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Momentum and

- defined as inertia in motion and is commonly used term in

The momentum of an object is just the product of its mass

and speed. It is mathematically expressed as P = mv
P- is momentum, expressed in (kg.m/s)
m- is mass, expressed in kilograms (kg)
v- is velocity, expressed in meter per second (m/s)
A strong force applied for a long time will result in a large
momentum. The product of these two factors (force and
time) is called IMPULSE.

IMPULSE- is the cause of momentum and can be

determined by multiplying force and time. It is expressed

as I=Ft
where, I- is the impulse and expressed in kg.m/s or
newton.seconds (N.s)
F- the applied force, expressed in newtons (N)
t- is time, expressed in seconds.
Impulse and momentum have the same unit of
measure because these two quantities are
conceptually equal:
impulse=change in momentum
or I= P

(where means “change in”)

To understand further the relationship between momentum and impulse,
consider Newton's second law of motion and the definition of acceleration.

The second law of motion states that the net force of an object
is equal to the product of its mass and acceleration,
mathematically expressed as F=ma
while acceleration is the rate at which the velocity of a body
changes with the time and is expressed as a= (vf- vi)/ t.
Combining and cross multiplying the equation yield
Ft= m(vf- vi) or Ft = m v
The left side of the equation represents impulse, while the right
side is the change in momentum.
1. Projectiles are objects thrown in space under the infuence of
gravity only.
2. Because gravity pulls a projectile down, it has decreasing
vertical velocity during its flight. However, its horizontal velocity
remains constant throughout.
3. At the highest point in a projectile's flight, its vertical velocity is
4. The time spent by an object in projectile motion in going up is the
same as the time spent in going down.
5. Momentum is inertia in motion. The momentum of an object is
the product of its mass and speed.
6. The impulse is equal to the change in momentum. It is
the product of the applied force and the length of time this
force applied
7. A collision occurs when bodies come together, while an
explosion occurs when bodies originally together separate.
8. An elastic collision occurs when the colliding bodies
separatedafter the impact. An inelastic collision occurs
whenthe colliding bodies stick together after the impact.
9. The total momentum is before and after a collision is
always conserved.

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