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Directions: Read the statements

carefully. Choose the best answer

and write only the letter on your
answer sheet.

Guide Question: What is the kind of

problem that describes the solutions below?
_____ 1. Grease and flour the lined
a. peaked top cake
b. stuck to the pan
c. uneven cake
d. undersized cakes
_____2. Use good chemical

a. peaked top cake

b. dark crust colour
c. too dense
d. undersized cakes
_____3. Adjust oven trays.

a. peaked top cake

b. sunken cake
c. light crust colour
d. uneven cake
_____4. Use less batter in small
size baking pan.

a. cake overflows
b. dark crust colour
c. uneven cake
d. undersized cakes
_____5. Measure the flour

a. batter too stiff

b. sunken cake
c. light crust colour
d. uneven cake
What is filling?
 Filling is a thick mixture, which is used
between the layers of cake.

 Fillings are key ingredients in many

bakery products such as creams,
fondants, chocolate, truffles, pralines,
caramels and many more.
What is filling?

 They are incorporated into a variety of pastries

and desserts such as donuts, layer cakes, eclairs,
pies, turnovers, sandwich-cookies or savory
baked goods to impart unique:

 Color
 Taste
 Texture
“Key Points to
• Prepare and select fillings in accordance with required consistency

and appropriate flavors
Choosing a Filling
for a Cake”
“Key Points to Consider when
Choosing a Filling for a Cake”

1. Consider the flavor of the

cake, and be sure that
the filling will
complement the cake’s
“Key Points to Consider when
Choosing a Filling for a Cake”

2. Consider the storage of the

cake. Do not select a filling that
requires refrigeration when it
will not be possible to
refrigerate the cake because of
its size.
“Key Points to Consider when
Choosing a Filling for a Cake”
3. If the cake is exposed to warm
temperatures, do not choose a
filling that will melt.

4. If the cake has to be made a day

or ahead of when it will be eaten,
be sure the filling will hold up for
that period.
Types of Fillings

It is a mixture of butter and sugar

that has been creamed
together to make a fluffy

Buttercream is used for filling,

icing, and decorating cakes
and pastries. It may be
flavoured with liqueur, pulps
and/or other flavours.
Types of Fillings

It may be custards, bavarois,

winecreams and chibousts.

Boiled creams are commonly

used in modern pastries
which are poached creams
like crème caramel or
crème brulee.
Types of Fillings

It is normally made by heating

equal parts by weight of
cream and chopped
chocolate, warming the
cream first, then pouring it
over the chocolate.
Types of Fillings

The mixture is stirred or

blended until smooth, with
liqueurs or extracts added
if desired.
Types of Fillings

It is a smooth, creamy type

filling similar to pudding.

The custard is a cooked filling

containing cornstarch,
flour, and egg yolks.
Types of Fillings

It can be flavored with many

different ingredients but
the most common are
vanilla, lemon, and
Types of Fillings

It may include sweet mixtures

of Cottage cheese, Cream
cheese, Ricotta,
Mascarpone and Quark.
Types of Fillings

There are many fruits that can

be cooked into a filling for
cakes that will provide the
cake with an extra special
Types of Fillings

When using fruit fillings,

piping of frosting is applied
on top of the layer around
the outer edge of the cake
to act as a dam to hold the
filling in between the
Types of Fillings

If the cake has a cooked fruit

filling that does not contain
eggs, it can be stored at
room temperature for up to
2 days.
Types of Fillings
Many times, the same frosting
used to frost the cakes is
used for the filling between

This is a great way to add

flavor and moistness to the
Types of Fillings

Some of the common frosting

types that are also used as
fillings are buttercream,
boiled, cream cheese,
whipped cream, and
Types of Fillings

Glazes and syrups can also be

used as fillings but will not
provide for a filling with
any thickness.
Types of Fillings

The cake can be stored at room

temperature when the
filling is a glaze or syrup
unless the cake or frosting
requires refrigeration.
Types of Fillings

Jelly, jam, or preserved can be

used to add an easy fruit
flavored filling to a cake.
You can add flavor to the
cake without any
additional preparation.
Types of Fillings

When using jelly filling on a

layer cake, use a piping of
frosting around the edge of
the layer to keep the jelly,
jam, or preserves confined
and then select your
favorite flavor and spread
it on the layer inside the
piped frosting.
Types of Fillings

A filling using whipped cream

provides a light fluffy
filling with a delicate
flavor. Whipped creams are
sometimes stabilized by
adding gelatin to make
them hold up better.
slice or layer
1. Prepare and assemble all
tools and equipment.
 Cake
 Spatula
 Filling
 Bread knife
 Toothpick
 Turn table
 Pastry brush

Steps in assembling simple layer cakes

2. Prepare all ingredients and
note the proper
temperature. Cool cake
layers completely before
assembling and icing.
Icings and fillings should
be spread out and at the
correct temperature.

Steps in assembling simple layer cakes

3. Trim cake layers, if
necessary. Remove any
ragged edges. Slightly
rounded tops are easily
covered by icing, but
excessively large bumps
have to be cut off.

Steps in assembling simple layer cakes

4. Brush all crumbs from
cakes. Loose crumbs
make icing difficult to

Steps in assembling simple layer cakes

5. Place the bottom layer
upside down (to give a flat
surface for the filling) on
a cardboard cake circle of
the same diameter. Place
the cake at the center of a
cake turn table.

