large Southern estates. Ordinance A regulation or law. King Cotton Cotton was so important to the American economy that it became known as King Cotton. No power on earth dares to make war on cotton, declared Senator James Hammond in 1858. Cotton is king.

The importance of cotton

King Cotton ensured that slavery survived and throve. In 1790, only 9,000 bales of cotton were produced in the USA. Eli Whitneys invention of a cotton engine (or gin) in 1793 revolutionised Southern agriculture. It enabled short-fibre cotton (the only cotton which easily grew in the South) to be quickly separated from its seed. Suddenly, it became highly profitable to grow cotton and Southern farmers cashed in. By the 1830s, the South was producing 2 million bales per year. Cotton soon outstripped all other plantation crops in economic importance. From 1815 to 1860, cotton represented more than 50 per cent of all US exports. Such was the demand (mainly from textile manufacturers in Britain), and such were the profits, that the cotton belt spread westwards to Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas and Texas. Cotton


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Peculiar institution White Southerners referred to slavery as their peculiar institution. By this they meant that it was special to and characteristic of their region. Founding Fathers The men who drew up the Constitution in 1787.

production needed a large amount of unskilled labour. Slave labour was ideal. Cotton and slavery, therefore, were interlinked. Southerners migrating westwards either took their slaves with them or purchased surplus stock, mainly from the upper South. In the 50 years before 1860, perhaps 1 million slaves relocated from the upper South to the lower South and from southeastern to south-western slave states.

Gang labour
Gang labour quickly became the defining feature of the cotton plantation system. Slaves were organised into groups based on their physical abilities. The groups were supervised by an overseer (usually white) and a driver (usually black) who were prepared to use the whip if workers fell behind thepace.

Southern commitment to slavery

Most Southerners were committed to their peculiar institution. The Founding Fathers had realised that they could not tamper with slavery in the South. While they had avoided using the word slave, they acknowledged slaverys existence. Slaves were accepted, for representation and taxation purposes, as three-fifths of a free person. Events in Haiti in the 1790s and early 1800s, where slaves had won their freedom, massacring much of the white population in the process, convinced Southerners that slavery must be maintained as a means of social control.

How harsh was American slavery?

The conditions of enslavement

Historians continue to debate the nature of the peculiar institution. They have a considerable number of sources with which to work plantation records, census returns, newspapers, diaries, travellers accounts and political speeches. Unfortunately, there is limited evidence from the slaves themselves, few of whom were literate. The best accounts of what it was like to experience slavery were written by fugitive slaves, some of whom became leading abolitionists. Such men and women were not typical slaves. While there are large numbers of reminiscences resulting from interviews with ex-slaves, conducted in the 1930s, these accounts are flawed by the fact that those who provided their recollections had only experienced slavery as children and their memories may well have been faulty. One problem facing historians is that slavery changed over time: it was not necessarily the same in the 1850s as it was in the 1810s. It also varied considerably from place to place, depending in part on the nature of the local economy. Slavery in Delaware, where only one family in 30 owned a slave, for example, was different from slavery in South Carolina, where one family in two owned a slave. Moreover, a slaves experience, whether in Delaware or South Carolina, very much depended on the slaveholder. Consequently, generalisations are difficult to make and exceptions can be found to almost every rule. Perhaps the only thing that can be said with certainty is that slavery was a system of many systems.


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Statistical evidence
The census returns of 1850 and 1860 provide a starting point for trying to understand the nature of slavery:

In 1850, there were about 3.2 million slaves (compared to 6.2 million whites) in the fifteen Southern states. By 1860 there were nearly 4 million slaves (compared to 8 million whites). Slaves were concentrated mainly in the lower South. Slaves outnumbered whites in South Carolina. In 1850, one in three white Southern families owned slaves. By 1860, as a result of the rising cost of slaves, one family in four were slave owners. In 1860, 88 per cent of slaveholders owned fewer than twenty slaves and 50per cent owned no more than five slaves. However, over 50 per cent of slaves lived on plantations with over twenty slaves. Thus the typical slaveholder did not own the typical slave. Most slaves were held by about 10,000 families; 3,000 families had over 100 slaves. Fifty-five per cent of slaves worked in cotton production, 10 per cent in tobacco and 10 per cent in sugar, rice and hemp, while 15 per cent were domestic servants. In 1860, about 10 per cent of slaves lived in towns or worked in a variety of industries. Slaves were sometimes hired out to other employers for parts of the year. In towns, some slaves, with particular skills, hired themselves out.

