Making Use of Incomplete Observations in The Analysis of Structural Equation Models The CALIS Procedure's Full Information Maximum Likelihood Method in SAS STAT 9.3

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SAS Global Forum 2011

Paper 333-2011

Statistics and Data Analysis

Making Use of Incomplete Observations in the Analysis of Structural Equation Models: The CALIS Procedures Full Information Maximum Likelihood Method in SAS/STAT 9.3
Yiu-Fai Yung and Wei Zhang, SAS Institute Inc., Cary NC

Data are precious. Missing values are unavoidable. Instead of throwing away incomplete observations or imputing missing values ad hoc, what would be a better way to analyze data with random missing values? The full information maximum likelihood (FIML) method of the CALIS procedure in SAS/STAT 9.22 and later enables you to use all the available information in your data to estimate your structural equation models. This paper illustrates how you can use PROC CALIS to deal with random missing values in the following data-analytic situations: (1) estimating means and covariances, (2) regression analysis, and (3) structural equation or path modeling. Other methods for treating incomplete observations are described in a systematic manner. The FIML method is superior to the ad hoc methods for analysis with incomplete observations. With PROC CALIS, the FIML method is more convenient than the multiple imputation (MI) method for tting path or structural equation models with incomplete observations. This paper also illustrates some new features of PROC CALIS for analyzing missing patterns and data coverages.

Missing data are common in practical research studies. For example, a patient might forget a follow-up appointment with the research laboratory that takes his blood pressure measurements after a treatment. A respondent to a job satisfaction questionnaire might skip some items (or questions) in a survey. The responses from the patient and the respondent in the survey are referred to as incomplete observations. That is, an incomplete observation is a research unit (for example, the patient or the respondent in the preceding examples) that has at least one missing value (but not all missing) in the set of observed variables. In contrast, a complete observation refers to a research unit that has no missing values. Most statistical analyses and software are traditionally developed for complete observations only. Incomplete observations with missing values cannot be handled and therefore are routinely excluded from statistical analyses, even though some incomplete observations have only a small portion of missing values. This results in the loss of valuable information that could have led to more reliable statistical estimation. This problem becomes more serious when the total number of observations in the data set is not very large and the researcher needs to use every bit of precious information from the data. The full information maximum likelihood (FIML) method presented in this paper is an estimation method that uses the information from both the incomplete and the complete observations. The FIML estimation method for treating random missing data or incomplete observations is not limited to structural equation modeling (SEM); other types of analyses can also use the FIML estimation for treating incomplete observations. However, this paper focuses on the structural equation models that are analyzed by PROC CALIS, which introduced FIML estimation for handling incomplete observations data in SAS/STAT 9.22 and adds features for analyzing data coverages and missing patterns in SAS/STAT 9.3. Because SEM subsumes measurement error models, path analyses, regression models, LISREL models, and factor analyses as special cases, the FIML method of the CALIS procedure has a wide range of applications. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: First, some traditional and modern methods for treating incomplete observations are described and compared. All these methods are illustrated with the estimation of the population means and covariances. Second, the FIML method is shown to be superior to the traditional methods for treating incomplete observations. Because of its availability in PROC CALIS, the FIML method is also more convenient to use than the multiple imputation method, which has statistical properties similar to those of the FIML method. Third, the FIML estimation is illustrated by applying PROC CALIS to a regression problem with incomplete observations. Output from PROC CALIS is described and interpreted. Estimation results from PROC CALIS are compared with the results obtained from PROC REG, which uses listwise deletion to simply ignore the incomplete observations. Fourth, the FIML method of PROC CALIS is applied to a structural equation model. In addition to the FIML estimation of the model parameters, this application also illustrates how you can use PROC CALIS to study the data coverages of the sample moments and to analyze the missing patterns. Fifth, the options and controls related to the FIML method of PROC CALIS are described in detail. Finally, some limitations of the FIML method are described, followed by some concluding comments.

SAS Global Forum 2011

Statistics and Data Analysis


Various methods have been proposed for treating incomplete observations in statistical analysis. This section rst describes conventional ad hoc missing data methods and then describes the more principled methods such as the FIML and the multiple imputation methods. A comprehensive review of all existing incomplete data methods is not intended. The following ctitious data, which are read in the SAS DATA step, are used to illustrate various incomplete data methods:
data miss1; input ID x1 x2 x3 x4 x5; datalines; 1 2 3 6 7 . 2 . 3 5 2 6 3 6 5 4 1 5 4 7 6 . 1 7 5 6 7 7 2 6 6 2 3 1 . 7 7 1 1 2 6 9 8 3 5 6 2 1 9 5 . . 1 8 10 4 4 4 1 2 11 2 2 5 5 7 12 3 4 2 6 8 ;

Missing data values are represented by the dots in the data set. Observations (as indicated by the ID variable) 1, 2, 4, 6, and 9 have missing values for one or more variables. These ve observations are incomplete observations. The others are complete observations. Suppose you want to estimate the population means and covariances of all the x-variables. If the data set contained all complete data, the estimates would have been the sample means and covariances based on all observations. With the presence of incomplete data, there could be different possibilities. Pairwise Deletion (PD) Method Without thinking much about how to treat the incomplete observations, you might simply submit this data set to the CORR procedure to obtain the means and covariances, just as you do with complete data:
proc corr data=miss1 cov; var x1-x5; run;

Output 1 shows the estimates of the covariances and the means. The second table of Output 1 shows that the sample sizes for computing the means are different for the variables. For example, the mean for x3 is computed by averaging N=10 nonmissing values, while all other variable means are computing based on N=11 nonmissing values. Similarly, the rst table of Output 1 shows that the covariances are computed based on different degrees of freedom (that is, different variance divisors), which range from 8 to 10. For example, the covariance between x1 and x3 is computed based on N=9 observations (hence with DF=8). In computing this covariance, observations 2, 4, and 9 have been excluded because they have at least one missing value in the x1-x3 variable-pair. The covariance between x1 and x5 is computed based on N=10 observations (hence with DF=9) because incomplete observations 1 and 2 are excluded. The mean and covariance computations here exemplify the pairwise deletion (PD) method for treating the incomplete observations. The estimates of means and covariances are computed based on the corresponding available cases (observations) with nonmissing values. For this reason, the PD method is sometimes called the available-case analysis. In this sense, the PD method uses all the available information from the data. With the PD method, different estimates are computed based on different sets of observations. As a result, this method might lead to a covariance matrix that is not positive-denite.

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Statistics and Data Analysis

Output 1 Covariances and Means Computed from the Pairwise Deletion (PD) Method
Variances and Covariances Covariance / Row Var Variance / Col Var Variance / DF x1 x1 4.018181818 4.018181818 4.018181818 10 3.333333333 3.333333333 4.266666667 9 1.597222222 4.361111111 3.194444444 8 -4.088888889 6.177777778 4.100000000 9 -0.777777778 6.888888889 4.100000000 9 x2 3.333333333 4.266666667 3.333333333 9 3.090909091 3.090909091 3.090909091 10 1.733333333 3.955555556 2.900000000 9 -2.888888889 5.788888889 3.333333333 9 -1.777777778 6.400000000 3.333333333 9 x3 1.597222222 3.194444444 4.361111111 8 1.733333333 2.900000000 3.955555556 9 3.955555556 3.955555556 3.955555556 9 -1.347222222 5.777777778 3.027777778 8 -2.750000000 7.000000000 4.000000000 8 x4 -4.088888889 4.100000000 6.177777778 9 -2.888888889 3.333333333 5.788888889 9 -1.347222222 3.027777778 5.777777778 8 5.690909091 5.690909091 5.690909091 10 2.855555556 6.766666667 4.455555556 9 x5 -0.777777778 4.100000000 6.888888889 9 -1.777777778 3.333333333 6.400000000 9 -2.750000000 4.000000000 7.000000000 8 2.855555556 4.455555556 6.766666667 9 6.200000000 6.200000000 6.200000000 10





