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Introductions & Greeting


 Basic Rules and Concepts

 Conversation and Listening
 Practices - Check Answers and Further Practice
 Writing Practice
 Checkpoint
Basic Rules of Greeting

Basic Rules of Greeting

 Having good ability of business English conversation is

important because it helps people to establish a sound
relationship with workmates.
 All the relationships begin with greetings.
 If you meet people for the first time, your fluent self-
introduction and friendly greeting will make the positive first
impression on them and vice versa.
 Remember, ‘the first’ impression can never be re-made
because it is formed when you ‘first’ meet.
 Your self-introduction and greeting in the first meeting may
decide whether the other person will like or trust you or not
in the future!
Basic Rules of Greeting

 Once you get to know a new workmate, greetings remain

 Whenever you greet, you are advised to be polite and
 People tend to assume that those who greet are nice to work
 Without greeting, the atmosphere in the office will seem stiff,
unfriendly and indifferent.
 Greetings work like motor oil which makes all parts of the
machine operate smoothly.
 Try to leave a good impression on others as well as make busy
life more pleasant to deal with!
Part one: learn some expressions about greeting

1. Meeting someone for the first time

How do you do.
Glad to meet you. Please to meet you.
Nice/delighted to meet you.
It is pleasure/good/glad to meet you.
How nice to meet you.
2.Greetings for people you have known .

I am pleased/glad to meet you again.

It is good/nice to see you again.
I haven’t seen you for ages/since….
Did you have a good time/holiday/journey?
Is everything all right?
How are you keeping?
How are you recently?
What is new? (nothing special)
How is everything going ?
How are you getting along/on with your
(pretty good ,not bad,perfect,just so
so,couldn't be better)
Long time no see.
Saying good bye

It was nice talking with you

It was great /nice meeting you!
Hope to see you again!
Give my regards to…..
Please remember me to…
Please keep in touch
All the best./see you later/ take it easy
Introducing Yourself

How do you
yourself to a
new person?

Let’s look
at this
Introducing Yourself

Good Good
morning. morning.

I’m Firman’s
mother. I’m
Nita Haryanto.
I’m Firman’s How do you
teacher. I’m do?
Hidayah. How
do you do?
Introducing Yourself

You may want to

get new friends so
you have to

Let’s look
at this
Introducing Yourself

Hi! My name is
Edward. My friends
call me Ed. I’m 12
years old. My hobby
is skateboarding. I
want to be your

Introducing Yourself

First, greet that person by saying: Hi! Hello!

Good morning, etc.

Second, tell your name.

Next, you add some information about yourself: your

age, your hobby, your address, etc.

Last, say ‘How do you do?’ , ‘Pleased to meet you’

or ‘Nice to meet you ‘.
Introducing Others

Can you
someone to
someone else?

Let’s look
at this
Introducing Others

I am Gunawan. How Dad, I’d like

do you do, Mrs you to meet
Yuniarti. Pleased to Ms Yuniarti.
meet you. She is my
teacher .

How do you do, Mr

Gunawan? Pleased to
meet you, too.
Giving Information

When you introduce yourself, you should tell about

yourself, your name, your job, etc.
Subject Be Complement
I am Sarah.
He Mr Khan.
She is a teacher.
It my bag.
You my friend.
We are students.
They his parents.

Self Introduction Introducing Other or

There are two ways of Being Introduced by
introducing yourself to Other
other: When you introduce
1. Formal someone to someone
2. Informal else, there are two ways:
1. Formal
2. Informal
Self Introduction
Here are some phrases and the responses for formal
Formal Introduction Responses
Good morning. My Good morning, how do you do?
name is………. How do you do, nice to meet
Please, allow me to introduce you.
myself. Oh, hello, nice to meet you.
I am……..
May I introduce myself.
I am……..
How do you do? My name is………
Self Introduction

Here are some phrases and the responses for

informal introduction

Informal Responses

Hello, I am ……. Hi, I am ……..Nice to

Nice to meet you. meet you.
Hi, I am ……… Nice Hello, I am ……Nice
to meet you. to meet you.
Introducing Other or Being Introduced by Others

Here are some phrases and the responses for

formal situation
Formal Responses
Good morning, may I How do you do,
introduce our guest Mr/Ms……….?
here? His name is……. Nice to meet you.
Mr. ……..this is My name is……..
…… friend in this
Introducing other or Being Introduced by Others

Here are some phrases and the responses for informal situation

Informal Responses

Let me introduce my Hello, Anna. Glad to

friend, her name is meet you.
Anna. Hello, Okky. I am Bara.
Anna, this is Chris, my
friend here.
Have you met my friend,

Dialogue 1:
x : Hello. I am Chrisnani. I am from class
X A. Nice to meet you.
y : Hi. I am Yulianto. I belong to class X
D. Please call me, Yan.

Dialogue 2:
x : Good morning, Mr. Wendy.
Let me introduce you to Ms. Laila, my private French
teacher. Maam, this is Mr. Wendy, my boss at the
y : How do you do? Nice to meet you.
x : How do you do, Ms. Laila? Pleased to meet you too.
Asking for Information

You may want to know about a new person, you can

ask these following questions.

Be Subject Complement
Am i Sarah?
Is He Mr Khan?
she a teacher?
it my bag?
Are you my friend?
we friends?
they his parents?
Denying Information

If some information aren’t true, you can say

Subject Be Not Compleme
I am Sarah.
He Mr Khan.
She a teacher.
It my bag.
You my friend.
We friends.
They his parents.
• Handshaking
• Exchanging business cards
Conversation 2-A

Lisa: Hello, I don’t suppose we’ve met before. I am

Lisa Black from Canada.
Joyce: Nice to meet you! My name is Joyce Wang.
Please call me Joyce. I’m from Taiwan.
Lisa: Nice to meet you, too! Joyce.
Conversation 2-B

Joyce: Sir, may I introduce an American HR associate in my

class to you?
Wu: Sure, my pleasure.
Joyce: Mr. Wu, this is Paul Johnson, HR Associate from the
Joyce: Paul, this is my supervisor, Mr. David Wu, the
Marketing Director of Taiwan branch.
Wu: Pleased to meet you, Mr. Johnson.
Paul: Please call me Paul, sir. It’s my pleasure to meet you.
Conversation 2-C

Joyce: Have you two met?

Paul: I haven’t had the pleasure.
Lisa: We haven’t been properly introduced.
Joyce: Then, let me introduce you.
Joyce: Lisa, this is Paul Johnson from the headquarter.
Joyce: Paul, this is Lisa Black from Canada.
Lisa and Paul: Nice to meet you!


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