Slave codes
All slave states had codes laws which emphasised that slaves were property and which greatly restricted their behaviour. The codes varied from state to state but usually laid down that slaves could not:
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leave plantations without authorisation carry weapons strike a white person.

To enforce the codes, militia-like patrols were set up. Free white men served for one-, three- or six-month periods, policing their local areas.

Free blacks
Not all African Americans were slaves. By 1860 there were about 260,000 free blacks in the South:
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Some had made enough money to purchase their freedom. Many were of mixed race and had been given their freedom by their white fathers.

Southern free blacks had to carry documentation proving their freedom at all times or risk the danger of being enslaved. They had no political rights and their legal status was precarious. Job opportunities were also limited. Nevertheless a few prospered. In Charleston in 1860 there were 360


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coloured taxpayers and 130 of these owned 390 slaves. In New Orleans, free blacks owned over $15 million worth of property. Two hundred thousand blacks, some of whom had escaped from slavery in the South, lived in the North. Many Northern whites were as racially prejudiced as Southerners. Thus Northern blacks usually had the worst jobs and segregation was common in most aspects of life. Only three states allowed blacks to vote on terms of parity with whites in 1860. Some Northern states tried to exclude blacks altogether. However, a number of politicians in the decades before the Civil War worked to expand black rights. By 1861, Northern blacks had more rights than at any time in the previous 30years.


Segregation The system whereby blacks and whites are separated from each other (for example in schools) on grounds of race.

Look at Source A. Which three states were most likely to be committed to defending slavery?

Population distribution in 1860

Border slaveholding states White Delaware Kentucky Maryland Missouri Total 90,589 (80.7%) 919,484 (79.6%) 515,918 (75.1%) 1,063,489 (90.0%) 2,589,480 (82.5%) Slave 1,798 (1.6%) 225,483 (19.5%) 87,189 (12.7%) 114,931 (9.7%) 429,401 (13.7%) Free black 19,829 (17.7%) 10,684 (0.9%) 83,942 (12.2%) 3,572 (0.3%) 118,027 (3.8%) Total 112,216 1,155,651 687,049 1,181,992 3,136,908

Eleven future Confederate states Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia Total 826,722 (74.5%) 420,891 (69.7%) 1,047,299 (65.5%) 275,719 (24.9%) 182,566 (30.2%) 490,865 (30.8%) 7,300 (0.7%) 355 (0.1%) 58,042 (3.6%) 132,760 (1.5%) 1,109,741 603,812 1,596,206 9,101,090 291,300 (41.4%) 402,406 (57.2%) 9,914 (1.4%) 703,620 526,271 (54.6%) 324,143 (74.4%) 77,747 (55.4%) 591,550 (56.0%) 357,456 (50.5%) 353,899 (44.7%) 629,942 (63.5%) 435,080 (45.1%) 111,115 (25.5%) 61,745 (44.0%) 462,198 (43.7%) 331,726 (46.9%) 436,631 (55.2%) 331,059 (33.4%) 2,690 (0.3%) 114 (0.1%) 932 (0.7%) 3,500 (0.3%) 18,647 (2.6%) 773 (0.1%) 30,463 (3.1%) 964,041 435,402 140,424 1,057,248 707,829 791,303 991,464

5,447,220 (59.9%) 3,521,110 (38.7%)


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Notice of Slave Sale, 1852

What does Source B tell us about: a) the nature of slavery and b) Christopher J. Whaley?

Slavery comparisons
Historians and sociologists have tried to compare slavery in the USA with slavery elsewhere. Attempts to compare nineteenth-century American slavery with slavery in Ancient Rome are unconvincing: the two societies were so different economically, socially, ideologically and culturally. There is more mileage in comparing American slavery with slavery in places such as Brazil and Cuba in the same period.

How did slavery in the uSA compare with slavery elsewhere?


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It has often been claimed that slavery in Latin America was less severe than slavery in the USA:


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Manumission The granting of freedom to slaves.