Simple Statistics Variable x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 N 11 11 10 11 11 Mean 3.72727 3.90909 4.20000 3.09091 6.00000 Std Dev 2.00454 1.75810 1.98886 2.38556 2.48998 Sum 41.00000 43.00000 42.00000 34.00000 66.00000 Minimum 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 Maximum 7.00000 7.00000 7.00000 7.00000 9.00000

Listwise Deletion (LD) Method Unlike the PD method that uses all available information from the incomplete observations, the listwise deletion (LD) method (also called the complete case analysis) estimates the means and covariances based on the complete observations only. In other words, the LD method excludes all incomplete observations from the analysis. The LD method corresponds to the use of the NOMISS option in the PROC CORR statement, as shown in the following statements:
proc corr data=miss1 cov nomiss; var x1-x5; run;

The NOMISS option excludes incomplete observations 1, 2, 4, 6, and 9 from the computations of the mean and covariance estimates. Output 2 shows the estimates of covariances and the means with the LD method. Output 2 Covariances and Means Computed from the Listwise Deletion (LD) Method
Covariance Matrix, DF = 6 x1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 3.619047619 3.333333333 1.809523810 -3.357142857 -1.952380952 x2 3.333333333 4.000000000 2.500000000 -3.166666667 -2.833333333 x3 1.809523810 2.500000000 3.571428571 -2.595238095 -2.976190476 x4 -3.357142857 -3.166666667 -2.595238095 5.238095238 5.523809524 x5 -1.952380952 -2.833333333 -2.976190476 5.523809524 8.952380952

Simple Statistics Variable x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 N 7 7 7 7 7 Mean 3.57143 4.00000 4.28571 3.28571 5.42857 Std Dev 1.90238 2.00000 1.88982 2.28869 2.99205 Sum 25.00000 28.00000 30.00000 23.00000 38.00000 Minimum 1.00000 1.00000 2.00000 1.00000 1.00000 Maximum 6.00000 7.00000 7.00000 6.00000 9.00000

SAS Global Forum 2011

Statistics and Data Analysis

The second table of Output 2 shows that all the means are computed based on the seven complete observations. This set of seven complete observations is also used for computing the covariance matrix in the rst table of Output 2. Hence, the LD method uses much less information in estimation than the PD method, which uses at least nine data values in estimating each sample mean or covariance. Mean Imputation Method The mean imputation method replaces all the missing values with their corresponding variable means (from the available cases) and then carries out the estimation as if there were no incomplete observations. For example, you can impute those means obtained from the PD method (available-case analysis) shown in Output 1 for the corresponding missing values in the original data set to form a pseudo-complete data set. The following statements do such mean imputations on the miss1 data set and then obtain the means and covariances by running the CORR procedure with the pseudo-complete data set miss2:
data miss2; set miss1; if (x1 = .) if (x2 = .) if (x3 = .) if (x4 = .) if (x5 = .) run;

then then then then then

x1 x2 x3 x4 x5

= = = = =

3.72727; 3.90909; 4.20000; 3.09091; 6.00000;

proc corr data=miss2 cov; var x1-x5; run;

Output 3 shows the estimates of covariances and means from the mean imputation method. Output 3 Covariances and Means Computed from the Mean Imputation Method
Covariance Matrix, DF = 11 x1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 3.652892562 2.716754440 1.198346909 -3.328324440 -0.636363636 x2 2.716754440 2.809917355 1.418181818 -2.346356026 -1.471074545 x3 1.198346909 1.418181818 3.236363636 -0.844628364 -1.945454545 x4 -3.328324440 -2.346356026 -0.844628364 5.173553719 2.371900909 x5 -0.636363636 -1.471074545 -1.945454545 2.371900909 5.636363636

Simple Statistics Variable x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 N 12 12 12 12 12 Mean 3.72727 3.90909 4.20000 3.09091 6.00000 Std Dev 1.91125 1.67628 1.79899 2.27454 2.37410 Sum 44.72727 46.90909 50.40000 37.09091 72.00000 Minimum 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 Maximum 7.00000 7.00000 7.00000 7.00000 9.00000

The sample size used in the computing the means and covariances is 12, which is the same as the total number of observations in the original data set. This sample size has been inated due to the use of the pseudo-complete data set miss2, which imputes the means for the missing values as if they were actually observed. In this sense, the mean imputation method overuses the information from the original data. As a result, it overstates the certainty of the imputed values and the estimates. The same fact can also be illustrated by the following observation. The mean imputation method shows the same set of mean estimates in Output 3 as that of the PD method, as shown in Output 1. However, all the variance and covariance estimates in Output 3 for the mean imputation method are smaller than the corresponding PD estimates in Output 1. Therefore, even though the mean imputation method does not alter the means from the available-case analysis, it does make the data distribution look more centralized (that is, with observations more alike) than it is. Hence, the mean imputation method underestimates the true variability of the variables and the sampling errors of the estimates. Summary of Various Methods for Treating Incomplete Observations So far, the three conventional methods for treating incomplete observations are ad hoc methods because they do not propose a probability model to account for the missingness. These methods work simply because their implementations enable statistical software to generate output as usual. Whether the estimates obtained from these ad hoc 4

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Statistics and Data Analysis

methods have desirable statistical properties is another story. Nonetheless, the ad hoc label for these methods does not imply that these methods must be bad in all situations. In fact, under certain (restrictive) assumptions about the nature of the missingness, some of these ad hoc methods might possess some desirable statistical properties. The section Advantages and Disadvantages of the FIML Method Compared with the MI Method on page 10 discusses these relative advantages and disadvantages in more detail. The ad hoc methods discussed so far are summarized in Table 1, according to how they deal with the missing values in the incomplete observations: Table 1 Treatment of Incomplete Observations by Various Methods LD Ad Hoc Methods PD Mean Imputation More Principled Methods FIML Multiple Imputation

Incomplete Observations Treatment Not analyzed Analyzed without imputation Analyzed with imputation

x x x x x

The LD method does not analyze any incomplete observations, so it necessarily entails a loss of information. On the other hand, the mean imputation method imputes variable means for the missing values and then treats the data set as if it contained only complete observations. This entails an ination of the certainty of the (imputed) information. As a result, standard errors of the estimates are usually underestimated by the mean imputation methods. The PD method might use just about the right amount of information from the incomplete observations. It does not abandon the available information in the incomplete observations nor does it create pseudo-values for the missing data to inate the amount of information. Note that the mean imputation method represents a single imputation method, to be distinguished from the multiple imputation (MI) method, which is also included in Table 1 for comparison. There are other variants of the single imputation method, including the similar response pattern imputation (SRPI) method (see, for example, Jreskog and Srbom 1993), and imputation methods based on regression or sampling from other responses in the data (that is, hot-deck imputation). All these methods replace the missing values by some imputed values so that the statistical analysis can be carried out as usual. In contrast with the ad hoc methods, two principled methods, the full information maximum likelihood (FIML) and the multiple imputation (MI) methods, are also shown in Table 1. The FIML method can be viewed as a more theorydriven counterpart of the PD method. Both the FIML and PD methods analyze the incomplete observations without imputations, but the FIML method analyzes the model under the likelihood principle. The MI method can be viewed as a more advanced counterpart of the single imputation method, as represented by the mean imputation method. Both the MI and mean imputation methods analyze data with imputations for the missing values, but the MI method analyzes many imputation samples so as to take the uncertainty of the imputed values into account properly. The next two sections describe the two principled methods in more detail. Not all methods for treating incomplete observations are included here, but this summary provides a framework for understanding various types of missing data methods in practical research. See, for example, Gold, Bentler, and Kim (2003) for a more complete overview of various techniques for treating incomplete observations in the eld of structural equation modeling. Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML) Method The full information maximum likelihood (FIML) method is a principled estimation method that treats complete and incomplete observations in an integrated manner. Basically, the FIML estimation maximizes the sum of the log-likelihood functions for individual observations, including both complete and incomplete observations, as shown in the expression F D
N 1 X .ln.jj j/ C .xj N j D1 j/ 0

j 1 .xj

j / C Kj /

where xj is a data vector for observation j , and Kj is a constant term independent of the model parameters . Individual observations xj s are not required to have the same dimensions. For example, x1 could be a complete 5

