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Good Hygiene Practices along the coffee chain

Module 2
Introduction to Food Safety Management
and GMP

Introduction to Food Safety Management and

GMP: Presentation Outline


What is safe food and why is it important?


Codes of good practice combine collected principles of food



Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Programmes as a food

safety management tool


Management responsibilities

Slide 2

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

Why we should care about safe food

WHO estimates that foodborne and waterborne diarrheal diseases

together kill 2.2 million people annually

Foodborne diseases and threats to food safety are a

constantly growing public health problem.

Slide 3

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

What is safe and suitable food?

Safe food

Suitable food

free from biological,

chemical and physical
matter that could cause
illness or injury

produced, prepared, and

packaged according to
regulatory standards,
and/or specific customer
requirements , or that
meets a defined claim

Slide 4

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

Introduction to Food Safety Management

and GMP : Presentation Outline


What is safe food and why is it important?


Codes of good practice combine collected principles of food



Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Programmes as a food

safety management tool


Management responsibilities

Slide 5

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

Codes of good practice are a basis for food


Codes of good practice comprise the

fundamental principles, procedures and
means needed for safe food production.

Slide 6

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

Codes of practice can cover specified aspects

of food production

Codes of good practice might focus

on specified parts of the food chain

on one specific product or group of products

Slide 7

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

Codes of good practice are applied in food


Many governments incorporate Codex guidelines and

recommendations into their food legislation.

Failure to comply with the legal requirements may result in fines,

closure or even jail.

Slide 8

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

Introduction to Food Safety Management

and GMP: Presentation Outline


What is safe food and why is it important?


Codes of good practice combine collected principles of food



Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) as a food safety

management tool


Management responsibilities

Slide 9

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

Codex General Principles of Food Hygiene

cover all areas of concern to food safety

Slide 10

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

Food Safety Management include safety and

quality aspects

Safety and Quality Management Systems include

Quality aspects:

Safety aspects:

company-internal requirements,
legal/mandatory requirements, and
customer requirements

Slide 11


Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP


Codex General Principles of Food Hygiene are

the reference for food safety management

Safety and Quality Management Systems include

Quality aspects:

Safety aspects:

company-internal requirements,
legal/mandatory requirements, and
customer requirements



Safety aspects are based on Codex

Slide 12

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

Developing a GMP Programme

Safety and Quality Management Systems include

Quality aspects

Safety aspects



Safety aspects are based on Codex

Company GMP Programmes

Slide 13

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

Demonstrating GMP requires documentation

Safety and Quality Management Systems include
Quality aspects

Safety aspects



Safety aspects are based on Codex

Demonstrating compliance with GMP

procedures requires writing down how all
aspects and areas of concern are managed.

Slide 14

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

GMP Programmes are a source of collected

know-how of an organization
A GMP programme provides a framework to manage food safety and
for each covered production site or product should describe
organizational structures and responsibilities,
procedures and processes, and
available resources.

Create a valuable internal source of know-how

Slide 15

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

The effective use of GMP know-how is a

competitive advantage

Following good practices will contribute to the

viability of a food business by


raising customer confidence,

minimising risk of costly food recalls,
creating a workforce that understands the concept of safe food
production, and
reducing waste during the whole production process

Slide 16

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

Introduction to Food Safety Management

and GMP: Presentation Outline

What is safe food and why is it important?


Codes of good practice combine collected principles of food



Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Programmes as a food

safety management tool


Management responsibilities

Slide 17

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

Successful GMP requires management


Slide 18

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

Management must be aware of food safety risks

Management has different possibilities of assessing food safety

Customer complaints
Discussion with staff involved in food safety
Audit feed-back
Evaluating number of food safety mistakes made in
each department

Slide 19

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

Management tools to implement a standard

of food safety

Slide 20

Written and oral communication

Authority to personnel
End-of-year evaluation
Budgeting resources

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

Management must promote effective training

Motivate, give incentives, praise and

Slide 21

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

Introduction to Food Safety Management and

GMP: Conclusions
Foodborne diseases and threats to food safety are a growing public
health problem.
Codes of good practice cover the fundamental principles,
procedures and means needed for producing safe food.
The management of food safety and quality is demonstrated by
establishing documented GMP programmes.
Governments can consider using the
Codex General Principles of Food Hygiene as a basis for their food
safety policies.
A business commitment to food safety starts at management level.

Slide 22

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP


You have now completed Module 1 Introduction to Food Safety

Management and GMP of Section 2 Applying GMPs after reviewing
any supporting documents and links you desire, please proceed
to Module 2 Primary Production
Prior to starting Module 2 Primary Production we suggest that you
review the following two presentations
Key Concepts of Food Microbiology
Key Concepts of Chemical Hazards

Slide 23

Module 2 - Introduction to
Food Safety Management
and GMP

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