Steps in assembling simple layer cakes

6. Spread filling on the
bottom layer, out to the
edges. If the filling is
different from the outside
frosting, be careful not to
spread the filling over the

Steps in assembling simple layer cakes

One way to avoid spilling the
filling over the edge is to
pipe a row of the icing
used for the cake sides
around the edge of the
cake layer to form a
barrier to hold the filling

Steps in assembling simple layer cakes

7. Place the top layer on the
bottom layer, right side

Steps in assembling simple layer cakes

8. Ice the cake. If a thin or
light icing is used, pour or
spread the icing onto the
center of the cake. Then
spread it to the edges and
down the sides with a

Steps in assembling simple layer cakes

“Filling Cake
1. Fill a decorating bag with medium consistency
icing and use tip 12 or use the coupler without
adding a tip. Start with the bottom layer, leveled
side up. Create a dam or circle of icing just
inside the edge of the cake. This will prevent any
filling from seeping out when the next layer is

Steps in Filling Cake Layers

2. Fill the center with icing, fruit
filling or pudding.

Steps in Filling Cake Layers

3. Place the next layer on top, making sure it is level.
The weight of the layer will cause the circle of
icing to expand. Place the top layer, leveled side
down, so the top of the cake is perfectly smooth
and level.

Steps in Filling Cake Layers

“Select coatings and
sidings according to
the product
characteristics and
required recipe
 Buttercream is a frosting made with butter and
icing sugar.
 Some people make buttercream frosting with
Crisco (a vegetable shortening brand popular in
the United States and often used in American
 Buttercream is a super easy frosting for
 Cream Cheese Frosting is normally a
buttercream frosting with cream cheese added
to it.
 When you think of red velvet cake, you think of
cream cheese frosting.
 The two go hand in hand. It also goes really well
with carrot cake.
 Swiss Meringue Buttercream is a base of Swiss
Meringue and then you slowly add cubes of
room temperature butter to the Meringue when
it is cold.
 To make the Swiss Meringue you basically heat
the egg whites and sugar/icing sugar in a bain
marie until the sugar has melted.
 Once it has you add the mixture to the bowl of
your stand mixer and mix it on high until you
have firmly whipped meringue.
 With Italian Meringue Buttercream you use the same
method as with Swiss Meringue Buttercream by
slowly adding the cubes of room temperature butter
at the end when the Italian Meringue has cooled
 To make the Italian Meringue you cook the sugar
syrup to the hard boil stage (250-265°F/125-133ºC)
whilst whipping up your egg whites in a stand mixer.
 Test to see if the sugar syrup is ready, you slowly
add it the side of your bowl to the stiffly
whipped egg whites.
 Once all the sugar syrup has been added,
continue to beat on high speed until the bowl of
the stand mixer is cold to the touch.
 Once again French Meringue Buttercream
works on the same principle as with Swiss and
Italian Meringue Buttercream but this time
instead of using egg whites, you are going to use
the yolks of the eggs.
 Royal Icing, also called decorating or
decorator’s icing, is made with egg whites and
confectioner’s sugar.
 It is usually hard and brittle when dry.
 It is used almost exclusively for decorative work.
 Fondant is an icing used to decorate or sculpt
cakes and pastries.
 It is made from sugar, water, gelatin, vegetable
fat or shortening, and glycerol.
 It does not have the texture of most icings;
rolled fondant is akin to stiff clay, while poured
fondant is a thick liquid.
 The word, in French, means “melting,” coming
from the same root as fondue and foundry.
 However, what the French call “fondant” is
sugar glaze, which has to be applied hot on
pastries like “mille-feuille,” while fondant icing
would be referred as “sugar paste.”
 It is sometimes called boiled icings, are simply
meringues made with a boiling syrup.
 It is an old-fashioned cake topping.
 It is essentially a sweet meringue, made by
heating egg whites in a double boiler with sugar,
and whipping it until light and fluffy.
Come on! Let’s do this activity!
With the help of your parent or
guardian, prepare a boiled icing
using the given recipe. Try as
many times as you can until you
master the recipe and for you to
be able to make a boiled icing
with the right consistency.
1. For the students who have gadgets to be used in video
recording, you may use your phones or any camera to record
your performance. The video should start from the 1st step in
making a boiled icing until the final output.

2. For those students who don not have gadgets for video
recording, you may write your observation or your reflection
on a sheet of paper indicating what went well, what went
wrong, and what have you learned in this activity.
1. It is an icing used to decorate or sculpt
cakes and pastries. It is made from
sugar, water, gelatin, vegetable fat or
shortening, and glycerol.
A. Fondant
B. Royal Icing
C. Italian Meringue Buttercream
D. Cream Cheese Frosting
2. Which of the following statement is
correct in assembling simple layer
A. Prepare and assemble all tools and
B. Prepare all ingredients and note the
proper temperature.
C. Trim cake layers, if necessary.
Remove any ragged edges.
D. All of the above.
3. It may be custards, bavarois,
winecreams and chibousts. Also
commonly used in modern patisserie
are poached creams like crème
caramel or crème brulee.
A. Custard
B. Frosting
C. Boiled Creams
D. Butter Creams
4. It is a mixture of butter and sugar that
has been creamed together to make a
fluffy frosting.
A. Boiled Icing
B. Chocolate Ganache
C. Boiled Creams
D. Butter Creams
5. When using this type of filling, a piping
of frosting is applied on top of the
layer around the outer edge of the
cake to act as a dam to hold the filling
between the layers.
A. Jelly
B. Frosting
C. Glazes and Syrups
D. Fruit
Arrange the steps in the proper sequence of assembling a
layer cake. Write the correct answer on your answer sheet.
1. Place the bottom layer upside down on a cardboard 1. 3
cake circle of the same diameter.
2. Have all ingredients prepared and at the proper 2. 2
temperature. 3. 4
3. Assemble all tools and equipment and have them ready. 4. 5
4. Trim cake layers, if necessary.
5. 1
5. Brush all crumbs from cakes.
6. Spread filling on the bottom layer, out to the edges. 6. 6
7. Place the top layer on the bottom layer, right side up 7. 7
8. Ice the cake. 8. 8

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