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Statistics and Data Analysis

vector with the presence of all p variables while x2 is a .p 1/ 1 vector with one missing value that has been excluded from the original p 1 data vector. As a consequence, subscript j is also used in j and j to denote the subvector and submatrix, respectively, that are extracted from the entire p 1 structured mean vector ( D ./) and p p covariance matrix ( D ./). In other words, in the current formulation, j and j do not mean that each observation is tted by distinct mean and covariance structures (although theoretically it is possible to formulate FIML in such a way). The notation simply signies that the dimensions of xj and the associated mean and covariance structures could vary from observation to observation. Because the log-likelihood function for individual observations contains only the nonmissing variables, you can view the FIML method as a principled version of the PD method (available-case analysis). Like the PD method, the FIML method does not impute missing values in the estimation. Unlike the PD method, the FIML method ties to the model of interest directly. Model parameters are estimated directly by maximizing the likelihood function of the model parameters, which might not be as simple as population means and covariances. In contrast, the PD method rst computes sample statistics such as the covariance matrix and the mean vector. Then it estimates the model parameters through these sample statistics. To continue the previous data example, you can use the following statements to perform FIML estimation of the population means and covariances with the miss1 data set:
proc calis data=miss1 method=fiml; mstruct var=x1-x5; run;

Although PROC CALIS is designed as a procedure for general structural equation modeling, it supports a wide variety of models, including regression, factor analysis, measurement error models, and so on. You can also use PROC CALIS to t an unstructured model such as the one shown here. The preceding statements specify an MSTRUCT (matrix structure) model with all the x-variables in the miss1 data set. By default, the means and covariances of such an MSTRUCT model are unstructured, which means that all elements in the population covariance matrix and mean vector are mathematically independent parameters. You specify METHOD=FIML so that PROC CALIS carries out a full information maximum estimation of the population means and covariances. Output 4 shows some basic modeling information about the current data set. PROC CALIS identies seven complete observations and ve incomplete observations in the data set. All these observations are used in the estimation. Output 4 Modeling Information about the Incomplete Data
Modeling Information Data Set N Records Read N Complete Records N Incomplete Records N Complete Obs N Incomplete Obs Model Type Analysis WORK.MISS1 12 7 5 7 5 MSTRUCT Means and Covariances

Output 5 shows the estimates of population means and covariances by the FIML method of PROC CALIS. Output 5 Means and Covariances Estimated by the FIML Method
MSTRUCT _Mean_ Vector Standard Error 0.52975 0.48112 0.58507 0.66907 0.74780

Variable x1 x2 x3 x4 x5

Estimate 3.75216 3.79040 4.46354 3.32587 6.36549

t Value 7.08289 7.87834 7.62911 4.97089 8.51226

SAS Global Forum 2011

Statistics and Data Analysis

Output 5 continued
MSTRUCT _COV_ Matrix: Estimate/StdErr/t-value x1 x1 3.3611 1.3748 2.4448 2.3196 1.1079 2.0937 1.7248 1.1839 1.4568 -3.4898 1.5880 -2.1976 -1.2238 1.4172 -0.8635 x2 2.3196 1.1079 2.0937 2.7530 1.1334 2.4289 1.4872 1.0669 1.3940 -2.0884 1.2678 -1.6472 -1.8747 1.3585 -1.3800 x3 1.7248 1.1839 1.4568 1.4872 1.0669 1.3940 3.6784 1.6184 2.2728 -2.1391 1.4897 -1.4359 -0.8334 1.5354 -0.5428 x4 -3.4898 1.5880 -2.1976 -2.0884 1.2678 -1.6472 -2.1391 1.4897 -1.4359 5.3601 2.1930 2.4442 3.7521 2.0435 1.8361 x5 -1.2238 1.4172 -0.8635 -1.8747 1.3585 -1.3800 -0.8334 1.5354 -0.5428 3.7521 2.0435 1.8361 6.6711 2.7390 2.4356





In addition to the estimates, PROC CALIS also computes the standard errors and t values for these estimates. Apparently, PROC CALIS produces a set of estimates that is different from those of the ad hoc methods. Why should you trust the FIML estimates more than the ad hoc methods? The section Advantages and Disadvantages of the FIML Method Compared with the MI Method on page 10 justies the FIML estimation. FIML or ML? A Clarication This section claries the full information terminology as used in the FIML method. Because this section is not essential for understanding the FIML methodology, you might choose to skip this section. The FIML method for treating incomplete observations is sometimes called the direct maximum likelihood method because the FIML method is basically an ML estimation applied directly on individual observations. In fact, some statistical literature simply refers this method to as the ML method for incomplete data analysis. The full information qualier is dropped. So, why add the full information qualier when the ML label is already a clear terminology that describes the principle behind the missing data methodology? In the literature of structural equation modeling (SEM), the ML estimation has been designated as an estimation method that ts the model covariance (and mean) structures to the sample covariance matrix (and mean vector) under the multivariate normal theory. Individual observations are not directly used in such an ML estimation. However, this does not mean that the ML method in SEM is not a full information method. When the data set contains only complete observations, under the multivariate normal distribution assumption the ML method in SEM is in fact a full information ML method, which means that analyzing the sample covariance matrix (and the sample mean vector) does not lose any information as compared with the analysis based on individual observations. Therefore, the full information qualier in FIML reects more about the incomplete data treatment than about the underlying estimation principle. With the full information qualier, the incomplete observations are included in the estimation. Without the full information qualier, the incomplete observations are all excluded in the estimation. This is also how PROC CALIS distinguishes between the METHOD=FIML and METHOD=ML options. These two options essentially lead to the same estimation results if the data set contains only complete observations. However, if your data set contains missing values in the analysis variables, you must use the METHOD=FIML option to enjoy the advantages of the maximum likelihood estimation with incomplete observations. Multiple Imputation (MI) Method The multiple imputation (MI) method is considered to be an advanced version of the single imputation method (such as the mean imputation method) but with the uncertainty of the imputed values taken into account. See, for example, Sinharay, Stern, and Russell (2001) or Schafer and Olsen (1998) for a nontechnical overview of the MI method. By assuming a statistical model for the data, the MI method generates random values from certain conditional distributions to replace the missing values in the original sample. Such an imputed sample is then analyzed by the target statistical model as if it contained all complete observations. The MI method then repeats the process several times (usually 510 times) by drawing multiple imputed samples for model tting and estimation. The analytic results from all the imputed samples are then combined in such a way that the uncertainty of the imputed values is taken into account properly. 7

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Statistics and Data Analysis

The following statements apply the MI method to estimate the population means and covariances of the miss1 data set:
/*------ Stage 1: Use PROC MI to generate 20 imputation samples ------*/ proc mi data=miss1 nimpute=20 seed=135782 out=ImputedSamples; var x1-x5; run; /*---- Stage 2: Use PROC CALIS to analyze the 20 imputed samples ----*/ proc calis data=ImputedSamples outmodel=Est(rename=(_name_=parm _estim_=estimate _stderr_=stderr)); mstruct var=x1-x5; matrix _cov_ = s11 s12 s22 s13 s23 s33 s14 s24 s34 s44 s15 s25 s35 s45 s55; matrix _mean_ = m1-m5; by _Imputation_; run; /*---- Stage 3: Use PROC MIANALYZE to combine the estimation results ----*/ proc mianalyze parms=Est; modeleffects s11 s12 s22 s13 s23 s33 s14 s24 s34 s44 s15 s25 s35 s45 s55 m1 m2 m3 m4 m5; run;

