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UPSR English

Paper 2
014 /024 WRITING
Tips of Answering
Section A
In UPSR 2017
• Section A
• 1. transfer information correctly
• 2. Check your spelling, copy words
• 3. Read the whole passage first.
• 4.Before you write your answer, think
whether you need to put words like (an, or
• to, and, of, etc) to make the sentence
sounds correct
• Section Bii)
• It can be an Email/letter/message/others
• Try to keep to 50 to 80 words. Extra 5 or 10 words.
• Do not write less than 50 words.
• Read the questions carefully.
• Underline what the question want.
• Eg. Write an email to your friend telling her about three
interesting places she would like to visit in Kuala Lumpur.
• Use good vocabulary, phrase, correct grammar, spelling,
punctuation , simple sentence, complex and compound
• Check for errors in writing.
• Use first, second, lastly, or third to show your three points
• Write a point and followed by a supporting detail
• Section Bii)
• Name if given may be used
• For emails/letter writing, word count starts
often after salutation.
• Dear John,
• I hope you are fine. (word count
starts here).
• Email closure /sign off on the left hand
side. Email – last letter is ‘l’ so sign on left hand
• Letter –last letter is ‘r’ so sign on right hand side
Section Bii)
• IF they give the salutation and the closing,
then your content is important. Word count
starts only from THE WORDS THAT YOU
• For letter, write 3 paragraphs. Must Indent.
• For email, 3 paragraphs. No need to indent.
Write a paragraph leave a line. So that the
• can see your 3 points clearly.
• For email, if you write everything in One
paragraph, then you should write 3 points
clearly eg. First, Second, Lastly etc.
Section C
1. Use all the words given unless you do not know
the meaning of the word.
2. Read instructions carefully and determine the
tenses to be used.
3. Give a short introduction if you need to.
4. Past tense essay: Give a timeline.
eg. Last Sunday, yesterday, …

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5. Write a simple/ compound/ complex

Eg. She lives in a house./

She lives in a house with her parents./
She lives in a house with her parents who
are retired.

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6. You are advised to write at least 3
sentences and maximum 5 sentences for each
7. Write creatively. Add new words and details.
i) adjectives: green, exciting, pretty…
ii) adverbs: quickly, slowly, quietly…
iii) idioms: by leaps and bounds …
iv) similes: as angry as a wasp …
v) collective nouns: a flight of stairs …

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7. Sequence connectors: First, then, next…
8. There must be a flow (connection) from the
first picture to the next picture. Basically, the
pictures must be cohesive and coherent.
9. Do not repeat words or ideas.
eg. Mr. Lee is a teacher. Mr. Lee(He) drives
to school every morning.

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10. Give your essay an ending.
i) The man praised him for his
ii) He promised to be a good boy in
the future.
iii) He promised he would not do it

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Common mistakes
1. sit here?
Can I seat
2. hear that.
I am glad to here
3. I hope you can came
come and support our school.
4. Me classmates
My and my classmates
and I
5. I hope you can come to the competition and
support us.

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cycling with bicycle.
6. was cycle
7. sudddenly
men were climbing
8. He noticed two man
near the fence.
9. They were acting suspiciously.
10. Before
After five minutes, police came.

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m caught the two man
11. The police was men.
12. Mr. Lim thanked you for the Sam.
--- Mr. Lim thanked Sam for his help.

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 Section C Question 1
 Word count starts from the pupils own

word, the words given are not counted.

 80 and 100 words can write until 110

 Be short, precise and straight to the

 3,4 or 5 paragraphs are just beautiful and

 Indent the paragraphs.
 Write neat and tidy.
 Use 2B pencil.
Section C Question 2
 Read the instructions again
 Look at the 3 pictures

 Read all the words given

 Check the tenses, are the words given in the

past tense or present tense

 Write one paragraph for one picture (Suggestion)

 Write a 3 paragraphs essay

 Put in similes, idoms or proverbs, or good

phrasal verbs and good words not given in the

question (NO CONTRACTIONS) eg. I’ll, we’re,I ’m
 Use linkers or connectors such as then, however,

In addition, next
Section C Question 2
 Instruction says, you may use all the words
given to write your essay.
 Pupils can use all the words, or use a few of

the given words or not use any of the words

 Pupils should try to do Q2 instead of Q1.
 Reason being: Q2 1 picture = 1 paragraph
 For Q1, pupils must be creative to spin a story
 by looking at the picture given and write in

 What if the question for Section C Q1 and Q2 is
a different format ? Eg. Q2 has 4 pictures
instead of the normal 3 pictures? What should
 the pupils do ?
 Answer: When writing an essay for Section C,

must have at least 3 to 4 paragraphs.

