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Centre for Transportation Research (CTR)

Funded by
Ministry of Human Resource Development, GOI
Establishment of 50 Centres of Excellence
for Training and Research in
Frontier Areas of Science & Technology (FAST)

Department of Civil Engineering

NITC P.O., CALICUT - 673601
Tel. : 0495-2286219/04952286200, Fax : 0495-2287250;
Overview of Presentation
 Objectives
 Activities and Areas of Focus
 Research activities & projects
 Training Programmes & Conferences attended
 Training programmes organised
 Networking with other Institutes
 Facilities
 Equipment Procured
 Budget
 Committees – Advisory, Monitoring

CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 2

Objectives of CTR
Undertake research in Create a pool of quality
various aspects of conscious and qualified
transportation and develop transportation engineers,
solutions that lead to sensitive to societal
sustainable transportation requirements

Research Education
Training Outreach
Enhance the skills and Bring awareness among
knowledge of working public for their active and
transportation professionals informed participation
CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 3
Activities & Areas
Activities Areas of Focus

Research Transportation


Outreach Technology

CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 4

Research Activities
• Initiated fifteen research projects
• Transportation Planning - 6
• Traffic Engineering – 8
• Pavement Technology – 1
• Fifteen research scholars are working
• 3 studies will be completed during 2016-2017
• Publications
• 2014-15 : 33
• 2015-16 : 29

CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 5

Research Projects
1 Activity Based Travel Demand Modelling
2 Analysis of Urban Road Transport Network
3 Effect of Information and Communication
Technologies on Activity-Travel Behaviour
4 Decision support system for assessment of urban
land use and transport development policies
5 Freight Mode Choice Modelling
6 Development of Urban Mobility Simulator
Pavement Technology
1 Performance Evaluation of Modified Bitumen Mixes
CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 6
Research Projects
Traffic Engineering
1 Development of Pedestrian Crash Prediction Models
2 Economic Evaluation of Urban traffic congestion and
Relief Measures
3 Prioritisation of Accident Black Spot for Improvement
on Economic Criteria
4 Capacity and Performance Analysis of Roundabouts
5 Road Safety Evaluation & Management
6 Level of Service Analysis of Urban Corridor
7 Pedestrian Behaviour Analysis in Urban Area
8 Capacity and Level of Service Analysis of Two Lane
Rural Highways Department
in Mixed Traffic Conditions
of Civil Engineering, NITC 7
M.Tech in Traffic & Transportation Planning
Year of Starting : 1985
Duration : 4 Semesters
Sanctioned Intake : 20

Enrolment up to 2013 Admissions : 300

Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
No. admitted 18 19 18 19 20

Number of students who went for Industrial Training

Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
No. Industrial 15 15 15 17

Fifteen students attended 2nd Conference on Transportation

Systems Engineering & Management during May 1-2, 2015 at
NIT Trichy.
CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 8
Industrial Training of M.Tech. Students (Summer 2015)
Roll No Name Organisation
M150072CE Aisha M S CDM Smith IPL, Bangalore
M150119CE Jisha R R
M150409CE Lakshmi K Dayan
M150082CE Rehna P C

M150099CE Bejawada Avinash L & T ECC, Chennai

M150073CE Chittapu Mounika
M150400CE Aiswarya Ragi K Central Road Research Institute, Delhi
M150088CE Aleena C
M150077CE Haritha P C
M150110CE Sukhanya K
M150159CE Muhammed Shibil P L & T Infrastructure Engineering Ltd, Chennai

M1500081CE Vineeth V T
M150103CE B Harsha Vardhan Chowdary NATPAC, Trivandrum

M150272CE Vijay Kumar

M150187CE Battu Naveen Kumar Reddy Secon, Bangalore

CTR M150092CE Gourab Mondal Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 9

M.Tech – Dissertation Works
• Studies on recycled bituminous mixtures
• Influence of Modified Binders on Fatigue Response of the
Bituminous Mixture
• Study of Pothole Repairing Mixes