As indicated by the preceding specication, the MI method has three stages: The rst stage generates the imputed samples by using the MI procedure. In the PROC MI statement, the DATA= option species the original data set that might contain missing values. The NIMPUTE= option requests 20 imputed samples in which the missing values are replaced with the generated random values. The SEED= option species the seed for random number generation in the imputation process. This option is not required but is used here to enable future replications of the results. Otherwise, PROC MI uses different seeds for generating imputed samples each time, making replications impossible. The OUT= option stores the 20 imputed data sets in a single SAS data set called ImputedSamples. PROC MI uses a variable called _Imputation_ to index the 20 imputed data sets within the OUT= data set. The second stage analyzes the sample means and covariances of the 20 imputed samples by using the CALIS procedure. You could have used some simpler procedures such as PROC CORR to compute the means and covariances. PROC CALIS is used here because the code is comparable to what has been done previously with the FIML estimation. In addition, PROC CALIS provides a handy way to name all the parameters in the analysis model. In the PROC CALIS statement, you use the DATA= option to specify ImputedSamples as the data set that contains the imputed samples. The BY statement species that the variable _Imputation_ is the BY-group variable for indexing the 20 imputed samples (or 20 BY groups) in the input data set. PROC CALIS carries out separate model estimation for these 20 imputed samples as BY groups. The OUTMODEL= option in the PROC CALIS statement stores all 20 estimation results in the SAS data set named Est. Some of the variable names in this data set are renamed so that they are compatible with the MIANALYZE procedure in the next stage. Next, the MSTRUCT statement species the set of analysis variables x1x5 in the VAR= option. Like the PROC CALIS specication for the FIML method in a preceding section, the MSTRUCT statement here species an unstructured model in which all variable means and covariances are distinct parameters of interest. The additional specications with the two MATRIX statements label the parameters in the covariance matrix and the mean vector. That is, parameters with the s prex are for naming the covariances, and parameters m1m5 are for naming the variable means. The last stage of the MI method combines the estimation results of the 20 imputed samples. In the PROC MIANALYZE statement, the PARMS= option species that the SAS data set Est contains the estimates of the 20 imputed samples. The MODELEFFECTS statement species that the parameters of interest are those covariance and mean parameters that are named by the CALIS procedure in the previous stage. PROC MIANALYZE combines the 20 estimation results and shows the nal estimation results in Output 6.

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Statistics and Data Analysis

Output 6 Means and Covariances Estimated by the MI Method

Parameter Estimates Parameter s11 s12 s22 s13 s23 s33 s14 s24 s34 s44 s15 s25 s35 s45 s55 m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 Estimate 3.670674 2.542071 3.007762 2.055875 1.780442 4.995708 -3.767178 -2.279206 -2.388182 5.771349 -1.365900 -2.047802 -0.858875 4.146591 7.540717 3.749265 3.796816 4.510968 3.307360 6.382312 Std Error 1.565353 1.265561 1.295771 1.757924 1.401083 3.061973 1.796987 1.444503 2.051419 2.482014 1.655267 1.572461 1.943426 2.404187 3.453811 0.578620 0.526994 0.765780 0.726599 0.836285

Overall, the MI estimates are similar to those obtained from the FIML method and are shown in Output 5. Table 2 summarizes the mean estimates by various methods for the miss1 data set. Table 2 Mean Estimates by Various Missing Data Methods for the miss1 Data Set LD Variable x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 3.57143 4.00000 4.28571 3.28571 5.42857 3.72727 3.90909 4.20000 3.09091 6.00000 PD Mean Imputation 3.72727 3.90909 4.20000 3.09091 6.00000 FIML 3.75216 3.79040 4.46354 3.32587 6.36549 MI 3.749265 3.796816 4.510968 3.307360 6.382312

As discussed previously, the PD and the mean imputation methods have the same set of mean estimatesan artifact created by imputing means for the missing values in the latter method. The FIML and the MI methods produce similar sets of mean estimates. The sets of estimates produced by the ad hoc methods are somewhat different from those of the FIML and the MI methods. For example, the FIML and the MI mean estimates for x5 match quite well, while all the ad hoc methods produce much smaller mean estimates for x5. In summary, this section illustrates different methods for treating incomplete observations. Different methods can produce different estimation results. Which sets of results should you trust? The answer is the FIML and the MI estimates. The next section provides the justications of these methods.


The following subsections describe the advantages of the FIML method, as compared with other methods for treating incomplete observations. The FIML method is clearly superior to the ad hoc methods. The FIML and the MI methods have similar statistical properties, but the availability of the FIML method in PROC CALIS makes it more convenient to use. Advantages of the FIML Method Compared with the Ad Hoc Methods The advantages of the FIML method, compared with the ad hoc methods, are described under the following two conditions: the kind of missing mechanisms and the underlying distribution of the data. Following Rubin (1976), three kinds of missing mechanisms are distinguished. When the missingness of a variable does not depend on the values of any variables (including the variable itself), it is called missing completely at ran9

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Statistics and Data Analysis

dom (MCAR). This is the strictest criterion for random missingness. This denition also matches the common-sense denition for random missingness. When the missingness of a variable depends on the values of other variables but does not depend on its own values, it is called missing at random (MAR). Hence, when the data are MCAR, they are automatically MARa less stringent criterion for random missingness. When the missingness of variable does depend on its own values, it is called missing not at random (MNAR). Consider an example in which blood pressure of patients is measured. Patients in different age groups might have different degrees of missingness because they might have different levels of health awareness. The younger groups might tend to miss more appointments for measuring blood pressure than the older groups. In this case, the missingness of the blood pressure measurements depends on the age. This missingness is still MAR if the missingness does not depend on the actual blood pressure of the patients. However, if patients who have normal blood pressure levels tend to ignore their blood pressure appointments more than the patients with either high or low blood pressure, then the missingness of the blood pressure measurement depends on the blood pressure level itself. Hence, the data is MNAR in this situation. Finally, if the missingness of the blood pressure measurement does not depend on the blood pressure value itself or any other variable values, it is MCAR. Assume that the data are multivariate-normally distributed. Under MCAR and MAR, the FIML method for treating incomplete observations is consistent and efcient. Consistency refers to the fact that the FIML estimates converge to the true values probabilistically when the sample size becomes large. Efciency refers to the fact that the FIML estimates attain the minimum variance property asymptotically. In contrast, the PD and LD estimates are consistent but not efcient under MCAR. Under MAR, the PD and LD estimates are not consistent and can be biased (Arbuckle 1996). The mean imputation method does not yield consistent estimates, and its standard error estimates are negatively biased. Simulation studies illustrate these results. For example, Enders and Bandalos (2001) conduct a simulation study about the relative performance of the FIML estimation in structural equation models. They compare the statistical behavior of the FIML method with the LD, PD, and SRPI (which applies a single imputation) methods. Their simulation results indicate that the FIML estimation is superior to all those ad hoc methods for treating incomplete observations in all conditions studied. The FIML estimates are unbiased and more efcient than the ad hoc methods. In addition, the FIML estimation produces the lowest proportion of convergence failures during optimization. What happens if the data are not multivariate normal? Is the FIML method still better than the ad hoc methods? To answer this, Enders (2001) carries out another simulation study to compare the statistical behavior of the FIML method with the LD, PD, and mean imputation methods under nonnormal situations. His simulation results indicate that under MCAR and MAR, the FIML estimates involve less bias and are generally more efcient than those of the ad hoc methods. Therefore, the relative statistical advantages of using the FIML method, compared with the ad hoc methods such as the LD, PD, and mean imputation methods, are widely recognized under the multivariate normal distribution. Even under nonnormal distributions, the FIML method has been shown to be superior to the ad hoc methods for treating incomplete observations. Advantages and Disadvantages of the FIML Method Compared with the MI Method The FIML method has the following advantages over the MI method: The FIML method involves only a single run of the analysis with the original sample. It is computationally more efcient than the MI method, which must t multiple imputed samples. Given the data set, the FIML method always produces the same estimation results for tting the same model. But the MI method might yield different estimation results, which depend on the random number generation algorithm and the seed of the random number sequence that is used in generating imputed values. In practice, the FIML estimates are slightly more efcient (that is, with smaller variance) than the estimates obtained from the MI method. The MI method loses efciency because it has to generate random imputed values for the missing data (Schafer and Olsen 1998). However, with reasonably large sample sizes and large enough multiple imputations in MI, the FIML and MI methods should lead to essentially the same results (Schafer and Olsen 1998). For testing model t, the FIML method can perform the likelihood ratio test easily and directly. Testing model t with the MI method is much more complicated. The MI method has the following advantages over the FIML method: The MI method is more general than the FIML method. Once the MI method is implemented, you can apply it to any data set, regardless of the models being tted later on. The FIML method is model-specic, and it must be implemented separately for different types of models. 10

