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MNP Porting Process Guidelines V7.9.

MNP System Business Processes & Procedures

Table of Contents

1 2 3 INTRODUCTION & PURPOSE.................................................................................................................. 4 MNP GLOSSARY OF TERMS.................................................................................................................... 4 MNP PROCESS GENERAL GUIDELINES........................................................................................... 8 3.1 NPC (NUMBER PORTABILITY CLEARINGHOUSE) SOFTWARE SYSTEM SPECIFICATION & PARAMETERS DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 NPC DATA & REPORTS ................................................................................................................................ 8 3.3 NUMBER ELIGIBILITY FOR PORTING ............................................................................................................ 9 3.4 NUMBER PORTABILITY ON REGIONAL BASIS .............................................................................................. 9 3.5 NUMBER PORTABILITY DOCUMENT EXCHANGE.......................................................................................... 9 3.6 OPERATOR NUMBERING PLAN UPDATES AT NPC ..................................................................................... 10 3.7 PORTING FEES ............................................................................................................................................ 10 3.7.1 Inter-Operator charges (fee charged by Donor operator to Recipient operator) ......................... 10 3.7.2 Porting Fee charged to Subscriber ................................................................................................. 11 3.8 MNP BUSINESS TIMINGS & CORRESPONDING NPC TIMERS VALUES ...................................................... 11 3.9 MOBILE NETWORK SERVICES AVAILABILITY .......................................................................................... 11 3.10 DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND ESCALATION ............................................................................................. 11 3.10.1 Inter-operator dispute reporting & Resolution / Settlement (other than the fraudulent cases and MTC issues) ............................................................................................................................................. 11 3.10.2 Reporting to & Resolution at PMD (other than the fraudulent cases and MTC issues) .......... 12 3.10.3 Resolution at PTA (Authority) .................................................................................................... 13 4 MNP PORTING PROCESS GUIDELINES --- (PRE-PORTING PHASE) ......................................... 13 4.1 PORTING REQUEST INITIATION .................................................................................................................. 13 4.1.1 Individual Subscriber Porting Request Initiation Process ............................................................. 13 4.1.2 Corporate Account Porting Request Initiation Process ................................................................. 14 4.2 MINIMUM SUBSCRIPTION PERIOD (MSP) .................................................................................................. 15 5 MNP PORTING PROCESS GUIDELINES ----- (IN- PORTING PHASE) ......................................... 15 5.1 PORT-IN FORM ........................................................................................................................................... 15 5.2 PORT REQUEST PROCESSING TIME ............................................................................................................ 15 5.2.1 Porting Process Time ...................................................................................................................... 15 5.2.2 Holding a Number Porting Request ................................................................................................ 15 5.2.3 Rejecting a Number Porting Request .............................................................................................. 16 5.3 CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION SETTLEMENT ............................................................................................... 16 5.4 FINANCIAL OBLIGATION SETTLEMENT FOR POST-PAID SUBSCRIBERS ...................................................... 16 5.5 NUMBER PORTING REQUEST CANCELLATION ........................................................................................... 16 5.5.1 Individual Subscriber Porting Request Cancellation Process ....................................................... 17 5.5.2 Corporate Subscriber Porting Request Cancellation Process ....................................................... 17 6 MNP PORTING PROCESS GUIDELINES --- (POST PORTING PHASE) ....................................... 17 6.1 CONNECTIVITY ISSUES REPORTING: MECHANICS & APPROACH ............................................................... 17 6.2 PORTING TRANSACTION REVERSAL CONDITIONS AND PROCESSES........................................................ 18 6.2.1 Fraudulent/Un-consented Porting Complaint Handling Process .................................................. 18 6.2.2 Process to Handle Unethical Marketing Attempts.......................................................................... 21 6.3 SPECIAL PROCEDURE FOR THE CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OF PORTED SUBSCRIBERS ................................. 21 6.4 PROCEDURE FOR THE CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OF PORTED CORPORATE SUBSCRIBERS FROM CORPORATE TO INDIVIDUAL AT THE RECIPIENT OPERATORS END ......................................................................................... 22 APPENDIX A: NUMBERING PLAN UPDATE TEMPLATE .................................................................... 23 APPENDIX B: CORPORATE PORTING LETTER TEMPLATE............................................................. 24 APPENDIX C: HOLD CODES & REASONS ................................................................................................ 27 APPENDIX D: REJECT CODES & REASONS ............................................................................................ 28

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1 Introduction & Purpose

Mobile Number Portability (MNP) implementation has stimulated a noticeable change to the offerings of the cellular mobile industry in Pakistan by virtue of a flexibility, which is Subscriber oriented, enabling the subscriber to switch their mobile network service provider without requiring a change in their existing mobile number; thereby, promoting competitive environment. The presence of six cellular mobile network operators with different market share & network coverage, and diversified set of value added services with highly competitive tariff packages, has the potential to attract the subscriber to switch network which offers the best combination to suit the subscribers requirements. MNP, in this regard, is generating a stir in the overall Quality of Service (QoS) offering by the players in the cellular network industry of Pakistan. The purpose of this document is to identify and lay down guidelines that must be adhered to in order to provide structured and organized porting process while offering a transparent, yet commendable experience for the subscriber who wishes to port his/her mobile number from one network to another. The additional purpose of this document is to supplement and impart additional level of details and clarity to the MNP Regulations 2005 dated 04-Jul-05 and published in the gazette of Pakistan on 03-Aug-05. These guidelines (following in the next section) shall apply to the overall porting process that encompasses the business, technical, commercial, and financial processes involved in ensuring successful and smooth processing of porting requests. These guidelines shall be adopted & implemented by all Cellular Mobile Telephony Operators within their domain when undertaking the roles of a Recipient Operator or a Donor Operator. Since these guidelines supplement the MNP regulations, the terminology and acronyms used in the regulations shall be considered prevalent in this document as well.