Slaves seem to have had more legal protection in Spanish and Portuguese law, which at least recognised the essential humanity of the slave (unlike American law). The Roman Catholic Church may have offered more protection to slaves than Protestant Churches in the USA. In Latin America slaves could legally marry. Manumission was easier in Brazil and Cuba. Some historians have claimed that there was less race consciousness in Latin America. The fact that integration between the races was more common may have led to slavery being less harsh. Blacks in Latin America were not necessarily viewed as members of an inferior, servile race.

However, it is now generally accepted that American slaves were better off than their counterparts in Brazil and Cuba:
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They enjoyed better material conditions. They lived longer. The natural increase in the USAs slave population was unique. In all other slave societies of the Western hemisphere, the slave population failed to reproduce itself and was sustained only by the injection of new slaves. In Latin America the system tended to be one of ruthless exploitation of the slaves to the point of exhaustion, sickness and death, and then the replacement by fresh stock. Although slaves in Brazil and Cuba appeared to have had more in the way of legal rights, in reality this meant very little. The Catholic Church did little to protect the lot of slaves. It had a worse record than Protestant Churches in terms of condemning slavery as an institution. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that racism was as prevalent in Brazil and Cuba as it was in the USA.

How did African Americans adapt to slavery?

Adaptation to slavery
In Slavery: A Problem in American Institutional and Intellectual Life (1959), Stanley M. Elkins claimed that the closed system of American slavery had noticeable effects upon the slaves very personality. He argued that, as a result of the repressive system, most American slaves displayed Sambo-like traits: they were docile and irresponsible, loyal but lazy, humble but chronically given to lying and stealing full of infantile silliness. Elkins went further. He claimed that inmates of Nazi concentration camps displayed similar characteristics. Child-like conformity was the only way that both concentration camp inmates and Southern slaves could hope to survive. Absolute power, in Elkinss opinion, resulted in absolute dependency.


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Elkinss thesis brought a critical response. Critics pointed out that the analogy between concentration camps and the peculiar institution was not apt. However bad slavery was, it did not compare with conditions in the Nazi death camps. Plantations were profit-making enterprises, not places of extermination. Nor, from the point of view of the slave, was the American South a totally closed society. There were massive variations from place to place. Many slaves, for example, had little contact with whites. In consequence, they only occasionally had to act out the ritual of deference. In short, the peculiar institution allowed slaves a wider opportunity for development of personality than Elkins recognised. Elkins came to regret his concentration camp analogy, accepting that something less than absolute power produces something less than absolute dependency. Instead, he argued that a better analogy might have been the effects that prison, boarding school and hospital often have on inmates characters. A more trenchant criticism of Elkins has been the claim that most slaves did not display Sambo-like traits. Historian John W. Blassingame thought the typical field hand was sullenly disobedient and hostilely submissive. He suggested that there were at least three stereotype slave characters. While accepting that Sambo-type slaves did exist, Blassingame thought there were rebellious Nats and uncooperative but generally deferential Jacks (perhaps the majority). These traits, in Blassingames view, did not necessarily reflect the slaves real personalities. It was simply that side of their personality they presented to whites. Ritual deference to whites was natural enough behaviour when slaves could be punished for showing disrespect.

Slave domains
Historians Eugene D. Genovese and Blassingame both showed that slaves, far from being conditioned by their owners, were active participants in their own development. They had their own domains or space free from white interference.

Despite the threat of forced sale, most slaves lived in two-parent family groups and slave marriages were surprisingly stable and long-lasting. (Many slave owners made efforts to keep slave families together.) The family, as Blassingame has pointed out, was a zone of safety. By giving slaves love, individual identity and a sense of personal worth, it helped to mitigate some of the severity of slavery. The realities of slavery, moreover, forced the creation of an extended family which helped to protect children, in particular, if and when a family member was sold. Most slave children had aunts, uncles and cousins who might or might not be real kin but who were prepared to assume family roles should a child be orphaned by the workings of the slave trade.

The family, with its extended kinship networks, was one of the most powerful transmitters of slave culture. Slave music a means of expression, 23

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communication and protest permeated many aspects of slave life, as did dance. Black folktales also helped to foster a sense of community. The folktales, usually involving animals, often taught survival strategies. Weak animals overcame more powerful and threatening opponents by using wit and guile. (Many of these stories have come down to us as Brer Rabbit tales.)

