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Name: Marcelino Ñauñay
When we talk about two things, we can
"compare" them. We can see if they are Comparative
the same or different. Perhaps they are Adjectives
the same in some ways and different in
other ways. We can use comparative
adjectives to describe the differences.
We can use comparative adjectives when
talking about two things (not three or
more things).
In the example below, "bigger" is the
comparative form of the adjective "big":

We use the word "than" after the comparison for comparison:
 Singular example:
 - Victor is taller than Adrian.
 Plural example :

- Those shoes are better than yours.

 when we speak of singular "is" and plural "are"
Note: When we do not mention the 2 things, "than" is not used:
 Making comparisons with "less":
 less + adjective
 In this case, the adjective does not change.
 Ejemplos:

This country is less dangerous than yours.

 Singular Negative
I'm not as fat as John.
 Plural negative
Tablets are not as useful as smartphones.

Long adjectives For many adjectives with 2 or more syllables, we use "more" plus the original adjective:
more + adjective
 Example:
expensive / more expensive
Short adjectives For most adjectives with a syllable (short adjectives), we add the ending "-er" to form its comparative
 Example:
 small / smaller (pequeño / mas pequeño)
 cool / cooler (fresco / más fresco)

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