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1JOHN DOE ABC ST Pleasant View, UT 84414 June 12th 2010 TO: RECONTRUST COMPANY Attn: Deb Validation 2380 Performance DR, MS # TX2-984-04-07 Richardson, TX 75082 Re: Property Address: Loan Number: 123 ABC St Pleasant View UT 84414 123456789

RESPONSE TO LEGAL NOTICE # 011061843 TS No. 10-0061843 Notice of Default Dear RECONTRUST COMPANY, I am hereby disputing the following facts stated in an administrative notice dated June 18, 2010 Paragraph A States that I owe BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P. the amount of $345,430.91. I herby deny this claim in its entirety. This issue has been already dealt with through administrative process as follows: On April 27 2010, I (JOHN DOE) sent to BAC Home Loans servicing via certified mail a Qualified Written Request requesting the original wet ink signature to establish proof of claim within 30 days. BAC Home Loans servicing only provided a photocopy of the Deed of Trust and Promissory Note made years ago. As well the copy provided did not say anywhere on it that it was owned by BAC Home Loans servicing and no documents supporting this alleged fact were sent. On May 21 2010, I (JOHN DOE) did send to BAC Home Loans servicing via certified mail a second Qualified Written Request requesting proof of claim. With this second request, I (JOHN DOE) informed that should BAC Home Loans fail to produce proof of claim within 21 days, they will have exhausted their administrative remedy under a private administrative process and tacit agreement contract. BAC Home Loans servicing again only provided a photocopy of the Deed of Trust and Promissory Note made years ago with no proof that this note was even in the possession of BAC Home

Loans servicing and showing no evidence of transfer while ignoring the Plaintiffs request for verification of debt as required under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) and Truth in Lending Act (TILA). On June 2 2010, I (JOHN DOE) did send to BAC Home Loans servicing via certified mail a third Qualified Written Request requesting proof of claim. With this third request, I (JOHN DOE) informed that should BAC Home Loans fail to produce proof of claim within 15 days, they will have exhausted their administrative remedy under a private administrative process and tacit agreement contract. BAC Home Loans servicing failed to provide any documentation as required under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) and Truth in Lending Act (TILA). BAC Home Loans servicing was specifically asked to stipulate whether or not they were a creditor in the loan transaction. This question was ignored in the BAC Home Loans servicing response. BAC Home Loans servicing was asked pointedly and specifically whether or not they are the Note Holder in Due Course. This question was ignored in the BAC Home Loans servicing response. In response to the BAC Home Loans servicing inability to produce sufficient proof of claim, on June 16th, 2010, I recorded a Notice of Default in the WEBER COUNTY RECORDERs Office on BAC Home Loans servicing for lack of proof of claim. I (Michael Waters) notified BAC Home Loans servicing and gave BAC Home Loans servicing the opportunity to contest the Notice. BAC Home Loans servicing is either ignorant of due process of civil procedures or have admitted their guilt in this matter. BAC Home Loans servicing was given numerous opportunities to respond to this matter but have chosen to remain silent. An Affidavit unrebutted stands. BAC Home Loans servicing has not offered any rebuttal to the Notices (entered No Contest). Therefore, through estoppel via acquiescence, BAC Home Loans have exhausted their administrative remedy in this matter. The BAC Home Loans servicing have had their opportunity to be in honor but have chosen not to provide valid proof of claim through their actions.

Furthermore a civil action has been filed in the Weber county court. Case # 100904837WBW as a PETITION FOR VERIFICATION OF DEBT ELSE RELEASE OF CLAIM BAC Home Loans servicing signed for the receipt of this notice on July 6th 2010 and I am awaiting a response to my civil claim. I will include for your review with this letter a notice to Cease and Desist. A Notarized copy of this document was already sent to you on July 09 2010 but I will send you another for good measure. I am also including a copy of the Lis Pendens as is recorded in the Weber County Recorders Office Document #2481128 IF RECONTRUST CONTINUES ANY FURTHER ACTION AGAINST ME ON THIS MATTER I WILL BE ADDING RECONTRUST TO MY CIVIL ACTION CASE AS AN ADDITIONAL DEFENDANT #100904873WBW. Furthermore I require a response (Within the next 30 days) from RECONTRUST COMPANY that you have recused yourself from this foreclosure action . If no response from RECONTRUST COMPANY has been received within 30 days it will be assumed that my request has been ignored and you will be added to the civil action that is already pending against BAC Home Loans servicing civil action # 100904873WBW as a default action against you. Additionally I will be seeking damages under the fair debt collections act govern yourself accordingly. Sincerely _____________________ Date: _______________________ NOTARY I, __________________________, a notary public residing in LANE County, OREGON State, Do say that on the date of ___________, 2010 that a man known to me as BOB SMITH did Appear before me in his true character and did attach his autograph to the above document. __________________________________ NOTARY _____________ date


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