Religion, which played an important part in the life of many slaves, may also have been a vital cultural transmitter. Some historians think that the first African slaves brought many of their traditional beliefs, values and rituals with them to America and that these were grafted on to Christianity with the result that slaves evolved their own distinctive style of worship. Black Churches and black ministers were not uncommon by the 1850s. However, other historians think that slaves, most of whom attended white churches before the Civil War (sitting in segregated pews) simply copied white practices. The style of preaching and active congregational participation that became typical of black Churches was typical of Churches generally in the ante-bellum South. Indeed, it can be claimed that the Church was the most important institution for the Americanisation of the slaves: arguably in no other aspect of black cultural life did the values and practices of whites so deeply penetrate.

Working in the fields led to a strong sense of camaraderie, cohesion and community. Members of the slave community were also bound together in helping and protecting one another and a sense of shared grievance.
How much resistance was there to slavery?

Resistance to slavery
Slave revolts
If slave conditions were really so bad, then serious slave revolts ought to have occurred. However, slave revolts were infrequent.

Gabriel Prosser, a slave in Virginia, plotted outright rebellion in 1800. His plan included seizing Richmond and taking its governor hostage. Informed of Prossers intentions, Virginian authorities arrested scores of slaves. Prosser and over 30 of his followers were executed. In 1811, a slave revolt the German Coast Uprising occurred east of the Mississippi River, in what is now the state of Louisiana. The 200 or so rebels destroyed five plantations and killed two white men. The rebellion was quickly put down by local militia forces. Some 95 blacks were killed in the fighting or executed as a result of the revolt. Denmark Vesey purchased his freedom in 1800 (after winning a lottery). His plan, discovered in 1822, seems to have been to collect weapons, attack the white population of Charleston, seize ships and make for Santo Domingo (then part of Haiti). Details of the plot were leaked and


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35blacks, including Vesey, were executed. Not all historians are convinced that Vesey did plan a mass insurrection. It may be that the incident had less to do with insurrection than with white hysteria, which fabricated a plot from rumours and the testimony of frightened slaves, desperate to save their own skins by incriminating others. The only serious revolt to actually occur was that of Nat Turner in Virginia in 1831. A well-educated and deeply religious slave, Turner managed to win the support of about 70 slaves and killed 55 whites (mainly women and children) before being captured and executed (along with 17 other slaves). Scores of slaves were killed in the process of putting down the rebellion. John Browns attempt to stir up a slave revolt in 1859 failed miserably (see page 97).

There was not even a slave rebellion during the Civil War. However, the fact that there were no major slave revolts is not proof that slaves were content with their lot. It is simply testimony to most slaves realism. A great slave revolt was impossible to organise. Whites had far too much power. Slaves were a minority in most Southern states. They were also scattered across a huge area. They were not allowed to own firearms. Nor were they allowed to congregate in large groups. A curfew system was often imposed at night. White patrols policed many districts, ensuring that slaves were securely in their quarters. Slaves suspected of plotting rebellion faced almost certain death. A slave uprising at any time, even during the Civil War, would have been tantamount to mass suicide.

Escape: the underground railroad

Individual slaves found it difficult to escape from slavery and it was virtually impossible for a large family group to make it to freedom. Ninety per cent of runaways were male and 75 per cent were under 35. Most were caught and severely punished. The so-called underground railroad, despite abolitionist propaganda and Southern fears, was far from extensive or well organised. It had nothing to do with railroads or trains: it was simply a system of safe houses from which fugitive slaves made their way as they fled north. Safe houses provided money, food, clothes and advice. It is difficult to know exactly how many slaves escaped, but it seems unlikely that more than a few hundred slaves a year succeeded in escaping to the North or to Canada. Most escapees came from the upper South: it was far harder to escape from the lower South. Levi Coffin, a successful white Quaker merchant, is sometimes called the President of the Underground Railroad. For two decades, he and his wife Catharine used their strategic location in southern Indiana to help fugitives to escape.


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A few intrepid blacks ventured back into the South to help slaves to escape. The most celebrated was Harriet Tubman. Escaping from slavery in 1849, she returned south on nineteen occasions, helping scores of slaves to escape, including her sister, her nieces and her parents. Despite a huge reward on her head, she was never caught.

