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Ayurveda : Cure of Malaria

Ayurveda, the Indian System of Medicine

is having very rich medicaments for cure
of Malaria Fever. Many Indian Herbs are
used for the treatment of Malaria fever
and its syndromes since centuries.
Find here the details in the following

Presented by

Dr. D.B. Bajpai,

Kanak Polytherapy Clinic & Research Center,


Malaria Fever & syndromes

Ayurveda have identified Malaria Fever

since hundreds of thousands years before

and founded the foolproof treatment of this
disease conditions and its syndromes.
Ayurveda termed it as VISHAMA JWAR,
which have classified accrotding to their
nature of symptoms and appearance.

Group of Malarial Fever according

to Ayurveda

Santat jwar Remittent fever

Satata jwar - Double Quotidian fever
Jeerna satat jwar Kala Azar
Anyedushka jwar Quotodian fever
Tritiyak jwar- Tertian fever
Chathurthak jwar Qwartan fever
Pralepak jwar- Hectic fever

Diagnosis or Nidan
The diagnosis of the Malarial fever is

similar to modern western medicine

The syndromes are similar as stated in
Modern western medicine
The symptoms and sign is similar to
modern western medicine
Madhava Nidana , the classical book of
Ayurveda for Diagnosis of diseases
consists description of all fevers

Ayurvedic selection of medicine

Ayurvedic treatment of Maleria fever is

depend on the Doshas, inclusion of Sapta

Dhatu and Mala etc
The diagnosis of Doshas are primarily
leads to correct choice of medicine and

Ayurvedic Medicines
Large number of Ayurvedic medicines are

available to meet out the problems of

Malaria fever and its complications
Before , During and After complications,
syndromes, sign and symptoms can be
well managed by Ayurvedic treatment

When Quinine fails

Many cases of Malaria are not responded
well by use of Quinine
Side effects of Quinine causes many
Many cases resist , even after using
Vital parts of the body are affected
seriously in many cases

Quinine Alternatives
Ayurveda have many drugs for cure of

the syndromes of Malaria

Many alternatives of Quinines are

available in India
Many Herbs have equivalent value like


Combination of Herbs
Many Herbal combinations are available in

Ayurveda for the treatment of Malaria

Fever successfully

Before start of treatment

It is essential that Bowels should be clear

by giving the following herbal decoction :

Decoction of Triphala, amaltash, nishotha
cleans the bowel easily.
Other combinations are available for
bowels cleaning

Herbs used in Malaria

*Veronia cineria, *Adina cordifolia,

*Gentiana kurroa, *Momordica charantia,

*Momordica cochin-chenensis, *Alstonia
scholaris, *Ceasalpinia Bondusella,
*Leweas cephalotas, *Ocimum sanctum,
*Swertia chiraita
Single or combination of these herb cures

More Medications
Apart from herbs, many combinations are

available in Ayurveda for total cure of

Malaria fever

Treatment stretagy
Many classical books of Ayurveda

contains descriptions of the treatment of

Fever and their syndromes
Bhav Prakash , a classical Ayurveda

book, contains, one Part denoting to the

treatment of various kinds of Fever,
accompanied complaints and syndromes

Ayurveda believes
That every person of this world, when

becomes sick, his body temperature

varies according to his complaints
Bhav Prakash, the Ayurveda classical,

have details of the various kinds of Fever,

observed since thousands of years before,
some of them in which, presently Modern
Western Medicine, is still unknown to
these Fevers

Some useful medications - 1

Sudarshan Churna
Maha Sudarshan Churna
Sudarshan Ghan Vati
Saptaparn Ghan Vati
Nimbadi Churna

Some Useful Medications - 2

Guruchi ghansatva Vati

These medications are totally safe and

prepared from total Indian herbs and
without any side effects. Medicines are
used since thousands years before till
today by Ayurveda Practitioners.

View the followings for more

information regarding Ayurveda

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