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Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chen Shaodong
TCM Department, Xiamen University
Welcome to Xiamen university
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I will try my best to resolve questions
I wish you will have the basic
knowledge about TCM in my class
History of TCM
TCM is a well of medical
knowledge gained from over
4,000 years of observation,
investigation and clinical
TCM has evolved as an empirical
science and its theories and
treatments have been
repeatedly in use and refined
over long period of time.
More and more patients accept
TCM as the therapeutic methods
for diseases.
What is Traditional Chinese Medicine
TCM has its systematic medical theory which is
strongly influenced by the theory of Yin-Yang and five
It is distinguished for the holistic concept, which as
dominant idea,
Views the various parts of the human body as an
organic whole,
Emphasizes the harmony and coordination of the
internal organs with other parts or structures
And also stresses the unity of the human body with
the external environment.
Theoretical Basis of TCM
The theory of Yin and Yang
The theory of five elements
The theory of Meridians
The theory of Zang-Fu organs
The theory of Qi, blood and body fluid
Yin and Yang
these two words are Chinese
It is very difficulty for you
Don’t worry
The theory of Yin and Yang
This theory holds that everything in the world consist
of two basic forces.
According to this theory, Yin and Yang exist between
inside and outside aspects of every tissue and
structure of the human body.
When there is a balance between the two, there is no
if the balance is disturbed, illness is sure to arrive.
Five elements
In this theory, the material world is basically made
up of five elements.

wood fire earth

metal water
The theory of five elements
TCM uses a system of inter-relationships
between the five elements in order to
understand how the various processes of the
body support and control each other.
These five elements move and change
constantly to promote and restrain each other.
The human body is part of the physical world
and the internal organs such as liver, heart,
spleen, lung and kidney correspond with the
five elements in the universe.
The theory of Meridians
There are 12 main
Branching from them is
a network of other
smaller channels.
Each main meridian is
connected to one of the
twelve organs and
travels along its own
route within the body.
The theory of Zang-Fu
organs (viscera)
Spleen Small Intestine
Heart Large Intestine
Lungs Gallbladder
Liver Bladder
Kidneys Stomach
Three Jiao (special
organ in TCM,
unknown to modern
Endogenous factors
Exogenous factors
Certain-case factors
TCM holds that human body forms an organic
integrity; all parts of human body are not only
structurally inseparable, but physiologically kept in
harmony, they are depending on, making use of
and restricting to each other.
TCM also holds that there is a close relation
between human body and natural environment,
any changes in the nature will inevitably influence
over human body directly or indirectly.
However, human body will make reaction to
respond to it.
Reaction within physiological limitation is called
reaction of physiological adaptability, beyond the
limitation is called pathological reaction.
Endogenous factors
which are illnesses caused by emotions.
include angry, sadness, worry, fear, joy, grief,
pensiveness and shock
and are usually termed as the seven emotions.
Exogenous factors
which are causes of disharmony that relate to
climatic conditions.
Called six pathogenic factors or the six outside evils.
They are: wind, cold, damp, fire, dryness and
Certain-case factors
 include work, exercise, diet, sexual
activity and physical trauma.
In TCM, the diagnostic process is considered
in four areas - known as the Four
Examinations. These are:
Visual examination

complexion, five sensor organs,

auscultation and olfaction
sound of voice and breath, odor of
Current complaint Bladder
Health history Sweat
Family health history Pain
Patterns of sleep Emotional features
Appetite Lifestyle features
Digestion Gynecological
Bowel movement features
Palpation of the body is to discover
body temperature, body moisture, pain
Pulse examination
Special examination
the Four Examinations are very
same to modern medicine
tongue and pulse examination
is special in TCM
Syndromes differentiation
With holistic concept as the dominant idea,
the observation and analysis of physiological
phenomenon, pathological changes,
syndrome differentiation, and treatment are
Proceeding from the situation as a whole,
applying special diagnostic methods of TCM,
making a comprehensive investigation on the
complicated symptoms and signs, seizing the
root cause of the diseases, such procedure is
called “Syndromes differentiation”.
treatment based on syndrome
under the final differentiation, the
principle of treatment is worked out,
the method of treatment is determined,
the prescription is given.
This procedure is called “treatment
based on syndrome differentiation”.
There are a number of methods to differentiate
syndromes in TCM,
differentiation of syndromes according to the eight
differentiation of syndromes according to the theory
of Qi, blood and body fluid;
differentiation of syndromes according to the Zang-Fu
organs theory;
differentiation of syndromes according to the theory
of six meridians;
differentiation of syndromes according to the theory
of wei, qi, ying and xue,
differentiation of syndromes according to the theory
of three jiao.
Each method, while having its own
features and laying stress.
They should be applied flexibly and
accurately so as to understand a
disease comprehensively,
Thereby providing the basis for

Acupuncture Herbology

Massage Qigong (yoga)

Acupuncture and moxibustion
Acupuncture and moxibustion, as two important
methods of treatment, form an indispensable part of
Acupuncture and moxibustion have many advantages.
1. First, they are applicable in various kinds of diseases
and suit therapeutic needs in internal medicine, surgery,
gynecology, as well as in preventive medicine.
2. Second, they produce prompt and appreciable cures;
increase resistance to disease by providing stimulation
at certain points, and stop pain.
3. Third, they are easily practiced and mastered.
4. Furthermore, they produce no or slight side effects, are
generally safe, and can be applied together with other
Chinese massage is closely
related to acupuncture in its
use of the meridian system
and is considered to be
effective for a similar range
of health problems.
However it should not be
seen as a poor relation to
It is an effective and
comprehensive therapy and
is regarded alongside herbs,
diet, Qigong and one of the
fundamental arts of TCM.
There is a great variety of Chinese material medica, including
plants, animal parts and minerals.
Among these materials, flowers, herbs and trees are the ones
most frequently used, that is why Chinese material medica is
called Chinese medicinal herbs.
The prescriptions in TCM are not merely collections of medicinal
substances in which the actions of one herb are simply added to
those of another in a cumulative fashion.
They are complex recipes of interrelated substances, each of
which affects the actions of the others in the prescription.
It is this complex interaction, which makes the prescriptions so
Plant-leaf  mineral 

Plant-stem  decoction 
is being used as part of the TCM in preventive and
therapeutic health care.
Qi is seen as the vital energy in one's body to maintain
Qigong will train one to work on physical to control and
exercise this energy for own good or if becomes an
expert, one can even use ‘Qi’ for treatment.
Exercise is good for patients as well as any age group
who would like to maintain good health and a state of
peaceful mind.
Qigong is good in treatment of mental and physical
Today, There are more than 70 million
Chinese practicing Qigong, some for
treatment and most as a physical exercise.
Qigong lets people experiencing higher levels
of energy, and slow down the aging process.
It may not be effective in treating acute
illness or medical emergencies.
It is good in preventing disease and also
treating chronic conditions or disabilities.
Basic theories of TCM
Syndrome differentiation
How to study
In the system of TCM, different theories
which contain various subjects are embraced,
some of which are complicated and recondite.
However, to the beginners, the most
important thing is to be familiar with the way
of thinking by at first just following it, till
gradually see the frame of TCM, and further
get a more clear picture and complete

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