Daily resistance
Many slaves resisted slavery on a daily basis:
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Some feigned illness to avoid work. Some harmed themselves so they were unable to work. Many deliberately worked slowly or inefficiently. A few killed their owners.

To what extent was slavery a system of many systems?

The term slavery covered a multitude of sins in the ante-bellum South. In some places it did mean a large plantation and gangs of cotton-picking slaves the stereotype immortalised in Gone with the Wind. But it also encompassed a host of other experiences. This meant that the life of slaves varied immensely. On big plantations, the slave owner was usually a remote figure as far as most slaves were concerned. By contrast, on small farms, slaves often had a close relationship with their owner for good and bad. In historian Kenneth Stampps view, The only generalisation that can be made with relative confidence is that some masters were harsh and frugal; others were mild and generous and the rest ran the whole gamut in between. As well as differences between slave owners, there was also considerable diversity of work experience. Slaves who laboured in the rice-growing areas of the Deep South probably endured the worst conditions. Household servants generally had an easier life than field hands. Historian Paul Escott suggests that slaves on small farms had a worse lot than those on big plantations, if only because they spent much more time under their owners supervision and had no sense of belonging to a sizeable slave community. Whether slave women had an easier or harder lot than slave men is a subject of some debate. It has been claimed that slave women had a more dominant role than women in white society and were mistresses of their cabins. However, most scholars think that slave society echoed free society and that men usually had the primary role. Domestic chores within slave families were usually done by women on top of their heavy work for their owners.


Ante-bellum The time before the war. Gone with the Wind This novel, written by Margaret Mitchell (a Southerner), was published in 1936. It sold over 10 million copies and was made into a successful film. Both book and film suggested that the antebellum South was a civilised society.


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Slavery pre-1800

Southern commitment to slavery

The importance of cotton

Expansion of slavery

Statistical evidence

The nature of slavery

How harsh was slavery?

How did US slavery compare with slavery elsewhere?

Resistance to slavery

What effect did slavery have on slaves? SuMMARY DIAGRAM

The peculiar institution

3 Key debate
Key question: WasslaveryintheUSAasystemofruthlessexploitation

Over the last two centuries there have been major debates about whether slavery American-style was a system of ruthless exploitation or whether it was a paternalistic type of welfare state, offering protection for the slaves from cradle to grave.


The debate
In the early twentieth century Ulrich B. Phillips, a white Southern historian, wrote two influential books on slavery: American Negro Slavery (1918) and Life and Labour in the Old South (1929). Phillips argued that slavery was as benign and benevolent an institution as slaveholders had always claimed it to be. Most slaves, thought Phillips, were content with their lot. Relationships between slaves and owners were marked by gentleness, kind-hearted friendship and mutual loyalty. In 1956, Kenneth Stampp, a white Northerner, published The Peculiar Institution, in which he put forward a very different interpretation. While accepting that there were massive variations, Stampp held that slavery was harsh rather than benign. He saw little in the way of good relationships between owner and owned. In his view, the typical plantation was an area of persistent conflict between master and slaves.

Paternalistic A system akin to that of a family, whereby a father looks after and cares for his children.


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Planters Men who owned plantations with twenty or more slaves.

Stampps thesis, which has been supported by a host of other historians, remains the prevailing view. However, in 1974 Robert W. Fogel and Stanley L. Engerman produced Time on the Cross. After feeding a vast amount of source material into computers, they came up with statistics which, they claimed, displayed precisely what slavery was like. Their conclusions, at least with regard to slave conditions, were similar to those of Phillips. In Fogel and Engermans view, planters were a rational and humane capitalist class and slavery was a mild and efficient system of labour. Slaves, said Fogel and Engerman, were controlled with minimal force and enjoyed a standard of living comparable to that of Northern industrial workers. The response to Time on the Cross was overwhelmingly critical. Many historians attacked Fogel and Engermans techniques and insisted that their conclusions did not possess the scientific status that the authors claimed. Their findings, according to two critics, Richard Sutch and Herbert G. Gutman, were confused, circular and so unsubtle as to be nave. Some of their conclusions can be disproved, while others remain unsupported conjectures, in some cases fanciful speculations.