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Statistics and Data Analysis

The MI method can improve estimation by adding variables that are relevant to the missing data in the imputation stage (see Collins, Schafer, and Kam (2001) and the references therein). Adding variables that are relevant to the missing data in the FIML method is more difcult to achieve in general. Graham (2003) proposes a strategy in the eld of SEM. Because of the relative advantages of the FIML method and its availability in the CALIS procedure, the FIML method should be the method of choice for treating incomplete observations in structural equation and related models. The FIML method is clearly superior to all ad hoc methods. It also has the same or better statistical properties than the MI method. Although the FIML method is not as general a statistical tool as the MI method, the FIML method implemented in PROC CALIS already supports quite a large class of statistical models. Finally, with respect to testing model t, the FIML method might be the only handy choice for practical users.


This section illustrates the use of the FIML method of PROC CALIS for estimating parameters in multiple regression analysis. Again, the data set miss1 is used. Suppose you want to regress variable x1 on variables x3x5. You can use the following statements to specify the regression model:
proc reg data=miss1; model x1=x3-x5; run;

Output 7 shows the number of observations read and used in the regression analysis. There are ve observations with missing values, and only seven observations are used in the analysis. Seven is only slightly more than a half of the original sample size. So, you can expect that the listwise deletion (LD) in the regression analysis loses a lot of valuable information in the incomplete observations. Output 7 Number of Observations Read and Used in PROC REG
Number of Observations Read Number of Observations Used Number of Observations with Missing Values 12 7 5

Output 7 shows the least squares estimates of PROC REG. These least squares estimates are also maximum likelihood (ML) estimates for the regression model. If you look at the t values of these parameter estimates, none of them are signicant at the 0:05 -level. Output 8 Parameter Estimates by the REG Procedure
Parameter Estimates Parameter Estimate 3.96408 0.11810 -1.12738 0.51679 Standard Error 2.06750 0.30423 0.36139 0.26009

Variable Intercept x3 x4 x5

DF 1 1 1 1

t Value 1.92 0.39 -3.12 1.99

Pr > |t| 0.1510 0.7238 0.0525 0.1411

To exploit the information of the incomplete observations, you can use the FIML method of PROC CALIS to specify the same regression model, as shown in the following statements:
proc calis data=miss1 method=fiml; path x1 <--- x3-x5; run;

PROC CALIS does not use the same syntax as PROC REG uses to specify regression models. In fact, PROC CALIS has many different modeling languages for specifying various types of models, including path, factor-analysis, and regression models. The PATH statement in the current example species that there are three paths from variables x3 x5 to variable x1. This essentially states that x3x5 predict x1, which is equivalent to the regression model specied with the REG procedure. What is different in the PROC CALIS specication is the use of METHOD=FIML, which ensures that all incomplete observations are analyzed together with the complete observations. The regression coefcient estimates by PROC CALIS are shown in Output 9. 11

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Statistics and Data Analysis

Output 9 Parameter Estimates by the FIML Method of the CALIS Procedure

PATH List Standard Error 0.16034 0.14458 0.14565

--------Path-------x1 x1 x1 <--<--<--x3 x4 x5

Parameter _Parm1 _Parm2 _Parm3

Estimate 0.28263 -0.83912 0.36316

t Value 1.76272 -5.80382 2.49345

Output 9 shows that the estimates by the FIML method are different from those of the regression analysis with the listwise deletion (LD) of the incomplete observations. For example, the regression coefcient of x3 on x1 is 0:118 with the regression analysis, as shown in Output 8. However, with the incomplete observations included in the FIML method, this estimate is 0:283, as shown in Output 9. Because the FIML method has been shown to be superior to the LD method, this example illustrates that ignoring the incomplete observations (as with the LD treatment of PROC REG) might skew the estimation. Another notable difference between the results in Output 8 and Output 9 is the magnitude of the estimated standard errors. The FIML method shows considerably smaller estimated standard errors for all estimates. In fact, it has been well-documented that the FIML estimates are more efcient than the ad hoc methods for treating incomplete observations. This example illustrates this point numerically. The statistical consequence is that the FIML estimates have more precise (narrower) condence intervals and more statistical power in signicance tests. In the eld of SEM, the signicance of a t value is referenced to the z-distribution. Therefore, an estimate is signicantly different from zero at the 0:05 -level if its corresponding absolute t value is greater than 1:96. Output 9 shows that the effects of x3 and x4 on x1 are statistically signicant. Output 10 shows the intercept estimate (for x1) by the FIML method of PROC CALIS, along with the estimates of the variable means for x3x5. The intercept estimate by PROC CALIS, 3:132, is quite different from that of PROC REG, which is 3:964. Also, the FIML estimation has a much smaller estimated standard error (1:230) for the intercept estimate than that of PROC REG, which is 2:068. Output 10 Intercept and Mean Estimates by the FIML Method of the CALIS Procedure
Means and Intercepts Standard Error 1.23029 0.58428 0.64712 0.69481

Type Intercept Mean

Variable x1 x3 x4 x5

Parameter _Add08 _Add09 _Add10 _Add11

Estimate 3.13153 4.11466 3.20836 6.15386

t Value 2.54536 7.04227 4.95788 8.85690

In summary, this example shows that estimation results in regression analysis could be quite different if the incomplete observations are not included in the analysis. Although PROC CALIS is not designed mainly for regression analysis, you can still use it to t regression models with the FIML estimation, which treats the incomplete observations much more efciently than the listwise deletion method applied automatically with the regression analysis.


In addition to the FIML estimation with the specication of the METHOD=FIML (or METHOD=LSFIML) option, PROC CALIS outputs two groups of descriptive analyses about the incomplete observations. These descriptive analyses are available only in SAS/STAT 9.3 (or later). The rst group of descriptive analyses shows the proportion coverage statistics for the means and covariances. The proportion coverage statistic is similar to the available-case concept in the pairwise deletion (PD) method. It measures the proportion of observations available to compute a particular sample moment (mean or covariance). For a sample mean, the proportion coverage shows the proportion of observations with nonmissing values in the corresponding variable. For a sample covariance, the proportion coverage shows the proportion of observations with nonmissing values in both of the variables involved. The proportion coverage statistics are useful for gauging the relative severity of missingness in the sample moments. They help locate the variables or sample moments that have the most serious missing problems or have the least information.


SAS Global Forum 2011

Statistics and Data Analysis

The second group of descriptive analyses shows the dominant missing patterns and their means. The dominant missing patterns are those missing patterns that account for the majority of the incomplete observations in the data set. PROC CALIS ranks these dominant missing patterns in the output. The means of these dominant patterns are computed so that you can compare them with the means of the complete observations. PROC CALIS does not show all missing patterns in the output because the number of distinct missing patterns could be quite large in practical applications. However, you can control the amount of missing pattern output by some options. The section PROC CALIS OPTIONS RELATED TO FIML ESTIMATION on page 17 covers the details of these options and controls. The next section illustrates the uses of these descriptive analyses in the FIML estimation of a structural equation model.


