Gender and Music Gender Inequality and The Representation of Women in The Music Industry

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Gender and Performance

Faculty of Arts and Humanities Dhar el Mahraz

Gender and Music: Gender Inequality and the

Representation of Women in the Music Industry
Gender Studies

Fadwa Tadist Pr. Fatima Amrani

Laila Ammour

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 Introduction
 History of women in music
 Alarming Statistics about Women in the Music Industry
 Representation of Women in the Music Industry
 ‘Riot grrrl’
 Angry Women
 Girl Power
 Hypersexualisation of Women in the Music Industry
 Conclusion

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 For women worldwide and society at large, the music

industry seems to be a ray of hope. From Lizzo to Lady
Gaga, there are plenty of female stars to look up to
these days, demonstrating that gender diversity and
equality can be achieved.

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 Women even dominated the

Grammy Awards this year. Well, at
least Lizzo and Billie Eilish did with
their nominations and subsequent
wins. When you look at the figures
more closely, though, you'll see that
they paint a distinct, less inclusive

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History of women in music

 810  Birth of Kassia, composer of

Byzantine chant. (First woman composer)

 1917  Birth of Ella Fitzgerald : the First

Lady of Song, Queen of Jazz, and Lady

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Alarming Statistics about Women in the Music Industry

 Back in 2017, the University of Sydney’s

Women, Work and Leadership Research Group

published a report that found women in the

music industry were “chronically

disadvantaged” against their male counterparts.

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Alarming Statistics about Women in the Music Industry

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Alarming Statistics about Women in the Music Industry

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Alarming Statistics about Women in the Music Industry

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Representation of Women in the Music Industry

 The ‘Riot grrrl’:

A label that has come into use within the music industry and has
taken on different connotations than were originally connected with

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Representation of Women in the Music Industry

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Representation of Women in the Music Industry

 Angry women:

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Representation of Women in the Music Industry

 ‘girl power’ :

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Representation of Women in the Music Industry

 ‘girl power’ :

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Hyper-Sexualisation of Women in the Music Industry

 Women hyper-sexualised in the background of Men’s music

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Hyper-Sexualisation of Women in the Music Industry

 Women hyper-sexualised in their own music

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Hyper-Sexualisation of Women in the Music Industry

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The music industry has long been somewhat of a boys club, dominated by
male artists, stakeholders, sound engineers, booking agents, roadies and

The question that remains is whether women sexualizing their bodies in their
musical works leads to them reclaiming control over their bodies? Or
objectifying themselves further ?

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hank you
for your?attentio

05/29/2021 19

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