2 MNP Glossary of Terms

Term: 1 2 3 BoD CMO Controllable Rejections Description: Board of Directors Cellular Mobile Operator Rejections directly controllable by CMOs. These fall into following 3 categories: R05A (Name Mismatch), R05B (CNIC Mismatch), and R05C (SIM # Mismatch) A case where there is a disagreement between the Donor and Recipient An Operator providing service for a Subscriber's number before Porting
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4 5

Disputed Case/Disputed NPR Donor

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6 7 8 9 10 11 12

EC FC First Porting Fraudulent Change of Ownership Fraudulent NPR Fraudulent Porting Hold Period

Executive Committee Finance Committee A number being ported for the first time A change of ownership without the consent of the actual owner NPR generated without the consent of porting from the actual owner A porting completed without the consent of the actual owner Period following a porting request during which a subscriber clears his/her outstanding dues/contractual obligations (more details in Appendix C) Mobile Number Portability means the ability to retain an existing Subscriber number along with Operator code while shifting connectivity from one Operator to another Operator;




MNP Help Desk (CMO)

Service desk operated by CMOs A department within the operator that is charged with the responsibility of managing and co-ordinating MNP processes covering both the ported in and ported out Subscribers, including resolution of MNP related issues with PMD and other CMOs.

15 16 17

MNP Help Desk (PMD) MTC NP Hold message

Service desk operated by PMD to coordinate resolution of MNP related issues Mobile Terminated Calls Message sent by NPGw in response to an NPR due to various possible reasons as specified in Appendix C Number Portability Clearinghouse means the database holding all relevant details regarding all mobile Subscriber number ranges for all



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Operators together with history of any Porting activity for any particular Subscriber number and is available for port inquiries, recording Porting request status, and for providing specific statistical information. 19 20 21 NPGw/NPG NPR NPR Reject Number Portability Gateway Number Portability Request NPR not accepted by the Donor due to one of pre-defined reasons (as specified in Appendix D) An Operator who was originally granted a specific number range. When a call is routed to a ported number through the original Number Range Holder Pakistan MNP Database (Guarantee) Limited A 20-digit unique number identifying a porting request Numbers still in the process of being ported A number that has been through a complete porting cycle at least once The process of shifting the connectivity of a subscriber from one operator to another while retaining the same subscriber number (including NDC) Message exchange between NPGw's through NPC to complete the porting process between Donor and Recipient Refers to two types of charges: Inter-operator charges (charged by the Donor to Recipient), and subscriber charges (charged by the Recipient operator to a porting subscriber) Form completed by the Subscriber/Recipient operator franchisee to initiate porting process Reversing or porting back to the Donor operator by following the complete porting cycle

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Number Range Holder (NRH) Onward Routing PMD Port ID Port in Progress Ported Number Porting


Porting Cycle


Porting Fees

31 32

Porting Request Form/Port In Form Porting Reversal

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33 34

Porting Subscriber Pre-NPR Verification

A mobile subscriber who initiates a porting request Verification of porting subscriber data by sending 667 Short Code SMS prior to initiating porting request An Operator providing service for a Subscriber's number after Porting. Port request rejected by Donor operator by assigning one of pre-defined reasons (as specified in Appendix D) Pre-defined rejection reasons as specified in Appendix D A benefit violating the MNP Regulations article 10(9) and/or the MNP Code of Practice A porting for a number that has already been through a complete porting cycle before Technical Committee Acceptable timer value for response of certain porting messages Caused whenever a message response Timer Value is exceeded A porting completed without following proper procedures as specified in the MNP Porting Guidelines Rejections not directly controllable by CMOs. These mostly depend upon the subscriber (refer to Appendix D) At Recipient: A practice where the Recipient violates the Porting Regulations/Code of Practice and attempts to entice the customer through special benefits or deception into porting. At Donor: A practice where the Donor violates the Porting Regulations/Code of Practice and attempts to entice the customer, for whom porting request is already initiated, through

35 36

Recipient Rejected Ports

37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Rejection Codes (RC) Special Benefit Subsequent Porting TC Timer Value Timer Violation Unauthorized Porting


Uncontrollable Rejections


Unethical Marketing Attempt

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special benefits into deciding not to port 46 Corporate Account A Mobile Connection(s) whose owner (subscriber) is a corporate entity, which undertakes the responsibility (on its official letterhead), of all financial matters related to the connection. Each of the Mobile Connection must have a user designated by the authorized signatory of the Corporate Entity.

3 MNP Process General Guidelines

The guidelines in this section are related to the overall process / subscriber experience within the MNP domain. 3.1

NPC (Number Portability Clearinghouse) Software System Specification & Parameters Definitions
All operators shall abide by the latest NPC specifications documents which are agreed by all CMOs and approved by the Authority from time to time.


NPC Data & Reports

The data contained in the NPC shall be considered authentic and error free in all cases unless a bug / data inaccuracy is identified and proven and confirmed by review and analysis of PMD. The same data when reported in standard criteria reports or reports requested on special criteria, shall be considered authentic and error free and may be used as a reference in dispute resolution, management reporting, etc. Any operator may request NPC data belonging to that operator ONLY under the following guidelines: a. Data is requested only by the authorized contact person nominated by the operator management authorized to request and obtain such MNP reports. b. Data is requested formally through email or letter to PMD. c. The data shall be provided to the requester within 1 business day from the date of request for reports that are a built-in report set comprising of: a. Completed Ports b. Timers Violation c. Ports-in-Progress d. Rejections Report All of these reports are produced on monthly basis. If the standard built-in reports are required for a non-standard timeframe, the same shall be provided on request within one-week. If new queries are to be created / built or new report(s) is(are) to be developed by Telcordia which are required by all CMOs, the time to provide the requested data may take longer than one business day and timeframe for the same shall

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be mutually agreed between the operators and PMD. The funds for such reports will be from the PMD budget. If the reports to be developed by Telcordia are required by an individual / only some CMOs, the funding for such reports shall be borne by the requesting operators. 3.3

