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Nominal/Etymological Real

“philos/philein” “sophia”
(to love, to desire) (wisdom)

Philosophy : philo + sophia = love of wisdom

Philosopher: Lover of wisdom
• Connotes knowledge.
• It is all-encompassing.
• It is understanding on how we ought to
• It consists of participation in life - the
way you change things, to solve human
problems or how you discover the
meaning of life.

In short, the wisdom in philosophy is

in how you help yourself think more clearly,
precisely, and systematically.

Nominal/Etymological Real

1. Philosophy is a rational critical thinking of a more or less systematic kind
about the conduct of life, the general nature of the world, and the
justification of belief. (Encyclopedia Americana, 2003)
2. Philosophy is the love or pursuit of wisdom; the search for basic
principles. (New Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1995)
3. Philosophy is the sum of all man’s beliefs and views about the world
which guide his actions. (Ariola, 1989)
4. Philosophy is the science of the things by their ultimate principles and
causes, as known by natural reason alone. (Pinon, 1995)
5. Philosophy is a human search for meaning; an intellectual quest that
goes beyond the boundaries of concrete knowledge, towards the realm
of the abstract where the inquisitive mind finds some satisfaction and
wonder. (Gualdo, 2000)
Top Five Reasons to Study Philosophy
1. Philosophy is a fascinating subject matter.
Those who study philosophy are engage in asking,
answering, evaluating, and reasoning about some of life’s
most basic, meaningful, and difficult questions, such as:
• What is it to be human?
• What is the human mind?
• Are we responsible for what we do, or we just helpless
victims of our genes, environment, and upbringing?
• Is there a God?
• What is the best sort of life to live?
• What is happiness?
• What kind of person is it good to be?
• What is truth?
2. A wide variety of interesting courses taught by outstanding

3. Skill development of students.

The study of philosophy will enable you to think carefully,
critically, and with clarity, take a logical approach to addressing
challenging questions and examining hard issues, reason well
and evaluate the reasoning of others, discuss sensibly, and write
4. Great preparation for any career or graduate study.
Most students of philosophy get good jobs in a wide
range of fields, including law, medicine, business, education,
journalism, public policy, government, religion, communication
fields, public relations, retail management, social service, and
many more.

5. For personal development

The study of philosophy can
be truly enriching and highly
gratifying, and it is excellent
preparation for lifelong learning
and an enhanced intellectual, political, and social existence.

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