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Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Lala Fadila Damayanti

To: citha
From : redy
I would like you to come to my birthday party.
It will be held on :
Day : Sunday, june 28 2012
Time : 06:00 p.m
Place : my house
Jl. Raya bukit indah no: 16
I’m looking forward to seeing you there.

With love,

1. The letter above is an invitation to a ?
a. Wedding party
b. Birthday party
c. Farewell party
d. Graduation party
2. Who will be invited ?
a. Redy
b. Chita
c. Redy dan chita
d. Chintya
3. When the program is implemented?
a. Sunday, june 27 2012
b. Monday, june 27 2012
c. Sunday, june 28 2012
d. Monday, june 27 2012
4. Where is the show done?
a. At home chita
b. In the park
c. In the garden
d. At home redy
5. Where the address of the party
a. Jl. Raya bukit indah no: 16
b. Jl. Bukit indah
c. Jl. Merak jaya
d. Bukit indah no:17
6. Pipit : ......................
Wawan : sure, I’d love to. I will come.
a. How about having a party ?
b. Would you please come to my party ?
c. Can you invite some friends to my party ?
d. What do you think about going to someone’s
party ?
7. Adit : We’re planing to go new Italian restaurant
this evening.
Would you like to join us?
Fira : ...........but i’ve alredy made plans for dinner
a. No, thanks
b. Not at all
c. I’d love to
d. I’m sorry
8. Dina : bob, .........on Saturday afternoon
Bob : any special event?
Dina : yeah i,ll celebrate my sweet seventeen
birthday party and i want you to be my
special guest
Bob : are you serious dina?
a. Do you mind I celebrate my party.
b. Would you like to celebrate my birthday party.
c. Would you mind coming to my house.
d. Could you accompany me to my house.
Dear Johana,
Years of gathering
With food,good friends, and fun
Let’s get together one more time
To watch the new year come!
Saturday, December 31th
7 p.m At my house Jl. Anggrek 8
9. What is the party for ?
a. To have good friends
b. To watch new friends
c. To enjoy food and drinks
d. To welcome the new year
10. What is the purpose of the text above ?
a. To invite a friend to attend the new year party.
b. To make someone happy in new year party.
c. To remind people the coming of new year.
d. To tell the importance of new year.
Question 11-15
Dear Mellyani.
On my last school holiday. My classmates and I went to
The Boobudur
Temple is really magnificent. The heggenes of the temple really
impressed me. How
could our ancestor build such a big temple? It was amazing.
In the temple, we went upstairs step by step. Walking around the
temple. We say many reliefs on the temple walss. Some
foreigners seemed interested in them. I overhead their
conversation with the guide. Actually the relief tells a story.
It was really a nice experience! I ope you can go there