This section applies the full information maximum likelihood (FIML) estimation to a structural equation model with latent variables. The path diagram shown in Output 1 is inspired by Marjoribanks (1974), but it is not intended to represent any theoretical model of Marjoribanks. The data in the current illustration are ctitious and contain incomplete observations, so no part of the current analysis is meant to be comparable to the results of Marjoribanks. The purpose here is to illustrate the FIML estimation by PROC CALIS in an interesting substantive context. Figure 1
S1 1 Social Status S2 S3 P1 1 Parental Encouragement

Factors Affecting Mental Abilities: Path Diagram

P2 P3 A1 1 Achievement Motivation A2 A3 M1 1 Mental Ability M2 M3

As expressed as a path diagram in Figure 1, a researcher proposes a theory about how Social Status predicts Mental Ability in a linear causal sequence of effects: Social Status predicts Parental Encouragement, which predicts Achievement Motivation, which predicts Mental Ability. All four variables are latent variables in the model. They are theoretical constructs that are not directly observed, but are reected by some observed variables (or indicators). For example, S1S3 are observed indicators for Social Status. S1 could be a variable that indicates the annual family salary class of an individual, with 7 being the highest salary class and 1 being the lowest. M1M3 could be rating scales of an individual on three different mental tests. Again, seven-point scales are used for these observed variables. (This example assumes the seven-point rating scales for all observed variables only for the simplicity in presentation. The observed variables could be measured on ordinal, interval, or ratio scales.) The whole path diagram shown in Figure 1 forms the structural equation model. In Figure 1, some paths are labeled with 1. This means that the corresponding path coefcients or effects are xed to 1, which would not be changed during the estimation. For example, the effect of Social Status on S1 is xed to 1. Such a xed coefcient is necessary to identify the scale of the latent variable Social Status. Similarly, each latent construct in Figure 1 has one xed path with one of its observed indicators. Due to the limited space, this paper cannot introduce the structural equation modeling more thoroughly. For more information, see the classic textbook by Bollen (1989) about the basics of structural equation modeling. You can easily transcribe the path diagram in Figure 1 into the following specication by using the PATH modeling language of the CALIS procedure, as shown in the following statements:
proc calis data=miss3 method=fiml; path S1-S3 <--SocialStatus = 1, P1-P3 <--ParentalEncouragement = 1, A1-A3 <--AchievementMotivation = 1, M1-M3 <--MentalAbility = 1, SocialStatus ---> ParentalEncouragement, ParentalEncouragement ---> AchievementMotivation, AchievementMotivation ---> MentalAbility; run;

In the PROC CALIS statement, you specify the METHOD=FIML option so that the incomplete observations are analyzed together with the complete data. In the PATH statement, you specify the paths shown in Figure 1. The rst four entries specify the measurement model for the theoretical constructs. You use the multiple-path specication syntax 13

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for the measurement model. For example, the rst path entry means that SocialStatus has three paths to S1, S2, and S3. The rst path to S1 has a xed coefcient 1, while the other two paths have coefcients or effects to be freely estimated. The last three entries in the PATH statement represent the structural model, which describes the functional relationships between the latent variables. Output 11 shows some general modeling information obtained from the PROC CALIS output. The rst table shows that there are 200 data records in the miss3 data set, but only 100 are complete observations. With METHOD=FIML, the 100 incomplete observations are also analyzed together with the complete observations. The second table classies the variables according to whether they are endogenous or exogenous and whether they are manifest (observed) or latent (unobserved). Output 11 Basic Modeling Information with the FIML Estimation for the Miss3 Data Set
Modeling Information Data Set N Records Read N Complete Records N Incomplete Records N Complete Obs N Incomplete Obs Model Type Analysis WORK.MISS3 200 100 100 100 100 PATH Means and Covariances

Variables in the Model Endogenous Manifest Latent Exogenous Manifest Latent A1 A2 A3 M1 M2 M3 P1 P2 P3 S1 S3 AchievementMotivation MentalAbility ParentalEncouragement SocialStatus S2

Number of Endogenous Variables = 15 Number of Exogenous Variables = 1

Output 12 shows the proportions of data present for computing the sample means and covariances. The entries in the table are called proportion coverages. The diagonal of the matrix shows the proportion coverages of the means or the proportion coverages of the variables. The off-diagonal of the matrix shows the proportion coverages of the covariances or the joint proportion coverages of the variable-pairs. For example, the (1,1) entry shows that 92:5% of observations have nonmissing values in variable S1 or shows that 92:5% of observations are used for computing the sample mean of S1. The (2,1) entry shows that 89% of observations have nonmissing values in variables S1 and S2 or shows that 89% of observations are used for computing the covariance between S1 and S2. The average proportion coverages of means and covariances are shown at the bottom of Output 12. They are 88:4% and 82:4%, respectively. Overall, the missing data problem does not seem to be very serious. Output 12 Proportion Coverages
Proportions of Data Present for Means (Diagonal) and Covariances (Off-Diagonal) S1 S1 S2 S3 M1 M2 M3 A1 A2 A3 P1 P2 P3 0.9250 0.8900 0.8800 0.8750 0.8950 0.9000 0.8900 0.8950 0.8900 0.5150 0.8900 0.8850 S2 S3 M1 M2 M3 A1 A2 A3 P1 P2 P3

0.9250 0.8900 0.8800 0.8950 0.8950 0.8850 0.8800 0.8900 0.5100 0.9100 0.8850

0.9100 0.8800 0.8800 0.8850 0.8850 0.8750 0.8800 0.5000 0.8900 0.8900

0.8900 0.8750 0.8850 0.8800 0.8750 0.8800 0.5050 0.8800 0.8800

0.9150 0.8900 0.8900 0.8850 0.8800 0.5100 0.9050 0.8800

0.9200 0.8850 0.8850 0.8800 0.5100 0.8850 0.8900

0.9200 0.8850 0.8850 0.5150 0.9000 0.8900

0.9000 0.8800 0.5100 0.8900 0.8850

0.9100 0.5150 0.8950 0.8950 0.883750 0.824015

0.5350 0.5150 0.5100

0.9350 0.8900


Average Proportion Coverage of Means Average Proportion Coverage of Covariances

In order to locate the smallest coverages of the sample moments, Output 13 orders the smallest coverages for the means and for the covariances. The rst table shows that variable P1 had only 53:5% of data coverage, while all other variables have at least 89% of data coverage. The second table shows that the covariance coverages that involve P1 and many other variables fall to about 50%. Therefore, you might want to take a closer look at variable P1 to understand why it has such a high proportion of missing values. 14

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Statistics and Data Analysis

Output 13 Smallest Coverages

Rank Order of the 6 Smallest Variable (Mean) Coverages Variable P1 M1 A2 S3 A3 M2 Coverage 0.5350 0.8900 0.9000 0.9100 0.9100 0.9150

Rank Order of the 10 Smallest Covariance Coverages Var1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P3 P1 P1 P1 Var2 S3 M1 S2 M2 M3 A2 P1 S1 A1 A3 Coverage 0.5000 0.5050 0.5100 0.5100 0.5100 0.5100 0.5100 0.5150 0.5150 0.5150

Output 14 shows the dominant missing patterns in the data set and their means. The rst table in Output 14 shows that the most dominant missing pattern xxxxxxxxx.xx has one missing variable, which is denoted by a dot in the pattern. About 38% of the observations (N=75) have this missing pattern. All other missing patterns shown in the table are relatively trivial because each has only one observation. Notice that for the current data, the total number of distinct missing patterns is 26, as shown in the title of the rst table. However, PROC CALIS shows only the ve most dominant missing patterns. Showing more missing patterns (each with a frequency of 1) for the current data set would not add to the understanding of the current results. See the next section for the details about how to control the amount of output for displaying missing patterns. Output 14 Missing Patterns and Their Mean Proles
Rank Order of the 5 Most Frequent Missing Patterns Total Number of Distinct Patterns with Missing Values = 26 NVar Miss 1 7 7 9 8

