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f// Thursday, April 5, 2012

Tim Day - Candidate Opening Statement

I am a good government candidate; I say that because I could have done a lot of things. I have been an Accountant for twenty years; I have been entrusted with millions of dollars and never took any of it. I have worked with government grant processes and held government accountable. As an Accountant and the owner of my own business, I hold myself to a high standard, thats something my father taught me and my siblings, even though he had only a third grade education. My bio says a lot, I ask that everyone read my website: Q&A 1. What is your vision for the pace and character of community economic development in light of the changing demographics of Ward 5, particularly in the neighborhoods situated west of the train tracks? Being from Ward 5 and come from a very diverse family (a Caucasian mother and a Black father), I have seen the changes; I think it starts with the community, rather than the government telling us what to do, I know that Scott Roberts and Bertha Holliday, know too whereas the government plays games with us. We need to change zoning, especially in the idle areas; we need to work with community to take sensible plans to the government, our plans need to include retail development, something sustainable, and thats not going to disrupt our lives that generate jobs, career jobs, particularly for Ward 5 residents, and maintain integrity of the community. We truly do live within a great community , we need to maintain the integrity of our neighborhoods and , every day I feel truly blessed to sit at North Capitol and Rhode Island and look at its uniqueness, we need to make sure that government meets the needs of the community and not that the community meets the governments need. FOLLOW-UP a. How do you propose to revitalize our major corridors? First thing, make street scape the beginning, we need to clean sidewalks, curbs, and road ways, so that people wont get flat tires when they come in, and fall through cracks when they walk down North Capitol Street. Involve lighting and tree blockers (things I have seen when out and about in the community). If we clean the street scapes, people would be more willing to come. We also need sensible and adequate parking and traffic regulations. b. How do you plan to maintain neighborhood integrity in spite of economic development? With enough yelling and screaming, we are able to maintain neighborhood integrity. If you are passionate about something and you have a solid plan, people will listen to you regardless if you are elected or not. As a two term ANC Commissioner, I was insistent because our community was insistent, with a lot of screaming for what they wanted; high density was not what we wanted. We need to have a City Council Member who will fight for what community wants; I will fight for what we want. 2. How would you advance public safety so that residents (both long term and more recent arrivals) will feel safe in their homes and on the streets without fostering an environment which has the look and feel of a police state? For one thing, we need to go back to basics. Here in DC, we have a lot of great plans, processes and policies, when I was in school we had Officer Friendly concept, we need Officer Friendly, and two, we

f// Thursday, April 5, 2012

need government agencies to work with police; perfect example, Cathy Lanier was very clear that she was going to lose a 1,000 police officers to retirement, that does not factor in those who will be injured, or on leave for other reasons, the city cut her budget, why then, are we not being more aggressive now to hire cadets from our area. We need honesty from police officers, who will make sure community knows what is going on, when there is spike in crime; we need our citizens and seniors to know. Its about communication, going back to the basics, not just list servs. We need to have police officers on bikes, on segways and walking about in our communities; making sure that we are safe. FOLLOW-UP a. Police tell us that crime in general is on the down swing, but juvenile crime is on the upswing, what ideas do you have for reducing juvenile crime and delinquency? There is a budget cut of $5.9 million to juvenile offender programs, so we are going to continue to see a spike in juvenile crime. We must find a new ways to engage our youth; I was laughed at for having the graffiti project, I had 5th and 6th graders who, said, Im not doing that, they did it and enjoyed it. We have to open up new doors in communities for new opportunities for our youth, we have to instill respect in our youth, we have to do this and break down territorial boundaries until we are one ward, one city. b. How will you address the need for substance abuse treatment? The DC government and the Department of Health needs to do a better job with enforcement, particularly when it comes to prescribed narcotics, because we are seeing such a spike in overdose and deaths. We need to ensure services are available. We have to come together to resolve the issue and show that there is room for everyone in the community. 3. What will you do to help insure that children in Ward 5, and for that matter, adults who are so inclined and so motivated, have the opportunity to attend quality schools without leaving their community? If you elect me to City Council Member, the first thing, I will do is to team up with David Catania, the second thing is to sit down with OSSEE and DC Public charter schools, the bottom line is we have forgotten about the kids, we have OSEE, DCPS and Charter schools, but they dont talk to the little people, we need to listen to the parents and students, and ensure that they have the resources needed. It starts with bringing all of the agencies together. We have children who are transient in going to school, we give them subsidy, yet we provide no subsidy to get them to and from the libraries or recreational centers. I propose there be two libraries in Ward 5. FOLLOW-UP a. What is your position on the tension between regular public schools and the public charter school movement? Once again, I would like to say that this is specific to Ward 5, bullying and tension; I have learned that this is a city-wide problem. Bottom line someone needs to tell these folk (the Council) to be quiet and sit down and listen. We dont need to be friends; we need to be colleagues to make sure our kids get what they need. I have no problem with going to the City Council and holding them accountable to do their job, its about knowing the job and holding them accountable, just dont say okay, you provide oversight for a reason, you need to give feedback, but hold them accountable. b. What are your ideas on opening one or more public Middle Schools in Ward 5?


