Candidate Intention Statement: California Form

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Candidate Intention Statement

Exception: Candidates for an election to the State Public Employees Retirement Board and the Teachers Retirement Board do not complete Part 2. Part 1. Candidate Information Enter your name and street address. Enter the title of the ofce sought, agency name and district number if any (e.g., City Council member, City of Smalltown, Dist. 5), and political party afliation, if seeking a partisan ofce. Check the appropriate box regarding the ofces jurisdiction. Part 2. Voluntary Expenditure Ceiling This section applies to certain candidates for elective state ofces, including State Senate and Assembly and statewide ofces. The voluntary expenditure ceiling applicable to your ofce is set forth in FPPC regulation 18545 and is published on the FPPC web site (www. You must state whether you accept or reject the expenditure ceiling. Candidates who accept the voluntary expenditure limit will be designated in either the state ballot pamphlet (statewide candidates) or the voter information portion of the sample ballot (Senate and Assembly candidates) and may purchase space for a 250word statement there. You may amend the Form 501 to change your acceptance of rejection of the voluntary expenditure ceiling only under the following circumstances: Between the date of ling an initial Form 501 for an election and the deadline for ling nomination papers for that election, you may amend your statement of acceptance or rejection of the voluntary expenditure ceiling no more than two times. If you reject the voluntary expenditure ceiling in the primary or special election but do not


Who Files:
A candidate for state or local ofce must le this form prior to solicitation or receipt of any contribution, or expenditure of any personal funds used for the election. You must le a separate Form 501 for each election, including reelection to the same ofce. Exception: This form is not required if you will not solicit or receive contributions from other persons and the only expenditures will be from your personal funds used for the ling fee and/or statement of qualications in the sample ballot or ballot pamphlet.

exceed the ceiling during that election, you may amend the Form 501 to accept the expenditure ceiling for the general or special runoff election and receive all of the benets accompanying the acceptance of the expenditure ceiling. The amended Form 501 must be led within 14 days following the primary or special election. Subsequent Election When Ceiling not Exceeded: If you reject the voluntary expenditure ceiling in the primary or special election but do not exceed the ceiling, you may accept the expenditure ceiling for a subsequent general or special run-off election and receive all the benets accompanying such an agreement. To do so, you must le an amended Form 501 within 14 days following the primary or special election. Personal Funds Notication: You must disclose, if applicable, the date you contribute personal funds to your own campaign that exceed the expenditure ceiling. File an amended Form 501 within 24 hours by guaranteed overnight delivery or personal delivery. Part 3. Verication Sign and date the form in ink. An unsigned statement is not considered led. This form was prepared by the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). For detailed information on campaign reporting requirements and the Information Practices Act of 1977, see the FPPC Campaign Disclosure Manual (available from your ling ofcer or the FPPC). Campaign ling deadlines, forms, and other informational materials are available on the FPPC website (

Where to File:
File with the ling ofcer who will receive your original campaign disclosure statements. State Candidates: Secretary of State Political Reform Division 1500 11th Street, Room 495 Sacramento, CA 95814 Local Candidates: Generally your county election ofce or city clerk.

When to File:
File the Form 501 before you solicit or receive any contributions or before you make expenditures from personal funds on behalf of your candidacy. This form is considered led the date it is postmarked or hand delivered.

How to Complete:
All candidates: Complete Parts 1 and 3. Candidates for elective state ofce: Complete Parts 1, 2, and 3.

FPPC Form 501 (April/2011) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772)


Candidate Intention Statement

Check One: Initial

Type or Print in Ink.

Date Stamp



For Ofcial Use Only



1. Candidate Information:
NAME OF CANDIDATE (Last, First, Middle Initial) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER (optional) E-MAIL (optional)





DISTRICT NUMBER, if applicable.



State City

(Complete Part 2.)



(Name of Multi-County Jurisdiction)

(Year of Election)

2. State Candidate Expenditure Limit Statement:

(CalPERS and CalSTRS candidates, judges, judicial candidates, and candidates for local ofces do not complete Part 2.)

(Year of Election)

Primary/general election

(Year of Election)

Special/runoff election

(Check one box)

I accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the election stated above. I do not accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for the election stated above. Amendment: I did not exceed the expenditure ceiling in the primary or special election held on: the general or special run-off election. / / and I accept the voluntary expenditure ceiling for

(Mark if applicable)


, I contributed personal funds in excess of the expenditure ceiling for the election stated above.

3. Verication:
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on
(month, day, year)


FPPC Form 501 (April/2011) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866/275-3772)

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