Pattern 1 2 3 4 5 xxxxxxxxx.xx x...xx..x..x ...x.xx..... ..xx.x.....x

Freq 75 1 1 1 1

Proportion 0.3750 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050

Cumulative 0.3750 0.3800 0.3850 0.3900 0.3950

NOTE: Nonmissing Pattern Proportion = 0.5000 (N=100) Means of the Nonmissing and the Most Frequent Missing Patterns ----------------------Missing Pattern--------------------1 2 3 4 5 (N=75) (N=1) (N=1) (N=1) (N=1) 3.58667 3.65333 3.52000 3.56000 3.56000 3.42667 3.66667 3.50667 3.46667 . 3.73333 3.70667 4.00000 . . . 6.00000 3.00000 . . 4.00000 . . 6.00000 . 3.00000 . 1.00000 . . . . 2.00000 3.00000 3.00000 . . . . 2.00000 . 4.00000 4.00000 . . . . . . . 7.00000 6.00000 . 6.00000 . . . . . 6.00000

Variable S1 S2 S3 M1 M2 M3 A1 A2 A3 P1 P2 P3

Nonmissing (N=100) 4.04000 3.91000 4.00000 4.02000 4.04000 4.01000 4.18000 4.29000 4.30000 4.08000 4.15000 4.06000

The second table of Output 14 shows the means of the most dominant missing patterns and the complete data (that is, the nonmissing pattern). You can use this table to locate the missing variables in the missing patterns. For example, P1 is a missing variable in the most dominant missing pattern because its mean is represented by a dot. Recall that P1 15

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Statistics and Data Analysis

has also been identied as the most troublesome variable in the data coverage analysis. What could have happened to this variable? Are there any implications for practical research that you can draw from these results for data coverage and missing patterns? The answer is yes, but it depends on the substantive context of your research. To complete the argument, suppose P1 is a rating variable that indicates whether an individual receives consistent parental encouragement. The item might be phrased as: Both of my parents set the same goals for me to achieve. Respondents who live with a single parent might not give responses to this item. Although the missingness of this variable seems to be determined by some other variables, it does not mean that the nature of the missingness of this variable must be MNAR. If these respondents had both parents living with them, would their missingness in this variable be dependent on their potential responses to the item? If yes, then the missingness is MNAR. Otherwise, it is not MNAR. Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to answer such a hypothetical question. In any case, the dominant missing pattern here exposes the problematic item, which you might want to revise in future research so as to eliminate the ambiguity. Another notable observation from the missing pattern analysis is that all the variable means for the dominant missing pattern are consistently lower than those of the complete observations of the nonmissing pattern. This suggests that the observations with such a dominant missing pattern might have some peculiarity that warrants a separate analysis. Such a possibility might be explored in practical research. Output 15 shows the t summary table. PROC CALIS shows all the available t indices by default. Although it is not done here, you can control the amount of t indices to display in this table by using the FITINDEX statement. To test whether the proposed structural equation model is signicantly worse than the saturated model for the data, you can use the chi-square model t statistic, which is dened as the 2 multiple of the difference between the log-likelihood values under the theoretical model and the saturated model. As shown in Output 15, the chi-square model t statistic is 58:6765 (df D 51, p D 0:22). Hence, the theoretical model ts as well as the saturated model and is not rejected on the ground of the likelihood ratio test. In SEM, model t is often judged also by other t indices. Some of the recommended indices in the eld of SEM are examined here. The root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) is 0:0274, and the standardized root mean square residual (SRMSR) is 0:0403. Both of these t indices show very good model t. The CFI (Bentler comparative t index) is 0:9958, which also indicates an excellent model t. Output 15 Fit Summary with the FIML Estimation for the miss3 Data Set
Fit Summary Modeling Info N Complete Observations N Incomplete Observations N Variables N Moments N Parameters N Active Constraints Saturated Model Estimation Saturated Model Function Value Saturated Model -2 Log-Likelihood Baseline Model Estimation Baseline Model Function Value Baseline Model -2 Log-Likelihood Baseline Model Chi-Square Baseline Model Chi-Square DF Pr > Baseline Model Chi-Square Fit Function -2 Log-Likelihood Chi-Square Chi-Square DF Pr > Chi-Square Z-Test of Wilson & Hilferty Hoelter Critical N Root Mean Square Residual (RMSR) Standardized RMSR (SRMSR) Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) Adjusted GFI (AGFI) Parsimonious GFI RMSEA Estimate RMSEA Lower 90% Confidence Limit RMSEA Upper 90% Confidence Limit Probability of Close Fit Akaike Information Criterion Bozdogan CAIC Schwarz Bayesian Criterion McDonald Centrality Bentler Comparative Fit Index Bentler-Bonett NFI Bentler-Bonett Non-normed Index Bollen Normed Index Rho1 Bollen Non-normed Index Delta2 James et al. Parsimonious NFI 100 100 12 90 39 0 FIML 35.5034 7100.6750 Converged 44.8799 8975.9700 1875.2950 66 <.0001 35.7968 7159.3515 58.6765 51 0.2147 0.7909 234 0.1622 0.0403 0.9619 0.9328 0.7433 0.0274 0.0000 0.0550 0.9019 7237.3515 7404.9859 7365.9859 0.9810 0.9958 0.2024 0.9945 0.9595 0.9958 0.7485

Absolute Index

Parsimony Index

Incremental Index


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Statistics and Data Analysis

Output 16 shows the estimates of the path effects and their signicance. All estimates are signicant at the 0:05 -level because all their corresponding t values are greater than 1:96 (the critical value based on the z-distribution). Output 16 Estimated Path Coefcients with the FIML Estimation for the miss3 Data Set
PATH List Standard Error

----------------------Path---------------------- Parameter S1 S2 S3 P1 P2 P3 A1 A2 A3 M1 M2 M3 SocialStatus ParentalEncouragement AchievementMotivation <--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<-----> ---> ---> SocialStatus SocialStatus SocialStatus ParentalEncouragement ParentalEncouragement ParentalEncouragement AchievementMotivation AchievementMotivation AchievementMotivation MentalAbility MentalAbility MentalAbility ParentalEncouragement AchievementMotivation MentalAbility

Estimate 1.00000 0.97633 0.93340 1.00000 1.02929 1.01757 1.00000 1.06612 1.04898 1.00000 1.02426 1.04717 0.70886 0.77686 0.86009

t Value

_Parm01 _Parm02 _Parm03 _Parm04 _Parm05 _Parm06 _Parm07 _Parm08 _Parm09 _Parm10 _Parm11

0.05143 0.05879 0.08125 0.08056 0.07252 0.06795 0.06116 0.06530 0.06736 0.07893 0.07966

18.98353 15.87763 12.66804 12.63135 14.70005 15.43673 16.74674 16.03538 10.52383 9.84259 10.79700

What results would you get if you use instead the regular ML method with listwise deletion of the incomplete observations? You can obtain the regular ML results by replacing the METHOD=FIML option with the METHOD=ML option in the preceding PROC CALIS specication. Output 17 shows some selected t summary results with the METHOD=ML option. Output 17 Fit Summary for the ML Estimation with Listwise Deletion for the miss3 Data Set
Fit Summary Chi-Square Chi-Square DF Pr > Chi-Square Standardized RMSR (SRMSR) RMSEA Estimate Bentler Comparative Fit Index 70.0624 51 0.0394 0.0647 0.0614 0.9831

The chi-square model t statistic is 70:0624 (df D 51, p D 0:0394). The theoretical model is rejected at the 0:05 -level. The root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) is 0:0614, and the standardized root mean square residual (SRMSR) is 0:0647. Both indices indicate only a marginally acceptable model t. The CFI is 0:9831, which still shows an excellent model t, but not as good as the analysis with the FIML estimation. In summary, the moral here is not that you get better model t with the FIML estimation, but that with the FIML estimation you can use the most information from the incomplete observations to make a more sound statistical decision. It just happens in this example that the FIML estimation is able to obtain more supporting information from the incomplete observations to substantiate the theoretical model. In addition, analyses of the data coverage and the missing patterns, which accompany with the FIML estimation of PROC CALIS, offer useful insights about the data.