 Always keep to the word limit.
 Examiner will read everything and if it exceeds

the word limit, no mark will be awarded for the

 111th words onwards for Q1 or Q2. That means

the essay has no closing/conclusion or ending.

Common mistakes in writing
• No paragraphing
• Spelling error eg. Beacause
• Punctuation error :i instead of I
• Grammatical errors: SVA, Tenses
Write out of topic or write not according
to the pictures given.
Frequent repetition of same words or
phrases or sentences in the essay.
Unable to write in English and instead
write a few words in Bahasa Melayu.
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk
@SJK (C) Khai Chee
Coherent and cohesive writing
• Coherent means (ideas, thoughts,
arguments and etc)logical and well-
organized, easy to understand and clear.
• Able to express well and clear in
writing, in words and sentences.

Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk

@SJK (C) Khai Chee
Common mistakes in writing sentences
4. I like to reading books. X
Ans. I like to read books.

to infinitive must always be followed by a

base/root/original verb/action word.
***Drill this in your pupils for every sentence
construction exercise.

Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk

@SJK (C) Khai Chee
Common mistakes in writing sentences
grandfather grandad
father dad, papa, pop, daddy, dada
grandmother grandma, granny
mother mum, mom, mommy, mama

***Start a sentence with My mother, not Mother.

Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk

@SJK (C) Khai Chee
 Gonna X = going to √
 Wanna X = want to √
 Gotta X = got to √
 Watcha doin X= what are you doing? √
 Kinda X = kind of √
 No Contractions in Section Bii) and Section C

Q1 or Q2 of Paper 2 and open ended

 Contractions such as I’ll, We’re, you’re, I’m,


***Tell the pupils to write the MAGIC WORDS
when they receive the English paper 2.

The most common mistake is the usage

of subject verb agreement in a
They do not know when to write the verb
with or without the ‘s’ eg.
Read/reads, has/have
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk
@SJK (C) Khai Chee
Plural subject = Plural verb
They eat
My friends play
etc… drive
Special case read

(no “s”)
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk
@SJK (C) Khai Chee
singular subject = singular verb
He eats
It plays
The girl
etc… drives

(got “s”)
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk
@SJK (C) Khai Chee
Last Sunday, I went to the
market. I wanted to buy some
vegetables, fish and chicken. I
planned to celebrate my
mother’s birthday.

Chia Suan Neo English

Motivation Talk @SJK (C) Khai
Last Sunday was a hot and
sunny day. Mary went to the
market near her house. She
brought along her rattan basket.
At the market, she bought some
vegetables, a big fish and a
chicken. She wanted to cook a
big meal to celebrate her
beloved mother’s birthday.
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk
@SJK (C) Khai Chee
Stories about good,
educational experience such as
trip to the zoo,  museum, bird
park or even picnic by the
beach with pleasant story
endings, these are some sample
that they can memorize and

It was an eye opening and

memorable experience
for him/her/them. (visiting
museum, exhibition
etc.) He/She/Theywished to
visit that place again in the

It was a sweet and

memorable experience
for him/her/them that he/
she/they could never ever

It was an interesting

and memorable
experience for

It was an
experience for
Stories about bad
experiences, incident or
accidents (saw or involved
in an accident, incident in
the kitchen etc.)

He/She/They felt sorry
for what had happened.
It was a lesson well learnt
for him/her/them and he
/she/they will never
forget about it.

It was a lesson that

taught him/her/them well. 
He/She/They will never
again (cause of the
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk @SJK (C)
Khai Chee
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk @SJK (C)
Khai Chee
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk @SJK (C)
Khai Chee
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk @SJK (C)
Khai Chee
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk @SJK (C)
Khai Chee
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk @SJK (C)
Khai Chee
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk @SJK (C)
Khai Chee
He was saturated with
He was as happy as a lark. 
He was grinning from ear to ear.
He was on cloud nine. 
He was like a dog with two tails 
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk @SJK (C)
Khai Chee
He was quivering all over with
His eyes widened with
His pulses raced with

Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk @SJK (C)

