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REG NO-2016AR02
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)is a specialized agency of the United
Nations (UN) aimed at contributing "to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and
intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information.

1. Encourage countries to sign the World Heritage Convention and to ensure the protection of their natural and cultural
2. Encourage States Parties to establish management plans and set up reporting systems on the state of conservation of
their World Heritage sites.
3. Provide emergency assistance for World Heritage sites in immediate danger.
4. Encourage participation of the local population in the preservation of their cultural and natural heritage.
5. Encourage States Parties to the Convention to nominate sites within their national territory for inclusion on the
World Heritage List.
6. Help States Parties safeguard World Heritage properties by providing technical assistance and professional training.
7. Support States Parties' public awareness-building activities for World Heritage conservation.
8. Encourage international cooperation in the conservation of our world's cultural and natural heritage.
The conservation of monuments in India, as undertaken by ASI, draws its formal inspiration from the Indian
Archaeological Policy, 1915 that mandates the safeguarding and protection of monuments as an important activity of the

1. Conservation should not only limit itself to the intervention within the structure / fabric of a monument but shall also
include the protection and maintenance of the setting or environment that is integral to it.
2. Conservation should include regular monitoring and continuous care of a monument and its setting. Short-term (up to 2
years), Mid-term (2 – 5 years) and Long-term (5 years and above) monitoring and maintenance plans should be developed
and implemented to prevent any further deterioration of the structure that may warrant unnecessary comprehensive
conservation work later.
3. Documentation should be an essential pre-requisite before conserving a monument. Documentation aids in understanding
the nature of the fabric of a monument and its value as well as its current condition that should be used as basis by which
its Conservation Plan should be prepared
4. Regular inspection must be undertaken by the archaeological officers to ensure routine visits to monuments, at least once a
year, to examine the condition of a monument and to draw up inspection notes which will aid in the preparation of
necessary conservation programme or plan.
5. The entire process of conservation should be documented before, during and after conservation in maps, drawings,
photographs, digital records and field notes so as to create continuous records of interventions. The documentation should
capture various stages of intervention and all relevant details.21 This will be useful from the point of view of
understanding all past and current interventions in the future.
INTACH’s mission to conserve heritage is based on the belief that living in harmony with heritage enhances the quality
of life, and it is the duty of every citizen of India as laid down in the Constitution of India. The objectives spelt out in
the Memorandum of Association constitute INTACH’s Mandate and Vision. Its stated mission to date continues to be:

1. Sensitize the public about the pluralistic cultural legacy of India.

2. Instill a sense of social responsibility towards preserving India’s common heritage.
3. Protect and preserve India’s living, built, and natural heritage by undertaking necessary actions and measures.
4. Document unprotected buildings of archaeological, architectural, historic and aesthetic significance, as well as
the cultural resources, as this is the first step towards formulating conservation plans.
5. Develop heritage policies and regulations, and make legal interventions to protect India’s heritage when
6. Provide expertise in the field of conservation, restoration and preservation of specific works of art; and
encourage capacity-building by developing skills through training programmes
7. Undertake emergency response measures during natural or man-made disasters and support the local
administration whenever heritage is threatened.
8. The objective of conservation is to maintain the significance of the architectural heritage or site. Significance is
constituted in both the tangible and intangible forms. The process of Listing (Article 5) must determine the
characteristics of significance and prioritise them.
9. Drawing upon the experience of the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage
(INTACH) in conserving the unprotected architectural heritage and sites of India within an institutional
framework for two decades.
ICOMOS works for the conservation and protection of cultural heritage places. It is the only global non-government
organisation of this kind, which is dedicated to promoting the application of theory, methodology, and scientific
techniques to the conservation of the architectural and archaeological heritage.

1. Its mission is to promote the conservation, protection, use and enhancement of monuments, building complexes and
2. It participates in the development of doctrine and the evolution and distribution of ideas, and conducts advocacy.
3. It is an Advisory Body of the World Heritage Committee for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention
4. It reviews the nominations of cultural world heritage and ensures the conservation status of properties.
5. Its creation in 1965 is the logical outcome of initial conversations between architects, historians and international
experts that began in the early twentieth century and that materialized in the adoption of the Venice Charter in 1964.
6. In light of numerous studies, conferences, symposia and discussions led by its National Committees and
International Scientific Committees, ICOMOS has gradually built the philosophical and doctrinal framework of
heritage on an international level.
• As an NGO, ICOMOS is one of the three Advisory Bodies of the World Heritage Convention. In order to provide the World
Heritage Committee with evaluations, it relies on a network of experts, chosen for their expertise and experience, who offer
their technical expertise independently and in accordance with the ethical rules.
• ICOMOS, like any organization linked to UNESCO's mission, endeavours to connect peoples and cultures. In this pursuit,
the Victoria Falls Fund was created in 2003 to facilitate the mobility of members coming from impoverished countries. In
addition, during great natural disasters, ICOMOS makes experts and specialists available in the development of emergency
measures for the preservation, conservation and restoration of heritage (Haiti, China, Iran, etc.). It is also a founding member
of the Blue Shield.

• ICOMOS' mission is to raise heritage awareness. It participates in training activities and implicates young researchers and
professionals in its issues and actions. The Raymond Lemaire International Fund awards scholarships to young hopefuls to
complete their education or add to their professional experiences.

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