11. Who sent the letter?
a. Classmates
b. The guide
c. Mellyani
d. Renny
12. What does the relief tell us?
a. Story
b. Temple
c. Holiday
d. Borobudur
13. Whom did rennny go to Borobudur with?
a. Her toug guides
b. Her classmates
c. Renny’s friend
d. Some foreigners
14. “Some foreigners seedmed interested in
What does the word them refer to?
a. Walls
b. Guide
c. Reliefs
d. Conversation
15. Renny admired the temple because of its?
a. Visitors
b. Reliefs
c. Stones
d. Size
16. Linda : Could you tell me bow to operate this new
Salesman : Yes, ma’am. Firstly......
Linda : Oh, I see
a.You put on the power button at the side of the
b.You turn up the power button at the top of the
c. You turn on the power button at the left side of the
d. You replace the power button at the side of the
17. If the teacher … come, who will teach?
a. Doesn’t
b. Don’t
c. Won’t
d. Will be
18. If you follow me, I’ll show you the wy.
a. Conditional Sentences Type 0
b. Conditional Sentences Type 2
c. Conditional Sentences Type 1
d. Conditional Sentences Type 3
19. It will about 5 minutes if you go there on foot.
The underlined utterance is used to express …
a. If clause
b. Main clause
c. Does clause
d. Do clause
20. If I … you, I would look for my passion to find a
new career
a. Were
b. Was
c. Does
d. Doesn’t
21. If you got a bunch of money, … it on stupid
a. would you spend
b. would you have spent
c. have spend
d. would spend
22. You ….. see my office in front of you, if you cross
the street
a. does
b. doesn’t
c. will
d. do
23. You . . . not pass the test if you study hard
a. Would
b. Will
c. Does
d. Could
24. He . . . lent the book if you had asked him
a. Would have
b. Will have
c. Wouldn’t have
d. Does have
25. Unless you know the answer, I will search the
the underlined utterance is used to express……
a. Interrogative
b. Negative
c. Positive
d. Interjection
26. If I were a millionaire, I ……….. in Beverly Hills
a. Would have
b. Would have lived
c. Will live
d. Lived
27. If I were him, I……… start happing driving lessons
a. Could
b. Can
c. Would
d. Had have
28. I …. Study hard If Rara bring me the book
a. Would
b. Will
c. Could
d. Have
29. If they invite you, will you come ?
Including how many type……….
a. Conditional sentence type 1
b. Conditional sentence type 2
c. Conditional sentence type 3
d. Conditional sentence type 0
30. If the waitress had been careful, she wouldn’t
have broken many plates
Including how many type…….
a. Conditional sentence type 1
b. Conditional sentence type 2
c. Conditional sentence type 3
d. Conditional sentence type 0
31. If I want to school , I would meet you
Including how many type………
a. Conditional sentence type 1
b. Conditional sentence type 2
c. Conditional sentence type 3
d. Conditional sentence type 0
32. If I were bird, I …. Fly around the world
a. Can
b. Would
c. Could
d. Had
33. If you had remembered to invite me I …..
attended your party
a. Had Have
b. Could
c. Would
d. Would have
34. If I …..been sick, I would have taken some
a. Had
b. Have
c. Will
d. Could
35. If he doesn’t come , I ….. be angry
a. Won’t
b. Win’t
c. Will
d. Can
36. They …….. miss the first train, unless we get up
a. Would
b. Will
c. Can
d. Would have
37. Unless Reny got enough sleep, she ….. productive
a. Wouldn’t
b. Wouldn’t be
c. Will be
d. Won’t
38. If you had a sister, …..clothes with her?
a. You would share
b. Would you share
c. Can you share
d. Would have share
39. If she studied harder, she …. The best score in her
a. Get
b. Would get
c. Got
d. Would got
40. I …….. a train if I had known it was such a long
a. Had take
b. Would have taken
c. Could take
d. Could taken
Elephants are the largest land animais on earth. They
have the largest brains of any mammal. Elephants talk
to each other. Researchers have discovered more
than 50 different types of cats that use to
communicate with each other. Their trunks are strong
enough to pick up trees but sensitive enough to pivk
up flowers. They use them as tools to sweep paths, to
seratch themselves, to swal f;ies, and to draw in the
dir. They are good swimmers and use their trunks like
snorkels. They live together are good swimmers and
use their truks like snorkels. They live together in family
groups. They help each other when in trouble. They
join together to care for and rescue their young.
41. What does the text tell us about?
a. amazing animal
b. elephants
c. researchers
d. 50 different types
42. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
a. Elephants have largest brain
b. elephants are the largest animals
c. elephants has 50 differents types
d. elephant are good awimmwera
43. The elephants part of the body that is described
in the text…
a. had
b. cars
c. tusk
d. trunks
44. Which of the following descriptions is not corroot?
a. Elephants can’t take flowers
b. They can communicate well their babies
c. They are cooperative among others
d. They are good swimmers and use
45. How do the sweep paths?
a. its teet
b. its beed
c. its trunks
d. its brain

Twingkle, twingkle, little star

How I wonder what you are
Up above the the would so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are

When the blazing su is gone

Whene he nothing shines upon
Then you show your little light
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
46. Like a dimond….. the sky
a. at
b. in
c. on
d. in front of
twinkle, twinkle, little star
how I wonde what you are
up… (47) the wonder so high
like a diamond in the sky
twinkle, twinkle little star
how I wonder what you… (48)

when the blazing sun is… (49)

when he nothing… (50)
47. a. above
b. at
c. in
d. on
48. a. is
b. am
c. are
d. were
49. a. went
b. gone
c. go
d. live
50. a. shines
b. glowing
c. sun
d. light

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