Number Eligibility for Porting

In addition to the eligibility criteria for porting defined in MNP Regulations 2005 dated 04-Jul-05 published in the gazette of Pakistan on 03-Aug-05, a mobile number is eligible for porting if: a. The number is in the name of: i. the individual Subscriber requesting for porting ii. a user of the corporation / organization / company who has obtained the number via authority letter b. The number is NOT in Disconnected status with the Donor operator prior to the request for porting. c. The number belongs to a PTA approved number range defined by the Donor operator for any location within the 99 regions in Pakistan. i. If the number requesting for porting is not found in the number series information present in the NPCDB (provided by the Donor Operator), the porting request will be automatically returned by NPC to the Recipient Operator with appropriate error notification. ii. On intimation of Recipient Operator, PMD may inquire / request the Donor Operator to update the numbering plan / series definition to include the number requesting for porting. On PMD request, the Donor operator shall verify the validity of the requested number series and if found valid, the data shall be provided to PMD within two-business days after the date of request. iii. When the Donor operator provides an update to the numbering plan to include the said number in their numbering plan, PMD shall update the NPC within one-business day from the time of receipt of the required information in the required format by the Donor operator. iv. On update of the number series information, PMD shall circulate the update to all CMOs within one-business day from the date of update of information in the NPC database.


Number Portability on Regional Basis

Porting shall only be allowed within a district such that a number having subscription within a district at the Donors end shall only be allowed to port if the Recipient Operator also has a number series defined for any location within the same district. In this regards, all cellular mobile operators shall ensure that the definition of their respective numbering plans at NPC remains up-to-date at all times. A mobile number is NOT eligible for porting if number series is allocated to areas in AJK territory.


Number Portability Document Exchange

The cellular mobile operators shall exchange copy of the number porting request document on need basis as and when required and shall be provided

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within six working days by the provider (Recipient) operators to the requester (Donor). 3.6

Operator Numbering Plan Updates at NPC

All CMOs shall provide their up to date numbering plan to PMD for incorporation in the NPC Database. In this regards: a. Any operator may request for update of their own numbering plan information maintained at the NPC at any time through email to PMD (addressed to MNP Helpdesk) b. The said update shall be specified in a file on the format agreed and practiced (attached as APPENDIX-A) c. On receipt of the information at PMD, the same shall be checked by PMD for any errors prior to loading in the NPC database. d. If any errors are found in the data provided by the CMO during Quality Control prior to loading or during the loading process itself, the same shall be communicated back to the requesting operator within one business day. e. If no errors are found, the provided information shall be updated by PMD in the NPC database within one business day from the time of receipt of the error-free information. f. PMD shall circulate the operators updated numbering plan to all CMOs within one-business day from the date of update of information in the NPC database.


Porting Fees
The following charges may be applicable related to the porting process:

3.7.1 Inter-Operator charges (fee charged by Donor operator to

Recipient operator)
a. The Donor operator shall charge a minimum fee of Rs. 250/- from the Recipient operator for every ported out number. b. The charges shall be settled on monthly basis c. Reconciliation of the said settlement shall be performed on monthly basis, and all operators shall ensure that during reconciliation for the sake of settlement of inter-operator porting charges, the data regarding number of Porting Requests generated by the Recipient/received by the Donor operator, number of successful Porting, and number of failed Porting due to rejection / cancellation shall be shared on mutual agreement between the reconciling CMTOs as supplementary information if required and if deemed relevant and if there is otherwise insufficient authentic data from PMD to aid and complete the reconciliation process. In this regards, the following mechanism shall be adopted for invoicing, settlement and dispute resolution with regard to porting charges: i. PMD shall generate and send over a statement of numbers ported in and out for each Operator by 5th of every Calendar Month to each of the operators. ii. The Recipient shall pay a minimum fee of Rs. 250/- to the Donor for each number ported.

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iii. The invoice shall be sent by each operator to all other operators within seven (07) calendar days of the month after the receipt of statement from PMD. iv. The payment shall be made within fifteen (15) calendar days of the receipt of invoice. v. The payment shall be on gross value without netting off counterpart operators invoice vi. In case of dispute, the undisputed amount will be paid in due time of within 15 calendar days of the receipt of invoice. The full amount shall however be paid (or payable) if the disputed amount is less than two percent (2%) of the invoice amount. vii. The issue of disputed amount shall be referred to PMD by disputing operator within 7 calendar days of receipt of invoice who will analyze the data and give its verdict within 7 days whose decision will be final. The disputed amount will be paid within 7 days of PMD decision. 3.7.2 Porting Fee charged to Subscriber The Recipient operator may charge a porting fee to the subscriber requesting for porting-in. However, the amount to be charged is left to the discretion of the Recipient operator, to be regulated by market forces. 3.8

MNP Business Timings & Corresponding NPC Timers Values

All operators shall provide MNP services to all Subscribers from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM from Monday to Friday, business days excluding scheduled holidays. However, change of any timers and their relevant units may be adopted through unanimous agreement to facilitate the porting process and or changed business times during Ramadan.


Mobile Network Services Availability

a. If there are services that a subscriber avails on the Number Range Holder / Donor operators network which are subject to contracts between the Donor operator and any other third party operator, these services may not be available to the ported subscriber on the Recipient operators network. The Donor operator / Number Range Holder shall not be held liable for this limitation and the Recipient operator will not be penalized for it. b. Recipient Operators shall not prepare or offer any special tariff package meant only for Ported-in Subscribers. c. Recipient Operators shall not prepare or offer any special services package meant only for Ported-in Subscribers.

