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Sentence Constituents Realized as Clauses

Compiled by
Najib Nugroho 16150047
Farah Nailil Izzah 16150048
Rike Dwi Santari 16150049
Wibisono Yudhi K 16150051

English Department / 2016 / B






• A clause is a group of word that expresses a whole event or situation,
containing a subject and a predicate.
• A main or independent clause can stand by itself dan form a
gramatically complete sentence.
• A dependent clause always starts with a subordinator, except when
that is understood.
• A Phrase is a gramatically ordered group of related words that does
not have a subject and/or predicate and functions as a constituent of
a sentence, of a clause, or of another phrase.
• A phrase has one main word, called the head, and word in front or
behind it.
Distinguish a Clause from a Phrase
• Compare the following:
Robert was sick
clearly a clause, in this case even a main clause, because it
does not have a subordinator and it contains a subject,
predicate, and a finite verb

because Robert was sick

also clearly clause, this time a dependent one, because it
contains a subordinator, subject, predicate and finite verb
very sick
clearly a phrase because there is no subject nor verb
Robert being sick
in some books, this is called a phrase bacause it does not
contain a finite verb; in others, it is called non-finite clause
it contains a subject and a predicate

• We will use the term non-finite clause (NFC) for groups of related
word like Robert being sick, mainly because they have a subject and
predicate dan should be analyzed as clauses.
Table of Functions and realizations at sentence
or clause level

IO/BO ( )


Subject, object and attributes
• Kedudukan subjek/objek biasanya diduduki oleh person atau things. Oleh
karena itu, kedudukan subjek/objek tak lain adalah noun phrase. Untuk
menyatakan sebuah event atau situation dibutuhkan sebuah klausa. Dalam
hal ini tentunya noun clause.
Noun Clause
1. Finite Clause: a. Statement
-Dikutip secara langsung
-Ditandai dengan tanda kutip atau petik dua
-Didahului/tidak oleh subordinator "that“
Statement Abraham Lincoln was one of the truly great men of all time

Direct quotation The encyclopedia states “Abraham Lincoln wa one of the truly great men of all time

Indirect quotation The encyclopedia claims (that) Abraham Lincoln was one of the truly great men of all
1. yes/ noquestion
yes/no question Are you leaving early
direct quotation as direct object Eric asked “are leaving early today?”
indirect quotation as direct object Eric asked whether/if you are leaving
early today?
2. wh/ question
Interrogative pronoun: who(ever), what(ever) or which(ever) or Interrogative
adverb : when(ever), where(ever) or how(ever)

Wh-question what did he do?

Wh-question as subject what he did was lead the US during Civil
War, which was the greatest crisis in the
US history.
Non-finite clauses
a. to infinitives I caused him to fall.
He wants to go home.
He refused to answer.
I told him to go home.
He began to leave.
b. -ing forms I saw him walking down the street
I imagined sitting on the beach
I enjoy swimming in the summer
I regret leaving so early
c. sometimes even plain infinitive forms
I saw the ship sink.
I saw the ship sinking
Extraposed subject or object clauses
That he enjoys studying English is a fact.
It is a fact that he enjoys studying English
• Fungsi adverbial: memberi background information mengenai
kejadian/ keadaan sebuah kejadian.
• Dinyatakan dengan (when, where, why, how, to what degree, under
what condition, in spite of what condition an event or state of affairs
may take place.
• Biasanya muncul dalam bentuk (adverb, phrases, prepositional
phrases, noun phrases), seperti contoh:
He left yesterday A: AdvP
He left by car A:PP
He left Monday A:NP
Adverbial dalam bentuk finite
• Finite clause functioning as adverbial dikenalkan dengan adanya
subordinate conjunction seperti : because, although, if.
• Finite clause yang berfungsi sebagai adverbial dapat terlihat seperti
relative clause
• Relative clause memodifikasi noun.
• a which clause:
memodifikasi satu particular noun
memodifikasi clausa secara keseluruhan.
Adverbial dalam bentuk non-finite

• Biasanya menunjukkan (tujuan/ hypothesis)

• -ing clause (usually express a “while” or “because” meaning at the
beginning and “at the same time” or “result” meaning at the end of
the sentence.
While (sedang berjalan)
Because (makna pada awalan)
Because at the same time, waktu bersamaan)
Result (akhir kalimat)
contoh : Running down the street, he fell down (running down
the street mengekspresikan makna “while” atau “because”).
• Bentuk non-finite juga dapat memodifikasi adjective seperti contoh:
He is too tired to run (to run memodifikasi adjective tired)

To help you locate diferent types of structures

Punctuation of compound Punctuation sentence / clause

structures constituents

1. Punctuation of compound structures

 ketika dua main clauses, keduanya memiliki frase kata kerja finite dan di
gabung, maka dua kemungkinan tanda bacanya adalah :
1. the main clauses may be separated with a semi-colon.
2. the clauses may be joined with a coordinate conjuction, which
is preceded by a comma.
Take a look this example :
 selain main clauses bagian-bagian kalimat (subject, whole
predicates, predicators by themselves or other clause constituents)
bisa di compound-kan. Biasanya menggunakan konjungsi

 items in a series adalah dua bagian kalimat atau lebih yang

dihubungkan. Biasanya menggunakan koma dan sebuah konjungsi
coordinator sebelum item yang terakhir.
Examples :
2. Punctuating sentence/clause constituents
 rules:
1. constituents dasar yang wajib dari kalimat atau klausa
(subject, predicator and its complement) tidak pernah di
pisahkan oleh koma. Jadi, tidak ada koma setelah subject atau
bahkan sebelum object atau attributes, kecuali direct quote.
2. berkaitan penggunaan koma dalam adverbials.
 tidak pakai koma : kalau peletakannya pada posisi normal.
 Pakai koma :
a. jika adverbial berada di awal kalimat, atau
menginterupsi kalimat.
b. jika adverbial diakhir dan menerangkan suatu contrast.
Examples :

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