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Technology and IR

By- Neetu Pal

Industrial Relations
Concept of Technological Change Rationalization and Automation Implementation and Progress of Rationalization and Automation in India Automation at LIC (1963) Impact of Technological Change Appropriate technology

Industrial Relations
>The relation between an employee and an employer in the course of running of an industry and may project itself to spheres which may misbehave to the areas of quality control, marketing, price fixation and disposition of profits among others. >Industrial Relations or Labor relations, is an expression used not only for relationships between employers and Trade Unions, but also for those involving Government with the aim of defining policies, facing labor problems.

Concept of Technological Change

Technology is an instrument of development. Affects various aspects of economic and social life. Types of Technological Changes-

Rationalisation & Automation

Rationalization implies a basic change in the structure and control of industrial activities. Its techniques can be applied to methods, material and men. In Automation, technology itself controls the operations. The machine provides data from it operations and feeds it back to its own controls which governs the production process.

Implementation of Rationalization and automation in India

To Increase productive efficiency Vast surplus of Labor after II World War Safeguards by Labor Ministry and Planning Commission Fixing the work load -Stopping fresh Recruitment -Offering higher wages -Voluntary Retirement -Sharing of gains

Progress of Rationalisation andAutomation in India

3 industriesCotton-textile, Jute and Coal

Workers accepted it. Introduced in the form of efficiency measures. Additional strain & Inadequate increase in earnings

International Competition Progress slow, Dependence on foreign country for Raw Material

Rationalization in larger mines, old methods in small mines

Impact of Technological Change

NEGATIVE IMPACT Positive impact

Impact on employment Redundancy Occupational Adjustment Allocation of gains Transfer & Retraining Problems Resistance to change- Strikes,Absenteeism, resignations etc. Job Satisfaction Worker & Union Reations Changes in job content therebycreating new jobs to replace oldones

Positive impact
Labor saving Improves level of earnings Higher productivity Reduction in cost and increase in benefits Product standardization

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