3.10 Dispute Resolution and Escalation In case any dispute arises between the Recipient operator and the Donor operator regarding number portability processing, the following course of action shall be adopted: 3.10.1 Inter-operator dispute reporting & Resolution / Settlement (other

than the fraudulent cases and MTC issues)

a. There may be issues related to MNP that are challenged by another
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operator. Such matters may be declared disputes on report of the challenging operator, provided that the challenging operator formally escalate the matter as disputed to the concerned operator OR directly to PMD by way of an email or a letter. b. In the event of a dispute reported by an operator to another operator, the same shall be resolved amicably within five business days from the date of the formal report to the other operator or within seven business days from the date of the formal report to PMD. In case the dispute is reported to PMD directly, the other operator (against whom the complaint is filed) shall be informed within one business day from the date of report to PMD. While issues are discussed between Operators, PMD may be kept in information loop at CMOs discretion. c. If resolution of the issue requires data from PMD (NPC System), the same may be formally requested from PMD. i. If the data requested from PMD to be used in dispute resolution can be extracted from NPC built-in reports, the same shall be provided within one business day from the date of report to the requesting operator. ii. In case the data requested from PMD to be used in dispute resolution is NOT a built-in report of NPC and a new query / report is to be built to extract the requisite data, the time for the same shall be mutually agreed between PMD and the requesting operator and shall be added to the dispute resolution time. d. In cases where the dispute is reported from one operator to another operator, and the cellular operators involved fail to resolve their disputed issue in the above mentioned time, the matter shall be escalated to PMD. 3.10.2 Reporting to & Resolution at PMD (other than the fraudulent cases

and MTC issues)

a. In case the dispute is not resolved amicably between the operators within the timeframe identified for the said activity, the dispute shall be escalated by formally reporting to PMD by way of an email or a letter to PMD. b. PMD shall attempt to resolve the issue / dispute between the concerned operators in light of: i. The MNP regulations 2005 (or latest approved/published version) ii. The agreed specifications and parameters as per the latest NPC specifications agreed between the cellular mobile operators iii. The PMD BoD agreed latest MNP Code of Practices published by PMD and approved by PTA iv. The PMD BoD agreed latest MNP Porting Process Guidelines published by PMD and approved by PTA v. The PMD BoD Agreed latest MNP Subscriber Guideline documents published by PMD and approved by PTA c. PMD shall put all efforts to resolve the dispute within seven business days from the day the dispute is reported to the PMD. In doing so, PMD may: i. Call meetings of the operators that are parties to the dispute one-on-one or together as deemed fit by PMD. The called parties shall make the respective concerned team members available for the meeting at the scheduled times. ii. Call special meeting(s) of the MNP forum to discuss, deliberate, and

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attempt to resolve the dispute. The called parties shall make the respective concerned team members available for the meeting at the scheduled times. iii. Discuss the matter in the PMD Executive Committee meeting or via email circulation iv. Discuss / present the matter to the PMD BoD in a scheduled or special (extra-ordinary) BoD meeting or via email circulation d. In case PMD is unable to reach a resolution within thirteen working days of reporting, the matter shall be referred to PTA. 3.10.3 Resolution at PTA (Authority) The Authority may settle the dispute in accordance with the procedure laid down in the interconnection Dispute Resolution Regulations-2004.

4 MNP Porting Process Guidelines --- (Pre-Porting Phase)


Porting Request Initiation

Porting request may be made by any individual subscriber or a corporate subscriber. In this regards the term Corporate is redefined to include all types of business accounts sponsored by or paid for by a corporate / company / organization.

4.1.1 Individual Subscriber Porting Request Initiation Process To initiate a Number Porting Request (NPR), the following procedure shall be adhered to: a. The subscriber shall obtain the Name / Primary ID / SIM# information from the Donor operator database by sending text string MNP to the designated SMS short-code 667. The SOP for handling SMS short code 667 related issues is attached as APPENDIX-F b. If the information received in return message from the Donor operator matches the identification credentials (name, primary ID and SIM#) presented by the port requesting subscriber, the NPR shall be initiated by Recipient operator. c. If the credentials do not match, the subscriber shall be advised by the Recipient operator to get their relevant data corrected at the Donor operator. After such correction, the subscriber may initiate NPR following from step (a) above at any time which shall, in turn, not be rejected on name and primary ID mismatch. d. The Recipient operator shall view the original CNIC/NIC for verification and obtain a photocopy of the same or shall view original passport (in case of foreign nationality) for verification and obtain a copy of the relevant pages clearly stating the name and passport number. e. Possession of the SIM / TDMA set for the number to be ported shall be verified by: Having the SIM holder / TDMA set holder to initiate and receive the SMS (as per section 4.1.1(a) above) from the Donor operator network at the NPR initiation point OR;

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Calling subscribers mobile number (for which porting is requested) to verify its presence at the NPR initiation point f. Capture the SIM# of the mobile number to be ported from the SMS message received from the Donor operator in response to SMS sent from the port requesting number to the short code 667. Primary ID (Name, Photo-ID: NIC/CNIC [or Passport], verification shall be mandatory for individual subscribers requesting porting. The recipient operator representative raising the NPR shall verify the photograph on the original Photo-ID: NIC*/CNIC* [or Passport] with the subscriber who must be present in-person. Alternatively, the individual subscribers requesting porting can provide their original Photo-ID: NIC/CNIC [or Passport] along with a written Authority Letter specifying the Name and NIC/CNIC of the holder of the Authority Letter to request porting on behalf of the subscriber. The recipient operator representative shall verify requesting subscribers signature on his NIC/CNIC [or Passport] and the Authority Letter as well as the identity of holder of the authority letter from his/her original NIC/CNIC (or Passport#). (*) Note: NIC/CNIC in some cases may not contain the photograph but the thumb-impression of the person instead (applicable for females/disabled only). 4.1.2 Corporate Account Porting Request Initiation Process a. Corporate subscriber authorized contact shall initiate a letter requesting information on a specific format, for use in initiating NPR(s) and to avoid rejection(s) based on data mismatch. Template attached as APPENDIX-B. b. The letter shall be addressed to Donor Operator (in title) c. The letter shall also contain the Recipient operator contact and subscriber authorized contact person. d. The letter may be sent by the corporate subscriber authorized contact person directly to Donor operator or may be sent through the MNP Contact of the Recipient operator. e. If received at the Recipient operator, the electronic copy of the letter (scanned) shall be sent to the Donor Operator MNP Contact Person prior to initiation of the NPRs. f. The hardcopy of the letter shall reach the Donor Operator by close of business on the fourth calendar date from the date of dispatch of the electronic copy from the Recipient to the Donor Operator. g. Information requested in the letter, necessary for initiation of NPR(s) fulfilling the requirement of the letter shall be provided by the Donor operator latest by close of business of next working day from the date of receipt of the electronic copy of the letter at the Donor operator.

