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To discuss refraction of

light and images formed

by lenses.
Reviewing the previous lesson
1. What is refraction of light?
•Refraction is he bending of
light as it passes
2. Why do light bend?
•Light bends as it passes through from
one medium to another because of the
change in the speed of light as it
travels in different medium. The change
in speed is due to the different densities
of the media.
3. How do optical density affects
the speed of light
•Medium with high optical
density will slow down the light,
while medium with low optical
density will speed up the light.
Presenting examples/instances
1. What happens to light rays as
it passes through lenses?
•When light ray passes through
lenses, it will bend. It is called
refraction of light.
2. What are lenses?
•Lenses are smoothly curved
transparent glass materials
that will allow the passage of
“Find the Difference”
•Let the students differentiate the
two lenses in terms of:
a. Physical characteristics
b. Behavior of light as it passes
through them.
a. Physical characteristic(s):
The convex lens, it is thicker
at the center than the edges
while the concave lens, it is
thicker at the edges and
thinner at the center.
b. Behavior of light:
The convex lens is called the
converging lens because the light that
passes through it tends to converge at a
particular point called the focal point,
while the concave lens, it is called the
diverging lens because light passes
through it tends to diverge at the focus.
Perform Activity 7 – “You can be
magnified” – Learners Material,
pages 195 – 197
Guide Question(s):
1. What are the different
application(s) of lenses?
•Lenses are used in different kinds
of optical instruments namely;
camera, telescope, microscope..etc..
It is also used to correct common
eye defects.
2. How do lenses used in order to
correct common eye defects?
•Lenses are use to correct common
eye defects. Different eye defects
have a specified lens to be used.
a. Nearsighted (Myopia)
diverging lens
b. Farsighted (Hyperopia) –
converging lens
c. Astigmatism – glasses with a uniform
curvature to prevent aberration(s)
Evaluating Learning
1. The bending of light as it passes
through different media is called
2. Convex lens are called to be
____________, because light
will brought to a focus.
3. Concave lens is called the
___________ because refracted
rays are scattered.
4. __________ is used to correct
5. __________ is used to correct
•Correct Answer(s):
1. Refraction of light
2. converging lens
3. Diverging lens
4. Converging lens
5. Diverging lens

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