This section describes in detail the options and controls related to the FIML method of PROC CALIS and is provided as a reference to make this paper self-contained. You might skip this section in the rst reading. Invoking the FIML Estimation You can use either the METHOD=FIML or METHOD=LSFIML option in the PROC CALIS statement to invoke the FIML estimation. With METHOD=LSFIML, PROC CALIS rst conducts the unweighted least square (ULS) estimation based on the complete observations only. The ULS parameter estimates are then used as the initial estimates for the subsequent FIML estimation. With METHOD=FIML, PROC CALIS conducts the FIML estimation only. Data coverages for the sample moments and the missing pattern analysis are displayed automatically with the specication of either the METHOD=FIML or METHOD=LSFIML option.


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Statistics and Data Analysis

If your data set does not contain any missing values in the analysis model, the FIML estimation is essentially an ML analysis on the complete data. In this case, using the FIML method would have the same estimation results as using the ML method with the VARDEF=N option. The VARDEF=N option is required to make the ML method use N as the variance divisor (instead of the default N 1), which matches the variance divisor of the FIML estimation. Even without the VARDEF=N option, using the FIML method would have almost the same estimation results as using the ML method for analysis with complete data only. Because the FIML estimation requires much more computing resource than the regular ML estimation, it is recommended that you do not use the FIML method when the data set contains only complete observations for analysis. Proportion Coverages of the Variables and Sample Moments The proportion data coverage of a particular sample moment (mean or covariance) is the proportion of the observations that have nonmissing values for computing that sample moment. PROC CALIS displays these proportion coverages in the ODS output table called MeanCovCoverage, and displays the average coverages of the means and covariances in the ODS output table called AveCoverage. You can use these results to gauge the severity of missingness in the sample moments. A small coverage for a moment means that it suffers from the relative lack of information. To locate the sample moments that suffer the highest rates of missing values, PROC CALIS ranks the smallest coverages for the sample moments in two output tables. The RankVariableCoverage table shows which variables or variable means have the smallest data coverages (the largest proportions of missing values). The RankCovCoverage table shows you which variable pairs or their corresponding covariances have the smallest joint data coverages (the largest proportions of missing values in both variables). These two tables highlight the sample moments that have the most serious missing value problems. Table 3 summarizes the ODS tables concerning the proportion data coverages of the sample moments. Table 3 ODS Tables for Displaying the Proportion Data Coverages Description Average proportion coverages of means (variances) and covariances Proportions of data present for means (variances) and covariances Rank order of the covariance coverages Rank order of the proportion coverages of the variables

ODS Table Name AveCoverage MeanCovCoverage RankCovCoverage RankVariableCoverage

Analysis of Missing Patterns Some missing patterns in the data set might occur more frequently than the others. The dominant missing patterns are those missing patterns that account for the highest proportions of the incomplete observations. PROC CALIS outputs two tables that enable you to examine these dominant missing patterns. The RankMissPatterns table displays the most dominant missing patterns in order. The MissPatternsMeans table displays the means for the nonmissing pattern and for the dominant missing patterns. By default, PROC CALIS displays up to 10 of the most dominant missing patterns. You can change this default behavior by using some options, which are described in the next section. Table 4 summarizes the ODS tables for the analysis of the missing patterns. Table 4 ODS Tables for Displaying the Missing Patterns Description Means of the nonmissing and the most dominant missing patterns Rank order of the most dominant missing patterns

ODS Table Name MissPatternsMeans RankMissPatterns


SAS Global Forum 2011

Statistics and Data Analysis

Controlling the Number of Missing Patterns to Display The number of missing patterns can be quite large in data sets with a lot of variables. To make the analysis output for the missing patterns concise and interpretable, PROC CALIS prints only the results for the most dominant missing patterns in the output (although all incomplete observations are still used in model estimation). The most dominant (frequent) missing patterns are those patterns that have the largest proportions of incomplete observations. PROC CALIS displays the k most dominant missing patterns in the analysis output for the missing patterns. The value of k is between a minimum number (mi n) and a maximum number (max). The maximum number max is 10 by default. The minimum number mi n is the smallest among 5, the actual number of missing patterns, and max, which can be overridden by the MAXMISSPAT= option (by using any value between 1 and 9,999). After the minimum number of the most dominant missing patterns are included in the output, PROC CALIS continues to include the next most dominant missing patterns if each of these missing patterns can account for at least 5% of the total number of observations, until the maximum number of missing patterns to display (max) is reached. The 5% required proportion for a missing pattern to be displayed is referred to as the proportion threshold, which is set to 0:05 by default and can be overridden by the TMISSPAT= option. To summarize, you can specify the following options to control the number of missing patterns in the analysis output: MAXMISSPAT=max species the maximum number of missing patterns to be displayed, where max is between 1 and 9,999. The default for max is 10 or the actual number of missing patterns in the data, whichever is smaller. NOMISSPAT suppresses the display of the missing pattern analysis. By default, the missing pattern analysis is displayed. TMISSPAT=min species the data proportion threshold for displaying the missing patterns, where min is between 0 and 1. The default for min is 0.05. This is the criterion for including additional missing patterns in the analysis output after the minimum number of the most dominant missing patterns have been included. With a combination of these options, you can easily control the amount of missing patterns in the output. For example, if you do not want to analyze any missing patterns, use the NOMISSPAT option. If you want to include a very large number of missing patterns (up to 9,999), you can use a large number for the MAXMISSPAT= option (for example, MAXMISSPAT=9999) and a very small number for the TMISSPAT= option (for example, TMISSPAT=0). Finally, if you want to include up to 25 missing patterns such that each additional missing pattern accounts for at least 4% of the total number of observations (after the minimum number of patterns have been included), you can set TMISSPAT=0.04 and MAXMISSPAT=25.


Following are some limitations of the FIML method: The FIML method cannot treat observations with nonrandom missing valuesit is not designed to treat all kinds of missingness. In general, nonrandom missingness can be treated only within the formulation of the statistical models themselves. The FIML method is a principled statistical method only for estimating the model parameters; it is not a statistical model itself. The FIML method is computationally much more expensive than the regular ML method with the listwise deletion (LD) method for structural equation modeling. This is because the FIML method must evaluate all the individual likelihood functions in each iteration during the optimization, while the ML method evaluates only one likelihood function based on the sample moments in an iteration. If you have a very large data set with a lot of variables (say 100,000 observations and 200 variables), the computing resources might become so strained that the FIML method cannot be completed. If the listwise deletion still leaves you with a relatively large number of observations (say, several thousands), the regular ML method could be a better choice. If the proportion of incomplete observations for tting a structural equation model is large (for example, above 85%) and the number of complete observations is small (say, under 15), the authors experience is that the FIML method tends to have problems obtaining convergent solutions in optimization. However, the convergence problem might also happen to other incomplete data methods. Whether this limitation is more serious in the FIML estimation than in other methods needs to be studied more systematically.


SAS Global Forum 2011

Statistics and Data Analysis

With the availability of the FIML method in PROC CALIS, incomplete observations with random missing values (MCAR or MAR) can now be treated appropriately in tting structural equation and related models. The main advantages of the FIML method are the consistency and efciency of the maximum likelihood estimates under the multivariate normal distribution. Even if the multivariate normal assumption is violated, the FIML method is still much better than the ad hoc methods for treating incomplete observations. The FIML method in PROC CALIS is also more convenient to use than the multiple imputation method for treating incomplete observations, even though the two methods have similar statistical properties. Finally, the data coverage and missing pattern analyses of the CALIS procedure provide useful tools for gauging the seriousness of missingness and locating the dominant missing patterns, which in turn help researchers obtain more insights about their data.

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Your comments and questions are valued and encouraged. Contact the authors: Yiu-Fai Yung and Wei Zhang SAS Institute Inc. SAS Campus Drive Cary, NC 27513 Phone: 919-531-4032 or 919-531-4025 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.


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