f// Thursday, April 5, 2012

I have concerns that our city is going to be responsive and dump a bunch of middle schools in Ward 5, because there has been so much noise about it, but more importantly, we must figure out the needs, and ensure the curriculum works for the children now and later. 4. How do you propose to address the mounting issues of traffic gridlock and walkability in Ward 5, particularly west of the train tracks, especially given the significance of development projects that are either already underway (Rhode Island Row), or planned for the near future (McMillan), inside or just outside the boundaries of our neighborhoods? I am a huge advocate of development that shows 1-4 parking ratio, we have enough development in Ward 5, 6 and 1 brought to our community that show that ratio does not work. NOMA did a wonderful job with 70% of its cars; they live on top of metro, there is a building in Columbia Heights at 75%. We need to realize that we want our cars regardless if we live on top of metro, have the circulator. Tommie Wells needs to realize people love their cars. We need the City Council to pay attention to and revisit traffic surveys before construction on development is and already on the ground. ABDO did not take into account that there is development already underway, that 75% already have cars; we need to deal with traffic surveys before the ground is broken. We know that we have big area development going on, and when we factor in all alternatives, high volumes of vehicular traffic continues. We also need to work with DDOT traffic on revisiting the timing of lights, we need a comprehensive plan, which we have not had in a very long time, to include plans of fire and emergency traffic to ensure there needs are met, getting to hospitals. We need to look at what impact the development of McMillan will have on the EMS trying to get to the hospitals and the residents in the neighborhoods. FOLLOW-UP a. What is your position on bike lanes and bike sharrows as a solution? I think it is great! I used to be an avid cyclist; I rode from North Carolina to DC probably six times, from New York to Boston, to Fairbanks, Alaska. I like the bike lanes and bike sharrows, its nice, but we need to get the bicyclist in them; we need to have bike lanes and to make sure bikers know where they are. Show of hands how many people have a car, Washingtonians love their cars, how many people live within 1-2 blocks of metro, we need to listen to our community. b. Do you have any ideas on managing the seemingly, increasing commercial traffic on our streets, heavy trucks that crack our streets? Once again, I was a huge advocate of 7th Street no truck route, and with the EYA and the ABDO projects I stood my ground and was a strong advocate against the trucks on 7 th Street with the citizens. EYA is 90% sold out, and there were no trucks on 7th Street. Increasing commercial traffic on our streets, for example, heavy trucks result in neighbor complaints. We need to be sure no trucks before 7AM, no trucks after 3PM, I would stand my ground, there would be no TRUCKS, there is a solution, we need to make sure the existing rules weight limits are enforced.

[AUDIENCE QUESTIONS] a. How do you intend to help school systems offer quality choices to Ward 5 students and parents?