• Utilisation of coconut shell and coir fiber in bituminous

• Safety Prediction of Urban Midblocks using Hierarchical
Modelling Approach
• Planning and design of Logistics Hub in Kozhikode
• Evaluation of bus terminals
• Development of activity generation models
• Estimation of Value of Travel Time
• A Comparative Analysis of Black Spot Identification Methods
CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 10
M.Tech – Dissertation Works
• Quantification of Traffic Congestion on Urban Midblocks using
Travel Time
• Effect of settlement characteristics on travel attributes
• Continuum models for traffic stream modeling

• Effects of household interactions on travel behaviour of

working people
• ICT usage and its effects on travel behaviour
• Mode choice behaviour of shippers
• Trip attraction characteristics of special generators
• Cost analysis of road traffic crashes based human capital
• Dynamic traffic assignment

CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 11

Training Programmes / Conferences Attended
• Warm Mix Asphalt – Challenges & Way Forward @ IIT Madras during

August 8-9, 2013 – 16 PG students

• Urban Freight Transport: A Global Perspective” @ IIT Madras during
June 24-25, 2013 – 1 PG student & 1 Research Scholar
• Sustainable Urban Transportation @ IIT Madras during February 13-14,
2014 - 2 Research Scholars
• Data Analysis in Research using Statistical Software @ GEC Thrissur
during December 15-19, 2014
• Transportation Young Researchers Symposium 2015 (TYRES 2015),
May 10-15, 2015
• Modelling with Transportation Data @ IIT Roorkee during June 8 – 12,
• 3rd conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG),
Kolkata, 17-20 Dec., 2015
• Rutting and fatigue cracking of bituminous pavement, IIT Madras,
February 01-06, 2016
CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 12
Training Programmes / Conferences Attended
 Warm Mix Asphalt – Challenges & Way Forward @ IIT Madras during
August 8-9, 2013
 Asphalt Pavement Engineering & Infrastructure, Liverpool John
Moores University, UK, February 26-27, 2014
 Academic Leadership at Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode
from February 27 to March 1, 2014
 Transportation Young Researchers Symposium 2014 (TYRES 2014),
March 27-29, 2014
 11th TPMDC (Transportation Planning and Implementation
Methodologies for Developing Countries), IIT Bombay, Mumbai, 10-
12 December 2014
 Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering & Management -
CTSEM 2015, May 1-2, 2015

CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 13

Training Programmes Organised
 For practising engineers and engineering college teachers
 Number of programmes organised : 7 + 5 + 7 = 19
 Duration : 1 day to 5 days
 Total number of days : 17 + 15 + 15 = 47
 Total number of participants : 705
 Our M.Tech. students & Ph.D. scholars are also benefitted
 Next programme on “Highway Capacity & Level of Service” is
scheduled during 28th Nov. to 3rd Dec., 2016

CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 14

Journals/Conferences of forthcoming
12th TPMDC, December 2016, IIT Bombay
Case Studies on Transport Policy, Elsevier
Elsevier Procedia Technology
Emerging Trends in Engineering
Indian Roads Congress
International Journal of urban sciences
Journal of analytic methods in accident research
Journal of Transportation Engineering
Recent Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS
Transportation Research Procedia
TRB Annual Meeting, 2017
World Conference on Pavement and Asset Management, WCPAM
CTR 2017, Milan, Italy Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 15
Invited Lectures
Prof. Shashi Nambisan, Professor of Civil Engineering at the
University of Tennessee
October 16, 2015
• An Examination of Vehicle Operations on Horizontal Curves
• Preparing for Successful Careers: Engineering Education
Prof. Chandra R. Bhat, Director, Center for Transportation Research,
The University of Texas at Austin.
April 18, 2016
• Connected and Automated Cars: Challenges and the Road Ahead
• Activity-Based Modeling: Recent Advances and Possible
Prof. Rajib B. Mallick, Professor, Civil & Environmental
Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts
October 5, 2016
Pavement Engineering: Challenges and Solutions

CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 16

Colloquium on
Transportation Systems Engineering & Management
May 12-13, 2014
• Provide an opportunity for graduate students and research
scholars in the area of Transportation Engineering to present their
research outcomes
• 5 key note addresses; 3 tracks and 5 sessions in each track
• Number of papers presented – 95; Number of participants – 125
• Outstation students & research scholars were paid TA
• Technical exhibitions

2nd Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering & Management

at NIT Trichy during May 1-2, 2015
3rd Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering & Management at
BMS College of Engineering during Nov. 24-25, 2016
CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 17
Networking with other Institutes

