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Sociology & Major Theoretical

Perspectives of Sociology
A word of only nine letters but the value or utilization of sociology is boundless. Besides it is a little bit
funny to a simple life leading brain. It is not quite difficult to understand sociology because it is the
study of the flow of our society. Society can be called an aggregation of people for being benefited
individually. For making this beneficial step successful people develop sub-steps so that the society can
move on and result the benefit for each and every individual of the society.
So it can be said that

“We shaped society, then shaped by society and trying to shape society”


So now it is time to explain the above chattering about sociology

Sociology is, simply, the scientific study of social behavior and human groups which focuses on
social relationships. How those relationships influence people’s behavior and how societies, the
sum total of those relationships, develop and change. (Richard T. Schaefer)

So sociology is easy to understand because it is the study of occurrence we humans are occurring as a
part of society for being benefited from the society on an individuals perspective of being benefited .
This “benefit perspective” is again driven or shaped by the society and that is the funniest part. So it
can be called a circle that had an initial but no specific destination and with development it has
removed the initial and for this the destination is now a part and also a victim of the development.

For example, a new bus driver is appointed
and ordered to start journey by a bus which
has no reverse gear and the driver forgets to
ask the destination of the journey. Now on
the way the driver is arranging the Initial
passengers saying that the bus is going to
the station named “Develop”. We are now at
the station named “Modern”. And more
astonishingly no passenger is asking the
driver “ How far is Develop”. But there is
hardly a few.

Fig: Hypothetical society circle

That is the cruel truth of the society flow. And nothing but the scientific study is
Major Theoretical Perspectives of Sociology

•Conflict theories
•Symbolic interactionism

Functionalism mainly works through understanding  idea
that society requires shared norms and values in order for
it function properly.

Every part of the society does its own function for the
stability of the society though the functions may be
positive or negative. The functions are interconnected
with each other.

Within functionalist theory, the different parts of society are primarily composed of social
institutions such as the family, education economy , religion etc and each of which is designed to fill
different needs. The parts all depend on each other. According to functionalism, an institution only
exists because it serves a vital role in the functioning of society. If it no longer serves a role, an
institution will die away. When new needs evolve or emerge, new institutions will be created to meet
them. [source:]

For example cow worship is highly functional in Indian

society, according to economists, agronomists, and
social scientists who have studied the matter. Cows
perform two essential tasks: plowing the fields and
producing milk. If eating beef were permitted, hungry
families might be tempted to slaughter their cows for
immediate consumption, leaving themselves without a
means of cultivation.
•Manifest function
•Latent function

Manifest function:
Assumption made on the name of structure on its work.
Latent Function:
These are the underlying or unintended function of the structure of the Manifest function.
Dysfunction :
It can be called reverse or negative function of an structure that reduce stability of the society.

Personal Opinion On Functionalism theory

In short Functionalism is a theory of understanding. It is one kind of consideration theory where decision
of the society is taken discussion of two or more groups.

The good side of that theory is it keeps the society stable and also peaceful.

But the worst side sometimes decision becomes cruel for the dominated of the society that is taken by the
dominant selfishly. Then the suppressed have no option but to go for the second option ,conflict for their
existence. But it takes time.
For example we can look behind at the liberation war of Bangladesh in 1971.

But if the society want to live in peace they have to adopt Functionalism theory.
Conflict Theories

In Conflict Theories a social world in continuous struggle. The conflict can be between groups over
power or the allocation of resources, including housing, money, access to services, and political
The tension between competing groups is not always violent. It can take the form of labor
negotiations, party politics, competition between religious groups for new members or disputes
over the federal budget.[Source: Richard T. Schaefer]

Feminist war
War in Vietnam

Feminist Perspective of Conflict theories

Feminism is the establishment of political right for women. From very early ages men used to
suppress the women in the society. That has become a must part of the society. Even the women became
deprived of their basic needs. The women then protested against that and after a long time they succeed.

Ultimately conflict theories the only hope of the suppressed to get their rights in the society.
sociology accepts conflict theory as a valid way to gain insight into a society.

Personal opinion on conflict theories

Conflict theory is the best way to break the shackles or stop the negative sites of the society .
And also to reduce the selfishness and cruelty of the upper class or the dominant class of the
society who has the power to make and break or change the rule of the society . Though conflict
theory make the society unstable but it is accepted to all society because there is no need of such
society where the people struggle for their basic needs.

Peace is always desirable

Symbolic interactionism
Symbolic interactionism is a micro perspective of sociology. It deals with individuals.

How the individuals interact in the society through language or symbols. For example, the Workers
interacting on the job, encounters in public places like bus stops and parks, behavior in small groups

symbolic interactionism is a sociological framework in which human beings are viewed as living in a
world of meaningful objects. Those “objects” may include material things, actions, other people,
relationships, and even symbols. Interactionists see symbols as an especially important part of human
communication. Symbols have a shared social meaning that is understood by all members of a
[Source: Richard T. Schaefer]

For example, in our country we have a tradition to exchange “Salam”. Here “Salam” is symbol for
interaction. Give Salam or other greetings on every encounters. Another we are taught to be polite
before our teachers by being silent etc.

Personal opinion on symbolic interactionism

As a micro perspective it deals with individual’s way or techniques to interact with other to become
a part of the society. Man interact with others through language ,or other symbols.
For example, If we shift our house then at a new place we have to take other’s help to continue our
daily work like marketing, schools and hospital location and also source of income.

Fig: Symbolic interactionism

Society is originated from human and now controlling
human and more surprisingly we are studying about
society in Sociology being in control of Society.

One thing we have to be clear about sociology and society that Sociology is
the study of occurrence and to some extent study of reasons of human’s
social behavior but not any type of cure of any social problem or not any
indicator of any social problem. Sociology is with us only to represent.

On the other hand Society in made by human for own development. So every
person have that ability to think about society and not all the time flow with
the society. More specifically human should have that ability to think beyond
the concept of society.

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