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When I was in the public school system, I was a Nerdy guy, I was like 4 ft. tall, and there were not a lot of positive choices for me, which is the reason that I am active now with youth programs. Kids need choices, i.e. The Dance place, a lot of the times parents are not even aware what the choices are. We need to ensure there is a current list of the resources and choices provided by the citys multi-millions of dollars, that there is interaction and that these resources are open to the community and information is disseminated about their availability, making sure every child has positive options. b. Do you think being an outspoken critic of businesses will hinder your ability with the Council and other government officials? I am outspoken and I dont believe my ability to work and communicate for citizens will be hindered. Absolutely not, in 2006, I have had my car broken into, I have been attacked, but, when I walk into the Wilson Building since 2010, I get nothing but respect. The bottom line is I am angry because I want some say so in how my tax money is spent, and I know if I am angry, were all angry. I dont see this as a hindrance, as a city leader we need someone who is going to say the right things and fight for citizens, not be afraid. c. Truxton Circle, what would you do to ensure that seniors and youth have quality recreation and engage our community? What we need to do is figure out the communitys needs, since I have been active in all of Ward 5. There have been two grand openings for the Florida Avenue Park; I dont understand that, millions of dollars spent to put paint on a park, rather, we need to figure out what community will benefit from. Example: Has there been any talk of what is going to happen with the Old Dunbar, we have a couple of abandoned schools, why are we not turning them into youth and senior centers, instead of giving them away and letting them turn idle. d. How would you pay for some of the increases of police and community services, will you raise taxes? I have reviewed the budget at 6.8%, a huge problem, we see about $20 million a year stolen from our city. As a council member, and employee, I would ensure checks and balances; we need to spend our money wisely. We grant out millions to non-profits a year to organizations that are not nonprofits that return zero services into the community; IRS has a standard to see 66/$1.00 returned back into the community. We have to truly do our budget where we dont have to cut. Enforcement and spending correctly, avoid budgets that have to be cut, but then end with a surplus, this is ridiculous, every year we have a surplus, but every year the budget gets cut, and all the wrong services are funded. Further where is the surplus that happens every year? e. Officer Friendly Programs used to be in schools and neighborhoods, now we have school School Resource Officers, are your familiar with them? I am a graduate from Street Academy, they have School Resource Officers, so I am familiar with them and by no means, do I mean to be disrespectful, Kathy Lanier is a good friend, I have an uncle who is a police officer. The bottom line is Resource Officers are in schools to pat students down to make sure no guns and weapons enter the school. He is not a resource officer; so the bottom line is we need Officer Friendly. Do we need them to pat down, or to be the father figure, we need to revisit this plan to ensure that it works. f. What would you do to foster relationships between long term and new residents? I am branded a Gay Black, Republican, it is a label that I wish I could get rid of, but it exists, so by every means when I turn the corner, someone wants to look at me, I hold my head up high and think, I am Tim, I am the guy who lives next door, I am the guy who cares. I have worked with the kids next door to me, I

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have told them that we all work, we get up at 5AM in the morning. I want to look up proud and let people know that my community is diverse. We need to reteach respect to our youth. It is not a simple answer, but we have to respect ourselves and be open, then slowly we will be one happy community. g. Do you support the Republican Partys stance on overturning marriage equality and limiting a womans right to choose? I am a Republican, because I am a CPA, I am extremely cheap and conservative when it comes to money. We need to look at local Republicans, as well as National Republicans, in which they are mostly gay; the Chair of the National Republicans is openly gay. We need to realize Republicans are gay and black, we care, but we dont care about some of the crap some have said out of their mouths. Its sad that we have some on the Hill who refuse to open their eyes. We need to realize that a Republican is a person; I think that what Santorum has said is a shame. h. As a life-long Democrat, I vote Are you really a supporter of Lou Gingrich? I felt I needed to be supportive of a Republican candidate to show that I am a strict Republican, I think it would be Lou Gingrich, Gingrich has phenomenal ideas on how to engage children, tie it to welfare, education, he is open-minded so that really sold me, and he redefines the meaning of family values because he has been married three times. I have said, the only other person I would support if Lou is not nominated is OBama. i. What would you do to ensure that the Developers are not the driving force behind the current emphasis on the COSCO development and everywhere? Not take money from them, I am doing this because I need a job, I have a job. The bottom line is I dont need to be nice to developers for them to develop; they are going to develop anyhow. We need to make sure they are committed to these communities, not that they are going to build just to walk away with money. I think it is interesting, not one of our Council Members live in a construction zone, we need to invite them to come to live there, it is not about what I need, but what the community needs. We have to revisit affordable housing and make sure that DC represents the interest of the citizens, not developers. j. Whats your position on the DC Government providing subsidy for developers? The DC Government needs to stop giving our money away, thinking that they are helping us. Big Bear, what incentives did they give him when he opened; but COSCO, they are giving them tons of money. We have gotten caught up with the status quo, we need to hold government accountable, and make sure they work with the small businesses to make sure they survive, not the big business. Closing statement Thank you Commissioner, thank you all for organizing this, thank you all for coming out; being a two term candidate, this means a lot because I was excluded a lot in 2010. I am Tim Day, I believe in holding people accountable, stop fraud and waste, and the abuse of tax payer dollars. We need someone on the Council to understand the worth of a dollar, instead of saying, this is what I need, and I am going to cut $20 thousand, regardless, if its from the police fund. Its cheaper to hire people than to approve overtime ($1 million to hire and $5 million for overtime). I will create jobs and save us money. We need commitment. I urge everyone to vet all of your candidates public records and OCF filings. I am not lying to you, I am not taking money from bundling, others will say that they are not, but they are. I am stable in my career and an honest candidate, I did not grow up with privilege, I grew up in Edgewood, I grew up with a white mother taking me to school, I

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am Republican and Gay, so I know what it means to be different. Vote for me and you will have someone who is truly committed to the Ward, vote for me on May 15th!


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