Not applicable for Instaphone/TDMA subscribers as Instaphone shall not reject porting request on account of SIM # mismatch

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Minimum Subscription Period (MSP)

The Subscriber shall not be allowed to port out a number for up to sixty calendar days for newly activated numbers or numbers that are ported-in. This period shall be referred to as Minimum Subscription Period (MSP). The start of MSP shall be determined by any one of the following: a. The date the customer loads the first scratch card or FCA in case of a prepaid number. b. From the generation of first call from the post-paid number. c. The activation date as captured in the CMTO CRM/Back-end systems

5 MNP Porting Process Guidelines ----- (In- Porting Phase)


Port-In Form
The subscriber shall fill in the PTA approved port-in form at the Recipient operator and submit it to the Recipient operator. This form shall be duly checked and verified for its data content by the Recipient operator. All CMOs shall ensure that the subscriber is made aware that they must provide the same signature on the port-in form as on the CNIC / NIC / Passport.


Port Request Processing Time

All concerned shall ensure that the porting process is completed from end-toend, in time periods specified below:

5.2.1 Porting Process Time Normal Porting time for both prepaid and post paid subscribers shall be four days, excluding any hold time. a. Routing Information Updating Time All operators will update their networks within a maximum time of one hour after receipt of NPRFS Broadcast message from NPC to ensure accurate call routing to the ported number. This time shall be included in the overall four-day time for the complete porting process. 5.2.2 Holding a Number Porting Request The Donor operator may hold the Number Porting Request as may be necessary per the reasons which are unanimously agreed between operators. The latest agreed list of reasons is provided in APPENDIX-C. A Donor operator must check on request from the Recipient or at least 3 times within one HOLD period (e.g., every 3rd day within a 9-day HOLD) whether there are any subscribers who were put on HOLD but for whom the reason of HOLD has been settled now. If such subscribers are found, the Donor shall accept these numbers as soon as possible.

MSP shall not be applicable to change of ownership / subscriber data change cases for a period of 90-days starting 01-Nov-07 and ending 31-Jan-08 at which time it will be reviewed for applicability or continued inapplicability. The change of ownership / subscriber data change shall be processed by the Donor operator within 14 business days from the date of request by the subscriber as per the ad of 19-Sep-07 in the print media being run jointly by all operators.

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5.2.3 Rejecting a Number Porting Request The Donor operator may reject the Number Porting Request as may be necessary per the reasons which are unanimously agreed between operators. The latest agreed list of reasons is provided in APPENDIX-D 5.3

Contractual Obligation Settlement

In case the subscriber has entered in to a contract with the Donor operator, the subscriber shall settle the contractual obligation with the Donor operator before the NPR is accepted for porting out by the Donor operator.


Financial Obligation Settlement for Post-paid Subscribers

The number porting process by the Subscriber requires settlement of financial obligations of the Subscriber towards the Donor operator. This settlement shall be governed by the following guidelines: a. On receipt of the Number Porting Request, the Donor Operator shall generate the outstanding amount till the time of receipt of NPR for the number along with security deposit requirement (if required by the Donor operator) within two-days from receipt of NPR. b. The outstanding amount information shall be obtained by the subscriber and on NPR Accept and the Donor operator shall do one of the following: i. Convert the subscription of the number from post-paid to pre-paid and settle the outstanding / un-billed amount up to the time the Number Porting Request was received by the Donor Operator. a. The conversion of the post-paid to pre-paid shall not be charged to the subscriber b. The conversion from post-paid to pre-paid shall not be declared / marked a new sale; hence, MSP shall not apply. ii. Reduce the credit limit assigned for the number to a minimum of sixty percent of the present security deposit (or credit limit for waiver cases) and monitor the usage related to the said number against the credit limit till the time the number is disconnected in the Donor Operator network. c. The subscriber must settle their outstanding amount up to the time of receipt of Number Porting Request, as well as provide a security deposit (if required / asked for by the Donor Operator in case the security deposit was waived off by the Donor Operator). d. The Donor Operator may block the access of the said number if the outstanding amount related to the usage of the said number exceeds the revised credit limit. e. For the IR Subscriber, in addition to the above, the IR facility may be immediately withdrawn by the Donor operator upon receipt of Number Porting Request at the Donor operator. f. Un-used prepaid balance of the ported-out number will not be refunded / adjusted based on the principle of use or lose.

5.5 Number Porting Request Cancellation The Subscriber shall have the right to cancel the Number Porting Request.

Cash, pay order, demand draft, credit card or personal cheque shall be accepted by the Donor operator as the payment instruments

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5.5.1 Individual Subscriber Porting Request Cancellation Process The Subscriber shall have the right to cancel the Number Porting Request with the Recipient operator at any time after Number Porting Request Acknowledgement (NP Ack) message has been sent to the Recipient Operator and before the NPExecute message has been sent to the Donor Operator by the Recipient operator. However, the Recipient operator shall not be liable to refund any fees deposited by the Subscriber for the porting processing. 5.5.2 Corporate Subscriber Porting Request Cancellation Process Corporate subscribers shall have the right to send the Number Porting Cancellation request to either the Recipient or the Donor operator. In case the Port Cancellation request is sent by the Corporate Customer to the Donor operator, the Donor operator shall forward the written request or its scanned copy to the Recipient operator, before or after the NPR(s) initiation message but before the NPExecute message. The Recipient operator shall not be liable to refund any fees deposited by the Subscriber for the porting processing.