Khai Chee
He was dog-tired and kept
His eyes were red from the
lack of sleep. 
*He was worn out, dead tired.
*He slept like a log due to
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk @SJK (C)
Khai Chee
Tears welled up in his eyes and began
rolling down his cheeks like rivulets. 
No one could express his agony. 
She was on the brink of tears. 
He felt the whole world collapsing
upon him. 
Dark clouds seemed to constantly
loom over his head. 
He sobbed sorrowfully. 
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk @SJK (C)
Khai Chee
Paralyzed with fear, he could not
command his legs to run. 
The shock robbed him of speech. 
A chill ran down his spine. 
His hair stood on ends 
He stood rooted to the ground. 
Frightening thoughts race through her
He was at loss for words. 
His face turned pale and his skin felt
cold and clammy. 
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk @SJK (C)
Khai Chee
His forehead was beaded with
His eyebrows were deeply knitted
and his mouth slightly ajar in his
They stared at him in blank
The shock robbed him of speech. 
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk @SJK (C)
Khai Chee
*Every child is frolicking as happy as a clown
in the playground.
*His teacher is as wise as Solomon. There is
almost nothing that he cannot answer.
*The man who is as tall as a giant is a
basketball player.
*We can see the river bed because the water
is as clear as crystal.
*Her grandmother is as fit as a fiddle. She
can still work in the paddy field.
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk
@SJK (C) Khai Chee
*The sounds of firecrackers were as loud as
thunder so we covered our ears.
*The burnt toast was as black as coal so I
threw it away.
*My dirty shirt became as white as snow after
*Mr Lau has a poor eyesight. He is as blind as a
bat without his glasses on.
*The man who was as brave as a lion managed
to save the drowning victim.
*Do not disturb Mr Tan. He is as busy as a bee
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk
@SJK (C) Khai Chee
• None of his friends trusts him because he
is as cunning as a fox.
• Every pupil likes Miss Fang because she is
as gentle as a lamb.
• Lily was as happy as a lark after
receiving a new bicycle from her father.
• Ben never listens to people’s advice
because he is as stubborn as a mule.

Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk

@SJK (C) Khai Chee
1. again and again: many times, repeatedly
The woman who suffers from amnesia
always talks about the same thing again and
2. high and low: everywhere
Amir is searching high and low for his lost
3. hustle and bustle: busy noisy activity of a
lot of people in one place
They went to a mountain resort to escape
from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk
@SJK (C) Khai Chee
7. at the eleventh hour: at the last
minute, just in time
Jia Hao woke up late this morning but
he managed to catch his school bus at
the eleventh hour.
8. not see eye to eye: not share the same
Sarah is Lydia’s twin sister but they
does not see eye to eye with her on

Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk

@SJK (C) Khai Chee
9. on the dot: to be punctual
All students were told to attend the seminar on
the dot.
10. once in the blue moon: very rarely
Mrs Wong is a thrifty housewife. She and her
family eat out at the restaurant once in the blue
11. right and left: everywhere
Some of the housewives in my neighbourhood
like to gossip right and left.

Chia Suan Neo English

Motivation Talk @SJK (C) Khai
12. safe and sound: not harmed or lost
The only survivor of the car crash is
safe and sound in the hospital now.
13. through thick and thin: even when there
are problems or difficulties
Mark and his best friend stuck together
through thick and thin all these years.
14. fair and square: honestly and follow the
It is fair and square; those who pass will
get a reward and those who fail will be
punished. Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk
@SJK (C) Khai Chee
15. far and wide: over a large area
The rescue teams searched far and
wide for the missing mountaineers.
16. out of the blue: without any warning, by
Peter’s colleagues were shocked when he
quit his job out of the blue.
17. see red: become very angry
He saw red when he found his son
stealing and lying.

Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk

@SJK (C) Khai Chee
18. white elephant: a useless possession/
After closing down, the shopping mall was
deserted and became a white elephant.
19. with flying colours: very well, with a high
Our teacher was very pleased to see us
passing the exam with flying colours.
20. by heart: to remember or memorise
Every pupil is required to learn a poem by
heart and recite it to the class.
Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk
@SJK (C) Khai Chee
21. by leaps and bounds: very quickly
After the operation, the patient’s health
is improving by leaps and bounds.
22. forty winks: a short sleep during the day
My grandmother usually has forty winks
after having lunch.
23. give a big hand: to clap
The audience gave a big hand/give a
round of applause to the band at the
end of the concert.

Chia Suan Neo English Motivation Talk

@SJK (C) Khai Chee
Good Luck
in your exam

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