The benign view

Those, like Phillips, Fogel and Engerman, who have argued that slavery was benign, have made the following points:

What does it say about the mutable nature of ethics that at the time of the Civil War it was possible to make two diametrically opposed arguments about the institution of slavery? Would this be acceptable in todays ethical universe? (Ethics, History and Perception)

Slaves did not necessarily work much harder or longer than most midnineteenth-century Americans. Most did not work on Sundays, sometimes had half a day to themselves on Saturdays, and received a fair number of holidays. Much of their work was seasonal or dependent on clement weather. Floggings were rare, if only because slave owners had a vested interest in the care and maintenance of their property. Just as most Rolls-Royce owners today take good care of their cars, so slave owners looked after their property. (A prime field hand was worth much the same as a modern-day top-of-the-range car.) Most owners preferred the carrot as a source of motivation to the stick. Slaves who worked hard were given extra holidays, more clothing and food, and often their own garden plots. There was considerable variety in the nature and organisation of slaves work. By no means all toiled for long hours on cotton plantations. Within slavery there was a hierarchy, tantamount to a career structure. Hardworking slaves had a good chance of promotion. They could pick up a skill or become a slave driver or a plantation overseer. Fogel and Engerman claimed that slaves benefited from their work. Over the course of his lifetime, the typical slave field hand received about 90 per cent of the income he produced. By using strategies such as feigning illness or working slowly, slaves were able to modify and subvert the system.


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Slaves were fed, clothed and housed reasonably well (given the standards of the day). Slaves, moreover, enjoyed a large measure of security. On most plantations, they did not have to worry about food, shelter, clothing and illness. Historian Eugene D. Genovese, while not defending slave conditions, has argued that most plantation holders had an aristocratic code of honour. Depicting them as more paternalistic than capitalistic, he also claimed that they were not particularly racist. By the early nineteenth century, there was no need to import African slaves. The slave population increased naturally at much the same rate as white population growth. By 1860, slaves lived almost as long as white Southerners. The slave family was the basic unit of social organisation. Slaves usually chose their own partners and married in ceremonies that stopped short of sanction by Church or State. It was not unusual for a slave to be traded so that a couple who were fond of each could live together. Slaveholders refrained from selling small children apart from their mothers. Slave suicides were rare. Although slaves, in strict legal terms, were regarded as chattels (and thus similar to tables or chairs), they were also viewed as human beings. In most states, they had some legal protection, especially if mistreatment was committed by someone other than their owner. The evidence suggests that there was relatively little sexual exploitation. Most white men were restrained in their treatment of slaves by conventional Christian morality, by their own standards of decency and by peer group pressure. There was no serious slave revolt (see pages 245).


Capitalistic Concerned essentially with making money.

The harsh view

Most historians remain convinced that slave conditions were harsh:

Slave owners had unlimited power. Slaves could be sold, punished, sexually exploited and even killed without redress. Most lived, in consequence, in a state of constant insecurity. Firm discipline seems to have been the norm. This was an age that believed to spare the rod was to spoil the child and slave. Floggings, brandings and mutilations were common. The threat of separating a slave from his or her family was an even more effective form of punishment and control. It is difficult to establish that most planters were sincerely paternalistic. Most accepted that ultimately they ruled by fear and discipline. Virtually all held racist views. Slaves laboured under harsh conditions, commonly toiling from dawn to dusk. The aim of most slave owners was to make a profit and thus to extract the maximum amount of work for the barest cost. Children, sometimes as young as five, were sent to work in the fields.


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Slaves normal diet, while being sufficient in quantity, was monotonous (corn and pork were the main components) and resulted in many slaves having vitamin deficiencies. Most slaves lived in overcrowded cabins. Slaves had few prospects of promotion: in most states it was illegal for them to be taught to read and write. The slave family unit was far from sacrosanct. A quarter of slave marriages were broken by forced separation. Like other forms of property, slaves were inherited, given as wedding presents, wagered in games of chance and sold to speculators. In the 1850s, some 250,000 slaves were taken westwards. Many went as family units. But thousands of others were separated from their families. Planters and their sons took advantage of female slaves. Diarist Mary Boykin Chesnut, a South Carolina plantation mistress, wrote: Like the patriarchs of old, our men live all in one house with their wives and concubines. Manumission was rare. By 1860, all the Southern states had laws severely restricting the right of owners to free their slaves. The evidence suggests that most slaves hated slavery. Whenever they had the opportunity of freedom during the Civil War, most took it.