6 MNP Porting Process Guidelines --- (Post Porting Phase)


Connectivity Issues Reporting: Mechanics & Approach

It may be the case that mobile numbers lose the ability to receive calls / SMS from some operators as a result of porting to another network. The process to be followed for reporting shall be as under: a. The Recipient operator shall test and resolve the reported issue if found to be in their domain. b. In case the issue is recognized at the Donor operator or other operators, the affected mobile number shall be reported in connectivity issue report. The template for this report is attached as APPENDIX-E. c. All CMTOs shall fill in the accurate and complete information while reporting Connectivity Issues. d. POI & Route ID in the Connectivity Issues report shall be optional while the remaining columns shall be filled in as mandatory. e. The operator to whom the connectivity issue is reported, shall respond with one of the following only: i. No issue found ii. Issue resolved iii. Work in progress f. All operators should add the A-Party Number (if available) reported by subscriber, and its location in connectivity issues report in addition to the Test A-Party number for successful resolution of Issue. g. The timings for reporting and responding shall be as follows:

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i. The daily connectivity issues report shall be sent by initiating operator to all concerned latest by 12:00 noon on business days. ii. The daily connectivity issues report shall be responded by addressed operators latest by 6:00 PM the same day. h. The connectivity reporting and responding shall be carried out by the nominated coordinators from within each operator.


Porting Transaction Reversal Conditions and Processes

6.2.1 Fraudulent/Un-consented Porting Complaint Handling Process When a subscriber reports that his/her number has been ported out fraudulently, the process to establish and (if appropriate) recover the wrongly ported number shall be as follows: a. Authentication of Porting as Fraudulent The Donor operator shall obtain evidence or report from the subscriber that the porting was without the consent of the subscriber. The evidences to be obtained are: i. Written complaint from the subscriber, either submitted in person by visiting Donors office or franchisee, faxed, or e-mailed, describing the problem. The written complaint must contain the following: Date (optional) Statement indicating issue MSISDN Other contact number (if available) Signature ii. View original CNIC (keep a copy), receive a faxed copy, or a scanned & e-mailed copy of CNIC iii. Optional Step: View original SIM and keep a copy of the SIM iv. Donor to provide the following information along with the above: i. Date of complaint (if not included in the written complaint) ii. Donor and Recipient operators involved Other contact number (if available and not included in written complaint) Comments based on donors preliminary investigation These evidences shall be e-mailed to the Recipient operator in parallel with PMD (note: [email protected] must be ccd so that PMD can open a Fraud case). Documents related to more than one case must be sent in separate e-mails (sending bulk documents should be avoided due to e-mail quota issues). Also, the documents should be in a readable resolution. In case the documents sent by the Donor are insufficient/incorrect, PMD will notify the donor by email and recipient will not start its action before complete and accurate documents are received. b. PMD Opens Case
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PMD shall determine if the documents sent by Donor are complete. Once complete documents are received from the Donor, PMDs MNPHelpdesk shall respond to the e-mail within 4 business hours by sending a unique case ID to both the Donor and Recipient operators. All future correspondence on this case must include this case number in the e-mail subject line.

c. Document Retrieval from Recipient Except in cases where the donor confirms this to be a Fraudulent Change of Ownership, the Recipient shall investigate the fraud at their end and shall share the following documents with Donor operator (while keeping PMD in the cc loop) within 6 business days of receiving the case ID from PMD: a. Port-in Authorization form b. NIC/CNIC copy of the subscriber who initiated the porting request Documents related to more than one case must be sent in a separate emails (sending bulk documents should be avoided). Also, the documents should be in a readable resolution. In case the recipient doesnt respond within the defined TAT (or doesnt provide the correct and complete documents), PMD, after seeking the consent of the donor, shall raise an alarm by requesting the recipient to submit the required documents in the next 1 business day or else will issue a determination in the favour of other party who has provided the complete information, which cannot be challenged. d. Mutual Agreement Fraudulent Porting If after investigation/recovery of documents from both sides, a mutual agreement is reached between the Recipient and Donor that this is a fraudulent porting case, then the following steps shall be taken to recover the number: i. The number shall be blocked immediately ii. Recipient shall send a written confirmation to the Donor (keeping PMD in the CC loop) for the generation of Port Back NPR within One (01) Business day from the date of establishment of fraudulent porting by PMD. iii. The recovery of the number shall be made through port-back process such that NPR (for reversal) shall be raised by the Donor after one (01) business day and no later than ten (10) business days from the date of the decision as communicated by PMD, upon which the NPR shall not be rejected. iv. Reactivation of the number in original Donors network will be as a ported-in number v. PMD will close the case and inform both parties of the case status.

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vi. If it is established that the fraud was committed by the customer service/sales/franchise staff at the recipient end, PMD will track such cases under a different head and escalate as necessary

e. Donor establishes this to be Fraudulent Change of Ownership & Subsequent Porting If after investigation the Donor establishes that this is a fraudulent change of ownership at their end and subsequent porting, the following steps shall be taken to recover the number: i. The Recipient shall acknowledge this to be a fraudulent change of ownership and initiate the process of reversal of by first blocking the number The Donor shall initiate the process of port back after receiving Recipients acknowledgement The recovery of the number shall be made on urgent basis through port-back process such that NPR shall not be rejected Reactivation of the number in original Donors network will be as a ported-in number PMD will close the case and inform both parties of the case status.

ii. iii. iv. v.

f. Mutual Agreement Valid Porting If after investigation/recovery of documents from both sides, a mutual agreement is reached between the Recipient and Donor that this is a valid porting; the Donor shall send a written confirmation to Recipient (keeping PMD in the loop) that this was a valid porting. PMD will close the case and inform both parties of the case status. g. Disagreement Escalation to PMD If after exchanging the required documents (specified in #1 and #3 above), there is still disagreement between Donor and Recipient, the case shall be escalated to PMD via e-mail (to [email protected]) with reference to the case ID. The escalation e-mail from either party must contain the result of the analysis done so far. PMD shall investigate and will share its determination with both parties within 2 business days of the escalation e-mail. PMD shall determine the case to be one of the following: a. Fraudulent Porting b. Valid Porting (i.e., invalid complaint) c. Unethical Marketing

h. Escalation to EC/BoD If one of the parties is not willing to accept PMDs determination, any of the two parties can escalate the case to EC/BoD, keeping PMD in the loop.

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PMD shall keep all such cases open in their system and mark these as Pending EC/BoD, and shall report these as such in their Fraud Cases Biweekly summary report which shall be circulated to EC. The party escalating the case to EC/BoD shall inform PMD as soon as any resolution is reached so that PMD can update and close the case. 6.2.2 Process to Handle Unethical Marketing Attempts 1. Establishing Unethical Marketing Attempt An operator can establish an unethical marketing case with evidence in the form of letter, fax or email to the operator involved in the unethical marketing while keeping PMD in loop.

