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Kernel Essays

Reviving the Essay

Gretchen Bernabei
How to Teach Structure Without Formula
Students need three things in order to produce
their most prized work:

If we
• assign the essay,
• choose the prompt,
• choose the structure
• and choose the feedback,
we shouldn’t…
really complain if we can’t find
the student anywhere in the
And we…
really have no right to complain too
much if the essays all sound the same.
Students have followed our directions.
Teachers need three things in order to produce
their own most prized teaching:

– also called thematic statements, or
life lessons. These are statements that are
true for most people. (This makes them

Photographs are used to

begin the development of
truisms, especially with
developing readers. Then,
begin using a photograph or Life is fragile.
image along with a prompt.
frag·ile - easily broken or damaged.
Examples of truisms from my students
• “Not everyone is the same. We are all unique.” Hayden
• “Everyone has a responsibility.” Morgan
• “First steps are exciting but scary!” Katie
• “There’s always a way!” Haley
• “Everyone can be a king or queen.” Travos

Eventually students draw

based on a topic like
“something exciting”
Then they write a truism
based on their drawing.
Our beliefs change as we grow up.
I used to think the tooth fairy was real. I thought that every time I would lose a tooth
she would bring me money. My mom said that the cleaner they were the more money I
would get.
Then I found out that my mom and papa were giving me the money. I found out
because my mom woke me up when she was trying to put it under my pillow. I was so
mad, so I said I hate you, but I forgave her.
I do believe that your beliefs change as you grow up. I’m glad she told me anyway. I just
did not know that then.
Throwaway Writing
Throwaway Writing
• Are your students guilty?
Throwaway Writing
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