Chapter summary
The cotton economy and slavery In many respects mid-nineteenth-century Americans were a people of plenty and American society was a society of equals. The negative to both these positives

was the peculiar institution which reached its prime in the period 1830 to 1860. While US slaves were materially better off than many people in the world, conditions for most were harsh. Slaves had to adapt to the conditions in which they found themselves; perhaps, to an extent, they were conditioned. But they also developed their own culture, the roots of which may have gone back to Africa.

Examination advice
How to answer analyse questions
When answering questions with the command term analyse, you should try to identify the key elements and their relative importance.

Analyse the social impact of slavery in the Southern states. 1 The command term analyse suggests you investigate the social impact of slavery by looking at various components. Another key word on which to focus is social. The question does not ask you about the political or 30

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economic impact of slavery. You might mention these in passing but do not make them the focus of your essay. Also, do not discuss slavery in the North, as the question only asks about the Southern states. 2 Take at least five minutes to write a short outline. This can be done on scrap paper. Focus on what the question is asking. An example of an outline for an answer to this question might be as follows.

Social impact for slaves: development of dependency mentality; constant insecurity; broken marriages; rebelliousness among some slaves; poor diets; splits among slaves depending on the type of work he/she did. S lave culture: growth of distinct types of music, story-telling, religious beliefs, slave foods.

Social impact for freedmen: precarious status; insecurity; quarter-million free blacks in South. Social impact for whites: fear of slave uprisings; development of culture different from in the North. P ercentages of slaves to whites in the Southern states: roughly one-third slave, two-thirds white.

3 In your introduction, set out your key points about how slavery impacted the society of the Southern states. An example of a good introductory paragraph for this question is given below.

The institution of slavery impacted most aspects of life in the Southern states. For blacks, both slave and free, and for whites, slavery affected how people lived, worked, ate and married. The legal status of each group and

where they fit into Southern society help to explain their relationship with slavery. Furthermore, the South developed a culture increasingly different from that in the North.

4 For each of the key points you outline in your introduction, you should be able to write two to three long paragraphs. Here, you should provide supporting evidence. Be sure to also state the connection between what you have written and the social impact. An example of how one of the key points could be expanded is given below.

An important aspect of slaverys impact on Southern society was the status of the slaves themselves. Because they could be bought and sold at the whim of their owners, it was difficult for them to maintain stable family relationships. Slave marriages were not recognised. Furthermore, female slaves were at the mercy of the owners and suffered

additional abuse. After the international slave trade was abolished in 1807, slave owners encouraged breeding as a method of increasing the number of slaves available. Consequently, the slave population grew from 3.2 million to 4 million in a ten-year span (185060).


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Even within the society of slaves, there were great differences. Slaves who toiled on the cotton plantations in the deep South had the most difficult circumstances because of the hot climate and the constant pressure to pick more and more cotton. Living conditions were also poor and the field hands laboured from dawn to dusk . Slaves who worked as servants fared better. They often had better

clothing and food because they were in much closer contact with the owner and his family. There were also blacks who had been freed by their masters or who had managed to purchase their freedom. These free blacks faced uncertainty because they did not enjoy the same rights as whites and had to prove they were indeed free. Nonetheless, they had lives markedly better than slaves.

5 In the final paragraph, you should tie your essay together stating your conclusions. Do not raise any new points here or make reference to race relations in the United States today. An example of a good concluding paragraph is given below.

Slaverys impact on Southern society was enormous. It essentially governed the conduct and lives of all racial groups and how each of these dealt with one another. Even though most whites did not own slaves, they generally remained committed to this form of labour

since their social status was based on being higher up on the social scale. For the black slaves, there was little chance of escaping forced labour. Finally, the free blacks, small in number, had better lives than the slaves but were hardly in a secure situation.

6 Now try writing a complete answer to the question following the advice above.

Examination practice
Below are three exam-style questions for you to practise on this topic. 1 Analyse the importance of cotton to the US economy. 2 Explain why slave rebellion was a rare occurrence. (For guidance on how to answer explain questions, see page 00.) 3 Analyse the major arguments Southern whites made in defence of slavery.


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