2. Escalating to PMD/Complainant Operator The complainant operator shall e-mail the documents listed in to the Technical Committee representative of the accused operator as well as to PMD ([email protected] should be in the To: list). As opposed to the earlier fraud cases, unethical marketing attempts are to be escalated to PMD from the start.

3. PMDs Process i. PMD shall open the case and e-mail case ID to both parties. ii. If the operator accused of unethical marketing doesnt resolve the case in 1 business day, PMD will escalate it in the Technical Committee with cc to EC member(s) of the operators involved. PMD shall keep track of all unethical marketing cases separately and will escalate these to EC/BoD on an urgent basis depending on the severity of the situation. Irrespective of the level of escalation, once the complainant operator confirms to PMD that the case was adequately addressed and can be closed, PMD will close the case and e-mail the case status update to all parties involved.




Special Procedure for the Change of Ownership of Ported Subscribers

The underlying special procedure is only applicable, if allowed by the Number Range Holder and communicated in writing (specifying the period for its applicability) to PMD and CMOs.

The procedure for the Change of Ownership of Ported Subscribers at the Recipient operators end is as follows:
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a. The current actual user sends a written request for the change of ownership to his current Recipient operator along with the copy of his CNIC and also presents his original CNIC to the Recipient Operators staff at the time of submission of the request along with the copy of the CNIC and an NOC signed by the current titled owner. b. The Current Recipient operator verifies the actual current user of the ported number for which the change of ownership is being requested via its own SOP. c. Upon successful verification, the current Recipient operator forwards the scanned copies of documents mentioned in (a) above to the Number Range Holder. d. Upon receipt of the request for the change of ownership, the Number Range Holder may verify the authenticity of the request and may choose to reject it if found improper. e. The Number Range Holder executes the change of ownership request by updating its records and confirming the ownership change to the current Recipient operator. f. The current Recipient operator updates its records to reflect the change of ownership.


Procedure for the Change of Ownership of Ported Corporate Subscribers from Corporate to Individual at the Recipient Operators End
The objective of ownership change from the Corporate Entity to an Individual is to disassociate Corporate Entitys relationship with the Number. Change of Ownership of a Ported Number from Corporate Entitys title to an individual (not necessarily associated with the Corporate Entity) may be carried out at the current Recipient Operators End upon fulfilment of all the following conditions: a) The Individual to whom the ownership is being transferred must be the user designated by the Corporate Entity for the said number for the last 60 days, as reflected in the current Recipient Operators record b) All outstanding dues of the related Corporate Account (i.e., its related connections) must be cleared. c) An NOC is issued by the authorized signatory of the Corporate Entity on its letter head, with company stamp, for the transfer of ownership from the Corporate Entity to the Individuals name. After the completion of the change of ownership, the current Recipient Operator shall inform the Number Range Holder accordingly within three (03) business days.

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APPENDIX A: Numbering Plan Update Template


Description: Location ID Number From Number to Action : : : : 2-digit region code in which the number block is assigned Start of number block End of number block (continuous/contiguous) only one of the following A : Add D : Delete

NOTES: For modifications, a delete / add combination (multiple lines) will need to be specified.

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APPENDIX B: Corporate Porting Letter Template

[Corporate Account Subscribers Company Name and Logo (Printed Letter-Head)]

Ref: __________________ Date: [Current Date] To, [MNP Coordinator], [Donor Operator]


Request for Provision of Data for Porting of Mobile Numbers

Dear Sir/Madam, You are requested to provide the required data for the attached list of mobile numbers as per your current database records in order to successfully process the porting request. Recipient Operator MNP Point of Contact responsible for porting of the corporate account mobile numbers (listed attached), is as follows: Name : Mobile : Email : [Name of MNP Contact at Recipient Operator] [Mobile Number] [[email protected]]

Please provide the following information as per: 1. Table 1 for initiation of NPRs 2. Table 2 for settlement of financial obligation for acceptance of NPRs Best regards,
Company Stamp

[Corporate Account Subscribers Point of Contact:]

_____________________________ Signature Name: Mobile #: Email Address

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Table 1 Pre-NPR Information Required from the Donor Operator

Mobile Number(s) (to be filled-in by Corp. Account Point of Contact) 03xx yyy zzz1 03xx yyy zzz2 03xx yyy zzz3 03xx yyy zzz4 03xx yyy .. NAME Primary ID International Roaming ( Yes / No ) Corp. Acct. Subscriber Connection Status (Active/ Blocked) Related Account(s) Mobile Number(s) Related Account(s) Connection Status (Active/ Blocked)

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Table 2 Post-NPR Information Required from the Donor Operator

Mobile Number(s) (to be filled-in by Corp. Account Point of Contact) Corp. Acct. Subscriber Connection Status (Active/ Blocked) Corp. Acct. Subscriber Outstanding Amount Corp. Acct. Subscriber Security Deposit Amount (if required) Related Account(s) Mobile Number(s) Related Account(s) Connection Status (Active/ Blocked) Related Account(s) Outstanding Amount

03xx yyy zzz1 03xx yyy zzz2 03xx yyy zzz3 03xx yyy zzz4 03xx yyy ..

Outstanding amount up to the time of receipt of the porting request message at the Donor Operator must be cleared for successful processing of porting request. This letter must be sent by the Donor Operator to the Recipient Operator after the receipt of Number Porting Request by the Donor Operator within 2-days for the non-IR Subscriber and within 7-days for the IR Subscriber.

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APPENDIX C: Hold Codes & Reasons

Code H01A General Type Reason Close of Business (including force majeure) Description The back-end systems and office(s) involved in responding to the NPR is/are closed. System(s) of Donor operator is(are) down that are directly related/involved in NPR process Timer Value (UOM: NP business day)

1 Business Day



System Outage

1 Business Day



Settlement of contractual obligations

Even if the settlement requires clarification of terms of agreements from the customer, they are obtained as a part of the process of settlement.