MoU with
• Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), New Delhi,
• National Transportation Planning and Research Centre
(NATPAC), Trivandrum
• Other such Centres of Excellence in Transportation
Engineering is explored

CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 18

• Bitumen testing laboratory
• Bituminous mix characterization lab
• Pavement evaluation lab
• Traffic engineering lab
• Computational facility
• Traffic Simulation lab
• Travel behaviour analysis lab

CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 19

Equipment Procured
S.No Item Amount
(Rs. in lakhs)
1 Rolling thin film oven 3.50
2 Projector 0.35
3 Laser printer 0.42
4 Desk top computers 9.70
5 Online UPS 4.15
6 Transportable Infra Red Traffic Logger 13.00
7 Pressure Aging Vessel 14.50
8 Wheel tracking apparatus 23.00
Total 68.62

CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 20

Progress on the top 5 deliverables
S No Deliverable planned Actual
1 Effect of nanoadditive on compactablity Yes
of bituminous mixtures

2 Development of urban mobility simulator 75%

3 Mode choice models for national textile Yes
4 Economic evaluation of urban traffic 80%
congestion relief measures

5 Industrial training of M.Tech. students Yes

during summer 2016

CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 21

Expenditure & fund position (in Rs. Lakh)
Opening balance Amount received Amount Spent Balance available
on 1st April 2016 during April-Sept
117.78 Nil 2.65 115.13

Plan for the next half year (October-March 2016)

Deliverable Likely cost (in Rs
Equipment purchase 79.70
Research expenses (consumables) 10.93
Research related travel 2.50
Training 5.00
Any other (specify) Staff salary & Networking 17.00
Total 115.13
CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 22
Equipment, Software, Accessories,
Item Cost (Rs. Lakhs)
Dynamic Shear Rheometer 32.00
TIRTL 14.00
Furniture 3.00
Digital Marshall Stability Test Apparatus 5.00
Accessories 1.00
Maintenance 2.00
CUBE 5.00
Highway Geometric Design Software 1.50
Laptop 1.50
Handheld data collection devices 1.20
CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 23
Advisory Committee
1. Dean (R&C) – Chairman
2. Head, Civil Engineering Department
3. Representative from National academic institutes like IITs/NITs
Dr. A. Veeraragavan, Professor, CED, IIT Madras
4. Representative from National research labs - CRRI, NATPAC
Dr. S. Velmurugan, Head, Traffic Engineering and Safety
Division, CSIR-CRRI, Mathura Road, New Delhi -25.
5. Representative from industry - PWD, National Highways, Police,
Waterways, Railways etc.
Sri Sundaran K, Chief Engineer, PWD
6. Dr. Samson Mathew, Professor, CED, NIT, Trichy
7. Dr. M.V.L.R. Anjaneyulu, Professor, CED, NITC
CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 24
Monitoring Committee
•Dean (R & C)
•Professor & Head, CED
•Dr. T.M. Madhavan Pillai, Professor, CED, NIT Calicut
•Dr. T.P. Somasundaran, Professor, CED, NIT Calicut
•Dr. C.B. Sobhan, Professor, SNST, NIT Calicut
•Dr. Abraham T. Mathew, Professor, EED, NIT Calicut
•Dr. P. S. Sathidevi, Professor, ECED, NIT Calicut
•Dr. M.V.L.R. Anjaneyulu, Head, CTR

CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 25

Team Members
 Dr. M.V.L.R. Anjaneyulu, Professor, Department of Civil
 Dr. S. Chandrakaran, Professor, Department of Civil
 Dr. A.P. Shashikala, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
 Dr. Sushama C.M., Assistant Professor, Department of
 Dr. K. Krishnamurthy, Associate Professor, Department of Civil
 Dr. M. Harikrishna, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil
 Mr. M. Sivakumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil
CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 26
• Public Works Department
• National Highways Authority of India
• Urban Development Authorities, Corporations,
Municipalities & Panchayats
• Traffic Police
• Motor Vehicles Department
• Pollution Control Board
• State Rural Roads Development agency
• Airports Authority of India
• Highway Material Manufacturers

CTR Department of Civil Engineering, NITC 27



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