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A Civil & Structural Engineering Perspective

Why does it matter & Definitions
Elements of Sustainable/ Green Buildings Rating Systems

Sustainability: Civil and Structural Design

What is Sustainable Design?

"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." - the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development
Environmentally sensitive design looks to design in harmony with, and in response to the climate. It attempts to use the natural solar and ventilation characteristics of the local climate/environment so as to minimize use and dependency on consumptive non renewable energy sources. In summary: integrate the development within the environment.

The Major Objectives are:

Energy efficient building
think use of power to heat, cool and light the building

think embodied energy which is the energy needed to

produce the materials, transport them to the site and install them

minimize use of non-renewable materials make buildings durable so that their parts last a long

time to limit replacement costs (both $ and environmental) minimize CO2 and other noxious emissions (Kyoto) minimize the negative impact on the site and environment including minimizing discharge of solid and liquid.

Elements of Sustainability

The need to quantify sustainable design...

Becoming increasingly aware of the need for concern about the negative impact that buildings have on our environment. The broad question (1987-1999) might read: What is sustainable design? The more refined question (2000 - ) might ask: How green is it? When working to both create and market sustainable design, it is increasingly important to be able to make definitive assessments so that proposals may be quantified and compared. Form part of Maurice Ile Durable (MID) Concept.


If we cant quanitify, we cant compare. If we dont know how green it is, we cant really sell the idea convincingly to clients or the public. If we dont know how much environmental saving results, then we are just producing soft products that may or may not have any real value. If we dont understand and use sustainable design with authority, then we really dont know if what we have produced is correct or will work effectively.

What are rating systems?

Tools for market transformation
LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (US) BREEAM: Building Research Establisment Environmental Assessment
Method (UK)

CASBEE: Comprehensive Assessement for Built Environment Efficiency (Japan) DGNB: (Germany) Green Star (Australia) IGBC/LEED: India Green Building Council (India) UAE: ESTIDAMA

5 Broad Areas of Application

Sustainable Sites
Energy and Atmosphere Indoor Environmental Quality Water Efficiency Materials and Resources

Application of Sustainability

Material Selection Building Program Project Budget Team Selection Partnering Project Schedule Laws, Codes & Standards Research Site Selection

Site Analysis & Assessment


Environmentally Conscious


Maintenance Plans Indoor Quality Energy Efficiency Renovation Housekeeping & Custodial Practices

Site Development
& Layout Watershed Management & Passive Solar Design Materials & Specification Indoor Air Quality

Preservation of Features & Vegetation

Resource Efficiency

Site Material & Equipment

Waste Mgmt
IAQ Issues Source Control Practices

LEED Concept and Intent

LEED is the most common standard for sustainable

design worldwide. Design and construction practices that significantly reduce or eliminate the negative impact of buildings on the environment. LEED is a point based system that ranks the sustainability of a buildings design by:

Gold Platinum ratings

(40 49 points) (50 59 points) ( 60-79 points) (80 points)

Why engineers (and you) should care

Direct Contribution by Discipline with reference to LEED:
MEP Architect/LA Civil & Structural Constructor Undefined

36% 36% 22% 5% 1%

Civil Structural engineers can play an active role in many aspects of

delivering a sustainable building.

Renewable Energy: Most common perception of Green Design

Most common Perception of Green Design: Photovoltaic Roof Systems

Involvement of Civil & Structural Engineers Sustainable Site Material Specification Re-Use of building Structure Responsible Material Sourcing Design for Assembly Construction Waste Management and Minimisation Support to other disciplines: Acoustic, thermal, lighting

Table summarising Credit that can be achieved through involvement of SE

Sustainable Sites
Site Selection: Avoid developing building projects or hardscape on site
which are used a farmland, habitat for endangered species, used as park or water bodies

Brownfield Redevelopment: Aim to protect greenlands by

developing on previously used land

Reduced Site Disturbance: Conserving existing natural areas Storm Water Management: Use of Sustainable Urban

Drainage Systems (SUDs); Returning Water to the ground by using permeable paving,

Sustainable Sites
Examples of SUDs
Permeable Pavement Use of attenuation tank to return water to the ground

in a controlled manner. Filter Drains or better known as french drains

Source control Filter strips

A selection of well conceived SUDS

Source control permeable paving

A selection of well conceived SUDS

Source control swales

A selection of well conceived SUDS


Source control Green roofs

A selection of well conceived SUDS

Site control basins

A selection of well conceived SUDS

Site control ponds

A selection of well conceived SUDS

Treatment train

A selection of well conceived SUDS

Sustainable Sites: Examples

green roof controls site water offsets urban heat island effect

Materials and Resources

Selection of building materials and product: a number of

parameters including the amount energy required to manufacture, natural resources consumption during manufacture, durability and possibility of harmless recycling. Over years, concrete has been one the primary construction material. Cement, the main component of concrete, responsible for high greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore minimising cement in a concrete mix has many potential benefits. Use of cement replacement products such fly ash, blast furnace slag and silica fume is quite common. Included in Mix Design as per BS 8500, ACI 318. Known to improve the properties of concrete including workability, reducing bleeding, reduce permeability

Materials and Resources

The aim is to work in accordance with the hierarchy of waste management which are Reduce design out waste: Use of prefabrication Re-use look for opportunities to re-use materials on site Recycle look for opportunities for others to use your waste Dispose

Use of recycle aggregates in the production of concrete. Mainly used in

utility sector. Normally careful planning at an early stage to know which waste can recycle. During Construction Phase: Reducing waste and minimising the impact on local community during construction. Use of prefabrication: therfore minimise construction activity by reducing site activities.

Re-Use of Building When Designing building, consideration should be given for future flexibility to avoid premature replacement. Buildings: Long span with minimum downstand and column spacing matching planning grids characteristics of regular use ( 7.5mx7.5m , 9mx9m) which can be used in a variety of configurations through refurbishment works ( not common in Mauritius but slow happening) Consideration to be given to improve durability and avoid early need for replacement.

Sources of information WWW. WWW.


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