2 Business Days



Settlement of billed & unbilled amount Non-IR

Settlement of billed & unbilled amount up to 9 Business Days the time of receipt of NPR for Non-IR (International Roaming) customers



Settlement of billed & unbilled amount IR

Settlement of billed & unbilled amount up to 14 Business Days the time of receipt of NPR for the IR (International Roaming) customers

APPENDIX D: Reject Codes & Reasons

Controllable Rejections: Code

Reject Reason
Name Mismatch

The person requesting porting is not the owner of one or more number(s) requested for porting. The name in the request does not match with the name in the records for individuals, and in case of corporate customers, the name of the corporate / company must match as well. Spelling mistakes are not taken as the cause for rejection. Primary identification number refers to one of the Old NIC, CNIC (includes NICOP), or Passport number. Primary ID sent in the request does not match with the one in the records. IMSI sent in the request for one or more numbers does not match with the one in the records against the MSISDN for which porting is requested.


Primary Identification Number Mismatch


MSISDN and SIM mismatch

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Uncontrollable Rejections: Code


Reject Reason
Contractual obligations

One or more requested number cannot be ported as it is/they are bound by the contract to maintain the number(s) requested for porting. One or more number(s) requested for porting is/are not primary (voice / data / fax) number(s). Secondary number cannot be ported.


One or more requested Number(s) is / are NOT primary Number(s)


One or more requested numbers are terminated / One or more number(s) requested for porting is / are disconnected. Disconnected One or more requested number(s) / SIM(s) blocked Voluntary / involuntary reasons included



Balance outstanding

The Number Porting Request may be rejected if the customer requesting porting has one or more numbers belonging to the same customer over the same Donor is/are in default state and/or if the Subscriber has not settled their billed/un-billed amount till the time Number Porting Request is received on the number requested for porting within due date The Subscriber has acquired the subscription as a first time subscription, or by means of porting-in or through change of ownership in the time period not exceeding 60 days before the receipt of Number Porting Request by the Donor operator


New Subscription

The number for which the services are in suspension with a net financial receivable

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Pending action - Change MSISDN

The subscription has a pending change MSISDN order for the MSISDN is question. If the MSISDN is changed it will not be in use when the porting request is carried out and can therefore not be ported out. The subscription has a pending change of ownership request. Number requested for porting is in disputed and litigation is in progress (the matter is in a court of law in Pakistan).

R08B R09A

Pending action - Change of ownership Litigation

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APPENDIX E: Connectivity Issues Reporting Template*

Mobile Number

Problem Type (Call/SMS)



Reported Date

A number + Location

NPREFIX (Route ID) Optional

POI Optio nal

Announce ment Heard

Message appearing on Screen

Response Response date Remarks


* To be created in MS Excel

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APPENDIX-F: SOP for Handling the SMS Short Code 667 Related Issues

1. 2.

With the availability of the SMS solution to confirm the Name, Primary ID and SIM Number of the porting number, it is understood that Recipient operator is responsible for ensuring that the accurate information is sent in the NPR message to the Donor operator. In case the Port requesting Customer does not receive the response to the SMS sent to short code 667 for retrieving the Name, primary ID and SIM number or if receives incomplete information in the return Short message from the Donor within 15 minutes of sending the SMS to short code 667, the following procedure shall be adopted by the Recipient operator: a. Recipient operators MNP support team shall send an email to the Donor operators MNP support team mentioning the following information in the email: i. Mobile Number from which the SMS was sent. ii. Location of the mobile number. iii. Time/Date of sending the SMS. iv. Type of complaint (i.e. if response SMS was not received or if incomplete information was received in the response SMS). b. The Donor operator will send the Name, Primary ID and SIM Number information through an SMS to the Mobile number for which the complaint was received from the Recipient and send a reply email to the Recipient operators MNP support team within one working hour confirming that the SMS containing the required information has been sent to the said Mobile number. c. Upon receipt of the confirmation/reply email from the Donor operator stated above, the Recipient operator shall get the required information from the port requesting customer and raise an NPR to the Donor operator. d. If the reply/confirmation email is not received within one working hour from the Donor operator or if the required information is still not received by port requesting customer, then a reminder email shall be sent to the Donor operator with a copy to [email protected].

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Donor operator shall respond to Recipients reminder email. However, PMD shall log a violation against the donor and shall include these violations in their periodic MNP progress reports.

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APPENDIX G: Timer values currently defined in NPC for MNP port Message.

Timer T1 (NPR Response time) T2 (T2 < T1 < T10) T3 (Execute Response time) T4 (Ready Response time) T5 (Broadcast response time) T7 (Accept Response time) T10 (T2 < T1 < T10) T15 (T15 < T17 < T16) T16 (T15 < T17 < T16) T17 (Hold Response time)

Unit business hours business hours hours hours hours business hours business hours business hours business days business days

Value 9 9 24 4 1 9 10 1 20 20

Detailed Timer Definitions T1 = The time interval starting with receipt of the NPR, during which the Donor must respond with an NPR Accept or NPR Reject or NP Hold. Also used for Default NP Due Date (Default NP Due Date = current date and time + T1.) T2 = The earliest allowable time from receipt of the NPR for the NP Due Date. T10 = The latest allowable time from receipt of the NPR for the NP Due Date. T7 = The time interval starting with arrival of the Due Date, during which the Recipient must respond with an NP Exec. T3 = The time interval starting with receipt of the NP Exec, during which the Donor must respond with an NP Ready. T4 = The time interval starting with receipt of the NP Ready, during which the Recipient must respond with an NP RFS or NP nonRFS. T5 = The time interval starting with receipt of the NP RFS Broadcast, during which the Other Participants must respond with an NP Activated. T15 = The time added to the original NP Due Date that sets the earliest allowable time for the Donors proposed NP Due Date sent in the NP Hold. T16 = The time added to the original NP Due Date that sets the latest allowable time for the Donors proposed NP Due Date sent in the NP Hold. T17 = The time interval starting with receipt of the NP Hold during which the Donor must respond with an NPR Accept or NPR Reject or NP Hold.

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